What can you make beads from? Original hand crafts from what is. DIY beaded decoration in the form of an insect

DIY Aphrodite pearl necklace

The most versatile accessory of all jewelry is the pearl necklace. It may be your only piece of jewelry that does not require a pair, like an earring ring. And although ... you can weave a pearl bracelet to such a necklace. I won’t tell you that with such a necklace you can modify the outfit and give it a twist, you yourself know very well about this) I would like to offer you to weave a pearl necklace with your own hands, which is not such a difficult task) The main thing you need to work is pearls and line. Watching a master class on creating an image for a beautiful person?

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History knows cases when gold was given for beads, people into slavery, expensive furs and even land! This is not surprising, because in ancient times, beads were endowed with many symbolic and sometimes mystical meanings. They were used as a talisman, personifying luxury, power and wealth, and used in witchcraft. They were treated for various diseases, and used as currency.

And only since the Middle Ages, beads acquired the status of an independent decoration. Fashionistas and fashionistas began to wear them for celebrations, and after a couple of centuries, beads became the subject of a daily wardrobe. Almost every stylish woman has beads these days.

But what if you want to have this beautiful accessory, namely those that you want are nowhere to be found and perhaps they don’t even exist, or their price is still equal to a bar of gold? There is a way out - make the beads yourself!

To date, there are many resources where you can find diagrams that will show step-by-step making beads with your own hands.

Books, magazines, publics and websites on the Internet - all this gives scope to the imagination, inspires and makes it possible to create your own unique design.

What kind of beads can be made?

Beads, pearls, amber, clay, stones, wood, glass, polymer clay, everything is used, and even sand! But before you choose the material, you need to decide on the theme of the accessory.

So, for a marine style, shells, stones, glass, amber are better suited. There is nothing better than pearl beads for going out. For everyday outfits, you can use beads made of felt, wood, clay, beads.

We will consider several options for making beads. Below will be a photo instruction on how to assemble beads from beads.

Beads are an easily accessible material that is also easy to work with. So what you need to make:

  • thread (or thin fishing line)
  • fittings
  • needle
  • beads

Also, in addition to beads, you can string almost any additional elements that you want on the thread.

Measure the thread or fishing line of the desired length (calculate a small distance to secure the fittings at the ends of the thread). Thread a thread or fishing line into a needle of a suitable size. Pay attention to the fact that not only the eye of the needle should be comparable in size to the thread, but also that the width of the needle and its tip should be narrower than the holes in the beads.

String beads on the thread with a needle in the order you want. When all the beads are on the thread, remove the needle and fasten the accessories to the ends of the thread. Or you can tie two threads into one knot (if you have a long thread, or you use a stretching fishing line, or an elastic band). Your beads are ready!

You can also use a thread with beads strung on it as a working thread for crochet. In such cases, very beautiful openwork beads, collars or necklaces are obtained. Experiment and you will be surprised to see what unique decorations are obtained from ordinary beads!

On the Internet, you can see a master class on how to make beads from beads just in the form of an openwork necklace.

Polymer clay beads

Polymer clay is good because it can be molded into almost any shape. In addition, as a rule, polymer clay is painted in very bright colors, which will make the beads a noticeable element in your outfit.

You will need:

  • polymer clay
  • awl (or thick needle, toothpick)
  • needle for threading beads
  • fittings for fixing the ends of the thread
  • oven

Make blanks for beads from polymer clay. Use your imagination! Balls, stars, rhombuses, squares, hearts - any shape that can be pierced to thread a thread into it.

Carefully make a through hole in each workpiece. Try to maintain the originally conceived shape, as the clay may crumple during the piercing process. Bake your beads in the oven according to the instructions.

By the same principle as in the “beaded beads”, thread the thread into the needle and string the cooled beads on it. Fasten the ends of the thread with accessories.

Fabric beads

A huge variety of fabrics will allow you to create beads for each of your outfits.

What you need to make:

  • Fabric (the desired length of the beads is doubled; scraps of fabric can be used)
  • Thread for sewing on fabric for future beads and a needle
  • Foam blanks (you can use any shape, you can use cotton wool or stuffing for pillows instead of foam blanks)
  • Crochet hook
  • accessories

Measure on the fabric the length of the desired beads. Draw a rectangle from it. Calculate the height based on the workpiece, which will be filled with beads.

If you have a foam blank, then you need to attach it to the edge of your line of the desired length, and bend the fabric so that both of its edges touch, and the blank is inside this "pipe". Fold the fabric back, measure the height, and add 1 cm for sewing the edge.

Cut out the measured rectangle. Fold it in half, and stepping back 1 cm from the edge, sew on a typewriter or manually from the wrong side with a regular running stitch, from beginning to end, the entire strip of fabric. You should get a through "pipe" of fabric.

If you sewed by hand, then before you tie a knot at the end, pull the needle inside the "pipe" and turn it inside out, right side out. If you sewed on a typewriter, then use a pin.

After you have turned the "pipe" inside out, you can fill it with blanks. Start from the very edge, so it will be more convenient for you to distribute the blanks.

After inserting one blank from the very edge, sew it on both sides so that the blank is in a separate cell. Continue like this, inserting blanks with a hook or any other object that is convenient for you. Sew all the blanks so that they are each in its own cell.

Insert and sew the last blank. Secure the ends with hardware. Designer beads are ready!

Beads, like any accessory, are subject to fashion influences. Therefore, you can create and wear beads from different materials, because some of them will always be in trend.

DIY beads photo

Gone are the days when handmade jewelry was considered bad taste and lack of money. Many designers develop jewelry collections that cost much more than gold jewelry with diamonds.

So what is jewelry?

By definition, bijouterie (from French bijouterie)- decorations from inexpensive materials. A variety of metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high-quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gilding or silvering. Such jewelry in appearance can be indistinguishable from real jewelry, and cost much more.

In more complex leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are carved.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from lacquered shells and strung on a thread.

Ordinary pebbles can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden decorations have long become classics:


Felt is a great material for creating jewelry. Decorations are very bright and really sunny.

A bead made of beads is one of the most beautiful and useful materials for creativity. We offer you a simple master class for beginners, which is useful in the work of every needlework lover. Over time, you can improve the technique, add something of your own to the lesson and completely adapt it to yourself.

Crafts are obtained in the form of a flower, and their scope is very wide. You can use ready-made homemade beads as buttons for clothes or fasteners on accessories. In addition, you can assemble a bracelet or necklace from these original beads with your own hands. They can also be a great base for earrings, rings, brooches, hairpins or hairbands.

In a word, there are many options. The determining factor in this case is the size and shape of the beads. You can place a large flattened bead in the center and arrange small ones around it, or you can make a flower from beads of the same size.

What will we need?

  • beads for the central part of the flower
  • beads for "petals"
  • wire for beading
  • wire cutters, safety pin

How to do?

Put a bead on the pin, which will become the central part of the flower. At a short distance from it, make a single winding with wire around the needle.

Put five (more / less - depending on the size) beads on the free end of the wire. Focus on the fact that this part should go around exactly half of the central bead.

Make another single winding to secure the "petals".

Repeat the procedure with the other end of the wire and the rest of the petals.

Then start winding the resulting bead.

Move to the opposite edge and make crosshairs.

Beads are a unique and versatile material for crafts - embroidery, weaving, creating jewelry and interior compositions. If you have a desire to do needlework, but you have not yet decided on the material, pay close attention to the beads.

Beading can easily captivate children by making small wicker toys and key rings with them. As a rule, children quite quickly manage to master the technique of weaving with beads and begin to understand not tricky patterns.

Bead crafts for beginners are best done simple and not complicated, which will allow you to master the technique and accurately finish the product without leaving what you started halfway.

Simple crafts from beads

Crafts from beads are flat and voluminous, it is easier to make, of course, flat ones. Children really like to weave small flat animals.

In needlework stores, beading kits are probably sold, but it makes no sense to spend money on them, you can buy several colors of beads and wire, and you can find a great many patterns of beadwork on the Internet.

dragonfly beaded

We will consider in detail the crafts made of beads and wire for children. To make you will need:

  • beads of two colors
  • wire 50 cm long.
  • 2 black beads

We start weaving a dragonfly from the head, string a black bead onto the wire, then gray beads 1 pc., again a bead and again gray beads 3 pcs. We place the beads in the middle of the wire.

At the next stage, we thread one edge of the base - we thread the wires through the 3 extreme beads of gray beads. Next, we string 4 gray beads. and pass through them the other end of the base.

We weave a new row in the same way, only from 5 pieces. gray beads.

Now it's the turn of the wings. At each end of the wire we collect orange beads, 26 pcs.

After, we thread each end of the base into the first orange bead of beads of the same row, tighten it, and we get a wing.

We do the same manipulations with the other end of the wire, we got two wings. Exactly, as in the attached photo instructions for crafts from beads.

Then weave one row of the body. But one end of the base we collect 5 pcs. gray beads, thread the other end into the beads we have typed.

It's time for the next pair of wings. Only these wings are smaller, we string 23 pieces each. orange beads, shape the wings and then weave the 6th row of the body using 5 beads of gray beads.

There is very little left until the end of the work, we add the body of the dragonfly as follows:


  • in the 7th row we string 4 pcs. gray beads;
  • in the 8th row 3 pieces;
  • from row 9 to row 21 we string 2 beads of beads.

Finishing weaving, thread the wire through the last row of beads so that both ends of the warp look in the same direction. Then just bunch up the wire and cut off the excess.

Your first beadwork is ready. You can see photos of simple beaded crafts below.

The simplest beaded bracelets

There are many ways and techniques for making bracelets. Including beaded, bracelets are often woven, for beginners it will be a little difficult, so we bring to your attention a beaded beaded bracelet.

You will need:

  • memory wire;
  • beads and possibly larger beads, different colors, at your discretion;
  • round-nose pliers (pliers with rounded tips for making wire loops).

Memory wire is a coiled base for bracelets and is sold in craft stores. Measure the number of turns of the base at your discretion and cut.


On one of the ends of the wire, it is imperative to make a loop so that the strung beads do not slip off.

Now you collect beads, alternating with beads, play with color, shape and textures at your discretion.

You need to finish the bracelet with another loop to securely fasten the product. You have a fashionable multi-row bracelet, very easy to make.

Improve your skills

We told and showed you the simplest DIY bead crafts. Agree, to create an unusual keychain or a children's toy, and even more so a bracelet, it did not take a lot of skills and abilities.

Involve children in needlework, it develops perseverance, attentiveness and develops creative thinking.

Do not stand still, develop, make more complex crafts and after a while, you will be able to create beautiful and high-quality products.


Photo of crafts from beads