Child psychiatry and psychology. When do you need a child psychologist? What does child psychologist training provide?

Who is a child psychologist?

Contrary to the name of the specialty, a child psychologist is a person who can help not only the child, but also his parents. He will give advice to a small patient that will help solve internal problems, and mom and dad will find the key to the baby and establish harmony in the family. The specialist is able to help get rid of fears and resolve the contradictions that have arisen, which can seriously harm the fragile child's psyche. It is worth remembering that a child psychologist is not a doctor (psychiatrists use a medical approach to solving problems).

What does a specialist do?

A child psychologist is designed to help a child deal with issues that bother him. In most cases, parents themselves can do this, but, unfortunately, they are not always able to recognize the problem in time, or the traumatic factor was too serious. A true professional is well versed in matters of developmental psychology, knows perfectly well the methods of working with children (including games). Problems that may inevitably arise in children at a certain age also become the subject of a psychologist's work. In addition, often only he can establish the true causes of the child's behavior, as well as see what is really happening in the family (therefore, psychological expertise is often used even in the investigation of crimes committed against children).

When is it necessary to visit a specialist?

Take a look at your child. If you notice that he has withdrawn into himself and refuses to make contact with you, then you should consult with a child psychologist. A visit to a specialist is also necessary in the case when the child is going through the stages of growing up too hard (for example, transitional age). It is also worth contacting a professional if the child has phobias (fear of the dark, insects, enclosed spaces, etc.). Excessive aggressiveness or, conversely, timidity and shyness also serve as a reason to go to a child psychologist.

How to become a child psychologist?

In order to run your own practice, you need to get a higher education. Dozens of state and non-state universities in Moscow allow you to get this specialty. Depending on the particular educational institution, you should enter the psychological or pedagogical faculty. A good choice would be the psychological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, various areas of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, etc. Continuous professional development also plays a huge role. Students are encouraged to attend elective classes, and graduates are encouraged to take courses.

Famous specialists of Moscow

Child psychology originated abroad. In Russia, they began to be interested in it at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. A great contribution to the development of this scientific direction was made by M.M. Rubinstein, who became a member of the Moscow Psychological Society. Under his editorship, a series of books "Great Teachers" was published. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of G.I. Rossolimo and V.P. Kashchenko, who for the first time singled out child psychology in a separate direction.

Child psychologist consultation allows you to diagnose the mental development of the child, identify violations of the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres, problems of child-parent relationships, etc. Consultation with a child psychologist is required for children who experience problems with behavior and academic performance; increased anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, shyness; Difficulties in relationships with peers and parents. On the basis of psychological diagnostics (observation, conversation, testing, etc.), a plan of correctional and developmental work with the child is built. The competence of a child psychologist also includes an assessment of the psychological readiness of the child for school.

Childhood is a very important and responsible period of personality development. At this time, the formation of the character, basic views and beliefs of the child, his attitude to other people and the world around him takes place. The further adult life of today's baby depends on how this process will take place and what its fruits will be. The main role in the upbringing of the child's personality, of course, is played by parents, but in some situations, it is simply impossible to do without the help of a child psychologist. A qualified child psychologist in Moscow will help mothers and fathers better understand their child, establish mutual understanding in the family, and the children themselves - build healthy relationships in the children's team and solve the most difficult children's problems. Despite the fact that a child psychologist, like a speech therapist, is a teacher, by the nature of his activity he has to work in close contact with various medical specialists: a neonatologist, a pediatrician, a pediatric neurologist and a psychiatrist.

Reasons for contacting

Child psychology studies age-related dynamics, patterns, and leading factors in the development of the child's psyche in various periods of childhood. In recent years, the direction of perinatal psychology has been developing, which studies the psychological aspects of the period of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in a woman, as well as the psychology of the fetus, infant and young child. In fact, a perinatologist psychologist is at the same time a family and child psychologist, helping to properly build relationships in the “mother-child” system.

The practical tasks of a perinatal psychologist include professional assistance to couples who are faced with the problem of infertility; women who decide on artificial termination of pregnancy; conducting classes with pregnant women in preparation for childbirth and motherhood; promotion of natural childbirth and breastfeeding; assistance to women in overcoming postpartum depression, etc. After the birth of a baby, a child psychologist advises parents on the neuropsychic development, care and upbringing of an infant and young child.

Quite often, the causes of various health disorders in children lie in purely psychological problems. Therefore, children suffering from stuttering, tics, enuresis, headaches, sleep disorders, etc. need a consultation with a child psychologist. A child psychologist will help children with mental retardation (ZPR) and speech development (ZRR) overcome the gap from their peers. To alert and force parents to turn to a child psychologist should be manifestations of child aggression, child tantrums, various kinds of children's fears, increased anxiety, children's jealousy, etc.

The reason for a visit to a child psychologist can be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child, adaptation problems in kindergarten or school, difficulties in establishing friendly relations with other children, isolation and lack of sociability, frequent conflicts with classmates, school teachers or family members. The help of a child psychologist is required for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation: those who have experienced a divorce of their parents, who have lost loved ones, who have been subjected to violence by peers or adults, etc.

A child psychologist participates in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC) and the organization of support for children with developmental problems (childhood autism, mental retardation, speech, vision and hearing disorders, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Child psychologists work in developmental, medical and rehabilitation centers, kindergartens and schools in Moscow. The most important activity of child psychologists of educational institutions is the preparation of children for learning, the diagnosis of psychological readiness for school, the development of cognitive processes, the diagnosis of professional interests of adolescents.

In addition to the indicated reasons, parents can contact a child psychologist on any issues related to the upbringing and development of the child.

How is the consultation

Child psychologists adhere to the rule: "Children's problems are their parents' unresolved problems." That is why often a child psychologist works not only with the child himself, but also with his entire family. Indeed, without the participation of parents, without their support and understanding, without changing the usual style of relationships in the family, it is sometimes impossible to solve a child's problem.

The duration of a consultation with a child psychologist is 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the specialist finds out from the parents the problem that brought them to the consultation, the time and reason for its occurrence. As part of the preliminary conversation, the child psychologist may ask about the child's perinatal history; features of development and education; relationships between the child, members of the family and the children's team, etc. Adults and the child must answer all the questions of the child psychologist as truthfully as possible, since the success of subsequent corrective work largely depends on this. All information received by a child psychologist from a parent or child is confidential and not subject to disclosure.

In the arsenal of a child psychologist there is a large supply of psychodiagnostic methods that allow you to objectively assess the level of development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, etc.), intelligence, emotional-volitional sphere, etc. Usually, when working with children, child psychologists use observation methods, conversations, analysis of products of children's activities (drawings, crafts, essays), testing. Psychological diagnostics is carried out in an accessible form, taking into account the leading activity of the child: the child psychologist asks the child to draw a picture on a given topic, compose a fairy tale, support the game, etc.

Sometimes a single consultation with a child psychologist is enough to solve an existing problem, but in some cases longer cooperation is needed to establish trusting contact with the child, to study the problem situation in depth and overcome it.

Children's classes with a psychologist

When identifying personal or emotional difficulties in a child, a child psychologist offers parents ways to solve them with the help of specially organized remedial classes. In working with children, child psychologists use developmental classes, various psychotherapeutic techniques, etc. The price of correctional and developmental classes with a child psychologist depends on the nature of the problem, the form of work (individual or group), and the method of influence.

Developmental classes under the guidance of a child psychologist are useful both for normally developing children and for children with tempo delays or developmental features. In the course of such classes, the child psychologist pays attention to the formation and training of the basic mental processes: attention, memory, perception, thinking. Usually, developmental classes are held with a group of children of the same age - this teaches children to communicate with each other and learn social norms of behavior.

Among the methods of child psychotherapy, art therapy (drawing, modeling, music therapy), fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, play therapy, and body-oriented therapy are most widely used. For corrective work and psycho-emotional relief, sessions conducted by a child psychologist in the sensory room are useful.

Some parents mistakenly believe that children's psychological problems need to be "outgrown", that in time they will go away on their own. This is a deep delusion. Child psychologists argue that inattention and hushing up of psychological problems in childhood inevitably leads to the accumulation and aggravation of complexes, the emergence of inadequate forms of behavior in the future. And, on the contrary, parents' concern for the psychological well-being of the child, the timely study of the difficulties that have arisen under the guidance of a child psychologist are the key to the harmonious development of the personality and success in adult life.

When choosing a child psychologist in Moscow, ask if the specialist has a higher psychological and pedagogical education; methods used in working with children; availability of certificates indicating advanced training; work experience and feedback about the specialist. The information portal "Beauty and Medicine" will provide you with invaluable assistance in this. It provides the most complete information about the service "Consultation of a child psychologist", posted profiles of specialists and prices for admission.

  • choosing an upbringing strategy taking into account the characteristics of the child's development;
  • solutions to various behavioral and emotional problems (special cases: disobedience, whims, fears, anxious or obsessive states, aggressiveness, shyness, shyness, low self-esteem);
  • school failure and maladaptation, lack of motivation to learn;
  • difficulties in communicating with peers, teachers, relatives;
  • reactions to a stressful situation (special cases: divorce of parents, death of relatives, birth of a brother or sister, change of school, etc.);
  • psychosomatic conditions (frequent "colds", headaches, abdominal pain, etc.).

Benefits of our center:

  • Over 400 publications and implementation of innovative scientific methods
  • Author's methods of correctional and developmental work
  • Individual program of correction taking into account personal characteristics
  • Over 20 years of successful childcare

Psychological consultations of a child psychologist (general and private) are designed to help parents, choose effective tactics of behavior in the current situation based on an understanding of the nature and causes of certain identified problems.

In our Neuropsychological Center, the services of a child specialist include the necessary explanatory and guiding work, helping parents find ways out of the current situation, and a program of possible further psychotherapeutic work with the child or the whole family is also drawn up.

As part of a psychological consultation in our center, a child psychologist can also help adolescents in difficult situations. How much, prices:

The cost of one meeting (duration 55 minutes):

Child psychotherapy

In more detail, at a deep level, the behavioral and emotional problems of the child are solved in the process of child psychotherapy. In psychotherapeutic work, various approaches and methods are used (elements of fairy tale therapy, dance-movement therapy, body-oriented therapy, psychodrama, sand therapy, etc.) depending on the individual characteristics of the child and the specific problem situation. The general principle is the study of psychological problems in a playful way.

The game is the leading activity for the child, therefore, interaction through the game is the most effective way to provide him with psychotherapeutic assistance.

At the first consultation with a psychologist, the request of the parents is clarified, the criteria for the result of the course of therapy are established, primary contact is established, primary diagnostics are carried out, the number of meetings is determined, etc. Psychotherapy is a long process. On average, the minimum course is 10 meetings. How much does therapy cost in our department in Moscow.

When do you need a child psychologist?

The idea of ​​contacting a specialist often arises during age-related crises (a year and a half, three or four, six or seven, and adolescence). In the development of the child there is a sharp leap, serious changes. Mom and dad do not have time to get used to these changes, do not take them into account in communication, use educational techniques that are no longer effective in the new conditions. All this is superimposed on the increased emotionality of the child, characteristic of transitional periods.

But another situation is also possible, in which the teacher really sees those aspects of your baby's life that are not noticeable to you. The objective view of a specialist in the child's psyche in this case will not be superfluous.

There are a number of situations when it is useful to consult a psychologist or attend a course of classes:

Period adaptation to kindergarten and to school. This is always a time of increased stress on the child's psyche, the consequences of which are not always visible. It is important to objectively assess the psychological state of the child and promptly help him overcome the difficulties that arise.

Family problems ( divorce of parents , protracted family conflicts, etc.). Even if it seems that conflicts do not affect the child in any way, it makes sense to contact a psychologist to diagnose the emotional state of the baby. In some cases, a cycle of sessions with a specialist may be required to help the child accept changes in the family.

Assessment of readiness for schooling (6-7 years). The future depends to a large extent on the level of training. first grader's progress . The psychologist will help assess this level and give recommendations on choosing the most optimal training program for training, based on the characteristics of the child.

Sudden changes in the child's behavior (especially the appearance of clear signs of aggressiveness, depression, fears and anxieties), which have no obvious reasons. Behind such changes there may be a psychological trauma that the child cannot directly tell his parents about. Special psychological diagnostics will help to recognize it.

The work of a child psychologist may include:


Any psychologist owns a fairly large set of psychodiagnostic tools and techniques. The specialist may ask the child to draw something, maybe play an exciting game with him . In fact, using these procedures to reveal the necessary data.

Developing classes

With the help of psychological games, a specialist will help develop the necessary skills and qualities in a child. Attention, memory, perseverance, logical and imaginative thinking - in the arsenal of a child psychologist are educational games for various ages.

Child psychotherapy

If the child has serious emotional or personal difficulties, psychotherapeutic work may be required. It could be classes for removal of anxiety, fears, aggressive tendencies, as well as to increase self-esteem. A game, a drawing, a fairy tale - all familiar and interesting objects and activities for a child become a powerful tool in the hands of a specialist.

Family counseling

To solve a child's problem, it is often enough for parents to figure out the reasons themselves and change something in their behavior, in the situation surrounding the child. Competently conducted consultation very often eliminates the need for special psychological work with the child himself.

A visit to a psychologist will help to deal with the objective situation, with the emotional state of the child, to identify the causes of difficulties. For this, it is not at all necessary to wait for a critical situation; psychological prevention is no less important than medical one.