What is gneiss and why does it appear in newborns? What is gneiss? What causes it to appear in newborns? Should young parents be concerned? Methods of treatment at home Lep tubercles on the head of the baby that

Milk crust, lep, seborrheic dermatitis and gneiss in newborns are different names for the same phenomenon. Few parents take this condition calmly, despite the fact that it is not even considered a disease. Although the crusts are not the most pleasant picture, there is no reason to panic. With quality care, the manifestation will quickly disappear.

True, it can return at any time, especially if the cause of the appearance of an aesthetic defect is not established and measures are not taken to eliminate it. Before carrying out any manipulations of a therapeutic or cosmetic plan, you need to consult a pediatrician, otherwise you can aggravate the condition, giving the baby a lot of unpleasant minutes.

What is gneiss and when can it appear?

Gneiss is crusts or scales of yellowish, dirty gray, whitish color. Most often they accumulate on the scalp, neck, behind the ears, on the eyebrows. Temechko is especially prone to the appearance of a characteristic plaque. Formations are formed as a result of increased production of sebum by the glands. The keratinized cells of the epidermis, impregnated with this composition, are separated from the scalp, but not completely, resulting in a dense crust.

Most often, a specific phenomenon begins to develop already in the first weeks of a baby’s life and completely disappears by six months, even without specialized treatment. But it happens that gneiss persists even after six months, in rare cases it manifests itself with persistent periodicity up to three or even six years. It is these moments that deserve increased attention from parents and specialists.

The main causes of the development of the condition in children

The formation of a crust as a result of the active production of sebum can be a consequence of the following factors:

  • Hormonal failure in the mother or child. Even minor changes in the hormonal background can cause such changes. For this reason, lactating women are advised to stop taking hormonal drugs and the use of a number of products that stimulate the work of the endocrine glands.
  • One of the manifestations of diathesis. Allergens here can be different, often the cause of the phenomenon is the violation of the rules of the postpartum diet by the mother. In this case, the symptom manifests itself on its own or against the background of a rash, dyspeptic disorders.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules for newborns. Untimely or poor-quality baby skin care can lead to drying out of the epidermis. Then the body tries to regulate metabolic processes, releasing more and more sebum. Rare cleansing of tissues leads to the accumulation of metabolic products and the formation of a dense crust.

Tip: One of the effective methods of preventing the condition is regular treatment of the baby's skin with softening and moisturizing products. But mothers who use oil too often for this purpose are at great risk. With this approach, a film can form on the baby's skin that blocks cellular respiration, which will only accelerate the development of the problem.

  • Uncomfortable environmental conditions. If the baby's head is too hot and it starts to sweat, then the skin secretion begins to be produced more intensively to compensate for the costs. When conditions change, the product solidifies, forming a dense coating.

Despite the fact that children most often do not experience discomfort from the presence of crusts on their skin (they do not itch, do not cause pain), it is recommended to carry out a number of manipulations that accelerate the discharge of formations.

Treatment Options for a Characteristic Symptom

Treatment of gneiss is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. In addition, you can carry out simple and safe procedures that allow you to bring the appearance of the baby in order.

  • Half an hour before the daily evening bath, we take a baby bath or (well, if it is sterile), slightly warm it up and apply it to problem areas on the child’s head. We put on a hat for him so that the product does not dry out and is not completely absorbed. After that, we carry out the procedure according to all the rules. During bathing, a significant part of the softened scales will leave without a trace and without pain.
  • If the crusts still remain in some places, then once again treat them with oil and gently remove them with a cotton swab, a soft hair brush or a comb with blunt and sparse teeth. Forcibly tearing off education is prohibited! If this nevertheless happened and not healthy skin, but a wound, was exposed under the scale, it must be treated with an antiseptic. In the process of such cleaning, the skin can become very oily, in which case it is recommended to wash it again.
  • Today, manufacturers of cosmetic products for children offer a wide range of mild anti-seborrheic drugs. They are not cheap, but guarantee a positive result after the first manipulation.
  • If the problem does not want to go away, as well as when working with children over the age of one year, it may be necessary to purchase medicines. They can be used only with the approval of the pediatrician and strictly according to the established schedule. Most often, therapeutic shampoos (with zinc or tar), keratoregulatory creams are used for therapy.

If the problem of gneiss is not pronounced and does not cause any discomfort to the child, you can simply wait a few weeks until the situation normalizes by itself. But even in this case, you need to think about the stimulating factor and try to eliminate it.

The scalp is renewed by removing dead cells and making room for new growth. This process takes place once a month. As a result, flaking of the scalp and dandruff can occur. Dandruff can be yellowish, oily, surrounded by patches of reddened skin. Consider a sign of which disease is a crust on the head in an adult.

Causes of the formation of a crust on the head

Crust, gneiss, lep - whatever you call it, and the appearance of the head will not get better from this. In most cases, a dry crust on the head of an adult is the result of external influences. In other words, this symptom means an allergic reaction to pathogenic or aggressive chemical agents that cause increased sensitivity of the scalp. These include:

  • various shampoos, lotions;
  • Polish for hair;
  • hair dye;
  • styling gels.

Sometimes the appearance of a crust on the scalp can lead to prolonged exposure to heat or, for example, dry, heated air.

One factor in the formation of dandruff with a crust on the scalp in an adult may be acidification of the body, which occurs as a result of an overloaded digestive system, which prevents the removal of metabolic waste through the skin. Another cause of a crust on the head in an adult is an allergy to certain foods.

In addition, a yellowish-white crust on the head in an adult may be a symptom of skin lesions as a result of a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis. Of all the above, such a skin pathology is considered the most serious.

What is seborrheic dermatitis? Causes and symptoms of the disease

It is one of the harmless and non-contagious skin diseases. The causes of seborrheic dermatitis are not yet known. A fungus that over-colonizes the scalp is thought to play a role. The body reacts to this with an increased inflammatory response. Experts also believe that the composition of sebum is changing. This disease in adults is the most common cause of dandruff.

Another possible cause of this disease may be increased activity of the sebaceous glands and congenital predisposition. Decisive factors also have male sex hormones androgens. This is confirmed, firstly, by the fact that lep in children usually disappears at the age of three or four months, that is, at the time when there is a natural decrease in the levels of certain male hormones in the child's body. Secondly, the gneiss crust on the head in adult men or women mainly appears in the menopause.

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Generally, people with oily hair and skin are more prone to seborrheic dermatitis. Some patients also note a significant impact of stress and climate, for example, an increase in air temperature in the summer, being in the mountains or at sea.

How to recognize the disease

Seborrheic dermatitis appears as whitish-yellowish scales on the surface of the skin that often look greasy. The skin under the crust is red and inflamed. In some patients, the disease is accompanied by itching on the affected areas of the skin. Scales are formed especially on the scalp, but can also be on the face.

In ten percent of cases, seborrheic dermatitis is not limited to the scalp. Eyebrows, nasolabial folds on both sides of the mouth and the beard area are especially susceptible to damage. Sometimes scales also form in the middle of the sternum and in other parts of the body - in the groin, axillary folds, or genital area.

Diagnosis of pathology

If seborrheic dermatitis is suspected, the dermatologist will first examine the affected areas of the skin. With typical signs, as a rule, the diagnosis is confirmed. However, dandruff and scaling can also cause other skin problems:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • shingles or pityriasis versicolor.

In order to distinguish the disease, a dermatologist may take a dandruff scraping, and in case of doubt, a deeper sample of skin tissue for histological examination.

Treatment and possible complications

Patients who suffer from seborrheic dermatitis usually face long-term treatment:

  • If the crust on the scalp is caused by aggressive chemical treatments, avoiding these cosmetics may contribute to recovery.
  • Other methods of treating a crust on the head in an adult are mainly designed to gently and gently relieve itching, remove parched cells and restore the necessary moisture.

In parallel with therapy, you can try home remedies such as wheat bran baths. Many dermatologists advise rubbing the affected areas with olive oil or baby oil before going to bed. The next morning, the hair should be washed with baby shampoo, then the softened gneiss can be removed with a soft brush or sponge. It is important not to use anti-dandruff shampoo as this can irritate the skin.

Do not attempt to comb out a dry crust without first soaking to avoid scratches and scars on the surface of the skin. If the head itches after removing dandruff, use soothing compresses from napkins soaked in warm tea leaves.

What complications can arise?

As a result of skin lesions with seborrheic dermatitis, infections caused by fungi or bacteria can develop, which are accompanied by very severe inflammation and even a significant increase in body temperature. In very rare cases, there is redness and peeling of the whole body - the so-called erythroderma.

The hairstyle of babies in the first year of life undergoes a number of changes. As a rule, a child is born hairy. Then the fluff-like hairs roll out, especially in places where the head comes into contact with the mother's hand during feeding. Hair can change color and grow very slowly.

And on the head of the baby, you can find yellowish spots that are not very pleasant to look at. In medicine, a similar phenomenon is called gneiss in newborns, lep, seborrheic or milk crusts. We will talk about them.

What is gneiss

Gneiss in children occurs in the first months of life, and is familiar to almost every family with babies. Areas appear on the head of the child that look like accumulations of dandruff, or scales with a color range from yellow to grayish. Gneiss islands can be both small and grow, covering the head like a hat. Sometimes the crusts spread to other parts of the body: behind the ears, on the neck, eyebrows.

Usually gneiss appears in the first month of life, and some children are already born as such. But by the age of 6 months, in almost all cases, there is no trace of crusts.

Gneiss in a newborn is not a disease, it does not cause pain and suffering to the baby, for the most part it does not require special treatment and is removed simply, but not at once. Where does it come from?


There is an opinion that the baby's crusts appear due to breastfeeding, and when the mother stops breastfeeding the baby, they disappear. Therefore, such crusts are called milk. But this is a myth. There is no connection between gneiss and breastfeeding.

Although gneiss is not a disease, it looks unaesthetic, so parents tend to get rid of it.

Seborrheic crusts are called not because they indicate a disease, but because the forming scales look similar in appearance to those that form with seborrheic dermatitis.

The main cause of gneiss- hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. In infants, many organs and systems work in the "settings" mode. Firstly, it brings the hormonal background, which after birth changes somewhat. Secondly, the sweat and sebaceous glands have not yet learned to cope with their tasks, so scales form on the head as a result of excess sebum secretion. There are other factors that can exacerbate this condition.

What enhances the formation of gneiss?

  • Tendency to allergies. When a child is prone to diathesis and other manifestations of allergies, his immunity is weaker than usual. Therefore, the crusts on the head may not go away for a long time.
  • Overheating. Imperfect thermoregulation is not able to withstand overheating of the skin, and the process of heat transfer is more difficult. It is especially bad when a child is in a cap during the day in summer. There is no need to cover the baby's head if you are at home or outside in the heat, accompanied by a slight breeze.
  • Frequent washing. If you are a supporter of daily washing your baby's head with all kinds of shampoos, then know that in this way you are more likely to dry out the delicate skin of the crumbs, which is why the work of the sebaceous glands is only mobilized, and the crusts grow more intensively.
  • Unsuitable hygiene products. Not all shampoos and shampoos are right for your baby, even if they are labeled “from birth” or “hypoallergenic”. And remember, even if the remedy has come up, the baby’s head is washed once, maximum twice a week.

How to get rid of crusts

What happens if the baby's gneiss is not touched? Actually, nothing terrible. The time will come, and the crusts themselves will disappear (unless, of course, there are no allergic problems). But few parents are ready to see them every day. Solely for aesthetic purposes, most seek to get rid of gneiss as quickly as possible. Well, it is quite possible to speed up the process, but you need to do it correctly.

We comb out correctly

In order to comb out the lep, purchase a special comb with natural bristles and a plastic comb with blunt, frequent teeth at the pharmacy. On the day when bathing with washing the head is planned, the crusts are smeared with oil 40-60 minutes before water procedures, and a cotton cap is put on.

Pharmacies sell special combs for combing lep

Immediately before bathing, the cap is removed and the scalp is massaged with the help of fingertips or a comb with natural bristles.

Pharmaceutical companies have developed a mass of cosmetic products aimed at combating gneiss.

It is forbidden to pick off the crusts with your nails, especially “dry”. Such manipulations are fraught with the formation of wounds with possible infection. All this makes the baby uncomfortable.

Let's start with the water treatment. We lather the head with baby shampoo, massage again, and then gently rinse. We blot the hairs with a towel and begin to comb them first with a comb, and then with a brush. In order to save money, the comb can be replaced with gauze folded with several layers.

There are special creams for seborrheic crusts, for example, Mustela Stelaker or a cream from the Uriage series. Their action is about the same. At night, the cream is applied to the crusts, they soften, and in the morning the hair is washed with shampoo and combed. Manufacturers promise to get rid of gneiss in one day. In practice, softening occurs, but several sessions are needed.

You should not strive to get rid of gneiss at a time. All actions aimed at their elimination should be carried out delicately, slowly, avoiding injuries to delicate children's skin.

Preventive measures

What else will help to quickly get rid of milk crusts? Here are some recommendations:

  • Let your skin breathe. Spending some time naked is very beneficial. Do not abuse the wearing of caps and hats unnecessarily.
  • Lower the room temperature. Everyone knows that in order to maintain health, the optimal temperature in the children's room should be close to 20 o C, and the humidity should be kept at approximately 60-70%. Modern devices such as air conditioners and humidifiers can become your faithful assistants if used correctly.
  • Children - children's cosmetics. Don't try to save money on baby shampoo. Subsequently, you can spend much more money on the treatment of allergic diseases.

If there is no direct sunlight during a walk on a summer morning, do you need to wear a cap every time?

When you need a doctor's help

If gneiss persists, look for the cause. It could be a fungal infection or atopic dermatitis. Review your diet if you are breastfeeding.

Be sure to consult a doctor when there are such signs:

  • within a week of trying to get rid of gneiss, there are no changes;
  • the child tries to scratch the crusts, becomes irritable;
  • scales get wet;
  • crusts grow;
  • scales peel off and spread throughout the body.

As you can see, gneiss in newborns is not so terrible as it seems at first. It is associated with the physiological characteristics of the infant period and eventually disappears without a trace. But sometimes you need to consult a doctor so as not to miss a disease that can disguise itself as milk crusts.

Hello dear readers!

Those of you who have children have probably encountered such a phenomenon as yellow crusts on the baby’s head. It can be quite difficult to get rid of them, but you can’t let the problem go by itself either. Consider ways to remove the crust on the head of a newborn.

The appearance of unknown crusts on the baby's head can cause concern for the mother. But don't worry. This is a natural phenomenon associated with the physiological and hormonal restructuring of the child's body, as well as the immaturity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

In the literature on this issue, you can find several more names of dense formations on the head in children:

  • gneiss;
  • lep (folk designation);
  • seborrheic (milk) crusts;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

The main location of the crusts on the head is the region of the crown, although sometimes they can be localized on the sides. And although this phenomenon does not cause concern to the baby, the formations should definitely be removed and see if they appear again.

The recurrence of seborrheic crusts on the head of a small child indicates improper care for the baby. Here are a few reasons that, my dear readers, lead to the fact that lumps on the skin will constantly appear in the crumbs:

  • excessive wrapping of the child, overheating, stimulating the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • improperly selected shampoo (children's hair wash should not contain chemicals, dyes, fragrances);
  • frequent shampooing (more than 2 times a week) leads to drying of the protective layer of the scalp, which leads to increased work of the sebaceous glands and thickening of the crusts;
  • allergies that appear against the background of reduced immunity.

All of these factors are easy to eliminate, but the most important thing is to painlessly remove these yellow crusts from the head of the baby.

We fix the problem

Dear parents, you need to remove the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis only with soft, painless means for the child. Do not attempt to remove seals with fingernails, sharp-edged combs, or hard brushes. You can damage your baby's delicate skin, or worse, cause an infection.

Better use the gentle method:

  1. Soften your skin. To do this, take olive or other vegetable oil, petroleum jelly or salicylic ointment. Rub your baby's head with one of these products an hour before bathing.
  2. Wear a cotton hat on top.
  3. After an hour, remove the cap and gently massage the scalp with a soft-bristled comb.
  4. Wash your skin with a natural shampoo. No need to re-lather your head and try to eliminate all the crusts in one bath.
  5. When your hair is a little dry, try combing out the remaining crusts with a comb with sparse teeth.
  6. Repeat the whole procedure in a week (not earlier).

Seborrheic dermatitis in older children and its prevention

Dear readers, I want to remind you once again that yellow formations on the head are not a disease, and you should not create panic and run to the doctors. However, if dermatitis manifests itself in a child of 2 years old, this indicates improper care of the scalp or infection with the malassezia fungus.

To prevent the further appearance of crusts, follow the basic rules:

  • Don't overheat your baby. Dress according to the weather and make sure that your scalp does not sweat.
  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition. This rule also applies to mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • Wash your baby's head no more than 2 times a week.
  • Use only natural shampoos and hair washing products for children.
  • The comb should be with soft bristles: it additionally stimulates hair growth.

Correct prophylaxis, carried out on time, will avoid the appearance of dermatitis. If, despite careful care, crusts continue to form, you should choose a therapeutic shampoo.

Shampoo "Mustela" from seborrheic crusts

Dear readers, I wholeheartedly recommend this remedy for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, which has helped many mothers cope with the problem quickly and without consequences. The composition of Mustela shampoo from crusts is exclusively natural and is equal in quality to eco and bio products.

The product is available in the form of a foam with a pleasant aroma, which greatly facilitates its application to the scalp. The shampoo is sold in a jar with a dispenser. If you open the bottle, you can not store the product from this point on for more than 6 months.

The main value of the shampoo is that it not only helps to get rid of crusts faster, but also has a healing effect, preventing the appearance of new ones.

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