Party invitation text. How to Write a Birthday Invitation Text, Beer Party Invitation Create a Party Invitation in a Few Simple Steps

Are you ready to gossip and giggle a little? Do you want to try chips, pizza and other goodies? Then come (date and time) to "Pajama Party" , which will last all night! Yes, don't forget to bring your pajamas!
It will be fun!

Dear (friend's name)! I am pleased to invite you to a party in honor of the beginning of the summer holidays, which will take place on (date and time of the event) in the courtyard of my house at (address).

Best regards (name of organizer).

Dear (guest's name)! We invite you to a party that we have decided to dedicate to a successful passing the session . We are waiting for you (date, time) in the cafe (name), located at (address of the establishment).

Dear (names of guests)! We are pleased to inform you that (date and time) will take place in our house at (exact address) culinary party . During the event we will prepare cakes and biscuits, compete in the ability to decorate dishes and answer culinary quiz questions. It will be a lot of fun, come – you won’t regret it!

Dear (guest name). We invite you, as well as your family members, to a football party, which will take place (date and time of the event) at our dacha (location and exact description of how to get there). The holiday program includes swimming in the pool, barbecue and outdoor games. Looking forward to the meeting!

Dear (friend's name)! In connection with the start of the holidays, I decided to throw a small party. I invite you (date and time of the event) to our modest bachelorette party at the night club (name of establishment).

(Guest's name)! Finally, I managed to get a good job. I am starting a completely new life, full of new discoveries and worries. I want my closest and most devoted friends to celebrate this joyful event with me. Come (time and date) to the party that will take place at my house (address). It will be a lot of fun!

Are you coming to my party?
Come tomorrow at eight!
And with me a gramophone record
Be sure to grab it!

We have a DJ in electro style
The music will start playing!
Will play on vinyl
With the mood in unison!

Stop bothering!
Come to my party!
Do you know the way here?
Let's have some fun here!
Bring your friends with you
It will be more fun together!

Come to my party!
And take your soulmate!
I want to entertain my friends
Let's drive away boredom together!

I'm at your party
I invite you to visit!
It will be fun with us -
I promise that!

Come, but not alone,
Bring your friends!
We will disperse the gray spleen
It's more fun together!

I'm having a party
Coming soon
I invite you, friends,
Show up for it!

There will be music playing
Wines and snacks
Standing on our table!
Let's sit in Russian!

Soon it won’t be an easy holiday for me!
I'm inviting you all to the party, friends!
Come to me with your family, come alone!
It is very important that you come! You are needed!

I invite you to my place
All your friends!
That's how I want to see
Have guests!

You're at the party, friend,
Come with your family!
It will be fun all around!
You are always like your own!

We don’t need much to be happy!
You need happiness, no matter how you look at it!
You, friends, are always very welcome!
With you, joy awakens inside!

We invite you to our place, dear ones!
The party will be for “our own people”.
Come, dear guests!
Let's take a break from everyday life in the city!

The evening is quiet and the evening is so beautiful!
The sounds fade away - silence...
So that that evening is not in vain,
I need good company!

I invite you to visit soon!
Let's chat, let's sit together!
I love evenings like this...
Come, we need you!

Leave all your worries and affairs behind,
I invite you to a party!
Let's have fun together until the morning!
I want to see you at my place!

See, the house is clean!
Not a speck of dust in the house!
So cozy - beautiful!
There will be a party!

I invite you too
Join us this evening!
I will be immensely glad
Let's meet again!

Contact guests at a convenient time. Invite them when you can meet them somewhere. Perhaps you are doing something with them? Otherwise, adjust your schedule and meet when it's convenient. The more time they can spend with you, the better they will be receptive to your party idea.

  • Give guests the right to choose. Don't invite your guests as if they have to agree. Your party should be fun, not scary. If they can't come, they should feel a little upset, not guilty!

    • For example, instead of saying, “You're coming to my party next week, aren't you?”, say something like, “Hey, (guest's name), I'm throwing a party next week. I would really like you to come!”
  • Make sure you provide all the necessary information. Just like with a telephone invitation, the details of a personal conversation can be easily forgotten. Make sure your guest knows where and when the party is, what the occasion is, and whether they need to bring anything.

    • To make sure your guest doesn't forget anything, you can also give him an invitation flyer. This doesn't have to be a "real invitation", but rather a reminder of the party.
    • Additionally, you can offer to write down all the information, send them a message on their phone, etc.
  • Talk to your guests. You can stir up interest in the party with personalized invitations. This can be most effective when you give the invitation among other people. The more excited you are and share the details of the party, the less likely they are to forget about it. In addition, they will take over your excitement.

    • Describe what your party will be like and how excited you are. You can say something like this: “I can’t wait for the party, it’s going to be great!” You can additionally express your admiration with your tone of voice and gestures.
    • If you don't want to focus on the details of the party, you can ask your guests to give their guesses. Your guests are much more likely to come if they have a hand in organizing the party.
  • Remember that you may offend people you didn't invite who heard about your party from others. Be careful if you skimp on personal invitations. Make sure that only the people you want to invite participate in the discussion.

    • If this issue does arise, tell guests that there will be a limited number of people at the party. So they have to keep it a secret. Guests will feel special because they are on the VIP list!
  • Birthday is a favorite holiday of adults and children. It is traditionally celebrated among friends and family. You can invite everyone you want to see at the celebration by phone or in person, but there is a more original way - make an invitation card or buy it in a specialized store. Invitation text it's better to compose it yourself.

    Features of composing an invitation text

    Why does the text written in your own hand on the invitation take precedence over the finished version that some postcards contain? The whole point is that you write it from the heart, which means every word is filled with warmth and gratitude. So, what should you consider when writing the text for your birthday invitation card?

    In addition, when composing the text for the invitation, you should indicate your mobile phone number for those guests who do not have one. What if they cannot find the place of celebration or want to clarify some other details about the party.

    Types of texts

    It's worth noting that a birthday invitation can be formal, funky, or classic. Here are their descriptions and approximate options:


    As you already understood, it is best used for work colleagues, bosses, not too close friends and just good friends. Here are some examples of such texts: Dear “first and patronymic”! Let me invite you to a party on the occasion of my birthday. The celebration will take place on September 11 at 19.00 at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. If you have any questions, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. "The name of the hero of the occasion." *** “Name and Patronymic”, I invite you to celebrate my birthday. The celebration will be held at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth” September 11 at 19.00. The dress code is loose. "The name of the hero of the occasion." Tel. 8 906 XXX XX XX.


    A classic invitation is considered to be the one that is already printed on the card. It should be used if you do not have the time or desire to compose your own text. Here is his example: Invitational. Full name: Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Occasion: I invite you to a birthday party. Time of the holiday: September 11, 19.00. Place of celebration: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. Phone for clarification: 8 906 ХХХ ХХ ХХ. Full name of the inviter: Alexey Ivanov. Additional information: the party will be held in a “mafia” style. Please remember to come dressed in a three-piece gangster suit and hat. I guarantee you a lot of fun and an exciting photo session.


    Funny invitations should only be used for good friends and relatives who have a great sense of humor.

    Here are some of the most successful versions of texts of this type: Hey, dude (dude), I now have a reason to get crazy and take an armor-piercing dose of swill on my chest. I guarantee snacks and other food. It will be sooooo fun! Do you want to break away? Come on September 11 at seven in the evening to Lublinskaya Street. Make sure you don’t confuse it – building 74, the name of the party place is “Cozy Hearth”. You can choose any clothes, the main thing is that you are comfortable. I'll be looking forward to it, and don't forget about the gift! Your friend Andrey. *** I have a big holiday here soon! Therefore, dear “name”, I invite you to celebrate it. I won't accept any excuses. If you don’t have money for a gift, you can just come. No, of course, I won’t ignore this, but I’ll just do the same on your birthday. In general, drag your family and drag yourself to Lyublinskaya in the “Cozy Hearth” cafe on September 11 at 19.00. P.S. If you still want to buy a gift or suddenly get lost, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. With all respect, Andrew. *** Agenda Issued: Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Arrival address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74. Arrival time: September 11, 19.00. Purpose of arrival: Teachings. Checking the body and body for alcoholic libations on the occasion of a birthday. At the place of arrival, ask the commander-in-chief of the holiday, Andrei Ivanov. Besides, You can also compose the text for an invitation card in verse. This option is better perceived by ear than the prosaic one. Here are examples of invitations in verse:

    My dear friend Andrey,

    I gather all my friends.

    It's my birthday -

    It's a great reason for

    Parties and fun

    It's cool, no doubt!

    So I'm waiting, come,

    Hey you best friends

    I have a holiday soon -

    What's the reason? Birthday!

    There will be jokes and fun!

    In general, I'm looking forward to seeing you,

    To celebrate your birthday!

    Be sure to write the place and time of celebration, as well as your phone number.

    Text options for party invitations in different styles

    As mentioned above, theme parties are in fashion today. The texts of invitations for them should be composed depending on the style of the event.. Here are their most popular options:

    Mafia style birthday

    Gangster parties are a great occasion for beautiful photo shoots and an opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 30s. It is better to issue an invitation in the form of a black and white leaflet with the inscription “Wanted” and a photo of the guest. Here's what you can write on it: WANTED (in large letters) Dangerous criminal wanted. Full name. Request of the finder to deliver to the address: location and time.

    Hawaiian themed party

    Such a holiday is characterized not only by a special form of clothing, menu and room decoration, but also by the use of special words. By the way, they should definitely be written in the text of the invitation.

    Here is their list:

    • Aloha- Hello;
    • Huna– dance;
    • Olu-olu- Please;
    • Kui kana– when you and I meet again.

    An invitation to a holiday in this style could be like this: Aloha, friend (girlfriend). Olu-olu come to my birthday at the Cozy Hearth cafe. I promise it will be fun! I want exotic dishes and cocktails, and you get a good mood and fiery vibe. I'll be waiting impatiently, and wait!

    Birthday in Russian folk style

    For this holiday, guests will have to appear in appropriate attire. well and The birthday boy should make sure that there are dishes of Russian cuisine on the table. In the text of the invitation to such a holiday, you should definitely use ancient words. Here is his example: Oh, you goy, good fellow Ilya! I strike with my forehead and by your will I ask you to appear on September 11 at 19.00 at the “Cozy Hearth” tavern. You will taste excellent dishes and drink from overseas, and celebrate my birthday. With great respect, Andrey.

    Birthday in pirate style

    An invitation to this holiday should be issued accordingly. For this you it is necessary to artificially age sheets of paper using a strong coffee solution. They also need to be torn off at the edges and lightly burned with a lighter or candle. It is better to write the inscription on such an invitation using ink and pen. Here is the text of the pirate invitation card: Hey pirate (pirate's girlfriend), big Joe welcomes you! I invite you to the most crazy gathering of pirates on the occasion of my birthday. Come on September 11 at 19.00 to the “Cozy Hearth”. I'll be waiting for you at the stern. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum guaranteed!

    When writing a birthday invitation, remember that it should express your desire to see the person at the party. Therefore, it is better to leave official options for especially important people.

    And for friends and family, come up with a warm and touching text. This will give people close to you a good mood and positive emotions. As an option, you can use not a regular invitation on paper, but a video version that can be easily sent to your friends by e-mail. And if the future birthday boy invites guests, performing rap...

    Birthday is a favorite holiday of adults and children. It is traditionally celebrated among friends and family. You can invite everyone you want to see at the celebration by phone or in person, but there is a more original way - make an invitation card or buy it in a specialized store. Invitation text it's better to compose it yourself .

    Why does the text written in your own hand on the invitation take precedence over the finished version that some postcards contain? The whole point is that you write it from the heart, which means every word is filled with warmth and gratitude. So, what should you consider when writing the text for your birthday invitation card?

    Have you already prepared funny toasts for your birthday? Don’t think that you will be able to sit quietly on the sidelines during the holiday! Read our article about how you can make a piñata with your own hands.

    In addition, when composing the text for the invitation, you should indicate your mobile phone number for those guests who do not have one. What if they cannot find the place of celebration or want to clarify some other details about the party.

    It's worth noting that a birthday invitation can be formal, funky, or classic. Here are their descriptions and approximate options:

    As you already understood, it is best used for work colleagues, bosses, not too close friends and just good friends. Here are some examples of such texts: Dear “first and patronymic”! Let me invite you to a party on the occasion of my birthday. The celebration will take place on September 11 at 19.00 at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. If you have any questions, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. "The name of the hero of the occasion." *** “Name and Patronymic”, I invite you to celebrate my birthday. The celebration will be held at the address: Moscow

    , st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth” September 11 at 19.00. The dress code is loose. "The name of the hero of the occasion." Tel. 8 906 XXX XX XX.

    A classic invitation is considered to be the one that is already printed on the card. It should be used if you do not have the time or desire to compose your own text. Here is his example: Invitational. Full name I. O. Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Occasion: I invite you to a birthday party. Time of the holiday: September 11, 19.00. Place of celebration: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. Phone for clarification: 8 906 ХХХ ХХ ХХ. Full name of the inviter: Alexey Ivanov. Additional information: the party will be held in a “mafia” style. Please remember to come dressed in a three-piece gangster suit and hat. I guarantee you a lot of fun and an exciting photo session.

    Funny invitations should only be used for good friends and relatives who have a great sense of humor.

    Here are some of the most successful versions of texts of this type: Hey, dude (dude), I now have a reason to get crazy and take an armor-piercing dose of swill on my chest. I guarantee snacks and other food. It will be sooooo fun! Do you want to break away? Come on September 11 at seven in the evening to Lublinskaya Street. Make sure you don’t confuse it – building 74, the name of the party place is “Cozy Hearth”. You can choose any clothes, the main thing is that you are comfortable. I'll be looking forward to it, and don't forget about the gift! Your friend Andrey. *** I have a big holiday here soon! Therefore, dear “name”, I invite you to celebrate it. I won't accept any excuses. If you don’t have money for a gift, you can just come. No, of course, I won’t ignore this, but I’ll just do the same on your birthday. In general, drag your family and drag yourself to Lyublinskaya in the “Cozy Hearth” cafe on September 11 at 19.00. P.S. If you still want to buy a gift or suddenly get lost, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. With all respect, Andrew. *** Agenda Issued. Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Arrival address. Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74. Arrival time. September 11, 19.00. Purpose of arrival. Exercises. Checking the body and body for alcoholic libations on the occasion of a birthday. At the place of arrival, ask the commander-in-chief of the holiday, Andrei Ivanov. Besides, You can also compose the text for an invitation card in verse. This option is better perceived by ear than the prosaic one. Here are examples of invitations in verse:

    About how interesting it is to give a gift for a birthday. you can read on our website. And you don't want to find out. how to organize a party in the style of the Italian mafia? At this address, read about decorating dishes for the holiday table with your own hands.

    As mentioned above, theme parties are in fashion today. The texts of invitations for them should be composed depending on the style of the event.. Here are their most popular options:

    Gangster parties are a great occasion for beautiful photo shoots and an opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 30s. It is better to issue an invitation in the form of a black and white leaflet with the inscription “Wanted” and a photo of the guest. Here's what you can write on it: WANTED (in large letters) Dangerous criminal wanted. Full name. Request of the finder to deliver to the address: location and time.

    Such a holiday is characterized not only by a special form of clothing, menu and room decoration, but also by the use of special words. By the way, they should definitely be written in the text of the invitation.

    An invitation to a holiday in this style could be like this: Aloha, friend (girlfriend). Olu-olu come to my birthday at the Cozy Hearth cafe. I promise it will be fun! I want exotic dishes and cocktails, and you get a good mood and fiery vibe. I'll be waiting impatiently, and wait!

    For this holiday, guests will have to appear in appropriate attire. well and The birthday boy should make sure that there are dishes of Russian cuisine on the table. In the text of the invitation to such a holiday, you should definitely use ancient words. Here is his example: Oh, you goy, good fellow Ilya! I strike with my forehead and by your will I ask you to appear on September 11 at 19.00 at the “Cozy Hearth” tavern. You will taste excellent dishes and drink from overseas, and celebrate my birthday. With great respect, Andrey.

    An invitation to this holiday should be issued accordingly. For this you it is necessary to artificially age sheets of paper using a strong coffee solution. They also need to be torn off at the edges and lightly burned with a lighter or candle. It is better to write the inscription on such an invitation using ink and pen. Here is the text of the pirate invitation card: Hey pirate (pirate's girlfriend), big Joe welcomes you! I invite you to the most crazy gathering of pirates on the occasion of my birthday. Come on September 11 at 19.00 to the “Cozy Hearth”. I'll be waiting for you at the stern. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum guaranteed!

    When writing a birthday invitation, remember that it should express your desire to see the person at the party. Therefore, it is better to leave official options for especially important people.

    And for friends and family, come up with a warm and touching text. This will give people close to you a good mood and positive emotions. As an option, you can use not a regular invitation on paper, but a video version that can be easily sent to your friends by e-mail. And if the future birthday boy invites guests while performing rap...

    Summer is the time for an unforgettable holiday and bright parties. And if you are on the verge of an important event in life or just want to gather old friends together, please them with creative invitations.

    Invitations by phone or regular postcards are boring and banal, but invitations with a twist will be an excellent addition to the holiday and will put all its participants in the right mood. Here are examples of extraordinary solutions for invitation cards.

    1. Even a not-so-original place for a party can be beat up by encrypting it in the invitation itself. Let your guests be pleasantly surprised, but not immediately, but only after they erase the scratch panel (like on lottery tickets). Only in this case will they receive the exact address of the festival location. (original idea)

    2. For romantic events, light and warm texts that can be written on several postcards, stitched together in such a way as to make a mini-book, are ideal. (original idea)

    3. Advanced film buffs will certainly appreciate invitations that can only be seen with 3 D points.(original idea)

    4. The next series of invitations are not just cards or inscriptions, but real gifts for each of the party participants. Snow globes with animal figures inside will look great on shelves and will remind you for a long time of what holiday they are dedicated to. (original idea)

    5. Imagine that your guests open a wedding invitation, and instead of the banal “we cordially invite...” there is a dancing couple skillfully cut out of paper... Romantic, isn’t it? By the way, you can issue an invitation to a dance evening in the same way. (original idea)

    6. The most common holiday attribute is a balloon. They decorate wedding halls, children's parties, and a bouquet of balloons as a gift looks cute and makes you smile. Bring a smile to every guest's face by tying a balloon to each card. Only by inflating it will the guest know where he is going to go. (original idea)

    7. Tiny invitations? Why not. You can put two tiny buttons in each envelope and sign: “If you are ready to come to our party, send us a red button, if not, send us a blue button.” (original idea)

    8. An excellent and quite budget option is to design an invitation card in the form of a map, indicating in detail the route to the location of the party. This can be done either on a sheet of paper or on a canvas or piece of fabric, artificially aging it. (original idea)

    9. Remember the children's frog fortune teller that any girl could make in a minute? Armed with these skills, you can make cute invitations for a bachelorette party, pajama party, or theme party. (original idea)

    10. A voluminous invitation card can be made in a few minutes, armed with a strip of thin paper and scissors. And if you remember the skills of cutting out New Year's cards, you can get a real openwork and delicate masterpiece. (original idea)

    11. Invite your friends for tea? Place a bag of aromatic tea in each envelope. A subtle hint will be understood, even if there are a minimum of words in the invitation card. (original idea)

    12. “Music lovers unite at the most musical party of the year!” - your invitation, designed in the form ofCD. Nostalgia will be especially appropriate at a party in the style of the 90s or 2000s. (idea from the site)

    13. Old camera films can also be useful if you put a funny invitation inside each plastic box. (idea from the site)

    14. Summer time is ideal for hiking and picnics. And if your birthday falls on warm summer days, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Add a little pioneer enthusiasm to your invitation cards in the form of a pennant or patch and the success of the party is guaranteed. (original idea)

    15. A beautiful scarf or silk ribbon will give the invitation a homely atmosphere. But it’s easy to do: just wrap a piece of fabric, scarf or ribbon around the invitation. (idea from the site)

    16. A party for film buffs or a themed wedding is an excellent occasion to work some magic on postcards in the style of posters of the 40-50s of the XX century. By the way, the heroes of the party themselves can appear in the images of film actors. (idea from the site)

    17. Keen programmers, and just people who are familiar with computers, will be amused by invitations written in a programming language. (idea from the site)