On pension provision of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pension provision in Kazakhstan The right of citizens to pension provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.01.01

3) custodian bank- a bank that carries out activities for fixing and accounting for rights under securities, storing documentary securities and accounting for client money;

3-1)impeccable business reputation- the presence of facts confirming professionalism, conscientiousness, the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes in the field of economic activity or for crimes of medium gravity, grave and especially grave crimes;

7-1) state basic pension payment- monthly cash payment provided to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon reaching the retirement age established by this Law;

the possibility of one legal entity to determine the decisions of another legal entity by virtue of an agreement (supporting documents) or otherwise in cases envisagednormative legal act authorized body;

15-3) indirect ownership (voting) of shares of an open accumulative pension fund- the ability to determine the decisions of an open accumulative pension fund, a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund or persons who are jointly a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund, through the ownership of shares (stakes in the authorized capital) of legal entities;

15-4) a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund- an individual resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan or a legal entity (except for cases when such an owner is the state, as well as cases provided for by this Law), which, in accordance with the written consent of the authorized body, may own directly or indirectly ten or more percent of the voting shares of an open accumulative pension fund or be able to:

to influence the decisions made by the open accumulative pension fund by virtue of an agreement or otherwise in the manner determined by the regulatory legal acts of the authorized body;

15-5) indirect ownership of shares in the authorized capital or ownership (voting) of shares of a legal entity - the ability to determine the decisions of a legal entity, a major participant in a legal entity or persons who are jointly a major participant in a legal entity, through ownership (voting) of shares (stakes in authorized capital) of other legal entities;

16) accumulative pension fund- a legal entity carrying out activities to attract pension contributions and pension payments, as well as activities for investment management of pension assets in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) compulsory pension contributions- money contributed in accordance with this Law to accumulative pension funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

18) an organization that carries out investment management of pension assets,- a legal entity carrying out investment management of pension assets of accumulative pension funds;

19) authorities assigning pension payments from the Center,- authorized state bodies;

20) Excluded in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.12.04.

21) pension assets- money, securities, other financial instruments intended for securing and making pension payments and transfers, as well as withdrawals from accumulative pension funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

22) pension payments from:

Center- payment of money to individuals with at least six months of work experience as of January 1, 1998;

accumulative pension funds- payment of pension savings to recipients;

23) pension savings- money of a contributor (recipient) accounted for on his individual pension account, including mandatory pension contributions, voluntary pension contributions and voluntary professional pension contributions, investment income, penalties, other receipts in accordance with agreements, this Law, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

24) pension- totality of pension payments from the Center, accumulative pension funds;

25) printed edition- periodicals, the list of which is determined by the authorized body;

26) pension recipient(hereinafter - the recipient) - an individual who is assigned pension payments from the Center and (or) has the right to receive pension payments from the accumulative pension fund;

27) prudential standard- economic requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ensure the financial stability of an accumulative pension fund and an organization that carries out investment management of pension assets;

28) separate accounting in the accumulative pension fund- non-inclusion of pension assets in the balance sheet of the accumulative pension fund as a legal entity;

29) real value of pension savings- the nominal value of pension savings, adjusted for the consumer price index, calculated by the authorized body of state statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

29-1) parent organization- a legal entity that has control over another legal entity;

30) social individual code- a permanent individual code assigned to a citizen, as well as to persons who are entitled to pensions in accordance with this Law;

31) rate of voluntary pension contributions- the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund determined by the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions;

32) voluntary occupational pension contribution rate- the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund, determined by the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary professional pension contributions and this Law;

33) mandatory pension contribution rate- the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund, expressed as a percentage of the income of the contributor, accepted for calculating pension contributions;

34) insurance organization (insurer)- a legal entity carrying out activities for the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts in the "life insurance" industry on the basis of the relevant license of the authorized body;

36) authorized body- a state body exercising functions and powers to regulate and supervise the activities of accumulative pension funds, organizations that carry out investment management of pension assets, custodian banks, insurance organizations.

37) central executive body- state body that regulates in the field of social protection of the population

Article 2 The right of citizens to pensions

1. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to pension provision in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall enjoy the right to pension provision on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise provided by laws and international treaties.

Article 3 Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pension provision

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pension provision is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. If an international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules than those contained in this Law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

Article 4 Excluded in accordance with the ZRK dated 29.12.02.

Article 5 State guarantees for pension provision

1. The state guarantees pensions to citizens who retired before January 1, 1998, while maintaining the established amount of pension payments until April 1, 1999; in subsequent periods, pension payments will be made in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 13 of this Law.

2. The state basic pension payment is made to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2) who have reached retirement age in accordance with Article 9 of this Law;

3) military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, bodies (institutions) of the penitentiary system, financial police and fire fighting bodies who have been awarded special ranks and who are subject to the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for employees of internal affairs bodies who are entitled to receive pension seniority payments.

The state basic pension payment is carried out regardless of the receipt of pension payments from the Center and (or) from accumulative pension funds, as well as state social disability benefits.

The size of the state basic pension payment is annually established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year with a gradual approach to the subsistence minimum.

Payment of the state basic pension payment is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Upon reaching the retirement age in accordance with paragraphs 1-3 of Article 9 of this Law, state social benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner and age, at the request of citizens, can be replaced by a state basic pension payment in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. An increase in the size of pension payments from the Center is made annually in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. The state guarantees pension provision to citizens who have the right to a superannuation pension and who registered this right before January 1, 1998 with the bodies assigning and / or making pension payments, in this case they are provided with a pension, the payment of which begins upon leaving the position. The conditions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article and paragraph 4 of Article 13 of this Law apply to the assigned pension.

Article 6 Guaranteed safety of pension savings

1. The state guarantees recipients the safety of mandatory pension contributions in accumulative pension funds in the amount of actually made mandatory pension contributions, taking into account the level of inflation at the time the recipient acquires the right to pension payments in the manner prescribed by this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The guarantee of the safety of pension savings is also ensured through:

1) licensing the activities of accumulative pension funds to attract pension contributions and make pension payments;

2) licensing the activities of an organization carrying out investment management of pension assets for investment management of pension assets;

2-1) licensing of custodial activities of second-tier banks;

3) establishment of prudential standards for organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets and accumulative pension funds;

3-1) regulation of the activities of accumulative pension funds by establishing appropriate norms and limits that ensure their financial stability;

4) establishing requirements for founders, executives and specialists of accumulative pension funds and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets, as well as for the size and composition of their authorized capital;

5) establishment of a requirement to keep money and securities by accumulative pension funds exclusively in a custodian bank that is not affiliated with an accumulative pension fund and an organization that carries out investment management of pension assets;

6) Excluded in accordance with the ZRK dated 16.06.05.

7) maintaining separate accounting of own funds and pension assets of accumulative pension funds, as well as establishing control over their targeted placement;

8) Excluded in accordance with the ZRK dated 29.12.02.

9) establishing requirements for diversification and risk reduction when placing pension assets;

10) introduction of restrictions on the amount of commissions received by accumulative pension funds;

11) mandatory annual audit of annual financial statements of accumulative pension funds and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets;

12) regular financial and statistical reporting of accumulative pension funds and organizations that carry out investment management of pension assets to the relevant state bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

12-1) providing the contributor and the recipient with information on the state of his pension savings;

13) providing the recipient with the opportunity to transfer their pension savings from one accumulative pension fund to another, but not more than twice a year;

14) voluntary insurance of pension savings in full or in part at the beneficiary's choice;

15) creation of a pension asset insurance system.



Article 7 Right to receive pension payments from the Center

Citizens are guaranteed the right to receive pension payments from the Center upon the occurrence of the conditions established by this Law.

Pensioners who have reached retirement age are granted the right to reassign pensions assigned to them based on length of service before January 1, 1998.

1. Pension payments from the Center are made to the following categories of citizens:

2) who have reached retirement age in accordance with paragraphs 1-3 of Article 9 of this Law and who have had at least six months of work experience as of January 1, 1998 - in the amount proportional to the existing work experience;

3) military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the Committee of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, bodies of the financial police and the state fire service, who have been awarded special ranks and who are subject to the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for employees of internal affairs bodies who have the right to receiving retirement benefits.

2. In the event of the death of a recipient of pension payments who does not have pension savings in accumulative pension funds, his family or the person who performed the burial is paid from the Center a lump-sum payment for burial in the amount of fifteen times the monthly calculation index.

3. In the event of the death of a recipient of pension payments who was a participant or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, his family or the individual or legal entity who performed the burial is paid from the Center a lump sum payment for burial in the amount of thirty-five times the monthly calculation index.

Article 9 Appointment of pension payments from the Center

1. Appointment of pension payments from the Center is made:

4) public service;

6) the time of caring for a disabled person of the first group, a single disabled person of the second group and an old-age pensioner in need of assistance, as well as the elderly who have reached the age of 80;

7) the time spent caring for a disabled person under the age of 16 who has suffered from the consequences of nuclear tests, environmental disasters or is infected with the immunodeficiency virus or has AIDS;

8) the time of care of a non-working mother for young children, but not more than until each child reaches the age of 3 years, within 12 years in total;

10) the time spent by able-bodied citizens in the temporarily occupied territory of the former USSR and persons (regardless of age) in the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, detention in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of detention during the war) if during the indicated periods these persons did not commit crimes against the Motherland;

11) the time spent on disability by non-working war invalids and disabled persons equated to them;

12) the period of residence abroad of wives (husbands) of employees of former Soviet institutions, institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in total;

13) the period of residence of the wives of officers, warrant officers, warrant officers and long-term servicemen with their husbands in areas where there was no possibility of their employment in their specialty, but not more than 10 years;

14) education in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in colleges, schools and courses for training, advanced training and retraining, in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency, as well as in full-time higher and secondary theological educational institutions on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond;

15) service in the paramilitary guards, in the bodies of special communications and mine rescue units, regardless of departmental subordination and the presence of a special or military rank;

16) other work, subject to the payment of social insurance contributions.

2. In case of preferential calculation of seniority for the appointment of a pension from the Center, the following is also counted:

1) military service as part of the army during the period of hostilities, including when performing military duty, as well as being in partisan detachments and formations during the period of hostilities, as well as the time spent on treatment in medical institutions due to a military injury - in the order established for the calculation of the terms of this service when assigning a pension for length of service to military personnel;

2) work, including as a civilian in military units, and service, except for military service, provided for in subparagraph 1) of this paragraph, during the Great Patriotic War - in double size;

3) work in the city of Leningrad during its blockade during the Great Patriotic War from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - in a triple amount;

4) the time spent by citizens aged 12 years and older in the city of Leningrad during its blockade from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - double the amount;

5) the time spent by persons on the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, as well as the time spent in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of detention during the war), if during these periods these persons did not commit a crime against Motherland, - in double size;

6) the time of detention, serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, exile, involvement in forced labor with restriction of freedom, in special settlements and in compulsory treatment in psychiatric institutions of citizens illegally prosecuted and repressed, subsequently rehabilitated - in triple size;

7) work and military service in the areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test site, in the period from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 - at a triple rate, and from July 6, 1963 to January 1, 1992 - at one and a half rate;

8) work in anti-leprosy and anti-plague institutions, in infectious diseases institutions for the treatment of persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients - at a double rate; in institutions of forensic medical examination and in pathoanatomical departments of medical institutions - according to the list of works approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan - in one and a half size;

10) work for a full season at enterprises of seasonal industries, regardless of their subordinate subordination, - according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is counted in the length of service for a year of work.

Article 12 Employment confirmation

1. The length of service for calculating pension payments from the Center for the period up to January 1, 1998 is confirmed by a work book.

2. The length of service in the absence of a work book or relevant entries in it is established on the basis of documents confirming information about work, or on the basis of a court decision.

3. The length of service of citizens who carried out activities in accordance with subparagraphs 5) and 16) of paragraph 1 of Article 11 of this Law is confirmed by documents on payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made before January 1, 1998.


Article 13 Calculation of the amount of pension payments from the Center

1. Calculation of pension payments in full from the Center is made on the basis of 60 percent of the average monthly income, determined in accordance with Article 14 of this Law.

2. The calculation of the amount of pension payments from the Center is based on the average monthly income for any 3 consecutive years of work, regardless of interruptions in work since January 1, 1995.

The amount of average monthly income for the period from January 1, 1998 is established according to the income from which mandatory pension contributions were made to accumulative pension funds in the manner determined by the central executive body in the field of social protection of the population.

3. The amount of pension payments for each full year worked before January 1, 1998 in excess of the required length of service increases by 1 percent, but not more than 75 percent of the income taken into account for calculating the pension.

4. The maximum amount of pension payments assigned before January 1, 1998, with the exception of the amount of pension payments to participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the former State Investigative Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and persons whose pension was assigned before January 1 1998 on preferential terms according to list No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and based on the results of attestation of jobs, cannot exceed 75 percent of the 25-fold monthly calculated indicator established by the law on the republican budget for corresponding year.

Article 14 Determining income for calculating pension payments from the Center

1. Income for calculating pension payments from the Center includes all types of wages and other income, the list of which is established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Income for calculating pension payments for 3 years of work is determined by dividing the total amount of income for 36 consecutive calendar months of work by thirty-six.

3. Income for calculating pension payments from the Center cannot exceed fifteen times the monthly calculation index established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding year.


Article 15 The procedure for applying for the appointment of pension payments from the Center

1. An application for the appointment of pension payments from the Center is submitted to the Center at the place of residence of a citizen with the attachment of documents confirming the length of service and income necessary for calculating pension payments.

2. Appointment of pension payments from the Center is made by the body assigning pension payments in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. The body assigning pension payments is obliged to provide clarifications on the issues of assigning pensions and assist citizens in drawing up the relevant documents.

Article 16 Deadlines for consideration of documents for the appointment of pension payments from the Center

1. Consideration of documents for the appointment of pension payments from the Center is carried out by the body assigning pension payments within ten working days from the date of submission of the documents.

2. The body assigning pension payments, no later than five working days after the adoption of the relevant decision, notifies the applicant about it.

3. In case of refusal to assign pension payments from the Center, the body assigning pension payments is obliged to justify the reasons for the refusal in writing and return the submitted documents to the applicant.

4. The decision of the body assigning pension payments may be appealed in court.

Article 17 Deadlines for assigning pension payments from the Center

1. Pension payments from the Center are assigned from the day of applying for a pension.

2. . The day of applying for the appointment of pension payments from the Center is the day of simultaneous submission of the application and the necessary documents to the Center.



Article 18 Organizational and legal form of the Center and the main directions of its activities

1. The Center is created in the form of a state enterprise, the authorized body of which is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The Center carries out:

1) pension payments to citizens entitled to pensions in accordance with this Law, at the expense of budgetary funds;

2) assignment of social individual codes to citizens;

2-1) formation of a database of contributors (beneficiaries) on mandatory pension contributions and a single list of individuals who have entered into an agreement on pension provision at the expense of mandatory pension contributions, in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) personalized accounting of mandatory pension contributions;

4) transfer of mandatory pension contributions from agents to accumulative pension funds;

4-1) return to the agent of mandatory pension contributions of persons who have not concluded agreements on pension provision at the expense of mandatory pension contributions and (or) do not have a certificate of assignment of a social individual code, and (or) in the details of which errors were made;

4-2) transfer of pension savings of contributors from one accumulative pension fund to another;

5) submission to the central executive body that ensures tax control over the fulfillment of tax obligations to the state, registers and payment documents of agents for the amounts of mandatory pension contributions transferred to the account of the Center and returned to the agent from the Center;

6) other functions in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 19 The procedure for making pension payments from the Center

1. Pension payments from the Center are made for the current month.

2. Working pensioners are entitled to receive a full pension, subject to the restrictions and cases provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 13 and Article 60 of this Law.

3. Pension payments can be made under a notarized power of attorney.

4. The procedure for making pension payments from the Center is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 20 Receipt of pension payments for the past

1. The amounts of pension payments accrued but not claimed by the recipient are paid for the past time, but not more than 3 years before applying for their receipt.

2. Amounts of pension payments that are not received in a timely manner due to the fault of the body that assigns or makes pension payments, are paid for the past time without limitation of terms.

Article 21 Retirement deductions

1. Deductions from a pension may be made in the manner of enforcement proceedings, except for cases of overpaid amounts of pensions due to errors in assigning pensions, when deductions are made on the basis of an application from the recipient of pension payments, as well as cases of withholding the income of convicts deprived of liberty.

2. Pension deductions are made from the amount due.

3. No more than 50 per cent of the amount payable may be deducted from the pension.





Article 22 Payment of mandatory pension contributions

1. Mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds shall be subject to payment by contributors of mandatory pension contributions at the rates determined by this Law.

2. A contributor of mandatory pension contributions shall be obliged to choose only one accumulative pension fund for paying mandatory pension contributions and conclude an agreement with it on provision of pensions at the expense of mandatory pension contributions. It is not allowed for a contributor of mandatory pension contributions to conclude two or more agreements on pension provision at the expense of mandatory pension contributions at the same time, as well as the actual making of mandatory pension contributions by the contributor to two or more accumulative pension funds or the payment of contributions to one and the storage of a part of pension savings in another accumulative pension fund .

3. Persons who have reached retirement age are exempt from paying mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds in accordance with paragraphs 1-3 of Article 9 of this Law.

3-1. Persons with disabilities of the first and second groups are exempted from paying mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds, if the disability has been established indefinitely.

4. Mandatory pension contributions are paid in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Control over the full and timely implementation of the payment of mandatory pension contributions and penalties accrued in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 22-4 of this Law is carried out by tax authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Compulsory pension contributions cannot be paid in favor of other persons.

7. Mandatory pension contributions deducted from the income of former employees (who left for permanent residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, recognized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as missing or dead), who do not have a social individual code as of January 1, 2005 and (or) taxpayer registration number and (or) pension agreement with accumulative pension funds are transferred in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 22-1. The rate of mandatory pension contributions

1. Compulsory pension contributions payable to accumulative pension funds are established in the amount of ten percent of the employee's monthly income accepted for calculating pension contributions in the manner determined in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article. At the same time, the monthly income accepted for calculating mandatory pension contributions should not exceed seventy-five times the minimum wage established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year.

1-1. For judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan, mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds are additionally established in the amount of ten percent of the monthly income of a judge at the expense of the republican budget.

When a judge is dismissed from office for negative reasons, these contributions are withdrawn to the republican budget.

2. For lawyers, private notaries, as well as individual entrepreneurs, mandatory pension contributions in their favor, payable to accumulative pension funds, are established in the amount of ten percent of the declared income, but not less than ten percent of the minimum wage and not more than ten percent from seventy-five times the minimum wage established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year, calculated for each month of the tax period.

For peasant (farmer) farms applying a special tax regime, mandatory pension contributions in favor of an adult member (participant) and the head of a peasant (farmer) farm, payable to accumulative pension funds, are established in the amount of at least ten percent of the minimum wage and not more than ten percent of the seventy-five times the minimum wage established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year, calculated for each month of the tax period. Compulsory pension contributions in favor of adult members (participants) of a peasant (farm) economy are subject to calculation and payment from the beginning of the calendar year following the year they reach the age of majority.

For individuals applying a special tax regime based on a one-time coupon, mandatory pension contributions in their favor, payable to accumulative pension funds, are established in the amount of ten percent of the minimum wage established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year, calculated for every thirty days for which one-time coupons are purchased.

The declared income is the income determined independently by an individual entrepreneur, a lawyer and a private notary in order to calculate mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds in their favor.

3. The procedure and terms for calculation, deduction (accrual) and transfer of mandatory pension contributions are established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 22-2. Rate of voluntary pension contributions

1. Voluntary pension contributions to accumulative pension funds are made by individual contributors for their own benefit at the expense of their income when they conclude an agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions.

2. Contributors of voluntary pension contributions in favor of the recipient may be individuals and legal entities.

3. The rate of voluntary pension contributions, the procedure for their payment, as well as the procedure for pension payments are established by agreement of the parties to the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions.

Article 22-3. Rate of voluntary professional pension contributions

1. Voluntary professional pension contributions are made by contributors at their own expense in favor of employees whose list of professions is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The rate of voluntary professional pension contributions is established by agreement of the parties to the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary professional pension contributions, but not more than ten percent of the employee's monthly income. At the same time, the monthly income accepted for the calculation of voluntary professional pension contributions is determined in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 22-4. Responsibility for untimely withholding and transfer of mandatory pension contributions

1. The amounts of mandatory pension contributions not withheld (not accrued) and (or) not transferred by the agent in a timely manner, subject to the actual payment and receipt of income by the contributor, are collected by tax authorities or are subject to transfer by agents in favor of contributors of mandatory pension contributions with an accrued penalty of 2.5- a multiple of the official refinancing rate established by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan for each day of delay (including the day of payment to the Center).

2. In case of incomplete and (or) untimely transfer of mandatory pension contributions, the tax authorities have the right to collect money from the bank accounts of agents within the limits of the formed debt on mandatory pension contributions.

Debt collection on mandatory pension contributions is made on the basis of a notification sent to the agent in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. The agent, within five working days from the date of receipt of the notification, is obliged to submit to the tax authority:

1) lists of contributors to accumulative pension funds, in whose favor the debt on mandatory pension contributions is collected;

2) lists of accumulative pension funds, indicating the total amount of debt for each accumulative pension fund.

The collection of debts on mandatory pension contributions from the bank accounts of agents is carried out on the basis of a collection order of the tax authority.

In the absence or insufficiency of money on the bank (bank) account (accounts) to meet all the requirements for the client, the bank withdraws the client's money in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If there is no money in the bank account in the agent's national currency, debt collection on mandatory pension contributions is made from bank accounts in the agent's foreign currency on the basis of collection orders issued by the tax authorities in national currency.

4. By decision of the tax authorities, if the agent has not submitted lists of accumulative pension fund depositors in whose favor the debt on mandatory pension contributions is collected, and in the presence of debt on mandatory pension contributions, banks and organizations engaged in certain types of banking operations are obliged to suspend all debit transactions on the bank (bank) account (accounts) of agents and follow instructions regarding the transfer of mandatory pension contributions and tax debts in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The decision of the tax authority to suspend debit transactions on a bank (bank) account (accounts) is canceled by the tax authority that issued the decision to suspend debit transactions no later than one business day following the day the reasons for the suspension of debit transactions on a bank (bank) account (accounts) are eliminated .

5. If the agent does not have a bank account or if there is insufficient money on the bank (bank) account (accounts) of the agent, the tax authority shall levy a penalty on the agent's cash in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Document as of January 2016

Section I. General Provisions

Article 1. The right of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan

for state pensions

Citizens residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including foreign citizens and stateless persons, are entitled to pensions under the terms of this Law.

Article 2. Pension provision for servicemen and their families

The conditions, norms and procedure for providing pensions to military personnel, as well as persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies and members of their families, are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On pension provision of military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies and their families". At the same time, the norms of this Law are applied to conscripts and members of their families when determining the amount of pensions, supplements to pensions and increases in pensions.

Also, military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies and members of their families are granted the right to receive pensions on the grounds provided for by the Law. At the same time, all types of monetary allowance are taken into account on a par with the wages of workers and employees.

Pension provision for prosecutors and investigators, employees of scientific institutions and educational institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan with class ranks, and members of their families is carried out in accordance with the conditions, norms and procedures established for persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies.

Article 3. Operation of this Law

This Law is valid on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For persons who do not receive pensions, as well as pensioners who moved to the Republic of Kazakhstan after the entry into force of the Law, the appointment and recalculation of labor pensions under the terms of this Law are made if there is at least half of the required length of service (general, preferential or special) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In cases where agreements (contracts) on social security with other states provide for rules other than those contained in this Law, the rules established by these agreements (contracts) shall apply accordingly.

Article 4. Types of state pensions

The following are appointed under this Law:

1) labor pensions;

according to the age;

by disability;

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner;

for years of service;

2) social pensions.

Article 5. Persons entitled

for labor and social pensions

Persons engaged in socially useful work and other socially useful activities counted as seniority (paragraphs "1" - "14" of Article 40 of this Law), and their families, as well as students of general education schools (part two of paragraph " 2" article 23 of this Law).

In the absence of sufficient length of service to receive a full labor pension, citizens are entitled to a pension with incomplete length of service in the manner determined by this Law.

Disabled citizens (Article 39 of this Law) who do not have the required conditions for receiving a labor pension have the right to a social pension.

Persons who are simultaneously entitled to various state pensions are assigned one pension of their choice.

Article 6. Application for the appointment of pensions

An application for the appointment of a pension can be made at any time after the right to a pension arises, without limitation by any period.

At the same time, old-age and disability pensions are assigned regardless of whether work has stopped by the time of applying for a pension or continues. Seniority pensions are awarded upon leaving the job giving the right to this pension.

Pension provision under this Law is made by the bodies of social protection of the population.

Article 7. Control of trade unions

for workers' pensions

In order to protect the interests of workers, trade unions exercise public control over the correct application of this Law.

Article 8. Funds for the payment of pensions

The payment of pensions under this Law is carried out from the funds of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The funds of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan are not included in the State Budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are formed at the expense of funds deducted by legal entities located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of the form of ownership, according to the approved tariffs for the purposes of social insurance, insurance premiums of persons engaged in self-employment , established insurance premiums of citizens, voluntary donations of citizens and organizations, other deductions and receipts that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan is included in the system of social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan determines the structure, jurisdiction and powers of the governing bodies of the Pension Fund and approves the Regulations on it.

The funds of the Pension Fund are kept on a special account in the state banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the storage and use of free balances of funds, banks pay interest to the Pension Fund, determined on contractual terms.

(revised 06/19/1997)

Article 9

Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in addition to those provided for in this Law, also includes issues related to the procedure for assigning, recalculating and paying pensions, determining the features of calculating the length of service for certain categories of citizens, conducting indexation and additional payments to pensions, in compliance with the guarantees established by this Law.

Section II. Labor pensions

Subsection 1. Old-age pensions

Article 10. Conditions for assigning pensions

The following persons are entitled to an old-age pension:

men - upon reaching 60 years of age and with at least 25 years of work experience;

women - upon reaching the age of 55 and with at least 20 years of work experience.

The right to early retirement by age in the event of dismissal due to a reduction in staff or the number of employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions (their reorganization, liquidation), as well as at the end of their powers in an elective position, if their further employment is impossible, have:

men - upon reaching the age of at least 58 years at the time of dismissal, with a work experience of at least 25 years;

women - upon reaching the age of at least 53 years at the time of dismissal, with a work experience of at least 20 years.

The procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of early pensions, as well as reimbursement of funds by enterprises, organizations, institutions for these purposes, are determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following persons have the right to an old-age pension based on length of service, as defined in paragraph 1 of this article:

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the persons specified in the second part of this article, who have the right to early retirement by age, the retirement age increases by 6 months every year.

In the event of termination of work, an old-age pension may be granted subject to the conditions provided for by paragraph one of this article. In this case, the pension is paid in the amount of 60 percent of the full pension due (excluding supplements for dependents) until reaching the age specified in paragraph four of this article.

Men who are in the public service, upon reaching the age limit established by Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the event of its non-renewal and in the absence of the required length of service, are entitled to an old-age pension, subject to the conditions provided for in part one of this article, since the end of public service.

Article 11. Pensions on preferential terms

On preferential terms, they are entitled to an old-age pension, regardless of the place of their last job:

1) employees employed full time in underground works, in works with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, according to the list N 1 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and according to the results of attestation of workplaces:

men - upon reaching the age of 50 and with at least 20 years of work experience, of which at least 10 years in the specified jobs;

women - upon reaching the age of 45 and with at least 15 years of work experience, of which at least 7 years 6 months in the specified jobs.

2) workers employed full time in other jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions - according to list No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators approved by the Government of the USSR, and according to the results of attestation of workplaces:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months in the specified jobs;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of work experience, of which at least 10 years in the specified jobs.

3) shepherds, assistants to shepherds, herdsmen, camel breeders, cattlemen (shepherds) in collective farms, state farms, other agricultural enterprises, employed in high mountain pastures, as well as in desert and semi-desert arid regions:

women - upon reaching the age of 50 and with at least 20 years of experience in the specified work.

The list of high-mountain pastures, desert and semi-desert arid regions is established in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) workers employed in pasture farming:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 20 years in the specified job;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years in the specified job.

5) tractor drivers - drivers directly involved in the production of agricultural products in collective farms, state farms, other agricultural enterprises - men upon reaching 55 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 20 years in the specified work;

6) women working as tractor drivers - drivers, drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines mounted on the basis of tractors and excavators - upon reaching 50 years and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years for said work;

7) milkers and milkmaids (operators of machine milking), pig farmers - operators, waterers of crops in collective farms, state farms, other agricultural enterprises:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with at least 25 years of experience in the specified work;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of experience in the specified work;

8) women employed during the full season: in the cultivation and harvesting of sugar beet and rice, the cultivation of cotton and the collection of raw cotton, in the cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest processing of tobacco - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of experience in this work ;

9) women working as a calf and poultry housekeeper in state farms, collective farms and other agricultural enterprises - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of experience in this work;

10) female textile workers employed on machine tools and machines - according to the list of industries and professions approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan - upon reaching 50 years of age and with the experience of the specified work of at least 20 years;

11) drivers of urban passenger transport (buses, trams and trolleybuses):

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months at the specified job;

12) women working as:

tower crane operators - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years at the specified job;

drivers of freight motor transport - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years at the specified job;

plasterers and painters employed in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects, upon reaching 50 years and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years in the specified work;

13) workers directly involved in polishing furniture in finishing shops and areas of furniture production enterprises:

Enterprises from the funds intended for wages shall pay to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan a fee covering the costs of paying pensions in accordance with paragraphs 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 - 13 of this Article until the employee reaches the retirement age provided for in Article 10 of this Law in the amount of: 60 percent for pensions granted in 1992, 70 percent - in 1993, 80 percent - in 1994, 90 percent - in 1995 and 100 percent - in 1996.

Starting from 1996, the appointment and payment of pensions in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3, 5 - 9, 11 - 13 of this article are carried out by enterprises in the manner determined by the collective agreement - at their own expense.

In the period before 1996, early pensions for workers in other industries, professions and positions, depending on working conditions (but not earlier than upon reaching the age of 55 for men and 50 for women) can be established based on the results of attestation of workplaces at the expense of enterprises intended for wages which are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the payment of pensions until the employee reaches the retirement age provided for in Article 10 of this Law.

Control over the correct application of lists for preferential pension provision and the quality of certification of workplaces at enterprises, preparation of proposals for improving these lists are assigned to the republican bodies of state examination of working conditions.

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in paragraphs 1 to 13 of this article is increased by 6 months every year.

Article 12

employed in underground and open pit mining

Employees directly employed full-time in underground and open-pit mining operations (including personnel of mine rescue units) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals, in the construction of mines and mines are entitled to a pension regardless of age if they were employed on these jobs for at least 25 years, and workers of leading professions in these jobs: stope miners, drifters, jackhammers, mining machine operators - provided that they have been employed in these jobs for at least 20 years.

The lists of jobs and professions that give the right to retire, the procedure for calculating the length of service in underground and open pit mining for the specified employees are determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 13

working in ecological disaster zones

Kazakh SSR

Persons who worked in the zones of ecological disaster of the Kazakh SSR are entitled to an old-age pension on preferential terms:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience in the indicated zones of at least 25 years;

women - upon reaching the age of 50 and with a total work experience in these zones of at least 20 years.

Zones of ecological disaster of the Kazakh SSR are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, in some cases by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.

Article 14

women with children

Women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of eight, mothers of disabled children who have raised them up to this age, as well as mothers who have been disabled since childhood, are entitled to a retirement pension until they reach 50 years of age and with work experience of at least 20 years with credit for childcare experience.

Unadopted children of a deceased mother may also be included among the children taken into account when assigning an old-age pension under the terms of this article, if their actual upbringing in the new family was carried out before the age of eight.

The actual upbringing of unadopted children under the age of eight is determined by the courts.

Starting from July 1, 1996 and until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in this article is increased by 6 months every year.

Article 15

other disabled military personnel

military service, participants in the war and other

combat operations with a disability

Military personnel who became disabled due to injury, concussion or injury received in the defense of the former USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan or in the performance of other duties of military service (duties), or due to illness associated with being at the front or performing military and official duty on the territory of other states where hostilities were fought, or received during the period of military service, as well as military personnel who became disabled due to injury, concussion, injury or illness that occurred while in captivity, participants in the war, other hostilities recognized as disabled due to labor injury, occupational, general illness and other damage to health (with the exception of cases of disability resulting from their own unlawful actions), are entitled to a pension:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with at least 25 years of work experience;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of work experience.

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in this article is increased by 6 months every year.

Article 16. Pensions for blind citizens

midgets and dwarfs

Blind citizens (having 1 group of visual impairment), as well as persons with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians), and disproportionate dwarfs are entitled to an old-age pension:

men - upon reaching the age of 45 and with at least 20 years of work experience;

women - upon reaching the age of 40 and with at least 15 years of work experience.

Article 17 Special Merit Pensions

before the Kazakh SSR

(cancelled 01/23/96)

Article 18

Old-age pensions are granted for life, regardless of the state of working capacity.

Subsection 2. Disability pensions

Article 19. Conditions for assigning pensions

Disability pensions are awarded in case of disability due to:

1) labor injury or occupational disease;

2) a general illness (including injury not related to work, disability since childhood).

Disability pensions are assigned regardless of when the disability occurred: during the period of work, before entering work or after the termination of work.

Article 20. Disability groups

Depending on the degree of disability, disabled people are divided into three groups.

Causes and groups of disability, as well as the time of onset of disability are established by medical and social expert commissions (MSEC), acting on the basis of the Regulations on them, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 21

Disability pensions due to work injury or occupational disease (Article 22) are awarded regardless of length of service.

Disability pensions due to a general illness to workers, employees and members of collective farms are assigned if they have the following length of service at the time of the onset of disability:

┌──────────────────────────────────────┬─ ────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────┐ │ Age │ Length of service │ │ │ (in years) │ ├─────────── ───────── ────────────────────┼───────────────────── ────────┤ │ Before age 23 │1 │ │ From 23 years to age 26 │2 │ │ From 26 years to age 31 │3 │ │ From 31 to age 36 │5 │ │ From 36 years to age 41 │7 │ │ 41 to 46 │9 │ │ 46 to 51 │11 │ │ 51 to 56 │13 │ │ 56 to 61 │14 │ │ 61 and over │15 │ └──────────────────────────────────────┴─ ────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────┘

If the work experience required for the corresponding age group was acquired, and the work continued when moving to the next age group, then the length of service condition is considered fulfilled regardless of the requirements established for the next age group.

Persons who become disabled due to a general illness during the period of work or after its termination before reaching the age of 20, pensions are assigned regardless of the length of service.

When transferring from a disability pension due to a work injury or occupational disease to a disability pension due to a general illness, the required length of service is determined by age at the time of the initial establishment of disability.

Article 22. Disability due to work

injury or occupational disease

Disability is considered to have occurred as a result of an industrial injury if the accident that caused the disability has occurred (except in cases of one's own illegal actions):

1) when performing labor duties (including during a business trip), as well as when performing any actions in the interests of the enterprise, even if without a special assignment;

2) on the way to or from work;

3) on the territory of the enterprise or in another place of work during working hours (including established breaks), during the time necessary to put in order the tools of production, clothing, etc. before starting or after finishing work;

4) near an enterprise or other place of work during working hours (including established breaks), if being there did not contradict the internal labor regulations;

5) in the performance of state or public duties, as well as in the performance of lawful tasks of state bodies and public associations registered in the prescribed manner, even if these tasks were not related to the main work;

6) in the performance of civic duty to save human life, to protect state, collective property, property of citizens and the rule of law.

The list of occupational diseases is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 23. Pensions for students

For students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, colleges, schools and training courses, graduate students and clinical residents who did not work as workers, employees and members of collective farms before entering an educational institution, courses, postgraduate studies or clinical residency, pensions are assigned:

1) in case of disability due to an industrial injury or occupational disease associated with the passage of industrial training, practice or practical training, regardless of the length of stay in an educational institution, courses, postgraduate studies or clinical residency. At the same time, disability due to an industrial injury associated with the passage of industrial training or practice is equated to disability that occurred in connection with the performance of state, public duties or tasks of the administration, state bodies and public organizations registered in the prescribed manner, or in connection with the performance of civic duty to save human life, to protect the state, collective property of citizens and the rule of law;

2) in case of disability due to a general disease - if the student, postgraduate student or clinical intern studied at an educational institution, in courses, in postgraduate studies or clinical residency during the relevant period specified in Article 21 of this Law.

Pensions are awarded to students of general education schools in case of disability due to an injury associated with the passage of industrial training, practice or practical classes, regardless of the duration of training.

Article 24. Pensions to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan -

immigrants from other countries

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - migrants from other countries who did not work in the Republic of Kazakhstan, pensions are assigned:

1) due to disability due to an industrial injury or occupational disease - regardless of the length of service;

2) for disability due to a general illness - if there is a length of service required by age by the day the disability was established (Article 21).

Article 25

Pensions are assigned for the entire period of disability established by MSEC. Disabled men over 60 and women over 55 receive disability pensions for life. Re-examination of these disabled persons is carried out only upon their application.

Subsection 3. Survivors' pensions

Article 26. Family members entitled to a pension

Disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him (Article 27) have the right to a survivor's pension. At the same time, pensions are assigned to children and persons specified in paragraph 3 of this article regardless of whether they were dependent on the breadwinner.

The parents and spouse of the deceased, who were not dependent on him, are also entitled to a pension on the occasion of his death if they subsequently lost their source of livelihood.

Disabled family members are:

1) children (including adopted children, stepsons and stepdaughters), brothers, sisters and grandchildren under 18 years of age and older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching 18 years of age, while brothers, sisters and grandchildren - provided that they do not have able-bodied parents, stepsons and stepdaughters - if they did not receive alimony from their parents.

Minors who are entitled to a survivor's pension shall retain this right also when they are adopted;

2) father, mother (including adoptive parents), stepfather, stepmother, wife, husband, if they have reached retirement age: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old, or are disabled. Stepfather and stepmother - provided that they raised or supported the deceased stepson or stepdaughter for at least 5 years;

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in this paragraph is increased by 6 months every year.

3) one of the parents or spouse or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he (she) is engaged in caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 8 and does not work;

4) grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are required by law to support them.

Students of vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions are entitled to a pension on the occasion of the death of the breadwinner until they graduate from these educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23.

All the rules of this Law relating to the families of the deceased, respectively, apply (unless otherwise specified) to the families of the missing or declared dead, if these facts are established in a judicial proceeding.

Article 27. Family members who are considered dependents

The family members of the deceased are considered to be dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood.

Members of the family of the deceased, for whom his assistance was a permanent and main source of livelihood, but who themselves receive some kind of pension, are entitled to switch to a new pension.

Article 28

The pension assigned on the occasion of the death of a spouse is preserved even when the pensioner enters into a new marriage.

Article 29

The family of the breadwinner who died as a result of an industrial injury or occupational disease, as well as the family of the deceased pensioner, is granted a pension regardless of the breadwinner's length of service.

A pension for the loss of a breadwinner who dies as a result of a general illness or injury not related to work is granted if the breadwinner by the day of death had the length of service that would be necessary for him to receive a disability pension (Article 21).

Families of students, graduate students and clinical residents who did not work before entering an educational institution, courses, postgraduate studies or clinical residency are granted pensions, respectively, on the same basis as disability pensions for these students, graduate students and clinical residents (Article 23).

For families of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - immigrants from other countries, if the breadwinner did not work in the Republic of Kazakhstan, pensions are assigned:

1) who received a survivor's pension in other countries - regardless of the length of service of the breadwinner;

2) those who did not receive a pension - provided that the breadwinner, by age, had the appropriate length of service by the day of termination of work (Article 21), and in the event of his death due to an industrial injury or occupational disease, regardless of the length of service of the breadwinner.

Article 3O. Right to apply for an appointment

pensions without limitation

A family entitled to a survivor's pension may apply for a pension at any time after the death or court ruling as missing, or the survivor being declared dead without any time limit.

Survivor's pensions are assigned:

1) families of persons specified in Article 5 of this Law - regardless of when the breadwinner died: during the period of work (study) or after the termination of work (study);

2) families of pensioners - if the breadwinner died during the period of receiving the pension or not later than 5 years after the termination of the payment of the pension.

Article 31

Survivor's pension is established for the entire

the period during which a family member of the deceased is considered disabled in accordance with Article 26 of this Law, and for family members who have reached: men 60 years old, women 55 years old - for life.

Article 32. Appointment of one pension for all family members

All family members entitled to a pension are entitled to one general pension.

At the request of a family member, his share of the pension is allocated and paid to him separately.

The allocation of a pension share is made from the day when the right to a survivor's pension arises, but not more than 12 months before applying for the allocation of a pension share.

When the number of family members covered by the survivor's pension changes, the pension increases or decreases accordingly according to the number of family members entitled to the pension.

The same review of the pension is carried out in cases where the payment of a pension to one of the family members is suspended or resumed after the circumstances that caused the suspension of the payment of the pension have passed.

Subsection 4. Pensions for years of service

Article 33

Seniority pensions are established for certain categories of citizens employed in work, the performance of which leads to the loss of professional ability to work and suitability before the age that gives the right to an old-age pension.

Article 34. Employees entitled to a pension

workers of locomotive crews and certain categories of workers who directly organize transportation and ensure traffic safety in railway transport and the subway;

truck drivers directly involved in the technological process in mines, mines, cuts and ore quarries for the removal of coal, shale, ore, rocks;

machine operators (dockers - machine operators) of complex teams for loading and unloading operations in ports, as well as seafarers of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (except for port ships, constantly working in the port water area, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity traffic);

employees of expeditions, parties, detachments, sections and brigades directly engaged in field exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work;

workers and foremen (including senior foremen) directly involved in logging and timber rafting, including those employed in the maintenance of machinery and equipment;

Pension provision for the length of service of civil servants is carried out in accordance with the legislation on civil service.

Article 35

flight test staff

The following categories of workers and employees of aviation, as well as flight test personnel, are entitled to a pension for long service, regardless of the departmental subordination of enterprises, institutions and organizations in which they are employed:

1) employees of the flight and flight test personnel with a length of service in these positions of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women.

These employees dismissed from flight work for health reasons (illness), if they have at least 20 years of service for men and at least 15 years for women, are entitled to a pension in proportion to the hours worked.

The list of positions of flight personnel, the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions to them, as well as the procedure for assigning and paying pensions to flight test personnel are approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) employees who carry out air traffic control, having a dispatcher's certificate:

men - upon reaching the age of 50 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months of work in direct flight control of aircraft;

women - upon reaching the age of 45 and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years of work in the direct control of aircraft flights.

The length of service for employees engaged in air traffic control shall also include the work specified in paragraph 1 of this article;

3) engineering and technical staff according to the list of positions and works, approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total length of service in civil aviation of at least 25 years, of which at least 20 years in these positions;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total length of service in civil aviation of at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years in these positions.

The work specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article is also included in the length of service for employees of the engineering and technical staff.

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article is increased by 6 months every year.

Article 36

branches of the national economy

The following are entitled to a superannuation pension:

1) workers of locomotive crews and certain categories of workers who directly organize transportation and ensure traffic safety in railway transport and subways - according to the lists of professions and positions approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

truck drivers directly involved in the technological process in mines, mines, cuts and ore quarries for the removal of coal, shale, ore, rocks:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months at the specified job;

2) employees of expeditions, parties, detachments, sections and brigades directly involved in field exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months at the specified job;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years in the specified job.

At the same time, the period of work directly in the field for six months or more than six months is taken into account for the year of work, less than six months - according to the actual duration, and for seasonal work - in accordance with Article 42 of this Law;

3) workers, foremen (including senior foremen) directly employed in logging and timber rafting, including those employed in the maintenance of mechanisms and equipment - according to the list of professions, positions and industries, approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months at the specified job;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years in the specified job;

4) machine operators (dockers - machine operators) of integrated teams for loading and unloading operations in ports:

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 20 years in the specified job;

women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years in the specified job;

5) crew members of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (except for port ships, permanently operating in the port water area, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity traffic):

men - upon reaching the age of 55 and with a total work experience of at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months at the specified job;

women - upon reaching the age of 50 and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years in the specified job;

employees of certain types of ships, professions and positions of the crew of the ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet, regardless of age - according to the list approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

men - with at least 25 years of experience on these ships in these professions and positions;

women - with at least 20 years of experience on these ships in these professions and positions.

Starting from July 1, 1996 until July 1, 2001, the retirement age for the persons specified in paragraphs 1-5 of this article is increased by 6 months every year.

Article 37

health and welfare

The right to a pension for long service - according to the list of institutions, organizations and positions approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have:

1) teachers directly involved in pedagogical work in schools - if the experience of the specified work is at least 25 years;

2) doctors and other medical workers directly involved in medical work - with work experience in the specialty: men at least 30 years, women at least 25 years;

3) employees of nursing homes of the social security system, directly engaged in servicing the elderly and disabled, with the length of the specified work: men at least 30 years, women at least 25 years.

The length of service in the specialty of the said health care workers includes the time of their military service in the specialty, if at least two-thirds of the length of service required for the award of a pension for long service falls on work in positions giving the right to this pension.

Article 38

and other theatrical and entertainment enterprises

and teams

The right to a pension for long service with an experience of creative activity from 20 to 30 years has certain categories of artists of theaters and other theatrical and entertainment enterprises and groups - according to the lists approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The period of creative work of artists of theaters, other theatrical and entertainment enterprises and collectives includes the time of their military service in their specialty, provided that at least two thirds of the length of service required for the award of a seniority pension falls on work in positions giving the right to this pension .

Section III. Social pensions

Article 39. Citizens entitled to a pension

Social pensions are assigned to citizens in the absence of the right to a labor pension:

disabled people of I, II and III groups, including disabled people from childhood;

persons who have reached the age: men - 63 years old, women - 58 years old, living in the zones of ecological disaster of the Republic of Kazakhstan: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old. Starting from July 1, 1996 to July 1, 2001, the retirement age for these persons is increased by 6 months every year.

children - in case of loss of a breadwinner (paragraph 1 of Article 26);

disabled children under the age of 16.

The list of medical indications that give the right to receive a social pension for disabled children under the age of 16 is determined in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Section IV. Work experience calculation

Article 40. Types of labor activity,

counted as work experience

The length of service includes work performed on the basis of an employment contract at enterprises, institutions, organizations and cooperatives, regardless of the forms of ownership and management used, as well as on the basis of membership in collective farms and other cooperatives, regardless of the nature and duration of work and the duration of the break and subject to payment by the employer of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When calculating the length of service on the collective farm for the period after 1965, if a member of the collective farm did not fulfill the established minimum labor participation in the public economy without good reason, the time of work is taken into account according to the actual duration.

Work experience also includes:

1) any other work in which the employee was subject to state social insurance;

2) individual labor activity, including on the terms of an individual (group) lease or in a private farm, subject to the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) creative activity of members of creative unions, as well as other creative workers who are not members of Creative unions, subject to payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the creative activity of members of the Union of Writers, the Union of Artists, the Union of Composers, the Union of Cinematographers, the Union of Theater Workers, other creative workers who are not members of creative unions, but united by the relevant professional committees, before the entry into force of this Law, shall be counted in the length of service, regardless of payment insurance premiums. In these cases, the experience of creative activity is established by the secretariats of the board of creative unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, starting from the day of publication or the first public performance or public display of the work of this author;

3-1) Work in religious associations, at their enterprises and institutions until the establishment of social insurance and the actual payment of insurance premiums, regardless of the payment of insurance premiums;

4) military service and stay in partisan detachments and formations, service in state security bodies and internal affairs bodies;

5) service in paramilitary guards, in special communications agencies and in mountain rescue units, regardless of departmental subordination and the presence of a special or military rank;

6) education in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency, as well as in full-time higher and secondary theological educational institutions;

7) temporary disability that began during the period of work;

8) the time of caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a single disabled person of the 2nd group and an old-age pensioner in need of outside assistance, as well as the elderly who have reached 80 years of age;

9) time spent caring for a disabled child under the age of 16, for a child under the age of 16 affected by the consequences of nuclear tests, environmental disasters or infected with the immunodeficiency virus or AIDS;

10) the time of care of a non-working mother for young children, but not longer than until each child reaches the age of 3 years, within 9 years in total;

12) the time spent by able-bodied citizens on the temporarily occupied territory of the former USSR and persons (regardless of age) - on the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, kept in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of detention during the war ), if during the indicated periods these persons did not commit crimes against the Motherland;

13) the time spent by citizens aged 12 and over in the city of Leningrad during its blockade from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944;

14) the time spent on disability by non-working war invalids and disabled persons equated to them;

15) the period of residence abroad of wives (husbands) of employees of former Soviet institutions, institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in total;

16) the period of residence of the wives of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen with their husbands in areas where there was no possibility of their employment in their specialty, but not more than 10 years)

17) work abroad subject to payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When increasing the size of the old-age pension for each year of work (Article 46), along with work, the periods provided for in paragraphs 1-14 of this Article and Article 41 of this Law are also taken into account. The time of work after the appointment of an old-age pension shall be included in the length of service after the pensioner's dismissal from work, except for the cases provided for in Article 68 of this Law.

When calculating the length of service of underground work, which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (Article 12), the time spent on disability due to a work injury or occupational disease received in this work is included in the specified length of service.

Article 41

In a preferential calculation, it is counted in the length of service:

1) military service as part of the active army during the period of hostilities, including when performing military duty, as well as being in partisan detachments and formations during the period of hostilities, as well as being treated in medical institutions due to a military injury - in the manner established for calculating the terms of this service when assigning a pension for the length of service to military personnel;

2) work, including as a civilian in military units, and service, except for military service, provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, during the Great Patriotic War - at a double rate;

3) work in the city of Leningrad during its blockade during the Great Patriotic War from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - in a triple amount;

4) the time spent by citizens aged 12 and over in the city of Leningrad during its blockade from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - double the amount;

5) the time spent by persons on the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, as well as the time spent in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of detention during the war), if during these periods these persons did not commit crimes against Motherland, - in double size;

7) work and military service in the areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test site, in the period from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 - in a triple rate, and from July 6, 1963 to January 1, 1992 - in one and a half size;

8) work in leprosy and anti-plague institutions, in infectious diseases institutions for the treatment of persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients - at a double rate; in institutions of forensic medical examination and in pathoanatomical departments of medical institutions - according to the list of works approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan - in one and a half size.

Article 42

certain types of work

Work on water transport during the full navigation period is counted as a year of work.

Work during the full season at enterprises of seasonal industries, regardless of their departmental subordination, - according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is counted in the length of service for a year of work.

The remaining seasonal work is counted in the length of service according to their actual duration.

Article 43

when assigning pensions on preferential terms

and for years of service

When assigning pensions on preferential terms (Articles 11 and 12) and for length of service (Articles 35-38), the periods of work provided for by these articles are mutually offset, provided that these works give the right to a pension on similar or more favorable terms.

In order to assign pensions on preferential terms on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 3, 4, 7 - 9, 11 - 13 of Article 11, and for length of service, on the grounds provided for in Article 37, it is necessary that at least half of the required preferential and special length of service falls on work in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When determining the right to a pension on preferential terms (Articles 11 - 13) and length of service (Articles 35 - 38), the preferential and special length of service giving this right is calculated on a calendar basis.

Article 44

The main document confirming the length of service is the work book. In the absence of a work book or relevant entries in it, the length of service is established on the basis of other documents containing information on periods of work, as well as certificates of payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the absence of documents on the length of service, periods of work are established by commissions for the appointment of pensions according to testimonies. The nature of work in the presence of documents on the periods of work is not established by testimonies.

The procedure for confirming the existing work experience in the absence of a work book or relevant entries in it is established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 45

working time abroad

For foreign citizens and their families, in cases where a certain length of service is required for the assignment of a pension, pensions are granted on the condition that two-thirds of the required length of service falls on work in the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise provided by agreements (Article 3).

Section V. Amounts of pensions

Article 46

Old-age pensions are assigned in the amount of 60 percent of earnings (Articles 58 and 67). For each full year of work over 25 years for men and 20 years for women, employees employed in the work provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 11 and Article 12 of this Law (except underground), men over 20 years and women over 15 years, the pension is increased by 1 percent, underground workers - by 1.2 percent of earnings, but not lower than the calculated indicator.

For employees employed in underground work, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 11 and Article 12 of this Law, for each year of such work, which gives the right to a pension on preferential terms, the pension is increased by 1.2 percent of earnings, but not lower than the calculated indicator. For other employees employed in jobs provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 11 and Article 12 of the Law, for each year of such work, which gives the right to a pension on preferential terms, over 10 years for men and 7 years 6 months for women, the pension is increased by 1 percent of earnings , but not lower than the calculated indicator.

The total amount of the increase for each full year of work in excess of the required total length of service provided for in paragraph one and the work provided for in paragraph two of this article may not exceed 40 percent of the recorded earnings.

For each full calendar year of postponing retirement due to the continuation of labor activity, provided for in paragraph four of Article 10, as well as paragraphs 1-5 of part three of Article 40 of this Law, but not more than three years, the amount of the pension is increased by 10 percent of the main the amount of the pension, but not lower than the minimum old-age pension. In this case, the increase in the pension is made in excess of the limit provided for by this article.

The minimum amount of an old-age pension is set at 100 percent of the calculated index for social and other payments, annually established in the republican budget.

In cases where the old-age pension, calculated in the amount of 60 percent of earnings, does not reach the minimum pension, the increase provided for by this article shall be made to the minimum old-age pension.

If information on earnings is completely absent, an increase in the pension for length of service is made based on the calculated indicator for social and other payments, annually established in the republican budget.

Article 47. Amounts of disability pensions

military servicemen.

Disability pensions for conscripts are assigned in the following amounts:

1) war invalids, other invalids specified in article 15 of the Law, groups I and II - 85 percent, group III - 50 percent of earnings (monetary allowance).

Other disabled people of groups I and II - 75 percent, group III - 40 percent of earnings (monetary allowance).

Article 48. Amounts of disability pensions

according to the standards established for war invalids

Disability pensions are calculated according to the norms established for war invalids in accordance with the USSR Law "On pensions for military personnel":

military servicemen - participants in the war, other hostilities in the performance of military duty and recognized as disabled due to an industrial injury, professional and general diseases (with the exception of cases of disability resulting from their own unlawful actions);

military servicemen due to an illness acquired during military service.

Article 49

Survivor's pensions are assigned to each disabled family member in the amount of 40 percent of the breadwinner's earnings (Articles 58 and 67), but not less than the social pension established for the corresponding category of the disabled.

For families that include children who have lost both parents (orphans), the pension is calculated from the total amount of earnings of both parents. At the same time, the pension for each child who has lost both parents, or the child of a deceased single mother, cannot be less than twice the size of the social pension.

Article 50

Seniority pensions are assigned in the amounts established by Articles 46, 56 and 57 of this Law for pensions, by age.

Pensions are calculated from the average monthly earnings (Articles 58 - 60, 67), received before the termination of work, giving the right to a pension for long service (Articles 35 - 38).

Article 51. Amounts of social pensions

Social pensions are assigned in the following amounts:

1) disabled people of group I, disabled children from childhood of groups I and II and disabled children under the age of 16 - 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension (Article 46);

2) disabled persons of group II (except for disabled since childhood), as well as persons who have reached the age established by paragraph 3 of Article 39 - 80 percent of the minimum old-age pension.

The minimum size of labor pensions and supplements to pensions are determined according to the specified norm without the requirements of the age established by this paragraph;

3) children (paragraph 1 of article 26) in case of loss of a breadwinner for each child - 60 per cent of the minimum old-age pension;

4) disabled persons of group III - 50 percent of the minimum size of the old-age pension.

Article 52. Amounts of pensions

with incomplete work experience by age

Persons who do not have sufficient length of service to receive a full pension (Part 1 of Article 1O) are granted old-age pensions for incomplete length of service in an amount proportional to the length of service (Article 62), but not less than a social pension (Item 2 of Article 51).

When assigning pensions for incomplete service, preferential conditions for age established by this Law are not applied.

Article 53. Amounts of disability pension

with incomplete work experience

Disabled persons of groups I and II due to a general illness who do not have sufficient work experience for the appointment of a full pension (Article 21) are assigned a disability pension with incomplete work experience in an amount proportional to the existing work experience, but not less than the social pension established, respectively, according to I and II disability groups (Article 51).

Article 54

loss of a breadwinner due to incomplete work experience

Family members who lost their breadwinner, who died as a result of a general illness and did not have a length of service sufficient to receive a full disability pension (Article 21), are granted a pension for incomplete service in an amount proportional to the breadwinner's work experience.

For the families of deceased pensioners who received a pension with incomplete service, the pension is assigned in proportion to the length of service, on the basis of which the pension was assigned to the deceased breadwinner.

At the same time, the pension for each disabled family member cannot be less than the social pension established for the corresponding category of the disabled.

Article 55

mothers - heroines and mothers of many children,

awarded with a pendant "Altyn alka"

For heroine mothers and mothers of many children awarded with the Altyn Alka pendant, the size of pensions, including those for incomplete work experience due to age, disability and loss of a breadwinner, are set at 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension.

Article 56

To pensions for old age, disability, survivors, including those calculated in the minimum amount and for incomplete service, the following allowances are established for social pensions:

1) non-working pensioners by age and disability of groups I and II, recipients of social pensions (except for disabled people of group III and children - article 39), who have dependent family members who are unable to work (paragraphs 1 - 4 of article 26 and article 27), - on each disabled family member in the amount of the social pension provided for the relevant category of the disabled;

2) disabled people of group I, as well as single people in need of assistance, disabled people of group II and pensioners by age, other single pensioners who have reached 80 years of age, similar categories of recipients of social pensions - to care for them in the amount of the social pension provided for the corresponding category pensioners.

At the same time, the affiliation of pensioners to the lonely and in need of outside help is established by the commission for the appointment of pensions.

The allowances provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article may be calculated simultaneously.

Article 57. Increase in pensions


1) old-age pensions, including minimum pensions, for disabled war veterans, participants in war and other hostilities in the performance of military duty, recognized disabled due to work injury, professional and general diseases (with the exception of cases of disability resulting from unlawful actions), disabled people from the number of military servicemen due to a disease received during military service - by the minimum pensions for the relevant categories of war invalids established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On pensions for military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies and their families. persons specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article) - by 50 per cent of the minimum old-age pension;

2) war invalids, as well as persons specified in Article 48 of this Law, disability pensions of groups I and II - by 100 percent, group III - by 50 percent of the minimum old-age pension;

3) pensions for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, including minimum ones, for participants in war and other hostilities in the performance of military duty (with the exception of persons specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article) - by 50 percent of the minimum pension according to the age;

4) pensions for old age, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner, including the minimum:

persons of the civilian staff of the active army during the Great Patriotic War - by 20 percent;

persons living in zones of ecological disaster, including recipients of social pensions - by 20 percent;

persons specified in paragraph 5 of Article 41, as well as disabled since childhood due to injury, concussion or injury associated with military operations during the Great Patriotic War or with their consequences, or affected by the consequences of atomic tests, environmental disasters, including recipients of social pensions - by 15 percent of the minimum old-age pension;

5) survivor's pensions for dead military personnel and deceased military servicemen due to an illness acquired during military service - by 15 percent of the minimum old-age pension.

Section VI. Calculation of pensions

Article 58. Calculation of pensions as a percentage

to the average monthly income

Pensions are calculated according to the established norms as a percentage of the average monthly earnings, determined in accordance with Articles 59-61 of this Law, which citizens received before applying for a pension.

At the same time, for calculating pensions, earnings are accepted in the amount of not more than fifteen times the amount of the calculated indicator for social and other payments, annually established in the republican budget.

Article 59. General procedure for determining

average monthly earnings

For the persons specified in Article 5 of this Law, the average monthly actual earnings for calculating pensions are taken for any 5 consecutive years (at the choice of the person who applied for a pension) from the last 15 years of work before applying for a pension, regardless of any interruptions in work, except for cases when a member of the collective farm did not work on the collective farm.

The average monthly earnings for 5 years is determined by dividing the total amount of earnings for 60 consecutive calendar months of work (within the last 15 years of work) by sixty. At the same time, at the request of the applicant for a pension, months with an incomplete number of working days in connection with employment or dismissal, as well as in connection with leave to care for a child under the age of 3 years, are excluded from the calculation and replaced by others immediately preceding the specified period or following them.

In cases where the applicant for a pension worked (was a member of the collective farm) for less than 5 years, the average monthly earnings are determined by dividing the total earnings for the calendar months of work by the number of these months.

If part of the period for which the average monthly earnings are calculated falls on work as a member of a collective farm, and part - on other work, then earnings for each period are taken into account according to the rules established respectively for members of collective farms and for other persons (Article 60). The total amount of earnings in this case is divided by sixty or, respectively, by the actual number of months of the specified periods of work, if this number of months is less than sixty.

If the employee has worked less than one calendar month, then the earnings for all hours worked are divided by the number of days worked and the amount received is multiplied by the number of working days per month, calculated on average for the year (25.4 - with a six-day working week and 21.2 - with five day work week). In this case, no more than two tariff rates (salaries) are taken into account for calculating the pension.

When assigning pensions to employees employed in seasonal work, the average monthly actual earnings are determined by dividing the earnings for 5 full seasons by sixty.

At the request of the applicant for a pension, the 15-year period does not include the time of work during which, according to the conclusion of the MSEC, he was disabled or received compensation for damage caused by injury or other damage to health, cared for a disabled person of group 1, as well as a single disabled person of group 2 and an old-age pensioner in need of outside help, an elderly person who has reached 80 years of age, a disabled child under 16 years of age, a child under 16 years of age who has suffered from the consequences of nuclear tests, environmental disasters or is infected with the immunodeficiency virus or has AIDS.

Article 60. Types of remuneration,

taken into account when calculating the pension

When calculating pensions, all types of wages for which insurance premiums are calculated (except for members of collective farms) are included in the earnings of persons, with the exception of lump-sum payments that are not stipulated by the current wage system (compensation for unused vacation, severance pay, and others), the list of which is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When calculating pensions for members of collective farms, wages in all its forms for work in the public economy of the collective farm are included.

Also included in the specified earnings for the relevant periods is temporary disability benefits or the average earnings retained by the employee.

If the employee performed other work at the same or another enterprise, then the pension is calculated from the total earnings for all places of work.

The earnings for calculating a pension for persons not subject to state social insurance (Article 5, paragraph "5" of Article 40) include all types of monetary allowances similar to those types of wages for which insurance premiums are charged.

For members of collective farms, other cooperatives, employees of state farms and other enterprises who, along with cash payment, receive in-kind payment, on the cost of which insurance premiums are charged, this payment in kind, when determining the average monthly earnings, is taken into account at state retail prices of the period when the payment was made.

Article 61. Pension calculation

For members of creative unions and other creative workers (Article 5, paragraph "3" of Article 40), pensions are calculated from the royalties calculated at state rates for any 5 consecutive years of the last 15 years of creative activity before applying for a pension. In cases where they simultaneously work at enterprises, the author's fee and earnings for the corresponding period are taken into account for calculating the pension.

Persons engaged in individual labor activity, including on the terms of individual (group) lease from individual citizens under contracts (domestic workers, nannies, secretaries, typists, stenographers, watchmen, gardeners, drivers and others), pensions are calculated from actual earnings (sums adopted for determining contributions to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Article 62. Calculation of pensions

with incomplete work experience

Pensions for incomplete work experience are assigned in an amount proportional to the length of service. The calculation of the pension is carried out as follows: first, the corresponding full pension is determined, this pension is divided by the number of months of the required full length of service, the amount obtained is multiplied by the number of months of the actual length of service available (in this length of service, the period over 15 days is rounded up to a full month, the period up to 15 days inclusive is not taken into account).

If a pension for full service would be based on the minimum amount established by this Law, then a pension for incomplete service is assigned in proportion to the length of service, based on the minimum pension, but in all cases in an amount not less than the social pension established for the relevant category of disabled people, unless otherwise not covered by this Law.

Article 63. Calculation of pensions

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

When calculating survivor's pensions, Articles 58-62, 65-67 of this Law shall apply respectively.

For the families of pensioners, pensions are calculated from the same earnings from which the breadwinner's pension was calculated.

For the families of those pensioners who had the right to recalculate the pension in the manner prescribed by Article 68 of this Law, pensions are calculated from the earnings from which the recalculation of the breadwinner's pension was or could be made.

Article 64. Calculation of earnings

when switching from one pension to another

When transferring from one pension to another, earnings are determined on a general basis (Articles 59-61 of this Law). The pension under the new basis may also be calculated (at the request of the pensioner) from the earnings from which the previously paid pension was calculated or from which the pension could be recalculated.

Article 65. Calculation of earnings

for the period of work abroad

When calculating the average monthly earnings of employees sent from the Republic of Kazakhstan to work abroad, the wages that they received before they were sent abroad (Articles 58-61), or, at their choice, the earnings determined in accordance with Article 66 of this Law are taken into account.

Article 66. Calculation of pensions for citizens

Republic of Kazakhstan - to migrants from other countries

Pensions to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - migrants from other countries who did not work in the Republic of Kazakhstan are calculated based on the average earnings of employees of the relevant profession and qualification in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the time the pension is awarded (according to the data of the relevant trade union).

Article 67. Calculation of pensions for persons

living in areas where wages

regional coefficients are set

Persons living in areas where district coefficients are established for the wages of workers and employees, when assigning pensions, the actual wages calculated using the district coefficient are taken into account.

At the same time, the fifteen-fold calculated indicator for social and other payments, annually established in the republican budget, provided for in Article 58 of this Law, is also calculated using the regional coefficient established in the given region for workers and employees of non-productive industries.

Persons residing in areas where coefficients to wages are established for the first time or their sizes increase, the average monthly earnings from which the pension is calculated are recalculated by applying the established (increased) coefficient in compliance with the rules provided for in part two of this article.

When these persons leave for areas where the wage coefficient is not established or is set at a lower amount, the pension of their choice is calculated in the same manner, but with the exception (reduction) of payments according to district coefficients from the actual earnings, or from the earnings calculated in accordance with Articles 58 and 60 of this Law.

For persons who have arrived for permanent residence in the areas specified in part one of this article, from other regions of the country for which district coefficients are not established or are established in a smaller amount, earnings for calculating a pension are recalculated by applying the district coefficient in compliance with the rules in force in this region .

The minimum size of labor pensions and the size of social pensions assigned in areas where district coefficients are set for wages are determined for the period of residence in these areas using the coefficient in force in this area for workers and employees of non-productive industries.

Article 68. Recalculation of pensions

from higher earnings

Pensioners who have worked after the appointment and recalculation of the old-age or disability pension for at least 2 years with higher earnings than the one from which the pension was calculated, a new amount of pensions is established at the request of the pensioner, based on this higher earnings determined for the last 2 years work before applying for a pension recalculation in accordance with Articles 58-61 of this Law.

Under the same conditions, the pension assigned in the minimum amount due to the lack of earnings is recalculated.

In the event of a further increase in the pensioner's earnings, a new recalculation of the pension is made at his request. Each subsequent recalculation of the pension is made no earlier than 2 years of work after the previous recalculation.

Article 69. Recalculation of pensions

with incomplete work experience

If a pensioner who, with incomplete service, was granted an old-age pension or a group I or II disability pension worked for at least 2 years after the pension was awarded, then, at his request, the pension is recalculated based on the length of service available at the time of recalculation. Each subsequent recalculation of the pension is made no earlier than 2 years of work after the previous recalculation.

If a pensioner, while continuing to work, has acquired a length of service sufficient to grant a full pension, then, at the request of the pensioner, an appropriate recalculation of the pension is made, regardless of how much time has passed since the pension was granted with incomplete service. At the same time, a full disability pension is established on the condition that the pensioner has a length of service sufficient to assign a full pension in accordance with the age of the pensioner at the time of the onset of disability (Article 21).

The recalculation of the pension is made at the choice of the pensioner from the earnings from which the pension was originally assigned (or subsequently recalculated in the manner prescribed by Article 68 of this Law), or from the last earnings.

Article 70. Recalculation of pension

due to changes in marital status,

employment or termination

In cases where, after the award of a pension, a pensioner acquires or loses the right to an allowance for disabled family members, or the amount of this allowance is subject to change due to a change in marital status, employment or termination of work, the pension is recalculated accordingly.

Article 71

Supplements to pensions established for non-working pensioners who have dependent family members who are unable to work are accrued for family members specified in Articles 1-4 of Article 26 and Article 27 of this Law. These allowances are not charged to those family members who receive a labor or social pension.

If there is both the right to a social pension and an allowance for disabled family members, either a pension or an allowance is assigned at the choice of the applicant.

If there are two or more non-working pensioners in the family, each disabled family member who is on their common dependency is taken into account for calculating the allowance only to one of the pensioners of their choice. If there is at the same time the right to various types of pension increases, one higher pension increase is applied, with the exception of the increase provided for persons living in the zones of ecological disaster of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 72

and maximum earnings

The minimum size of pensions and the maximum size of earnings taken into account for calculating pensions (Article 58) are increased due to an increase in the size of the calculated indicator for social and other payments, annually established in the republican budget.

Article 73

with a change in the cost of living index

and wage growth

Pensions calculated under the terms of this Law are increased annually in accordance with the change in the cost of living index and wage growth, but not less than 10 percent of the minimum old-age pension, in the manner determined by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Section VII. Appointment of pensions

Article 74. Procedure for applying for a pension

An application for the appointment of a pension to workers, employees and members of their families (in the event of the loss of a breadwinner) is submitted through the administration of the enterprise, institution, organization at the place of the last job.

An application for the appointment of a pension to members of collective farms and other cooperatives and their families is submitted through the board of the collective farm (cooperative).

The administration (board), together with the trade union committee, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, draws up the necessary documents on the length of service and earnings and, together with the submitted application and its submission, sends them to the district (city) department of social protection of the population at the location of the enterprise or organization, or at the place of residence of the applicant in accordance with the procedure determined by the bodies of social protection of the population. By agreement with the department of social security, documents for the appointment of a pension may be submitted even before the retirement age for workers, employees and members of collective farms (cooperatives).

If the employee who applied for the appointment of a pension is denied a proposal for the appointment of a pension, he is informed of this in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

In cases where the applicant for a pension does not agree with the decision of the administration (board) and the trade union committee to refuse to submit him for a pension, he can apply for a pension directly to the district (city) department of social protection of the population at the location of the enterprise or organization or at the place of residence of the applicant in accordance with the procedure determined by the bodies of social protection of the population.

An application for granting a pension to other citizens and members of their families is submitted directly to the district (city) department of social security at the place of residence of the applicant.

Social security departments are required to provide clarifications and information on the issues of assigning pensions, as well as to assist the applicant in obtaining the necessary documents.

Social security departments have the right to demand relevant documents from enterprises, organizations and individuals, as well as to check, if necessary, the validity of their issuance, request conclusions from the state examination bodies of working conditions on the validity of the issuance of documents on employment of those applying for a pension on preferential terms at work with special working conditions.

Enterprises and organizations bear material responsibility to the pensioner for damage caused to him as a result of late submission of documents for the pension (recalculation of the pension) or submission of documents containing false information.

In case of damage to the state due to the submission of documents with false information by an enterprise or a pensioner, the damage caused is compensated to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 75

Pensions are appointed by commissions for the appointment of pensions, formed by akims of the respective administrative-territorial units. Along with other members, the commission includes the head of the district (city) department of social protection of the population.

On the authority of the commission for the appointment of pensions on its behalf, pensions can be appointed solely by a member of the commission - the head of the district (city) department of social security. However, in all cases, at the request of the person applying for a pension and other interested persons and organizations, the issue of awarding a pension is decided by the commission for awarding pensions.

Article 76

on the appointment of a pension

Documents on the appointment of pensions are considered by the bodies assigning a pension (Article 75), no later than 10 days from the date of their receipt.

The decision to refuse to assign a pension in all cases is taken only by the commission for the appointment of pensions. The department of social protection of the population, no later than 5 days after the adoption of the relevant decision, issues or sends to the enterprise or the applicant a notice of denial of pension, indicating the reason for the denial and the procedure for appealing, and simultaneously returns all documents.

Article 77

for the purpose of pension

A complaint against the decision of the commission for the appointment of pensions may be filed with the akim of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit or with the district (city) people's court. The body considering the dispute on the right to pension provision, in necessary cases, requires the conclusion of a higher institution of social protection of the population or a state examination of working conditions.

Article 78

Pensions are assigned from the date of applying for a pension, except for the following cases, when pensions are assigned from an earlier date:

1) old-age and disability pensions are assigned from the day of reaching the retirement age or, accordingly, the establishment of disability by the MSEC, if the application for a pension followed no later than 3 months from the day the retirement age was reached or the disability was established.

2) survivor's pensions are granted from the day when the right to a pension arises, but not more than 12 months before applying for a pension.

The day of applying for a pension is the day when the department of social protection of the population receives an application (representation) for the appointment of a pension with all the necessary documents. If an application (representation) for the appointment of a pension is sent by mail and all the necessary documents are also attached, then the day of applying for a pension is the date indicated on the postmark of sending this application (representation).

In cases where not all the necessary documents are attached to the application (representation), the department of social protection of the population informs the administration of the enterprise or the applicant by letter which documents must be submitted additionally. If they are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the notice of the need to submit additional documents, then the day of applying for a pension is the day of receipt of the application (representation) for the appointment of a pension or the date indicated on the postmark of the place where the application (representation) was sent.

After the expiration of the specified period, the body assigning a pension makes a decision on the appointment or refusal to assign a pension according to the available documents.

Article 79

Recalculation of the assigned pension is made from the following terms, unless otherwise provided by this Law:

if the right to increase the pension arises - from the first day of the month in which the pensioner applied for the recalculation of the pension, if the corresponding application with all the necessary documents was submitted by him before the 15th day inclusive, and from the first day of the next month, if the application with all the necessary documents was submitted them after the 15th;

upon the occurrence of circumstances entailing a reduction in the pension - from the first day of the next month.

Article 80. Transfer from one pension to another

The transfer from one pension to another is made by a member of the Commission for Assignment of Pensions - the head of the district (city) department of social protection of the population alone.

The transfer is made from the date of submission of the relevant application with all the necessary documents (if they are not in the pension file).

Section VIII. Payment of pensions

Article 81. Procedure for payment of pensions

Pensions are paid in the following order:

1) for non-working pensioners for the past month - by the social protection authorities at the place of actual residence of the pensioner, regardless of registration, within the administrative-territorial unit serviced by the social protection authority that pays the pension.

Delivery and forwarding of pensions is carried out at the expense of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) to working pensioners - in the amount of 50 percent of the pension (without an allowance for disabled family members) if the amount of wages received exceeds fifteen times the calculated indicator for social and other payments annually established in the republican budget, to other pensioners, as well as participants in the war, to all categories persons with disabilities (regardless of their earnings (income) - in full (without an allowance for disabled family members) at the place of work at the expense of social insurance contributions.

The payment of pensions is made for the past month simultaneously with the payment of wages for the second half of the month.

When a pensioner moves from another state to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the payment of pensions is made from the date of termination of payment of the pension at the former place of residence, but not more than 6 months from the date of a written application to the department of social protection of the population at the new place of residence.

(revised 06/19/1997)

Article 82. Duty of pensioners and managers

enterprises to notify social welfare departments

on changes in the conditions affecting the payment of pensions

In all cases of employment, pensioners are required to notify the departments of social protection of the population.

Pensioners who receive a survivor's pension or a supplement to a pension for disabled family members are also required to notify the departments of social protection of the population about changes in the composition of family members on whom a pension or pension supplement is paid.

Article 84. Payment of a pension for the past

Accrued pension amounts that are not claimed by the pensioner in a timely manner are paid for the past time no more than 3 years before applying for a pension.

Pension amounts not received in a timely manner due to the fault of the body assigning or paying a pension are paid for the past time without limitation by any period.

Article 85

disability or rehabilitation groups

In the event of a change in the disability group, the pension in the new amount is paid from the date of the change in the disability group.

If the re-examined person is recognized as able-bodied, the pension is paid until the end of the month in which he is recognized as able-bodied, but no more than until the day on which disability was established.

Article 86. Conditions for the renewal of payment of a pension

during breaks in disability

If the disabled person did not appear at the MSEC for re-examination within the time period appointed for this, then the payment of a pension to him is suspended, and if he is recognized as disabled again, it is resumed from the date of suspension, but not more than one month in advance.

If the re-examination period is missed for a good reason, the payment of a pension on the basis of a decision of the commission for the appointment of pensions is made from the date of suspension of payment until the day of re-examination, but not more than 3 years, if MSEC recognizes him as disabled during this period. Moreover, if during the re-examination the disabled person is transferred to another disability group (higher or lower), then the pension for the specified time is paid according to the previous group.

If the payment of a pension to a disabled person who lost his ability to work due to a general illness was terminated due to the restoration of his ability to work or if he did not receive a pension due to failure to appear for re-examination without good reason, then in the event of his subsequent recognition as a disabled person, the payment of the previously assigned pension is resumed from the day the disability was established again, provided that if no more than 5 years have passed since the termination of the payment of the pension. If more than 5 years have passed, the pension is assigned again on a general basis.

Article 87. Payment of pensions during stay

in hospital treatment

During the stay of a pensioner on inpatient treatment in a hospital, clinic, hospital and other medical institutions, as well as in a leper colony, the pension is paid in full.

Article 88. Payment of pensions to persons

living in boarding schools

for the elderly and disabled

Pensioners living in boarding houses (boarding houses) for the elderly and disabled are paid 30 percent of the assigned pension, but not less than 30 percent of the minimum old-age pension per month. In cases where the amount of their pension exceeds the cost of maintenance in these boarding houses (boarding houses), the difference between the pension and the cost of maintenance is paid, but not less than 30 percent of the assigned pension and not less than 30 percent of the minimum old-age pension per month. If a pensioner living in a boarding house (boarding house) for the elderly and disabled has disabled family members who are dependent on him (Articles 26 and 27), then the pension is paid in the following order: 30 percent of the pension, but not less than 30 percent of the minimum old-age pension is paid to the pensioner himself, and the rest of the pension, but not more than 50 percent of the assigned amount, is paid to the indicated family members.

For burial

Pension amounts due to a pensioner and left unreceived due to his death are not included in the inheritance and are paid to those members of his family who belong to the circle of persons provided with a survivor's pension (Articles 26 and 27). However, parents and a spouse, as well as family members living together with a pensioner on the day of his death, are entitled to receive these amounts even if they are not included in the circle provided by the survivor's pension.

When several family members apply, the amount of the pension due to them is divided equally between them.

The indicated amounts are paid if they were applied for no later than 6 months after the death of the pensioner.

In the event of the death of a pensioner, his family is paid a funeral allowance in the amount of a two-month pension, but not less than ten times, and in the event of the death of a participant or disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War - not less than thirty-five times the calculated indicator for social and other payments annually established in the republican budget.

If the funeral of a pensioner is carried out by persons who are not members of the family, then the allowance is paid to these persons in an amount not exceeding the actually incurred funeral expenses within the specified amount of the allowance.

Article 92. Payment of pensions to citizens

those who have gone abroad

Pensions assigned in the Republic of Kazakhstan prior to leaving for permanent residence abroad are paid 6 months in advance before leaving abroad at the rate of the amount of the pension on the day the application for departure is submitted to the social protection authority that pays the pension. During the stay of these citizens abroad, only pensions are paid, assigned as a result of an industrial injury or occupational disease.

The procedure for the transfer to other countries of pensions assigned as a result of a labor injury or occupational disease is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 93. Pension deductions

Pension deductions can be made:

1) on the basis of court decisions, rulings, resolutions and sentences (in terms of property penalties), executive inscriptions of notary offices and other decisions and resolutions, the execution of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out in the manner established for the execution of court decisions;

2) on the basis of decisions of commissions for the appointment of pensions to recover the amounts of pensions overpaid to a pensioner due to abuse on his part (as a result of submitting documents with knowingly incorrect information, hiding earnings or other income, failure to provide information about changes in the composition of family members).

No other deductions from pensions other than those mentioned above are allowed.

In the event that the payment of a pension is terminated (for example, due to the restoration of working capacity) before the full repayment of the debt on overpaid pension amounts withheld on the basis of decisions of the commission for the appointment of pensions, the remaining debt is recovered in court.

Section IX. The procedure for recalculating pensions under the terms of this law and assigning preferential pensions using the previous legislation

Article 94

under the terms of this Law

The recalculation of previously assigned pensions under the terms of this Law from the date of its entry into force is carried out on the basis of documents on age, length of service, earnings and others available by the time of recalculation in the pension case, as well as additional documents submitted by the pensioner by the time of recalculation.

If the pensioner subsequently submits additional documents giving the right to a further increase in the pension in connection with the entry into force of this Law (on length of service, earnings, marital status, and others), then the pension is recalculated in accordance with the norms of this Law. In this case, the recalculation is made for the past time, but not more than 12 months before the submission of additional documents and not earlier than from the date of entry into force of this Law.

The recalculation of pensions granted under the previous Union legislation, at the choice of pensioners, is made from the average monthly earnings for 2 years, using Articles 58 - 61 and 67 before the entry into force of this Law for the corresponding category of pensioners, or before the appointment of a pension, or from earnings, from which the pension was previously calculated, according to the documents available in the pension file, using the second part of Article 58 and Article 67 of this Law.

Citizens to whom a pension was assigned before the entry into force of the Law and who do not have the right to a higher pension under the terms of this Law shall be retained in the previously established amount.

Article 95

entitled to a pension on preferential terms

before the entry into force of this Law

Persons who worked before the entry into force of this Law in jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions, provided for by the previous legislation, old-age pensions are assigned on the following conditions:

1) persons who, by the day this Law enters into force, have full experience in the specified jobs, which gave them the right to a pension on preferential terms, pensions in the amounts provided for by this Law are assigned in accordance with the requirements for age and length of service established by the previous legislation;

2) for persons who do not have a full length of service with harmful and difficult working conditions, the age required for a pension in accordance with Article 10 is reduced in proportion to the length of service in the manner prescribed by Article 11 of this Law, based on the requirements of this length of service established by the previous legislation.

Section X. The rights of representative and executive bodies, labor collectives to establish additional types of material support for pensioners

Article 96

and executive bodies

Councils of People's Deputies of oblasts, cities and other administrative-territorial units at the expense of the relevant local budgets, within their rights, may establish:

additional payments to pensions of single disabled citizens, as well as other pensioners in need of outside assistance who do not have sufficient funds to ensure a living wage;

pensions for merits of local importance in the field of science, culture and other fields of activity;

benefits for pensioners to pay for living space, utilities, medical care, travel by public transport and other types of benefits.

Representative and executive bodies also take other decisions aimed at improving the living conditions of pensioners, primarily those who are less well off, lonely, underage, orphaned and disabled, war veterans and home front workers at the expense of local budgets.

Article 97. Rights of labor collectives

The labor collective of the enterprise has the right, at the expense of its own funds intended for wages, to resolve issues related to improving the living conditions of veterans and disabled people who worked in this team, other pensioners, and in particular:

establish additional payments to state pensions, taking into account the labor contribution of the employee, the duration of the total and continuous work experience;

introduce early pensions for workers employed in

unfavorable working conditions if they do not enjoy the right to

preferential pensions for working conditions in accordance with this Law;

to pay pensions to working pensioners on more favorable terms than established by this Law;

establish supplements to the pensions of single pensioners who need outside help to care for them;

introduce personal allowances (additional payments) to pensions, pay a one-time allowance upon retirement to employees who have special merits to this labor collective.

Enterprises have the right, at the expense of their own funds intended for social development, to establish benefits for pensioners in paying for living space, keeping children in children's institutions run by enterprises, partially or fully pay for the cost of fuel, utilities, individual vehicles, and other goods necessary for pensioners, share contributions to housing and construction, garden, garage and construction cooperatives, tickets for travel on all types of public transport and visits to cultural, educational and theatrical and entertainment institutions, to provide pensioners with other assistance.

1. Enact the Law of the Kazakh SSR "On the provision of pensions for citizens in the Kazakh SSR" within the following terms:

from October 1, 1991 - in terms of pensions to persons for whom the laws of the USSR "On pensions for citizens in the USSR" and "On pensions for military personnel" were put into effect in full, the minimum pensions for other categories of pensioners, social pensions;

from January 1, 1992 - for newly assigned pensions (with the exception of pensions on preferential terms - Article 13 and for length of service - Article 37) and the recalculation of other pensions assigned before the entry into force of this law;

from January 1, 1993 - for newly appointed pensions on preferential terms in accordance with article 13 and for length of service - article 37 of the law.

2. Establish that the increase in pensions by 5 rubles - 40 rubles, depending on the length of retirement, established by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 15, 1990 "On the Procedure for Enacting the Law of the USSR "On Pensions for Citizens in the USSR", save for all persons whose pensions were assigned before January 1, 1991, in excess of the amount of pension determined under the terms of this law.

3. To finance the costs associated with the adoption of the Law:

to raise to 37 percent from January 1, 1992 the rates of contributions to state social insurance paid by institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, management and subordination, except for public organizations of the disabled and pensioners, their enterprises, institutions, associations and educational institutions;

Beginning in 1991, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR should ensure that, starting from 1991, the Kazakh republican branch of the USSR pension fund receive monthly reimbursement from the funds of the republican budget for the entitlement expenses for compensation payments in connection with the reform of retail prices, as well as for measures to protect motherhood and childhood and for the payment of pensions for special services to the Kazakh SSR.

(edited 01/18/1992)

adopt the necessary normative acts on the application of the Law of the Kazakh SSR "On the provision of pensions for citizens in the Kazakh SSR" on issues referred by the Law to the competence of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR;

submit proposals to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR on bringing the legislative acts of the Kazakh SSR in line with the Law of the Kazakh SSR "On the provision of pensions for citizens in the Kazakh SSR", as well as on the conditions for establishing pensions for special services to the Kazakh SSR and the procedure for further payment of previously established personal pensions and while maintaining the relevant material - household benefits;

to consider additional measures for the social protection of citizens living in areas affected by tests and other work related to any types of nuclear installations, including nuclear weapons. Submit proposals to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR;

to bring the decision of the Government of the Kazakh SSR in line with the Law of the Kazakh SSR "On Pensions for Citizens in the Kazakh SSR", to ensure the revision and cancellation by the ministries and departments of the Kazakh SSR of their normative acts, including instructions that contradict the Law.

5. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, local Soviets of People's Deputies, in order to successfully carry out activities related to the implementation of this Law, consider and implement the necessary measures of practical assistance to social security agencies in matters of allocation of premises, strengthening the material and technical base, and the most complete equipment with computer technology, communications and transport, allocation of an additional number of employees and strengthening their material interest.

6. Republican ministries and departments, local Soviets of People's Deputies to ensure due order in the accounting of labor and earnings of workers, the preservation and issuance of the necessary documents for retirement, in the timely and high-quality registration of workers for retirement.

7. Grant to the Ministry of Social Security of the Kazakh SSR for the period of the entry into force of the law the right to make decisions on the procedure for its application.

8. Recommend to local Soviets of People's Deputies, ministries and departments of the Kazakh SSR, enterprises and organizations to take measures to provide additional guarantees of social security and improve the living conditions of war and labor veterans, the disabled, families who have lost their breadwinner, and other categories of pensioners.

Chairman of the Supreme Council

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.06.1997 N 136-I

"On pension provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.07.2011 N 452-IV ZRK

(with effect from 13.10.2011)

This Law defines the legal and social foundations for pension provision of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulates the participation of state bodies, individuals and legal entities, regardless of ownership, in the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to pension provision

Section 1. Fundamentals of pension provision

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law

The following basic concepts are used in this Law:

1) agent for the payment of mandatory pension contributions (hereinafter - the agent) - an individual or legal entity, including a foreign legal entity operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment, as well as branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities, calculating, withholding (accumulating) and transferring mandatory pension contributions in the manner determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

1-1) automated information system - the software of an accumulative pension fund, necessary for its accounting of pension assets and savings on an individual pension account and ensuring the reliability, safety and protection of information from unauthorized access;

2) affiliated persons - individuals or legal entities (with the exception of state bodies exercising control and supervisory functions within the powers granted to them), having the ability to directly and (or) indirectly determine decisions and (or) influence decisions made by each other (one of persons) decisions, including by virtue of a concluded transaction;

3) custodian bank - a bank that carries out activities for fixing and recording rights to securities, storing documentary securities and accounting for client money;

3-1) impeccable business reputation - the presence of facts confirming professionalism, conscientiousness, the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes in the field of economic activity or for crimes of medium gravity, grave and especially grave crimes;

4) contributor of voluntary pension contributions - an individual or legal entity making voluntary pension contributions at its own expense in favor of the recipient in accordance with the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions;

5) contributor of voluntary professional pension contributions - an individual or legal entity making voluntary professional pension contributions at its own expense in favor of an employee in accordance with an agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary professional pension contributions;

6) contributor of mandatory pension contributions - an individual who has entered into an agreement on pension provision at the expense of mandatory pension contributions and has an individual pension account in an accumulative pension fund;

7) redemption amount - the amount of money that the insured (recipient of pension payments) has the right to receive from the insurance company in case of early termination of the pension annuity contract;

7-1) state basic pension payment - a monthly cash payment provided to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon reaching the retirement age established by this Law;

8) diversification - placement of pension assets into financial instruments in order to reduce the risk of their losses in accordance with the requirements established by the authorized body;

9) voluntary pension contributions - money contributed by contributors on their own initiative to accumulative pension funds in favor of the recipient in the manner determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions;

10) voluntary professional pension contributions - money contributed on their own initiative by contributors to accumulative pension funds in favor of employees according to the list of professions, which is determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary professional pension contributions;

11) agreement on pension provision - an agreement concluded by an accumulative pension fund, on the one hand, and a contributor and (or) recipient, on the other hand, on the establishment, change or termination of legal relations related to pension contributions, savings and receipt of payments;

12) pension annuity contract - an insurance contract, according to which the insured (recipient of pension payments) undertakes to transfer the amount of pension savings to the insurance company, and the insurance company undertakes to make insurance payments in favor of the insurant (recipient of pension payments) for life or for a certain period of time;

12-1) subsidiary - a legal entity in relation to which another legal entity has control;

12-2) significant participation in the capital - ownership directly or indirectly, independently or jointly with one or more persons, twenty or more percent of voting shares (stakes in the authorized capital) or the ability to vote twenty or more percent of shares;

13) investment income - money received as a result of investing pension assets of accumulative pension funds;

14) individual pension account - a personal personal account of a contributor (recipient) in an accumulative pension fund, on which his mandatory or voluntary pension contributions or voluntary professional pension contributions, investment income, penalties and other receipts are taken into account in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and from which pension payments;

15) custodial agreement - an agreement on responsible storage and accounting of securities and money, concluded by a custodian bank and its client;

15-1) minimum pension - the minimum amount of pension payments established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year;

15-2) control - the ability of one legal entity to determine the decisions of another legal entity, arising in the presence of one of the following conditions:

direct or indirect ownership by one person alone or jointly with one or more persons of more than fifty percent of the voting shares of another person or the ability to independently vote more than fifty percent of the shares of another legal entity;

the possibility of one legal entity to elect at least half of the board of directors or the board of directors of another legal entity;

inclusion of the financial statements of one legal entity in the financial statements of another legal entity in accordance with the audit report;

the possibility of one legal entity to determine the decisions of another legal entity by virtue of an agreement (supporting documents) or otherwise in cases provided for by the regulatory legal act of the authorized body;

15-3) indirect ownership (voting) of shares of an open accumulative pension fund - the ability to determine the decisions of an open accumulative pension fund, a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund or persons jointly being a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund through ownership of shares (stakes in the authorized capital) legal entities;

15-4) a major participant in an open accumulative pension fund - an individual - a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan or a legal entity (except in cases where such an owner is the state, as well as in cases provided for by this Law), which, in accordance with the written consent of the authorized body, may own directly or indirectly by ten or more percent of the voting shares of an open accumulative pension fund or be able to:

to influence the decisions made by the open accumulative pension fund by virtue of an agreement or otherwise in the manner determined by the regulatory legal acts of the authorized body;

15-5) indirect ownership of shares in the authorized capital or ownership (voting) of shares of a legal entity - the ability to determine the decisions of a legal entity, a major participant in a legal entity or persons who are jointly a major participant in a legal entity, through ownership (voting) of shares (stakes in authorized capital) of other legal entities;

16) accumulative pension fund - a legal entity carrying out activities to attract pension contributions and pension payments, as well as investment management of pension assets in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) mandatory pension contributions - money contributed in accordance with this Law to accumulative pension funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

18) an organization carrying out investment management of pension assets - a legal entity carrying out investment management of pension assets of accumulative pension funds;

19) bodies assigning pension payments from the Center - authorized state bodies;

21) pension assets - money, securities, other financial instruments intended for securing and making pension payments and transfers, as well as withdrawals from accumulative pension funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

22) pension payments from:

Center - payment of money to individuals with at least six months of work experience as of January 1, 1998 in proportion to the length of service;

accumulative pension funds - payments of pension savings to beneficiaries, carried out;

23) pension savings - the money of a contributor (recipient) recorded on his individual pension account, including mandatory pension contributions, voluntary pension contributions and voluntary professional pension contributions, investment income, penalties, other receipts in accordance with agreements, this Law, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan ;

24) pension - a set of pension payments from the Center, accumulative pension funds;

25) printed edition - printed periodicals, the list of which is determined by the authorized body;

27) prudential standard - economic requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ensure the financial stability of an accumulative pension fund and an organization that carries out investment management of pension assets;

28) separate accounting in an accumulative pension fund - non-inclusion of pension assets in the balance sheet of an accumulative pension fund as a legal entity;

29) real value of pension savings - the nominal value of pension savings adjusted for the consumer price index calculated by the authorized body of state statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

29-1) parent organization - a legal entity that has control over another legal entity;

31) the rate of voluntary pension contributions - the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund, determined by the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions;

32) the rate of voluntary professional pension contributions - the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund, determined by the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary professional pension contributions and this Law;

33) the rate of mandatory pension contributions - the amount of payment to the accumulative pension fund, expressed as a percentage of the income of the contributor, accepted for calculating pension contributions;

34) insurance organization (insurer) - a legal entity carrying out activities for the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts in the "life insurance" industry on the basis of the relevant license of the authorized body;

36) authorized body - a state body exercising functions and powers to regulate and supervise the activities of accumulative pension funds, organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets, custodian banks, insurance companies.

37) central executive body - a state body that regulates in the field of social protection of the population.

Article 2. The right of citizens to pension provision

1. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to pension provision in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall enjoy the right to pension provision on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise provided by laws and international treaties.

Article 3. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pension provision

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pension provision is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. If an international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules than those contained in this Law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

Article 4 [deleted]

Article 5. State guarantees for pension provision

1. The state guarantees pensions to citizens who retired before January 1, 1998, while maintaining the established amount of pension payments until April 1, 1999; in subsequent periods, pension payments will be made in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 13 of this Law.

2. The state basic pension payment is made to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2) who have reached retirement age in accordance with Article 9 of this Law;

3) military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies, bodies (institutions) of the penal system, bodies of the financial police and the fire service, who have been awarded special ranks and who are subject to the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for employees of the internal affairs bodies who are entitled to receive pension payments based on length of service .

The state basic pension payment is carried out regardless of the receipt of pension payments from the Center and (or) from accumulative pension funds, as well as state social disability benefits.

The size of the state basic pension payment is annually established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year with a gradual approach to the subsistence minimum.

Payment of the state basic pension payment is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Upon reaching the retirement age in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 3 of Article 9 of this Law, state social benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner and age, at the request of citizens, can be replaced by a state basic pension payment in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. An increase in the size of pension payments from the Center is made annually in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. The state guarantees pension provision to citizens who have the right to a superannuation pension and who registered this right before January 1, 1998 with the bodies assigning and / or making pension payments, in this case they are provided with a pension, the payment of which begins upon leaving the position. The conditions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article and paragraph 4 of Article 13 of this Law apply to the assigned pension.

Article 6. Guarantee of safety of pension savings

1. The state guarantees recipients the safety of mandatory pension contributions in accumulative pension funds in the amount of actually made mandatory pension contributions, taking into account the level of inflation at the time the recipient acquires the right to pension payments in the manner prescribed by this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The guarantee of the safety of pension savings is also ensured through:

1) licensing the activities of accumulative pension funds to attract pension contributions and make pension payments;

2) licensing the activities of an organization carrying out investment management of pension assets for investment management of pension assets;

2-1) licensing of custodial activities of second-tier banks;

3) establishment of prudential standards for organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets and accumulative pension funds;

3-1) regulation of the activities of accumulative pension funds by establishing appropriate norms and limits that ensure their financial stability;

4) establishing requirements for founders, executives and specialists of accumulative pension funds and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets, as well as for the size and composition of their authorized capital;

5) establishment of a requirement for storage of money and securities by accumulative pension funds exclusively in a custodian bank not affiliated with an accumulative pension fund and an organization that carries out investment management of pension assets;

7) maintaining separate accounting of own funds and pension assets of accumulative pension funds, as well as establishing control over their targeted placement;

9) establishing requirements for diversification and risk reduction when placing pension assets;

10) introduction of restrictions on the amount of commissions received by accumulative pension funds;

11) mandatory annual audit of annual financial statements of accumulative pension funds and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets;

12) regular financial and statistical reporting of accumulative pension funds and organizations that carry out investment management of pension assets to the relevant state bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

12-1) providing the contributor and the recipient with information on the state of his pension savings;

13) providing the recipient with the opportunity to transfer their pension savings from one accumulative pension fund to another, but not more than twice a year;

14) voluntary insurance of pension savings in full or in part at the beneficiary's choice;

15) creation of a pension asset insurance system.

Section 2. Pension provision from the center

Chapter 2. Right to receive pension payments from the Center

Article 7. Right to receive pension payments from the Center

Citizens are guaranteed the right to receive pension payments from the Center upon the occurrence of the conditions established by this Law.

Pensioners who have reached retirement age are granted the right to reassign pensions assigned to them based on length of service before January 1, 1998.

1. Pension payments from the Center are made to the following categories of citizens:

2) who have reached retirement age in accordance with paragraphs 1-3 of Article 9 of this Law and who have had at least six months of work experience as of January 1, 1998 - in the amount proportional to the existing work experience;

3) military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Committee of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, bodies of the financial police and the state fire service, who have been awarded special ranks and who are subject to the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for employees of the internal affairs bodies, who have the right to receiving retirement benefits.

2. In the event of the death of a recipient of pension payments who does not have pension savings in accumulative pension funds, his family or the person who performed the burial is paid from the Center a lump-sum payment for burial in the amount of fifteen times the monthly calculation index.

3. In the event of the death of a recipient of pension payments who was a participant or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, his family or the individual or legal entity who performed the burial is paid from the Center a lump sum payment for burial in the amount of thirty-five times the monthly calculation index.

Article 9. Appointment of pension payments from the Center

1. Appointment of pension payments from the Center is made:

2. Citizens who lived in the zones of extreme and maximum radiation risk in the period from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963, for at least 10 years, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the social protection of citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test landfill" are entitled to a pension:

Men - upon reaching 50 years of age with a total work experience of at least 25 years;

Women - upon reaching 45 years of age with a total experience of at least 20 years.

3. Women who have given birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of eight are entitled to an old-age pension in full upon reaching 50 years of age, with a subsequent increase in the specified retirement age by 6 months annually, starting from July 1, 1998, but not more than than 3 years in total.

4. Pension payments by age in full from the Center are assigned upon reaching the age established by part one of this article, to the following categories of citizens:

1) for men - if they have at least 25 years of work experience as of January 1, 1998, and for men, from among the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, at the time of dismissal from service. At the same time, for the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, the service in the period from January 1, 1998 until the moment of dismissal from the service is counted in the length of service, provided that mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds were not made in this period;

2) women - if they have at least 20 years of work experience as of January 1, 1998, and women, from among the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, at the time of dismissal from service. At the same time, for the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, the service in the period from January 1, 1998 until the moment of dismissal from the service is counted in the length of service, provided that mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds were not made during this period.

5. Pension payments by age in an incomplete amount are assigned to the categories of citizens specified in part one of this article, if they do not have the right to receive a pension payment in full from the Center, depending on their actual length of service as of January 1, 1998 and persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, at the time of dismissal from service.

6. Pension payments by age in an incomplete amount are calculated in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a share of the full pension in proportion to the length of service as of January 1, 1998. At the same time, for the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 60 of this Law, the service in the period from January 1, 1998 until the moment of dismissal from the service is counted in the length of service, provided that mandatory pension contributions to accumulative pension funds were not made during this period.

Law Law

According to tax laws RepublicKazakhstan;". 5. In LawRepublicKazakhstan"ABOUT retirementproviding V RepublicKazakhstan"from20 June 1997 year (Gazette of the Parliament RepublicKazakhstan, 1997 city, No. 12, art. 186...