Holidays 1. Work on weekends according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. How to relax on May holidays

Tomorrow, June 14, the grand opening of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will take place in Russia. In the coming two days, matches between the national teams of 32 countries will be held in 11 Russian cities.

June 14 is a working day. Alas

World Cup 2018, without exaggeration, is one of the most important sporting events. Despite all the joy of the fans, tens of thousands of visitors, crowded stadiums and planned blocking of city streets, June 14 is not included in the list of public holidays in Russia.

Where did the rumor about the holiday on June 14 come from?

Last week, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin attended the opening ceremony of the International Broadcasting Center (IBC). During the event, he made a proposal:

Taking this opportunity, I would like to appeal to the heads of enterprises and organizations, if possible, give their employees a day off, especially on the 14th, if possible, so that they do not get stuck in traffic jams and there are no transport problems.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

That is, if your management gave you the green light and offered you not to go to work on June 14, thank him from the bottom of your heart. If not, take it for granted, and on June 14, please, take your workplace.

Absenteeism on the occasion of the opening of the 2018 World Cup will not be considered a good reason. Alas.


The production calendar of Russia for 2018 contains information on how many working days are in a year, how Russians relax, how many days the New Year holidays, May holidays last, as well as the transfer of weekends and non-working holidays. It provides working time norms for months, quarters, half-years and for the whole year with a 40-, 36- and 24-hour five-day working week.

Production calendar of Russia for 2018

  • weekends and holidays
  • pre-holiday days
    (with reduced working day by 1 hour)

I quarter

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II quarter

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III quarter

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IV quarter

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Weekend holidays

Non-working holidays in Russia (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - New Year holidays
  • January 7 - Christmas
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • March 8 - International Women's Day
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day
  • May 9 - Victory Day
  • June 12 - Day of Russia
  • November 4 - National Unity Day.

long weekend

In 2018, Russians get 6 long days off:

  • December 30, 2017 - January 8, 2018 (10 days) - New Year holidays
  • February 23-25 ​​(3 days) - Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • March 8-11 (4 days) - for International Women's Day
  • April 29-May 2 (4 days) - for the first May holidays
  • June 10-12 (3 days) - for the Day of Russia
  • November 3-5 (3 days) - National Unity Day.

Weekend transfers

If a non-working holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day (part 1 of article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The Government of the Russian Federation transfers two days off from those that coincide with non-working holidays on January 1-8 to other dates of the calendar year (part 1 of article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In order to rationalize the labor process, the Government of the Russian Federation may transfer Saturdays and Sundays to other days (part 5 of article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2018, 5 weekend transfers are planned:

  • Saturday 6 January to Friday 9 March
  • from Sunday 7 January to Wednesday 2 May
  • Saturday 28 April to Monday 30 April
  • Saturday 9 June to Monday 11 June
  • from Saturday 29 December to Monday 31 December.

holiday days

On the eve of official state holidays, working hours are reduced by 1 hour for a 40-, 36- and 24-hour five-day working week (part 1 of article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the hours of work on Friday are not reduced.

In 2018, Russia has 6 pre-holiday days: February 22, March 7, April 28, May 8, June 9, December 29.

Working hours for 2018 in Russia

The duration of a working day or shift with a 40-hour working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday is 8 hours, with a 36-hour working week - 7.2 hours, with a 24-hour working week - 4.8 hours, on a pre-holiday day it is reduced by 1 hour .

According to the labor calendar of Russia, in 2018 the country has 247 working days (including 6 shortened days) and 118 days off.

The working hours for 2018 are as follows:

  • with a 40-hour work week: 1970 hours;
  • with a 36-hour work week: 1772.4 hours;
  • with a 24-hour work week: 1179.6 hours.

    Convenient calendar with week numbers and printable

    State and folk holidays in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

All employees are provided with days off (weekly uninterrupted rest). With a five-day working week, employees are provided with two days off per week, with a six-day working week - one day off.

The general day off is Sunday. The second day off with a five-day working week is established by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations. Both days off are provided, as a rule, in a row.

Employers whose work can not be suspended on weekends due to production, technical and organizational conditions are provided with days off on different days of the week in turn for each group of employees in accordance with the rules of internal labor regulations.

Comments to Art. 111 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

1. The employer is obliged to provide all employees with a mandatory weekly rest, the duration of which cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code).

The common day off for both 5- and 6-day working weeks is Sunday. Due to the fact that both days off with a 5-day working week are provided, as a rule, in a row, the second day off in practice, in accordance with the collective agreement or internal labor regulations, is Saturday or Monday.

With the summarized accounting of working time (Article 104 of the Labor Code), days off are provided to employees in such a way as to ensure the norm of the duration of the weekly uninterrupted rest (Article 110 of the Labor Code) on average for the accounting period.

2. With a 5-day working week, employees are provided with 2 days off every calendar week, except for those weeks when, on one of the days off, the shortfall is compensated according to the schedule to the norm of working hours. This occurs when the sum of hours for 5 work shifts is less than the weekly norm. The defect is reimbursed on one of the two days off, which according to the schedule is declared a working day. Usually, the shortfall is paid off as it accumulates during the accounting period.

For all workers, both regular and reduced hours, schedules must maintain an annual balance of working and non-working hours.

The specific duration of the weekly rest is determined by the type of working week and the mode of work. With a 6-day working week, the duration of the weekly rest corresponds to the established minimum.

With a 5-day working week, weekly rest exceeds 42 hours, since workers enjoy 2 days off. If, according to the conditions of production, the provision of 2 days off in a row is impossible, then the second day off of the weekly rest is set in accordance with shift schedules or internal labor regulations.

3. If a day off and a non-working holiday coincide, the day off is automatically transferred to the next working day after the holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code).

In connection with numerous questions related to the duration of work on a day off, transferred to a working day due to a holiday, the Ministry of Labor of Russia clarified: in cases where, in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, a day off is transferred to a working day, the duration of work on this day (former day off) should correspond to the length of the working day to which the day off was transferred (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 25, 1994 N 19 "On approval of the clarification" On the duration of work on a day off, transferred due to a holiday to a working day ").

4. Article 262 of the Labor Code provides for the right of one of the parents of children with disabilities to provide, upon his written application, 4 additional paid days off per month, which can be used by one of the named persons or divided by them among themselves at their discretion.

According to the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the FSS of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2000 N 3 / 02-18 / 05-2256 "On the procedure for providing and paying additional days off per month to one of the working parents (guardian, trustee) to care for children with disabilities" 4 additional paid days off for caring for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood until they reach the age of 18 are provided in a calendar month to one of the working parents (guardian, trustee) at his request and are issued by order (instruction) of the administration of the organization on the basis of a certificate from the social protection of the population on the disability of the child, indicating that the child is not kept in a specialized children's institution (belonging to any department) on full state support. The working parent also submits a certificate from the other parent's place of work stating that at the time of the application, additional paid days off in the same calendar month have not been used or partially used.

In cases where one of the working parents partially used the specified additional paid days off in a calendar month, the other working parent is provided with the remaining additional paid days off for care in the same calendar month.

Summation of additional paid days off provided for the care of children with disabilities or disabled since childhood, for 2 months. or more is not allowed.

Additional paid days off not used in a calendar month by a working parent (guardian, custodian) due to illness are provided to him in the same calendar month, provided that temporary disability ends in the specified calendar month.

5. On the provision of additional days off for persons combining work with study, see Art. Art. 173, 174 of the Labor Code and comments to them.

6. Women working in rural areas are given, at their request, 1 additional day off per month without pay (Article 262 of the Labor Code).

7. Employees on a business trip use weekly rest days at the place of business trip, and not upon returning from it, because they are subject to the working hours and rest time of the organization that sent them. The exception is cases when, by order of the employer, the employee goes on a business trip on a day off; then he is given another day of rest upon his return from it.

In practice, this procedure is also applied in cases of going on a business trip by order of the employer on a holiday non-working day.

8. In organizations where work cannot be interrupted due to the need to serve the population (shops, consumer services, theaters, museums, etc.), days off are set by local governments. With the summarized accounting of working time, the weekly rest time is also summarized and provided on average for the accounting period.

9. An additional monthly day off may be granted without pay on a written application to one of the parents (guardian, trustee, foster parent) working in the Far North and equivalent areas with children under the age of 16 years.

Next Tuesday, 06/12/2018, Russians will celebrate the main state holiday - Russia Day. In connection with the postponement of holidays and the revision of the production calendar, employees will receive a short vacation. Because of this, many questions arise about the next Saturday - will it be a working day and, if so, will it be a shortened day on June 9, 2018?

In this section, we will tell you whether 06/09/2018 will be a labor day or a day off.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250 and the production calendar for 2018, Saturday, June 9, 2018, will have to be devoted to work, Ros-Registr informs. The first working week of June will be six days.

The fact is that it was decided to transfer the working day from Monday 06/11/2018 to Saturday 06/09/2018. Because of this, Saturday will be Labor Day with 1 hour reduced working time (since Monday immediately precedes the public holiday).

In this regard, the schedule of work and rest is as follows:

  • Sat, June 9 - short working day with reduced working time by 1 hour;
  • Sun., 10.06, - day off;
  • Mon., 11.06, - a day of rest provided to Russians in connection with the transfer of the working day to 09.06;
  • Tue, June 12, - according to Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this day is an official holiday. Employees will celebrate a public holiday - the Day of Russia.

Now let's dispel the doubts of employees working on a six-day work schedule. Will the pre-holiday day of June 9, 2018 become shorter for them? The duration of the working day on June 9 will remain unchanged for them. And all because such workers work six days a week, according to an employment contract. And every Saturday is a regular labor day. Therefore, this transfer is not relevant for them. They will work as usual. Nevertheless, they will not be left without a pleasant bonus in the form of an additional day off in honor of the holiday. He belongs to them too. And the schedule of work and rest will be as follows:

  • Sat., 09.06, - a regular working day;
  • Sun., 10.06, - day of rest;
  • Mon., 11.06, - Labor Day with reduced working hours by 1 hour;
  • Tue., 12.06, - Day of Russia, official day off.

As for those workers who work in shifts or in non-stop production, they will not see an additional day of rest. But the employer will have to compensate them for going to work on a holiday. Whether compensation will be provided in cash or in the form of a day off on another day is up to the employee to choose. In any case, the employer is obliged to comply with the provisions of Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the postponement of days off is carried out in order to rationally plan working time in organizations and take into account the interests of various categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in creating conditions for a good rest. For these purposes, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250 “On the postponement of days off in 2018” provides for the following shift of days off:

Thus, in 2018 the following days off were postponed:

  • Saturday 6 January to Friday 9 March;
  • Sunday 7 January to Wednesday 2 May.
  • Also, to optimize rest time, we swapped weekends with working days (Saturdays will be working, and Mondays will be days off):
  • Saturday 28 April with Monday 30 April;
  • Saturday 9 June with Monday 11 June;
  • Saturday 29 December to Monday 31 December.

With a six-day work week, Saturdays are not days off, which means that these transfers are not provided for the six-day work week.

For those working on a six-day week, March 9, April 30, June 11 and December 31, 2018 will remain working days, since the transfer of days off to these dates is planned from Saturdays that coincided with non-working holidays, and for the "six-day" Saturday is not a day off.

In connection with the transfer of January 7 to May 2, employees with a six-day working week in 2018 will have two consecutive days off for the May holidays - May 1-2.

Shortened working days with a decrease in working hours by one hour in 2018 for workers on a six-day week will be February 22, March 7, April 30, May 8, June 11, November 3, December 31.

Here is the production calendar for 2018 with a six-day working week:

Next, we give a quarterly production calendar with a six-day working week (with weekends and holidays). Taking into account all the transfers, the production calendar for a six-day working week will look like this (pre-holiday days, when the working day is reduced by 1 hour, are marked with an asterisk*):

In accordance with Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a number of organizations and enterprises establish a six-day working week with one day off for their employees. The general day off is Sunday (Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The normal working hours for a six-day working week, as well as for a five-day one, cannot exceed 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For a six-day working week in accordance with the Procedure, approved. By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 13.08.2009 N 588n, the norm of working time is also calculated according to the calculated schedule of a five-day working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, based on the duration of daily work (shift).

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by one hour. With a 6-day working week on the eve of the weekend, the duration of work cannot exceed 5 hours (part three of article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The norm of working time calculated in the specified order applies to all modes of work and rest.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2019, Russia celebrates Constitution Day. Day off or not? Russians are worried. Unfortunately, for more than 11 years, in terms of the production calendar, the answer to this question is no. Let's see why.

December 12 - what holiday in Russia?

Since 1994, the whole country has been celebrating Constitution Day on this date. Weekend or working day on this holiday? Indeed, initially, when the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1994 N 1926 was issued, and the holiday date appeared in the Russian calendar, this day was a day off. By the way, the date of December 12 was not chosen by chance - it was on this day that the national vote on December 12, 1993 adopted Basic law of Russia. The former Constitution was still Soviet and was adopted back in 1977 under Leonid Brezhnev. It is noteworthy that at that time all Soviet citizens had a rest on this occasion. In modern Russia, Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995, December 12, a holiday in honor of the Basic Law, was classified as a memorable event.

Sometimes the question arises: is the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation a day off or not?

For eleven years, this was an additional vacation for citizens, but in 2004 Law N 201-FZ came out, which corrected the Labor Code, containing a list of non-working holidays. As a result, the date of adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation was excluded from the list. Thus, starting from this time, Russians have to celebrate this important event at their workplaces. Now the list of official holiday reasons that make it possible not to go to work, from this article looks like this:

  • from January 1 to January 8 - New Year holidays;
  • January 7 - Christmas;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8 - International Women's Day;
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12 - Day of Russia;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

Obviously, the celebration of the adoption of the Basic Law is not among them. Therefore, the answer to the question "The Constitution Day of Russia on December 12: a day off or not?" -- is negative. This year, this date falls on a normal Wednesday, which means that all employed citizens will have to work.

However, if employees of a commercial company believe that this event should be celebrated as something special, they can ask management to arrange it. Including making it non-working. If such a decision is enshrined in the collective agreement and internal regulations of the organization, then it will be possible to rest legally. However, you still have to pay salaries to employees on a salary for additional rest. After all, this is determined by the norms of the same article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By the way, this method does not work in state organizations, since they adhere exclusively to the production calendar approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Separately, it should be noted that Constitution Day on December 12 (day off or not?) Also appears in the law of October 26, 2005 N 555-78. But at the local level, it is also not non-working, and citizens are required to report to the service.

Reduction of working hours

If the answer to the question: Constitution Day: day off or work, is negative, then maybe you can at least work an hour less? Unfortunately, the Russians are deprived of such an opportunity. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that shortened working hours are provided only for pre-holiday days. Therefore, all employees will have to not only be at their workplaces, but also do it in their usual schedule. True, after work they will be able to celebrate a significant event of their choice and desire.