World Smile Day. World Smile Day is a holiday that is celebrated annually on the first Friday of October sms happy smile day short beautiful in verse

World Smile Day 2017 is celebrated annually on the first Friday of October - that is, October 6, today. Smile Day features author artist Harvey Bell. He came up with and drew a smiley face.

The first emoticon we should be grateful for this holiday was drawn by American artist Harvey Ball. Unremarkable until a certain day, the artist, having received an order from the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America to execute the company's business card, drew the first emoticon - a smiling yellow face.

Today is Smiley Day (Smile Day)

With the development of the Internet, this drawing became iconic and received a proper name for a smiley, and subsequently gave work to thousands of designers who have come up with hundreds of different smileys today.

It was in 1963. And a miracle happened, as always in our life unexpectedly and abruptly. After the customers got the idea behind this simple drawing and made it the company's logo, they made and handed out smiley face badges to their employees.

The success exceeded all expectations. The company's customers were also amazed by this face. Literally a month later, ten thousand such badges were issued.

And then the smiley went to walk as a logo on clothes, postcards and other places. As it is now fashionable to say, the smiley was a viral success.

World Smile Day was celebrated in 1999. This day should be dedicated to good mood. Motto of the day: "Do a good deed. Help bring at least one smile. Now Smile Day is celebrated all over the world with various actions and flash mobs.

World Smile Day is an unusual bright holiday that is celebrated in first Friday of October. It turns out that you still have time to throw a grand party on the occasion of World Smile Day 2018!

The history of the holiday

Let's look at the recent past - in the middle of the 20th century. One day, representatives of the marketing department of one of the many insurance companies in America set out to acquire their own logo, which would be placed on business cards, flyers, price lists and other papers. Marketers had a modest budget, so they could not turn to eminent artists.

So fate brought the insurers together with the modest artist Harvey Bell, whose paintings few people ever heard of. Bell came up with a creative approach to the task - and hit right on target. He chose a simple but memorable drawing - a cute smiling face, which everyone knows today, young and old. Not particularly counting on a grandiose success, the customers accepted the work and said goodbye to the artist. And the clients of the insurance company were delighted! Still - imagine: on the badge of an employee of the office where you have just entered, a pretty face with a good-natured smile is drawn. What else can cause an instant location?

Soon, cunning entrepreneurs who had nothing to do with this order patented the sign. It is unpleasant, to be sure, but Bell did not dispute the violation - instead, the artist suggested choosing a day on which they would celebrate the holiday of a smile. He considered that World Smile Day would be more correct to arrange in gloomy weather, when it may have been raining outside the window for a long time, and the sun does not think to look out.

Electronic emoticon

Speaking of World Smile Day, one cannot fail to mention Scott Fahlman, who in 1982 introduced the computer smile symbol. It would be interesting to calculate how many times a year on average a person uses this funny emoticon to decorate their letters.

World Smile Day 2018

This year the festival will take place on 5 October, Friday. It will be celebrated for the 18th time. The end of the work week is the perfect time to party! We offer a few ideas:

  • You can take a very serious approach to smiling on this day: businessmen often announce big discounts to customers who send their application containing emoticons on World Smile Day.
  • On this day, it is customary to arrange life-affirming actions and flash mobs.
  • Start collecting photos of friends and family where they genuinely smile.
  • Invite guests by decorating your home with emoticon balloons.
  • In the office, next to the calendar or clock, hang a colored picture - let the cheerful smiley from now on cheer up everyone - both employees and visitors. Making all this is very simple, but these ideas will bring a lot of joy - see for yourself!

May World Smile Day 2018 start many good traditions everywhere!

According to scientists, we begin to smile even in the womb. So it seems that this is the natural state of man. A lot has been written about the smile, films have been made about it, the whole world knows the legendary “Mona Lisa smile”, you can meet a smiling face in a variety of situations. Psychologists have more than a hundred different types of smiles. But almost all of them are accompanied by exceptionally positive emotions. Well, how was it not to create a new holiday for such a significant and, most importantly, pleasant state, which millions will celebrate with pleasure?


The founder of World Smile Day is an American artist of the mid-20th century, Harvey Bell. He did not glorify his name with works of painting, was not of particular interest to critics, and his work was clearly not in danger of immortality. However, when he received an order to create a bright and memorable emblem for an insurance company, Harvey managed to write his name into history. He created a well-known symbol for all of us - "smiley" - a yellow smiling face. This significant event dates back to 1963.

The work was accepted by the customers, and the success of the new "business card" was simply fantastic - only more than 10,000 emoticon icons were released within a couple of months! Almost immediately, the yellow face began to live on envelopes and matchboxes, T-shirts and baseball caps, and many other media.

Even the U.S. Post Office has been honored to issue a special stamp containing an image of a smiley face. Bell was happy. In addition to gaining well-deserved fame, he managed to do the impossible - to give his smile to almost all of humanity! Then it occurred to someone that such a significant event deserves its own holiday date. And in 1999, on the first Friday in October, for the first time in history, World Smile Day was celebrated.


The list of promotions held on the most smiling day of the year is very extensive. These are charity events and fairs, fun activities for children and quite adult corporate events held with humor.

The date under discussion is celebrated both in institutions and in friendly companies, in commercial firms and public organizations. On this day, very serious statesmen and professional clowns, kids and old people, women and men smile. It is good manners on Smile Day to greet everyone you meet on the street, in the office or at home with a smile.

Keep up this good tradition!


The world owes the existence of this holiday to the artist Harvey Bell (Eng. Harvey Ball) from Worcester, Massachusetts - the author of the famous "smiley". The image of a yellow smiling face subsequently became the most recognizable symbol of goodwill and good mood on the planet.

In 1963, the American insurance company "State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America" ​​asked the artist Harvey Bell to come up with some bright symbol - the company's business card. Literally in ten minutes, Harvey came up with and drew the so-called smiley. The image was in the form of dark oval eyes and folds on the sides of the mouth against a bright yellow background.

The customers accepted the job, paid Bell fifty dollars, made smiley-face badges, and distributed them to all the company's staff. The success of this "business card" exceeded all expectations. The company's customers were delighted with the innovation - in just a few months, more than ten thousand badges were released. Very soon, a sweet face with a smile began to appear on T-shirts, baseball caps, envelopes, postcards, matchboxes. Even the US Post Office issued a stamp with this symbol.

The popularity of the yellow smiley face icons was simply boundless. Soon this symbol could be seen literally everywhere: on clothes, postcards, envelopes and even US postage stamps. And Harvey Bell himself became famous in his country. Thanks to his creation in 1999, this positive holiday was celebrated for the first time. This day should be completely dedicated to good mood and fun.

This day is World Smile Day
I wish you to live with a smile!
With her to realize your mistakes,
Dream, work and be friends with her.
Meet with her good advice,
With her to deal with the usual things,
It is always easy to go around the world with her.
So smile more often, gentlemen!
Diving into the inside of a cold morning minibus,
Finding a place and attaching a backside,
Between stops, counting the intervals,
Once again convinced that no one is happy with you,
With blissful hands clasped in her lap,
I'll flash my teeth like a Hollywood star!
In the hope that the message will be appreciated,
World Smile Day, gentlemen!

These days, participants of the action can take pictures in the interiors, as well as against the background of the building of the department. After that, you need to post a photo on any social network with two hashtags: #IrkutskLocal History and with the hashtag of the action #museumsmile or mark the museum in the photo.

October 5 - World Smile Day 2018 (World Smile Day)


World Smile Day is an international unofficial holiday of smiles.

The Smile Day holiday is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October and July 25, and since 1980 also on April 12.

April 12 - Smile Day

September 19 - Smiley's birthday

Postcard World Smile Day 2018 pictures

Smile Day 2018 - SMS congratulations on Smile Day

congratulations on the day of smile in verse beautiful

You smile today from the heart,
And even the kids know
That you can't live without a smile -
Happy conquer the seas!

And on this holiday all the best
I wish forever!
Give a passerby a smile
And let everyone have enough feelings, love!

Emoticon Birthday – Happy Emoticon Day Greetings beautiful

Smile Day - Poems about smileys are short and funny

Everyone in the world knows this smile,
Both adults and kids love it!
And, despite the language barriers,
The smiley is no longer necessary.

Thank you, Smiley, dear baby!
Let sometimes you get angry and sad ...
But without you, all emotions cannot be conveyed,
Because sometimes there is so much to write!

Happy Smile Day!

happy smile sms short in verse beautiful

On Smile Day I wish
You health and warmth.
Infinitely congratulations
And I wish you happiness!!!

congratulations on the day of smiles are cool in prose short

Happy Smile Day!

Do you know that one light, fleeting, BUT sincere smile adds a few grams of happiness to our world every second?

Smile all year round, may it always be easy on your soul, and in life - everything is going well!

May your smiles return to you, multiplied a hundred times!!! 😉 😉 😉

October 6 Smile Day 2017 holiday history in pictures

October 5 - World Smile Day 2018 (World Smile Day)

(celebrated annually on the 1st Friday of October)

World Smile Day was first celebrated in 1999.

A wonderful holiday World Smile Day (International Smile Day) appeared thanks to the artist Harvey Bell (Harvey Ball). One day, in 1963, representatives of an insurance company approached him with a request to come up with some bright and memorable symbol - a business card of their company.

Harvey Bellu proposed to customers what now, without exception, all Internet users call "Smiley" - a smiling yellow face.

Customers accepted the job, paid Bell fifty dollars, made badges with this face and distributed it to all company personnel. The success of this "business card" exceeded all expectations. The company's customers were delighted with the innovation - in just a few months, more than ten thousand badges were issued!

Very soon, the smiley face began to appear on T-shirts, baseball caps, envelopes, postcards, matchboxes. Even the US Post Office issued a stamp with this symbol.
Such Smile-Smiley image has become international!

September 19 - Smiley's birthday

Every year on September 19, the birthday of the international friendly electronic symbol is celebrated - the birthday of the Smiley.

On September 19, 1982, Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott Fahlman first proposed the use of three consecutive characters - a colon, a hyphen, and a closing bracket - to indicate a "smiling face" in text that is typed on a computer. It was a serious addition to the electronic lexicon.

For more than 30 years of its existence, the "smiley" has become an invariable attribute of electronic communication, and many can no longer imagine how it would be possible to do without it. And, of course, during this time a lot of “emoticons” appeared, carrying different semantic and emotional coloring.

"Smiley" replaces what lacks in communication via chat or e-mail - intonation of voice and facial expressions. "Smilies" help to better understand the interlocutor, to catch his mood, in the end, they are just funny and cause positive emotions.

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