Crafts from large beads. DIY bead crafts with diagrams, photos and videos. Bead crafts and ideas for using them

DIY beaded jewelry has recently become an indispensable accessory for many fashionistas. A variety of rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets made of small or large beads can be bought in workshops or ordered individually made by professional craftswomen or talented needlewomen. In addition, for many girls, creating jewelry from beads and beads with their own hands has long been a favorite pastime.

Tools and materials for beaded jewelry

To create unique beaded jewelry, special tools and materials are required.

If you decide to do this type of creativity, prepare the following tools, materials and fixtures:

  • tongs - necessary for pulling a needle that does not freely pass through the bead;
  • scissors;
  • nail file - used for sawing the sharp edges of metal fasteners;
  • pencil.

If you are going to create beads, necklaces or earrings with your own hands, you will need a nylon thread.

In the process of making jewelry, different types of beads can be used.

There are such varieties of beads, depending on the material used in its production:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • metal.

Given the shape of the beads, it can be of the following types:

  • simple - ordinary beads with holes for stringing;
  • glass beads - is a modification of beads in the form of elongated tubes with holes for stringing;
  • felling - short tubes with a hole for stringing.

By size, this material for needlework is divided into 8 numbers. The appearance of the product depends on the size of the beads used. Beads are matte and glossy, mother-of-pearl, various colors and shades.

Craftswomen use beaded needles to create jewelry. Such devices are thin flexible needles 5 cm long. Numbers such as 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are known. Most often, needlewomen use a beaded needle No. 12, as it is ideal for almost any type of beads. When the product is almost ready, you will need bead fittings to connect its elements together.

Master class of jewelry made of beads and pearls with your own hands

DIY beaded jewelry for beginners, still inexperienced craftswomen, is distinguished by its simplicity. If you have decided to weave a necklace or bracelet for the first time, you will certainly need a master class in DIY beaded jewelry.

Using this master class, you will get a magnificent piece of jewelry - a bracelet and a ring connected by a beautiful beaded chain. When creating such jewelry, not only beads are used, but also beads.

You will need the following materials:

  • large pink beads;
  • 2 large pearls;
  • scissors;
  • silicone thread.

Making this jewelry from beads and pearls with your own hands consists of the following actions:

Cut the silicone thread for the bracelet and ring. It is easy to determine the length of the desired segment: measure the girth of the hand and finger, and add a few centimeters to connect the jewelry.

Now start weaving the bracelet: string white and pink beads on the silicone thread, alternating 2 different colors.

You need to string the beads until the desired length of the bracelet is reached.

Next, take a large pearl and thread the two ends of the thread through it. They need to be folded in such a way that they go towards each other, creating at the same time the effect of connection and fastening. You can move on to the next step in creating the decoration.

Type beads on the two ends of a silicone thread with a length that will reach the middle finger in the same way as for the bracelet, placing a large pearl in the middle of the ring.

Ready-made beaded jewelry with your own hands in the photo below:

It will become a worthy decoration for graceful female hands. It should be noted that it is more suitable for young fashionistas, ladies of mature age should choose more luxurious and elegant jewelry.

DIY beaded earrings

Tassel earrings are suitable for both everyday and formal looks.

To make such a simple DIY beaded jewelry, you will need the following materials:

  • fasteners;
  • pin pins;
  • caps;
  • silver and blue beads No. 10;
  • beaded thread;
  • two blue crystal beads;
  • tape 7 mm wide;
  • beaded needle;
  • pliers;
  • pliers.

Decoration making:

Cut the ribbon about 6.5 cm long. To prevent it from unraveling, you can melt its edge with a lighter.

Take a bead thread about 50 cm long. Tie a tight knot at one end, thread the other through a needle.

With a needle, go through the entire bead row in the opposite direction, except for the last bead, as it will be fixing. Pierce the ribbon, fix the bead row, step back about 1 mm, and start the next row.

Follow the second row in exactly the same sequence as the first. In total, 15 such low beads should turn out, when they are collected, you can start decorating the beaded jewelry.

Take a pin, use round pliers to make a double eyelet on it so that it is durable and reliable. With this eye, sew the pin to the tape and continue to twist it, piercing along with the pin.

When you twist the tape to the end and sew it, the beaded lows will take on the shape of a brush.

Put a cap and one of the blue beads on the finished brush, attach a fastener.

The sequence of making this beaded jewelry with your own hands is in the video below:

Even a novice craftswoman can make such tassel earrings on her own.

DIY neck decoration made of silk, beads and felt

DIY silk and beaded jewelry looks original, luxurious and elegant.

For its manufacture you will need the following materials and tools:

  • shibori silk ribbon - 7 cm;
  • Czech beads No. 10;
  • soutache of three colors;
  • glass cabochon;
  • large beads;
  • felling;
  • felt;
  • cardboard;
  • artificial leather;
  • glue, thread, scissors, pencil.

Such a decoration made of beads and felt with your own hands is made in the following way:

Sew the edge of the ribbon to the felt with regular stitches. You can lay the shibori silk ribbon in any way you like. It lays down in beautiful waves, it can be bent and even twisted. Circle the tape laid and fixed on the felt with a pencil.

Now sew the shibori ribbon to the felt along the contour, using simple stitches for this. At the top, next to the ribbon, glue the cabochon.

Soutache of three colors - depending on the chosen color of the ribbon, to make them look harmonious, sew them together to make a tight cord. Wrap the soutache around the cabochon and sew it to the felt.

Bend the ends of the soutache to the back of the felt and sew them on so that they are not visible.

Sew the cabin, beads and beads to the silk ribbon, laying them out in random order. At this stage of decorating the decoration, you can lay the ribbon in beautiful waves.

Make a loop out of the sourage and sew it to the wrong side of the felt. The pendant should keep its shape well, for this, attach it to the cardboard, circle it with a pencil, cut it out and glue it to the felt.

Sheathe all edges of the finished pendant with beads using the "American" method.

Such a beaded decoration around the neck with your own hands can be hung on a chain or leather cord.

How to make a hair ornament from beads and wire with your own hands

DIY beaded hair jewelry is not only original and beautiful, but also pleasant and very interesting. A tiara with a flower will perfectly complement a ball gown, it can also be worn even with a wedding dress.

To make a beaded tiara, prepare the following materials:

  • thin metal hair hoop;
  • wire - 1 mm and 0.4 mm thick;
  • beads - golden and silver;
  • beads of different sizes;
  • pliers.

You can make such a decoration from beads and wire with your own hands by following this step-by-step instruction:

Making a diadem should begin with the formation of the flower itself. To do this, cut a wire about 0.8 m long. Fix a large bead at the end of the wire, form a loop.

Under the bead, twist the wire into a spiral and form flower petals, there should be five of them in total. Try to keep all the petals the same shape and size.

Twist the remaining wire, and decorate with a large bright bead, this will be the middle of the flower.

Now you need to braid each petal with beads. To do this, start stringing beads onto a thin wire, alternating it with glass beads and small beads. Braid the petals tightly with this wire. Make two more flowers in the same way, but a little smaller.

When the three flowers are ready, start decorating the hoop with beaded flowers. First, fix small flowers on the hoop, then attach large ones.

A beautiful beaded flower tiara is ready.

Jewelry-bracelet made of beads and stones with your own hands

To make such an ornament from beads and stones with your own hands, prepare the following materials:

  • Czech beads No. 10 - about 10 grams;
  • chipping of natural stones - about 25 cm low;
  • beaded needle, beaded thread and scissors;
  • accessories - pins, caps, clasp;
  • round-nose pliers.

Decoration process:

Cut a bead thread of a convenient length - up to 1.5 m, and collect the material in the following sequence: beads, pebble, 3 beads, pebble, two beads. Close this set in a ring and tie it in a knot, this is how 1 rapport looks like, in total there should be three such rapports in one row.

The second row and all even weaves need to be without stones, they should consist only of beads. Dial 5 beads, then thread the bead thread through the third. Repeat this action two more times.

Set for the third and all odd rows in the following sequence: 3 beads, pebble, beads. Pass the needle through the second bead of the arch of the previous row. Close the row and pass through the second bead of the arch of the first row.

Repeat the second and third row alternately until the bracelet is the desired size. Now you need to attach the hardware. Unfold the ring and thread it under the first woven row. Close the ring using round nose pliers.

Put a cap on the ring, a bead on top and bend the free end of the pin at a right angle.

Remove the tip of the pin with wire cutters. Twist the ring with round-nose pliers, put on the lock. Repeat these steps with the other end of the bracelet. DIY beaded jewelry in the form of a bracelet is ready!

DIY beaded wedding decoration (with a diagram)

Fashionable necklace "Mylene Farmer" can be seen at many fashion shows in the collections of famous designers, and they often adorn famous TV presenters and actresses.

True, if you wish, you can make such a fashionable beaded jewelry with your own hands. The necklace is perfect for brides, so it can also be used as a wedding decoration made of beads with your own hands, complementing the bride's open dress with it.

To make a necklace, you will need the following materials:

  • small beads with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • medium beads - 5 mm;
  • large beads - 6 mm;
  • beads "rice";
  • beads;
  • needle;
  • a thread;
  • scissors, rings, locks, caps.


To make such a fashionable necklace, beads should be woven into eights. Make this beaded jewelry with your own hands according to the patterns below.

Make crosses from large beads, then add two links of beads on each side - this will be the middle of the eight.

Continue weaving the chain for the figure eight, alternating different sizes of beads, as in the diagram below.

Connect the upper section of the figure eight to the middle. Beads should be inserted between the beads in the figure eight.

Assemble all the details, following the diagram below, attach the fittings.

How to make Indian beaded jewelry with your own hands

In India, women, according to the ancient traditions of their people, decorate their heads with such a product as teak.

To make such an Indian jewelry with your own hands from beads, prepare the following materials:

  • pendant or pendant:
  • beads;
  • fishing line.

Take the fishing line and thread it through the pendant so that it is located exactly in the center. String beads on each side, connect the ends together.

DIY beaded decoration in the form of an insect

Beaded insects are among the most popular handmade jewelry.

Do-it-yourself beaded jewelry in the form of an insect do this:

String 35 blue beads onto the wire. Thread one end of the wire through the beads again to form a ring.

Dial 16 more beads, thread the wire through 11.

Form the third ring by stringing 14 beads onto the wire and threading it through the last five. Repeat again: put on 9 beads, thread the wire through 6. You should get one butterfly wing.

Now make the body of the insect. Dial 4 beads, thread the wire through the 4th. String a bead on each end of the wire and thread them through the third one, so repeat 3 times.

Connect all parts of the butterfly together with a wire, removing its ends with scissors. From the beads, make a loop at the top, stringing 6 beads on the wire.

Make a chain by stringing the required amount of beads on the fishing line, thread the butterfly so that it is in the center, connect the ends of the chain together.

DIY decoration from ribbons, beads and beads

Such decoration with your own hands from ribbons, beads and beads will give the image of femininity and elegance.

It can be worn not only by girls, but also by women, because it looks really expensive and luxurious.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • large beads;
  • a narrow ribbon about 80-100 cm long;
  • fishing line or strong thread;
  • needle.

Instructions for performing work:

Make a small loop from the tape, leaving about 20 cm on the ties on one side, pierce it with a needle and fishing line.

String a bead, a bead and another bead on the needle. Repeat these steps until the length of the bracelet is sufficient for your hand.

Today, in the era of automation and mass production, handmade products are highly valued.

This may surprise those people for whom the words hande made are associated with socks knitted by a grandmother from a loose old sweater.

The production of clothing and jewelry, interior decor and gifts allows craftsmen to express their inner world and feel the magical creative flight. In addition, many beaded jewelry (you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands) become an excellent alternative to mass-produced factory jewelry.

What determines the price of materials

The reverse side of the development of technologies in the field of production can be considered a significant reduction in the cost of most goods. Huge factories, which include many workshops and production lines, can produce a large amount of products per unit of time. Its cost is reduced by reducing the time and cost of processing raw materials, manufacturing blanks and their assembly.

Natural beads today have very little value precisely because they have become much easier to produce. Escalators are used for mining, not shovels, pearls are grown in shellfish on special farms, and do not dive into the depths of the sea at the risk of life. Of course, there are also valuable stones that are relatively rare or have some unusual properties (malachite, ruby, diamond).

Bead crafts can be extremely cheap. This is especially true for those who choose plastic, wood or acrylic materials and buy them in a wholesale store.

If you want to create jewelry for an elegant or evening look (headdresses and flowers made of beads), craftswomen use glass materials, as well as elements coated with a layer of some precious metal (gold, silver, rhodium). Their value is also affected by their size, shape, cutting and polishing technology.

Types of beads

Most domestic needlework stores offer a fairly standard set of materials that craftswomen use to make jewelry from beads with their own hands. Popular ones include:

  1. Plastic and acrylic.
  2. Wooden.
  3. Glass.
  4. Ceramic.
  5. From natural stones.
  6. Metal.
  7. Textile.

Their size and shape are extremely diverse: round, square, rectangular, teardrop-shaped, flat, in the form of a ring or disk, and many others. Despite all the splendor of the selection, many bead crafts have a classic design. It involves the use of round or oblong elements of discreet colors.

Decorative materials made of polymers

Plastic beads are the most inexpensive, and their range is the most diverse. Here you can find small items, larger ones and very huge ones. Their advantage is a small weight and a wide range.

Plastic is often used to make imitations of wood and stone materials. This simple beaded jewelry is great for kids, teens or going to the beach. This material does not heat up as much in the sun as metal and does not burn the skin.

Glass beads

Glass is one of the most rewarding materials when it comes to making beads. It allows you to create elements of literally any shape and color.

The strength and durability of such beads is much higher than plastic ones. They do not rub, do not get dirty, do not peel off. True, beaded earrings can fall and break, but a fall can be “fatal” for almost all materials.

The easiest way to find glass elements is factory production, they can be monochrome or multi-colored. But there is such a technique as “lampworking”, the adherents of which make glass beads on their own. This is an amazing craftsmanship, the result of which are unique and inimitable decorative elements. The ability of the master to enclose some miniature object (flowers, other beads, golden drops) inside a glass bead is considered the pinnacle of art. This technique is not given to every performer.

As a rule, to make a necklace of handmade beads, just a few of these elements are enough. They are placed in the product, combined with simpler materials (glass or natural). If the craftswoman wants to get an interesting jewelry and at the same time save money, the best option would be to buy two identical elements to create earrings.

Natural beads: types and applications

Having set out to buy beads of natural origin, you can find that there are three types of decorative stones:

  • Whole.
  • Pressed.
  • Artificial.

The first ones were indeed mined from the bowels of the earth, cut and polished. This is the most expensive type of stones.

Pressed material is obtained by mixing fragments and dust left after processing the mined stones with an adhesive solution. The resulting substance is subjected to high pressure, resulting in a substance similar in appearance and characteristics to the original fossil.

Artificial stones are completely made by man. The factory mixes chemicals from which natural stones are formed in nature, and at times speed up the process. In this way, not only turquoise, amethysts and other semi-precious materials are made, but even diamonds.

When natural stones are cut, waste (chipped and cut fragments) inevitably occurs. If they are large enough to be dusted, but not large enough to be cut, they are ground and sold as a chip. This is the cheapest type of natural materials for needlewomen. Skol is used to make beads, necklaces, earrings and rings. It is also actively used for the manufacture of interior crafts (paintings, trees of happiness, and others).

Ceramic beads are a good alternative to natural beads. However, their disadvantage can be considered heaviness and fragility.

stone jewelry

Crafts made from beads of natural origin have a specific design and characteristic appearance. As a rule, manufacturers of such materials emphasize the layered structure of the stone and its uneven color.

True, there are stones whose color is extremely even and uniform (quartz, amber, some types of agate and other materials). When cut, they are very similar in appearance and weight to glass.

A beaded necklace often contains such an element as a cabochon. This is a large decor with a flat base and a processed front side. Cabochons are attached to some kind of base, and around the edge they are braided with beads or enclosed in a metal frame. This is a classic version of the medallion.

Jewelry made of wooden beads

Wood is one of the most malleable materials. Anything is made from it, including beads. They can be of various shapes, sizes and colors.

In the wake of the craze for ethnics and folk style, wooden beads are in high demand. They are used for earrings, beads, necklaces, bracelets, as well as for accessories (belts, bag handles, various fasteners).

These materials for creativity are of low cost, because wood is easy to process and paint. In addition, it is quite lightweight.

Such beads can be used for creative activities with children, as well as for making slingobuses. Wood goes well with bone, some types of stones and plastic elements of the appropriate colors.

Accessories for jewelry

When working with beads, that is, with decorative elements that have a hole, it is impossible to do without several tools and auxiliary materials. In the simplest case, you will need a cord and a needle of the appropriate size for stringing.

However, to create more complex items (necklaces, earrings, a bracelet with a clasp, beaded hair ornaments), the following will come in handy:

  1. Pliers, round nose pliers and wire cutters.
  2. Scissors and needles.
  3. The basis for beads and bracelets: cord, thread, fishing line, string, ordinary or "memory" wire, elastic.
  4. Blanks for earrings (earrings).
  5. Basic metal fittings (studs and hinges, rings of different sizes, stoppers).
  6. Clasps.
  7. Additional decorative elements that match in color and style (beads, beads, buttons, and the like).

How to make a simple bracelet

In order to make such a bracelet, as in the picture below, you should prepare the following materials:

Accessories that will be used in the work: jewelry rings and clips for tips, clasp.

Let's start making a bracelet

Three fragments should be cut from the coil of string, the length of each of them should correspond to the girth of the wrist, minus two centimeters for the clasp.

Connect the ends of the segments and secure with a clamp. Then string beads on each piece of the string in the order shown in the photo. You can come up with your own scheme. It is best to start with small beads, then move on to medium-sized elements.

When all three segments are ready, they should be threaded into one of the middle beads, and then into a large one. Next, you need to repeat the order of the set of beads in a mirror order.


When the previous stage is completed, you should proceed to the final stage: collecting the product and fastening the fastener. It is important to observe a few points here:

  • Avoid loose string fragments (no beads).
  • Do not overtighten the bracelet, otherwise it will be too hard.
  • Do not drop the entire structure, as it will instantly shatter into components that will have to be taken out from under the sofa and chairs.

Having connected the ends of the string, they are cut with wire cutters, then put on and fasten the retainer. The last step is the clasp.

Here is such a simple way to make a bracelet from beads of different sizes.

What is a souvenir for you? What meaning do you put into this word? What do you imagine: the ubiquitous “made in china” or vintage postcards? A keychain with a company logo or a precious brooch?

In the old days, cute little handicrafts were inextricably linked with the norms of etiquette, and not only and not so much business (now souvenirs are an integral part of this particular side of a person’s life, which has not had the best effect on the reputation of the concept itself). First of all, touching trinkets were part of personal and family life. Indeed, in fact, what is it, if not a positive binding, an anchor that connects us with happy, bright moments? It is both a source of unexpected joy and a reminder of it.

Now handmade crafts created by oneself are the prerogative of women. It is the fair sex, having an innate talent to start and maintain close, long-term relationships, who is aware of the need for such gestures. On the eve of family meetings, a woman, regardless of status and wealth, begins to experience an intensifying headache, and this headache will pass only when small gifts for aunts, five-great-nephews and their pets are not only bought, but also packaged.

Perhaps you have your mother-grandmother's treasures. Generally they are good. And fashion, of course, returns, but ... shabby, yellowed, cloudy plastic does not look impressive.

That is, even the most turned on the head hipsters do not fight in this. Nevertheless, these are treasures, because from such old beads and a favorite handkerchief (or blouse) battered by life, elegant handicrafts are quickly and easily obtained.

Making textile beads is very simple. To do this, you do not need to go to a handicraft store, you only need:

  • our long-suffering beads;
  • a pair of jewelry cups to hide the ends of the fabric;
  • the fabric itself
  • new fishing line (you can take a fishing line);
  • thread with a needle;
  • glue "Moment".

To begin with, we will make a case for beads from fabric. We measure the beads in the widest part, make allowances for the seams. In length, our stocking should be about a third longer than the beads. If the fabric is not enough - it does not matter, you can add a piece by sewing it on. It won't be particularly noticeable. We cut the stripes.

Your beads will look most spectacular if you decorate them with beads.

We fold it with the front side inward, as we taught at school, we sew our long stocking-pipe, leaving the ends unsewn, and turn it inside out.

Now let's talk about beads. The string they are attached to is no good, because we need to be able to vary the distance between the beads, and in any case it will be more than it is now. Therefore, we dissolve the beads, take a fishing line with a good margin of 15-20 centimeters, so that it is convenient for you, we fasten one tip to a ring or clasp. Now don't forget the cup. String it on the “booty” fishing line to the knot, and then calmly retype the beads, excluding very small beads and accessories from the set.

Let's wait for the second cup. Now let's slip the beads into the stocking. Great. Now take a thread and a needle. Gather the edge of the stocking, leaving the cup outside. Tighten tightly, secure with a knot. And then take the glue and glue the tip to the inside of the bowl. Amazing. Using a needle and thread, pull and rewind the fabric between the beads.

Important! Do not forget to fasten the thread after each new bead.

When the last bead is hidden in the fabric, cut (if there is a large excess of stocking left) and fasten the fabric, pull the tip of the fishing line well for the last time, align the product.

That's all, the handmade craft is ready, now you can safely put the second cup on the fishing line, glue the fabric tail into it, and then tighten the fishing line on the ring or clasp.

Walnut pendant

There is a story about a walnut: a young artist fell in love with a girl architect. She reciprocated, but being a girl of modern views - independent and indifferent to marks in her passport - she immediately warned the young man that it was useless to call her to marry. The young man shrugged his shoulders and accepted the rules of the game. A year or more later, he called her to a cafe and gave her a homemade jewelry with a walnut instead of a pendant. He always gave her some cute homemade trinkets, so it didn't seem strange to her. Unless the nut was, perhaps, quite a bit heavy and something rattled in it. On the other hand, something often rattles in nuts.

A year later, the girl asked the young man with curiosity: did he really never want to call her in marriage during the entire time of their relationship - what if she would agree? The young man replied, "Open, please, a pendant from a nut." Well, yes, there was a ring that slept until the moment the girl “ripened”.

Someone puts prayers or wishes written on tissue paper into such handicrafts, someone keeps incense there. And the pendant is made in an elementary way.

To achieve a consistently excellent result, we need nothing more than:

  • nut;
  • chain;
  • jewelry cup for beads (cap);
  • jewelry pins;
  • pliers;
  • glue "Moment";
  • a bead for fasteners (small, any) and other decoration design elements - optional.

The nut must be washed, carefully opened “along the seam”, without breaking or cracking. Then you should carefully remove the core, and if it is pretty, eat it right away. :)

Then we take out the glue and go through the seams. We need to close the nut back, recreating its original shape. If you want to put something inside the medallion, this is the time to do it.

We get a pin. If the groove from the stalk is wide, and you, like me, like to play it safe, then you should pick up a small bead on the pin, which will prevent the pin head from slipping out through the hole, leaving the pendant without fastening.

Attention! Before gluing the nut, we put the pin with the bead into the groove with the sharp end outward.

Our handmade children's craft is almost ready. We put a cup for the bead on the pin sticking out of the nut (although this, in general, is exclusively my imagination, you can also do without it), and then we make a loop from the pin with round-nose pliers.

Attach a pearl and a walnut-colored wooden bead to the structure and hang the handmade craft on a chain. Here is such a fabulous tenderness turned out. Wear - do not transfer, but if it breaks - make a new one (after all, we already know how).

Elegant jar with a flower

Tin cans from tea ... well, tell me, is it really possible to throw them away? Of course, it's almost impossible. And this despite the fact that in their beauty they are often still far from perfect. We are eternally grateful to tea manufacturers for these jars. And for the fact that they are so comfortable and almost eternal, and for the fact that they are not always flawlessly beautiful. Because nothing stimulates people to spontaneous creative impulses like, in fact, these cute tins.

In order for the manual craft to succeed, we need:

  • tin can (preferably round, like this one, from “Maitre” tea);
  • acrylic (or nitro) white paint in a can;
  • acrylic (for nitro - corresponding) varnish (I strongly recommend Montana paint and varnish: my experiments have shown that it is necessary to choose products of this particular company from spray paints);
  • protective mask and work gloves;
  • a good patch of artificial fabric a la chiffon (it took me a little more than one synthetic neckerchief for this master class);
  • nail polish remover or alcohol wipes;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • tea candle;
  • thin carnation;
  • hammer.

First, clean and degrease the surface of the jar with alcohol wipes or nail polish remover. We make sure that there is no lint left on the jar, if necessary, brush it off with a microfiber cloth.

Before we start painting, let's do one more thing: we will make holes in our wonderful cap in several places with a hammer and a thin carnation. If the lid is slightly deformed after our actions, set it from the inside out with gentle tapping of the hammer.

Advice! Now we go to the balcony, to the street, or, at worst, to the stairs. You can't paint handmade crafts in the bathroom unless you wrap everything up to the ceiling.

First, lightly cover with a thin layer-veil separately the jar and separately the lid. Do not try to immediately achieve a dense layer. It is better to paint in several layers than to see ugly voluminous smudges. When a completely white jar dries completely - just apply varnish in several stages.

While the varnish dries, you can do the flowers. We cut the fabric into small ribbons about 4 cm wide and about the diameter of the jar lid, plus or minus a couple of centimeters.

Hi Hi!!! It's still winter on the calendar, it's still cold outside, and weather forecasters already promise warming up to +1ºС next week. And what does it say? And this says that March will come very, very soon, and with it warm days, the sun, thawed puddles, dirt and garbage .... In other matters, we will not pay attention to garbage, but rather concentrate on the positive. Today we will talk about crafts made of beads. Or rather about how these beads can be made.

And just think: do-it-yourself half-beads! It's really that great! None of your competitors, acquaintances or friends will have such beads. They will only be yours. And just the way you want them to be! It's just wonderful! Do you agree?

When I first realized how amazing such a find was, I was very happy. Especially for this article, I edited a photo that once caught my eye with a pattern of circles of different diameters. I redrawed it all on a new layer in my graphic editor and started the creative process.

You can download the template itself right now, but for now I will share how those wonderful beads that you see just above were made.

Author's beads for your crafts

Well, are you ready? The work itself will not take you much time. She is quite simple. The first thing to do after you have printed out the pattern with circles is to cover it on top with a film or a regular plastic bag.

I did it even easier. I inserted the printed sheet into a transparent bag from under some latest new thing. It turned out pretty convenient. You can also put the sheet in a regular transparent file. The effect will be the same, but I was sorry to waste the file.

From above, with a well-heated gun, squeeze the glue into the center of the circle. We press until it fills the entire outline of the drawn circle. Skill is needed here, some half beads may turn out uneven.

A little advice

For myself, I have developed this method: I lower the nose of the gun exactly in the center of the circle and almost to the very surface of the film. I press the trigger. The glue is distributed over the plane and fills the entire contour of the circle. But not completely. I press again and gently raise the tip of the gun vertically upwards.

Thus, a very even and perfectly round bead is obtained. Try it!

After the glue has hardened thoroughly, you can separate our homemade beads from the film. To do this, as it turned out, is not so simple, so I picked up scissors and simply cut the film around the edge.

Do not worry, a little later we will definitely remove the remnants of the film. It will not be difficult to do this on completely cooled beads. In the meantime, it is very important for us to maintain the original shape. Why else would we try so hard, right?

At the same stage, I cut off the excess glue, giving the bead a perfectly round shape. You can use a nail file in some places and grind off the corners. When the shape takes the proper form, cover all the beads with white acrylic paint. Depending on the idea, you can use any color.

All. It remains to decorate them at your discretion and send them to the final drying. As a decor, you can use colored varnishes, gels, colored glitter glue or something else.

I decided to try several options at once. When the paint was completely dry, I smeared some half-beads with Titanium glue and covered them with sparkles on top. Some just covered with acrylic. And others painted with nail polish and special stencils for drawing on the nails.

Bead crafts and ideas for using them

Look how beautiful it turned out! You can make these ladybugs out of larger beads or paint them in some other way. They can be pasted over a wide variety of surfaces, ranging from a vase to all kinds of caskets or boxes. It will turn out very unusual, fashionable and at the same time completely inexpensive textured crafts.

I would like to note that over time, such half-beads do not deteriorate at all. It's about durability...

I am sure that all of you have probably seen round glass pieces of various colors and sizes for sale, which are used to decorate aquariums, vases and other decor.

It looks very nice and stylish! But expensive, you see. And with these beads, you can make such a decor while spending only 10-50 rubles, since the average price of one glue stick is just 10 rubles. Here is just one of the endless ideas of what kind of crafts from beads of this kind can be done.

And we can also use these beads for the final decoration of hairpins, brooches, rubber bands and even postcards. They are glued perfectly and on the same glue gun and super glue. The only thing, of course, is very important not to forget that if you fix the half beads with hot glue, then be careful. After all, they themselves are also made of this glue.

That's actually all. Half beads made of glue, and even with your own hands - it's so amazing, but so simple, isn't it? And it is not necessary to be tied to the store all the time. There are many things you can do on your own if you want. And the beads themselves and bead crafts - all this can be absolutely unique, truly author's and only yours.

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Creative success and good mood!


DIY Aphrodite pearl necklace

The most versatile accessory of all jewelry is the pearl necklace. It may be your only piece of jewelry that does not require a pair, like an earring ring. And although ... you can weave a pearl bracelet to such a necklace. I won’t tell you that with such a necklace you can modify the outfit and give it a twist, you yourself know very well about this) I would like to offer you to weave a pearl necklace with your own hands, which is not such a difficult task) The main thing you need to work is pearls and line. Watching a master class on creating an image for a beautiful person?

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