Learning to kiss beautifully. How to kiss: useful tips. How different zodiac signs kiss

After the first kisses, you did not become a professional? Or maybe you didn't kiss at all? So this article is for you.

It's time to put down the tomatoes and learn how to kiss the right way!

All about kissing technique helpful tips, types of kisses and the main mistakes of beginners.

A good kiss is worth another.

Marilyn Monroe

How to kiss on the lips


Do not neglect this point. Otherwise, you risk alienating your partner.
  1. Lips should be tender and soft. Guys should pay attention to this too. For maximum softness, exfoliate your lips. It is not necessary to buy peeling products. Normal sugar is enough.
  2. Moisturize your lips.
  3. Remember fresh breath. Goodbye, spend some time brushing your teeth. Bring breath fresheners with you.
And most importantly, try to relax. It's not easy to do if you don't know how to kiss. But the success of the business depends on relaxation.


Try to create a calm romantic environment. To relax your partner, touch him/her.


Believe me, everyone is worried about the inability to kiss. Try to calm down. Strong tension can push a partner away.

In time

Make eye contact. Look at the eyes, then at the lips, then at the eyes again.

Important! Watch your partner's reaction. Ask yourself the question: “Does he/she like everything?”

Don't freeze in one position. Caress your loved one on the cheek, run through the hair.

Relax your lips while kissing. Tightening your lips is the most common mistake newbies make.

Kiss slowly. There is no need to rush into the first kisses. Do it gently, take your time. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. During a kiss, you can stop, look at your lover (n), then continue the kiss.

Note! Eye contact is important. It provides confidence and removes stiffness.

What not to do while kissing:
  • don't open your eyes;
  • don't try to talk;
  • don't open your mouth too wide.
In life, everything can turn out not as romantic as in the movie. Remember these little rules.

Often people do not say if the partner does something unpleasant during kissing. They are afraid to offend their soulmate. Should not be doing that. Relationships can turn into a nightmare.

The evolution of the word was interrupted by a kiss.
Mila Waltz

How to kiss a guy the right way

Now, guys, don't peek! Your point is next.

You have a boyfriend, and soon it will come to kissing? Do not worry. Now you will know all about it.
It is generally accepted that the guy should be the initiator of the kiss. However, girls can also take matters into their own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid.

First remember, just imagine how it's done. There is no point in memorizing special techniques. At that very moment, everything will be forgotten. If you constantly think about whether you are doing everything right, it will only get worse. Better to relax and enjoy the moment.

Many girls are interested in - is it necessary to train? Laughter with laughter, and if no one sees, why not? For this purpose, the palm or forearm is perfect.

Before the kiss, you need to make sure that the guy does not mind. Otherwise, you may end up in an awkward situation. Just look at his lips. Did he look away? Act boldly.

Many guys like tender kisses at first. They become curious about what's next. But during the kiss, watch his reaction. There is no guarantee that he will be among these guys. Everything is individual. From what one is crazy, it is unpleasant to another.

Now start kissing. Touch your lips to his. Grab his lip with both of yours. Suck her gently. But don't overdo it.

Then try tongue kissing. Open your lips harder. Find your partner's language with your tongue. If he reciprocates, then you can not worry. Not everything will work the first time. But with a little practice, you're a pro.

Remember, it's not just the lips that are involved in a kiss. Lightly hug the guy, stroke his neck, shoulders, run your hand over his chest.

Try the butterfly kiss. Move up to the guy's cheek and blink your eyelashes. It will turn out very romantic.

If you see a guy's interest, put the initiative in his hands. When he looks at your lips, he definitely wants to kiss you.

A couple of important points:

  • Watch your hair. Better collect them. There is hardly a guy who likes your hair in his mouth. You don't want to ruin your first kiss, do you?
  • It is undesirable to paint lips with bright lipstick or gloss. A greasy mark on the lips will ruin everything.
Try to choose a place as deserted as possible. First, kissing in public is indecent. Secondly, you can be embarrassed, and everything will not go according to plan.

How to kiss a girl the right way

Girls, close your eyes.)
Girls may not want to kiss on the first date. Some people like the rapid development of events, some do not.

It is important to understand that the girl is not against a kiss. If you are close to each other, look into each other's eyes, she does not turn away, does not move away - you can safely act.

If you see the girl home, and she is not in a hurry to leave, then she is waiting for a kiss from you.

Golden Rule! Excitement is normal. But try not to show much concern. A man must show confidence.

Lightly touch your partner's lips and make sure she doesn't mind. You should not start a kiss passionately. Continue after stopping already more hot. In between kisses, watch her reaction.

Don't overtighten. The duration should be short.

Be mindful of compliments. No wonder they say - girls love with their ears.

At the end, she might want to say something. Girls love to talk about their feelings after kissing. You shouldn't stop her.

  • Gradually increase strength.
  • Constantly change the position of the head, hands.
  • Alternate passionate kisses with light ones.
  • A girl may like it if your tongue caresses her palate. If you don't like it, it's best to stop.
  • You can kiss the neck and ears: lightly suck on the lobes, bite the ears, kiss the neck and chin.
Keep an eye on her reaction. If she agrees, you can act more passionately.

How to kiss for the first time

The most important thing to learn is that different people like different kisses. Everyone has their own tastes, priorities, sensual zones. You will not be able to immediately understand the preferences of a partner. You will recognize them in the process of communication, kisses, touches. Here the main understanding.

First of all, you need to know that the first kiss should be gentle. Do not rush to kiss with the tongue. Everything is in order.

We have already talked about the situation and preparation. Now the technique itself:

  1. Make eye contact.
  2. Tilt your head and slowly move towards your partner's lips. Don't worry about the nose. Tilt your head back slightly before kissing.
  3. Open your mouth and touch your partner with your lips.
  4. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. The movements are soft, retracting.
  5. You can move your lips with the tip of your tongue, but no more.
  6. It is important to stop on time. You need to feel like a partner.
After the kiss, say something warm. Don't forget eye contact.

Remember, most failures are due to intense anxiety.
Don't be upset if you don't enjoy it. The first time it happens to a few. When you learn, you can feel how nice it is.

How to kiss with tongue

The first kisses with the tongue should be calm.

If a kiss only with lips requires a partner's response, then French is even more so:

  1. To make sure that the partner is not against a French kiss, you need to lightly touch his / her lips with your tongue.
  2. If the partner answers the same, you can start the language further. Do it slowly and gently. Rudeness can ruin everything.
  3. Let the first time be short. Alternate kissing with and without tongue.
Next, you can experiment.
A smile is a kiss of the soul.
Minna Antrim

Tongue kiss options:
  • circular motions;
  • forward and backward movements;
  • tongue sucking;
  • lip biting;
  • movement to the side;
  • light touch of tongues;
  • light pressure on the tongue;
  • light pressure on the lips with the tongue.
There are no strict rules. Get creative.

Try to understand what your partner likes. Maybe he likes rough and deep kisses. You can only find out in the process.

How to kiss passionately

With a kiss in a hickey, the lips are closed so tightly that you can only breathe through the nose.

The basic rules are the same as before: prepare, remember to be confident, don't kiss too passionately the first time.
1. Tilt your head slightly and touch your partner's lips with yours. Breathe evenly and calmly.
2. Start licking and sucking on your partner's lips. You can bite them, squeeze and wrap around. Squeeze and unclench your lips. But stick to the rhythm so that the kiss does not become a set of chaotic movements. Try to be in sync.
3. Do not tense your lips, but do not completely relax.
4. Change the position of the head.
5. Try to feel your partner and set the pace of the kiss based on common desires.
Remember, don't suck your partner's lips too hard to avoid hurting him/her.

Find out if your partner likes kissing on other parts of the body, and on which ones.

What is usually overlooked by "newbies" in this business:
  • Do not hold your breath, at the most inopportune moment you may run out of air. Breathe through your nose.
  • Don't think about something else. Don't think about the right thing to do. Extraneous thoughts can ruin a successful kiss.
  • Do not stick your tongue into your partner's mouth if you are new to each other.
  • Be natural. Don't act stiff or too cheeky.
  • Don't forget about your partner. You kiss for shared pleasure. Constantly monitor the reaction.
  • And most importantly, don't worry too much. You'll see, it's not that scary.
Don't forget preparation, and especially fresh breath.

And finally...

Before you experience the first kiss, make sure you are ready and want it. Many are in a hurry for reasons: “girlfriends are all with guys”; “I will be laughed at that I have not yet kissed (s)”; "boy/girl wants" Make sure you are ready first. No need to follow fashion and rape yourself.

What feelings did you experience during the first kiss?

A beautiful woman can be kissed endlessly, and never get into the same place ...

Kissing is an integral part of the expression of sympathy, tenderness and love. The kiss can be superficial and deep, "in French" or in the form of a light touch. Everyone kisses and kisses everyone - from babies to old people. The most passionate, of course, is the kiss of lovers. But does everyone know how to kiss in such a way that both enjoy and deliver it to a partner?

Alas, not everyone can boast of excellent kissing skills, but remember: anyone can reach unprecedented heights in this art. We hope that our article will be of interest not only to those who have never kissed before, but also to those who already have some experience - perhaps here you will learn something new and soon put your knowledge into practice.


The key to a perfect kiss is fresh breath and oral hygiene!

Kissing hygiene

When you go on a date, take care of your oral hygiene. Bad breath can not only ruin the whole kiss, but also make your partner wonder if you should even date someone who is disgusting to kiss? Therefore, be sure to brush your teeth before a date, do not smoke, do not eat onions and garlic. Refresh your mouth with mint gum.

Where and when?

If you are going to kiss for the first time, then it is better to do it in a secluded place - for example, in a park, and not in the middle of a crowded street. It used to be that the initiative to kiss should come from the guy. Nowadays, girls can be the first to kiss their chosen one without prejudice to their reputation. But if you don’t feel like kissing, then you can safely tell your partner about it. You may not be in the right mood.

It is better to postpone the first kiss for another time than to kiss without hunting. Don't try to learn how to kiss someone you don't like, otherwise you may develop a negative attitude towards this kind of affection. Only the lips of a person you like will be “tasty”, and when kissing an unloved one, you will feel all the shortcomings: the stiffness of the lips, the unpleasant taste of someone else’s saliva, and the partner’s inability or rudeness.


To make the first kiss "sweet", you need to practice a little. Exercises will be at the end of the article. But, believe me, during the kiss you will have neither the time nor the desire to remember the technique and make the right movements. Just surrender to the will of the senses and obey your instincts - and then everything will work out.

You can start not with kisses on the lips, but kiss on the neck. Instructions for boys: girls like kisses on the inside of the arm, from the wrist to the armpits. A great start to future passionate kisses is kissing the girl's fingertips. Light sucking and nibbling on the earlobe is more like men - they awaken passion in them.


Hugs are essential, but don't overdo it with physical strength!

During the kiss, try to press your body closer to the body of your partner, but do not pull him by force. If your partner does not go for rapprochement - do not insist, start with light kisses, and then as events unfold, your bodies will be attracted to each other. Do not try to immediately set a record for the duration of a kiss. The first kiss should be gentle, leaving behind a desire to continue, and not a feeling of satiety.

Make sure your kisses are not too wet. If your partner turns out to be squeamish, and after your kisses he needs a napkin to wipe his face and lips, then it is unlikely that a second date will follow after the first date. Swallow your saliva and don't let it get in excess on your partner's face and mouth. But dry kisses should not be, otherwise neither you nor your partner will enjoy it.

If, after a not particularly “wet” kiss, the partner wipes his mouth, then he does not like the taste or smell of your saliva. Unfortunately, this also happens. For excessive salivation, you can consult your dentist, and hygiene procedures will cope with bad breath. To make the first kiss successful, young men should take into account some tips:

  • It is better to kiss while sitting - this will help to take the most comfortable posture and don't worry about falling.
  • If there is nowhere to sit, it is better to lean against the wall yourself or lean your partner with your back - this will definitely provide you with balance.
  • Put your hands on the girl's shoulders or hold her waist with one hand and behind her back between the shoulder blades with the other, or support the back of her head.
  • Take your time. You should kiss only when you are definitely ready for a kiss and when you understand that your girlfriend wants it too.

Many beginners think about where to put their nose during a kiss. As your heads come together, lean slightly to the side so your noses don't touch. It is also believed that while kissing, you should close your eyes. This is what 2/3 of the world's population does, but if you like kissing with your eyes open, do it! Don't know where to put your hands while kissing? There are a lot of options for what you can do with them:

  • Hug, but do not keep your hands in the same position all the time: you can stroke your partner on the back, on the hands, and sort through his hair.
  • Gently move the fingers of one hand across the face, and the other hold the partner from the back. You can take his chin and turn his face into a comfortable kissing position.
  • Wrap your arms around your partner's neck.
  • Hold hands.

Separately, I would like to give advice to those who wear braces on their teeth: your fears that they interfere with kisses are completely in vain. Believe me - your partner will not refuse kisses if he really likes you. True, if you both wear braces, there is a risk of getting caught in wires, but don't worry - it's easy to separate! Do not deny yourself the pleasure of kissing just because you have braces.

Even if you want to pounce on a girl with all your passion, stay calm. Embrace her by the shoulders or waist, gently but powerfully draw her to you, slightly open your mouth and slowly touch your lips to her lips. Gently press your tongue against the hollow between your lips - as if asking for permission. If the girl responds to your impulse and opens her mouth, you can continue the process.

For the first time, the tongue is only allowed to run lightly along the inside of her lips. Then pay attention to light kisses on the cheeks, forehead and neck, not going too deep into the neckline, then return to the lips and repeat the kiss. If a girl responds to your kisses for the first time, it is not recommended to kiss more than twice in this way. Make no mistake - you've already conquered her, so continue tomorrow.

Never force things and do not overdo it with the language!

But if you pressed your lips to the lips of the girl, and she pulled back slightly and asked, “What time is it?”, Then this is a signal that you do not need to insist. Without further inquiries and finding out what exactly she did not like, take the girl home. In no case do not dissolve your hands, immediately starting to check the strength of her underwear. This can scare your girlfriend away from you - she will obviously not like an unrestrained and preoccupied type.

You can’t try from the first kiss, like a vacuum cleaner, to draw the girl’s lips into yourself. No need to demonstrate your awareness of the existence of a French kiss. More than anything in the world, girls value tenderness and affection - and over time, the turn of crazy passion and hot kisses will come. No need to chew your partner's lips with your lips. Do what pleases you and your girlfriend, carefully monitor her reaction.

Don't tense up and try to remember everything you've read about kissing - just relax and have fun. The guy himself must prove himself, and you can play along with him. If you like kissing him, then just press your body against him and open your mouth slightly. If not, immediately stop the kiss so as not to torment yourself or him.

If the guy is shy and you want to kiss, then you can push him to action yourself. There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. You stand opposite each other, your hands are not on his shoulders. He says something, and you carefully look at his lips. Then slowly slide your gaze up over his face and stop, looking directly into his eyes - the message of your desire to kiss has gone.
  2. Hug your boyfriend, gently pat his hair, run your finger over his face and stop on his lips - he will understand everything.

If you already have experience in kissing, then you absolutely should not tell your partner about it or show what you have learned before him - this will badly affect your relationship.

Passionate kiss options

Having passed the stage of the first (most gentle) kiss, you can proceed to more complex and hot kisses. To gradually move from tenderness to passion, you need to start with light touches that cover your face. Sometimes you can run your tongue over your partner's lips, as if teasing him. Then embrace upper lip partner and gently suck her, alternating with gentle kisses. Then do the same with the lower lip.

When sucking and biting, blood flows to the lips, their sensitivity increases, and special substances enter the brain that increase energy and improve mood. Gentle kisses are best alternated with sucking and light biting. Then you can move on to pressing kisses. To do this, one of the partners captures the lower lip of the other, and the other, on the contrary, the upper.

An important component of a passionate kiss is the proper atmosphere!

Do not overdo it with biting - if you do it too vigorously, a hickey may form, which will upset your girlfriend. Therefore, control your actions so as not to spoil your partner appearance and mood. Next - the famous "French" kiss, which involves the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth. The main thing - do not try to stick your tongue as deep as possible!

The meaning of the kiss is to “play” with the tongue: quickly circle it around the partner’s tongue, run your tongue along the inside of someone else’s lips, or arrange a whole “battle of tongues”. The main thing is that it is pleasant and does not interfere with breathing. There is also a "gypsy kiss" when one of the partners takes a berry, a piece of chocolate or a sip of wine into his mouth, and in the process of kissing rolls it into his partner's mouth.

Workout Exercises

  1. Pull the lips forward, open the mouth and turn the edges of the lips outward so that the lips form the shape of the letter O. Close and open the lips like a fish.
  2. Pronounce the sound O-O-O 10 times, putting your lips in a circle, and 10 times I-I-I sound, closing his teeth, parting his lips and stretching them into a smile.
  3. Dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Take salt water in your mouth and roll it under your upper lip and back without opening your mouth. Salt water allows you to feel where the lips are stretched. Spit out salt water after exercise. Do 10 repetitions daily.
  4. The same as with salt water, do with air. This exercise perfectly massages the lips and prepares them for passionate kisses. Do 10 repetitions daily.
  5. Dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Take salt water in your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other. The muscles of the cheeks should be relaxed. Do 5 times for each cheek in two sets.
  6. Direct water under the upper and lower lip alternately. In each position, count to 10 and roll the water. Exercise will significantly improve the mobility of the lips.
  7. Exercise for the tongue: stick out as far as possible, roll up, point up, down, right, left, diagonally, describe a circle in one direction and the other. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Do daily.

There are many facts about kissing. One of them says that 50% of people by the age of 14 have already tried passionate kissing. But just imagine that the remaining 50% still dream of the first kiss with the tongue. And many of them need advice on how to kiss with the tongue. This article will tell you all about tongue kissing.

Why kiss with tongue

People kiss to express their emotions, as a sign of love. When we really like a person of the opposite sex, we want to get closer to him, to touch his lips with our lips. But why do you need a tongue in kisses? The French would say that a tongue kiss is a closer, more intimate kiss that connects the souls of the lovers. Also, a kiss with the tongue allows you to diversify ordinary kisses. You can fantasize with the movements of the tongue, you can play with the lips with the tongue. If you kiss with the tongue with a guy, you can really provoke him and turn him on. Kissing with the tongue is very exciting. They provoke sexual fantasies. After all, they say that a kiss with a passionate tongue can hint at a person's preferences in sex.

Although how many people, so many opinions. Some people prefer kissing without a tongue. Be considerate of your partner. If you want to kiss with your tongue, check if your partner is ready for this, if he likes such kisses. You can carefully find out by gently caressing his lips with your tongue, trying to touch the tip of his tongue. See how your loved one will answer you, whether he will reach out to meet you.

What to do with your tongue when you kiss

A kiss with a sucking tongue is not as difficult as it might seem.

There are an incredible variety of types of kisses with the tongue! Lovers themselves often give names to their kisses. For example, a lick kiss is to gently lick the lips of a loved one. Or an edible kiss - you need to smear each other's lips with something tasty, and then lick it off them with your tongue. You still need to start a kiss with the tongue with a kiss on the lips. If you immediately passionately pounce on your loved one without going through the so-called prelude, then this will not always look adequate. Assess the situation first. If this is going to be a moment filled with romance, then you should start with simple kisses. Next, try licking your partner's lips, you will feel his reaction and understand if you can act more actively. If yes, then slowly move your tongue into your partner's mouth and look for the tip of his tongue. Go over it with your tongue, it will be like their first acquaintance or greeting. Only then can you move the tongue a little deeper and gently hold it over the partner's tongue. Now use not only the tips of the tongue, but a wider part of it. Fumbling with your tongue around the partner's mouth is not the best option. Deep penetration can also cause irritation and physical dislike. You will succeed if you play with each other's tongues, closing and opening your lips. The tongue during the kiss should not be hard and tense. Relax it, the soft tongue excites the imagination.

How to kiss with a pierced tongue

Nowadays, it is not surprising to see young people with a pierced tongue. Will piercings interfere with a kiss with a sucking tongue? So, the healing time of a tongue piercing ranges from a week to two weeks. And the rule says that French kissing (that is, kissing with the tongue) must be stopped until the wound is completely healed so as not to bring the infection there. As far as sensations are concerned, opinions here differ greatly. A lot of people say that there is no difference in kissing - with or without piercings. Others share incredible cool new sensations of kissing with a pierced tongue. This feeling can arise from the fact that you have diversified your games in kissing, and that's great! And for some it is very unpleasant to kiss a person whose tongue is pierced. I think this is due to a personal attitude to tongue piercings, and it is unpleasant for them to even look at this sight. We conclude that if you are dating someone and want to experiment with piercings, get the opinion of your partner, and then make the final decision.


How to kiss with tongue?

Before moving on to more intimate kisses, consider a description of the main varieties of manifestation of feelings in an appropriate way:

  1. love is shown by gentle slow touches, neat as for the first time;
  2. passion, unlike the previous concept, is expressed by more emotional, frank and uncontrollable movements of the mind, not only with lips;
  3. friendship corresponds to a meaningless kiss on the cheek or even without touching it, as if in the air;
  4. reverence - an elevated feeling, which manifests itself only in raising the lips to the object of respect;
  5. airy light and playful. Good for a little flirting. In this case, it expresses either good friendship or the birth of something more than simple sympathy;
  6. Parental tenderness or kiss of a child. The most real and valuable;

Lips using the tongue represent only loving and passionate types of kisses, as they show exactly the physiological needs, both in the case of a guy and a girl. The organs participating in the process of contact through their receptors transmit the necessary information to the parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings. And from there they come out in the form of excitement and desire. Therefore, kisses often end not only with mutual caresses, but also with an intimate relationship.

Kiss with lips without a tongue

When the time comes for growing up, changes begin to occur with the guy and the girl in terms of the appearance of sexual characteristics. This is how teenage love begins. Modern sympathy is not limited to evening walks and handshakes. There comes a moment of physical manifestation of feelings.

Multiple videos that our children have to watch since childhood are already saturated with vivid scenes of love. But no one explains at this time to the kids that real emotions can be shown not only in this way. So they have to try to master science on their own. Let's try to tell how it should be for the first time:

  • Freshness. If you decide that today you will definitely let your soulmate kiss you, prepare your breath for this. Good breath is more important than ever;
  • Practice. Imagine your partner and touch your lips, but not too defiantly and demandingly, but gently. Use your wrist to feel how your loved one will roughly feel;
  • Tilt your head so that your noses do not touch each other. It interferes with the process;
  • Hold back saliva. Being wet from other people's secretions is not very pleasant, especially if you have not yet learned all the intricacies of intimate literacy;
  • That is why this kind of affection is appreciated. He is the first, laid-back and sincere, does not provide for vulgarity and sexual intimacy at an early age.

To add effect, hug the neck of a representative of the opposite sex, press a little to yourself. It is not necessary to squeeze the throat with pressure and clamp the partner in a "vice". Everything should be by mutual desired agreement. Don't forget that this kind of petting is without a tongue!

French kissing - the art of moving the tongue

How not to go further and abandon the deep way of touching already using the tongue. This type of kiss is called "French". He already expresses sexual sympathy and activates not just excitement, but also the corresponding organs, nerve endings. Erogenous zones begin to awaken and affect the general condition of the body.

The duration of this process usually does not exceed 5 minutes. Depends on how close the partners are emotionally to each other. To learn seductive tongue movements, simple lip kissing skills will not be enough. Gotta be ready:

  • doing something for the first time is always difficult, so just start with the usual touch of the lips;
  • gradually open your mouth, but do not try to eat your partner;
  • if you were answered, continue, gradually penetrating the tongue, but slowly, into the oral cavity of the second half;
  • watch the reaction of the opposite sex.

If everything worked out, put yourself a "offset". The next kisses will not be so careful and interesting. Gradually, you will no longer be the initiator of events. Your chosen one or chosen one will independently provoke a French erotic kiss. So now it will be permanent, get used to it and do not be shy.

An important point in mastering the intricacies of a French kiss is complete relaxation and trust in a partner. The confidence that your feelings are not fake, but the most real and perfect, will do its job. Leave outdated prejudices and get amazing pleasure.

5 Ways to French Kiss

You have already mastered the initial laws of how to kiss with the tongue correctly, but you should go further and learn the science of all kinds:

  1. passionate "mill". It provides for movements, like the blades of a mechanical analogue, in a circle. Here, mutual play and support is indispensable;
  2. exquisite. You should touch the elements of the oral cavity: palate, teeth, gums. But this should be done as gently as possible and very calmly;
  3. gentle. "Outlining" the contours of the oral cavity, lips, tongue;
  4. playful flirt. Simultaneous use of teeth, which should gently bite the partner's lips. An addition from already familiar French caresses will not be superfluous;
  5. the last type is "Samayan", which most clearly reveals the depth of your intimate relationship. Sucking gently on the organ of the partner's oral cavity is no longer a simple skill.

You will definitely achieve these requirements over time. Everything is learned through life experience. But don't rush to grow up. Sometimes learning the charms gradually is the best solution.

Be careful and avoid mistakes. They can cause you an irresistible disgust later and cross out all the pleasure that you previously received from a French kiss. Often, out of ignorance, with a girl and a guy, against the background of a nervous experience, an abundant secretion of saliva, which is unpleasant for some, can happen. You will have to not kiss, but wipe your mouth with improvised means.

Don't try to push your tongue too hard into your partner's mouth. You are not a corkscrew. This is annoying and can cause your significant other to feel uncomfortable, gag or choke. It is unlikely that the next attempt will be welcome.

Why do you need to kiss with the tongue

What does the usual traditional and sensual intimate kiss in French bring into our lives? These two effects affect the organs of the reproductive system and the processes of excitation, and hence the entire body. And this is a scientifically studied fact. Representatives of the University of California decided to prove it.

A small and simple experience in the form of observations and regular surveys showed the following undeniable results, which happens with regular kisses with members of the opposite sex:

  1. a noticeable increase in financial well-being;
  2. significant resistance to irritation and stressful situations;
  3. full muscle tone;
  4. excellent indicators of immunity;
  5. ideal condition and youthfulness of the skin;
  6. an increased amount of joy hormones in the body;
  7. feeling of strength and vitality.

In addition to the above positive effects, kissing reduces calories, anesthetizes and normalizes the natural metabolism in the body of both partners. Every year on July 6, the whole world bows to the art of kissing and celebrates his day. This is a manifestation of a real sensual relationship. How to resist temptation. Kissing a loved one is happiness that everyone must experience.


Tongue in a kiss, or how to drive your partner crazy

You look languidly and smile sweetly, and your relationship is slowly gaining momentum. He escorts home in the evenings and gently kisses, gently touching your lips, and it's so nice to remember before going to bed. But from date to date I want development and transition to new level touch, I already want to show my tongue in a kiss and feel it. So why is he slow? Should I take the initiative or wait? But will he understand such openness and nakedness of feelings correctly?

When is tongue in a kiss appropriate?

The difference between kissing with tongue and kissing without tongue lies in the degree of intimacy and closeness of the partners. Many people love to kiss and have even mastered several techniques of this fascinating process, but that's right, and most importantly - to the point, not everyone can apply them. You should not be the first to rush into battle, to expose your feelings in passionate kisses. Your man may be offended and afraid of such decisiveness. Better get going female tricks and with hints to explain to your partner that you have not been against a more intimate kiss for a long time. But in some cases, you can most skillfully use the sweetness of a kiss with the tongue.

Feel free to kiss him with your tongue first if:

  • He expects determination from you. Your young man is older than you and is afraid to “pressure” you once again, or he is not entirely sure of the sincerity of your feelings and simply does not feel desire from you. He gives your relationship into your hands in advance, and it is you who must take all the steps first. Since a kiss with the tongue is perceived by many as a hint of something more and lasting, the male sex often leaves the choice to the lady, whether she wants it or not.

Solution: A light kiss with the tongue and maybe even some awkwardness and randomness in the kiss will play into your hands. You will let him openly understand that he can express himself and fully reveal himself in a kiss.

  • He doesn't know how to kiss. There is also such an option when you go crazy over him and the only thing you can think about is his touch. And he turns out to be inexperienced, and after the first kiss with the tongue everything blows away like the wind. Unpleasant sensations and his mistakes during a kiss cannot compensate even your skillful movements. A fiasco like this is disappointing, but you can fix it.

Solution: Always kiss him first and be persistent in the kiss. With his technique and a little manipulation of movements, after a while he will begin to fully adapt to you. His kisses will get better and better, and you can get a double dose of satisfaction: from kissing and your ability to teach.

  • You want to express something to him without words. You expect him to take a decisive step in a relationship, or you just have a playful mood today, or even you have a small request - so why not spice it all up with a passionate kiss, of course, with the tongue. Prove, show, insist, demand or ask - everything can be expressed through the movements of the language. Such a kiss can both convey feelings and be something like a golden key to your soul mate.

Solution: One 100% way to use your lovemaking skills for your own gain is to show you can, tease and stop. A kiss with the tongue is just perfect for this. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, know your partner well, his preferences and be able to kiss.

Rules for the perfect tongue kiss

“Veal tenderness”, which includes kisses devoid of passion, and even more so the participation of the tongue, is practically not liked by guys, and many girls too. But the tongue in a kiss does not always cause passion and causticity in the intimate process, and sometimes its rude and “dry” use can vulgarize even the most romantic moment. To throw heat into the fire of a kiss is capable of tongue movements, but they cannot be a spark at the right moment. How to spoil all impressions about a partner, and correct the situation with failed mixing can only be correct and timely use of the tongue in a kiss. Kissing steps:

  1. Lips. Gentle touch of still dry lips. A slight mutual pinching of the upper and lower lips of the partners, a soft touch, which should not be tightened too much.
  2. Eyes. Pulling away from your partner and looking deeply into his eyes is considered no less intimate than the penetration of the tongue into the mouth. This stage should not be skipped, especially for the first time. If there is timidity, then you can hug your partner or touch his cheeks with your palms.
  3. Wet lips. Lick your lips, take a deep breath and close your eyes as soon as he touches you. With such a kiss, the tongue itself will reach for his lips - and this is quite natural. At this moment, it is worth showing all your ability to kiss with the tongue.
  4. Language penetration. Everyone does it differently, but there are certain standards of tongue movement that make for a beautiful French kiss. The meeting of two languages ​​should not lead to embarrassment or stop, and all caresses should go at an increasing pace to the peak of bliss.
  5. The end of the kiss. After the most passionate kiss, nothing can be more beautiful than breathing together, in unison, touching foreheads.

Tongue Kissing Technique: The whole French kissing technique is based on the movements of the tongue, on the mutual caress of the tips of the lips with the tongue and on the rhythm of the kiss itself. Everyone can learn how to kiss in French after several attempts, and preferably joint training. The main thing to remember is that all common tips should be taken only as recommendations, and not clear rules of action with impeccable execution. Any kiss should be unique, and improvisation is always welcomed as a burst of sincerity of feelings.

Classical rules for the movement of the tongue during a kiss

  1. The tongue should not be tense, but not too sluggish, so that all movements are clearly felt by the partner. Your desire for a kiss is transmitted through the efforts of the tongue, so use it completely: from the tip to the hyoid
  2. Naturalness during a kiss is very important, which means that the pressure and speed of your movements must correspond to the movements of your partner, you need to adapt to each other. If something does not suit you, then it would be more correct to stop and try to start again.
  3. Do not hide the tongue behind the cheeks or press it against the upper palate. The partner will evaluate such actions as not wanting to kiss.
  4. A kiss with the tongue is a pair and the simultaneous work of two partners. No need to wait until he wanders his tongue in your mouth and only then proceed to action: everything should be at the same time.
  5. Control salivation and never force your tongue back into your mouth.
  6. Do not roll your tongue into a tube and do not try to put it as deep as possible into your partner's mouth. This will not bring additional pleasure to either you or him.
  7. The movements of the tongue should be smooth and in several planes. Do not use monotonous movements, like a pendulum: right-left, forward-backward.
  8. When caressing your partner's tongue, the movements of your tongue should be flexible, as if a cat rubs and wriggles around the legs. No need to strive to completely lick the guy's tongue and teeth.
  9. Remember your teeth. It is very easy to bite your tongue in a fit of passion, and it is also possible to collide with your partner and cut the tip of your tongue on his teeth. Such moments are quite common, so be careful and gentle.
  10. During the kiss, remember all the rules and give in to feelings, trust your partner. Respond to every caress, touch and enjoy it.

The use of tongue in a kiss plays the role of a barrier to start a new stage in a relationship. This means that you trust each other, that you are close, that you are one at the moment. They say that a kiss can be more intimate than sex, and in some cultures, it is he who is cheating on a partner. To some extent, this is true. No one even knows how to kiss “just like that”, since any kiss expresses something, and we give a person a piece of ourselves, our inner world. The contact of lips and the gentle meeting of the tips of the tongues is the sweet moment of a kiss, which should be long-awaited, desired and sure to bring pleasure to both.


How to kiss with tongue?

All sorts of kisses accompany us all our lives. Starting from mom's kiss back in the delivery room, and ending with a farewell kiss. But all types of kisses are so different, so special, that it is impossible to repeat any particular kiss exactly.

Mastering the technique of kissing is a whole art that cannot be learned only in theory, and which requires constant practical training and honing skills.

The question "How to learn to kiss with the tongue?" especially interested in young girls and boys, who are often embarrassed by their inexperience, and afraid to lose face. But it’s true, you can ruin all the past pleasant impressions with just one bad kiss. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic techniques and rules for kissing a guy with a tongue.

Kiss rules

  1. The very first and basic rule, which is also the key to success, is the desire of both partners. It is also possible to reveal insincere feelings, at least at a young age, while the kissing technique has not yet been worked out, unwillingness or even rejection of a partner becomes clearly visible.
  2. Freshness of breath is another important factor. Agree, there is little pleasant in a kiss with a person whose breath smells bad. Fortunately, now this problem is less and less common due to the variety of breath fresheners (pastes, chewing gum, dragees, fresheners, etc.). Yes and imagine modern young man without such a tool in your pocket is almost impossible. But still, you should always remember this, because you never know when that very moment will come.
  3. o the place where the kiss will take place also plays an important role, especially if you have not yet learned how to kiss well. We will not list specific places suitable for a kiss, there are quite a lot of them. But there are completely inappropriate - public places and noisy companies. The fact is that under the views of a large number of people it is much easier to get confused and do something wrong. Therefore, for a kiss, it is still better to retire.

That's probably all the organizational nuances of the kiss. So let's go straight to detailed description how to kiss with tongue.

How to learn to kiss with tongue? Step-by-step instruction

  1. The French kiss is a continuation of the classic kiss (kiss with the lips). Therefore, you should not, from the very beginning, put your tongue into your partner's mouth.
  2. Opening your mouth slightly, touch your partner's lips with your lips. Wait for a response, thus you can make sure that your desire to kiss your partner is mutual, and he is ready to continue.
  3. Then touch your partner's lips with your tongue (note that it's better to touch the lips first, and not go ahead). Again, watch your partner's reaction, how he reacts to your actions, you may notice that this is unpleasant for him. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a classic kiss for now. And if the partner responded to your touch with the tongue with the same movement, then this sure sign what he liked, which means you can continue in the same spirit.
  4. After that, you can gently touch your partner's tongue with your tongue. Act unobtrusively but confidently. It is important to relax as much as possible during the kiss, and not constantly think about what you need to do with your tongue during the kiss. Trust your feelings, and act as you want, you can completely rely on your feelings and enjoy the process.
  5. You should end the kiss like this: first hide your tongue, then slowly move away from your partner, and only after that close your lips. Remember that ending a kiss right is just as important as starting it right. Therefore, you can proceed in reverse order.

Kissing is a kind of romantic game for girls and guys. She occupies a special place in relationships. After all, with the help of a kiss, you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not love kissing?

Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so ordinary and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How to kiss with tongue? How to kiss on the lips? How to kiss without a tongue?

Today we will quickly teach you how to properly, and most importantly, beautifully kiss a guy or a girl.

There are a large number of types of kisses, and they all have both their pros and cons.

Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting of them.

  • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner’s teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your beloved’s mouth.
  • Playful kiss. A characteristic feature of this caress is the guy's gentle biting of his girlfriend's lips, and at that time she warms up passion in him, moving her tongue in his mouth.
  • Gentle kiss. It is worth starting with the youngest and only formed couples. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make it especially romantic.
  • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series of a large number of kisses from the neck and chest to the inside of the thighs. He is able to excite hidden desires in both partners and create a storm of emotions.
  • French kiss. One of the most famous and popular types of weasel. The most important thing in it is the contact between the tongues, it can be stroking or biting, the choice is yours.

How to learn to kiss?

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Most girls and guys are very worried before their first kiss. After all, for the first time, we do not know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of embarrassment can arise.

So if you want everything to go well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly worries you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first, let's Let's figure out what might scare you.

  1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. For starters, you should learn the technique of kissing, practice a little, and that's it. Remember that no one is born as a kisser right away and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
  2. You doubt your partner. If the person with whom you are about to kiss does not arouse sympathy in you or there is something in him that repels you, then you should not rush into it. Maybe you just don't know him well enough or he just doesn't suit you. In this case, the main thing is to listen to your heart so that in the end you don’t have to regret anything.
  3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange in this. We are all doing something for the first time. The first kiss is something everyone has to go through. So calm down and try to enjoy this moment.
  4. Kissing technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kissing, it is enough to read the descriptions of one or another type and simply put your knowledge into practice. It is clear that you will not immediately experiment with a partner, for this you can use any soft, but well-kept vegetable or fruit, for example, a tomato or peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of a loved one or beloved and start practicing.

How to learn to kiss without tongue?

A kiss without a tongue brings lightness and tenderness. So during training, you should not act too decisively and harshly.

If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not deform and juice does not run out of them.

To properly kiss with the tongue, in addition to the above tips, you can use a couple more.

  • Try different tongue movement techniques. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training will make the tongue more plastic.
  • Ball exercise. Try taking a small ball, like a ping pong ball, into your mouth and pop it out with your tongue. At the beginning, you may not succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving the technique of moving the tongue.

How to learn to kiss with the tongue with a partner?

If you have already reached training with a girl or a guy, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. No need to randomly move the tongue in different directions or push it too far.

There must be a measure in everything. And after several attempts, you will feel more confident.

What else is worth paying attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple more nuances, paying attention to which, you can avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most in love guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of the face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
  3. Do not freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if he, like you, is new to this business.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will run into your partner noses.

kissing techniques

Kiss with the tongue (or in French)

  • It is worth starting with light touches on the lips of a partner.
  • After that, you should let your loved one know that you are ready by slightly opening your mouth.
  • After getting your tongue into his mouth, start with gentle strokes.
  • During the kiss, you should not open your lips, they should interact with each other.
  • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

Kiss in a hickey

  • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
  • In this case, it is worth making circular movements with the tongue, and then draw it along the inside of the lips.
  • Then you need to start slowly sucking your partner's lips, gradually increasing the pace.

It is not necessary during caresses to focus your attention on technology and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then you will definitely succeed.

The most common mistakes:

  • do not open your mouth too much;
  • try to be more gentle, and not dig into your loved one;
  • monitor salivation;
  • if you have to kiss someone, then it is better not to use bright lipstick;
  • don't be too active or too passive.

At what age can you kiss?

It's very individual. For some, the first kiss can occur as early as kindergarten, and someone in high school. If you have not found a suitable partner yet, do not rush. So, if a guy or a girl does not know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there is nothing to worry about.

It is worth remembering that in order to learn how to kiss correctly, you will need time, so there is no need to be upset if you do not succeed the first time.

The question of how to kiss correctly takes not only inexperienced young people, but also quite adult men and women. Kisses are different, from air to French and they are appropriate in different situations. A light kiss upon meeting demonstrates belonging to the same group. Understanding how to kiss in public is an important element of communication. Passionate kisses in public are possible, but only if they are brief. People around will not have time to experience embarrassment, but they will be able to appreciate the high degree of relations. Long kisses in public places cause irritation, as if people for some reason took a love foreplay to a bus stop.

Human lips are incredibly sensitive, they contain thousands of nerve endings. Kissing gives you the opportunity to touch your lips to another person and get an idea of ​​​​the texture of his skin, softness or roughness. A kiss allows you to get closer to a person at a minimum distance and smell him. Smells are very important in assessing attractiveness. Actually, a kiss is an important tool for studying attractiveness, if you approach the issue thoughtfully enough.
Fashionistas Victorian era put a drop of the best perfume behind the lobes of the ears and on the wrists. With a polite kiss on the hand or cheek of the charmer, the gentleman felt not only the velvety tenderness of the skin, but also inhaled the delightful and delicate aroma of perfume. This simple technique significantly increased the attractiveness of ladies from high society in the eyes of gentlemen. Considering the language of flowers and scents, the importance of a polite kiss was very high. After all, it is not necessary to hold a bouquet of violets in your hands. Agree, this is vulgar and gives too transparent a hint. But a drop of violet-scented perfume on your wrist is a great way to convey an absolutely accurate and understandable message without words.

Is it possible to train the technique of kissing

Of course it is possible and even necessary! We are pleased to present a series of simple exercises that will make you a kissing guru.
It is best to train on the most delicate fruits and berries. Pour ripe raspberries into a saucer. Carefully take the berry with your lips without crushing it. Roll the berry in your lips, trying not to crush it. Now crush the berry so that the juice gets only into the mouth. Repeat until you run out of raspberries in the saucer. You have learned a delightfully gentle, soft kiss. Despite its simplicity, a soft kiss is considered one of the most erotic acts.

How to learn to kiss passionately

Consider how to learn how to kiss passionately. The most important thing in this technique is to slow down in time and measure the impact and sensations. Otherwise, it will seem to the partner that he has entered into complicated relationship with a vacuum cleaner. For training, we need juicy fruits with thin skins such as plums or tomatoes. Take a ripe fruit and press it tightly with your lips. Mash the fruit with your mouth to soften it and break through the shell without the help of your teeth. Your task is to suck out the pulp of the fruit without biting through the skin. A simple exercise will teach you to act quite carefully, persistently and carefully. Do not open your mouth too wide and do not suck too hard if you want to get a plum stone in your windpipe. The exercise exactly imitates the suction kiss technique.

How to kiss with tongue

What to do and how to kiss correctly if a foreign tongue bursts into your mouth. Not everyone likes tongue kissing. You don't have to like tongue kissing or agree to it if you don't like it, but you do need to know the technique. To develop a skill, we need a slice of citrus.
Place a slice of citrus on your tongue, leaving the tip out, and try to squeeze all the juice out of it by feeling it with your tongue. Try different ways, stock up on a significant amount of citrus fruits. This is exactly what you need to do with the tongue of a partner during kissing.

tongue kissing mistakes

  • Some people do not like and do not know how to kiss with the tongue, but are embarrassed to show it. During kisses, they obediently stick their tongue out, inviting their partner to do whatever they want with it. Don't do it.
  • You can't bite someone else's tongue. It hurts.
  • Do not break into someone else's mouth like a police raid with an instant search in all hard-to-reach places. Tell me frankly, are you sure you are going to audit the seals?

When caressing the tongue, pay more attention to the lips and tongue of the counterpart - these are sensitive places.

public kissing

Consider why bohemians kiss and how to kiss at public receptions.

Public kisses demonstrate belonging to a common flock. In fact, this is a slightly modified cry of Mowgli: "we are of the same blood." To refuse such kisses is extremely impolite and borders on rudeness.

Demonstration of a kiss does not mean real intimacy at all. Smacking a celebrity on the cheek is also not worth it. Not everyone will appreciate your spontaneity and sincere impulse. In addition, there is a chance to destroy the work of expensive stylists, spoil the makeup, and even the bright image of a celebrity in front of photographers. The virtuosity of a public kiss is to portray it as close to the skin as possible, without touching it. The point for a kiss can be chosen on the line between the earlobe and the corner of the mouth. The closer to the corner of the mouth, the closer the relationship you claim.

How to make a public kiss more intimate

  • Fold your lips into a kindly soft smile, embrace and bring your lips closer to your cheek.
  • Slightly stretch your lips with a tube, slightly open and blow slightly. You can slightly touch the skin with your lips.
  • Immediately fold your lips into a charming smile again and look directly into the eyes of your counterpart.
  • You should not perform this trick if your counterpart is the same sex as you.
  • To be successful, you must be absolutely sure that you smell good.
  • You must not have a cold.
  • Do not do the trick if you are not ready to move on if the answer is yes. It is possible that after greetings, they will find you, take you by the hand and lead you to a back room.

Pathetic babble - “I can’t, I already have a relationship, I don’t mean it at all” will cause bewilderment at best.
The peculiarity of this trick is that it works best in the area closer to the earlobe. If a beauty or a handsome man turns his cheek for a kiss, turning his head strongly, this is a hint that the relationship is not close. You have to kiss almost the lobe. This is where the trick comes in handy. It is quite possible that at the next meeting you will be substituted with the corner of your mouth. Don't forget to practice and rehearse the sequence of movements.

How to blow a kiss with a passionate promise

It would seem that there is nothing more innocent than light air kiss. This is a light promise of a meeting, an expression of sympathy. Usually an air kiss is done without touching the lips to the palm. The accepted meaning of an air kiss is "my smile stays with you." In easy relationships, it is better to stick to such a strategy. But if you want to play pranks and ruffle your counterpart's nerves, you can perform a passionate air kiss. Pull your lips forward with a soft tube, slightly sticking them out. Place your palm firmly against your lips with about the middle of your fingers. Move your palm slightly up, lifting your lip a little so that you get an imitation of an incredibly passionate kiss. Turn your palm towards your counterpart, pushing an imaginary kiss in his direction. This simple trick allows you to showcase your ardent sexuality from a completely safe distance. Reception refers to the heavy artillery of coquetry. Don't waste it.

In Arab countries, air kisses are spiced up by kissing the tips of the fingers, folded into a handful. Such a kiss is more expressive and expresses delight, admiration, savoring the taste or the upcoming event. In relation to a woman, such a gesture is already almost beyond the bounds of decency.

Unexpected ways of innocent kisses or how to drive a person into a frenzy without undressing

How to kiss correctly if you have a secret intention to bring your counterpart to a frenzy, while maintaining an innocent and relaxed look?
Few people know that gentle kisses of the fingertips can bring even an insensible ice monster to ecstasy. It's all about the number of nerve endings. At the fingertips, their number is close to the maximum. Unexpected erotic zone, agree. The combination of lips and fingertips is absolutely win-win.

Sit next to the intended victim of your cunning. Take a relaxed hand as if to play. Lightly knead your fingers, as you would knead a ball of plasticine before sculpting. This is necessary so that the blood rushes, increasing sensitivity.

Now take your finger like a cosmetic pencil or brush and trace around the contour of your lips. Apply gently, just like lipstick. Keep an absent-minded look - the person thought, leads on the lips, even if with someone else's hand. Run your fingers up and down your lips, along the chin line. Then gently and firmly grab a row of fingers and do the exercise, as with raspberries. Explore the fingertips with a sharp tip of the tongue and observe the reaction of the counterpart. A special advantage of the trick is its ease. You can always say that you thought deeply, carefully watched the film, and did all this purely mechanically.

Good kissing is like talking beautifully. Everyone can speak and coherently express thoughts, but not everyone wants to listen. It's the same with kissing. What is "given by nature" is not enough if you want to succeed. In any skill, training is important, which determines the quality. If you can figure out how to kiss the right way to convey your emotions accurately, you'll learn how to get the right responses.