Competitions for the 70th anniversary of a man are cool. What should be in an interesting scenario

Anniversaries are not just another birthday. This is a special holiday, a round date, a new starting point in a person's life, a time for summing up some results. The 70th anniversary is a celebration of human maturity and resilience. It is very difficult to express your feelings towards the hero of the day on his seventieth birthday, only congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years can truly reflect the feelings that overwhelm the souls of others. The scenario of the 70th anniversary should not be overloaded with an abundance of active events, however, relatives and friends of the hero of the day should definitely congratulate him. On such a round date, gifts are no longer as important as the care and warmth of loved ones. We offer for your consideration the scenario of the 70th anniversary.

Beautiful name given at birth!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgotten by us - almost! - altruism.
Vitaly has all these qualities!
And we would like to honor Vitaly
Arrange a holiday. There is also a reason:
After all, he is a birthday boy, our glorious man!

General congratulations:
Very hard to put into words
What's on our minds today...
No songs, poems
We can't surprise you anymore.
How we love you, how dear to us,
Can you pick up words about it?
How we want you to be cheerful
There was still, perhaps, up to a hundred years!
So that the disease does not torment you,
The soul did not hurt for the children,
Your wife was kind to you
More often said gentle words.
To always have enough pension,
So that the soul would be young.
So that the eightieth anniversary
Also met you in a circle of friends.
I did not sigh that life is all behind,
There are many bright days ahead:
Pump up honey for the winter,
To visit the grandchildren in the city more often to go.
Put all the supplies in the cellar,
Plant trees under the window
Good to hear from people
Life is made up of little things!
And for your seventieth birthday
We all need to get a drink!

Congratulations to the doctors:
The whole council of doctors,
What came to this holiday,
The hero of the day examined
And, of course, stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,
Appreciated and brains
On the subject of melancholy, melancholy.
Taking the meanders of the depth,
And intestine length,
Calculate the metabolism
The width of the holes of all,
The conclusion was made like this:

In general, this instance
Vigorous, healthy, not at all old.
We conclude:
Doesn't need treatment!
Is it just to rest
Maybe move to the sea.
At the Ob draft,
On the Siberian sands.
Or on your own hacienda,
On the lawn, under the bushes!

Dear grandfather! Cheburashki came to our fire and, having learned that it was an anniversary, wanted to congratulate you.

We didn't come in vain
It's clear to everyone
And sit down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight
Unfortunately, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us stronger wine!
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
For your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful...
We cannot count all your virtues.

Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
Let health be strong
and another hundred years!

Congratulations from the grandchildren:
Grandpa's birthday. Who is he with us?
Our beloved grandfather is simply the highest class!
What to please him? How to give thanks?
On the birthday of a grandfather, with whom would we compare?
If our grandfather was completely gray-haired,
With a long, very long white beard,
If he had been in a dressing gown and a turban, then
We would call him "Grandfather Hottabych"!
If our grandfather was in a white robe,
With a bag of medicines and vaccinations
People and animals - who hurts,
We would call him "Doctor Aibolit"!
If our grandfather was gray-haired, with a big nose,
With a white beard, in a cotton wig,
If he brought us a bag of gifts, -
We would call him "Grandfather Frost"!
Grandpa can do everything - work miracles,
Fairy tale - if something hurts - the pain to speak,
And gifts from him often appear, -
For three wizards, he alone copes!
So, our grandfather is the most beautiful!
We love you very much - this is also clear!
There is no better grandfather in the world - this is beyond a doubt!
Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:
(A team of five people is given bundles. They have a tie and a cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)

Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to honored guests. (Pioneers enter.)
We, the pioneers of our country's children!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today
We came to congratulate the hero of the day!
His whole life serves as an example for children
Both Octoberists and pioneers.
We will continue to take an example from him,

We came to you to learn from the elders,
How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,
How to eat to keep a figure
We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!
We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know generational conflict.
You, grandfather Vitaly, are younger than we are,
We should take an example from you in this.
We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.
We have been in love with you, grandfather Vitaly, for a long time.
We can't find a better friend
We came to congratulate you today!

(Sing a song.)

Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:
We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!
Leading: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our anniversaries.
Dear grandfather!
Please accept our congratulations
And guidance for life.
Promise us not to get sick
Get younger every year
Don't be sad and don't be bored
Every day is easy to meet.
Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!
Host: Exercise
And in the garden to dig in the beds,
Don't forget about grandchildren
Invite more often.
Be ready!
Anniversary: ​​Always ready!
(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)

Matryoshka performance:

Dear guests! Hit your palms.
To us for the anniversary
Matryoshkas have arrived.
Wooden spoons, ruddy nesting dolls.
They want to congratulate the hero of the day,
Give a gift and play on spoons.
Nested dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.
The first bagel - for business!
The second - that my mother gave birth!
The third - that they got married and had children!
And the fourth - for the success that is present, but not for everyone.
The fifth bagel is for the lyceum!
And the sixth - for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it soon!
Don't lose our gift, put it on everyone for the holiday.
(Each bagel is on a ribbon. Bagels are handed to the hero of the day.)

Ditties competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next competition is the most fun. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.
At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Song our grandfather, young!
To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

Our dear grandfather, sit and listen,
Well, as young you are the best.
Something you don't dance, something you don't dance. Ooo
Our dear grandfather with a strange smile,
Could easily become a screen star
You are already a star, and there are only show-offs on TV. Ooo


And don't hide your smile from your face.

Our dear grandfather in honor of the round date,
Everyone came to you, your guys, grandchildren gathered,
And great-grandchildren are still a car, but then.
You called us all, and thank God
We don't have many holidays.
And anyone here will say who will respect us all - he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,
Everyone wants to dance with you.
Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.
Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,
Everyone wants to dance with you.
Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.
Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Guests are met at the doorstep by the hostess and the owner of the house, the hero of the occasion. They invite those who come to the table. After all the guests have taken their places, the host enters the room.

Host: Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present in this house! Today we are gathered here together on an unusual occasion. On this day, our esteemed one is seventy years old (gives the name and patronymic of the hero of the day). The holiday is opened by congratulations of children.

Children congratulate the birthday boy.

Presenter: And now we will hold an auction. Attention! I have things belonging to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a fair price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words addressed to our esteemed birthday boy. So the auction is open!

Lot No. 1. This faded canvas is a diaper in which parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and at such a respectable birthday boy, it is hard to even imagine that he was once placed in an envelope folded from such a cloth. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?

A “sale” of the diaper of the hero of the day is being held. The winner and owner of it is the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday man. Further, other things that belonged to the hero of the day at different times can be “sold” in the same way: a toy with which he did not part, shoe laces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for the fifth grade, the first tie, etc.

After all items are sold, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to say a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday man. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number of epithets, is awarded a prize, which can be used as a medal made of paper "For eloquence and strong friendship."

Presenter: So we finally found out who should be considered a true friend of the hero of the day. Of course, this is a person who said a large number of kind words to the birthday man. And now we will find out the name of a person who, over the long years of strong friendship and acquaintance with the hero of the day, was able to best know his character, habits, and is also aware of the events that took place in his life. We are holding a quiz called "The Most Informed".

Questions for the quiz:

When was the hero of the day born? Give the exact date and time of his birth.
In what city was today's birthday boy born?
What was the first toy of the hero of the day?
In what year did the hero of the day go to first grade for the first time?
What was the birthday boy's first assessment?

What is the name of the first teacher of the hero of the day?
What is the name of the girl to whom the birthday boy first confessed his love?
Who was the birthday boy's school friend?
For what tricks was the hero of the day severely punished by his parents for the first time (summoned to the teachers' council, etc.)?
When did the birthday person receive a diploma of higher education?

When did the hero of the day receive his first salary?
When did the birthday boy get married? Name the date and day of the week of the wedding.
Where did the hero of the day meet his future wife for the first time?
How did the birthday boy meet his chosen one?
What flowers did the hero of the day give to his bride?

Name the dates of birth of the birthday children.
Who chose the names for the children: the hero of the day, his wife, mother-in-law or mother-in-law?
What dish prepared by his wife does the birthday man prefer?
Does the hero of the day like to wear a tie?
Does the birthday boy use an electric or mechanical razor for shaving?

What is the birthday boy's hobby?
Where did the hero of the day spend his first vacation with his family?
What song is the birthday boy's favorite?
What pop singer or singer does the hero of the day like?
What brand of car does the hero of the day drive?

Is there a house at the summer cottage of the hero of the day?
What vegetables does the birthday boy grow in the country?

After all the questions have been asked, the quiz should be summed up. The winner is the person who answers the most questions correctly. He is awarded the medal "The most informed and inquisitive."

Presenter (addressing the guests): And now, in honor of the holiday, let's sing the favorite song of the birthday man.

The guests sing a song in chorus.

Presenter: We hope the hero of the occasion liked the choral performance of his favorite song. We continue our evening! What a holiday without reading poetry! But since our celebration is attended mainly by adults - independent people, it is necessary to complicate the task. (Addresses guests.) You have to read a poem ... (makes a meaningful pause) of your own composition. It should be an ode - a form of poetic work praising the hero. Moreover, it must contain such words as birthday, glorious anniversary, birthday boy, schoolboy, builder, life.

The guests are divided into two teams, after which they are given some time to write a poem. At the end of the appointed period, the presenter reads the compositions aloud. Those present together choose the winner. Most often, friendship wins, and everyone raises their glasses to the friendship and health of the hero of the day.

While the guests are writing, the hostess can, if necessary, change the dishes and bring additional dishes.

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next contest is the most fun. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Presenter: I see that intellectuals and merry fellows have gathered at this festive table. And now I want to know if you can dance ... in unusual conditions. You need to perform the dance without getting up from your chair. There must be four contestants.

Four guests go out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. March, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll sound alternately. Participants perform appropriate dances. The winner is chosen jointly and then they are awarded a medal. "For the best dance performance." After that, everyone can leave the table and perform the Gypsy dance. The best dancer receives the medal "First-class (th) gypsy (-ka)".

Host: Attention, attention! A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet the master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable ... Lyalya Chernaya! Applause!

Gypsy: Wai-wai, what a warm company! Receive mpiya into your agreeable company. (He sits down at the table.) It's no use the deushka called me professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future. I know the fate of all the guests of this house. Podkhady, gild the pen, I’ll tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what to fear, what gifts to expect from fate ...

The guests take turns approaching the fortuneteller and find out their future: someone is waiting for the purchase of a jeep, someone - the arrival of a mother-in-law, someone - the birth of another child, someone - moving, someone - a promotion, etc. After fortune-telling, everyone raises a glass for the future and health of the hero of the day. Then the gypsy performs a gypsy dance, inviting "First-class gypsy (s)".

Presenter: And I heard from one of my acquaintances that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Turns to a gypsy woman.) Perhaps this is not true?

Gypsy: Wow, you're right! Everything is true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what ... (He goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) Here is this young man, handsome and handsome, thinking about what a delicious salad the hostess of this house has prepared, and his wife to do this will not be able to ... (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what a good person the owner is ... (Approaches the third, etc.)

Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing a lucky or unlucky ticket.
Gypsy: And such a fortune-telling is known to me! Here are my tickets. Padkhadite, dear guests, good people, pull the papers of the king. What is written on them will certainly come true ...

As tickets, you can use an astrological forecast or clippings from newspaper articles pasted on small pieces of paper.

Gypsy (after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late for work ... Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I’ll drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests! ..
Presenter: Thank you, Lyalya, for coming to our light! We thank you, hand over the medal "For Honesty and Dedication" and want to perform a fun dance for you.

After the fortune telling is over, everyone sees off the gypsy. In this case, you can turn on any gypsy melody or perform the corresponding song.

Presenter: And now let's give the floor to the faithful friend of our dear hero of the day in grief and happiness, his wife (gives the name and patronymic of the birthday man's wife).

The wife congratulates the birthday boy.

Presenter: The spouse said good words to the hero of the day. And now it's time to find out how she sees her husband in reality. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, (gives the name of the wife of the birthday man) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday man's wife draws a "portrait" of her husband. Upon graduation, she is awarded the medal "For Loyalty and Devotion to the Ideal".

Presenter: Yes, our dear hero of the day got a good wife, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy? How attentive is he to his wife? Now we will check it. (Invites the hero of the day to go to the center]) of the room.) Let's blindfold today's birthday man, and let him find with his eyes closed among the five beautiful women the only one with whom he once decided to connect his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must take turns approaching each and guessing, without removing the bandages from his eyes, which of the women of his spouse. For the correct answer, the birthday man is awarded a prize - the medal "Best Husband of the Millennium".

Presenter: Something I see, our guests are bored. I propose to raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day! .. We learned what a friend and husband is a birthday man. Now you need to find out what qualities his true friends have. So, the first competition for men is announced, which is called "Who is faster." I will give each man a piece of ice. It needs to be melted down as soon as possible. Whoever does it first will get a prize.

At the end of the competition, the presenter presents the winner with a prize - the medal "The Fastest and Hottest Man of the Millennium".

Presenter: The winner of the contest "Who is faster" has been decided. However, I am sure that there are those who could seriously compete with him. The next competition is called "The most dexterous". There are apples in basins filled with water. It is required to eat an apple as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

At the end of the competition, the presenter awards the winner with the medal "For Dexterity and Resourcefulness".

Presenter: The third competition will help us determine the most patient and persistent man. There are balloons on the floor. They need to be crushed by sitting on them. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who have self-confidence and consider themselves the most persistent are called to participate in this competition.

After the end of the competition, the winner should be presented with a memorable gift - the medal "The Most Persistent and Patient Man of the Millennium."

Presenter: On this, I declare the official part of the celebration closed. I wish our dear hero of the day long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in the house. The evening will continue with a cheerful feast and incendiary dances.

Congratulations on your 70th birthday!
I wish you happiness, longevity,
Good health, kindness,
So that life is not boring.

More strength, energy, patience,
All plans and desires of fulfillment,
Days filled with love
Kindness, care of relatives and friends.

Seventy behind the back,
And you are so young
Indefatigable, indefatigable,
Let the hair with gray hair.

Let it be ahead of you
Many more bright days
After all, you need to meet more
And your centenary!

Congratulations on your 70th birthday! For you, 70 years is just a number, because your optimism and self-confidence indicate that you are young at heart and do not even think about your age. It is a pleasure to communicate with you, and with all my heart I want to wish you health and vitality, many happy and joyful days ahead, more positive moments, and, of course, restless grandchildren! Happy anniversary!

Seven stars, perhaps not enough
Wealth of years, hardening of days.
Let life get a little beat up
You have an anniversary today!

But life, after all, does not stand still,
Runs and moves forward.
We are with you on the road together,
May you always be lucky in everything.

There's so much more to come
Life opens a hundred doors.
The road has already been explored
And a hundred trusted friends.

You have become brighter and richer
And such a life experience!
And that certainly means
That you can safely fight.

Let wrinkles appear
And covered the strands with silver,
But you are like steel, only tempered.
And life gave to relatives.

Let the heart fill with joy
Love warms the soul.
Life plays on the strings of happiness
To make every day the best.

Health for the future, so that it arrives.
And smile at all adversities.
Finance, so that everything is enough,
And in the house of sunny weather.

Relatives to visit more often
In all support from loved ones.
Know your full happiness.
The days are long and unique.

Anniversary our dear,
Stately, prominent, mischievous,
Although already 70 -
Young at heart!

Let you be on the shoulder
All the cherished "I want."
And don't lose your passion
Take everything from life!

Our dear hero of the day,
Let the fire burn in the soul
From smiles, congratulations,
Sea of ​​vivid impressions!

Seventy is not a term at all,
You are young at heart, my friend,
Let health not fail
Helmet hello big, with love!

Seven dozen flew by
Like one moment
Survive a lot
It was destined in life.

I congratulate you today
With this bright anniversary,
I wish you not to give up
Live more fervently, more fun.

For merit and effort
Let recognition come
Every new day let happiness
And brings you good luck.

We wish you only happiness
On this glorious anniversary
Real male power
Only loyal friends!

Let it be 70 in fact
But in the soul, after all, 25.
Moods - an armful,
Further cheerfully you walk!

Let life please you more often
Let the energy boil
The soul will sing sweeter
And pleasantly surprised!

We've gathered today
To celebrate a birthday.
They got away from all things.
To the hero of the day - appeal:

We wish you many years
To please the whole world with a smile.
Life is not boring and without troubles,
Giving us a drink.

And be young at heart
So that the eyes always sparkle
Always be loved by all
So that worries only dream.

Don't you wait for the sunset
And pour some champagne.
Seventy is not just a date
It's a whole anniversary!

Anniversary 70 -
Solemn date.
Your life years
Rich in wisdom.

Let the silver on your hair
Fate did not regret
But only your soul
Didn't have time to get old.

Today is our anniversary
We will congratulate you
And 70 imagine
Double 35.

Double health to you
We wish love
And for the sadness of the place
We will not leave you in life.

And again - the anniversary, and seventy already.
And this is a significant date in life.
So be young always at heart,
And let all bad things disappear forever.

Let the heart be filled with warmth
Relatives and friends, devoted friends.
Let health, joy, kindness
Fate will give you many, many days!

Anniversaries are not just another birthday. This is a special holiday round date, a new starting point in a person's life, the time of summing up some results.
Anniversary 70 years it is a celebration of human maturity and resilience. It is very difficult to express your feelings towards the hero of the day on his seventieth birthday, only 70 years old can truly reflect the feelings that overwhelm the souls of others. The scenario of the 70th anniversary should not be overloaded with an abundance of active events, however, relatives and friends of the hero of the day should definitely congratulate him. On such a round date, gifts are no longer as important as the care and warmth of loved ones. We offer for your consideration the scenario of the 70th anniversary.

Beautiful name given at birth!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgotten by us - almost! - altruism.
Vitaly has all these qualities!
And we would like to honor Vitaly
Arrange a holiday. There is also a reason:
After all, he is a birthday boy, our glorious man!

General congratulations:
Very hard to put into words
What's on our minds today...
No songs, poems
We can't surprise you anymore.
How we love you, how dear to us,
Can you pick up words about it?
How we want you to be cheerful
There was still, perhaps, up to a hundred years!
So that the disease does not torment you,
The soul did not hurt for the children,
Your wife was kind to you
More often said gentle words.
To always have enough pension,
So that the soul would be young.
So that the eightieth anniversary
Also met you in a circle of friends.
I did not sigh that life is all behind,
There are many bright days ahead:
Pump up honey for the winter,
To visit the grandchildren in the city more often to go.
Put all the supplies in the cellar,
Plant trees under the window
Good to hear from people
Life is made up of little things!
And for your seventieth birthday
We all need to get a drink!

Congratulations to the doctors:
The whole council of doctors,
What came to this holiday,
The hero of the day examined
And, of course, stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,
Appreciated and brains
On the subject of melancholy, melancholy.
Taking the meanders of the depth,
And intestine length,
Calculate the metabolism
The width of the holes of all,
The conclusion was made like this:

In general, this instance
Vigorous, healthy, not at all old.
We conclude:
Doesn't need treatment!
Is it just to rest
Maybe move to the sea.
At the Ob draft,
On the Siberian sands.
Or on your own hacienda,
On the lawn, under the bushes!

Dear grandfather! Cheburashki came to our fire and, having learned that it was an anniversary, wanted to congratulate you.

We didn't come in vain
It is clear to everyone -
And sit down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight
Unfortunately, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us stronger wine!
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
For your solemn anniversary!


We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful...
We cannot count all your virtues.


Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
Let health be strong
and another hundred years!

Congratulations from the grandchildren:
Grandpa's birthday. Who is he with us?
Our beloved grandfather is simply the highest class!
What to please him? How to give thanks?
On the birthday of a grandfather, with whom would we compare?
If our grandfather was completely gray-haired,
With a long, very long white beard,
If he had been in a dressing gown and a turban, then
We would call him "Grandfather Hottabych"!
If our grandfather was in a white robe,
With a bag of medicines and vaccinations
People and animals - who hurts,
We would call him "Doctor Aibolit"!
If our grandfather was gray-haired, with a big nose,
With a white beard, in a cotton wig,
If he brought us a bag of gifts, -
We would call him "Grandfather Frost"!
Grandpa can do everything - work miracles,
A fairy tale - if something hurts - speak the pain,
And gifts from him often appear, -
For three wizards, he alone copes!
So, our grandfather is the most beautiful!
We love you very much - this is also clear!
There is no better grandfather in the world - this is beyond a doubt!
Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:
(A team of five people is given bundles. They have a tie and cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)

Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to honored guests. (Pioneers enter.)
We, the pioneers of our country's children!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today
We came to congratulate the hero of the day!
His whole life serves as an example for children
Both Octoberists and pioneers.
We will continue to take an example from him,
We came to you to learn from the elders,
How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,
How to eat to keep a figure
We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!
We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know generational conflict.
You, grandfather Vitaly, are younger than we are,
We should take an example from you in this.
We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.
We have been in love with you, grandfather Vitaly, for a long time.
We can't find a better friend
We came to congratulate you today!

(Sing a song.)

Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:
We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!
Leading: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our anniversaries.
Dear grandfather!
Please accept our congratulations
And guidance for life.
Promise us not to get sick
Get younger every year
Don't be sad and don't be bored
Every day is easy to meet.
Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!
Host: Exercise
And in the garden to dig in the beds,
Don't forget about grandchildren
Invite more often.
Be ready!
Anniversary: ​​Always ready!
(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)

Matryoshka performance:

Dear guests! Hit your palms.
To us for the anniversary
Matryoshkas have arrived.
Wooden spoons, ruddy nesting dolls.
They want to congratulate the hero of the day,
Give a gift and play on spoons.
Nested dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.
The first bagel - for business!
The second - that my mother gave birth!
The third - that they got married and had children!
And the fourth - for the success that is present, but not for everyone.
Fifth bagel - for the Lyceum!
And the sixth - for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it soon!
Don't lose our gift, put it on everyone for the holiday.
(Each bagel is on a ribbon. Bagels are handed to the hero of the day.)

Ditties competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next one is the funniest. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.
At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Song our grandfather, young!
To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

Our dear grandfather, sit and listen,
Well, as young you are the best.
Something you don't dance, something you don't dance. Ooo
Our dear grandfather with a strange smile,
Could easily become a screen star
You are already a star, and there are only show-offs on TV. Ooo


Our dear grandfather in honor of the round date,
Everyone came to you, your guys, grandchildren gathered,
And great-grandchildren are still a car, but then.
You called us all, and thank God
We don't have many holidays.
And anyone here will say who will respect us all - he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,
Everyone wants to dance with you.
Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.
Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,
Everyone wants to dance with you.
Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.
Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,
And don't hide your smile from your face.
After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.