How to remove permanent marker from plastic. Means for removal of a marker from different surfaces. Regular stationery eraser

25.04.2017 1 15 697 views

If you are faced with the question: how to wash a felt-tip pen from clothes at home, then most likely a small artist lives in your house. Children, as a rule, choose different objects at hand for creativity, and a wall or clothes can become a place for their drawings.

Basic rules for removing stains from a felt-tip pen

It is also possible to get rid of traces of colored felt-tip pens at home, but it is very important to determine its type before proceeding. It will depend on this which tool can be used, and which one is better to remove away.

There are several types of markers:

  • based on alcohol;
  • on the basis of chalk;
  • water based;
  • on a standard fat basis;
  • based on paint components.

Be sure to test the cleaning compound on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric before proceeding with the active steps. If after a few minutes no stains appear on the clothes, then you can proceed to the main cleaning.

What means to remove the felt-tip pen on clothes?

After the composition of the marker is studied, it is necessary to determine what material this or that clothing is made of, a lot of things will also depend on this.

There are several ways to remove a water-based marker stain:

  1. Wash with laundry soap in warm water.
  2. Prepare a solution of ammonia and soda, and treat the contaminated areas with it.
  3. Mix washing powder and ammonia, and remove the stain with the resulting mixture.

If the marker is made on the basis of paint and varnish components, then a solvent can be used for cleaning. An alcohol felt-tip pen is well displayed with medical alcohol. While traces of a fat-based felt-tip pen can be removed with vegetable oil.

The products listed are just a few of the things you can use to remove marker stains from clothing. Nida will be presented with a more detailed list of substances that perfectly cope with pollution, while when used correctly, they do not spoil even delicate fabrics.

laundry soap

The easiest way to remove marker marks from clothes is to use laundry soap.

  • to remove contamination, rub the product liberally with soap and leave for 30-60 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, wash off the soap and rub the stain again, after which the product must be washed in warm water;
  • if it was not possible to scrub the stain the first time, then apply the soap again and wait at least another 30-40 minutes. Re-soaking almost 100% will remove the marker stain;
  • at the end, the product can be washed additionally in a washing machine with washing powder. Such cleaning will allow you to easily wash the marks from the water-based felt-tip pen.

Alcohol-based products

Not every housewife knows how to remove traces of an alcohol-based felt-tip pen, but if you figure it out, everything turns out to be much simpler. You can use various products that contain alcohol. It could be:

  • medical alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • lotion for men;
  • aftershave.

You can use any based on your preferences.

  1. Lay the stained product on a flat surface and use a cotton pad or sponge to apply the cleaner to the stain.
  2. With careful movements, try to collect a trace from the felt-tip pen, periodically change the sponge to a clean one so that there are no dirty marks and streaks.
  3. When the stain is completely removed, wash the product in the usual way.
  4. If the felt-tip pen was on a leather jacket, then after cleaning it, grease the area with a greasy cream so that the leather does not crack and lose its color.

Various types of solvents

White spirit will help remove traces from the felt-tip pen. This tool is best diluted with water to get a not too concentrated solution.

  • the product is placed on a flat oilcloth surface;
  • with a sponge dipped in a solution, treat the place with dirt and gently remove the stain.

When the stain is completely removed, the product must be sent to the wash to give it a pleasant scent of conditioner and powder.

Be sure to clean with a solvent should take place in a well-ventilated area, as it has a strong chemical odor.


Ammonia is a tool that does an excellent job with traces of a chalk-based felt-tip pen. It can be used in two variations.

Option one:

  1. Ammonia is mixed with washing powder and dishwashing detergent, so that a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the place of contamination and left to dry, during which time the felt-tip pen will have to dissolve and its traces will be absorbed into the applied porridge.
  3. After a few minutes, the mixture is removed with a soft brush, and the product itself is sent to the wash.

Option two:

  1. Two parts of ammonia must be mixed with one part of baking soda.
  2. The resulting porridge is applied to the contaminated area and left to dry completely, after which the mixture is removed with a soft brush.
  3. When the stain is completely removed, the product is sent to the wash.

hydrogen peroxide

If white clothes were damaged by a felt-tip pen, then hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with the problem.

  • a cotton pad is moistened in a liquid, after which the place of contamination is wetted with it;
  • no need to rub, so that the felt-tip pen can spread over a large area, you need to move from the edge to the center, as if lifting the pollution;
  • after a few minutes of such cleaning, the stain from the felt-tip pen will completely disappear and the clothes can be washed in the usual way.

Dishwashing detergents

You can remove traces of the felt-tip pen with dishwashing detergent. A small amount of liquid is applied to the contamination, and after a few minutes it is removed with a damp, clean sponge.


Each representative of the fair sex can find hairspray - this is a tool without which any hairstyle rarely does. At the same time, this tool copes well with the stains of the felt-tip pen.

Removing the stain is quite simple, you need to spray the varnish on the place of contamination, after which it is blotted with a paper towel. Since the varnish dries very quickly, you need to act quickly.

table vinegar

Effectively copes with marks from a felt-tip pen on clothes with ordinary table vinegar. You need to act in the same way as in the case of alcohol products. First, the stain is abundantly wetted, and then the labial is carefully removed. So that the product does not leave an unpleasant odor, it must be washed with detergent and conditioner.

baking soda

For a better result, cleaning with vinegar can be diluted with soda. After applying vinegar to the stain, sprinkle plenty of soda on the stained area, a chemical reaction will begin, during which the felt-tip pen will be removed. After cleaning, be sure to wash the product with washing powder.

vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will help remove traces of a fat-based felt-tip pen. A small amount of the substance is applied to the contaminated area and left for several minutes, after which it is rinsed in cold water. To avoid greasy marks on the product, you can additionally treat the place with dishwashing detergent.


Toothpaste must be mixed with soda in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting mixture is applied to the site of contamination and left to dry completely. After the mixture has been absorbed, it is cleaned with a damp cloth, and the product is sent to the washing machine.

Napkins or paper towels

If traces from the felt-tip pen have just appeared, then it is better to start acting immediately. So that the trace from the felt-tip pen is not soaked, a napkin is placed between the layers, which will absorb the main dirt.

cotton fabric

Instead of a napkin, you can use a cotton cloth, which is also placed under the front side so that the felt-tip pen does not soak further.


If a cotton pad or sponge is not at hand, a toothbrush may well replace them, and it can be used while removing the dried cleaning mixture.

Video: how to remove marker marks from clothes at home?

stain remover

If there is no time for experiments, you can buy a stain remover in any household chemical store, which can easily cope with almost any pollution.

The marker is an indispensable assistant both at home and at work. In the modern world, it is used very often. Therefore, it is so important to know how to erase the marker.

It is important for many to know how to erase the marker

When using markers, unpleasant incidents often occur when sleeves or other parts of clothing are soiled. It also happens that children can paint walls, furniture and even pets with a marker. In such a situation, the question of how to erase this felt-tip pen becomes relevant.

There are many different markers designed for specific surfaces. There are specialized markers for wood, metal, rubber and other materials. Permanent markers are made very resistant, so it is not always possible to wash off the stains from them the first time. Removal methods are also different. For example, a marker is removed from plastic differently than from wood, and vice versa.

Before you wipe off the marker, you must first determine on what basis it is made. Then, depending on the type of contaminated surface, it is necessary to choose a method of removal and security measures.

There are many different markers designed for specific surfaces.

Varieties of markers

  1. Alcohol markers are so named because they write with ink mixed with alcohol. Alcohol, as you know, is volatile, so any ether that evaporates quickly will help to erase the felt-tip pen. Medical alcohol or vodka is perfect.
  2. In a water-based marker, the ink is mixed with ordinary water, so a simple napkin moistened with water is enough to remove the inscriptions made by it.
  3. The most difficult thing is with markers, the ink of which is mixed with an oil base. To wipe off such stains will help special solvents. Such a marker can be described as indelible. But there are enough ways to remove marker stains from various surfaces.

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How to remove a marker from various surfaces (video)

Ways to Remove Marker from Hard Surfaces

  1. First of all, you should try to clean the surface with alcohol or strong alcohol. Even if you know that the base of the marker is not alcohol, it is still worth trying to resort to this method. In most cases this helps. If it doesn’t help, then you can try something from folk remedies.
  2. Ordinary toothpaste is also good at removing marker stains. It must be mixed with baking soda in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied to the contamination. Then leave the solution to soak (5-10 minutes), then remove the applied mixture with a damp cloth.
  3. Motorists and cyclists are well aware of the essential lubricant WD-40. If you find inscriptions on your car, then you can try to remove them with WD-40. As with toothpaste, apply, wait and wipe.
  4. There are also special tools for cleaning surfaces. One of them is called that - a felt-tip pen for removing stains. It is often used to clean plastic items and special whiteboards.
  5. Many tried to erase the felt-tip pen from paper with an eraser, but no one succeeded. There are such irreplaceable things as a magic eraser or a melamine sponge. They need to be slightly moistened with water, and stains can be removed, including those from markers.
  6. One exotic way to remove marker marks is to use sunscreen.

Where does the dust come from

Methods for removing stains from clothes and fabrics

  1. Housewives often wonder how and with what to wash the marker from children's clothes. First of all, bleach and special modes on the washing machine are used. These are very effective methods. For best results, it is recommended to soak the clothes in bleach first.
  2. You can try a solution of milk, vinegar and citric acid. Take all ingredients in a volume of 1 tbsp. l. Apply the solution to the stain, and then wipe off with a damp sponge.
  3. As with hard surfaces, acetone and alcohol are used for clothes and fabrics.

4 ways to remove marker stains from furniture (video)

Ways to remove marker from furniture

  1. If your leather sofa has lost its aesthetic appearance due to marker stains, you can try hairspray. Spray varnish on a rag and wipe the leather upholstery. If the varnish does not remove the contamination, increase the applied volume.
  2. Upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery can be saved by ordinary hydrogen peroxide. First dampen one rag with peroxide and rub the stain for 10 minutes, then wet the second. Wipe the contaminated surface for another 10 minutes. With a third rag, finally wipe off the remaining dirt.
  3. For other types of furniture, the answer to the question of how to erase a permanent marker will be ambiguous. You can try alcohol, and various solvents, such as 646 and acetone, will be effective. The main thing is not to overdo it and handle lacquered furniture very carefully.

A permanent marker is a handy thing if you need a durable, indelible markup. But what if the stain was placed by accident? Permanent marker can be removed at home from clothes, leather and hard materials, but in some cases you will need a powerful tool.

Types of markers and how to clean them

Determining the type of marker will help you get rid of its traces faster. Types of base for markers:

  • oil,
  • alcohol,
  • water,
  • varnishing agents.

Oil, chalk and water markers are the easiest to clean. Ordinary soap, a solution of washing powder, dishwashing gel will help. Rule for removing traces of a marker on alcohol: use alcohol-containing products. This is acetone, vodka, shaving lotions. Lacquer markers can only be washed off with strong solvents.

Before cleaning, you need to take into account the material on which the dirty mark remains. It is dangerous to use solvents on some surfaces: such substances help to fix marker stains and corrode the material. Care should be taken with plastic, varnished kitchen surfaces.

It is best to avoid abrasive products and start with the least aggressive ones. On expensive furniture, it is recommended to carry out a test: apply the cleaner to an inconspicuous area and make sure that the coating does not react.

How to remove marks from hard surfaces

It will not be difficult to wash off the traces of the felt-tip pen from such surfaces, since their structure does not allow the substance to penetrate deeply and gain a foothold. The first thing to try for cleaning hard surfaces is alcohol.

How to proceed:

  1. Soak a piece of cloth or cotton pad in alcohol or an alcohol-based product. For example, ethyl alcohol is replaced by strong alcohol.
  2. Rub the mark from the marker or briefly press the matter against it.
  3. The stain will begin to dissolve and remain on the fabric or cotton.
  4. Before complete dissolution, sometimes you have to change the napkin for a new one.

Marks from an alcohol marker must not be actively rubbed or smeared. The place is covered with a cotton pad soaked in a cleaning agent. In case of severe contamination, you can slightly rub the object, but only within the stain.

Means for metal - White spirit solvent: applied to the sponge, and the soiled area is treated with it.

An easy way to remove marker marks from plastic is to treat them with toothpaste. Suitable uniform, white, without abrasive particles. How to remove permanent marker:

  1. Apply a small amount of paste to the stain.
  2. Leave for a few minutes to absorb.
  3. Dampen a soft sponge with water and rub gently.

Melamine sponge is designed for a wide range of dirt. Such a household eraser will help wash the traces of the marker. It is enough to wet the mark with water and rub until it disappears completely.

A gentle way for varnished wood and plastic is the usual diligent gum. The principle of operation is like with traces of a pencil: just rub until it disappears completely.

Is it possible to remove the marker from the fabric, and how to do it

If a trace of the felt-tip pen appeared on the clothes, it will turn out to be washed with bleach or stain remover. For white fabrics, any product is suitable, for colored fabrics - with a corresponding mark.

Not all types of textiles allow the use of bleaches, be sure to study the data on the label.

How to wash the marker from clothes:

  1. Dilute a small amount of bleach in warm water.
  2. Soak the part of the product on which the contamination is located.
  3. Keep track of how the tool works. As soon as the trace of the marker disappears, rinse the clothing thoroughly in clean water.

If strong textiles like towels and bed linen are painted with a marker, then it is permissible to use acetone or alcohol:

  1. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad.
  2. Gently rub the product into the area of ​​contamination.
  3. When the stain is gone, wash the fabric.

If your child has drawn on the carpet with a felt-tip pen, try applying hairspray. In no case should you rub the permanent marker on the carpet: this will smear the stain, and the fibers will weaken, after which the appearance of the carpet will leave much to be desired. How to use floor polish:

  1. Spray the spray bottle onto the stain and leave it on.
  2. When the trace disappears, dampen the area of ​​​​the carpet with water and blot dry with a towel.

Alcohol is sometimes used instead of varnish. Pour a little on the stain and wait for the dirt to disappear, then rinse the place with clean water and blot with a cloth.

Method for upholstered furniture

If the chair or sofa has leather upholstery, then the main assistant is hairspray:

  1. Apply a small amount of varnish to a clean piece of cloth.
  2. Wipe the stain with a treated cloth.
  3. Clean the cleaned upholstery with a clean cloth dampened with warm water.

What if the upholstery is fabric? You will need hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Apply a small amount of the solution to the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Wipe off any remaining dirt with a clean, damp towel.
  3. Dry the upholstery with a dry cloth.

How to wash the marker off the body

In this case, again, alcohol or a solvent will help. With a cotton pad dipped in a cleaner, wipe the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If the marker is not washed off immediately, after one or two baths or showers, there will be no trace of the stain.

If a child gets dirty with a marker, then it is not recommended to use caustic products. Try treating traces of felt-tip pens with vegetable oil, then wash off with soap.

Working with alcohol and solvents involves protecting the organs of vision and breathing. Alcohol is not dangerous for the skin, but if it gets on the mucous membranes, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. Alcohol-based products should be used in well-ventilated areas.

Removing marker traces usually does not take long. The main thing is not to rush and not to rub the pollution too actively. Proper selection of products for certain surfaces and marker bases will facilitate and speed up cleaning.

If you have your own Pablo Picasso at home, do not rush to sound the alarm. In our time, wiping felt-tip pens or pens from wallpaper is not such a big problem, and in your child it is bad to kill the talent of an artist. It is clear that it is fashionable to glue other wallpapers, but you can do everything at a less cost. In this article, we have prepared the most effective methods on how to erase a felt-tip pen from paper and how to remove traces of it from wallpaper.

Nuances of materials

And felt-tip pens are different, and wallpaper. The choice of a suitable tool depends on the types of those and others. So let's deal with this.

Wallpapers in our time are very different: non-woven, paper, liquid, vinyl. Each type needs its own approach:

  1. Non-woven, vinyl coatings are washed much better than other types, as they have an artificial surface layer of plastic. Therefore, it is not difficult to remove felt-tip pens from them.
  2. Paper - it all depends on the quality, as well as the percentage of the pulp itself. The choice of cleaner will be very limited.
  3. Liquid ones are also easy to care for and, as a rule, are washable. They can be used with different means.

A lot also depends on the type of marker. They are oil, water and alcohol based.

Water based

If you have purchased water-based markers, consider yourself lucky. Wiping off this type of felt-tip pen from the wallpaper is much easier than scrawling from any other marker.

Let's see what exactly you have on hand and how you can apply it to remove the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper paper:

  1. Ordinary hydrogen peroxide or peroxide in everyday life can help you. Soak a cotton pad in it well and start with gentle movements, slightly pressing, to remove children's creativity. Repeat this simple operation until the multi-colored traces disappear. For greater efficiency, change cotton pads often. This will help to easily wipe the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper.

Important! Try not to touch clean wallpaper.

  1. You can also buy oxygen stain remover from the home improvement department. Treat the child’s art with it and leave it for 20-25 minutes, and then gently wash everything off with a damp cloth.
  2. If you have vinyl wallpaper pasted, just make a soapy solution and walk with a cloth over the contaminated area.
  3. You can also help stain-removing wipes. The alcohol contained in them will easily remove marks from a water felt-tip pen.

Alcohol based

Art made with alcohol markers requires a different approach:

  1. The wedge kicks out with a wedge, so let's take medical alcohol as an assistant. You will also need as many cotton pads as possible. Moisten them well with alcohol and start erasing children's art, changing cotton pads to clean ones as often as possible.
  2. Also, freshly squeezed lemon juice can help you wipe the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper. Mix it in equal amounts with rubbing alcohol, dip a cotton swab into the solution, and begin to treat the traces. Then take a dry cloth and wipe everything thoroughly. Repeat this operation until you completely get rid of unnecessary drawings on the wall canvas.
  3. In addition, you can try using white toothpaste. Apply a sufficient amount on a cotton pad, process the designs and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then wipe off the marks with a dry cotton pad.

Oil based

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to remove this type of markers, so be prepared for the fact that the entire painting will remain on the canvas. But before you lose heart, still try the tools and methods suggested below, you may be able to erase the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper:

  1. If you have vinyl wallpaper, try applying regular sunflower oil to the pattern, and then wipe off with soapy water and a sponge.
  2. If the coating is paper, attach a clean sheet of paper to the place with a pattern from the marker and go over it several times with a slightly hot iron. The oil base will transfer to clean paper and the mark on the wallpaper will appear or become at least less bright.

Important! When choosing any of the above methods, try first to test it on a piece of wallpaper that was left after the repair. This will help avoid unpleasant embarrassments.


We hope you manage to remove the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper. Encourage children's creativity and buy them more drawing books so that your child is in no hurry to show his imagination on the walls.

We were all children. And we all know perfectly well what terrible marks markers and felt-tip pens leave on a variety of surfaces. And if you have a child, then seeing art on walls and other surfaces is a common thing.

But how do you wash off such a dirty trick? After all, this problem is quite serious, since it is quite difficult to get rid of traces of the marker. It all depends on the surface on which this coloring matter has fallen. Depending on where the marker was applied, the method of cleaning it will vary.

The following are the most rational means for getting rid of traces of a marker or felt-tip pen on different surfaces, the use of which will allow you to both remove traces of the marker and preserve the quality of the surface.

Removing marker marks from hard surfaces

If the marker hits a table, wall, or closet, you're in luck. After all, removing something from a hard surface is much easier than from a fabric, due to its density. In addition, hard surfaces are much more difficult to somehow harm.

For example, the use of acetone on clothes can lead to bad consequences, and the table will not be susceptible to this type of solvent. You also need to consider that not everything can be done at once, sometimes you have to repeat the cleaning.

Products for removing the marker from hard surfaces:

  • Ethanol;
  • Baking soda + toothpaste;
  • Melamine sponge - "Magic eraser";
  • WD-40;
  • Special marker;
  • Stationery eraser;
  • Sunscreen;
  • Acetone.


This thing is pretty easy to use. Just soak a rag or some cotton wool with it. Then just wipe the place of contamination several times.

When cleaning any surface, it is important not to rub the marks further. The marker will quickly dissolve in alcohol and be removed from the surface. This method is suitable for removing water- and alcohol-based markers.

Mixture of baking soda with toothpaste

Mix one part toothpaste and one part baking soda in a small bowl. Then gently rub the resulting substance onto the marker. After a few minutes, wipe everything off with a damp cloth. Repeat if necessary.

Melamine sponge - "Magic eraser"

In hardware stores, you can often find a special sponge called "Magic Eraser". It is with the help of such a cup that you can remove the marker from some surfaces.

To do this, moisten the surface with water and wipe with a sponge until the marker is erased. Add water from time to time. It is important to know that this method may take quite a lot of time (3-5 minutes).

Lubricant WD-40

WD-40, in its specialty, has strong penetrating properties, which allows it to quickly penetrate the paint and completely dissolve it. To use it, you just need to apply the liquid on the surface to be painted and, after a few minutes, wipe everything with a rag.

Special marker for cleaning stains

Today, manufacturers have made life easier for us and created a special marker that can remove various stains, including marks from the marker. To remove stains, simply apply the marker to the place of contamination, and after a couple of minutes, wipe with a cloth.

Such markers can easily clean clothes, because the principle of operation is based on the difference in the bases in the composition of the markers. And after the application, the mutual destruction of the marker structures begins.

Using a stationery eraser

A simple-looking eraser can also save furniture from marker marks. True, for this you will have to try hard. But your things will also not be harmed.


And even sunscreen can dissolve the marker (not everyone). Just rub it on the surface with a marker and wait for a while. The cream will dissolve the marker and absorb it into itself. Then remove the cream with a marker with a clean cloth.


Acetone is the strongest of today's representatives. He can help you even if all other cases have failed. However, this caustic substance can also harm you. Therefore, when using acetone, try not to breathe its fumes and clean in a well-ventilated area.

The instructions for properly cleaning the marker with acetone are extremely simple. When using it, simply soak a cloth with it and wipe the surface. Acetone will show its properties very quickly.

It is also worth remembering that acetone can ruin your furniture.

Effective ways to remove marker from fabric

The main problem of removing marker marks from the surface of the fabric is to remove the marker without damaging the surface itself.

Another problem is to simply remove traces. Since the marker will have time to penetrate deep into the tissue before it dries, which complicates its high-quality removal. And the use of acetone here is the opposite - it will simply discolor or completely destroy the fabric.

Of course, you can just wash things in the washing machine. But if the area is small enough, then washing the traces of the marker at home without problems is not difficult.

Removing marker from white fabric

This is where bleach comes in handy. It is enough to lightly moisten the place of contamination with it, and after dissolving, rinse with a damp cloth. The main thing is not to endure, otherwise the bleach will be taken for the fabric itself.

Removing marker from colored fabric

Hydrogen peroxide and plain rubbing alcohol can be used here.

First, the surface is wiped with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes. Then with the same cloth, only with alcohol, the surface is again wiped. At the end, the area is washed with water and dried.

Leather cleaning

For leather products, you can use the same products as for hard surfaces.

Carpet cleaning

One of the most effective ways is medical alcohol. It must be applied to the carpet, and after a few minutes, attach a dry cloth to this place. The main thing is not to rub the alcohol, otherwise a back reaction may be caused.

That's all, we figured out how to remove traces of a permanent marker from any surface.

Photo of laundering a felt-tip pen or marker