Money can't buy a friend's essay reasoning according to the proverb. Money can't buy a friend's essay Reasoning according to a proverb The most significant days of our lives are those when, without knowing it, we first meet one of our future best friends

As they say: “Money can’t buy a friend.” Is it so?..

A true friend is very difficult to find. Although, if you have a lot of money, you may be surrounded by people who will praise you and support you with kind words. But is that what friendship is? And how sincere and selfless is this? Such people are simply waiting for reciprocal material rewards. And you pay with all your heart for general gatherings, and buy some souvenirs and gifts. But now the money runs out and all the so-called “friends” dissolve in an unknown direction... In search of new rich people who can be taken advantage of. They will simply forget about your existence. They don't need you anymore.

A true friend is not the one who looks at you, what you look like, what you wear and how many bills you have in your wallet. He doesn’t care what brand of your car, how many floors and rooms there are in your house. Even if he cannot immediately rush to your aid, you will always feel his support. He will help both morally and financially, and will not demand any return in return. Just hug you if you're sad. A true friend may even say some not very pleasant words to you if he doesn’t agree with you on everything. But, even if you are in trouble, he will always help you in a difficult situation and will not remember the insults. And all this is so priceless that it is difficult to measure it in monetary terms.

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You can't buy a friend with money.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

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7.1. No amount of money can buy what true friendship gives a person.

The most significant days of our lives are those when we, without knowing it, meet one of our future best friends for the first time.

If suddenly you still don’t know why a person needs friends, let me explain to you: when you have worked hard (or productively) and achieved real success without a “real” job, you definitely need to enjoy success and freedom.

It turns out that happiness is one of the most inexpensive things in the world, because it is largely achieved through friendship.

Lenny Dee, who lives in Portland, recently told Utne Reader magazine, "I've always believed that you can put effort into making money, or you can put effort into making friends. The results are about the same - a feeling of security, new experiences, expanded personal capabilities, travel and so on. But, in my experience, making friends gives a person much more."

Money, without a doubt, makes a significant contribution to our lives. Friendship just gives so much more. Here it is appropriate to ask: is it possible to buy true friendship?

It’s possible, but not for money - how lucky the happy poor are and how unlucky the lonely rich are! However, friendship comes at a price. And this is fair, because friendship is one of the greatest joys of life!

Finding, winning and keeping true friends, you must constantly pay for it. Although many will not be happy with this news, such is life. These are the rules of the game that operate in the universe.

Payment for friendship comes in different sizes and forms. The main thing is that true friendship is bought for something invisible to the eye. (I'll go into more detail about this later.) Great friendships can be bought through the inspiration, advice, joy, support, and good feelings that your friends expect from you. The main axiom of friendship is that friends bought with money can never compare with the friends you get for your strength of spirit, integrity of character and capacity for compassion.

Of course, friendship is not always easy - sometimes you have to spend a lot of time and effort to make it work. But a true friend is one of the highest values ​​of life.

Being a true friend in return is one of the most difficult tasks in life. Always remember that being friends is a verb. To be friends means to act: to constantly work on friendship so that it develops, maintains and prospers.

No matter what you do, the result will not come on its own; you have to work hard. So it is in friendship. At times, especially with a new friend, you will put in more than you receive. But the reward for finding a true friend will be something you never dreamed of.

If you go through life with your eyes open, then I won’t tell you anything new now: often, when money and other material values ​​are powerless, you manage to achieve your goal with the help of friendship. Here's an example from life.

This is a wonderful story about the power of friendship. Once upon a time in the city of Alberta, in the country of Canada, two friends lived - Peter Elzinga and Tom Shields. Tom had bad kidneys. He, like many other people, stood on the waiting list for a kidney transplant and waited for one that would suit him, because a compatible organ is very difficult to find. In Canada, as in many other countries, organs are prohibited from buying and selling. But a person can donate a kidney if they want.

Peter offered to help his friend if his kidney fit. In March 2004, Peter was confirmed to be a suitable donor and he gave his kidney to Tom. He even took early retirement, leaving his government office to speed up the operation.

This was not only an act of compassion on Peter's part, but also a truly courageous act, since he had to spend two or three weeks in the hospital, and the operation could have deteriorated his health for a long time. Moreover, a night transplant is psychologically more difficult for the donor than for the recipient, because it saves the recipient’s life.

All people have ups and downs. There are times when everything is fine financially, when you can go wherever you want and have fun. travel. At this time, as a rule. Many “freeloader friends” appear who, like kites, flock to everything that is ready. And there are times when there is nothing to buy food with. And then there is this same friend nearby, whom “money cannot buy,” who helps and does not leave in trouble. This is how I understand this proverb.

There is one good proverb: “Money can’t buy a friend.” If someone has great wealth, everyone wants to be friends with him, but when he did not have it or does not have it, then no one pays attention to him. A true friend will never ask for money, and most importantly, will not throw you into a difficult situation or betray you. I believe that a friend is a well-mannered, cultured, friendly and sociable person. If someone is in a difficult situation, he offers money to his friend, then the friend would never take this money, he would just help and not be offended. A friend is a person who can be trusted with everything, and he will trust his friend and they will never tell these secrets even to a brother or sister, or parents.