New mounts from Antorus and how to get them. New mounts from Antorus and how to get them Mounts 7.3

No matter how much Blizzard is criticized for changing course, rendering and hardcore World of Warcraft, for desecrating the lore or insufficiently developing the plot, there is one fact that is worth acknowledging. The developers add a lot of very interesting content. And secret "chips" are among them!

Let's remember the secret mount. A coolly conceived hint chain with an impressive reward. Yes, and taming, though not too confusing, but still requires to move your brains.

And here is another secret of patch 7.3 revealed! Now we know how to get the Lucid Nightmare mount!

To do this, you will have to run around the world, you will have to spend a lot of time, but the reward will be a deep sense of satisfaction and a unique mount. A detailed guide is available.

The number of "bonus" items that accompany the process of obtaining a Lucid Nightmare is very large. Here is the difficult puzzle with the creation of Mimiron's gear in Ulduar:

And a cool three-in-a-line game with a clear influence of the Old Gods:

And a mysteriously added NPC that didn't even show up in the dataminer's changelist because it was given a different mob number retroactively. And also the opportunity to get the Shadow Mask again (or earn a couple of tens of thousands of gold from it!)

And a programming puzzle with deciphering the binary code + a puzzle with levers in Gnomeregan:

And building the CORRECT electrical circuits:

And an endless maze-puzzle in which it is so easy to get lost. And for the passage of which it is even recommended to manually draw a map of the path that you have traveled on paper!

The main plus of such secret content is that it adds hardcore, complex and intricate, multi-stage and sometimes very costly (in terms of money and time) elements. The same uber-elements that were characteristic of the classics and TBC. But now this content is optional: if you want to suffer, but if you want, ignore =).

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As we already know, the developers will soon please us with a new raid dungeon, where you can get all sorts of cool items, including mounts. To be more precise, we are waiting for 4 new mounts and 4 different ways receiving them. Let's see how they look and what needs to be done in order to saddle them.

The first mount is Tamed Ur'zul, and it won't be easy to get. The Tamed Ur'zul has been listed as a loot list since the last raid boss of the expansion, Argus the Unmaker, and must be killed on Mythic difficulty. Mythic will open on December 5, a week after Normal and Heroic, and the boss will likely take a long time to master. This is one of the weirdest mounts I've ever seen in a game. In fact, it consists of the bodies of the draenei, assembled together. If that doesn't scare you, congratulations, you've got nerves of steel! Most likely, before the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, Tamed Ur'zhul will drop with a 100% chance, and we will have enough time to get our hands on it. The trick is to find a good raid guild... which is actually problematic, because the number of guilds that killed the last boss from the previous raid (Kil'jaeden) in Mythic mode is frighteningly small - about 500, if I'm not mistaken. So, if Antorus is comparable in complexity to the Tomb of Sargeras, we will have to sweat a lot. However, do not be upset. For those who do not like such complexity, there are more affordable options.

As with most other raids, Antorus will be able to complete the achievement from the Glory of the Raider series with a reward in the form of an Antoran Shadowhound mount. The Shadowhound model is similar to the boss model of the Hounds of Sargeras, with the difference that it is colored purple. The mount looks amazing and I'm personally excited about the prospect of riding the boss. The Twilight Hound is also similar in appearance to the Acid Belcher and Vile Spawn that drop from rare monsters on Argus, so it can be assumed that it will have similar animations (except for the flapping of its wings). Compared to killing Argus the Unmaker on Mythic difficulty, Glory of the Argus Raider will require less effort, but don't expect everyone to have this mount. Some of the milestones are quite tricky and put players in strange and unfamiliar conditions, so find a good group and be patient. After you complete all the achievements, the mount will be added to your collection automatically. But at least you don't have to rely on luck!

Another mount with the Hounds of Sargeras model is the Firebreathing Hound from Antorus. It differs from the Antoran Shadowhound only in color, and for her sake you will not have to jump above your head - it will be enough to kill the Hounds of Sargeras once a week in the hope of getting the right prey. Similar to the Void Worm that drops from Mistress Sashj'in in the Tomb of Sargeras, the Antoran Fire Hound is solo drop and available on any difficulty, including Raid Finder. In general, we can say that this mount is quite easy to get, however, it is worth considering that the mining process can stretch for many months (the boss can only be killed once a week, and the chance of a mount drop is low). However, if you get Antoran Twilight Hound and Antoran Fire Breathing Hound, you can boast that you own both Hounds of Sargeras.

And finally, let me introduce you to the mount that I like the most - Violet Spellwing! It is likely that this mount will be available to any player. It is very similar to the enchanted raven that Khadgar sends us to attack the Broken Shore. Personally, I want to get the spellwing ever since, it hurts so good! His feathers shimmer with purple and blue tones, well, isn't it lovely? To get the Spellwing, you need to kill Argus the Unmaker on Heroic or Mythic difficulty and get an item from him that starts the quest Blood of a Titan. Turning in the quest, you will receive a mount! If you've played Warlords of Draenor, you probably remember that the Keeper of the Grove could be obtained the same way. You kill the last boss once, take the quest, turn it in and drive around in new vehicles, that is, you do not have to beat the same bosses again and again, fulfill tricky conditions and dance with tambourines. I'm sure towards the end of the expansion it will be possible to kill Argus with random players or, in extreme cases, buy yourself a place in the raid. In short, remember this opportunity and don't miss it!

A huge puzzle was added with the release of patch 7.3, the reward for solving which is a cool mount: Lucid Nightmare! The puzzle contains 7 large steps, for the solution of which, a huge number of players were involved!

Lucid Nightmare

Well, let's not languish and solve all the puzzles together.

Zero step (preparation)

  • In order to quickly figure out where to fly, I advise you to install the addon in advance: Tom Tom
  • It is said that there is an addon for an easier passage of the maze (Seventh step), and many people say that it doesn't work, but I'll leave it here: Lucid Nightmare Helper
  • There is a script for checking the completion of the quest:
    /run local N,t,d=("DAL","ULD","AQ","DEEP","GNOMER","VAL","MAZE","MOUNT"),(47826,47837,47841, 47850,47852,47863,47881,47885) for s,k in pairs(N)do d=IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k,"=",d and "\124cFF00FF00" or "\124cFFFF0000NOT","DONE")end
  • All images are clickable!

Step one

First we need to go to Dalaran and find the following item: Inconspicuous Note

Located on the table to the left of Orton Bennet.

It all started in 2104059
An absolutely wonderful sign.
(Not all letters rhyme).

How to decrypt:
1. We add up all the numbers, we get 21 -> 21st letter of the Russian alphabet "U".
2. The numbers are an anagram for the release date of patch 3.1 (which released Ulduar). (2104059 = 04/15/2009)
3. The image looks like a reference to the second phase of the battle with Yogg-Saron in Ulduar.

Obviously, you need to stomp into Ulduar.

step two

We enter Ulduar, kill the Flame Leviathan and move on to the boss "Destroyer XT-002". To the left of the boss in a pile of garbage there will be a lever, using which, a field of lanterns will line up for you. The field contains 20x20 lanterns, 400 in total.

To solve this puzzle, you need to draw a gear. (although it doesn't really look like a gear)

Scheme in different types whoever is more comfortable:

1000 years of imprisonment.
It definitely affects the mind.

1000 years of imprisonment - Old Gods, heading towards them...

Step Three

Our next target is Ahn'Qiraj, the dungeon of the ancient god C'Thun. We need to get into the room to the left of it, next to the representatives of the dragons who give quests and all that. IN Halls of C'Thun there is a passage to the room, after climbing the stairs, on the table you will find Brain Larva. When used, a game similar to Rockcraft starts. In it you need to score a certain number of points (play until it stops), as soon as the game considers you the winner, a Inconspicuous note. It's long and tedious to play, but don't stop, the game will finish itself when it's needed 🙂

Coordinates of this pleasure in TomTom: /way 43 63

In the note we see the following:

Deeper than the greatest depths
The Throne awaits you.

The deepest place? Are we not there yet? Okay, let's go deeper!

Step Four

One of the deepest places in Azeroth is the Deepholm! We fly to the location, enter into TomTom /way 58 25 Thundering Depths and enter the cave.

Find a rift in the cave. As soon as you find him, interaction will become available. You agree and enter a cave with a chair, a skull, and behind the chair a sign with the text:

To you…
Not a month..
… ka…

The text of the plate - and there is the next riddle! If we rearrange the words in places, then we get the name of the goblin - Reksam Vdolgnedam. Such a goblin is located in the Northern Barrens, in Ratchet (/way 69 70). As it turned out, his environment and items have no value for us, but we need his equipment. He is wearing a Shadow Mask. I advise you to craft it, since the price at the auction is very high (the recipe for a hat drops from Dwarves and the like in the Searing Gorge location).

After acquiring / crafting a hat, you should go to the rift. The skull lying there will become available for interaction. After using it, a note will appear in front of the chair, in which:

A mysterious messenger may appear here.

Step five

It's not too obvious where to go, but…. we're going to Gnomeregan! We move to the third level "Launcher" along the coordinates (/way 36 35).

There are ten digital panels in front of you, each of which you can interact with. On the wall instruction:

01110111 00100 10010110 10101


01001001 10000


The numbers on the panels can be in the range from 1 to 9. Let's understand a little:
The three parts of the code represent murloc battle pet abilities: Falling Murloc , Power Attack , Eye Piercing . These abilities deal 684, 560 and 1110 damage respectively. After combining we get:

What is 180 in the instructions? Those are degrees! Expanding!

In the instruction +1111111111, add one to each digit. We get final combination :

As soon as you enter them, the following note will appear in front of the panels, in which ...

You understand that the time for games has passed.
When you wake up screaming.

A little explanation of how this riddle was solved (from Eipril in the comments on WoWHead)

How the riddle was solved (clickable)

If anyone is interested in the binary code in Gnomeregan and how it was solved. I tried to figure it out and double-checked everything myself.

Solved it using a Chinese tablet. The meanings in it were very different from all other languages:

2211112353211232 235211422212212
235352111112212 23212221222142211

They converted it to binary, starting from 0, the number means the number of zeros or ones, going in a row in the code, and changing one by one.

For example 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 = 00 111 00 1 0 11 000 1 000 11 0 1 0 1 0 11 0000 1 (picture for clarity - /a/zdBYv)

We got a large binary code:



This code has been converted to hexadecimal:


The results were translated into ASCII code:

9b5a 4eba 589c 843d 64ca 5168 529b 885d 9b54 9b54 773c 5149 675f

Substituted in Unicode and got Chinese characters:

%u9b5a %u4eba %u589c %u843d %u64ca %u5168 %u529b %u885d %u9b54 %u9b54 %u773c %u5149 %u675f魔魔眼光束

Note that these are the names of three murloc abilities: Falling Murloc, Power Attack, Piercing Eye.

The first person to guess the code was a man under the nickname Azariux (discord). He took the damage of these abilities, put them in a row, turned 180 degrees and added +1111111111
It turned out 684-560-370 * 3 (lasts 3 rounds) = 6845601110 - turned to 180 - 0111065486 +1111111111 = 1222176597

With the Russian / English / German version of the code, it was not possible to find a solution (and no one began to look for it after the riddle was solved). If there is a way, I will definitely update the comment.

UPD. The solution was found. And it is somewhat easier than the Chinese solution, but it does not work in Russian 🙁

We take the code:
01110111 00100 10010110 10101
11110111 01100 01111111 01000
10111101 11001 00111111 10010
01001001 10000
01011011 11110 11110001 11111
11100000 00010 11111111 01000
10110111 10101 01111111 00001
10101110 11111 00110000 01000

Chains of 8 and 5 characters alternate in the code. If you take the number of units from a chain with eight characters and multiply with the number of ones from a chain with five characters, you get a digit. If we substitute this number by number in the English alphabet, we get a letter.

For example:
01110111×00100 = 6×1 = 6 = F
10010110×10101 = 4×3 = 12 = L

In long chains, we simply count ones:
011010010110100111010110 = 13 = M

If we continue to multiply the chains in this way, we get the letters - F L N G M R L C M T Y C H R G Y B M. We get our abilities " F A L LI NG M U RL O C» = Falling murloc; " M IGH TY CH A RG E" = Powerful attack; "E Y E B EA M» = piercing gaze

Well, then, as in the Chinese scheme - we take the damage of abilities, make a row of 10 numbers out of them, expand it, add ten units and you're done! 🙂 Eipril

Step Six

The next target is Val'sharah, the current Legion content zone. Heading towards the house /way 66.21 36.56), we enter, on the left we see Nightmare tumor. Click on it and the game begins .... We are required to unravel the threads so that they do not intersect.

After completing the task, a note will appear on the floor with the following content:

What you are looking for is hidden inside.

step seven

Let's fly to Pandaria! To location - Kun-Lai Summit. We fly by coordinates /way 53 49 and we enter the room. We move all the way, in front of the statue stands Urn.

If you interact with it, a message will appear:

The runes on this urn indicate that it contains the remains of a great soul-captor mogu. Mostly they are warning signs.

We accept the challenge and move to an unknown location called "Endless Halls". These halls really amaze with their infinity. The task ahead of us is redeem five runes located in any room on a pedestal. To extinguish the rune you need to find sphere rune colors. There are five colors in total: blue, red, yellow, green, purple. . Raise the sphere and extinguish the rune of the corresponding color. It's elementary!. Each player has their own location, so it is impossible to draw where the spheres and runes lie, you will have to look for it yourself. People advise to take a piece of paper and a pen/pencil and start marking the rooms. Landmark - a pedestal in the center.

After you extinguish all the spheres, go into any room, as a result you will find yourself in a hall with a note in which you will find the following:

The path is open.
The path to the greatest secret, not revealed by anyone.
A fitting end to the journey.

Step eight

And finally, we are given the opportunity to pick up our miracle Yudo mount. We leave for Deadwind Pass, to the crypt near Karazhan. By coordinates /way 39 73 we go down to the very bottom and on the mountain of skeletons a new cool mount will be waiting for you Conscious Nightmare. Graz! 🙂

If you find a discrepancy or have a question - use the comment form below - I will definitely answer 🙂