Knitted tunic with fashionable jacquard pattern. Knitted tunic with jacquard patterns Patterns and schemes

The tunic is the traditional clothing of the ancient Romans, often a one-piece fabric with holes for the arms and head. To date, the tunic dress has changed significantly, has become more elegant and feminine, and therefore has taken its place of honor in the wardrobe of almost every fashionista.

A women's knitted tunic is a universal garment, the creation of which opens up unprecedented horizons for the manifestation of fantasy. Knitting and crocheting patterns for a women's tunic are very diverse - these are openwork patterns, braided braids, and original contrasting patterns of various levels of complexity (for professional craftswomen and beginner knitters). The main difference between a tunic and a sweater or jumper is its length - it must be just below the hip. That is why knitted tunics for women go well with leggings or skinny jeans. Depending on the type of yarn, crocheted or knitted tunics can delight their owners both in summer and in cool weather. On our site you can absolutely free to download patterns for knitting a women's tunic with crochet and knitting needles. Get inspired and start creating your own masterpiece!

The tunic looks no worse than the traditional knitted jacket! A transverse contrasting pattern forms a wide yoke and adorns the sleeves, making the tunic, for all its straightforwardness, extraordinarily feminine.

Dimensions: 36/38, 40/42 and 44/46
You will need: yarn (100% alpaca wool: 119 m / 100 g) - 600 (600-700) g white and 200 (200-300) g black: knitting needles No. 6.

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Garter stitch: knit alternately 1 p. persons., 1 p. out.

Jacquard patterns A + B: knit according to scheme A. acc. B. front stitch in rows in forward and reverse directions. The diagrams show the front and back rows: read the front rows from right to left, the back rows from left to right. 1 cell of the scheme \u003d 1 p. x 1 p.

Color distribution - see legend. To prevent holes from forming in the knitted fabric when changing colors, cross the threads on the wrong side of the work.

Knit edge loops with threads of both colors. In width between chrome. repeat 6 p. rapport. In height for jacquard pattern A, perform 4 times from the 1st to the 12th p. and 1 time from the 13th to the 15th p., for the jacquard pattern B, knit 1 time from the 1st to the 7th p.

Knitting density: 15 p. x 20 p. \u003d 10 x 10 cm. Knitted with front stitch with knitting needles N 6; 15 p. x 32 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in garter stitch with knitting needles No. 6.

Back: cast on 74 (80-86) sts with white thread and knit for the lower strap in garter stitch, while starting from purl. row. After 5 cm = 17 p. from the typesetting row to continue the work of persons. satin stitch.

After 31 cm = 62 p. from the bottom bar start jacquard pattern A: knit according to scheme A. performing 12 (13-14) rapports in a row. After 25.5 cm = 51 p. from the beginning of the jacquard pattern, knit the next out. purl row with white thread, then 5 cm = 16 p. garter stitch and close all loops in one row.

Before: knit like a back.

Sleeves: cast on with white thread 80 (86-86) p. row. After 5 cm = 17 p. from the typesetting row to continue the work of persons. satin stitch. After 3 cm = 6 p. from the bottom bar start jacquard pattern B: knit according to scheme B. performing 13 (14-14) rapports in a row.

After 7 p. jacquard pattern, continue to work with the front stitch with a white thread.
After 13 cm = 26 p. from jacquard pattern In all loops close in one row. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Assembly: pin the parts onto the pattern, moisten and leave to dry. Put the top back bar (= garter stitch strip) over the top front bar and sew at the ends of the bar. On the inside of the product, sew the strips additionally in longitudinal sections 9 cm long.

Run the side seams: start from the bottom edge, finish 1 cm above the beginning of the jacquard pattern (before the beginning of the jacquard pattern - before the beginning of the jacquard pattern). Sew the seams of the sleeves. Sew on the sleeves. Fasten the ends of the threads to areas of the same color.

Source - BURDA magazine. SPECIAL ISSUE №7 2016 KNITTING

Tunic knitting- the main components of this model are noble silk in three colors, decorative jacquard inserts and a grainy textured pattern. Women's tunic can be worn for a variety of occasions. Schemes and description of knitting.

DIMENSIONS: 38-40 (42-44) 46-48
YOU WILL NEED: yarn (100% silk; 120 m / 50 g) 300 (300) 350 g gray-green, 150 g black and 50 g orange; knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4; circular knitting needles No. 3.5.

garter stitch: front and back rows - front loops.

FACE SURFACE: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

JACQUARD PATTERN A: rapport \u003d 12 p. Knit according to scheme 1 with several balls in the Norwegian technique, while the non-working thread is always carried out freely along the wrong side. The diagram shows the front and back rows. Distribute the loops according to the instructions. Knit 1-24 rows 1 time.

JACQUARD PATTERN B: rapport \u003d 18 p. Knit in the same way as jacquard pattern A, but according to scheme 2. Distribute the loops according to the instructions in the text. Knit 1-32 rows 1 time.

JACQUARD PATTERN WITH: rapport \u003d 10 p. Knit in the same way as jacquard pattern A, but according to scheme 3. Distribute the loops according to the instructions in the text. Knit 1-22 rows 1 time.

MESH PATTERN: an even number of loops. Each row begins and ends with a hem loop.
1st p: facial loops.
2nd row: purl loops.
3rd p: constantly knit 2 loops together with the front.
4th p: * 1 front, 1 front add from the broach, from * constantly repeat.
5th p: facial loops.
6th row: purl loops.
7th p: constantly knit 2 loops with an inclination to the left (= remove 1 loop, as in knitting. 1 front, stretch the removed loop through it),
8th p: * from the broach, add 1 front, 1 front, from * constantly repeat.

SEQUENCE OF PATTERNS: 24 p. jacquard pattern A, 32 p. jacquard pattern B, 52 p. mesh pattern, 22 p. jacquard pattern C, 100 (104) 108 r. mesh pattern = 230 (234) 238 p.

KNITTING DENSITY: front surface in jacquard patterns A-C (needles No. 4) - 21.5 p. x 27 p. = 10 x 10 cm; mesh pattern (needles No. 4) - 21.5 p. x 34.5 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

On knitting needles No. 3.5 with a gray-green thread, dial 126 (136) 146 p. And for the strap, knit 2 cm = 7 p. garter stitch, while starting with the wrong side.

Then switch to needles No. 4 and continue knitting according to the above sequence of patterns, while distributing the loops for jacquard pattern A as follows: start with the edge and the last 0 (5) 7 sts of rapport, repeat rapport 10 (10) 11 times, finish the first 4 (9) 5 p. rapport and edge. At the same time, for the waist line from the bar, reduce on both sides 14 times in each 10th p. 1 p. = 98 (108) 118 p.

Jacquard pattern B (on the needle 122 (132) 142 p.) start with the hem and the last 15 (2) 7 p. rapport, repeat the rapport 5 (7) 7 times, finish with the first 15 (2) 7 p.

Jacquard pattern C (on the needle 106 (116) 126 p.) start with the hem and the last 7 (2) 7 p. rapport, repeat the rapport 9 (11) 11 times, finish with the first 7 (2) 7 p. After 54 cm = 166 p. from the bar close for armholes on both sides 5 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 l. = 68 (78) 88 p.

After 70.5 cm = 224 p. (71.5 cm = 228 R.) 73 cm = 232 R. from the slat for the neck, the average 26 (28) 34 p., finish each side separately. To round the cutout along the inner edge, close in every 2nd p. 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 2 p. Through 72.5 cm = 230 p. (73.5 cm = 234 R.) 75 cm = 238 R. from the strap close, respectively, the remaining 16 (20) 22 shoulder loops.

Knit in the same way as the back, but with a deeper neck. To do this, after 56.5 cm = 174 p. (57.5 cm = 178 r) 59 cm = 182 r. from the bar close the middle 14 (16) 22 p., then in each 2nd p. close 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p. and 2 x 1 p., in the next 4th p. close 1 x 1 p. and in the next 6th p. another 1 x 1 p.

ASSEMBLY: sew shoulder and side seams. On the outer edge of the neck with a gray-green thread, type 140 (146) 170 p. on circular needles and knit 4 circles. purl, then close all the loops, as facial ones. For slats along the edges of the sleeves, dial with circular knitting needles 90 (94) 100 points each with a gray-green thread and knit 4 circles. purl stitch, then close all the loops, as facial ones.

Regular in shape jacquard knitted dress from several colors of threads, attracts the eye. Jacquard patterns are great for knitting warm winter things, beautiful color patterns are associated with the New Year holidays, and knitting in two strands is very warm.

Size: XS/S (M/L)

You will need: 7 (8) skeins of gray, 4 (5) skeins of light green-gray, 3 (3) skeins of gray-green, 2 (2) skeins of olive, 1 skein of green, 1 skein of light green Schachenmayr Merino Extrafine yarn 120 (100% wool. 120 m / 50 g), knitting needles No. 4; circular needles number 4.

Jacquard ribbing 2/2: 1st p.: * 2 persons. gray thread, 2 out. gray-green thread *, repeat from * to *;
2nd p.: * 2 p. gray-green thread, 2 p. gray thread *, repeat from * to *. Repeat 1st and 2nd p. Knit on both sides for 1 chrome. threads of both colors. In a circle. R. knit only 1st p.
Facial surface: faces. R. - persons. p., out. R. - out. R.

jacquard pattern: knit faces. satin stitch according to the counting pattern. Knit 1 chrome on both sides. threads of both colors. Pattern A: knit from the 1st to the 25th p.; pattern B: knit from the 1st to the 3rd p.; pattern C: tie 1 time from the 1st to the 11th p.

Color alternation: * 6 p. olive thread, 10 p. light green-gray thread, 25 p. jacquard pattern A, 9 p. light green with gray thread, 6 p. olive thread **, 2 p. light green-gray thread, 6 p. gray thread, 3 p. jacquard pattern B, 6 p. gray thread, 11 p. jacquard pattern C, 6 p. gray thread, 3 p. jacquard pattern B, 7 p. gray thread (= 100 p.).
Knitting density: front surface: 22 p. and 30 p. = 10 x 10 cm; jacquard pattern: 22 p. and 24 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of knitting a dress with knitting needles:

Back: With a gray thread, dial 94 (122) p., tie 8 cm with a jacquard elastic band 2/2 and knit faces. stitch with alternating colors, evenly adding in the 1st p. 1 x 1 (3) p., knitting 1 person each. cross (= 95-125 p.). In total, knit 200 rubles, repeating 2 times 100 rows of alternation; at the same time, knit rows with a jacquard pattern as follows: Pattern A: 1 chrome .. 1 p. with a light green-gray thread, 3 (4) x 30 p. Pattern B: 1 chrome, 15 (20) x 6 p. motive, 3 p. gray thread, 1 chrome. Pattern C: 1 chrome, tie from the 9th to the 12th p. of the motive, 7 x 12 p. of the motive, tie from the 1st to the 5th p. (1 chrome, tie the 12th p. of the motive, 10 x 12 p. of the motive, tie the 1st and 2nd p. of the motive, 1 chrome). At the same time, after 64 (60) cm from the typesetting edge for armholes, close 4 (7) p. on both sides and decrease 8 on each 2nd p. 1 x 2 p. and 2 (4) x 1 p. (= 79-99 p.). After 79 cm from the inlaid edge, close the middle 39 p. And knit further separately, closing along the edges of the cutout in each 2nd p. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p. After 82 cm close the remaining 14 (24) p. of each shoulder.
Before: knit like a back, but after 76 cm from the inlaid edge for the neckline, close the middle 27 points and knit further separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in each 2nd p. 1 x 5 p., 1 x 3 p. and 4 x 1 p. After 82 cm close the remaining 14 (24) p. of each shoulder.

Sleeves: With a gray thread, dial 54 p., tie 1 out. R. persons. n. and 8 cm jacquard elastic band 2/2. Next, knit faces. satin stitch: knit the first 56 p. from * to * by alternating colors, evenly adding in the 1st p. 1 x 5 p. (= 59 p.), Then knit to the end with a gray thread: jacquard pattern A knit as follows (63 p. on the needles): 1 chrome, 2 x 30 p. motive, final p., 1 chrome . At the same time, in the 7th p. from the gum add on both sides 1 x 1 p. and after 8 p. add another 1 x 1 p. (= 63 p.). Then add five on both sides in every 10th p. 8 x 1 p. (in each 6th p. 12 x 1 p. and in each 4 m p. 4 x 1 p.), (= 79-95 p.).
After 47 cm from the typesetting edge for the sleeves, close in on both sides 4 (7) p. And decrease in each 2 m p. 1 x 2 p., 10 x 1 p., 3 x 2 p., 1 x 3 p., 1 x 4 p. and 1 x 5 p., close the remaining 11 (21) p.

Assembly: complete all seams and sew in sleeves. On circular knitting needles with a gray thread, dial 128 p. around the neck and knit with a jacquard elastic band 2/2. after 4 cm close all loops.

36/38, 40/42 and 44/46

You will need

Yarn (100% alpaca wool; 119 m / 100 g) - 600 (600-700) g white and 200 (200-300) g black; knitting needles number 6.

Patterns and schemes

Front surface

Facial rows - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Garter stitch

Knit alternately 1 p. persons., 1 p. out.

Jacquard patterns A+B

Knit according to scheme A, resp. B, front stitch in rows in forward and reverse directions. The diagrams show the front and back rows: read the front rows from right to left, the back rows from left to right. 1 cell of the scheme \u003d 1 p. x 1 p.

Color distribution - see legend. To prevent holes from forming in the knitted fabric when changing colors, cross the threads on the wrong side of the work.

Knit edge loops with threads of both colors. In width between chrome. repeat 6 p. rapport. In height for jacquard pattern A, perform 4 times from the 1st to the 12th p. and 1 time from the 13th to the 15th p., for the jacquard pattern B, knit 1 time from the 1st to the 7th p.

Knitting density

15 p. x 20 p. \u003d 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the front surface of the knitting needles No. 6;
15 p. x 32 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in garter stitch with needles No. 6.


Completing of the work


Cast on 74 (80–86) sts with white thread and work in garter stitch for the bottom band, starting from purl. row.

After 31 cm = 62 p. from the bottom bar, start jacquard pattern A: knit according to scheme A, performing 12 (13–14) rapports in a row.

After 25.5 cm = 51 p. from the beginning of the jacquard pattern, knit the next out. purl row with white thread, then 5 cm = 16 p. garter stitch and close all loops in one row.


Knit like a back.


Dial with white thread 80 (86-86) p. row.

After 5 cm = 17 p. from the typesetting row to continue the work of persons. satin stitch.

After 3 cm = 6 p. from the bottom bar, start jacquard pattern B: knit according to pattern B, performing 13 (14–14) rapports in a row.

After 7 p. jacquard pattern, continue to work with the front stitch with a white thread.

After 13 cm = 26 p. from jacquard pattern In all loops close in one row. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


Prick the details on the pattern, moisten and leave to dry.

Put the top back bar (= garter stitch strip) over the top front bar and sew at the ends of the bar. From the inside of the product, additionally sew the strips on longitudinal sections 9 cm long. Run side seams: start from the bottom edge, finish 1 cm above the beginning of the jacquard pattern (before the beginning of the jacquard pattern - before the beginning of the jacquard pattern). Sew the seams of the sleeves. Sew on the sleeves. Fasten the ends of the threads to areas of the same color.

Photo: magazine Burda. Knitting" No. 8/2016