How to clean the iron from stains. We clean the soleplate of the iron from burns and scale. How to clean the iron from burn on the sole with table vinegar

Updated: 11/13/2018

Modern irons provide easy glide over the fabric and uniform heating. However, once you make a mistake with the choice of temperature, a black spot forms on the sole. It is impossible to use the device with soot on the sole, you can ruin things. Therefore, every person should know how to clean the iron quickly and without damaging the soleplate.

Previously, almost all irons were produced with stainless steel soles, and aluminum models were less common. These coatings are good for everyone, except that fabric fibers easily stick to them, especially if you are going to iron a thing made of synthetics or natural wool.

Modern manufacturers use different types of coatings. Most popular options:

  • Ceramic and glass-ceramic coating. The sole with a ceramic coating easily glides over any fabric, provides uniform heating. A significant disadvantage is the fragility of the material, with careless handling, chips and cracks may form.
  • Teflon. This is a non-stick coating, fibers practically do not stick to it. But the coating is easily scratched.
  • Composite coating with mineral chips. This coating is very resistant, it will not scratch even if you clean it with a steel wool. The downside is the high price.
  • Enamel. The coating is strong, durable, but quite expensive.

When choosing a cleaning method, be sure to consider the type of coating on the sole. So, if you clean the burn on the Teflon sole with salt, the iron will only have to be thrown away. Since scratches will appear on the surface, which will gradually destroy the coating.

Special agent

In order not to puzzle over how to clean the iron from soot, you need to have a special cleaning pencil on the farm. This tool is produced by many manufacturers. In most cases, iron pencils are universal, they are suitable for cleaning different soles. However, there are options containing abrasive particles, they cannot be used to clean Teflon surfaces. So be sure to read the instructions carefully.

Cleaning the iron with a pencil is very easy. Sequencing:

  • we heat the iron to 140-150 degrees, turn off the device from the mains;
  • hold the pencil by one end and gently draw the other end over the contaminated places. You don't need to press hard.
  • soot will begin to dissolve immediately, we wash it with a clean white cotton cloth, you can use paper towels folded several times for this purpose;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure, but, as a rule, the pencil effectively cleans carbon deposits the first time.

Advice! When processing the soleplate of an iron with a pencil, an unpleasantly smelling steam is released, so it is necessary to carry out processing in a ventilated room.

Home ways to clean your iron

If a special pencil was not at hand, then you can solve the problem with cleaning soot using folk methods.


Vinegar is the most versatile cleaning method. It can be used for any type of sole. Remove contaminants as follows:

  • dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water;
  • we moisten a cotton swab or a piece of white cotton cloth in the prepared liquid and clean the surface of the iron.

In this way, fresh contamination can be cleaned. If the burn is old, then we clean it with undiluted vinegar. You need to moisten the cloth in vinegar and wipe the dirt with it.

Alcohol ammonia

Ammonia can help clean the soleplate of the iron. This product cleans dirt quickly and effectively, but it has a strong smell. Therefore, there is an important condition for the use of the product: you need to protect the respiratory system and work in a well-ventilated area.

You can clean up:

  • pure ammonia;
  • ammonia mixed with vinegar in a ratio of one to one.

Cleaning is done like this:

  • a white cotton cloth is moistened in the prepared solution;
  • wipe the contaminated sole with a cloth;
  • wipe dry.

If the soot is old and cannot be cleaned in such a simple way, then you need to moisten the cloth in the solution and put a cold iron on the wet cloth all night. In the morning you need to clean the surface of the sole with a dry, clean cloth.


This is a popular home remedy for cleaning iron deposits at home, but it is absolutely not suitable for Teflon coatings.

Cleaning methods:

  • pour salt on a sheet of thick white paper, heat the iron and “stroke” the salt until the sole is clean;
  • pour a little salt on the contaminated surface of the iron and clean the surface with a damp cotton or cloth swab.


Does a good job of cleaning and pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can also use hydroperite tablets. Procedure:

  • we heat the iron, turn it off from the network;
  • we wipe the contaminated surface with a swab dipped in a peroxide solution or with a hydroperite tablet;
  • carefully remove the remnants of the product with a clean cloth;
  • iron a white cotton fabric at high temperature (unnecessary, the fabric will be damaged).

How to remove scale from the iron?

Irons with a steam function are very convenient, but scale builds up in the holes over time. You can remove it in several ways.

  • We use the self-cleaning functions. On modern models there is a function that allows you to clean the holes from scale. To activate it, just pour water into the tank and press the corresponding button.
  • Citric acid. We dissolve 30 gr. citric acid in a glass of water, pour this solution into the tank. We heat the iron to maximum temperature and activate the steam function. This should be done over a basin or sink, as steam with pieces of scale will fly out of the holes. Then we rinse the tank with clean water, wipe the iron with a clean cloth and clean the holes with cotton swabs.

How to prevent the formation of soot and scale?

The fabric will stick to the soleplate of the iron if the temperature is not respected. Therefore, before ironing a thing, study the information on the label, it indicates the recommended temperature for ironing.

Iron things made of wool through damp gauze, this will prevent the fibers from sticking to the sole of the iron.

And to avoid the formation of scale, pour distilled water into the tank. Or at least filtered water, home filters remove some of the hard salts.

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Bought a new chiffon blouse, and it was hopelessly "chewed" by a burnt iron? But the disaster might not have happened if you had guessed in time to clean the sole from dirt. Moreover, whitish streaks on clothes after ironing with a steam generator can also be avoided. How to do it?. The topic of today's publication is how to clean the iron from scale and soot. We have found for you 15 miraculous ways to clean the device that will save you from the prospect of ruining expensive and beloved things.

Careful attitude to the iron guarantees the safety of your belongings

The main reason for the formation of soot is improper ironing of things made of synthetic fabrics. If you make a mistake with the setting of the mode and choose too high a temperature, the synthetics melt under the sole, and its particles adhere tightly to the surface. You may not notice it right away. The problem will appear only after you start ironing the next thing.

Scale formation is another common problem. It manifests itself in rusty or whitish marks on the fabric. The source of the problem is tap water. Believe me, this is not a whim of manufacturers at all - the recommendation is to pour filtered or distilled liquid into the iron. This is a real look at the quality of our tap water.

Traces of scale: how to clean the iron at home

Let's start with the problem of scale formation. This is not the worst thing that can happen to your device. There are several effective methods for removing scale.

How to simultaneously clean the iron from scale and soot: universal industrial products

Most of all, German manufacturers have succeeded in this matter: they offer a wide range of chemicals for simultaneously cleaning the sole of the heater from carbon deposits and scale.

Method 1 - chemical cleaner

The most popular products in this segment are products of firms Topperr , Bosch And filtero . It is not difficult to use them, the algorithm is the same for everyone. How to clean a steam iron: dilute the chemical in water in a ratio of 1:3, warm up the appliance as much as possible, turn it off and place it with the soleplate down in the detergent tank. After a couple of hours, you need to wash the sole with water. Press the steam release lever five or six times before ironing again.

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How to clean the kettle from scale at home: folk methods and using household chemicals, the causes and consequences of scale formation, the nuances of performing work and the prevention of scale formation - in our publication.

How to clean the iron from scale: folk remedies

Chemical factory products are not always available in your home. It doesn’t matter, you can clean it up with the help of folk remedies. Most of the ingredients are likely to be in your home, here are some ideas on how to descale your iron.

How to effectively descale the iron inside with citric acid, vinegar or soda

Method 2 - citric acid powder

To clean the iron from scale at home, dissolve 10 g of powder in half a glass of heated water, soak a soft cloth with this solution and apply it to the sole of the inverted appliance for half an hour. Then clean the steam outlets with cotton swabs. For internal cleaning, pour the lemon solution into the water tank and turn on the device to the maximum mode. Release steam from the heated unit several times.

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Let's figure out how to clean the washing machine with citric acid and other improvised means in order to increase the life expectancy of the equipment.

Method 3 - sparkling water

To clean the iron from scale inside, pour carbonated mineral water into the liquid tank. Further, the algorithm is the same as when cleaning the iron with citric acid: warming up and dumping steam.

Method 4 - Vinegar

Another popular way to clean the device from contamination is to use table vinegar. Do not use concentrated acid for this purpose, it will ruin the iron. Lightly moisten a cloth with 6% table vinegar and iron it with a hot iron. Traces of rust will disappear without a trace.

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How to quickly clean the iron from carbon deposits on the outside

Method 5 - paraffin candle

Fresh plaque on the sole of the iron can be easily removed with a regular candle. Rub it on the surface of the sole, and then forcefully wipe the wax off with hard paper. Instead of a candle, you can use a bar of soap.

Method 6 - salt

Fine salt "Extra" should be sprinkled on a newspaper and forcefully moved over it with a hot iron. Salt will absorb all impurities. Keep in mind that this technique is not suitable for devices with Teflon soles.

Method 7 - soda

Plaque and scale are easily cleaned with a soda solution. Soda is moistened with water so that a paste is obtained. They rub the sole with it, using grains of soda as an abrasive.

Method 8 - matchbox

Another simple answer to the question of how to remove scale from an iron is to use a matchbox. Its sticker, on which a match is struck, perfectly cleans traces of lime and rust from the sole.

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easy and simple: you will find original and effective ways using the tools that every housewife has at hand in our publication.

How to clean a burnt iron if the soleplate is made of ceramic or Teflon

Expensive good irons from well-known companies such as Tefal or Philips are equipped with modern soles. How to clean such a device so as not to spoil it hopelessly?

Ceramic sole

Method 9 - cleaners for glass-ceramic stoves

If special compositions for cleaning irons can not be found in every hardware store, then there are compositions for electric stoves almost everywhere. Such a paste is applied to the sole and carbon deposits are removed with soft circular movements.

Method 10 - hydrogen peroxide

A peroxide solution is an excellent home remedy for scale. How to clean a Philips iron from scale with peroxide: wet a piece of cotton, preferably linen, fabric with a solution and iron it with a hot iron.

Method 11 - toothpaste

Great advice from experienced housewives is cleaning the ceramic sole with toothpaste. Apply the paste to the warm sole, rubbing especially dirty places with a light effort. After drying, wipe off the paste with a dry cloth.

How to descale the iron if it has a Teflon soleplate

Method 12 - nail polish remover with acetone

Acetone will help get rid of traces of burnt synthetics or polyethylene. Soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover and apply to the stain for a couple of minutes. Then wipe the sole with the same cotton. You should know that cleaning with acetone is done only on a cold surface!

Method 13 - chalk

And now we clean the Teflon iron at home with ordinary chalk: we heat the device and drive the chalk directly over the surface of the sole. All dirt is easily wiped off. Chalk residue can be easily removed with a paper towel.

Method 14 - ammonia

Not very pleasant, but effective option, how to get rid of scale in the iron. Moisten the cloth with a solution of ammonia and wipe the sole. In difficult cases, you need to iron the damp cloth with a hot appliance. Take care of your lungs, use a respirator and open the windows!

Method 15 - dishwashing detergent

Teflon soles can be cleaned of burnt synthetics with dishwashing detergent. Wet a cloth with it and rub the heated sole. Then wipe with a damp cloth to remove soap residue.

By the way, if your Teflon device has begun to lose its sliding properties, you can extend its life. Mix paraffin wax with Extra salt, place between two layers of handkerchief and iron with a hot iron. The handkerchiefs will have to be thrown away, but the device itself will last for some more time. Some service shops have Teflon resurfacing services, but it's not cheap, so it's probably easier to buy a new unit.

How to use the "Self clean" function on the iron

"Self Clean" is a self-cleaning function that significantly extends the life of the appliance. If your iron has this feature, use it periodically. Such devices are not cleaned with chemicals.

It is enough to fill the water tank and turn on the iron at full power. When the heating indicator goes out, you need to unplug the cord from the outlet, place the device over a basin or sink, press the “Self Clean” button and hold it until all the water has drained out. In the process, you will see dirt and debris pouring out of the sole. After cleaning, turn on the appliance again and iron an unnecessary cloth with it. With regular cleaning, your device will last a very long time.

Video instruction: how to clean the iron from scale inside

A good example of cleaning the device from scale in this material.

Features of descaling an iron with an anti-lime rod or cassettes

Some devices from well-known companies, such as Braun or Mulinex, are equipped with an anti-limestone rod or special cassettes. These additional devices prevent the formation of scale inside the iron. You just need to clean them periodically. To do this, the rod is removed and placed overnight in a glass of lemon juice. After it should be rinsed with water. Instead of lemon juice, you can use a descaling agent or bleach.

Basic rules for the use and care of the iron

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The iron must be periodically cleaned inside and out:

  • Water tank - from scale and mold;
  • Housing - from dust and dirt;
  • Sole - from traces of burnt fabric, rust and scale.

From this material, you will learn 10 super-effective ways to clean the iron at home with tools that are always at hand and cost mere pennies.

How to clean the iron from scale - 3 ways

When using tap water instead of distilled water for steam ironing, over time, mineral deposits accumulate in the tank and the steam outlet channels in the soleplate of the iron.

  • If the iron suddenly began to release dirty water and stain clothes, this indicates that it is high time to descale it.

Since scale is just salts of calcium and magnesium, it is necessary to act on it with acid. Here are two ways to help you clean the inside of your iron.

Method 1. How to descale an iron with vinegar

Fill the iron with a solution of vinegar and water, diluted in equal proportions to about one-third of the tank.

Heat the iron to maximum and leave it in an upright position for 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that at this time it will periodically turn off, cool down and heat up again to the maximum, there is no need to interfere with this process.

Next, place a container under the iron to collect water, and, holding the device horizontally, begin to actively release steam by pressing the appropriate button. As a result, rusty drops should flow out of the sole holes. Continue to release steam until no more dirt drops from the iron (see left photo).

Be careful to release steam while holding the appliance at arm's length so as not to inhale the fumes and smell of vinegar.

Then fill the iron with clean water and turn it on again to the maximum temperature setting to remove any remaining scale and vinegar. Again, hold the appliance horizontally over the basin and release steam several times. Finally, simply drain the water and wipe the soleplate and steam outlets with a tissue or clean cloth.

Method 2. How to descale the iron with citric acid

Dissolve a small packet of citric acid (no more than 25 g) in 1 cup of warm water until completely transparent.

Pour the resulting solution into the iron heated to the maximum and let it “brew” for 5-10 minutes. Next, holding the appliance horizontally over the basin, release steam from it several times by pressing the appropriate button so that scale and rust flow out of the holes in the sole. When all the dirt has flowed out, drain the liquid from the iron, fill it with clean water and let the appliance “steam” again to remove the remaining scale and vinegar. Again, release steam over the basin several times and finally wipe the sole and holes in it with a napkin or a clean cloth.

Method 3. How to descale the iron using a "hot bath"

Reviews about this method of descaling the iron are very mixed, so we did not test it in practice, but you can try if the first two methods did not solve the problem. How to make a "hot bath" for the sole of the iron, see this video tutorial.

Whatever method you choose to decalcify your iron, when you have finished all the procedures, be sure to test the result by ironing a light-colored cloth in the steam mode. If the iron still emits dirty water or leaves yellowish stains (for example, from citric acid), then it should be cleaned 2-3 more times with clean water.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron - 7 ways

Method 1. How to clean the soleplate of the iron with vinegar

Vinegar can remove not only scale, but also carbon deposits on the sole of the iron. To do this, mix table vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak a rag in the resulting solution and wipe the sole with it (it should not be heated). Next, soak a cotton swab in the solution and clean the steam holes with it.

  • This method is suitable for cleaning soles with Teflon and ceramic coating.

Method 2. Cleaning the sole from carbon deposits with soda

Stubborn traces of rust, soot and scale can be removed with soda. Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

Method 3. Cleaning with salt

To clean grime from your iron, sprinkle some salt on a paper/cotton towel or foil sheet and place the iron on it at maximum heat.

In practice, salt itself did not remove traces of burnt tissue, but after rubbing with a rag, the dirt really came off pretty quickly.

There is another way to clean the iron with salt: heat it to the minimum temperature, pour a handful of salt into three-fold gauze or other thin cotton fabric and rub the sole with it.

This method seemed to us the simplest and most effective.

Method 4. How to clean a Teflon-coated iron with laundry soap

Heat the iron to minimum temperature and gently rub the soleplate with laundry soap. The soap will begin to melt and soften the burn. Next, you just have to wipe the soleplate clean and clean the steam outlets with cotton swabs or toothpicks.

Method 5. How to clean the soleplate with toothpaste

You can “scrub” soot from the sole of the iron with ordinary toothpaste (it should be white, not gel). Squeeze out a small amount of paste from the tube and wipe the slightly heated soleplate.

Method 7. Removing traces of burnt synthetics or plastic with acetone (suitable for cleaning soles with Teflon and ceramic coating)

Simply soak a cotton pad with acetone or nail polish remover and wipe any problem areas.

  • If you burned the fabric and its traces remain on the sole, immediately apply a cotton rag soaked in cold water to the stained area. A sharp temperature drop will help peel off the burnt fabric from the metal.
  • Do not use metal sponges and hard brushes to clean the soleplate, especially if it has a Teflon or ceramic coating. Also, to avoid scratching the metal, avoid using abrasive cleaners.
  • To reduce the build-up of scale and rust inside the iron, every time after ironing, while the appliance is still warm, pour out all the remaining water from it.
  • To delay descaling your iron, try using filtered water for steaming.

And finally, we suggest watching a useful video on how to clean an iron with a metal, ceramic or Teflon sole using folk and special products.

No matter how high-tech and advanced modern irons are, they still require careful handling and timely cleaning.

The main enemies of any iron are burns and scale. The first is formed on the sole if you accidentally overexpose the iron on synthetics, and also if sticky material gets on the surface, which, when heated, sticks to the sole more and more. Over time, this leads to the fact that the iron begins to glide worse over the fabric, wears out, but the biggest nuisance can be a stain on your things and fabrics: burns from a hot sole will instantly go to the material. As for scale, this problem affects everyone who uses unfiltered water for steam.

Method 1. Salt

It is very easy to clean the iron with salt, so this method can be safely called one of the most economical and simple.

Sprinkle salt on a piece of paper or a napkin (preferably sea salt). Turn on the maximum temperature and turn off the steam, start ironing until the surface of the sole is clean.

Method 2. Citric acid

If the burnt fabric has got into the steam holes, it will be easiest to use citric acid. To do this, dilute the acid with filtered water (150 ml per 1 tsp), then pour into the liquid compartment. Heat the iron to maximum, give it a good shake and press the steam button for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times, then rinse the tank with clean water and wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

By the way, citric acid can be replaced with carbonated mineral water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will also help clean the iron at home. Dilute it with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 2, moisten a soft cotton cloth, heat the iron and unplug it, place it on a damp cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the sole with a sponge.

If the contamination is severe, you may well leave the unplugged iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar for several hours.

Method 4. Toothpaste

Simply apply a layer of regular toothpaste to the sole, let it sit, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth. Turn on the iron and iron the unnecessary fabric.

Method 5. Nail polish remover

Suitable liquid both with acetone in the composition, and without it. But when using this option to clean the iron, be careful: the liquid can damage the plastic parts. Therefore, it is best to apply the liquid pointwise, with a cotton swab or cotton pad. Just rub the dirt until it dissolves.

Method 6. Soda

Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar. Apply the resulting paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

1. Never try to clean the surface of the iron mechanically (with pumice stone, sandpaper, etc.). So you will only damage it.

2. After ironing, while the appliance is still warm, drain off any remaining water.

3. To reduce scale formation, use only filtered, bottled or distilled water.


Everyone irons things, if not every day, then several times a week. Such a load affects the condition of the iron, and over time, cleaning of the sole is required. Instruments become especially dirty if the rules of use are not observed.

The iron may start to burn or become coated, regardless of the type of soleplate. Any contamination must be removed in a timely manner, otherwise the household appliance will fail.

The sole of the iron is made from various materials. Each type has special properties, on which the resistance to pollution also depends. In addition, some types of coatings require careful cleaning, otherwise the device will quickly fail.

Ceramic and cermet sole

Irons with ceramic and glass-ceramic soles are easy to clean, heat evenly and glide easily. However, this coating is fragile and prone to cracks, scratches and chips.

Compared to ceramic options, soles made of cermet are more resistant to mechanical stress, namely the appearance of scratches and cracks. However, with intense impacts, chipping is likely. Popular options are Ultragliss Diffusion, CeraniumGlisse and SteamGlide.

When cleaning ceramic and cermet soles, the use of abrasive detergents and metal blades is unacceptable. It is recommended to give preference to special means for cleaning ceramics.

You can also use:

  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide:
  • toothpaste without abrasive particles;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon juice.

Teflon coated outsole

Teflon is a plastic that is widely used in technology and everyday life. Teflon-coated irons heat up quickly, glide well and work better than others at low temperatures. However, they are very fragile and difficult to clean from soot.

Cracks, scratches and chips will not appear if the sole is carefully cleaned. The following tools are suitable for this:

  • cleaning pencil;
  • hydroperite;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dentifrice;
  • toothpaste.

Do not rub the Teflon coating with hard and metal objects. You will also have to abandon abrasive substances.

Metal soles

Metal soles are available in aluminum and steel. Each option has its own characteristics. It is also worth considering that the plates of all irons are metal, while the working part, the sole, can be made of Teflon, titanium and other materials.

Stainless steel sole

A stainless steel sole is considered the best option. This material is durable and glides well. In addition, the stainless sole is easy to clean. The disadvantages include long heating and weight. Some manufacturers produce improved versions:

  • with chromium - protects against corrosion, prolongs service life;
  • with aluminum - increases thermal conductivity, improves slip;
  • with sapphire coating - increases resistance to mechanical damage;
  • additional laser treatment - increased non-stick properties, increased service life.

The stainless steel sole is cleaned with the following products:

  • toothpaste;
  • dentifrice;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • cleaning pencil.

Fresh soot can be removed with a wooden or metal spatula. It is not recommended to use a knife as it may scratch the surface.

Aluminum outsole

Aluminum is the cheapest material. An iron with such a sole is distinguished by its low cost, however, many problems arise with it in everyday life. The aluminum sole is absolutely not resistant to damage, so scratches and microdamages quickly appear on it, into which dirt and carbon deposits clog. However, there are improved options:

  • Anodized aluminium. The outsole is covered with an oxide film, which increases density and smoothness.
  • Aluminum with Teflon. It has non-stick properties, but it quickly scratches and wipes off over time.

Aluminum is a soft metal, so you will have to give up abrasive and hard sponges and brushes.

Safe means for cleaning aluminum soles are:

  • pencil;
  • vinegar;
  • toothpaste without abrasive;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda.

Titanium non-stick soleplate

Titanium coating is applied to stainless steel. Such soles are resistant to mechanical stress, strong, durable and have non-stick properties. However, like stainless steel irons, they take a long time to warm up and weigh a lot.

Titanium soles are well cleaned by such products as:

  • toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • salt;
  • pencil;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • acetone.

In addition, you can use a wooden spatula or a soft metal washcloth.

Enamel outsole

Enamel is particularly resistant to scratches, impacts, chips and other mechanical damage. However, over time, the strength decreases, as a result of which the sole may begin to flake and become chipped.

Enamel-coated soles are durable enough, so there are no restrictions on the choice of cleaning products. Most often used:

  • toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • pencil;
  • salt;
  • ammonia;
  • citric acid.

You can also use wooden spatulas and soft metal brushes and washcloths.

Effective means to clean the sole

The working surface of the iron can be easily cleaned with household chemicals. There are products in stores for each type of coating. However, folk methods are not inferior in effectiveness and popularity.


Household chemicals are suitable for dealing with all types of pollution. Purchased products cope with both light plaque and burnt synthetics and scale.


Cope with pollution of any complexity, without leaving scratches. As a rule, the composition includes ammonia, which has high cleansing properties. Suitable for all types of soles. They produce brands such as Snowter, Topper and others.

Mode of application:

  1. Preheat the iron to 140 degrees.
  2. Place the device vertically.
  3. Spread the product evenly over the sole. Try not to get into the steam outlets.
  4. Wait for complete cooling.
  5. Clean the sole from the remnants of the pencil with a linen or cotton cloth.


Cleaning agents in the form of liquids are used to remove dirt, plaque, soot and scale. They are a good prevention, as they leave a protective film on the surface. You can find options for each type of sole. The method of application depends on the specific means. Producer - Lexus.

cleaning sponge

It is used to remove dirt, rust and old scale from irons, household appliances, dishes, ceramics and glass. However, it is not suitable for irons and appliances with a polished and non-stick coating. Producer - Ecozone.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten the cleaning sponge with water. It is not necessary to apply cleaning products.
  2. Walk on the soleplate of the iron. Don't rub hard!
  3. Wipe the sole with a dry cloth.

Cleaning mats

Suitable for all types of irons and steam generators. It is used to remove lint, burnt tissue and any other contaminants. Producer - Laura Star.

Mode of application:

  1. Wipe the iron with a damp cloth, paying special attention to the steam outlets.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. Lean the soleplate against the mat and move the iron back and forth several times. The working surface of the device should be cold or slightly warm.
  4. Spread a clean cloth on the board and iron it with an iron.
  5. Rate the result. Repeat if necessary.

Folk remedies

Store funds are not cheap, so it is more economical to use folk methods available at home. The result will be no worse.


It is applied to removal of a deposit from surfaces of any type. It is recommended to use an inexpensive paste because it has fewer chemicals.

  1. Heat the iron to the minimum temperature. The sole must be warm.
  2. Unplug the device from the socket.
  3. Apply a small strip of toothpaste to a damp cloth.
  4. Rub the burnt areas.
  5. Remove the remnants of soot and paste.
  6. For prevention, evenly distribute the paste on the work surface and leave for 30 minutes.
  7. Wash away.

Hydrogen peroxide

Removes lint and light dirt. Suitable for ceramic and Teflon surfaces.

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Wipe the soleplate.
  3. Wash off residue with a damp cloth.


Ammonia easily removes soot and scale. However, the product has an unpleasant odor, so the room should be well ventilated. It is used for cleaning any irons, except for Teflon and ceramic ones.

  1. Moisten a rag with ammonia.
  2. Heat the iron to 100 degrees and iron the fabric.
  3. Wipe the sole with a damp cloth.


Helps to cope with soot and rust. Can be used on ceramic and teflon soles.

  1. Preheat the iron to 110 degrees.
  2. Unplug the device from the socket.
  3. Put on gloves.
  4. Place the tablet on a fabric folded in several layers.
  5. Wipe contaminated areas.

Lemon acid

It is used to eliminate soot and scale. Suitable for cleaning irons made of ceramic, Teflon and stainless steel.

  1. Dilute 25 g of powdered citric acid in 200 ml. water.
  2. Soak a cloth in the solution.
  3. Wipe stains.
  4. Wash off the remnants of the product.


Eliminates burnt tissue particles. The best option for Teflon irons.

  1. Preheat the iron to 100-120 degrees.
  2. Rub the soles with chalk.
  3. Remove rolled soot.
  4. Wipe the working surface of the cooled iron with a damp cloth.

Melamine sponge

Helps remove fresh soot and small old dirt. It is used for cleaning of any irons.

  1. Wet the sponge with cool water.
  2. Squeeze.
  3. Gently rub the stains with the edge of the sponge. In the process of cleaning, it will begin to wear off, like an eraser.
  4. Rinse the soleplate thoroughly.


It is considered one of the most effective means against pollution of any complexity. However, it is not recommended to use it on soles made of ceramic, Teflon and aluminum, otherwise you may leave scratches.

First way:

  1. Lay out an old towel on the board that you can throw away.
  2. Sprinkle it with coarse salt, preferably sea salt. Enough 1-2 tbsp. l.
  3. Heat up the iron to maximum temperature. Turn off par.
  4. Iron the towel, trying not to press. The soot will stick to the salt crystals.

Second way:

  1. Take 5 tbsp. l. vinegar and salt.
  2. Heat over medium heat until the salt dissolves completely.
  3. Put on rubber gloves.
  4. Soak an old rag in the solution.
  5. Rub the soleplate.
  6. Soak another rag in vinegar and wipe down the iron.
  7. Preheat the appliance to medium temperature and iron any old towel.


Copes with pollution of any complexity, including scale and soot. Not recommended for use on Teflon and ceramic soles.

  1. Preheat the iron to 120 degrees.
  2. Wipe the soleplate of the iron with a cloth soaked in vinegar.
  3. If dirt remains, place the cooled soleplate on a cloth soaked in vinegar.
  4. Leave for 6-8 hours.
  5. Wipe with a damp cloth.


An effective remedy against fresh and old burns and scale. Baking soda is considered a mild abrasive but is not recommended for use on ceramics and Teflon.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. soda with water to the consistency of thick porridge.
  2. Apply the mixture to a dry piece of cloth.
  3. Rub the sole.
  4. Remove residue with a damp cloth.

Several folk methods for cleaning the soleplate of an iron from soot are presented in the video.

How to clean the sole from difficult dirt

Some types of stains are difficult to remove with conventional means. In this case, you need to choose substances that can dissolve the pollution.

From soot

Laundry soap is a soft and at the same time effective remedy. Suitable for cleaning any surfaces, and is also used for washing Teflon irons.

  1. Preheat the iron to the minimum temperature.
  2. Rub the sole with laundry soap.
  3. Wait for the soap to melt and soften the soot.
  4. Wipe the sole with a dry cloth.
  5. Clean holes with cotton swabs.

From rust

Using tap water causes rust. Solving the problem is easy - you just need to switch to distilled water. It is easy to cope with the existing scale with the help of household chemicals.

  1. Dilute 0.5 tsp. "Antinakipin" in 250 ml. water.
  2. Pour into the iron and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Chill out.
  4. Additionally, wipe the sole with a solution.

From dirt

Soap solution - a universal remedy for dirt on any surfaces.

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap in 200 ml. water.
  2. Add 1 tsp. soda.
  3. Foam.
  4. Wet a cloth and wring out.
  5. Rinse the sole.

From paint

In this case, you will need a paint thinner or acetone. Teflon can only be cleaned with nail polish remover without acetone.

  1. Soak a cloth in the cleaner.
  2. Wipe stains. Try not to touch clean areas.
  3. Rinse thoroughly.

From glue

Quite often, things are torn, and the housewives attach adhesive linings to hide defects. To fix the thermal sticker, you need an iron, which often gets dirty in hot melt adhesive. In this case, ordinary table salt helps.

  1. Spread salt between sheets of wax paper.
  2. Heat up the iron.
  3. Iron the sheets until the sole is completely clean.

From polyethylene

If a package sticks to a hot iron, you do not need to start trying to immediately tear it off or scrape it off. It is recommended to wait for the iron to cool down and carefully remove the bag. Traces of polyethylene can easily be removed with acetone or a cleaning pencil.

From plastic

There are two ways to remove soldered pieces of plastic:

  1. Clean the heated sole with a special pencil, laundry soap or a paraffin candle.
  2. Heat the iron to maximum temperature and iron the wet towel. The plastic will remain on the fabric.

Methods for cleaning the steam outlets on the soleplate

As a rule, ordinary cotton swabs moistened with soapy water are used to clean the steam outlets. However, this method is effective in dealing with small contaminants.

To remove the accumulation of plaque and scale, it is recommended to use an iron cleaning concentrate or a detergent for washing the kitchen and bathroom. Cilit, Vanish and any other will do.

Mode of application:

  1. Turn over the iron.
  2. Pour cleaning agent into each hole.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse the iron under running water for 5-7 minutes.

Iron cleaning tablets are just as effective. As a result, even stubborn lime deposits are removed. Produces tablets brand Paterra.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute 1 tablet in 500 ml. water.
  2. Pour 250 ml. into a water container.
  3. Turn on the iron in steam mode.
  4. When all the liquid is over, pour the remaining solution and let the steam out of the iron.

How to properly clean your Self Clean appliances

Self Clean - built-in self-cleaning system in steam irons. Removes scale and rust from the dosing device, which increases the life of the device.

Cleaning the iron is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour distilled water into the tank up to the maximum mark.
  2. Turn on the iron, setting the maximum temperature.
  3. Unplug the iron from the socket when it gets hot.
  4. Place the iron over a tub or basin with the soles facing down.
  5. Press and hold the Self Clean button.
  6. When all the liquid comes out, turn on the iron and iron the old fabric to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soles.
  7. Repeat the procedure to remove residual dirt and fix the result.

The soleplate always looks good immediately after cleaning. However, after a while, the working surface may return to its original state or completely deteriorate. All this can be avoided if you properly carry out and complete the cleaning:

  • lint and other debris will not stick to the sole of the iron if you carefully wipe it with a damp and then dry cloth;
  • scratches will not appear if you do not use metal sponges, hard brushes, abrasive and sharp objects when cleaning;
  • the sole will not be covered with cracks, scratches and chips if you use liquid detergents;
  • the iron will not leave yellow spots on things if you descale the appliance at least once a month.

Basic rules for using an iron

Proper care and maintenance is a guarantee of long-term operation of the iron. It is enough to follow the general recommendations:

  • select the temperature regime according to the type of fabric;
  • iron on a flat, stable surface;
  • pour only filtered or boiled water into the iron;
  • try less often to set the mode of maximum steaming and ironing;
  • clean the iron as it gets dirty;
  • if it is not possible to clean the iron immediately, place a damp cloth under the cooled soleplate, otherwise the dirt will dry out;
  • pour out the remaining liquid from the iron after ironing;
  • wipe the sole with a damp cloth after each use.

The iron will work properly if you follow the rules of operation and clean it as it gets dirty. After all, it is much easier to remove fresh plaque than to try to remove old soot and scale later. You can also prevent build-up of dirt by wiping the soleplate once a week with a damp cloth to remove accumulated lint and dust.