A waterproof cast cover will allow you to shower and swim. Reliable water protection for the foot Protecting the foot from water in the shower

regular traditional plaster must not be wetted, it can spread, so if you want to wash in the shower, you need to protect it from water. It is impossible not to wash for 3-4 weeks!

On the Internet you will find the most different tips , the essence of which boils down to one thing: carefully wrap the place with a bandage with a film or bag to prevent moisture from entering.

Some use cling film to protect gypsum from water, which is wound on gypsum in several layers and fixed with tape. Others supplement this option with plastic bags, in which hands or feet are hidden like in a case, gluing the bag to the skin with tape or bandaging it.

We wrap the gypsum properly with cling film, and you can take a shower! Of course, it may leak a little, but experience shows that if it gets slightly wet along the edge, nothing bad will happen.

If the plaster is applied to the leg, it will be convenient to put a stool next to the bath, stand with the healthy leg in the bath, and put the leg with the plaster on the stool, so water will not flow through it all the time.

Or another example of how to bathe in the shower with plaster:

You need to wash with a cast on your hand in the same way as with a cast on your leg. Gypsum is wrapped with a plastic film (it can be food, it can be technical) so that water does not get on the gypsum. And then - everything is as always. Of course, it will not be possible to lie down in the bathroom, but it will be possible to wash under the shower without problems.

However, no matter how securely you attach the bags or film to your arm or leg, bathing in a cast with such protection is still unsafe, because it does not guarantee 100% tightness and may break.

In addition, creating such structures from polyethylene and adhesive tape every time you go to wash with plaster in the shower is problematic.

Using a plastic bandage instead of gypsum is actually not always convenient either. Traditional plaster is more hygienic, although heavier.

User feedback on how to wash with plaster in the shower:

Under the plastic cast, the leg did not dry at all after bathing in the shower, it was still wet all the time, the smell (I'm sorry) appeared. How the fungus has not yet appeared is amazing. Then, by the end of 2 weeks, it cracked, although I walked in it, stepping on my foot sometimes. And I had to tape it.

Therefore, we recommend using special waterproof cast covers, which can be washed in the shower, and swim, and dive, as they provide complete waterproofing and protect traditional or plastic gypsum from water.

Every person who has ever had an arm or leg in a cast knows how uncomfortable it is to take a shower with a cast. While taking a shower, you can of course wrap the plaster with a plastic bag or cling film, but this is quite inconvenient to do, and there is always a risk that water will penetrate through the film. Just to solve this problem and was created waterproof plaster coverBloccs, which will allow you to conveniently and carelessly not only take a shower, but also take a bath or swim. Thanks to the waterproof protection, children with a cast will be able to play in the water and not have to give up the joys of bathing and the beach.

Why can't plaster get wet?

Often, to protect the plaster from water, home remedies (plastic wrap) are used, which cannot completely protect the plaster from getting wet. Water that gets under the cast can lead to various skin problems, cause itching and inflammation. In addition, wet gypsum can soften and have to be replaced with a new one.

Who is the Bloccs plaster cover suitable for?

The Bloccs waterproof plaster cover is suitable for various situations, when an arm or leg should not get wet. If a person has:

  • gypsum,
  • tire,
  • burn,
  • open wound,
  • catheter,
  • cannula,
  • leg ulcer.

There are different models for legs and arms, and suitable sizes can be found and for children and for adults.

What can be done using a plaster cover?

Using a plaster cover, you can:

  • go to the shower;
  • to take a bath;
  • go to the beach;
  • go to the swimming pool.

Using a plaster cover, you can not:

  • jump into the water;
  • dive;
  • go snorkeling.

See how you can use a cast cover:

Plaster cover Bloccs:

  • completely waterproof– has a waterproof lining of the same type as on wetsuits;
  • easy to use- the cover can be instantly put on the arm or leg;
  • reusable– with careful use will be suitable for use for up to four weeks;
  • made from natural rubber– soft, elastic and easy to use;
  • different sizes for kids and adults– in the range of covers of different lengths and girth;
  • Made in the UK and awarded the Queen's Highest Award for Innovation.

Where can I buy a plaster cover?

The Bloccs Waterproof Plaster Cover is available from ITAK and

After a broken arm or leg, we face difficulties in maintaining good hygiene. Although it is not easy to take a shower with a cast, this problem is solvable. If you break your arm or leg, you need to make sure that the cast stays dry while bathing. Also, be careful when you get in and out of the shower. If you do accidentally wet the cast, call your doctor for advice on what to do next.


Protection of gypsum from water

    Purchase a plaster case. This is perhaps the easiest way to protect plaster from moisture, and also saves time. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about such a case. Covers to protect the gypsum from water are produced by many companies.

    • Plaster cases are usually long sleeves made from waterproof material. Such a cover is stretched over plaster. Cases come in a variety of sizes and are designed to fit most different types plaster bandages. Their main advantage is that they are much more reliable and durable than other devices.
    • Some cast covers are equipped with a pump that allows air to be pumped out from under the cover. As a result, the cover tightly covers the gypsum and reliably protects it from moisture.
  1. Use plastic bags. If you do not have a plaster case, you can use improvised items. Sealable plastic bags will help cover the cast and protect it from water.

    • Ordinary plastic bags for groceries or trash will do. Stretch the bag over the cast and secure it with a rubber band or duct tape. The elastic bands put less pressure on the skin, and after taking a shower, the bag can be reused.
    • Before using the bag, check for holes or tears that could let water through.
  2. Try using plastic wrap. You can tightly wrap the plaster with plastic wrap to protect it from water. Wrap the cling film around the entire cast and check for gaps that water can seep through. After that, secure the film with tape or an elastic band.

    • Please note that plastic wrap may be less effective than other methods. Although it is quite cheap, water can seep through the gaps between the layers.
  3. Tie the top end of the cast with a washcloth or towel. This should be done regardless of the method you use. A towel or washcloth will prevent water from getting under the cast. If water seeps under the cast, it can lead to infection.

    other methods

    1. Keep the cast away from water. Even with reliable protection, there is a risk that water will still get on the plaster. Try to keep the cast from getting under the water until the bandage is removed.

    2. Try wiping yourself with a wet sponge instead of showering. In addition to the risk of soaking the cast, getting in and out of the shower can be difficult after an injury. This is especially difficult if you have a broken leg. If possible, try not to take a shower, but to wipe yourself with a wet washcloth.

      • In the case of a child with a cast, it may be worth wiping it with a wet sponge until the child is comfortable with the cast or the cast is removed.
      • With a plaster cast in an adult, you can wipe yourself with a sponge at the sink. It will be more convenient in this case if you can ask someone for help.
    3. Ask your doctor if a waterproof cast is right for you. Such gypsum can usually be safely immersed in water. If you're worried about getting your cast wet, ask your doctor about a waterproof cast.

      • There are several materials from which waterproof gypsum is made. Ask your doctor which material is right for you. Some materials may work better than others, and your doctor will be able to tell you which material is right for you.
      • Keep in mind that waterproof gypsum can still let water through. Although it resists water better than regular plaster, precautions must be taken when bathing. Try to wet the cast less often.
      • A waterproof cast may not be suitable if mobility is needed for the fracture to heal better.

    Bathing with a cast on the leg

    1. Put a chair in the shower. If you break your leg, you will need somewhere to sit while you shower. Many people prefer to use folding chairs, but be sure to check with your doctor first. Ask him what is best to use for sitting in the shower.

      • Check that the chair is stable. If the chair slips in the shower, you could fall and aggravate your injury.
      • To prevent the chair from slipping, you can put a bath mat under it.
      • Have someone who doesn't have a broken leg check the chair before you sit on it yourself.
    2. Get into the shower stall. If you have crutches or a walker, use them to get into the shower stall. Turn your back to the booth and sit down on a chair.

      • Hold on to everything you can. Try holding on to the sides of the shower or the pipe if it is stable. Please note that some shower pipes are not bolted to the wall. Before using the pipe for support, check that it is firmly fixed.
      • Sit carefully on a chair and move your bandaged leg so that water does not flow onto it. Turn around to face the shower taps.

Not so long ago, when a person broke his leg, it created a lot of inconvenience and difficulties for him. Basically, the discomfort was due to the fact that after the plaster was applied, it was absolutely impossible to have any contact with water. But what about without taking a shower and a bath? Gypsum is getting better for a long time, and it is necessary to maintain hygiene and cleanliness of the body every day. What people just didn’t have to come up with so as not to soak a leg or arm in a cast.

Very often, a fracture occurs at the most unexpected moment. Today, there is a way out of this situation. In order for you to be provided with complete protection from water for your leg while swimming, you need to purchase a plaster cover from the UniTrade company at the link http://protec-gyps.ru/tovar/nepromokaemye-chexly-dlya-vzroslyx/na-nogu -half-legs/. This product has been very popular lately. Why? Here are some of the reasons:

  • It is made of durable material and can be used many times.
  • This cover is resistant to moisture and UV radiation, which allows you to wear it even in hot weather.
  • Thanks to its reliable components, the cover is considered environmentally friendly for human health.
  • Does not contain any impurities that cause allergic reactions
  • All models have a tight seam, which is carried out using a machine mechanism, which creates a special strength and reliability of the material.
  • Relatively low price

Quite often, those people who are associated with an active lifestyle break their legs. These may include tourists or sports enthusiasts. In addition, such incidents most often occur in the winter, during icy conditions. After you have put a cast on your leg, immediately try to buy a waterproof cover. He has different length. It can be up to the knee or on the whole leg. To choose the optimal size of the cover, you must carefully read the description of the goods.

The main types of fabrics from which such products are sewn are nylon and latex. They have excellent absorbent properties and are distinguished by high strength characteristics. These protective elements have a fairly light weight, which does not increase the mass of the gypsum itself. Thus, a person who has been injured does not experience any discomfort due to the cover when moving.

As you know, any devices that tightly fit part of the body can cause sweating. As for these covers, they do not make the plaster cast heavier and do not create other difficulties, as well as discomfort.

These covers are now sold in many specialized stores. The seal in the product is made of nylon. It reliably protects the case from water ingress. With it, you can take a shower and bath, without fear of breaking the gypsum base. As you can see, this mechanism is quite simple, but at the same time very useful.

If you want to fully walk the entire period of time in a cast, without damaging it, then be sure to buy a plaster case. With them, a person, in fact, continues to lead a more fulfilling life. Forget about your plaster while washing and enjoy this wonderful process.