Stocking knitting pattern description. Stocking knitting for beginners: step-by-step instructions. How to make facial loops

Recently, many needlewomen have become interested in knitting. You can spend your time profitably and create an exclusive wardrobe item. The basis of knitting is stockinette knitting. We will discuss the diagram, description and some of its nuances in today’s article.

First steps in knitting

Needlewomen master stocking knitting at the very beginning of learning to knit. This knitting method consists of two types of loops - knit and purl. Let's first discuss how to knit basic stitches.

Learning to knit knit stitches

Since the basis of hosiery knitting is alternating rows knitted from front and back stitches, it is important to first master this simple technique. The front surface is always embossed. There are two main ways to knit knit stitches:

  • behind the front wall;
  • behind the back wall.

In practice, knitters also call these loops “classic” and “granny”. In both cases, the knitting principle is the same. The only difference is in which wall we grab the loop.

Important! You cannot alternate both types of loops in one product, otherwise the stocking stitch will turn out crooked and uneven.

The front loop is knitted according to the following algorithm:

  1. We place the working thread behind the fabric or cast-on row.
  2. With the right, that is, working knitting needle, we grab the loop on the left needle by the wall that lies on it.
  3. Using a working knitting needle, carefully grab the thread and pull out the loop.
  4. We transfer the knitted loop to a working knitting needle.

Grandmother's knit stitch is knitted in the same way, but with one amendment: we grab the loop by the wall, which is located behind the knitting needle.

Purl loops are also knitted in two ways:

  • with the lobes positioned transversely;
  • with slices along.

After knitting several rows of purl stitch, you will see that the pattern turns out to be embossed.

On a note! It is difficult for beginner knitters to determine where the front side is and where the back side is. Look carefully at the canvas. Its edge will always turn towards the front side.

The purl loop with the segments placed crosswise is knitted according to the following algorithm:

  1. We hold the working thread in front of the product, as if we were throwing it on the left knitting needle.
  2. Now we thread the working knitting needle into the loop behind the front wall.
  3. Carefully wrap the knitting needle behind the working thread.
  4. Use a knitting needle to pull the thread through and pull out a new loop.

The second way to knit a loop is slightly different:

  1. We start the working thread in front of the fabric.
  2. We thread the working knitting needle into the loop behind the left needle, that is, we will knit behind the back wall.
  3. We grab the working thread and pull out a new loop.

To summarize, we can come to the conclusion that the front and back stitches are knitted behind both walls. In this case, the pattern changes somewhat, in particular its inclination.

On a note! Sometimes in knitting patterns there are designations where you need to knit two loops at the same time with a tilt to the right or left. It’s simple: for the right bend we knit behind the front wall, for the left - behind the back wall.

About the stocking stitch technique in detail

The knitting pattern using the stocking stitch technique is very simple. We knit all odd rows, starting from the first, exclusively with knit stitches, and even rows with purl stitches.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles. Be sure to add two edges.

Remember the golden rule! In any knitted product, the first edge is always removed without knitting, and the last is pulled with a purl loop in the classical way, that is, behind the front wall.

We knit the first row exclusively with facial loops. We turn the fabric to the opposite side and knit the next row only with purl loops. We use alternating rows in this way until the end of knitting the fabric.

In simple terms, the back surface looks like waves or scars, and the front surface looks like a herringbone.

Advice! To make the product symmetrical and beautiful, it is better to knit the front loops behind the back wall, and the back loops behind the front wall. No need to twist the loops.

Now you know what stocking knitting is. How to knit a product this way? Take the diagram of your product as a basis. Calculate the number of loops. To calculate the required number of loops, use the following formula:

  1. Cast on a number of stitches on the knitting needles, which will be 10 cm in length.
  2. Knit a fabric with stockinette stitch to a height of 10 cm.
  3. The last row needs to be closed.

Advice! We close the loops in this way: we knit two loops at the same time, return the new one to the knitting needle and knit the pair again. We do this until all the loops are closed.

Now let’s calculate how many loops there are in 10 cm, let’s say 15. There are 1.5 loops in 1 cm. If the width of the product in the diagram is 50 cm, then you need to multiply them by 1.5 loops. It turns out that we need to cast on 75 stitches.

Using the “stocking knitting” technique you can knit various products:

  • sweaters;
  • jackets;
  • dresses;
  • socks;
  • scarves;
  • snoods;
  • stoles;
  • hats.

On a note! Do you know why this method of knitting is called “stocking”? Previously, alternating rows of knit and purl stitches was used only for knitting stockings on four needles.

Handmade knitted items have always been in trend. They have won their recognition due to their originality and uniqueness. It is not surprising that nowadays, every year there are more and more people who want to master this technique, because how nice it is to please yourself and your loved ones with cozy and unique things. Learning this skill is not that difficult, but as in any business, you need to start with the basics. Stocking knitting is well suited for this, the diagrams and descriptions of which we will consider today.

This pattern is considered one of the simplest, but at the same time no less important, since it is this pattern that allows you to develop the skills of the so-called “identical singing.” The fact is that for an inexperienced knitter it is very difficult to determine the degree of tension of the thread, so the loops turn out to be uneven (one is knitted tighter, the other looser), which ultimately looks unsightly when the finished fabric is finished.

Understanding the schemes

The scheme itself is very simple:

  • - front loop;

▬ - purl loop.

As you can see, stocking stitch is an alternation of knit and purl stitches. And since when you move to the next row you automatically turn the product over, you end up with one side consisting of knit stitches and the other of purl stitches. It looks like this:

How to knit knit and purl stitches correctly? There are several ways of knitting:

  • classic way;
  • "grandmother's way"

Almost every knitter currently knits using the classical method.

In the finished product, you will never determine how it was knitted, since visually there is no difference; here the guideline is more about how it is convenient for you.

Let's take a closer look at these methods. Classic knit stitch method:

As shown in the picture, with this method the knitting needle is inserted into the upper lobe of the thread and, grasping the working thread, is pulled through.

Grandmother's method of facial loops. The knitting needle is inserted under the back lobe of the loop, grabbing the working thread and pulled through the loop.

Scheme for knitting a purl loop in the classic way:

As you can see in the picture, the classic purl loop is caught on the front wall.

Scheme for knitting a purl loop using the “grandmother’s method”:

In this case, it is grabbed by the back wall.

Knitting technique

In order to train your hand and get used to it, let's try to knit a sample. To do this, you should cast on a small number of loops, for example, 15-20, and knit according to the pattern shown above.

We knit the first row. Remove the edge loop and knit all remaining stitches. We always finish with a purl loop to ensure an even edge. We knit the second row. As in the previous row, we remove the edge loop, and knit all the remaining loops with purl loops. From the third row we begin to alternate these two rows.

Having knitted the required number of loops, look carefully at your work; you will immediately understand where you have pulled the thread, and where, on the contrary, you have tied it too loosely. And don’t worry that you didn’t get a perfectly smooth and even knit the first time, this can only be achieved with constant practice.

Please note that this knitting has its own small features - the bottom of the product is always turned to the front side. This knitting is essentially double-sided, since both knit and purl are used in finished products.

Such different products

For knitting some patterns this is a positive thing, one might say, a kind of “zest”, but in most cases, to avoid this, you need to start knitting with a denser pattern, for example, elastic.

This type of knitting looks very elegant even without additional patterns. For clarity, here are a few examples.

  1. Cardigan in stocking stitch, as in the photo:

Do you remember your grandmother? I remember her by the graying strands of hair, the fragrant smell of pies in the kitchen, the quiet knock of knitting needles. The long thread trembles slightly, and a fluffy cat plays with a round ball lowered to the floor. Another sweater for the grandson, another stocking for the granddaughter. Nowadays, not only our grandmothers have the art of knitting. Metal knitting needles feel confident in the hands of modern fashionistas. The stocking knitting method is often used by beginning craftswomen. And this is exactly what our article is about.

Stocking stitch method

Knitting with stockinette stitch is not a difficult task. Once you acquire the necessary skills, you can easily cope with this knitting method. The name speaks for itself. This particular knitting method is used in knitting stockings, socks and other hosiery items.

Most often, stockinette stitch is used in stockinette stitch. The stockinette knitting method is used not only for knitting stockings. Stockinette stitch using stockinette stitch is suitable for knitting cardigans, sweaters, and scarves. The simplicity and elegance of this design attracts attention.

When combining and mixing bright shades of thread, the product looks bright and festive. When creating beautiful patterns and complex patterns, you should study the stockinette knitting pattern.

The knitting method is simple and unpretentious, but once you master it, you can move on to creating more complex shapes and beautiful patterns. Many modern fashionistas today are interested in the question of what stocking stitch is for, and how to learn to knit using stocking stitch?

First of all, you need to understand two concepts:

  • Front side;
  • Wrong side.

Stocking stitch knitting pattern

The pattern for knitting stocking stitch involves sequential alternation of loops. They are front and back. At the first stage of work, when casting on loops, you should be careful, that is, achieve maximum evenness in the casting of loops.

Don’t worry if the loops don’t work out, the main thing is to take your time so you don’t have to unravel the product. Gradually you will develop skills in work, the loops and rows will delight you with their neatness and evenness.

Upon careful examination of the front and back parts, a different pattern should be noted. Front side is a conventional term that includes work in which the canvas is turned with the front side towards the craftswoman. Neat columns display the front side of the product.

If you turn the product over, you will see loops resembling small alternating waves, they display the wrong side. It has a darker color. When grabbing a loop, you should throw it to the front side of the front side, in turn, the pattern on both sides will be different. This will allow you to distinguish the front side from the back.

Internet pages will introduce you to videos that display a master class and give detailed instructions on the stockinette knitting pattern. The video lessons on the site are given in the form of step-by-step instructions and serve as a good teaching aid for beginning craftswomen.

What could be better while watching a video and simultaneously repeating the suggested actions. Catalogs and magazines that present photos of hosiery knitting can help in your work.

The method using video and textual presentation of information greatly simplifies the learning process and allows you to consolidate knitting lessons. If you complete the task correctly, your product will have a smooth and neat appearance, both from the front and back sides.

If you prefer the classic type of knitting, then this method should be used when knitting the front and back rows. You should do the same thing using the “grandmother’s way.” In this case, the rows will be much denser and will have a neat and even appearance.

Knitting on the front side using circular knitting needles looks beautiful. A product made in this way looks neat and practical to wear. Beginning knitters often use circular knitting needles for knitting socks.

Knitting technique

Do not hurry. Choose a more acceptable knitting method and feel free to get to work. The alternation of knit and purl stitches distinguishes stockinette stitch from other knitting methods. First of all, cast on the number of stitches you need on your knitting needle. The number of loops cast on can be arbitrary.

To knit the first row, we remove the first loop, it is called an edge loop, then we knit the entire row with a knit stitch. We purl the last loop. And we continue to knit the second row, starting with the purl loop.

Do not tighten the loops too much; the product may become too tight. The edges of the product may curl, so when knitting cuffs you must use the ribbed knitting method.

It doesn't take much to learn how to knit. Your patience, diligence and warmth will help make the product bright and elegant. The shine of the thread, the brightness and richness of the colors will lift your spirits. A product made by yourself will give you more confidence and desire to create. Hurry up and learn to knit!

Photo of stockinette knitting

The second main stitch in knitting is the purl stitch. Knowing the two basic stitches: knit and purl, you can knit many simple and beautiful patterns that use a combination of only these stitches. Today we are learning how to knit a purl stitch in the classic way. Just as in the front classic loop, in the classic purl wall the loops are located parallel and the right wall of the loop is located in front. Knitting a purl stitch is somewhat more difficult than a knit stitch. But you will definitely succeed!

We put the loops on the knitting needle and knit the first (front) row with front loops, as we did in the previous lesson. We are turning the work around. Remove the first loop without knitting.

We will knit the second (purl) row with purl stitches. Insert the right needle into the middle of the loop on the left needle. The working thread should be located in front of the knitting needle.

Using the right knitting needle, we pick up the working thread and wrap it around the knitting needle, making a circular motion clockwise.

Pull the working thread through the loop top down holding the thread with the thumb of your left hand.

Pull out a new loop.

We throw off the old loop from the left knitting needle. We continue like this until the end of the row.

Knitting a classic purl loop in the diagram:

Turn the work to the front side again. We see that the first loop of the row is the front one. To form a pigtail edge, you also need to remove it, just like we removed the first purl loop, but you need to do it differently. We insert the right needle from left to right behind the front wall of the loop.

We adjust the size of the edge loops by tightening the working thread. It is necessary to ensure that the edge is smooth and not too loose, but also does not pull the side edge together.

Rule: To form an edge in the form of a pigtail, remove the first loop of the row, if it is a knit stitch, by the front loop without knitting.

We continue to knit further: front (odd) rows with front loops, and purl (even) rows with purl loops. As a result, we will get a fabric knitted in stocking stitch. It is also called stockinette or jersey. Take a close look at the stocking and garter stitch samples. Unlike garter stitch, stockinette stitch is not double-sided. It has a front and back side. The fabric turns out thinner and less loose. Stockinette stitch tends to curl, especially along the cast-on edge. To avoid this, use finishing knitting along the edge of the product (for example, elastic) or other types of loop casting. In addition, twisting is reduced after

Stocking stitch is one of the simplest and is used to make many types of products. However, despite its simplicity, it allows you to very well develop the skills of knitting identical loops, that is, to ensure that the loops are not too tight and not too loose. Otherwise, the finished product will look ugly.

The pattern consists of alternating rows of knit and purl stitches. If you knit in the round, then only knit stitches are made, since in this case there is no need to turn the product over. In addition, when knitting on circular knitting needles, it is recommended to knit the front loops on the front wall (“classic method”), and the purl loops on the back wall (“grandmother’s method”). When knitting on two needles, do not forget about the edge loops: the first one in the row is always removed on the right needle, and the last one is knitted purlwise.



When making a stockinette stitch, it is recommended to start with an elastic band or an edge pattern. If you immediately start with stockinette stitch, the bottom of the fabric will curl.