How to pack a gift with your own hands? Making a gift for the New Year, Birthday and other holidays. How beautiful to pack a gift with your own hands? Original gift packaging - diagrams Beautifully designed gift

My mom's birthday is this Sunday, and then next week it's my sister's and a close friend's. And this is only in September! For example, I really like to give gifts, but every time I try to do it in such a way that they bring maximum joy to the hero of the occasion.

This is where packaging plays an important role. It's always nice to receive gifts. And the gift, exquisitely and ingeniously packaged, will be doubly delighted.

In addition, I believe that DIY gift wrapping- a kind of tribute to family and friends. After all, doing this in a store, you will simply spend money by buying another service that few people will appreciate. But by creating original packaging with your own hands, you will undoubtedly put a piece of your soul into it, and it will be appreciated.

How to make a beautiful gift

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 28 simply gorgeous gift wrapping ideas with your own hands. Here's how you can give a sunny mood even in a gloomy autumn!

  1. A fairly simple packaging made of white paper looks impressive and interesting if you add such a maple leaf to it, even if it is cut out of colored paper.

  2. From such a sweet and tender gift, any representative of the fair sex will be delighted. And all you need for this is a small bunch of daisies, a bright ribbon to match the flowers and a sheet of plain craft paper, which is sold in any stationery store.

  3. Down with templates! Why not replace the ribbon bows with these gorgeous butterflies?

  4. No wonder they say that the most pleasant word for a person is his name. So why not personalize the gift wrapping?

    This is exactly the case when the packaging performs not only an aesthetic function, but also helps to understand where is whose gift. For example, on New Year's Eve, when there are surprises for each of the family members under the tree.

  5. For such a design, you again need kraft paper and several sheets of colored cardboard. Simply cut out hearts from cardboard and secure them to the gift with a knitting thread.

  6. And I'll probably take this idea into service.

  7. Quite unusual and at the same time a very simple solution. To implement this idea, you will need beautiful postcards that fit in size and some white wide ribbon.

  8. Another great example of decorating a gift with fresh flowers. Who said that flowers can only be in a bouquet?

  9. And such pompoms made of multi-colored threads will be an excellent alternative to already boring bows.

  10. Looking at this package, you immediately want to take a picture with this gift, but it will definitely be a pity to open such a stylish present.

  11. I think that all autumn birthday people will be very happy with such an original design.

  12. And this is a gift wrapping option for creative people: notes for musicians, a newspaper sheet for journalists. However, such a wrapper is also suitable for any other present, because a magazine print never goes out of style.

  13. If your loved one does not like too bright and colorful packaging, then you can make an original box with a "male" character. You can put watches, gift certificates or a regular razor and socks there.

  14. These paper feathers look amazing, don't they? And you can do them

Going to any event organized to celebrate a birthday, wedding day, housewarming, New Year and other equally important events, each of us takes a gift with us.

Today it has become fashionable and self-evident to present a gift wrapped in beautiful decorative paper, a plastic bag or in a gift bag.

For such services, gift wrapping, we go to specialists who are ready to provide their services in any large supermarket, department store or shopping center. The cost of gift wrapping will not please everyone, because it bites. And besides, the quality and appearance of the gift design are not always pleasing.

The news portal "site" invites you to discard even the thought of paying for gift wrapping services, since each of you will be able to do it yourself. In particular, skills in self-designing gifts will come in handy on the eve of the upcoming New Year.

In order to beautifully pack a gift, you will need: transparent tape, double-sided tape, a stapler, decorative paper and ribbons (sold in any stationery department), as well as any materials at hand - newspaper or magazine sheets, notes, multi-colored threads, scraps of fabric, beads and rhinestones, ribbons and bows, buttons, twigs and flowers, etc.

The most important thing in gift wrapping is accuracy!

Perfect for gift wrapping newspaper sheets, sheets from glossy magazines, sheet music, bright posters and calendars, wallpaper remnants, parchment, landscape paper, colored paper etc.

If you are not quite able to make original and luxurious bows from decorative paper tape, then a great compromise can be thickly knotted multi-colored threads, twine, clothesline, shoelaces, yarn and wire .

To decorate your gift, use multi-colored buttons of different sizes, natural or artificial flowers, branches and leaves of trees or shrubs, Christmas decorations, small fruits and berries.

If you are preparing a large number of gifts that you plan to beautifully fold under the Christmas tree, then do not forget to sign the gifts. If you use dark-colored paper in the design of a gift, then you can sign with ordinary chalk . Such gifts will look very unusual.

Another option would be prepared nameplates , which can be glued to a gift, pinned or attached with a beautifully designed clothespin.

One of the most original ways to sign gifts can be photos that need to be placed on gifts. Anyone who goes under the Christmas tree for a gift will see a box with his photo and immediately understand that this is just for him.

For those who still prefer to decorate gifts with lush and luxurious bows, we have prepared several photo tutorials on making bows.

How to quickly pack a gift video master class:

How to make a bow for a gift with your own hands?

Paper gift bow No. 1

Gift bow made of paper No. 2

Gift bow made of paper No. 3

Gift bow made of paper No. 4

Paper gift bow No. 5

Gift bow made of paper No. 6

Making a gift master class

Here you can get such a spring-decorated gift if you use the step-by-step photo instructions for decorating a gift.

To make a gift, you will need the following materials:

  • a sheet of paper or a cloth of green fabric;
  • scotch,
  • transparent light bow;
  • twigs;
  • small size pear;
  • artificial flower,
  • small bird;
  • glue.

Wrap the gift in paper or cloth. Then tie a beautiful bow. Fix a few branches. Using glue, attach a scattering of pears and a bird to the gift.

When decorating gifts with your own hands, be sure to experiment, do not be afraid to use unusual materials in decorating, because the most important thing is the end result, which should cause delight and carry mystery.

The most common gift in the original packaging has a different meaning and meaning. Today we will learn how to beautifully pack a gift in paper, a box, a film, for a birthday, February 23, March 8.

If you show a little imagination and inspiration, you can make unusual gift wrapping with your own hands, surprising and delighting loved ones with your creativity.

You can buy paper, film and cardboard for work at an stationery store or use any material at hand:

  • Wallpaper remnants, newspapers, magazines, maps
  • Shoe boxes, jars, flower pots
  • Any beautiful fabric or scraps of burlap, linen, velvet, drape. silks
  • Buttons, braid beads, beads, ribbons, cords, ropes
  • Natural material - fresh flowers, herbariums, twigs of evergreens, nuts, berries

It is worth experimenting with the shape and material for packaging, moving away from the usual and stereotyped pompous or hackneyed options, such as a plastic bag. Duty cookies, beautifully wrapped and presented to friends for the New Year, will be a pleasant surprise.

It is not necessary to wait for a holiday to make a gift. Wrap a bottle of champagne beautifully in a sweater or shirt sleeve and tie it with a rope. In 10 minutes the package is ready, you can go to visit.

Fashionable gift wrapping in Japanese style furoshiki. We take a square piece of strong and bright fabric (from 30 cm or more, depending on the size of the gift) of any texture and wrap the gift in it, and tie it on top.

On a visit with a bundle, in which a surprise for the owners, you will agree, is a very unusual packaging solution.

How to pack a gift in gift paper step by step instructions

Paper is the most common packaging material.

If you decide to wrap a gift with your own hands, here are hundreds of options for high-quality, beautiful wrapping paper:

  • matte and glossy
  • smooth and corrugated
  • thin, transparent and dense
  • with one-sided and two-sided pattern
  • monophonic and color

Wrapping paper can wrap a tiny box of jewelry and a whole car in an original way.

How to wrap a gift in gift paper?

We will need:

  • gift (we took a rectangular shape)
  • tape, scissors
  • wrapping paper
  • pencil

To work, we free up space on the table so that nothing interferes

  • Lay out a piece of paper or roll face down
  • We put a box with a gift on it, also face down

  • We wrap the box, outline the place where you need to cut the paper and bend it, leaving 3-4 cm in reserve

  • Cut off excess paper

  • Place the box in the center of the sheet
  • One edge of the roll, from the long side of the box, tuck 2 cm

  • Raise the paper from both sides to the center of the box
  • We fix the non-curved edge with tape, stepping back from the center of the box 2 cm

  • Place paper with a folded edge on top, fix
  • We fix it with a transparent tape so that the center runs exactly in the middle
  • When decorating the package, the central seam can be covered with tape or braid

  • On one side of the box, fold the corners in the form of triangles

  • We tuck the bottom edge of the paper by 1 cm - 1.5 cm

  • We press the upper edge of the paper to the box and fix it

  • Lower the top edge of the paper, pressing it against the box, fix
  • Raise the bottom edge of the paper, carefully connect it in the center with the top edge with adhesive tape

  • One side of the package is ready

  • We put the box vertically and perform the same from the opposite side

  • Fold corners into triangles

  • We wrap one of the sides by 1 cm and connect it to the other with adhesive tape exactly in the middle

  • Box packing is ready

You can complement the decor of the packaging with decorations from ribbons, bows, flowers.

Instructions on how to wrap a round gift in wrapping paper

A round box decorated with gift paper looks festive and elegant. This packaging option is used by the Japanese, connoisseurs of fine

For work you will need:

  • gift in a round box
  • PVA glue
  • tape, preferably double sided
  • scissors
  • to decorate a brooch

Packing a round box in paper is a simple matter:

  1. Determine the width of the package by twisting the paper around the box
  2. We remove the excess packaging material and fix the edges with overlapping tape.
  3. From the bottom and top of the box, mark on paper the size of the radius of the bottom and lid of the box
  4. Cut off excess paper, leaving 2 cm in stock
  5. Press a piece of paper with your finger to the center of the box
  6. Gradually fold the rest of the paper
  7. We cover the joint by gluing a circle of paper to the bottom and top of the package

Decorate the top of the package with brooches, ribbons, flowers. The gift is ready, you can hand it into the hands of the recipient.

How to wrap a gift in a film?

For many years, the film held the palm as a packaging material and is now in demand:

  • film transparent, translucent (honeycomb), matte (polysilk)
  • film double-sided and single-sided
  • decorative packaging film with a pattern, patterns, pictures, emoticons, holograms

If you give a fruit basket, flowers, a picture, then the film will not only serve as packaging, but will emphasize the beauty of the gift.

Packaging of gift baskets with a transparent film (cellophane)

Laying out a transparent film on the surface of the table, put a basket on it and collect it at the top, fix it with a bow.

The main thing is to choose the right size of the film, beautifully place a gift or several gifts and dream up with tying a ribbon and a bow.

We pack sweets, coffee, tea, Easter cakes, champagne and soft toys under a transparent film. For gifts, you need to make a base for packaging, it can be a box of chocolates, a chocolate bar, a book or a piece of cardboard.

Polysilk film - a new material for gift wrapping

Polysilk packaging film is sold in rolls, stretches well, has a metallic or golden sheen.

  • To pack a gift, cut off the necessary piece of film

  • We collect the film from above over the gifts and tie it into a knot

  • We cut the ends of the film with scissors, we get a pompom

  • Polysilk film has a wide range of applications, it can be used to wrap an ordinary gift, as well as a car or a motorcycle.

Decorative and transparent film is used by florists to wrap flowers.

How to pack a gift in a box?

Convenient gift packaging is a box, if it has an unpresentable appearance, it can be wrapped in gift paper or film. Originally designed boxes of different sizes and shapes - beautiful gift wrapping.

Gift packaging - shoe box

The easiest packaging option is to decorate a ready-made shoe, tea, coffee box with wrapping paper not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

  • Collage box packaging- sheets of paper or fabric of various shapes and colors, selected according to the color scheme, are assembled into an abstract pattern

  • Box lined with newspaper or specialty paper with printed matter using black ink or carbon paper to give it a vintage look

  • Fabric is suitable for decorating the box any texture and pattern. You can make the lid and box in different colors.

  • Packing box in patchwork style from collected pieces of bright fabric using braid, ribbons, buttons, varnished on top

  • The box in the form of a chest is painted with acrylic paint or pasted over with decoupage napkins. For decoration, we use unnecessary belts, a metal or paper label

We fill the empty space of the box with any filler.

Simple DIY square gift box

You can make a gift box yourself if you have scissors and a piece of paper at hand, the size depends on the size of the future packaging, it is assembled without glue.

Completing of the work:

  1. We print the template on a printer or draw on paper
  2. We cut the workpiece along solid lines
  3. We turn along the dotted lines
  4. We assemble the box so that the fragments with semicircular ends are between the other two, and the semicircles remain outside
  5. We hide the gift in the box and close the lid
  6. Can be tied with a bow

We decorate the packaging with applique, bows. ribbons, flowers and buttons.

Ideas for wrapping a great gift

Large packaging is intended for a large gift or packed in several layers of paper using filler. The box - the giant performs not only a decorative function, but hides the gift itself from the eyes of others, keeping the intrigue.

  • For packing we use a box from electrical appliances, stick decorative paper or applications on it, tie a bow and the package is ready. In such a large box, a person, a large soft toy, a blanket, pillows, and electrical appliances can hide.

  • Inflatable balloons packed in a big bag or kraft paper box. We make a package or a box and place in it inflated and interconnected balloons. As soon as the hero of the occasion opens the lid of the box, a chain of balloons takes off into the sky - a creative and cheerful surprise for dear and close people.

  • If you decide nicely pack a dishwasher, washing machine, paste over the finished box with gift paper. Thus, you can keep the intrigue and maintain interest in the contents of the box not only for the one to whom it is handed, but also for other guests.

  • Packing in colorful gift paper, pillows, rug, blanket we do according to the same principle as the packaging of round boxes (see above)

There are many options for packaging for small gifts, sometimes with a touch of irony and humor.

Ideas: how to wrap a small gift?

If you are giving your loved ones a small gift, choose a package:

  • box
  • box
  • bonbonniere
  • pouch
  • little basket

Each creative person can add additional elements to the decor of the package, which will make the gift wrapping your own design work.

The most common way to pack a small gift is a box, which can be of various shapes.

Gift box for sweets, jewelry in the form of a house

Such a house can be decorated with a bright ribbon, make a beautiful window frame

The finished box diagram must be printed on a printer, we select bright, colored paper. You can cut out a template from a piece of thick paper, which is easy to find in every home.

  1. We draw a house template by hand, better with a ruler, bend the details along the dotted lines
  2. Cut out the window
  3. In the bottom on the sides of the house we make two cuts and insert the tape
  4. We glue the house (except for the top)
  5. In the upper part of the side walls we make slots, parallel to the lower
  6. We stretch the tape and put sweets, souvenirs, jewelry inside
  7. We close the roof of the house without gluing, tying a bow

The gift box is ready!

Gift box in the form of a dress

If you are giving a gift to a girl or a young woman, a small box - a dress - will be an interesting option. It is done quickly, you can experiment with its color and style.

  • Print out the dress template

  • We transfer the template to colored paper and cut it out, it turns out a handbag for a gift

You can put cosmetics, jewelry and sweets in such a box.

Beautiful cardboard box for earrings

There are many options for how to beautifully pack earrings or other jewelry in a small original box.

Simple option:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and draw a square with hemispheres extending from each side
  2. Cut out the template and make a box
  3. Tie with ribbon or thread
  4. We punch holes in the leaflets with a hole punch and insert the rope

A similar but more complex version of a small gift box that requires glue to make.

In such a fun box you can hide jewelry, money, cosmetics

Pyramid box for a small gift

Delight your girlfriend with decoration and beautiful packaging in which we present it

Choose thick paper, monophonic is best

  1. We draw a square, each side of which is one of the sides of an equilateral (or isosceles) triangle
  2. With a hole punch, we make holes for ties at the vertices of the triangles
  3. The sides of the triangle have extra paper to give the shape of the box and ensure that there are no gaps.
  4. Bend the template along the lines
  5. We stretch the ropes through the holes and assemble the pyramid

Beautiful beads have found their rightful place in the original packaging.

How to wrap a birthday present

When choosing a package for a birthday present, we take into account: gender, age and taste preferences of the hero of the occasion.

Wrapping a birthday present for a child

If the gift is intended for a child, the packaging should be bright and cheerful. The very sight of her should cause a smile and a good mood. Do not rush to throw away solid boxes that come into your house with purchases of hats, shoes, electronic devices.

  • Paste the finished box with bright wrapping paper, make an application, such packaging will delight the little birthday boy

  • Agree sneaker gift box cause no less delight than the gift itself

  • The original solution would be wrap a gift in a big candy, and instead of a filler, you can use sweets

  • A bicycle for a child is a long-awaited gift, we will pack it in bright paper, decorate with balloons and ribbons and hand over to the lucky owner.

  • A beautiful box with a large bow, a burlap bag or a basket will become a package for a pet The gift that every child dreams of. If it is a bird in a cage or an aquarium with fish, you can simply cover it with a beautiful piece of fabric.

  • Like this box - the frog will be a pleasant surprise for the baby, regardless of what is in the middle

  • If your child is going to a friend's birthday party, make an original package in the form of sweets in collaboration with the image of funny muzzles on the candy wrappers. While the package is in the template, the child can paint it as he pleases.

In such boxes you can put models of cars, figurines, sweets, jewelry for girls, wishes.

Birthday gift wrapping for women and girls

For lovely ladies, choosing beautiful packaging is half the battle. We offer various options on how to pack a gift in an original way, focusing on age.

  • For girls, colored wrapping paper with flowers or polka dots is suitable depicting youth idols.

  • Ladies of Balzac age will be pleased to receive birthday present wrapped in kraft paper with beautiful artificial flowers.
  • An elegant bud can be made from a napkin, polysilk or corrugated paper, it turns out elegantly

  • Vintage birthday gift wrapping for women of advanced age, with pieces of guipure, lace, looks stylish and tasteful.
  • We tie the gift with a beautiful bow.
  • You can intercept the package with beads, ribbon, stab with a brooch.

  • White round box made of cardboard and covered with wallpaper - solemn packaging for the birthday girl.
  • Such packaging can hide under its lid: a beautiful decoration, underwear, a scarf, a scarf or a stole.

  • Women are big individualists. Wrap the gift in kraft paper and write your name on it. From a simple one, it becomes a “personalized” gift and will amuse the vanity of the birthday girl.

  • A romantic gift for a girl or teenage girl, walnut shell decoration
  • We cover the inner doors with sequins, velvet or silk and hide the gift
  • Tie the shell with a string or a bow
  • A great way to make original gift wrapping

Birthday gift packaging for women and girls has many options, so knowing the nature of the birthday girl, choose according to her character, hobbies, age.

Gift wrapping for a man on his birthday

Packaging for a men's gift should be distinguished by strictness and, to some extent, brutality. If we choose paper, then neutral shades are better - blue, green, red.

  • Celtic knot "Heart" of woolen threads and a label in a gift package for men- sleek and stylish addition

  • The scheme of weaving the "Celtic knot"

  • If we choose a box, it will look good option - a cardboard box tied with a thin golden ribbon, in We will leave all sentiments in the design of the packaging for the weaker sex.

  • A random sequence of zeros and ones (matrix effect), Newton's laws or chemical and mathematical formulas - a great option for drawing on wrapping paper for men's gifts

  • Kraft paper men's gift wrapping always stylish and popular, with a small detail - a pin in the form of a tie.

  • Packing - men's shirt or sweater, which we put on a box with a birthday present.
  • The shirt was worn as a gift, preferably in a square package
  • Buttons buttoned up
  • Sleeves rolled down and secured with pins

Minimalism and brevity in design are welcomed in the packaging for a men's gift.

Birthday gift based on hobbies and personality traits

  • If you know that the hero of the occasion loves to travel, as packaging, use a geographic map or paper with the image of countries and sights.

  • For the birthday of a music lover wrap a gift in a sheet of paper with music notes

  • For lovers of antiquities and historical novels gift wrapping in kraft paper in the form of a parcel, as it is done and done in the last century by postal workers, with a postage stamp and seal

  • For car enthusiasts kraft paper packaging with a miniature model of a sports car on an impromptu tape track.

If you put a piece of your soul into the gift wrapping, this indicates your attitude towards the recipient.

How to pack a gift for March 8?

March 8 is a sea of ​​flowers, compliments, smiles and nice gifts. Women's holiday is associated with the onset of the first spring days. When packing a gift for March 8, we use artificial and natural flowers, as well as herbariums and branches of evergreens.

Beautiful brooches, hairpins, beads, lace and buttons - an original option for decorating gift wrapping on March 8

Kraft paper for gift wrapping on March 8

Popular kraft paper, perfectly combined with individual decor elements: lace, guipure, knitted napkins

The wonderful furoshiki technique will help you wrap a gift without a box.

Women cannot but like the national Japanese gift wrapping technique. A piece of beautiful, bright fabric, collected over a gift, is tied into a bow.

You can present a gift in a beautiful silk scarf, in which case the packaging also becomes a gift.

Gift wrapping in a burlap, linen or cotton bag

An ordinary burlap bag can be given French chic by decorating it with lace, flowers and frills. Perfect gift packaging for older women, you can put cosmetics, perfumes, sweets in the bag

Beautiful gift wrapping for March 8 in the form of a candy

You can hide a scarf or scarf in such a candy. The packaging is beautiful, easy to do, we involve children in work

Packing in various boxes

We make a box, choosing the template you like, decorate:

  • applications
  • flowers,
  • beads
  • buttons
  • braid
  • ribbons

Gift wrapping for women and girls turns out to be stylish and beautiful.

There are many options for how to pack a gift for a friend, mother, sister by March 8th. The work will not take much time and will not require financial investments, only imagination and a desire for creativity.

How to pack a gift for February 23?

It has been verified by many years of experience - men love the spectacular presentation of gifts, especially on February 23, when women's attention is focused on them.

Gift wrapping by February 23 in kraft paper

It is necessary on the eve of the holiday to think about how to effectively pack a gift.

Kraft paper is suitable for this purpose:

  • Decorate it with a postcard with the numbers 23
  • Tie with woolen threads or burlap
  • We will sew a button to the package, you can put a seal

Packaging "Gift for a gentleman" from kraft paper for February 23

The original packaging, easy to perform, will not leave your man indifferent

For work you need:

  • kraft paper
  • ribbon or strip of fabric
  • piece of skin
  • buttons
  • scissors

A few decorative details and the usual package turns into a gentleman's package:

  • We wrap the box with kraft paper according to the instructions, see above
  • In the center we place a contrasting tape, in our case, blue.
  • On the tape with glue buttons
  • At the top of the package we place a butterfly cut out of leather

The original and simple packaging will bring a smile to the most severe representative of the stronger sex

Gift wrapping for “My King” in kraft paper

Every man is a little vain at heart. Gift wrapping with the inscription: "To my king" will be pleasant to your loved one and increase his self-esteem.

Packing a gift:

  • Cut out a male profile with a crown from paper
  • We pierce holes for the rope with a hole punch
  • After the gift is carefully wrapped (according to the instructions above), we put a piece of paper or foil in a contrasting color under the cut out profile and crown
  • We decorate the crown with beads, putting them on glue
  • We stretch the rope with a pleasant message "To my king!"

What man can resist a gift, seeing such packaging?

Beautifully wrapped gifts photo:

A gift in a beautiful gift box has a presentable appearance. You can wrap a gift in a store, with the help of professionals, or go to the first newsstand and buy a package. Using our tips, try to pack a gift yourself, showing imagination and imagination. The result of the work will be happy faces of people close to you.

Video: Three ways to wrap a gift

The first thing to take care of is the packaging. The modern industry offers a lot of options - you should go to a gift boutique or a florist's shop.

So what can you choose:

  • ribbons and bows from various materials, mini-bouquets, rhinestone stickers;
  • all kinds of paper for packaging: plain, colored, shiny, with thematic drawings;
  • fabric bags of various materials and design solutions;
  • polyethylene packaging - plain, transparent, with a printed pattern;
  • boxes of various sizes and designs - drawings, embossing, varnishing, etc.
  • wicker baskets, wooden and plastic boxes, paper and plastic bags.

Advice! If you are invited to a birthday party with a person with whom you are superficially familiar, opt for modest options: a stylish plain bag, a box made of soft matte or “newsprint” paper wrapped with decorative twine. But when decorating gifts for loved ones, turn on the creativity at full power.

To each his own: the choice of color scheme

Before you start choosing a package, let's acquaint you with another important point - this is the color:

Green, blue Pack a present for an important hero of the occasion in “solid” green and blue.
Red Red packaging looks great on small gifts - a large box of this burning color will look vulgar.
Violet Some people treat purple with distrust: what if you have “purple” on them?
Yellow Also choose yellow with care, especially when packing a gift for your loved one (beloved) - as you know, this is the color of separation. But in combination with other colors, this shade is very good.
Brown Brown decoration is too warm for such a celebration.

Advice! When choosing a golden, silver packaging, make sure that it is in moderation - separate inserts, ribbons. Otherwise, the packaging will look flashy and vulgar. For men, choose strict tones, for women - gentle, echoing with spectacular bright inserts, for little birthday people - a cartoonish, colorful, but not eye-catching design.

Do It Yourself: 7 Express Packaging Ideas

Of course, the packaging of the present can be entrusted to specialists who have got their hands on it, who will wrap your gift in an appetizing candy in the blink of an eye. But the gift is first of all attention.

When the birthday boy sees that you have put your own efforts into wrapping the present especially for him, won't that make him feel warm?

So, ideas for the very busy:


  1. Two or three ribbon bows in contrasting colors criss-crossed around the box.
  2. Ribbons with fun tassels and pom-poms.
  3. A couple of sets of stickers and stickers suitable for the occasion - paste them over a plain package.
  4. A small, colorful design card attached to a modest wrapper (use the decorative twine that is popular these days).
  5. A bottle, vase, flacon or similar gift can be wrapped in a bright scarf, fastened with an invisible pin or brooch.
  6. Print baby photos of the birthday boy or pictures from the last celebration in a small format and paste them over the surface of the gift box.
  7. For a little birthday boy, make a nesting box or other simple quest so that he does not immediately get to your surprise. You can give a box with a lock that opens with a code. The last will be the answer to your riddle or the completion of another task.

Packaging as a work of art

And if you are willing to play a little, then the following ideas are for your attention.

So, how to wrap a birthday present beautifully:


  1. To cross ribbons, twine, use a beautiful large button with four holes. One attribute - and how it transforms the packaging!
  2. A good idea is to decorate the present with small live plants according to the season. In winter, it is a fragrant coniferous branch, in spring - a lily of the valley brush, an unblown tulip, in summer you can use dried berries and fruits, in autumn - a composition of dried leaves. A modest plain wrapping paper and twine ropes, as in the photo, are suitable for this design.
  3. Do you have a lot of different beaches or floss at home? Great! Tie the present with threads of the most diverse thickness and texture - they can be arranged in a strict order, randomly, intertwining with each other, along, across, crosswise. You can fluff the ends or tie them into tassels. And from a multi-colored floss, you can even embroider a small pattern on a thick cardboard wrapper.
  4. Just like with yarn, you can wrap a gift with multi-colored strips of cardboard (cut from the cover of a glossy magazine - why not?), fastening them with tape or hot glue.
  5. If you are giving a gift to a baby, then turn the packaging into an additional gift. The instruction is simple - write on the wrapper "Paint me" or paste over it with contours from the coloring pages. Attach small wax crayons or mini felt-tip pens to the gift on double-sided tape.
  6. Find kids' fun prints at the stationery store and cover all solid-color packaging with prints.
  7. For a child, the package can be decorated with a small toy glued on double-sided tape: a car, a plush keychain, a small doll.
  8. One-color packages can be decorated with text, the basis of which is letters cut from newspapers and magazines.
  9. Paint the entire package with gel pens: it can be an extensive congratulation-poem, a comic book about a birthday person, or just funny congratulatory drawings.
  10. The last shirt is not a pity. From an unnecessary shirt, scarf, sweater, you can make the most excellent packaging for a present: wrap the material around the contour of the box and fasten it with “invisible” threads made of plain threads.
  11. From many small postcards or photographs, you can make a booklet that can be combined with a decorating bow or separately attached to a present with twine.
  12. Cut out from magazines or printed pictures (it's great to use self-adhesive paper for this) a lot of the same type of images: flowers, funny characters, the phrase "Happy birthday!" in different languages ​​of the world and paste them over the packaging around the entire perimeter.
  13. Are you familiar with the origami technique or other paper plastics? With the help of double-sided tape, you can attach several of your creations to the present. Alternatively, they can be made with your own hands from corrugated paper - these can be butterflies, flowers, cranes, paper boats, birds.
  14. Rhinestones. From a set of these brilliant little things, you can make a certain pattern or image, an inscription on the gift wrapping. A quick option is to look in the needlework store for a ready-made rhinestone pattern, which remains only to be glued.
  15. Do you have an unnecessary collection of Kinder Surprise toys? You can make a gift with them not only for a child, but also for a close adult.
  16. Alternatively, the packaging can be decorated with large letters or buttons, securing them with hot glue.

In the video you will take a closer look at how to pack gifts:

award ceremony

The present has been bought, packed - now it remains to hand it to the birthday man at the highest level. How to beat a birthday present? We will share with you the brightest and most impressive ideas for congratulations and gift giving.

surprise effect

If the celebration involves a walking tour, then this cannot be missed:

  1. Ask the birthday person to check the mailbox- a present can expect him there, as well as a large congratulation poster on his door. In summer, a large congratulatory collage drawn in chalk may appear at the entrance of the hero of the occasion, and in winter - a congratulatory snowman.

  1. Having previously agreed with different people with whom the birthday person is not familiar, ask them to intersect with you at different times (if you are walking in a park, city center, then this will not be difficult to do). Strangers are required to say a few kind words and give symbolic gifts - a flower, a small postcard, and from you - carefully pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

By the way, many perform such an operation on social networks: they ask strangers to call or write to the birthday man and congratulate him. But we still advise you to involve your friends in such a flash mob so that you don’t meet with lovers of hard “jokes”.

  1. By playing the same idea with strangers, you can persuade them to get together in a group, suddenly surround your celebrating company and start singing a congratulatory song.
  2. Do you know a police officer? Wonderful! "Accidentally" meet him during a walk (naturally, the hero should not be familiar with the birthday man). Next is the verification of documents, which turns into an unexpected present for the hero of the occasion. And the mysterious policeman, as if nothing had happened, retires into the sunset

In such an “accidental” congratulation, you can also involve animators, street performers, artists, DJs and waiters, having previously provided them with presents for your hero of the occasion.

Your courier!

For many, it is already a tradition to deliver unexpected gifts by courier. Especially good in this version is a bunch of huge balls, a luxurious bouquet, a basket of sweets or exotic fruits (see). In a holiday agency, you can order a visit from an unusual courier.

Let's share the most win-win options:

  1. Mascot courier. In some agencies, an animator comes to congratulate, and in some you can rent such a costume. This is not only an unusual congratulation, but also a fun photo session with a funny character.

  1. Animator in character. It all depends on what roles are available in this event agency - dude, gangster, ballerina, catwoman, angel and demon, cartoon character, movie character, etc.

  1. tropical butterflies. Such a congratulation, of course, will delight the fair sex. The courier asks to open the box - and the birthday man's home is transformed into a magical hall.


Bright, colorful, explosive congratulations (its price, of course, in some examples is not symbolic, but if you divide it between a friendly company, the amount will not be too catastrophic):

  1. A small gift (decoration, an envelope with money, a certificate) can be placed in a special surprise ball. At the crucial moment, it explodes, and the birthday boy finds himself among a scattering of serpentine, small balls, confetti, leaves with congratulations. His task is to find his hotel in all this madness.

  1. Soap bubble show, sand show, "Merry Chemistry" can impress not only a small, but also an adult hero of the celebration - after all, we remain children in our hearts, and birthdays are the best occasion to remember this.

  1. A gypsy choir, a performance by a magician (who, by the way, will “conjure” your gifts), a fire show (if you are celebrating outdoors and in the evening), a vocal performance, a saxophonist’s performance - all this is available today, you just need to contact the event agency.

That's all we wanted to tell you about how to arrange a birthday present and how to organize its presentation and birthday congratulations in a memorable way. We hope that our advice will help you give a present that the hero of the occasion will remember with a smile and warmth in his soul.

Not everyone loves to wrap gifts, many simply choose gift paper and ribbons, and the specialist does the rest. But those for whom packaging is no less important than the gift itself are always looking for new and original gift wrapping ideas with their own hands. Perhaps these alternative methods will inspire you to create a real masterpiece of gift wrapping for loved ones!

Instead of traditional ribbons, you can use different ropes, cords and twine, and in place of a bow - an ordinary button! Plus, the large four-hole button is a handy way to create perfectly symmetrical right-angle bindings. Small buttons with two holes and a variety of beads can simply be strung on a cord.

Decorate gifts with fresh flowers and plants according to the season, for example, use pine needles in winter, flowering branches of cherry or apple trees in spring, and in summer and autumn you can even attach berries and small fruits to the package. With flowers, it is best to use plain paper and twine, so the gift will look very stylish and natural.

Take knitting yarn and floss threads of various colors. There are a lot of options for using yarn: randomly wrap the bundle with a thread of one or more colors, tie the gift neatly and symmetrically, aligning the knots and leaving the ends of the thread sticking out, twist the threads together like a canvas or make a large embroidery right on the paper!

Similar to yarn, you can weave a decorative ribbon from strips of colored paper.

If the gift is for a child, a fun DIY gift wrapping idea is to wrap the gift in white paper, attach colored crayons or crayons with tape, and have your little one paint all over the paper however they like. And for gifts for adults, for example, grandparents, use children's drawings. So gifts will acquire even more significance and will be remembered for a long time.

Buy children's prints with letters or make your own from cork or sponge. Print your name or wish on white wrapping paper.

For a gift for a boy, make a road out of paper, and glue a typewriter on top. For a girl, let a doll or a soft toy sit on the package.

The name can be cut out of a newspaper or magazine using a large stencil and pasted onto the packaging.

Come up with different volumetric elements to enliven gift paper. Let snails grow pompom shells, butterflies grow cloth wings, and cats grow starched thread whiskers.

In a cold winter, the warmest and most comfortable packaging for any gift will be an unnecessary knitted sweater or woolen sock. For small boxes, use sweater sleeves, and for large boxes, use the rest.