Crochet women's mittens pattern. Crochet mittens. Knitted in a circle with imitation gum

Winter is already slowly waking up, reminding us of its imminent visit on increasingly cooler nights and an ever-growing desire for a cup of hot tea. It is difficult to think of a better pleasure after a walk on the street than to take a cup of hot tea with both hands and feel how your whole body is filled with warmth through your hands. So homey and cozy...

Probably, each of us can remember many such moments - to warm up from a cup of tea or, chilled, to take the hand of a loved one. It is through the hands that we receive so many sensations that are transformed into emotions that are pleasant to the heart ...

That is why today I present you a master class from which you will learn. Beautiful, warm mittens will gently warm your hands and the hands of your loved ones this winter.

After all, it's so nice to wear a thing knitted by one's own hands, and it's even more pleasant to receive mittens personally knitted for you. Give your family such joy by knitting for them crochet mittens.

So, stock up on inspiration and get started!

For work, I used Pekhorka "Australian Merino" yarn (100% wool, 100 g / 400 m) in two colors and hook No. 3.5.

We start knitting mittens according to this pattern:

Air lift loop (c.p.p.)

Connecting post (connection st.)

Double crochet (st. s / n)

Embossed front column with a crochet (rel. persons. st. s / n)

Embossed purl double crochet (rel. st. s / n)

With a gray thread we make a ring from a loop (more details)

1 row: we knit 3 chp,

we close the circular row of connections. Art. with a white thread, inserting the hook into the 3rd ch.p.p.

2 row: we knit 2 v.p.p.,

in the same loop (introducing the hook under the ch) we knit (convex) st. s / n,

* in the next loop we knit 1 tbsp. s / n, introducing a hook into st. s / n before. row

and rel. persons. (convex) art. s / n, introducing a hook under the same art. s / n before. row*.

We repeat from * to the end of the row, in this row we have 24 columns (2 chp count as a column).

We close a series of connections. Art. with a gray thread, introducing the hook into the 2nd ch.p.p.

3 row: we knit 2 v.p.p.,

*following we knit a loop 1 tbsp. s / n in Art. s / n before. row,

and then rel. persons. (convex) art. s / n, introducing a hook under the same art. s / n before. row*.

We repeat from * to the end of the row, in this row we have 48 columns (2 chp count as a column).

4 row: we knit 2 v.p.p.,

in a trace. loop knit rel. out. (concave) art. s / n *.

Repeat from * to the end of the row, ending the row of rels. persons. Art. s / n.

We close a series of connections. Art. gray thread.

We knit all subsequent rows without increments, similarly to the 4th row, alternating relief columns according to the pattern, we knit 2 chp,

in a trace. loop knit rel. persons. Art. c / n, in the next. loop knit rel. out. Art. s / n,

and so on to the end of the row.

We close a series of connections. Art. white thread.

We knit the number of rows we need, up to the thumb.

We will knit the hole for the thumb according to this pattern (for the right mitten):

in a trace. knit loop st. b/n,

skip 11 st. and in the 12th rel. out. Art. s / n before. row knit Art. b/n,

So we knitted a hole for the thumb of the right mitten.

For the left mitten, we knit a hole symmetrically, i.e. we knit 2 chp, then we knit 33 embossed stitches,

then knit st. b / n in rel. out. Art. s / n before. row,

11 art. we skip in the 12th rel. out. Art. s / n before. row knit Art. b/n,

in Art. b/n prev. row knit rel. out. Art. s / n,

in Art. b/n prev. row knit rel. out. Art. c / n, and then next. relay loop. persons. Art. s / n, we close a number of connections. Art.

So we knit to the length of the mittens we need.

Here are my 2 mittens. I have it located in the middle of the palm, it is almost invisible.

Trying on!

Let's start knitting a finger. We fix a new thread of gray color, on the inner side of the thumb. Next, we knit 2 v.p.p.,

Leave the long end of the thread for stitching the finger.

We thread the end of the thread into a needle with a thick eye and start capturing all the ch. sew a finger.

It turns out like this:

We hide the end of the thread on the wrong side, and also carefully hide all the tails of the threads and now our mitten is ready!

Similarly, we knit the thumb of the second mitten!

Thanks to this pattern and woolen threads, incredibly warm mittens are obtained, so that your hands will not freeze even in the most severe frost.

VIDEO master class on crocheting mittens.

Happy knitting and see you soon!

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The best protection for your hands in the cold winter is mittens. A properly knitted product will not only give its warmth, but will also be a great addition to the wardrobe. How to crochet mittens? What are the features of knitting mittens intended for an adult, child, newborn? Answers to these and a number of other questions in the master classes offered below.

The best protection for hands in the cold winter season - mittens

A crochet hook in skillful hands is able to create a truly author's work and distinguish you from other people who own nondescript mittens. The crochet pattern is not very complicated, however, it requires care and patience.

You will need:

  • Hook;
  • Yarn in 2 colors (for example, blue and white).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 1 loop of blue yarn, knit 11 stitches around it (hereinafter referred to as st.).
  2. Close the circle st. from white yarn.
  3. With white yarn, make 2 air loops (hereinafter VP), after that - embossed front st. with a crochet.
  4. In the next loop, tie 1 regular tbsp. with a crochet, after - 1 relief st. with a crochet. Knit 24 sts, taking into account the double lifting loop.
  5. From the last lifting v.p. do not remove the hook, close with blue yarn.
  6. The third row begins, tie 2 ch in it. It fits in exactly the same way as the second. Here you will have 48 st., Taking into account 2 initial ch.
  7. Bind off the third row with white yarn.
  8. 4th is an elastic band. Alternate in it the embossed front art. and Art. with a cape.
  9. Finish this row with blue yarn.
  10. The remaining rows up to the thumb knit as the 4th. Do not add or subtract columns.
  11. If you have reached the level of the thumb, tie 2 ch, 1 front embossed st. with a crochet. In the next loop, knit st. without a crochet.
  12. Knit ch 13
  13. Skip 13 stitches, start knitting a embossed single crochet from 14 stitches. Until the row ends, alternate the relief st.
  14. Close the row with a connecting st. You've knitted a thumb hole.
  15. Return to the scheme of 4 rows, in accordance with it, complete the knitting of the mittens.
  16. Knit the final row using the "crustacean step" technique.

Having connected the right mitten, proceed to the left pair.

How to crochet mittens: a lesson for beginners (video)

We knit a thumb on a mitten

So, in front of you are two mittens, and in both instead of a thumb there are only one hole. So it's time to tie your thumbs.

Easy to knit thumbs

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Around the hole prepared for the thumb, knit single crochets.
  2. Closer to the end of the finger, cut 3 loops in the final rows.
  3. Pull the yarn tight, passing it through the remaining loops.

How to crochet baby mittens: step by step instructions for beginners

Crocheted mittens will protect the baby's hands from strong winds and hard frosts. Before starting work, be sure to measure the circumference and length of the child's wrist (for example, with a regular braid). It is better to take acrylic yarn as a material, since mittens will often have to be washed, and acrylic products are resistant to washing and do not change shape. Below is a knitting pattern for mittens, starting with an elastic band, for a child of 5-6 years old.

You will need:

  • Acrylic yarn in 2 colors (for example, purple and white);
  • Hook;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.

Crocheted mittens will protect the baby's hands from strong winds and hard frosts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 10 air loops (hereinafter ch) with purple yarn, 2 lifting ch. Knit the resulting 12 loops with a crochet.
  2. Expand knitting.
  3. Knit 10 columns (hereinafter referred to as st.) With a crochet, capturing the front half loops.
  4. Knit 2 ch.
  5. Expand knitting.
  6. Knit 10 stitches, grabbing the back half loops.
  7. Knit an elastic cuff according to this pattern, not forgetting about alternating grips in rows for the front and back half loops.
  8. Knit as many rows as you need for the rib.
  9. Fold the cuff wrong side out, connect the edges of the future mittens.
  10. Tie the edges of the elastic using the "crustacean step" method, cut the threads, fasten, hide the ends.
  11. Take white yarn, tie the edge of the elastic with single crochets in 4 rows.
  12. In the fifth row, leave a hole for the thumb. To do this, in place of the thumb, make 1 ch. on the rise, turn the product, continue knitting in the opposite direction to the place of the finger.
  13. Knit 4 ch, fasten on the opposite side of the hole for the finger, fix the thread, cut it.
  14. Continue knitting the mitten with purple acrylic from the middle of the palm.
  15. Knit 6 rows.
  16. Knit 6 rows with white yarn.
  17. We turn to purple acrylic, this is the color that will complete the product.
  18. Knit 1 row.
  19. In the following rows, the mitten will gradually shrink. Subtract 1 tbsp. at the beginning and end of each row at the fold of the product.
  20. Fasten the thread, cut, turn the rest of the yarn to the wrong side.
  21. Knit your thumb (this was discussed above).

Crochet scratches for newborns: instructions

Mittens are needed even for babies - they fit, as a rule, easily and quickly - without thumbs, so that the baby is not tempted to gnaw or suck on it.

A newborn baby can scratch his face even if his nails are cut short. This is due to the fact that the baby still does not know how to control his hands and constantly pulls them to his face. Therefore, young parents often find a simple way out - they put on special scratch gloves on their hands. Is it possible to tie scratches for a child under one year old yourself? Certainly. The tutorial below will help you with this.

You will need:

  • Yarn in 2 colors (for example, pink and white).
  • Hook.

Scratches are very easy to knit

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 5 air loops (hereinafter ch) with white yarn.
  2. Connect the ends into a ring with a column (hereinafter referred to as Art.).
  3. Knit st. without a crochet in a spiral. In the rows, make additions, which will ensure a flat shape of the upper part of the product.
  4. Start shortening the loops when the ends of the knitted circle, folded in half and attached to the palm of the baby, begin to go beyond the level of the little finger and index finger. Decrease stitches at the beginning and end of each row.
  5. Knit 1 row decreasing.
  6. Knit 1 tbsp. without a crochet in a spiral to the level of the thumb.
  7. Start knitting decreasing rows. It is better to alternate like this: a row with a decrease, a row without a decrease.
  8. Knit an elastic band at the bottom of the product, this is necessary for a stable fixation on the handle. Attach pink yarn to the base of the scratches. Knit 1 tbsp. with a crochet. Yarn over on the hook. Pass the hook under the loop. Grab and knit 2 loops. Make 2 tbsp. with a crochet. Insert the hook under the loop from the wrong side of the product. Grab, pull the thread, knit a loop. Alternate 1 purl st. and 3 voluminous facial art. Knit a couple of rows.

Crochet crochet mittens

Scratch mittens can be decorated with a wide variety of knitted figures, their choice depends only on your imagination and skill. For example, for a boy, a knitted car will be an excellent solution for mittens.

Improvised fish can also be a decoration: you just need to tie the details on them and attach them to scratches

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dial 14 air loops (hereinafter VP), make 1 lifting loop.
  2. Knit a row without a crochet.
  3. Expand the product, knit 4 rows.
  4. Turn the machine again, knit 4 rows.
  5. Dial 5 columns (hereinafter referred to as st.) without a crochet, 6 ch, 2 tbsp. with a crochet, fix on the 8th loop of the row.
  6. Dial 4 vp, 1 tbsp. with a crochet, fix in the last loop.
  7. Tie the car around st. without a crochet.
  8. Sew the machine to the scratches.

Attach the buttons to the machine as wheels.

For girls, you can choose strawberries, flowers, cherries - you can easily find it on the Internet.

Scratches for newborns with knitting needles: instructions

Original scratches can be gradually knitted not only with a crochet, but also with knitting needles. And this is not at all difficult, since mittens for a small child have two big pluses - a small size and the absence of a thumb hole on the product.

You will need:

  • spokes;
  • Yarn (for example, light green).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dial 40 loops, distribute them on 4 knitting needles.
  2. Knit an elastic cuff for about 5-7 centimeters.
  3. Form a hole for the lace to better fix the mittens on the crumbs' handles. The hole will turn out if you do this: after knitting 2 facial ones, make a crochet.
  4. Knit the rest of the product with facial loops.
  5. At the end of the mitten, turn off the loops. It is done like this: 2 loops are connected and knitted together.

Leave 8 end loops, pull off the knitting needle, thread the thread through them, tighten. Hide the end of the thread on the wrong side of the scratch mittens.

Elena's work. Semi-woolen yarn, hook No. 2.1. I knitted for myself. The circumference of the arm at the widest point is 21 cm.

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Description of gloves:

Dial a chain of air loops equal in length to the circumference of the wrist (in my case 43 loops) + 1 cm for freely putting on a glove. Connect the chain into a ring with a connecting column and to start knitting the first row, make 3 air. lifting loops. Knit the first row. s / n and finish a series of connections. loop into the last loop of the lift. Next, to knit the second row, make 2 air. lifting loops and knit an elastic band pattern, alternating convex and concave embossed columns. Finish the series also conn. loop. Knit the next rows of rib in the same way as the second.

The cuff of the glove, knitted with an elastic band, can be of any width from 4 to 6 cm at your discretion. I have 4.5 cm. Then proceed to knitting the main part of the glove. Work the glove in single crochet in circular rows in a spiral, i.e. do not make lifting loops, then the seam of the initial loops of the row will not be visible.
For yourself, outline the sides of the glove where the thumb will be located, and where the little finger will be. After working 2-3 circular rows in single crochet on the side of the side of the thumb, start making additions to widen the wedge of the thumb. To do this, in the next 5-7 rows, add one column at a time, knitting two from one loop. When you knit in height to the base of the thumb, in the last row, without knitting 6-7 loops to the edge, cast on a chain of 8-9 air loops and fasten it into an arch through 12-14 loops of the previous row. Thus, a hole for the thumb is obtained, which is knitted last.

Next, knit the main part of the glove in circular rows to the beginning of the little finger. Do not break the main working thread, but after knitting it to the side of the thumb, pull out a large loop so that the knitting does not unravel. Before starting to knit the fingers of the glove, calculate the loops for each finger. You can identify them by trying on a glove and noticing the loops on the inside and outside.

To knit the little finger, attach the thread from the side of the palm, make 3-4 air. loops and attach the arch to the back of the glove. Next, knit in a circle columns to the height of the little finger. Toward the tip, decrease on both sides of the finger to narrow. When you knit your finger to the desired height, tie the last row with a “crustacean” step. Cut the thread, fasten it. Insert the needle into the remaining end of the thread and tuck it inside out.

If you examine your hand, you will see that the fingers are located at different heights - the first little finger is slightly higher than the index finger, and the middle and ring fingers are at the same level. Therefore, after knitting the little finger, return to knitting the main part of the glove. Taking the left thread into work, tie one circular row with columns along the inside of the arch at the base of the little finger and the outside of the glove. Now you can knit the ring finger. Attach a new thread to the inside, tie a chain of 4 air. loops and fasten the arch on the outside. Knit columns to the desired height - half a finger, if necessary, narrow it in the upper part, making reductions on the sides. Finish knitting in the same way as on the little finger.

Take the left thread of the main part back into work and knit one circular row through the arch of the ring finger. Next, attach the thread for knitting the middle finger. If you get a large finger hole at the base, then decrease in the corners by knitting two single crochets together.

Knit the index finger with the left thread from the main part of the glove. Attach the thread for knitting the thumb and knit in the round with columns, making decreases first in the corners, knitting two columns together until the hole is the same diameter as the finger. Next, knit it to a height and narrow it with single crochets.

The glove for the other hand is knitted in the same way, but in a mirror image.

For a cap, dial 4 air. loops, knit with single crochets on one side and on the other side of the chain of air loops. At the beginning and end of the chain, knit 3 single crochets in one loop. Thus, knit 10 rows. The diameter of the cap has increased enough, now you can knit without adding 10-12 rows to the desired cap size. in the last row we knit half of the loops with double crochets. We sew the cap in the place where the fingers begin, with the side that is finished with single crochets. At the top of the cap, we make a loop from a separate thread, sew a button on the mitten-glove in the right place. Ready.

I once wanted to knit warm wool mittens for the winter. And here's what I got.

I will try to describe in detail the process of knitting them.

Materials for work:

  1. Yarn - need medium thickness; I used yarn Yarna "Charisma" (100% wool, 300 m/100 g)
  2. Hook number 2.5
  3. Thick needle and matching thread for sewing
  4. Leftover yarn of a different color for embroidery (optional)

Description of work

If you are not knitting mittens for yourself, then you can make a paper hand pattern. I didn’t make a pattern, because I knitted for myself and just tried on as I worked.

Mittens knitted from the bottom up, that is, from the cuffs to the toe. Knitting elements are simple - air loops (VP) and single crochets (RLS).

So, first we will knit the cuffs for the future mittens. To do this, I scored a chain of 15 VP

and additionally 1 more lifting air loop (the length of the chain is equal to the desired width of the cuff) and tied 1 row of RLS on it. To make the cuff pattern elastic and resemble a knitted elastic band, starting from the 2nd row, the hook must be inserted under the far thread of the loop of the previous row.

So I knitted in rotary rows with an elastic band until, when stretched, the cuffs began to wrap around the wrist. Then I sewed the last row with the first with threads for sewing.

That's it, one cuff is ready!

Then I tied the edge of the cuff with sc

Important point: now you need to skip as many columns of the previous row as in the chain of air loops plus 2-3 more loops - but so that the knitting pattern is not broken. You need to skip additional loops in order to reduce the width of the mittens after the point where the thumb is located.

In the next row, I knitted again with a pattern according to scheme 1, introducing a hook into the loops of the chain above the hole for the thumb.

So I continued to knit rows to the end of the little finger.

Here you need to make reductions by knitting the toe of the mittens. To do this, you need to conditionally divide the fabric of the mitten into 2 parts and make decreases according to the scheme in 4 places of each row - at the beginning and at the end of the halves of the mitten. When there were only 4 loops left in the row, I pulled them off and fastened the thread on the wrong side.

Now you can start knitting your thumb on the loops of the hole left for it. As needed, I made reductions, often trying on a mitten.

Then, just as on the toe, she pulled the remaining several loops into one and fastened the thread on the wrong side of the finger.

The second mitten was knitted similarly to the first, only the hole for the thumb must be positioned in a mirror image.

In addition, I decided to decorate them with simple snowflake embroidery (seam “forward needle”) with white wool blend yarn.

You can't do without such an accessory as mittens in winter. Why not take advantage of the acquired skill and link them. The schemes for them are very different. In addition, you can decorate them for any taste.

Knitted in a circle with imitation gum

Before crochet, you need to choose the right yarn. These will look spectacular if you take a thread with a characteristic of 100 grams per 400 meters and stop at two close shades.

Suitable for this yarn will be a hook at number 3.5. If the accessory is planned to be used in the winter, then wool must be present in the composition of the yarn. And the more the better.

You need to start crocheting mittens (diagrams will help) with a ring of 5 air loops. Then alternate the thread, knitting only one row with one shade. You will get a pattern that will look like a chessboard.

In the 1st row, after three lifting loops, you need to tie 11 double crochets. By the way, the number of lifting loops will be the same for all rows of this pattern.

2nd row: before working at the base of the lifting chain, then from the top of each column of the previous row, knit a regular double crochet and one more before work.

In the 3rd row, the pattern of the second is repeated. The 4th row consists of alternating columns in front of work and behind it. All the following rows completely repeat the fourth. There should be enough of them to reach the cut for the thumb. Here in the next row it is supposed to make a pass from the chain formed by 13 loops. Then continue the circular pattern to the wrist.

Now it's time to crochet the thumb of the mittens. Its schemes will repeat the main pattern. The main difficulty lies in the set of the initial row.

For this, the thread is supposed to be fixed in the inside of the cut, make three lifting loops and two untied double crochets, which are then closed with one loop. So it will turn out to be a filled corner of the connection of the finger with the mitten.

Then knit 11 columns according to the mitten pattern. Repeat the triple double crochet, closed with one loop in the other corner, and again tie the columns behind and before work according to the pattern. Continue knitting a circular pattern to the end of the finger. From above, connect the cut with single crochets.

How to decorate such mittens

They are already self-sufficient on their own. Therefore, if such crocheted mittens (the patterns are useful) will be worn by a woman or a man, then it is better to leave everything as it is.

But for a teenager girl or a preschool child, it is better to sew on a suitable decoration. It can be a crochet flower or cute pom-poms.

The main thing is that they should be connected to the liking of their owner.

Connected from two halves

Despite the unusual execution, it is not difficult to crochet such mittens. For beginners, there is still a recommendation to choose such that there are about 120 meters per 100 grams of weight. The hook for such a thread should be number 6.

You need to start crocheting (for beginners) with a chain of loops. For the specified characteristic of the yarn, there should be so many of them that it is equal to the length from the wrist to the end of the little finger.

Tie double crochets on a chain. At the top of the chain, make five such columns from one base - this will be a rounding for the fingers. Then knit a row of double crochets on the other side of the chain. The first row is finished.

The second repeats the first. Only the increase in rounding should be done gradually. It is recommended to divide it into three times, two columns from one base. If the thread is thick enough and children's mittens are crocheted, then this amount may be enough. Otherwise, it is necessary to knit so many more similar rows so that the width of the product covers the palm of your hand.

Now you need to knit another half of the same mittens. Now they need to be folded together and knit with single crochets along the entire length, leaving a slit for the thumb.

In a circle of the slot for the cuff, tie the rows: the first - from the single crochet, then the second with the crochet, decorate with a row of lush columns and finish with a crochet step.

The finger begins to knit with single crochets. Continue the same rows to the desired length. To make the finger with a bevel, you need to decrease one loop on the inside of the circle, and add one loop on the outside. This will give you the same number of stitches on each row. Then make a rounding and fasten the thread.

Mittens decoration option: kittens

Now it’s clear how to crochet mittens. It remains to think about decoration for children. The girl will like the muzzles of kittens on mittens.

For them, you will have to tie two triangles for the ears. Their base should not be less than 5 loops. From the first row, immediately start decreasing the loops. Finish with three columns associated with one vertex. You need 4 such triangles-ears.

Sew them to the girl's mittens. For the eye, use green beads, and make the nose out of a large pink button. Under the spout, fasten a few black dense threads for the antennae.

Mittens decoration option: bears

For him, you need to tie circles-ears. And the same circle for the nose. Only its size should be much smaller.

Muzzle tie oval. To do this, the initial chain does not need to be closed in a ring, but simply tied on both sides at once. The muzzle for decorating the mittens should be larger than the ears. For the eyes, use small black beads.