The government again refused to index the pensions of working pensioners. Working pensioners gather in the constitutional court of the State Duma pensions for working pensioners

The last few years, working pensioners have not been sweet. Since 2016, the government has been solving financial problems at their expense.

What did the government take away from working pensioners?

Firstly, this is of course the indexation of pensions. During all this time, pensioners who continue to work have not received huge amounts of money; in 2018 alone, this is 6,000 rubles on average.

Secondly, they stopped paying supplements up to the subsistence level. Recall that all pensioners whose incomes do not reach the subsistence level in the region of residence are entitled to this payment.

Third, pensioners receiving a pension for long service, as well as an insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner, were generally left with nothing.

Fourth, working pensioners were forbidden to care, and this is an additional 1200 rubles to the pension every month.

Fifth, for the period of work was deprived of social old-age pension. This type of pension is assigned to men upon reaching the age of 70, and to women - 65 years, if they do not have the right to an insurance pension, that is, they lack neither the required length of service nor pension points.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019?

Yes and no. The government has divided working pensioners into 2 groups: insurance and social. Some, as it turned out, it loves more.

Indexation of pensions of working pensioners from April 1, 2019

In April, only social pensions and state pensions will be indexed. That is, those citizens who either have no work experience at all, or do not have enough of it to apply for an insurance pension. Indexation will be 2.4 percent or from 100 to 300 rubles.

Recalculation of pensions of working pensioners in August 2019

Insurance pensions for working pensioners will undergo a traditional recalculation from August 1 of this year. It will again be the same 3 pension points, the cost of 87 rubles and kopecks each. That is, the maximum increase will be about 270 rubles. We would especially like to note that this is the maximum increase and it depends on how much taxes were transferred from your salary to the Pension Fund for 2018.

What has the government done for working pensioners in 2019?

From January 1, 2019, in case of dismissal, a pensioner will still have to wait 3 months, but for these 3 months he will already receive a pension, taking into account indexation for the entire time.

good news

Now in the State Duma, the LDPR party has initiated a bill, in which case, from June 1, the pensions of working pensioners will immediately increase by 1,600 rubles.

In addition, it is also proposed to restore justice and pay working pensioners all the lost money since 2016.


If a working pensioner quits and, after a certain time, gets a job again, then he will receive a pension with all indexations, that is, it will not be reduced in case of re-employment. This is especially true now, when insurance pensions have begun to be indexed only once a year.

The problem of indexation of pensions for working pensioners will be considered at the highest level. Putin instructed the Government to work out the issue of indexing pensions for working pensioners. This became known following a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions Mikhail Shmakov. For accountants, this news is significant in that now it has finally become possible to cancel the monthly forms SZV-M .

“We discussed problems in the labor market and problems related to the non-indexation of pensions for working pensioners. The President instructed the Government to once again carefully consider the problem of the lack of indexation of pensions for working pensioners,” Shmakov said, RIA Novosti reports.

Earlier, Dmitry Medvedev, in a report to the deputies, said that the issue of returning the indexation of pensions to working pensioners is open.

Please note that . How to calculate payments now - read in the latest issue of the magazine "". And you can calculate the salary and advance payment according to the new rules in our new program "". Access to it is free for a whole year!

22% of pensioners in Russia are employed. Since this year, the procedure for indexing their pensions after dismissal has changed. Now this process will be faster.

What happened

Since 2016, the pensions of working pensioners have not been indexed. In order for the FIU to determine the status of a pensioner, all employers submit information on the SZV-M form.

As soon as a pensioner stops working, his pension is indexed. However, this process has been slow until recently.

For example, a pensioner retired in July 2017. In August 2017, the PFR received a report from the employer, in which the pensioner is still listed as working. In September, SZV-M entered the FIU without a pensioner.

The decision to pay an indexed insurance pension is made by the PFR authorities the next month after receiving the employer's report, that is, in October. Such a pension begins to be paid in the month following the one in which the decision was made. In this case, November 1st.

But that was before. Since 2018, the situation has changed.

What has become

Starting from 2018, the insurance pensions of pensioners who stop working will be paid in an indexed amount for the period from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.
A citizen will begin to receive an increased pension after the same few months after the termination of work as before, however, these months will be compensated to him.
This procedure will apply to recipients of insurance pensions who stopped working in October 2017 and later (November 2017, December 2017, etc.), the FIU explains.

Accordingly, this procedure does not apply to recipients of insurance pensions who terminated their employment before October 01, 2017.

For example, a pensioner quit his job in October 2017. Based on the reports submitted by the employer in November for October, he was listed as still working. In December, the PFR received a report in which the pensioner was no longer listed as a worker. In January, the PFR will decide on the payment of a pension, taking into account indexation, and in February the pensioner will receive the full amount of the pension, as well as an additional payment for three months from the moment of leaving work - for November, December and January.

What do they offer

Both during the past year and at the beginning of 2018, bills were submitted to the State Duma on the resumption of the previous procedure for indexing pensions.

So, recently, the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his party ally Yaroslav Nilov recently came up with a similar initiative.

They prepared a bill returning the indexation of a fixed payment to the insurance pension for working pensioners.

As a response on the part of citizens, a sharp reduction in the number of working pensioners followed, the explanatory note notes. At the same time, only a part of pensioners actually terminated their employment relationship, while the majority switched to receiving a “gray salary”.

The lack of indexation leads to a negative attitude towards the existing state of affairs both on the part of working and non-working pensioners, which causes an increase in social tension and undermines confidence in the pension system as a whole, deputies note.

The authors of the bill consider it necessary to return to the normal indexation of pensions in 2018 for working pensioners and restore order so that the problems of the state do not affect the elderly.

Now it’s not even a question of whether it’s fair or not that working pensioners have been canceled since 2016, which is held annually on February 1. After all, the pensioner deserved the opportunity to work with his whole previous life, his health and careful attitude towards him.

If he has the opportunity to work, it means that his health allows, that means that his attitude to life is such that he has the opportunity, desire, desire to benefit society. And why, in this case, “punish” a pensioner - since you have the opportunity to work, then we deprive you of indexation!

Where is the respect for age? Respect for the desire to be useful. Well, respect, let it be, for the desire to work even for the sake of more income, which means that the pension is not enough!

  • how many pensioners work,
  • how much they still have the opportunity to work (5-7 years, no more),
  • what is this indexing.

Here's what happens.

By law, indexation (non-working) should be the inflation rate for the previous year. Thus, the insurance old-age pension from January 1, 2018 increased by 3.7%. If the pension is 8500 rubles, then in the end it will be increased by - 314 rubles.

For the year, the total income of a pensioner, such indexation will increase by 3768 rubles.

In the country, let's say 5 million - working (every eighth, most likely - less).

We get that the state would annually “lose” on working pensioners (as if pensioners are not the state itself, but what can you do, this is a perverted understanding of the individual and the state, as it has been in us for a long time, and sits, comes out with great labor),

in general, "would lose" - 27 billion 540 million rubles.

The money, of course, is a lot. But, on the other hand, only in the State Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund - these "rainy day funds" - Russia stores more than 5 trillion rubles. This money for 50 years to pay indexation to working pensioners!

But, of course, that's not the point. It's not about money, but the ability to manage it and, most importantly, respect. Rather, the matter is in the lack of respect, when the state “pettily” monitors every “penny”, so as not to miss something superfluous.

And this is in relations with pensioners who also “dare” to work!

Be that as it may, but in Russia, working pensioners are deprived of indexation due to inflation.

On the other hand, the period of recalculation of pensions for working pensioners based on pension contributions made by their employers in 2016 has begun.

We deal with the recalculation for the working year 2017

Since, in the pension system of Russia, everything is done to confuse and not give a clear understanding of the essence of the matter, they appear in the accrual - in 2018, the accrual is limited to 8.7 pension points. Each ball had a "weight" of 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

In other words, the maximum pension supplement will be only about 708 rubles per month. Such an allowance corresponds to the average salary for 12 months - 19 thousand 900 rubles. If a pensioner received more, if his employer deducted interest from 30 thousand to the Pension Fund (and in Moscow a pensioner can find a salary and much more), then all the same, the allowance will be 708 - from 19.9.

Where the difference goes is a big question for the Ministry of Finance, the Pension Fund, the Government, and in the end, for the president of the country, for those officials who in Russia are usually personified with the state.

Moreover, it does not matter that the pensioner is simply forced to go to work and receives not "19.9 thousand rubles", but only 5-8 thousand.

Yes, it didn't matter until recently.

But in the second half of July (on the eve of the allowances on August 1, perhaps), in government circles, in the State Duma, first of all, there was talk that it was still necessary to leave indexation to working pensioners, who receive very little. So far, the value of this “slightly” has not been determined, but an approximate list of professions has been determined in which low salaries will be “searched” - these are employees of budgetary organizations and workers engaged in unskilled labor.

This initiative is universally supported by all experts. So the director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Academy of National Economy Tatyana Maleeva directly states: “There should be no confusion in pension payments, as it is today. There should be a unified system,- and further - “In our country, there is indeed a huge number of pensioners working to the last of their strength precisely in order to somehow make ends meet.”

That's the whole point - "make ends meet."

Actually, in order to complicate the situation completely, our legislators did not deprive working pensioners of indexation. It will be held, moreover, for all “missed while I was working” dates. But for this you need to quit (read). For example, if a pensioner, while working, missed indexation on February 1, 2016 - 4.56%, missed indexation on February 1, 2017 - 5.40%. Then, having quit on December 31, 2017, he will receive an indexation coefficient on February 1, 2018

4,56 + 5,40 + 4,10 = 14,06% (here 4.10% is the estimated inflation rate for 2017, which means that this will be the indexation for 2017).

Thus, if the pension is 8,500, according to indexation on February 1, 2018, for 3 years in the past, a working pensioner will receive an additional 1,195 rubles. The pension will already be equal to 9695 rubles.

There is, however, one trick here. Under the usual procedure, annual, accrual of indexation, the pension should have been 9,752 rubles, 57 rubles more, but who cares about “such subtlety”.

The state, of course, should be concerned, but not to what is called.

Here one wants to take up the calculations again - how much the Ministry of Finance wins on this “subtlety” (on one pensioner - 684 rubles a year, and there are several tens of thousands of them, no less, who decided to work while they have the strength, but after 2-3 years and they dried up, had to accept).

Easier - this is what should become the law of any "restaurateur of social life" in the country (here, almost according to Bulgakov)

And also, we pay attention to the complexity of the entire pension system in the country. One gets the impression that everything was done on purpose, so that in this troubled water it would be more convenient to arrange “such fishing” with pensions.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia is pushing the idea of ​​the program - the next one - more and more insistently. What will come of this, it is impossible to say yet. There are great fears that a complex system will be invented again, in which “neither me nor you will have to understand,” as Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote.

So far, there are obvious differences in the understanding of the new system between the key departments - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor, and the Government has already twice returned the draft law on PIT for revision.

It should be simpler, simpler, you have to rack your brains, but it’s easier to do so that even pensioners understand what is happening and how.

After all, it’s not in vain that it’s said that the most difficult thing to do is simple, but to do it in such a way that it’s impossible to understand anything, for this, as they say, “you don’t need a lot of mind”, yes, in fact, like souls.

This is how it happened

  • at first, pension indexation was also for working pensioners,
  • then they decided that it was “too much” for them (excuse me),
  • and then, “healthy again”, those who work, but still receive little, thought better of it - indexation can be returned.

Oh, but time goes by, and you can't stop it.