The most common names for kindergartens. The name of the kindergarten and groups. Kindergarten Names Interesting Kindergarten Names

It's no secret that there are not enough public kindergartens in Russia, and therefore private kindergartens are opening more and more often. Of course, as a rule, sending a child to such a kindergarten is financially expensive, and therefore if a parent decides to spend money, he wants to be sure that the garden is the best. A private garden should make a good impression at first sight, and this requires at least a good name. In this article we will tell you how to name a kindergarten.


Before coming up with a name for a kindergarten, you need to study the names of all the kindergartens in the city, imagine how sad it will be to come up with a great name, and upon registration you will find that it is already taken. By the way, it is possible that when studying the reference book, you will come across similar or even identical names, but your task is clearly not to stand out and follow the path of plagiarism.


Turn on your fantasy, forget about rainbows, suns and flowers. Come up with an original name, and besides, it will be great if the name emphasizes the individual characteristics of your garden. For example, if you plan to hold joint games for children and parents, “Friendly Family” would be a good name, and if your garden has a bias towards learning English, you can consider the option “Lingvik”.

If the kindergarten does not have a bias, it is a good idea to take the names of fairy tales, cartoons or toys as a basis, but be careful with patented names like "Smeshariki", you may be required to pay a fine for copyright infringement. Be sure to make sure that the chosen name can be used without consequences.


Having come up with a name, be sure to play the game "Associations" with friends and acquaintances. If someone's name causes unpleasant associations, it is better to change it. If there are no unpleasant associations, but there are, let's say, the wrong ones, for example, you decide to name the kindergarten "Dolphin", and everyone thinks that this is a swimming pool, it is better to change the name.

Title examples

Cartoon titles:

  • Little Raccoon
  • Chip and Dale Team
  • Hakuna matata
  • Funtik

Fairy tale titles:

  • Golden Key
  • A little prince
  • Three Bears
  • Thumbelina


  • Classics
  • jumper
  • Cubes

Names for kindergartens with a bias:

  • Rubik's Cube, Znayka - names for a garden with an intellectual bias;
  • Kid "s club - the name for the garden with the study of English;
  • Merry Starts - the name for a garden with a sports bias;
  • Tassels are the name for a garden with a creative twist.

The classification of preschool institutions is extensive and complex. It can be difficult for an unprepared person, in particular a parent, to understand it. Types of gardens are determined by their form of ownership, direction of activity, pedagogical program. Each group of institutions offers its own curriculum, conditions of stay, etc.

Kindergartens by type of ownership, line of business

Preschool institutions of this group are divided into:

  • to the state
  • departmental,
  • private (commercial)

The former are controlled by the state. The latter are created specifically for the children of employees of a particular organization. Control is exercised by her. Commercial, or private, gardens today are known primarily under the name "child development centers". To officially become a full-fledged garden, the institution must go through a complex bureaucratic procedure. Private gardens are divided into traditional and family gardens.

Private kindergartens are a good alternative to public ones, but you will have to pay much more. Well-organized private gardens offer their clients a stay of the child from early morning until late at night, good food, classes with teachers, walks, individual attention, a small number of children in the room and other delights. True, in case of illness, money is not always returned, or even not recalculated at all.

There are so-called home kindergartens, which are organized in purchased premises, such as apartment buildings on the 1st floor. In one room, children play and study, in another they sleep, in the third they eat, and, of course, there is a toilet with a bath. They walk on the usual site near the house, or enclose their own, if possible. They cost, as a rule, cheaper than frequent ones, but still this is not a licensed activity that is not controlled by inspection bodies, and all responsibility lies on the shoulders of the organizers. In addition, usually in such gardens there is no doctor who could provide assistance in an unforeseen event.

There are kindergartens organized in separate houses, cottages, and they have much more space for children, as well as their own adjacent territory, a playground.

In a situation where the baby was not given a ticket to the state kindergarten, and the parent needs to go to work, you have to look for options. Whichever one you choose, try to monitor how the child speaks about the place of his stay, whether the teachers offend him, whether they feed him well. In extreme cases, you can hire a nanny and put a camera in the apartment.

In the direction of activity, preschool institutions are:

  • general developmental type;
  • with a subject bias (they study in depth any discipline: a foreign language, physical education, drawing, singing, etc.);
  • wellness, focused on frequently ill preschoolers who do not have developmental pathologies (programs in such kindergartens are distinguished by frequent wellness procedures, from gymnastics and massage to herbal medicine);
  • compensatory type (created for children with disabilities, take care and education of preschoolers with pathologies in the development of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, brain);
  • kindergartens of a combined type, they have different types of groups focused on specific activities. Also in such institutions, groups of healthy children coexist with compensatory ones.

Compensatory kindergartens accept children who have received a ticket through the PMPK commission, and a small part of healthy children can be accepted. As a rule, in such kindergartens, the groups are small in size, teachers, speech pathologists, and specialists in various fields work hard with children, because you need to help the child align with school if there are problems.

In groups with visual impairment, children are not only taught and educated, but also treated. All children wear glasses, no one teases anyone, classes are aimed at improving and correcting vision.

Compensatory education helps in the rehabilitation of the child, eliminates disability, strengthens neuropsychic health, and develops physically.

My child goes to a combined type kindergarten, where there are (there are separate eye, orthopedic, etc.) It was in this group that he was transferred at the age of 5, and we are just happy that we got there. There were problems in the pronunciation of sounds, but the kindergarten speech therapist delivered the sounds in just a couple of months.

Children constantly have some kind of classes, they are asked to do exercises at home, which prepares and disciplines them well for school. There are no more than 15 people in the group, the teacher has enough attention for everyone. The child ended up in a speech therapy group, having passed the PMPK commission. He offered to transfer from the usual group to us a kindergarten speech therapist.

Pedagogical programs in kindergartens

According to the priority pedagogical program, preschool institutions are divided into:

  • to traditional ones (the standard model, one of the most popular today and familiar to many parents since the days of the USSR);
  • games (the system of preschool education by Friedrich Frebel, based on the use of didactic games in the learning process);
  • working according to the method of M. Montessori;
  • Waldorf (training and education by example of an adult).

With regard to the effectiveness of programs, the highest indicator is the traditional one.

Our site is already more than three years old, a lot of group designs have been created by niche authors, they send me questions by mail asking me to help decide on names of kindergarten and groups. It turns out that there are still kindergartens without names, they just have a serial number (preschool educational institution No. 2 of such and such a city) and in such kindergartens the groups are also simply numbered, but this is boring, our kids are not interested. This article is devoted to such kindergartens, how to choose the name of a kindergarten and groups.

Kindergarten names are endless. For example:

Fabulous. For the name, cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales are taken. Everyone knows examples of such names for kindergartens: "Pinocchio", "Carlson", "Alyonushka", "Cheburashka", "Kolobok", "Nafanya", "Ivanushka", "Golden Key", "Geese Swans", "Luntik" , "Bambi".

Natural. As a name, diminutive forms of objects of living and inanimate nature are used. For example: “Sun”, “Christmas tree”, “Squirrel”, “Bell”, “Brook”, “Stork”, “Spring”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

Place principle. What is this principle, it is easy to understand. It is enough to walk around the seaside town, and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: "Seaman", "Shell", "Jung", "Dolphin", "Ship", "Captains", "Boat", "Wave", "Surf" , "Sunset".

Words applied to children. They can also be used for the name of both the kindergarten and its separate group. Kindergartens "Tomboy", "Fidget" and even "Heir" appear here (there is such a kindergarten in Moscow).

In any case, you can use the ready-made list of group names that have already been issued on our website.

This article was created, rather, as a way to help come up with the name of a kindergarten or group in kindergarten. We've narrowed down our title search to a few categories.

The names of kindergartens can be divided into several subspecies.

Fabulous. For the name, cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales are taken. Everyone knows examples of such names for kindergartens: Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Kolobok, Nafanya, Golden Key, Geese-Swans, Luntik, Bambi.

Natural. As a name, diminutive forms of objects of living and inanimate nature are used. For example: “Sun”, “Christmas tree”, “Squirrel”, “Stork”, “Spring”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

Place principle. What is this principle, it is easy to understand. It is enough to walk around the seaside town, and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: "Sailor", "Jung", "Dolphin", "Ship".

This principle is not suitable for all places. So, it is difficult to imagine the name of a kindergarten in a mining town.

Words applied to children. They can also be used for the name of both the kindergarten and its separate group. Kindergartens "Tomboy", "Fidget" and even "Heir" appear here (there is such a kindergarten in Moscow).

When you come up with a name for a kindergarten or kindergarten group, try to choose words that are general, non-committal, unless it was originally intended. For example, the name "Pinocchio" is just that. But the kindergarten "Harlequin" - already involuntarily requires compliance with the name. It immediately seems that the children there only do what they learn the roles and play performances.

We would not advise taking a long polysyllabic name for the kindergarten. Beautiful - yes. Sweet - yes. Original - why not. But a rare preschooler is able to pronounce correctly "Our kindergarten is called" House under the Star of Bethlehem ".

Kindergarten group names

In coming up with the name of the group, you can take a little more liberties. We will not explain why, just give examples: "Guys", "27 Dwarfs", "Stargazers", "Turtles", "Mammoths", "Cat Dog", "Beauty and the Beasts".

In the names of the group, you can and should use the names and characters of modern cartoons. After all, the lifetime of the group is commensurate with the duration of the popularity of modern animated characters. Where are they up to Cheburashka, which gave its name to thousands of kindergartens and groups across the country.

On this, perhaps, everything. Creativity in your head, and children - health!
Chants, mottos, slogans, names.


Conduct market research. Take a directory or go to the city's electronic database of enterprises and institutions. Find the section "Kindergartens" and carefully study the list of names. Most likely, the same words will be repeated many times. If one of them you have looked after as a potential name for your own institution, discard this thought.

Get creative. You should not create another "Spring" or "Sun". Come up with something original. It is desirable that the chosen word is associated specifically with your garden. For example, a small home garden can be called "Friendly Family" - this will hint to parents that a cozy, almost family environment awaits your children.

Do not overuse endearing suffixes. "Baby", "Clever Girl" or "Simpampulka" will touch not every parent. But homemade words “Bunny” or “Kitten” will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by kids - these are familiar and understandable words that many of them are called at home.

Think about associations. It is hardly worth calling your institution "Kindergarten" Good "or" Children's Center "Cozy" - such signs are more commonly seen above the doors of small shops. Names like "Smarty" are more appropriate for an early development school, and "Dolphin" is associated with a swimming pool.

Be careful with patented names like Smeshariki or Masha and the Bear, especially if you want to depict the relevant characters on the sign. No one has canceled copyright infringement - you can be held liable for using someone else's trademark.

If you are planning to create a network of mini-gardens, think of a name that can be associated with an address. For example, you can open sites called "Little Island on Morskoy" and "Little Island on Nikitin". Such names are easy to remember and quickly become a recognizable brand. Do not forget to register it, otherwise you will soon find that your successful family is replenished by unknown strangers. Take care of your lucky name and reputation!

There are many public and private schools in Moscow and other large Russian cities, both general education and special, or offering to learn English, music or even acrobatics. How do you get people talking about your school? How to distinguish it from the general mass? Come up with an original title.


Good naming can be expensive - from 15,000 rubles. If you decide to come up with a name for the school yourself, use the naming algorithm used by namers:

1. decide on the type of educational services that you plan to provide;

2. decide on the target audience;

3. come up with a couple of names that would reflect the essence of the educational services that your school provides and that your target audience would like and remember;

4. check on search engines - are there any schools with such names in your city?

5. If you have the opportunity, invite representatives of your target audience to evaluate the names you have invented and, taking into account their opinion, choose one specific name.

By itself, the original name will not help you attract crowds of customers to your school, but a school with a well-remembered and positively evoking name will always be "on hearing". Therefore, the name should not be faceless or similar to others. However, too catchy names for the school should not be given either: after all, the school is not a cafe.

The name should reflect what you do, in other words, what services you provide. Obviously, one name suits a sports school, and a completely different one for a specialized linguistic school. The name should be associated with the type of services provided by the school.

There are schools for children, teenagers and adults. The first - general education, secondary. Such a school is chosen, of course, not by the child, but by his parents. Therefore, the name should be remembered by them. Of course, parents are different, both in terms of demands and prosperity. It is better to call an elite school more catchy, emphasizing its elitism. The usual, inexpensive, albeit very good, on the contrary, should not be called too catchy, because some parents may mistake it for an elite one and think that they cannot pay for a child's education in it.

There are many types of schools for teenagers. These are lyceums, and sports schools, and art schools. A teenager, as a rule, chooses a school together with his parents, so the name should be "family". In addition, it should reflect the specifics of the school. Something like this is the case with schools for adults - the school of entrepreneurship, the study of Romance languages ​​or marketing should be named so as not to mislead the potential client about the services it provides.

Name shop- a determining factor in the success of the business as a whole. In Soviet times, the name of the supermarket, shop didn't matter. Although in Europe, personalized boutiques and shops were already opening during this period. The names of children's stores have never been particularly original. Now you can distinguish yourself so as not to merge with thousands of similar stores.


Remember, the name of the store must consist of Russian or foreign letters. The combination of multilingual letters is unacceptable (if formalized).

Think carefully about the name of the store. Leave 2-3 options for the name in reserve, perhaps during registration the name you have chosen is already taken.
Before opening the store, come up with a children's competition with symbolic gifts for the participants. Let everyone choose a name for the future store. So you can choose the name, and attract the attention of customers.


  • "Helpful Tips"
  • baby store names

Children's opening center It's a good thing, and a profitable one at that. The range of services provided by similar center mi, quite large - training, medical services, entertainment and much more. But no matter what your childcare center will be doing, it needs a good name.


Based on your type of work center. If this is an entertainment center with all kinds of slot machines, then the name should be conducive to active games and fun. If this is a child development center, then nothing sharp and annoying is needed. It is better to thematically associate the name with training and education. You can use Latin roots, but only well-known ones, so that no one has to go into dictionaries for decoding. If this is a sports center, then the name needs to be active and energetic. Do not forget about the age of the children your center is designed for. For the age category from 3 to 7 years, one name is needed, and from 7 to 18 - another. It is unlikely that sixteen-year-olds will like to visit a center called "Baby".

Avoid stamps. “Sun”, “Cloud”, “Asterisk”, “Chamomile” - all this is a long-passed stage, moreover, too boring.

Turn to children's cartoons and books for help. Favorite fairy tale characters can also give a name to your center. Just be careful with copyrights and do not forget about relevance - a cartoon that is popular now will not necessarily retain its position in five years, and it will be unprofitable to rename the center later.

When you sketch out several options for names, conduct their phonosemantic analysis, that is, identify what associations people have with these words. Depending on what effect you want to make with your name, you can choose from all the best.

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Sometimes the owners have difficulties even with the selection of a name for a kitten, puppy or rabbit. Needless to say, how hard it is for a person who chooses a nickname for such a wonderful and rare animal for most people as a dolphin.


Try to come up with a name based on the nature of the animal. According to scientists (and once they need to be), dolphins are the smartest creatures on earth after humans. In addition, they are distinguished by a quiet disposition, love people, willingly play with them and often come to the rescue. name dolphin, say, Amicus, which means "friend" in Latin. However, not necessarily the dolphin will be calm and quiet. If he has a cheerful disposition, playful and noisy, why not call him Fidget? (from the English. Fidget - "fidget").

Maybe at dolphin there are some distinguishing features. For example, a spot on the back, or an unusually shaped fin. Choose a name that reflects this difference. Again, Speck is a very cute nickname.

If you have a need to give a name to a dolphin, you probably do not keep it at home in the bathroom, but simply relate to dolphin ria or zoo. Hold a competition among visitors for the best nickname for dolphin. Such competitions are especially loved by children. So you will have many options from which you can choose a worthy name for the animal.

Pick up for dolphin common human name. Dolphin Vasily or Ibrahim - why not? Only in this case, read carefully about the origin and meaning of the name, because it greatly affects the character. Although it is unknown if this rule works with dolphin mi.

Helpful advice

The easiest way to call a dolphin is Flipper. But it is unlikely that the dolphin himself would have liked such a banality.

If the dolphin lives in a dolphinarium and is trained to entertain the public, choose a short name - this way the animal will respond faster to the call of the trainer.

Are you going to open a restaurant, cafe, canteen or other institution catering? You will have to solve many issues with permits, choose the right place, determine the target audience and the format of the future institution. And, of course, choose the right name for it. Such that your future guests will understand that this restaurant or bar is created just for them. How to find the same, "your" name?


Many factors influence the choice of name. The audience, the format, the price level, the proposed assortment - having decided on these things, you can begin to come up with a name. But it is better to select the interior and form the menu after the name of your institution is finally chosen. For example, if you decide to call a pizzeria "Mama Roma", most likely, you should make the interior in European country style, and the menu should focus on homemade Italian cuisine. A institution called "Bella Roma" will require a glamorous setting and a large assortment of trendy cocktails.

Use the word "door". New options will turn out: a door hero, a door watchman, etc.

Go through the entire list, just do it in multiple passes so you can read with a clear head. Think of phrases not as final options, but as blanks. Some name candidates will not evoke any emotions, while others will make you smile and make you think about the possible design of the store, corresponding to the name. Pay attention to such moments and make notes opposite the phrases.

What is the name of the kindergarten? The question is quite complicated, but very interesting, because, choosing the right and accurate name, it’s as if you are sending you back to the world of childhood, where a lot of fascinating and mysterious things await you. It is worth noting that the name of the kindergarten is not just a word. It should be magical and magical, because kids should be drawn to it, gladly go to this place and discover something new and unknown every day. The name should be associated with something joyful and cheerful, be a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What needs to be done to choose an interesting and original name for the garden?

  • Firstly, the name must necessarily meet such requirements and parameters as softness in sound, tenderness and warmth, but at the same time be quite original and unusual. For example, the Sun, Little Mouse, Bell, Bunnies, Robin, Cheburashka, Droplet.
  • Secondly, a captivating and tempting phrase is perfect for the name, which will definitely remind you of childhood, as well as the cohesion of the whole team. The following titles are notable examples. This is a small country, a friendly family, a flower town, swan geese.
  • Thirdly, when choosing a name, focus on the individual characteristics of the kindergarten itself. Eg. If your garden focuses on familiarizing students with foreign languages, which is very fashionable and popular at the present time, then the garden can be called "Linguist". It is worth noting that already from the name itself it becomes clear what this place is and its main tasks. In the event that, nevertheless, the bias does towards rallying children and parents, which is determined by the large participation of joint competitions and works, then the most correct and optimal name will be “Friendly Family”.
  • Fourthly, analyze all the fairy tales and children's cartoons and opt for some interesting and fascinating name that would become the pride and highlight of the garden. One of the most popular and fashionable names today is Smeshariki, believe me, children and parents really like it.
  • Fifthly, when choosing a name, you can involve adults from the parent committee in this process and invite them to play such an exciting game as "Association", which will help you make the right and accurate choice. Remember that if the name reminds you of rather unpleasant and negative associations, then, of course, you should turn away from it. Even though it is very beautiful and attractive. But if the associations are only positive, then this is exactly what you were looking for. For example, if you take such a garden name as “Dolphin”, at first glance it is very beautiful and successful, but it will definitely be associated with a pool, and many parents will mistakenly believe that it exists. It is precisely from such incorrect associations that it is better to get rid of and not use them in the title.

If you find it difficult to choose a name for a kindergarten, then you can go the easier and more affordable way. This is to analyze the existing names that are in great demand and popularity, and then, based on them, make a choice or come up with something of your own.

Popular Kindergarten Names.

    1. "Little Raccoon".
    2. "Three Bears".
    3. "Thumbelina".
    4. "The Little Prince".
    5. "Classics".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. Chamomile.
    8. "Znayka".

Today, the range of names for kindergarten is very wide and varied, so there is plenty to choose from. Remember that choosing a name is a personal matter for everyone, but all wishes should be taken into account and all standards and requirements should be met. Do not forget that the name you choose, first of all, should please the child, because everything is done for them and for them.

What is the name of the kindergarten? The question is quite complicated, but very interesting, because, choosing the right and accurate name, it’s as if you are sending you back to the world of childhood, where a lot of fascinating and mysterious things await you. It is worth noting that the name of the kindergarten is not just a word. It should be magical and magical, because kids should be drawn to it, gladly go to this place and discover something new and unknown every day. The name should be associated with something joyful and cheerful, be a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What needs to be done to choose an interesting and original name for the garden?

  • Firstly, the name must necessarily meet such requirements and parameters as softness in sound, tenderness and warmth, but at the same time be quite original and unusual. For example, the Sun, Little Mouse, Bell, Bunnies, Robin, Cheburashka, Droplet.
  • Secondly, a captivating and tempting phrase is perfect for the name, which will definitely remind you of childhood, as well as the cohesion of the whole team. The following titles are notable examples. This is a small country, a friendly family, a flower town, swan geese.
  • Thirdly, when choosing a name, focus on the individual characteristics of the kindergarten itself. Eg. If your garden focuses on familiarizing students with foreign languages, which is very fashionable and popular at the present time, then the garden can be called "Linguist". It is worth noting that already from the name itself it becomes clear what this place is and its main tasks. In the event that, nevertheless, the bias does towards rallying children and parents, which is determined by the large participation of joint competitions and works, then the most correct and optimal name will be “Friendly Family”.
  • Fourthly, analyze all the fairy tales and children's cartoons and opt for some interesting and fascinating name that would become the pride and highlight of the garden. One of the most popular and fashionable names today is Smeshariki, believe me, children and parents really like it.
  • Fifthly, when choosing a name, you can involve adults from the parent committee in this process and invite them to play such an exciting and interesting game as "Association", which will help you make the right and accurate choice. Remember that if the name reminds you of rather unpleasant and negative associations, then, of course, you should turn away from it. Even though it is very beautiful and attractive. But if the associations are only positive, then this is exactly what you were looking for. For example, if you take such a garden name as “Dolphin”, at first glance it is very beautiful and successful, but it will definitely be associated with a pool, and many parents will mistakenly believe that it exists. It is precisely from such incorrect associations that it is better to get rid of and not use them in the title.

If you find it difficult to choose a name for a kindergarten, then you can go the easier and more affordable way. This is to analyze the existing names that are in great demand and popularity, and then, based on them, make a choice or come up with something of your own.

Popular Kindergarten Names.

    1. "Little Raccoon".
    2. "Three Bears".
    3. "Thumbelina".
    4. "The Little Prince".
    5. "Classics".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. Chamomile.
    8. "Znayka".

Today, the range of names for kindergarten is very wide and varied, so there is plenty to choose from. Remember that choosing a name is a personal matter for everyone, but all wishes should be taken into account and all standards and requirements should be met. Do not forget that the name you choose, first of all, should please the child, because everything is done for them and for them.

The name of the group in kindergarten is of great importance. Both adults and children are much more interested when, instead of the usual “younger group” or “group No. 2”, some interesting name sounds. Then there is individuality. To come up with something new and original is a tricky and subtle job that requires thoughtfulness. After all, what do you call the ship ... Currently, almost all children's institutions are abandoning the standard numbering. So what are the principles of this choice?

Firstly, the name should be associated with the concepts of "childhood" and "happiness", be harmonious and understandable to children. For example: "Rostochek", "Joy", "Smile", "Flowers of Life", "Our Children", "Kinderly land", "Sparrows", "Pants with straps". Do not infringe on anyone's copyright. It is known that several children's institutions in Russia have already received lawsuits from Ilya Reznik for using the name "Little Country".

Secondly, it is desirable that the name of the group in the kindergarten matches the general style of the kindergarten. If the kindergarten is "Fairy Tale", then it is logical to call the groups "Alyonushka", "Winnie the Pooh", "Thumbelina", "Cinderella", "Emerald City" in it. And for "Birch" or "Polyanka" all kinds of "Berries", "Strawberry", "Ladybugs" and "Borovichki" will be appropriate.

Thirdly, the name reflects the characteristics of the team, its focus, for example, if the group is speech therapy, linguistic, creative, then the name should be given to it accordingly: “Letters”, “First Steps”, “Watercolors”, “Harmony”, “Notes” , "Drawing", or "Newbe" (Beginner). Fourthly, it should be borne in mind that the name of the group in kindergarten also implies appropriate design. If the room is already decorated in a certain style, then the group located in it will have to be given a name that matches the design.

Well, the last question affecting the naming. For what period in the kindergarten is the name given to the group: for the entire period of its stay in the institution, or does the team change the plates every year as the children grow up? For each children's institution, this issue is resolved independently. The second option is more often used, when the name of the group in kindergarten is selected by age.

For younger children, diminutive names are usually used. Some institutions involve parents in this process. The main rule is that the name should be simple, understandable to young children, not too cunning and original. It is prudent to use the names of plants, animals known to children of this age, or the names of cartoon characters. For example: “My Kitten”, “Candy Kids”, “Squirrels”, “Sparrows”, “Winnie”, “Brownie”, “Angels”, “Karapuziki”, “Dandelion”, “Frogs”.

At the age of 4-5 years, children can already take part in the selection of a name for their group. It is not necessary to take their idea, but you need to ask them. Maybe it is the options for the kids that will prompt the right word. You need to choose a gender-neutral name that will satisfy both boys and girls. At this age, a transition to more abstract ideas is acceptable. It is proposed: "Shustriki and Myamliks", "Postrelyata", "Madagascar", "Why", "Cubes", "Smeshariki", "Sputnik".

The older group of the kindergarten is moving away from the children's theme closer and closer to the school. The names are getting more serious. Children grow up and are quite capable of fully participating in the process. You can invite them not only to come up with their own original names for the group, but also the motto and design elements. Such a task develops ingenuity, the imagination of preschool children, teaches them to defend their opinion, listen to others, and correctly accept victory or defeat. Suitable examples for seniors: Hercules, Toddlers' school, Primer Books, Asta la Vista, baby!, Bambini Club, Dreamers, Kinderland, Fidgets, Knowers, etc. .