What can be knitted from acrylic yarn with knitting needles? Technique for knitting a cardigan for women "lalo" Crocheted acrylic sweater

A group of acrylic synthetic fibers was created with the aim of obtaining softness and bulk, which are lacking in polyamide. Acrylic is very similar to natural wool in its properties, but does not have its insulating properties. Like nylon, acrylic is often mixed with natural fibers. Acrylic products must be steamed with extreme caution.

Some people associate the word "acrylic" with repair work, others with beautiful nails, but needlewomen know that this is a great material for creating off-season and winter clothes. For this, this yarn is called an analogue of wool.

The development of a new material began in 1948 at the American company DuPont. The raw materials for the manufacture were acetylene and hydrocyanic acid, produced from natural gas. The generally accepted designation for acrylic is PAN (polyacrylonitrile).

Synthetic fiber is obtained by chemical means. A continuous thread with an original texture is cut into pieces, resulting in an acrylic yarn suitable for hand and machine knitting. The content of PAN fiber in coils can vary from 5 to 100%.

Material properties

Artificial origin does not mean that the yarn is deprived of some useful properties, in our case, the opposite is true. The popularity of acrylic among knitters is explained by the following characteristics:

  • fibers are resistant to fading and fading;
  • the material is light, but at the same time retains heat well;
  • the shape of the product after washing is not lost;
  • things are worn for a long time and with great comfort;
  • clothing made from this material is not attacked by moths.

Acrylic Care

The main rule for washing knitwear is manual or gentle machine mode. Things made of acrylic are no exception, because this approach will prevent the appearance of spools and avoid electrification.

Water should not be hot, it is best if its temperature is + 25 ... + 30 ° C, otherwise the fibers will become soft and lose their strength. The addition of a softener and antistatic agent during washing is welcome.

It is not recommended to wring out the product by twisting, it is also necessary to exclude drying acrylic clothes on clothespins. The knitted thing should be gently blotted with a towel, spread on a flat surface, after giving it the desired shape.

We knit from acrylic

If you are just starting your creative journey in needlework, the presented yarn will be the best option for you. In the process of knitting, the threads do not get confused and do not delaminate, both even and embossed patterns are easily formed from them. At the same time, the cost of acrylic allows you to purchase the coveted balls without significant costs.

Using yarn, which includes acrylic fibers, you can knit:

From a thread in 2-3 additions, you get an original knitted rug.

As you can see, dear craftswomen, with acrylic yarn there is where to turn around. All you need is to get good material. To help you, below are several well-known global manufacturers that produce first-class products.

Quality acrylic in branded yarn

Lana Grossa, Rowan, Debbie Bliss produce yarn, where acrylic fibers are present in different percentages. A large range of colors, in which there are natural and bright shades, will delight any needlewoman. Once you pick up this material, you will never want to release it. Using such threads in work, you will give yourself pleasure not only in the process of knitting, but also when wearing the finished product.

Invention of synthetic fibers- a huge step forward, and for us, needlewomen, this achievement of science has become especially valuable. It's no secret that natural wool, despite all its environmental friendliness, is still not always good, especially if it causes an allergic reaction. Here, just last week, I tried on boots with natural sheepskin inside. Everything would be fine, but this sheepskin pricked as if I stood on camel thorns with bare feet. Of course, natural wool should be prickly, but if the legs could not endure its pricklyness, then what to say about the body .... Here, in such situations, they help out artificial fibers, especially acrylic.

More often acrylic fibers used to make fabrics and yarns. Acrylic softens the natural fibers of wool, making them softer and more pleasant to wear. In addition, acrylic helps to maintain the color of finished products and prevents shrinkage.

Acrylic yarn range very diverse in terms of fluffiness, combinations with other fibers, thickness, twist and color options. If we talk about the percentage of acrylic with other fibers in knitting yarn, you can find both 100% acrylic yarn and a variety of combinations of 30%, 50%, 60% and even 5%. The most popular combinations - acrylic with various types of natural wool like mohair, angora or alpaca.

This percentage provides finished products with a beautiful appearance, clarity of form, and long wear.

Acrylic yarn retains its properties keep the shape even if you decide to dissolve / bandage something. If you are a beginner knitter, then choose a yarn that contains acrylic, there will be no problems with dressing.

Acrylic is often referred to as "artificial wool" because it retains heat well. Knit acrylic yarn knitting needles (from 2.5 to 3.5) and crochet (2,3,4 and 5) can be equally beautiful, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in terms of the thickness of the tools used. In addition, the yarn which contains acrylic is perfect for knitting on machines.

Acrylic does not wrinkle, and travelers will definitely appreciate this property. Products made from acrylic yarn are a guarantee of a fresh and neat look in any situation. To the touch, acrylic things are very pleasant, soft and warming. Perfectly tolerate the influence of acids and solvents, dry cleaning, exposure to adverse weather conditions. They do not absorb moisture well, so even spilling juice or coffee on yourself by accident, you can avoid the need to run to the dry cleaners.

In the online store of yarn and needlework "KUDEL" you will find a great assortment of acrylic yarn for every taste.

What can be knitted from acrylic yarn? Any - hats, scarves, shirt-fronts, sweaters, booties, dresses and sundresses. Knitting in 1 thread - for autumn, in 2-3 threads for cold winter days. For such products, yarn with 100% acrylic content called Baby Vita, the thread in the hanks is thin, pleasant to the touch, does not "crunch" at all and the footage is very profitable, or BAMBINO Nako which also contains wool.

They turn out great if you choose acrylic yarn as the main material. for knitting blankets and bedspreads, decorative pillowcases. With this yarn, you can not be afraid to knit large things, since the footage of one skein can be 400 meters per 100 grams.

You don’t have to limit yourself in patterns either, since acrylic can withstand any decorative load both in elastic bands and in smooth canvases, in jacquards, arans and openworks.

Very bright colors of yarn can be used with dark ones without fear that they will shed after washing. This simply won't happen.

Wash things from acrylic yarn in water at room temperature by hand or in the "hand wash" mode in the machine. It is impossible to twist the products after washing, but they should be dried in a straightened form. Ironing is allowed in the steaming mode, preferably through gauze or a special ironing net.

Create with pleasure, let acrylic yarn give you many pleasant moments!

Discussion of the article

Acrylic was invented and began to be actively produced in the 20th century. Despite the fact that the material is quite well known and widely used in the textile industry, there are conflicting opinions about it and, perhaps, the properties of the most common acrylic yarn are not familiar to everyone. Let's take a closer look.

First you need to find out what it is. Acrylic, acrylic, dralon, kashmilon, krylor, kurtel, nitron, orlon, polyacryl, polyacrylonitrile fibers, PAN fiber, prelan, redon - this whole long list is nothing more than the names of acrylonitrile polymers and copolymers, in simple terms - acrylic fibers . They are obtained by complex reactions in production, and, therefore, are a synthetic material.

We study the main properties of acrylic yarn: the pros and cons

Advantages of acrylic yarn

Externally, acrylic yarn is quite similar to wool, and it is not surprising that they are sometimes confused. But, despite the visual proximity, they differ in properties. Wool is not as durable as artificial material, which means that things made from the latter will last longer.

Despite the fact that acrylic is synthetic, it is soft and pleasant to the body. Things from it are warm enough, so you can wear them in the cold, and breathe well, which allows you to wear them even when the temperature rises.

Since acrylic is synthetic, you don't have to worry that moths will eat it.

Acrylic yarn is often used for knitting, as it is very convenient to work with it. High-quality acrylic threads allow products to retain their original shape for a long time. Therefore, if you take care of things correctly, you can be sure that they will not sit down or roll up.

A significant advantage of the described synthetic yarn is its cheapness, which is very important, since not every craftswoman can afford to buy, for example, cashmere.

There is no need to worry about the safety of acrylic, because the material undergoes a mandatory examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements before production.

It should also be noted such valuable properties of acrylic as hypoallergenicity, which allows the use of yarn in products for children. Also, the fibers of wool or cashmere can get into the baby's sinuses or eyes, and cause itching and irritation, and acrylic is devoid of this problem.

If the allergy does not threaten the child, then it is better to use a mixture of acrylic threads with woolen or cotton. The recommended ratio for children of wool and acrylic is 50 to 50.

Cons of acrylic yarn.

Despite the abundance of advantages, acrylic also has disadvantages. The fiber has a weak hygroscopicity, and like any synthetics, acrylic can be highly electrified, so it may sometimes be necessary to process it with special means. But be careful - study the composition of the solution, and even better - try the substance on the wrong side or a small rough piece of fabric.

Yarn made from a mixture of acrylic and natural fibres.

A mixture of several types of yarn combines the properties of all materials, it will be fluffy and soft, at the same time durable, color and shape stable. And all this for a reasonable price. Most often, acrylic is used in combination with wool, mohair, cotton. This is especially characteristic of machine knitting, where synthetic fiber is used in an amount of about 30%.

The addition of acrylic to wool products eliminates the pricklyness that is inherent in things made of wool. And clothes made from a mixture of acrylic and cotton are not so much subject to deformation during wear and care.

The main thing to remember is that in a mixture of several types of yarn, the properties of the one whose quantity is greater will prevail.

How to take care of acrylic products?

Care of products from acrylic wool is simple. You can wash with other things by hand or in a machine on a delicate cycle at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. The powder must not contain bleach. Twisting is strictly prohibited. It is better to squeeze by hand, without making much effort.

Acrylic items dry fairly quickly. Drying should be handled in the same way as with wool products. The wardrobe item is wrapped in fabric and gently wrung out. Drying should be on a flat surface, after placing a piece of cotton fabric or a regular sheet under the item. It is forbidden to dry on a battery, and even more so over a gas stove.

What are some alternative ways to use yarn?

Acrylic fiber is used not only for the production of yarn, but also for creating knitwear for outerwear and underwear in combination with natural fiber.

And with acrylic threads you can perfectly decorate the interior, for example, by applying embroidery to a tablecloth, curtains, pillowcase. Acrylic is often added when weaving carpets and tapestries. It is not used in paintings, as the thread gives some clumsiness.

In any case, you will understand all the pros and cons only by working directly with acrylic yarn.

Video on the topic of the article

You can see more about how synthetic fiber is produced, and several reviews of acrylic yarn, in the video below.

We have already talked, today we will consider some of its brands. The modern industry offers us a huge assortment in which it is not surprising to get confused. And we, sometimes without thinking about what type of knitting the yarn is intended for, choose the model and pattern we like, knit, and ... complete disappointment sets in. After all, the quality of the connected product directly depends on the correctness yarn selection. In order not to feel bitterness from the work done in vain, you need to know some of the properties of yarn. I will give an example: viscose is very delicate, pleasant to the touch, it passes air well, but the thing knitted from it is stretched in length by 20-30%, and this must be taken into account when knitting; or double-messerized cotton - beautifully shiny, pleasant to the touch, fits well on the needles, but rough for the hook. Another example is cashmere - it is impossible to knit coarse patterns (such as braids) from it, since it is very delicate, respectively, light, flowing models should be knitted from it.

In order to avoid mistakes later, I strongly recommend knitting a sample of 10 * 10 (and preferably 15 * 15) with the selected pattern, wash, dry, and then decide.

Today I will tell you about some popular brands of yarn.

Yarn selection (warm types)

Yarn Baby whim 60% merino wool, 40% fiber, 225 m, 50 g, strade mark: Pekhorka

Developed for knitting children's products, suitable for knitting hats, scarves, etc. Merino wool improves the properties of yarn: the product from it is hygroscopic, retains thermal insulation well. The yarn is silky, has a characteristic lively sheen. Very economical, does not fade, easy to knit, products are not deformed, do not roll up.
Suitable for knitting openwork and dense patterns, Aran patterns (patterns from different braids) and for combining colors (jacquard). Can be added to Mohair.

Sock yarn 50% wool, 50% acrylic, 200 m, 100 g, Withcountry of origin: Russia, tonstrade mark: Pekhorka
"Sock" - a novelty, made from the ends of a combed tape, which received an additional "combing", not dyed in melange colors.

Yarn PURE WOOL 100% wool, 250 m, 100 g,Brand: VITA

Pure Wool - classic 100% wool with moderate hairiness. The thread is elastic, with a pleasant rich color. After washing, it becomes noticeably softer.
It is knitted with knitting needles No. 2.5 - 4, crochet - No. 2.5 - 4, on a class 4 machine - density 2.5 - 4.5.
Purpose: in one thread you can knit products for autumn, vests, jumpers, socks and mittens. In two strands - voluminous scarves, very warm jumpers and hats. Suitable for knitting openwork and Aran patterns (patterns from different braids). Since products made from 100% wool can cause discomfort for people with sensitive skin, it is better to wear them on the bottom layer of clothing, for hats make a lining of comfortable fabric (fleece).

YarnLUSTER WOOL 100%wool, 336 m, 100 G,Brand: VITA

Spectacular woolen yarn - thin, smooth, absolutely not prickly. Slightly slippery to the touch, with a pleasant sheen. Soft and comfortable. It knits easily and pleasantly, literally glides over the needles and the hook, suitable for knitting on a class 4 machine.
Patterns - elastic bands, weaves based on a combination of front and back loops, braids, press weaves.
Knitting needles No. 2-3.75, hook No. 2-3,
Designed for knitting clothes for adults and children, for autumn and early spring. The yarn is perfect for classic models, has high wear resistance, perfectly keeps its shape. Products are soft, pleasant to the touch, with a slight unobtrusive sheen. Does not shrink, staining is resistant.

Yarn Merino De Luxe 50% wool, 50% acrylic, 280 m, 100 g, sCountry of origin: Türkiye, Brand: YarnArt

Warm, cozy wool yarn for knitting demi-season items. Hand wash recommended, needles No. 3.5.

Yarn CHESTER 100% acrylic, 400 m, 100 g, sCountry of Origin: England Brand: Wendy

high quality yarn, specially designed for toddlers
Recommended patterns: front and back surface, arana (braids), reliefs, intarsia (multi-color knitting technique), openwork patterns.
Suitable for hand and machine knitting, knitting needles No. 2-2.5.

From this yarn you can knit a variety of items of clothing for children from a very early age.

Yarn Baby YarnArt 100% acrylic, 150 m, 50 g, scountry of origin: Türkiye, tBrand: YarnArt

Suitable for knitting for children, does not cause allergies. Knitting needles No. 3.5 are recommended.

Yarn BAMBINO SEAM 100% acrylic, 200 m, 50 g, scountry of origin: Italy, tBrand: Seam

high quality yarn, specially designed for toddlers very soft, like wool. Products from it are light, warm. Wide color palette.
Recommended patterns: front and back surface, arana, reliefs, intarsia, openwork.
Recommended hand and machine knitting, knitting needles No. 2-2.5.
Care: Delicate machine washable. Dry horizontally.
Suitable for knitting a variety of garments for very young children.

Yarn Merino Exclusive 50% wool 50% acrylic, 220 m, 100 g,country of origin: Türkiye,Brand: YarnArt

Merino Exclusive - voluminous, soft, with an air twist, very light wool mixture of saturated colors. Medium thickness, not prickly. It knits easily and quickly, the hands literally rest when knitting with this yarn.
Knitting needles No. 3.5 - 5, hook No. 3 - 5,
Patterns - voluminous braids, both alone and in combination with openwork, various elastic bands, press weaves with a large pattern.
Suitable for knitting clothes and accessories for adults and children for autumn and winter.

Yarn Country 100% semi-coarse wool, 250 m, 100 g,, Ttrade mark: Pekhorka

Rustic - very coarse wool, almost similar to that obtained by home spinning without the use of various processing methods. It consists of 2 threads twisted quite tightly with each other. The yarn can be used for outerwear and for knitting rugs. For things that come into contact with the body, it is better not to use. Knitting needles No. 3.5 -4.5, hook No. 3.5 - 4.

Yarn CROSBY 60% wool, 40% acrylic, 375 m, 100 g,England, T Brand: Wendy

Very soft, pleasant smell of wool, not prickly! After washing, it does not deform, it becomes softer, fluffy. , sample after. Patterns look very good structural, press. Good quality-price ratio. Suitable for knitting warm sweaters with a large collar, jackets, hats and scarves. Knitting needles No. 3.5 -4.5, hook No. 4.5 - 5.

Yarn Wool 80% wool, 20% acrylic, 340 m, 100 g

The yarn is not prickly, soft to the touch. After washing does not shed, suitable for children's things. Needles number 3.5.

Yarn Sheep 100% wool, 200 m, 100 g,Russia, ttrade mark: Pekhorka

100% natural lambswool, medium thickness. Moderately twisted, prickly, but very warm. Suitable for those who like to create things in a "rustic" style. Designed for knitting men's sweaters, vests, women's cardigans. For children, it is desirable to sum up the lining. Knitting needles No. 3.5 - 4.75, hook No. 3-4.

Yarn ALASKA 15% camel wool, 25% wool, 60% acrylic, 204 m, 100 g,Türkiye, tBrand: NAKO

Alaska is a semi-fluffy, very soft and airy camel hair yarn. It has a slight sheen and an exceptional ability to keep warm (a coat knitted with this yarn in 2 additions will warm you at temperatures down to -5). Relatively comfortable, so for people with sensitive skin and children, it is better to wear products made from this yarn on the bottom layer of clothing or on the lining. Recommended for knitting light and warm things for the cold season.
Patterns: satin stitch, openwork, braids, embossed weaves, intarsia, jacquard, arana.
Tools: knitting needles No. 3.5 - 4.75, hook No. 3.

Yarn CRYSTAL 100% acrylic, 275 m, 50 g, brand: VITA

Crystal is a very pretty yarn with rich colors and iridescent sheen for crochet. It does not exfoliate and does not shed, the products do not stretch and turn out to be very elegant and comfortable. Very economical consumption.
Recommended for knitting summer tops, skirts, dresses, capes, scarves, shawls, stoles. Hook number 1.5 -2.5.

Yarn CANDY 100% sw wool, 178 m, 100 g, brand: VITA

This yarn contains high quality New Zealand wool.Ideal for warm winter clothes: autumn cardigans, mittens, scarves and hats.Special processing allows to wash products in washing machines. Knitting needles No. 3.5-4, hook No. 3.

Yarn ALPACA WOOL 40% alpaca, 60% wool, 300 m, 100 g, brand: VITA

The combination of alpaca wool with lambswool and the special processing of the fiber give the wool softness and a unique ability to retain heat. A very soft and delicate thread with a slight hairiness, ideal for knitting jumpers, blouses and children's clothing, things turn out to be comfortable and somehow homely. The coloring is stable. Knitting needles No. 3-3.5, hook No. 2.5.

BAMBINO yarn 25% wool, 75% acrylic, 130 m, 50 g, Türkiye brand: NAKO

Bambino is a very high quality yarn. Due to the content of wool, the thread is warm, and the content of acrylic is not prickly. This makes it suitable for knitting even for children and people with sensitive skin. Has bright colors. Doesn't roll or stretch. It is used for knitting beautiful and practical things: jumpers, sundresses, suits, hats, booties, scarves, socks, jackets. Perfectly holds all patterns, ranging from the simplest elastic bands to complex lace.
Tools: knitting needles No. 3-4, hook No. 2.5 - 3.5.

Yarn SUPER EXCELLENCE 49% wool, 51% acrylic, 228 m, 100 g, Türkiye brand: Magic

Classic soft semi-wool of medium twist. It has all the qualities that we love so much: versatility (knits well with all tools, giving an even fabric), clean beautiful colors, comfortable to wear and wear resistance. Great for knitting for autumn or winter almost all items of clothing, from mittens to coats, can be knitted in 2 strands. Suitable for any pattern.
Tools: knitting needles No. 3.5-4.5, hook No. 3-4.

Yarn HARMONY 45% wool, 55% acrylic, 110 m, 100 g, VITA

Very soft, comfortable yarn with a slight sheen. The thread is twisted from 4 separate threads of the roving in a spiral, this makes it possible to knit voluminous, but very light things. Suitable for creating clothes and accessories for late autumn or winter: cropped coats, cardigans, vests, hats, voluminous scarves, ponchos for children and adults.
Patterns are suitable: front and back surface, fantasy elastic bands, elongated loops, large openwork, various braids and arana. Crochet patterns - nets and shells.
Tools: knitting needles No. 4.5-6, hook No. 4.5.

Yarn BABY 100% acrylic, 400 m, 100 g, VITA

Ideal yarn for knitting products the smallest, as well as people with skin problems. Bulky, soft, non-squeaky yarn with economical yardage and very bright colors. With proper care, it does not stretch and does not roll, does not shed. It is especially good to use this yarn for knitting for babies and people with sensitive skin, as the products are very soft.
Children's blankets, hats, scarves, booties, blouses, toys, as well as jumpers and cardigans - this is not a complete list of products recommended for knitting from these threads. You can knit in one thread for early autumn or spring, or in 2 threads for the colder season.
patterns - elastic bands, smooth surface, intarsia, jacquard, braids, arana, openwork and semi-openwork, press.
Tools: knitting needles No. 2.5-3.5, hook No. 2.5-4.

Yarn ATLANTIC 40% wool, 60% acrylic, 245 m, 100 g, Türkiye brand: NAKO

Bulky yarn. The product is light, soft, low consumption of yarn. It fits perfectly evenly in the canvas of absolutely any weaving. Very soft yarn with beautiful colors. perfect for knitting things, both for children and adults, for late autumn or winter. I don't want to part with products made from this yarn.
Patterns: elastic bands, satin stitch, openwork, embossed weaves, press, elongated and lowered loops, chains.
Tools - knitting needles No. 3-4.5, hook No. 3.5-4.5.

Choice of yarn (cotton)

Yarn COCO 100% mercerized cotton, 240 m, 50 g, VITA cotton

Fine mercerized, fizzy cotton. This yarn is a godsend for crochet lovers, ideal for summer clothes for children and adults, can be knitted with a machine, durable colors, rich colors, does not shrink even after repeated washings. Suitable for knitting shawls and napkins. Manufacturers recommend knitting needles No. 1.5-2 hook No. 2.

Yarn LILY 100% mercerized cotton, 125 m, 50 g, brand: VITA cotton

A classic mercerized cotton yarn with a soft, unobtrusive sheen, does not mow in the fabric, not too soft but not coarse, of medium thickness. It knits well with knitting and crocheting, on a class 4 machine on a density of 3. The purpose of the yarn is spring and summer models for adults and children for the spring-summer period. Knitting needles No. 3.5-4 hook No. 3.5

Yarn COCO PRINT 100% mercerized cotton, 240 m, 50 g, trademark: VITA cotton

Fine mercerized, fizzy cotton. Yarn - a godsend for crochet lovers, ideal for summer clothes for children and adults, can be knitted with a machine, persistent colors, rich colors, does not shrink even after repeated washings . Perfect for crocheting shawls and napkins. Knitting needles No. 1.5-2 hook No. 2.

Yarn LIRA 60% cotton, 40% acrylic, 150 m, 50 g, trademark: VITA cotton

The combination of cotton and acrylic results in a wonderful result - a slightly velvety, moderately thin thread that fits very well when knitting with almost all patterns, both on knitting needles and crocheted. It is not recommended to knit large fabrics of the front surface from Lira, as the fabric mows a little. From this yarn you can safely knit jumpers for autumn, light things for spring and airy for cool summer evenings, and absolutely everyone - from kids to adults, especially for people with sensitive skin. Knitting needles No. 3-3.5, hook No. 3.

Yarn PELICAN 100% cotton double mercerized, 330 m, 50 g, trademark: VITA cotton

Classic mercerized cotton for summer knitting. Very smooth thread, economical consumption, durable coloring, rich color range. Suitable for knitting children's things for the summer, napkins, tablecloths, openwork clothes. Knitting needles No. 1-1.5 hook No. 1.5.

Yarn ROSE 100% cotton double mercerized, 150 m, 50 g, trademark: VITA cotton

Classic mercerized cotton for summer knitting. For lovers of fine work with knitting needles. Any patterns fit very nicely, the canvas is smooth, even. rich color scale, coloring steady. Knitting needles No. 2-2.5 hook No. 2.

Yarn SOFT COTTON 100% cotton, 175 m, 50 g, trademark: VITA cotton

Very soft, slightly velvety low twist yarn with rich colors. Comfortable for any, even the most sensitive skin, therefore suitable for knitting the smallest and allergy sufferers. Great for knitting casual summer clothes - T-shirts, tops, sundresses, blouses, as well as for things for a colder period (2 or more threads).
Patterns - openwork, satin stitch, embossed weaves, patterns based on a combination of facial and purl loops. Knitting needles No. 2.5 - 3.5, hook No. 2.5 - 4. On a class 4 machine, it is knitted with simple patterns from density No. 3.

SHINY yarn 95% mercerized cotton, 5% metallic, 250m, 50g, VITA cotton

Thin mercerized, fizzy cotton with lurex. Ideal for crochet shawls and doilies. Manufacturers recommend knitting needles No. 1.5-2 hook No. 2.

Yarn BELLA 100% cotton, 180 m, 50 g, Türkiye, Alize

An excellent yarn for knitting summer things for children and adults. Soft, does not shed, does not deform, economical thread consumption. Suitable for knitting with satin stitch and lace.

Yarn BAHAR 100% mercerized cotton, 260 m, 100 g, Türkiye, Alize

Very high quality natural yarn Bahar is a specially processed cotton. Mercerization gives the thread a special sheen. Bahar yarn is excellent for both crocheting and knitting, obediently fits into patterns of any complexity, designed for knitting light summer things. since the yarn is created from natural, environmentally friendly fiber, this yarn is ideal for children's clothes. When working with Bahar yarn, you can use patterns of varying degrees of complexity - from simple stocking knitting to complex jacquard patterns.
Knitting needles No. 3-3, hook No. 3.

Canarias yarn 100% mercerized cotton, 203 m, 20 g, Türkiye, YarnArt

Thin mercerized cotton for summer knitting. The thread is very thin, almost like a bobbin thread, well suited for knitting a thin Irish mesh. Knitting needles No. 2.

Yarn Iris YarnArt 100% double mercerized cotton, 170 m, 25 g, Türkiye, YarnArt

This yarn is popular in Russia. It is made from double mercerized long staple Egyptian cotton. The yarn is intended for knitting napkins, lace and embroidery. The thread is great for Irish mesh, it is a little thicker than Canarias yarn. Knitting needles No. 1-1.5, hook No. 1.5.

I have not told you about all the brands, it is simply unrealistic to review the entire range, it is so great. I hope this article will help you make your right choice and not be disappointed with the result of the work.

Acrylic is a yarn that has become widespread. But not everyone knows about its main properties, advantages and disadvantages, the possibility of combining with other fibers. In order to better navigate all the intricacies of acrylic threads, you should read this article.

Acrylic yarn is a fiber spun into a thread of different thicknesses and having a different texture. They are obtained exclusively by a chemical method. This determines the main characteristics of this yarn:

This leads to the widest range of possible applications. But it is worth mentioning that, nevertheless, this thread is ideal for creating winter or demi-season items. "Pure" - 100% acrylic will form a product that is smooth in texture, soft and comfortable to wear. If mohair is present in the composition of the yarn, then a product with a certain fluffiness will be obtained. Mixed threads of acrylic with wool are suitable for a warm winter thing that will not let its owner freeze. Alpaca and angora will have the same effect.

But the addition of natural bamboo threads to acrylic provides an opportunity to get a comfortable product for spring or autumn.

If you want to knit an elegant thing, then acrylic will find its application. Many manufacturers add sequins, superacrylic, nylon, metallic thread, lycra to acrylic yarn. These woven threads can create a wide variety of effects in yarn and, accordingly, the finished product.

Blended yarn has absorbed the positive properties of both acrylic and threads used as an additive.

Important! In order for the yarn to last as long as possible, you should not wash it in water hotter than 500 C. Otherwise, this may lead to deformation of the product.

Advantages of thread

On acrylic yarn, knitters often stop their choice. This is due to such positive characteristics as:

What weather can you wear acrylic clothes for?

It is best to use acrylic in winter and in spring and summer.

Pure acrylic may not create a comfortable enough thermal balance at very low temperatures.. In addition, it is not hygroscopic and does not let air through. And this contributes to the fact that in acrylic they sweat more often. And the sweat is not absorbed by the acrylic thread. In order to reduce this effect, you can purchase fibers in which natural thread is added.

What things can be knitted from acrylic?

From acrylic, you can knit with knitting needles for adults, children, and babies.

From it you can get a wide variety of products:

Features of knitting from yarn

When knitting acrylic, you should use knitting needles or a hook, which is recommended on the skein label.. But if a pillow, a plaid, or even a toy is knitted, then the knitting density in this case should be greater - it is recommended to take knitting needles or a hook approximately ½ size smaller.

But for children's things, it is worth knitting with knitting needles, on the contrary, weaker, so that the thing is softer and does not cause discomfort in children. Therefore, you can take a knitting tool, on the contrary, ½ size larger.

Important! If you plan to combine two threads, you should make sure that they are not dyed. To do this, soak pieces of these threads in hot water and put them on a white cloth to make sure that the finished product does not subsequently shed or stain itself.

In all other respects, standard techniques should be followed.