If only I was the hero of the day to continue. Fairy tale "Three girls under the window" (a fairy tale for adults in a new way). Competition "Family concerns"

Fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

AuthorThree girls were spinning under the window late in the evening.
Singer If I were a queen, -
The author Says one girl -
Singer I would sing day and night, I would become a superstar.
Fashion designer If I were a queen, -
The author says her sister, -
Fashion designer Wouldn't go to junk, would become the best couturier.
Queen If I were a queen, -
Author Third said the girl, -
Queen I would give birth to a hero for the father of the king.

Author Just had time to say, the door creaked softly,
And the king enters the room, the sovereign of that side.
King Good evening! It just so happened that I heard your words.
Have your way, girls! To be one of you singer.
Vociferous, super old, with a microphone and a guitar.
And the other to be a couturier!
Fashion couturier!
King Do not argue with the king!
You will dress everyone very fashionably, and me first!
Well, you, soul-maiden, -
The author says,
king be queen
And give birth to a hero to me by the end of September.
Author Tsar was not going to for long. Married the same evening
And the young queen, without putting things off in the distance,
Got it from the first night. At that time there was a war.
The king said goodbye to his wife and set off on a long journey.
And the queen began to wait and protect the offspring.
(Reporters with cameras and cameras run out onto the stage, the singer goes, hides behind the throne, the reporters run away).
Queen What a noise! Maybe a thunderstorm? I can't be worried.
Singer A! Sister, how are you?
Queen Yes, she has not yet given birth!
Well, what about you? Became a singer? Vociferous, super old?
Singer Vociferous, superstaroy. With microphone and guitar.
The tsar gave me as a producer as he promised.
Oh look! And here he is!
Queen What's your name?
Singer Philemon!
(producer enters)
song. (phonogram "Tea Rose", in the course of the song a devil comes out of the black piano).
Filimon So, everything! She got up and left. I said I got up and left.
(The singer flirts with the producer, kicks the queen from the throne and sits her husband down).
Queen Look what! Drive the queen.
(takes out a scroll) Phil! May I sign?
Filimon Ah, autograph? It's possible! Signing up is not hard for me.
What is written? "Decree! Behead at the same time…”
Behead? Who?
Queen A of this giver.
Philemon Are you a queen? Mother honest! Didn't acknowledge. Sorry dear!
You sit down and we'll go! We should be in time for the reception,
The oligarchs are there, the ranks are of such magnitude!
Queen And the autograph?
Philemon I'll run to you later, if possible!
Queen Run, of course you can! All sorts of people are walking, they are disturbing!
(Just sits down, let the models go. The queen lifts her legs to the throne. The fashion designer comes out, sings the song “It’s good for the beauties”).
Fashion designer Why, dear queen, Didn't you recognize your sister?
Well, dear, how are you?
Queen Yes, not yet given birth.
But with such relatives, it is not long to be born before the due date.
Fashion designer Okay, rattling around, better look what I've pinned down.
Cool clothes - atas! On you right now.
And models are so models! It looks like they ate.
Basically, keep your mouth shut! Whatever you like - choose!
(The queen takes one of the things and examines skeptically)
Queen No, I certainly won't wear this even at night.
Modelersha In vain! Today it is in vogue. That's it, girls, we're leaving!
Change your mind, call! I'm in tent number 3
In Cherkizovsky everyone knows where to find me, dear!
(They leave. The queen goes into the tent)
Author While the tsar beats long and hard far away,
The time of birth is coming; God gave them a son in arshin.
(The queen leaves the tent with the child. The sisters run in).
Singer Oh! How good!
The fashion designer is wonderful.
Singer The work of the king was not in vain.
Fashion designer Spout, eyes - stunned!
SINGER Give me a look too!
Fashion designer And little hands - look!
Queen Hush you! Don't break!
Singer Na, listen (puts headphones to the child) - this is your aunt singing!
Queen This music, sister, is not suitable for a child. (Pushes back the headphones)
Singer What! I do not like? (steps away) All right!
Modeler Look! She's tired!
Go give birth to yours! You, baby, look!
Super thing! Now let's try!
Queen I can't believe my eyes.
Fashion designer What are you ratting about! Yes, almost half the planet walks in this.
Queen You did not have time to understand the world, to say the first word,
And they already shove you everything that they themselves try on.
In the yard, in the stairwell, at school, everyone knows what's cooler,
What's in fashion, what's on the air. Everyone will be mixed in a gray world.
Modelersha Something I did not understand!
What strange things!
Singer Everything is clear. We sent!
Modelersha And we'll leave it like that?
We will solve everything in a moment. So so! Sit down, write!
You are our king! Lord of the world!
Singer Very beautifully said.
The fashion designer The queen gave birth in the night to either a son or a daughter;

Seal, stamp! Will know how to offend!
(The king enters the stage, sits on the throne. A messenger comes running.)
Tsar The queen gave birth in the night to either a son or a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown little animal.
Somewhere I saw this. Call me Pushkin!
(Pushkin arrives)

What are you, Pushkin - son of a bitch! I came up with it myself, I said
And here it is, word for word! Which one of you copied from which one?
Pushkin Plagiarism! Your greatness! The most ordinary!
King What was there in the fairy tale?
Pushkin They slandered that queen,
In a barrel, they let it go by sea, they mourned and forgot.
King Everything, now free, friend! Fairy tales, brothers, you need to listen!
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows - a lesson.
(The king gets up and leaves)
Author On the same day, the king hastily surrendered and went to his wife.
(The king comes out with the queen and with the child)
And the sisters, feeling grief, fashion designer with a pop star
They ran around the corners. They were found for strength there.
Here they confessed everything, confessed, burst into tears.
The king, with such joy, let the sisters go home.
Pushkin I was there; I drank honey, drank beer - and only wet my mustache.

The final exit of the actors.

If only I were the hero of the day
Participants of the competition receive cards. Each card has one of the following words written on it, which rhymes with the word "anniversary". For example, “for free”, “barn”, “stoker”, “fumes”, “boudoir”, “tan”, “jaguar”, “strike”, “turpentine”, “decoction” and others. The task of the participants is to come up with a phrase in one minute, starting with the words “if I were a hero of the day”, and ending with a word from the card. The author of the most cheerful phrase wins.

What's in your name

The host announces that the bag contains prizes for the contestants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The winner is the one who scored more prizes during the competition.


The participants of the competition are divided into teams, each of which will be three people. The leader holds three ribbons in each hand. Each participant takes one end of the ribbon, and at the signal of the leader of the team, weave a braid from the ribbons. You can’t let the ribbon out of your hands, so the participants will have to squat, step over each other, etc. The team that quickly braids the braid wins.

Collective congratulatory ode

Participants of the competition write one phrase on a piece of paper, then fold the sheet so that the phrase is not visible and pass it on to the next participant. The condition is rhyme. That is, each participant voices the last word of his phrase to the next, and he comes up with his phrase so that it is the first to rhyme. Then the presenter reads the resulting ode to the hero of the day. The winner, the author of the funniest phrase, is determined by the hero of the day himself.


In advance, you need to prepare rubber gloves according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied on top and hung on a rope, well secured with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the “Start” command. Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. The fastest milkmaid or milkmaid wins.

Anniversary hedgehog

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other piece of fruit with 60 toothpicks or skewers stuck in it. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while saying one compliment to the hero of the day. The team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments wins.

King of beasts

The king of animals, the lion, is usually chosen as the hero of the day. He sits down on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest should, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears with gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop to the lion, and if he was shown a wriggling snake, then he should crawl, and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something delicious.


The competition is attended by a group of people, as well as one presenter. The leader holds a newspaper rolled into a tube, which will play the role of a baton. Players come up with nicknames for themselves that refer to any one logical group, for example, to the group “fish” or “plants”. The task of the presenter is to remember who and what title he appropriated.
When the game starts, any player calls out one of the nicknames, and the host must determine who this nickname belongs to and quickly touch this player with a newspaper. Then the "caught" player must immediately shout out another nickname. If the host makes a mistake, he becomes just a player, and the player whose nickname is shouted out becomes the host.

Remember childhood

For the competition, you will need several children's bicycles. All players are divided into two or three teams. Each team is assigned a bike. Each player must ride a given distance on a bicycle. The team whose players do it faster wins.
The competition is a lot of fun as the adults who pile on the kids bikes look pretty fun.

Lettering on the back

All players have various inscriptions and drawings attached to their backs, and each is assigned a number, which must also be attached to the back. All players stand in a circle, and stand on one leg.
The task of each of the players is to look behind the back of another player and decipher his inscription and number. The player who first deciphers the neighbor's inscription is considered the winner.

All players sit on chairs in two parallel rows. The facilitator speaks to one of the players in the ear of a tongue twister. This player must pass the tongue twister to the person sitting next to him, and so on. The last player must stand up and listen to pronounce the tongue twister, which he understood from the words of his neighbor.
The team whose players pronounce the tongue twister most correctly won.


Players sit in a circle. The first player thinks of a word and speaks it in the neighbor's ear, so that the others do not hear. The second player comes up with an association with this word, and says it in the ear of the third player. And so on until the very end. The word is returned to the first player who speaks it out loud. It is interesting at the end to compare the original word and the final association.


All players are divided into two or three teams. A string is tied to each player's belt, at the end of which a paper fish should be attached. Each team must have fish of their own color.
The task of the players of one team or another is to step on the fish of a member of the other team. The team that gets all the fish will be considered the loser.

Box on the nose

One person or several can participate in the competition. Each player needs to put an empty matchbox on his nose, and put it on tighter. Next, each player, using the movement of the muscles of the face, must manage to remove the boxes from his nose.

Only without hands!

The players are divided into two teams. Their task is to transfer round objects, such as balls, from one end of the room to the other without the help of hands. Players can pinch them between their knees or come up with another way.
The team that gets their balls to the other side of the room the fastest wins.

Know your other half

The competition will require one loving couple and many other participants, both women and men. A man from a loving couple is blindfolded. All other players, including the woman from the pair, sit on chairs and expose one leg.
The task of a blindfolded man is to guess his soul mate by touch.


The competition is focused mainly on the birthday boy. Several potatoes are placed on a chair and covered with something. The birthday boy is invited to sit on the covered potatoes and fidget, and he must do this, in order to ultimately determine how many potatoes lie under him.

Pass the button through the loop

For the competition, you will need several pairs of "girl-boy". Everyone is wearing aprons. But the girls have a button sewn in the center of the apron, and the guys have a loop. The task of each pair is to thread the button through the loop.
The movements that couples will make to thread a button through a buttonhole will make everyone laugh.

Air hero of the day

In this competition, you can show all your imagination and make very funny options. So, the guests are divided into teams of about 4-5 people. Each team is given balloons (round and long in the amount of about 10-20 pieces), threads, adhesive tape, felt-tip pens. The task of each of the teams is to make a birthday man out of the proposed materials. The best copy deserves a worthy prize.

Fort Boyard

Guests form 2-3 teams. At a certain distance from the teams there is a large basin with small change (buttons, candy, etc.). Each first team member, on the “start” command, runs to the bowl and picks up as many coins as he can and carries it into the bowl to his team (each team has its own bowl and it stands on the spade line near the first participant). After the first participants, the second ones start, after - tritiums and so on. When the first participants again appear in the place of the first, the leader stops the game and looks at who has more coins. The team with the most loot is the winner.

For a woman, the 55th anniversary is a special holiday. And he needs to pay special attention. Very often, such a birthday coincides with retirement. Therefore, this holiday should not be held as an ordinary feast. As a rule, a large number of guests are invited to the anniversary, among them not only relatives, friends, but also colleagues.

Representatives of different generations will gather in one hall. The company will be very heterogeneous, and in order for the banquet to bring pleasure to everyone, special attention must be paid not only to drinks and food, but also to the organization of the holiday. Everything should be thought out to the smallest detail, then the banquet will be fun and will remain in the memory of all participants for a long time.

You can resort to the help of professional organizers for the celebration, or organize it yourself. But in one case or another, it is necessary to act according to a certain plan.

Since the 55th anniversary is not an ordinary holiday, it is necessary to approach the design of a banquet room from a creative position.

In this matter, it is required to be guided, first of all, by the taste and preferences of the birthday girl. The decoration of the hall greatly affects the overall atmosphere of the holiday. It is important that in this as much attention as possible is given to the hero of the occasion. Even in the design of the room, respect for the birthday girl, good mood, recognition of her merits, warmth and sincerity should be seen through.

In order to achieve a positive result, you first need to get information about the hobbies, hobbies of the hero of the occasion.

If she is fond of collecting, you can exhibit some of the items from her collection or their photos, you can make a poster on this topic. In the case when there is a passion for photography or a love of travel, you can display photos taken by the birthday girl in an enlarged form, etc. Or you can use a professional theme, this design is best suited when the anniversary is combined with seeing off for a well-deserved rest.

It is necessary to issue a wall newspaper - this is already becoming a classic of the genre, but nevertheless, one cannot do without it. Just get creative with it. It is not necessary to simply stick photos of the hero of the day on the poster. You can make a collage of photos of colleagues who smile happily or hold out flowers, you can simply place illustrations of flowers or congratulations from cartoon characters on it. In general, you need to think carefully and prepare something unusual.

You can depict the life path of the hero of the occasion in the form of a chain of clouds, train cars, placing photographs and drawings on each cloud or car that will correspond to certain stages of life. A wall newspaper can look like a tree or a chamomile, place wishes on sheets, petals and branches

At the celebration of anniversaries and birthdays, many flowers are given. If the anniversary is celebrated by a woman, then the number of flowers presented can exceed all expectations. This also needs to be considered. Flowers should be placed in front of the guests and you need to prepare vases or other containers for them in advance. If you correctly place the donated flowers around the hall, they will contribute to the decoration of the banquet.

Opposite the festive table, you can place a poster or a cartoon portrait and the inscription “Happy Anniversary” or “55th Anniversary”.

As a rule, at this age people already have grandchildren, this can also be used to decorate the hall. Post pictures that will show the life of a grandmother.

Do not also forget about balloons and garlands, by the way, the number 55 can be formed from them. It is not recommended to use artificial flowers for decoration, this must be taken into account, they symbolize wilting and are a sign of bad taste.

Banquet directly

The main responsibility for holding the holiday rests with the hosts. If it was decided to do without professional help to organize a holiday, then they are chosen among employees and friends. These should be people who are sociable and endowed with artistry. Remember that after a while you will have to celebrate and the anniversaries will again ask for help, which is very important for the organizers of the holiday.

First of all, the presenters should focus on the hero of the occasion. That is, to congratulate her on behalf of all the assembled guests. If colleagues are present at the anniversary, then initially attention is paid to the professional activities of the woman.

As a rule, they talk about her merits and how mono will lose production, an enterprise, an organization after such an employee retires. If the director is present at the banquet, then these words must be said by him. In order for the speech to sound cordial and sincere, it is better to warn the boss in advance that he will be given the floor at the beginning of the event.

Sample text of congratulations:
Ladies and Gentlemen! On this holiday today, the closest and dearest people gathered for our dear ...
We are also present at this banquet, people who have worked with the birthday girl for many years. (IO), has always approached the performance of work responsibly and professionally. But in addition to professional qualities, this person is endowed with high human virtues. For many years (IO) lent her fragile shoulder to support her colleagues. On this day, such a wonderful person would like to wish all the very best. Of course, health, love and female happiness are in the first place in this list!

Particular attention should be paid to congratulations from her husband. He must say the words if there is an opportunity to sing a song or give a dance for his beloved woman. Congratulatory words can sound in poetic form, it can be just a beautiful classic verse dedicated to a woman and praising her beauty and diligence.

The script of the holiday should contain not only congratulations, but also interesting practical jokes, games and skits.

Scenes, competitions and games

They have long become an integral part of any event. They also play a special role at a banquet dedicated to the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman. They can show family situations. They are usually prepared by family members. A very interesting family scene "Rooster and Hen" It reflects the everyday life of family life, while not detracting from the importance of a woman, mother, wife, to preserve the family hearth.

The scene is framed in the form of a rural yard. There is a young Cockerel and Hen on it, the Cockerel has a bouquet of flowers.

Cockerel: Koko, what a beautiful lady, let me introduce myself. (Suitable for chicken)
Hen: I look bad today (mimicking) and the comb is not combed.
Cockerel: It's not true you are beautiful!
Hen: (Flirts) You made me blush.
Cockerel: You are just a goddess!
The Gypsy Magpie appears on the scene.
Magpie: Ha-ha-ha! Oh don't make me laugh, I'm about to die... (laughs at Chicken and Cockerel)
Cockerel: I'll pluck all the feathers for you now. (Points a bouquet of flowers at her)
Magpie: Oh, don't be ridiculous, the broom scares me.
Hen: Soroka Petrovna, why are you so angry? What have we done to you.
Soroka: I don’t have the strength to look at you, you all cackle, you will be my children, you won’t let them sleep.
Hen and Cockerel: Do you have children?
Hen: You're just so angry...and grouchy
Magpie: Don't be angry here, I'm tired...
Magpie grumbles and leaves. The hen puts on an apron and improvises washing dishes, chickens run out, in yellow suits. The cockerel sits in an armchair and reads a newspaper. The chickens go about their business, one, the youngest, plays with toys.
Hen: How much work around the house, if only someone would offer their help. (No one reacts, the younger one runs up and shows her his toy, mumbles something in a childish language)
Hen: What a joy, my son said the first word. Father, look up from the newspaper!
Rooster: Uh-huh ... (He doesn’t look up from the newspaper)
Chickens: Mom, mom, we want to eat!
The hen grabs a bowl of food and feeds the chicks one by one with a spoon. The rooster does not turn around, the chickens are noisy, the hen does not have time to feed everyone, there is a commotion.
The rooster is by then reaching for a bottle of beer. A magpie comes to visit them, she has noticeably aged.
Magpie: Yes, the rooster settled down well ...

Chicken: What are you! We have a good family, beautiful children, everyone helps me!
Magpie turns to the audience: Yes! This is a real wife and mother for children! So all women love and take care of their family, trying to please everyone, very often forgetting about themselves! Do her children and grandchildren appreciate her?
The hall responds in unison with a friendly "Yes." After the skit, it is logical to give the floor to the children for congratulations and words of gratitude.

55th Anniversary Celebration - Scenarios

The game “Song for Mom” fits very organically into the celebration of the anniversary
Relatives and guests are divided into two teams, those who wish to participate, and choosing a famous song, remake her words for a birthday girl. The song is better to choose light and famous. For example: "In the French side", or "Lavender". The host gives a set of words that must be part of the poems. Words should be such as: our mother, mommy, dear, sweet, beautiful, hardworking, etc.

After composing, the teams together sing their own song, to the backing track. The team that finds a more original approach to composition receives the title of "Most Talented".

A hidden arsenal of contests will be very useful for holding a fun holiday.

All guests will love the game "Airplane of Desires"
All participants must be divided into two teams. Each team makes paper airplanes, writes wishes for the hero of the day on them. Then, in turn, the teams launch their planes, while reading the wish. For each plane that flew to the hero of the day, the team receives one point. The winner is determined very simply by the number of points.
Another contest, which is not only fun, but also thematic.

"Alphabet for the hero of the day"

Cards are prepared on which the letters of the alphabet are written. The guests take turns drawing a card with a letter on it and calling an adjective that characterizes the birthday girl. For example: K-beautiful, B-divine, etc.

Only the person who knows him best can win the “Habits of the hero of the day” contest, although the contest can also be held for small teams. The host names a character trait, an event or a place that is directly related to the hero of the occasion. If the information turns out to be true, then you need to clap your hands and stomp your feet, if not, keep silent. Winners and losers are determined very simply, the one who has never made a mistake wins.

"Funny phrases"
Only the most savvy and cheerful take part in this competition. The host gives everyone cards on which only two words are written that rhyme with the word "Jubilee". For example: stoker, jaguar, blow.
The person who received the card must come up with a small funny phrase using these words, but each phrase will begin with the phrase “If I were the hero of the day ...” The birthday person must determine the winner himself, this may be the author of the most witty or funny phrase.

We will reward the hero of the day

Guests are given round paper blanks on ribbons, symbolizing medals. Each participant is offered to draw something on the workpiece and write, for which he would reward the hero of the day. The winner is the author of the most original medal. Competition can be done as a team. Then you can compete in the number of medals signed by the team in one minute.

Expensive gift

Each contestant is given an old newspaper or magazine, and in one minute he must find and cut out a symbolic gift for the hero of the day. It can be an image of a car, jewelry, or just a word from the text of the article. For example, "wealth", "health", "luck". The winner is the participant whose gift is more expensive.

Each participant puts a coin on the toe of their shoe. At the signal of the leader, the participants move to the finish line, which has a piggy bank, while trying not to drop their burden. The fastest and most agile wins. If the competition is held in a team version, then the team that brings more coins to the piggy bank of the hero of the day wins in the specified time.


One of the participants in the competition is blindfolded, and the rest are given cards on which parts of the body are written (ear, arm, nose, leg, elbow, etc.). The guests take turns approaching the chiropractor, and he, carefully feeling the part of the body indicated on the card, from the person standing in front of him, tries to guess who is in front of him. The most accurate handyman wins.

Anniversary What? Where? When?"

The host asks the guests questions in turn, with the help of which he finds out which of them knows the hero of the day better. Questions may relate to incidents in the life of the birthday person, his preferences, habits, hobbies, desires, etc. If the guest answers correctly, he continues to play on. The one with the most correct answers wins.

50 compliments

Guests are divided into several teams. Each team receives a task - within 5 minutes to come up with exactly 50 compliments for the hero of the day. Then all compliments are voiced. Only those compliments that are not repeated in the lists of different teams are counted. The team with the most compliments on the list wins.

Money bag

The participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a bag containing souvenir banknotes of various types (souvenir dollars, euros, rubles, etc.). The task of the team is to sort the contents of the bag according to the type of banknotes and fold the banknotes in ascending order. The team that does it first wins.

Sweet life

The participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a vase containing sweets, small biscuits, nuts, candied fruits, lollipops, etc. The task of the team is to sort the contents of the vase and put everything into separate bags. The team that does it faster than the rest wins.

Table competitions for the anniversary
A huge collection of fun contests and games on the PozdravOK website. Bright games, Anniversary contests will decorate any holiday, making it interesting for everyone!

New Contests and games for the anniversary

Games and contests for the anniversary

Competition "Making an anniversary"

This contest requires 20 balloons. Two teams are given 10 balls each, a felt-tip pen, a spool of thread and adhesive tape. And on command, they begin to inflate the balloons and tie them up so that they get something like a woman. And with a felt-tip pen draw her eyes, mouth, ears and anything. The team that does it faster and better wins.

Anniversary Ribbon Competition

For this competition, you will need colored ribbons 20-30 cm long. The number of ribbons must correspond to the number of guests. The colors of the ribbons must correspond to the number of participants in the competition, as well as the theme of the anniversary. Each volunteer is given ribbons of a certain color. In the allotted time, it is necessary to tie ribbons on the wrists of all guests. If the guest already has a ribbon of a certain color, you cannot knit another one. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

The game "Kuchkovka"

The game is played by two teams of three people each. A small basin is placed in front of the teams, in which apples, oranges and potatoes are mixed. The players are blindfolded and, to cheerful music, they make three piles of these products: the first is from apples, the second is from oranges, the third is from potatoes. After 3 minutes, the participants of the competition are unleashed and they count their work. The prize - the made pile is received by the contestants who have more products of the correct name.

Competition "Feed your husband"

Usually married couples take part in this competition, but this is not necessary. Men sit on a chair and tie their hands behind their backs. And women are blindfolded, they give glasses of vodka in one hand, and a spoonful of snacks in the other hand. On command, the women approach their half, and first gives him a glass of vodka to drink, and then a snack. Whoever does it faster, and most importantly, without spilling or dropping the snack, wins.

The game "Roses for the hero of the day"

What woman does not dream of being showered with flowers. And an anniversary is a great occasion to arrange a flower contest.

The game involves 4-6 men and a hero of the day. Men receive a rose each (after removing the thorns), they are blindfolded and asked to turn around several times on the spot. The hero of the day takes a seat on a chair, standing at a distance from the men. To the instrumental romantic music, men go to present gifts to the hero of the day. The prize will be awarded to the first person to present a rose.

Competition "Gift for the hero of the day"

There are two teams participating in the competition. Each of the teams is given a blank sheet of drawing paper, several newspapers, magazines or pre-prepared letters, numbers and drawings. You also need scissors and glue. On command, the participants must cut out letters, sentences, pictures from newspapers and magazines and stick it all on whatman paper, so that they get a wall newspaper for the birthday girl.

It is important that the wall newspapers have congratulations, funny jokes and something else. After 5 minutes, the teams show the guests and the hostess what they did. The team whose wall newspaper likes more wins.

The game "Favorite of the hero of the day"

For this game, you need to carefully wrap the note “Favorite of the hero of the day” in one of the sweets. The competition usually involves two players who, at the signal of the host, begin to unfold and eat sweets from the tray. Whoever finds the note first is awarded this honorary title. You can even give a badge. And you can also come up with many different titles and hold the competition several times.

Anniversary date competition

In this competition, it is necessary to perpetuate the date of the anniversary so that everyone remembers it for a long time. Invite three guests to write the anniversary date for one minute, giving them each a landscape sheet and a red marker. The winner will be the one who captured the date the most number of times. After the competition, hang the sheets with dates in the most prominent places.

Competition "Congratulations to the hero of the day"

The essence of the competition is simple - you need to come up with a congratulation for the hero of the day from pre-prepared words. To do this, from 3 to 10 interesting words are written on the sheets in advance. These leaflets are handed out to guests and they must come up with a congratulation to the hero of the day in one or two minutes, containing all the words from the leaflet.

For example, the words: wall, solid, brick, happiness, China. And here is what can come out of this: “I wish you happiness as long as a Chinese wall and firmness of spirit, like a real brick hardened in a flame.”

The one who came up with the most interesting congratulations, according to the hero of the day, wins.

Competition "Toast to the hero of the day"

It is customary to raise glasses for the hero of the day. This process can be made more fun by holding this contest. To do this, the contests will need two volunteers, preferably men. They each receive a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. The winner will be the one who first uncorks his bottle and pours its contents into the glasses of those sitting at the table. As a prize, he is given the floor for a congratulatory toast.

New Contests and games for the anniversary
New competitions from the section "Competitions for the Anniversary".