Teenagers themselves are to blame for the tragedy on Ladoga, said the acting head of Karelia. A week after the tragedy on Lake Ladoga: three teenagers have not been found so far The tragedy on Lake Ladoga has been found

In Karelia, in the Impilahti Bay of Lake Ladoga, a boat capsized due to a storm, in which there were five teenagers - four young men and a girl. According to representatives of local authorities, the girl died, two young men managed to escape. The Ministry of Emergency Situations has not yet confirmed the death of the girl, the fate of the other two teenagers is unknown - rescuers continue to search. RIA Novosti © Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Karelia

A boat with five teenagers capsized as a result of a storm in the Impilahti Bay of Lake Ladoga in Karelia. There were four boys and a girl aged 15-16 in it. According to preliminary data, two children managed to escape, the rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry are looking for the other three. At the same time, local authorities report that the girl died.

“There were children aged 15-16, four boys and a girl, the girl died in front of them,” the head of the administration of Impilakhtinsky told TASS rural settlement Jeanne Charets.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations, however, has not yet confirmed this information. "Search work is underway, the bodies of children have not been found, there is hope that they are alive," the agency quoted a representative of the regional department as saying.

At the moment, rescuers found the boat, which was taken to shore. "During the rescue operation, a boat was found, it was taken to the shore," the press service of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

Volunteers and helicopters

Acting head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov has already arrived at the scene of the incident, as well as inspectors from the department of the State Inspection for Small Vessels (GIMS), employees of the Karelian search service, representatives Investigative Committee and volunteers.

“In Karelia, investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee are working at the scene of an incident on Lake Ladoga, where a boat with minors capsized,” reads a message received by RT.

In total, more than 120 people are involved in the search for the missing. “In addition to the scene, an operational group of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Republic of Karelia, an airmobile group of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Republic of Karelia, a group of the police department for the Pitkyarantsky District (123 people, 27 pieces of equipment) advanced to the scene,” the EMERCOM website states.

In addition, a Mi-8 helicopter from the northwestern regional Aviation and Rescue Center of the department is preparing to fly to the site.

Not from the camp

It is reported that the children who went out on the boat live in the city of Sortavala. One of the teenagers came to the grandmother's cottage.

“The teenagers went fishing, the storm was strong, the boat capsized,” Sharetz said.

At the same time, in her commentary, she refers to the words of surviving children. The fact that the teenagers were not from the camp is also confirmed by a source in the emergency services: “They did not come to any camp, they came, according to our information, to rest with their grandmother. It's definitely not organized group children."

The young men who managed to swim out are currently under the supervision of ambulance doctors. The question of their hospitalization is being decided.

The teenagers' parents have already been interviewed and are also on their way to the scene. “The parents of the children injured on the lake have been interviewed and are now on their way to the scene of the tragedy,” Leonid Gulevich, head of the Sortavalsky district, told TASS.

It is noted that the search for the missing will continue at night. Moreover, the wind has already died down and the waves have calmed down on the lake.

Like a year ago

The emergency on Ladoga happened almost exactly a year after the tragedy at Syamozero, when children from the Syamozero Park-Hotel camp went with instructors for a canoe and raft walk along the reservoir. However, they got into a storm, which brought two boats to open water, where they capsized, and the raft washed up on one of the islands.

Also on topic Friends of the leaders of "Syamozero": The camp had a bad reputation, but no one talked about it Last weekend, a tragedy occurred in the Karelian recreation camp Park Hotel Syamozero - children on boats got into a storm on ...

The group then consisted of 51 people, four of them were adult accompanying persons. 14 children died. At the same time, such a number of victims could have been avoided if it were not for paramedic Irina Shcherbakova, who did not believe the call of the surviving children. As a result of the investigation, she was sentenced to three years in a colony-settlement with a suspension of the sentence until the 14th birthday of her daughter.

In addition to her, the director of the camp, Elena Reshetova, and the head of the complex, Vadim Vinogradov, are also in custody. The Moscow Arbitration Court recovered 22.6 million rubles from the Syamozero Park Hotel.

Former head of the Karelian department of Rospotrebnadzor Anatoly Kovalenko, ex-instructor Valery Krupoderschikov, acting head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in Karelia Lyudmila Kotovich gave a written undertaking not to leave the country.

The camp where the children rested was closed, and a memorial cross was erected in memory of the dead. The State Duma after those events prepared and adopted a bill on the organization children's recreation in Russia. In particular, it was proposed to develop and approve professional standards so that unprepared people were not allowed to work with children, and the concept of "organization of children's recreation and their recovery" was clarified.

In addition, the law specified the powers of federal and regional executive authorities, local governments in terms of children's recreation, including security. The document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Karelia, rescuers found a boat with five teenagers in Lake Ladoga. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the EMERCOM of Russia in the republic.

An aluminum boat with a motor, which one of the participants in the incident took from his relative, was found six kilometers from the point of the accident. Rescuers brought the swimming facility to the shore, but it was not possible to find the missing teenagers nearby.

Boat overturned on Lake Ladoga

June 19 five teenagers - girl and four young men - arrived from the city of Sortavala to the village of Impilakhti and went for a walk along Lake Ladoga without life jackets. At some point, the boat capsized, and they all ended up in the water. Two young men managed to get to the shore on their own, nothing threatens their lives. Three other teenagers are missing.

Tragedy with children on Ladoga 2017

Rescue services and volunteers are currently searching for the missing. The total grouping of search and rescue forces exceeds 250 people. In addition, more than 55 pieces of equipment are involved, including 2 helicopters and 16 watercraft.

On Tuesday, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the fact of the incident on Lake Ladoga, a criminal case under part 3 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence to two or more persons”).

The tragedy on Lake Ladoga continues to attract increased attention from caring Russians. Many are interested in the question of whether the missing teenagers were found.

To date, it can be stated that rescuers continue to search for the three missing young people. Every day there is less and less chance of finding them alive.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Karelia, on June 26, in the waters of the Impilakhtinsky Bay, in the area of ​​search and rescue operations on Ladoga, a regrouping of forces and means involved in the search for teenagers was organized.

According to the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic, Sergei Shugaev, after analyzing the conducted search activities, it was decided to withdraw the ground and underwater groups from the operation.

“After analyzing the conducted search activities, a decision was made to withdraw the ground and underwater components of the group from the operation. This decision was agreed with the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ”Rossiyskaya Gazeta quotes Sergey Shugaev, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for Karelia.

The search area will be patrolled by inspectors from the Sortaval, Pitkyaranta and Lahdenpokh districts of the GIMS, search and rescue service officers and volunteers. A group of unmanned aerial vehicles will also continue to work. aircraft. The total number of participants in the search will be about 60 people and 15 pieces of equipment. By the end of the week in the area of ​​​​the incident, the work of the aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is planned.

“Fishermen, ship owners of small vessels and captains of dry cargo ships who work in this area have been additionally informed. Search and rescue work will end only when all the guys are found, ”Shugaev concluded.

For a week of searches, an area of ​​91 square kilometers was explored.

- Diving crews carried out 65 descents under water. During the dive, 9.28 square kilometers of the bottom were examined. More than 64 kilometers have been surveyed along the coastline, the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

The following teenagers are listed as missing: Konstantin A. (born in 2000), Roman Ya. (1999), Nicole L. (2001). The following guys managed to survive: Andrei Zh. (2000), Igor D. (2001).

On June 19, 2017, five teenagers arrived from the city of Sortavala to the village of Impilahti in the Pitkyaranta region and went on an aluminum boat with a motor for a walk along the waters of the Impilahti Bay of Lake Ladoga without life jackets. The boat capsized, and the teenagers were in the water, two of them managed to escape.

It is noteworthy to point out the fact that the tragic events on Lake Ladoga occurred exactly one year after the tragedy on Syamozero in Karelia. Then, on July 18, 2016, during a tour of the reservoir, several boats capsized and sank, in which there were 47 children and four adults who accompanied them. As a result of the incident, 14 children died.

The day before, the topic of what happened on Ladoga was raised in the “Let them talk” program. The closest relatives of the missing two guys and one girl came to the transfer studio of Andrei Malakhov. The issue was called "Nicole's Last Birthday" - on the fateful day, young people celebrated the holiday of this particular girl.

We add that the following are now listed as missing: Konstantin A .. (1999), Nicole L. (2001). Andrey Zh. (2000) and Igor D. (2001) managed to survive.

Tragedy on Lake Ladoga 2017, "Let them talk." Watch online VIDEO

On June 19, a boat with five teenagers aged 16 to 18 capsized in the Sortavala region of Karelia. According to preliminary data, three of them died. Two rescuers found alive.

According to Mr. Parfenchikov, he personally visited the place of the tragedy and found out the circumstances of the incident.

“We can immediately state that this is a coincidence, as happens in accidents. Five young people: four boys and a girl celebrated the girl’s birthday. They took a boat with a motor and rode along the channels around the islands. lake, and the owner of the boat handed over control to his friend, who lost control, and the boat capsized. - says Artur Parfenchikov. - Searches on the coast and on the islands continued all night in the hope that the rest of the participants in the incident sailed to the islands, like two found survivors. It was necessary to find them as quickly as possible in order to prevent hypothermia. Unfortunately, the search has turned up nothing so far. But the search continues - rescuers work on the water.

The situation is complicated by the fact that at the alleged scene of the incident, the depth reaches 30-40 meters and a strong current. The boat was discovered a few hours after the incident, 6 km from the alleged crash site - it is obvious that the current is very strong. I personally conducted a survey of local residents, they say that this is not the first case in these places, and, unfortunately, often the bodies are not found due to the strong current and depth.

Searches at such depths and with such currents require special equipment. Nevertheless, we continue to search, maybe they went ashore, got lost.

Unfortunately, this is the case when we are once again forced to state the frivolous behavior on the water, the lack of life-saving equipment.

I want to appeal to all residents of Karelia. We live in the land of lakes and rivers. We need to get used to putting on life jackets in a boat just as much as we got used to wearing seat belts in a motor vehicle. The culture of using seat belts has significantly reduced severe injuries. We in Karelia need to introduce a culture of using a life jacket when entering water bodies, whether it be a river or a lake.

Our lakes are not simple - Ladoga, Syamozero - the water in them is fresh, cold, does not hold well, the wave is heavy and short. Walking without a life jacket - exposing yourself unjustified risk. As we can see, the problem occurs even when the capsizing of the craft occurs close to the shore. There is no need to rely on your own strength.

The guys who escaped - they swam. It's a miracle. However, their actions will be assessed in terms of offenses that have had known consequences. We hope that the consequences will be minimal. But I read that the investigating authorities should assess this frivolity - the owner of the boat and the one who was driving the boat at the time of the crash were saved.

We are in touch online, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is at the alleged scene of the incident," Artur Parfenchikov concluded.

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