Pension generation. What seniority is needed for early retirement in a new way. General procedure for calculating pensions

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning the Appointment and Payment of Pensions."

The law fixes the generally established retirement age at 65 years for men and 60 years for women (now - 60 and 55 years respectively). The change in the retirement age will take place gradually: a long transition period is expected, which will begin on January 1, 2019 and end in 2028.

For those who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, a special benefit is provided - retirement six months earlier than the new retirement age. So, a person who will have to retire in January 2020 will be able to do this as early as July 2019.

Raising the retirement age at the first stage will affect men born in 1959. and women born in 1964

Previously, a pension was assigned if a person who has reached retirement age (55 years for women, 60 for men) has worked for at least five years. In 2019, a minimum ten years of experience and 16.2 points are required. The annual increase in these indicators is established by Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” . And so every year the required minimum experience will gradually increase by one year over ten years. By 2025, it will grow to 15: that is, a person will be entitled to a pension, provided that he has worked for at least 15 years.

If a retiree has reached retirement age but has not "earned" the minimum points or length of service, retirement will be delayed until the required minimum has been "earned". If, 5 years after reaching the generally established retirement age, a citizen cannot earn the required number of points and (or) length of service, then a social old-age pension will be assigned instead of an insurance one. As with any pension, a federal social supplement can be established for the social old-age pension, however, it should be remembered that it is paid to non-working pensioners whose total income is less than the pensioner's subsistence level. The total amount of security in this case will be 7,990 rubles in 2018, and from 01/01/2019 - 8,130 rubles.

The same applies to working military pensioners. By law, under certain conditions, they are assigned the insurance part of a civil pension when they reach the generally established retirement age (60 years for women, 65 for men) and have the required minimum length of service in a "citizen".

If the age is reached, and the minimum length of service for a certain year has not been worked out, then all the same, an elderly person will not have to work indefinitely. The law establishes that the required length of service for a certain person is fixed in the amount of the year in which he reached retirement age.

Example, if a citizen turns 60 years old in 2019, when a minimum length of service is required - 10 years, then exactly ten years from him will always be “asked” whenever he applies for a pension: in 2019, 2020 and subsequent years .

The pension reform encourages Russians to figure out how seniority is taken into account when calculating a pension, what will happen if you do not earn a certain minimum number of years, and at the same time determine your chances of taking a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule.

Types of experience

The length of service for calculating an old-age pension may include slightly different concepts, depending on:

  1. Positions:
    • State - the time spent in the service of the state.
    • Insurance (labor) - labor or other activity, accompanied by regular deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
    • Special - providing the opportunity to retire ahead of schedule. Its peculiarity is work in industries that are harmful to health, in a debilitating climate, in areas with high radioactivity.
  2. Continuity:
    • General, which includes all periods of employment (with the correct payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund), regardless of the presence and duration of breaks.
    • Continuous, implying the last time period during which the employee worked (in one or more organizations) without interruptions (or their duration did not exceed those established by law).

The total length of service is the total duration of periods of work and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002.

Work experience and insurance

The length of service of a citizen is the sum of periods of labor activity at all places of work, periods of other socially useful activities and other periods specified in pension and labor legislation (army service, maternity leave, etc.).

The reform of the pension system has led to the emergence of a new concept - the length of service. This is the total period of labor or other activity of a citizen, during which insurance premiums were transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Hence the interest whether the pension depends on the length of service or now only the amount of insurance premiums is taken into account.

The amount of the insurance pension benefit consists of the amount of the fixed payment and the insurance pension. The latter is determined by the individual number of pension points, depending both on the amount of wages and the period of its receipt - length of service.

The law also establishes a minimum insurance period that allows you to receive an old-age insurance pension.

Seniority and old age pension

How is seniority calculated?

Having determined whether the length of service affects the size of the pension, we proceed to the procedure for calculating the insurance period.

The insurance pension experience, as well as the previous work experience, is preserved for able-bodied citizens in special periods. Their list is written in Art. 12 of the federal law "On insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ:

  • military or equivalent service;
  • periods of care for newborn children - no more than one and a half years for one child and no more than six years in total;
  • the time of caring for a disabled person of the first group, an elderly person (a person over the age of 80) or a disabled child;
  • periods of being registered with the employment service and receiving unemployment benefits;
  • the time of residence of the wives of military personnel in areas where employment was impossible, as well as the spouses of diplomatic workers abroad;
  • the time of serving a sentence by persons brought to criminal responsibility unreasonably.

Work experience before January 1, 2003 is confirmed by documents issued by employers, archival institutions and other organizations that have relevant information about the work and (or) activities of a citizen.

Such documents are a work book, certificates, written employment contracts and agreements with notes on their implementation, civil law contracts, certificates on the period of payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) and on the amount of wages (income), from which these contributions are paid, - in cases provided for by law.

Subject to the payment of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, not less than the minimum fixed amount, the pension experience is accrued:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • notaries, lawyers and other persons providing themselves with work independently;
  • members of farms;
  • other citizens referred to in Art. 13 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

The length of service accumulated before the pension reform of 2002 is credited to the total period of pension experience, and points for the specified period are calculated in the order of valorization (revaluation of the value) of pension rights. The direct dependence of pensions on length of service is also evident here.

The length of service is calculated according to the calendar duration of periods of work or other activities, summing days into months and months into years. An exception is provided in two cases:

  1. for seasonal workers in a number of industrial sectors;
  2. for those working on water transport during periods of navigation.

These citizens are credited with a full year of service in the calendar year in which the period of work falls.

Watch a video that will tell you how to calculate seniority and pension

Minimum experience

After we figured out that the length of service matters when calculating a pension, about how many full years it is necessary to have in order to receive payments from the PFR at retirement age.

Prior to the 2015 reform, the minimum length of service for receiving an insurance pension was 5 years.
Now this figure is increasing by one every year. In 2015, he reached 6 years, in 2016 - 7 years, in 2017 - 8 years.
The gradual increase will end in 2024, when the minimum seniority will reach 15 years.


There are two types of pension:

  1. Insurance. Its value depends on the length of service.
  2. Social. It is charged in case of absence or insufficiency of experience.


Officially employed citizens have the right to count on receiving an insurance pension. At the moment, it is appointed upon reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men. Early retirement is possible in case of redundancy if the employee has 20 years of service for women and 25 for men. Its size increases according to the years worked. Some periods of time when labor activity was not carried out are also equated to these:

Important information

For each socially significant non-working period, a certain number of pension points is accrued. So, for example, a year of service in the army is worth 1.8 points. The year of care for a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st group and the first healthy child is estimated at the same amount. The second child will bring parents 3.6 points for the year, the third and subsequent - 5.4 points.

  1. Pregnancy and parenting. For each child, 1.5 g is allotted (but not more than 6 years in total).
  2. Urgent service in the army, internal affairs bodies.
  3. Job search (for persons registered with the Employment Service).
  4. Public Works.
  5. Serving time in places of detention (for persons who have undergone rehabilitation).
  6. Care for a disabled person of group I, childhood, a person who has reached 80 years of age.

These terms are taken into account only if immediately before or after them there was a period of work.


The social pension is designed to protect the interests of persons who, due to their physical condition, difficult life situations or informal employment, have not acquired the required length of service. If there is no work experience, whether a pension is due depends on the following circumstances:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation or residence in the country for 15 years.
  2. Execution of 60 years - for women and 65 - for men, with the exception of residents of the Far North. Due to the peculiarities of living in harsh climatic conditions, their retirement age comes at 50 years old for women, and at 55 years old for men.

Pension in the absence of work experience is small, but is of interest to persons entitled to survivor benefits. In this case, it is possible to receive both types of payments, if the second is not related to social and is assigned:

  1. Parents or spouse of a soldier who died while participating in hostilities.
  2. To family members who survived the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
  3. Relatives of the deceased cosmonaut.

Details about seniority and pensions are described in the video


How a pension is calculated if there is no work experience depends on the base rate, which is 3626 rubles. However, it is subject to annual indexation, carried out in early April to take into account inflation and the cost of living. In 2019, when recalculating, a coefficient of 1.03 is used, which brought the amount of the pension to 8600 rubles. In some regions of the Russian Federation, this coefficient (and, accordingly, the minimum pension without seniority) has a higher value. But this advantage is lost in case of moving to another region.

The duration of work when paying funds to the FIU does not affect the appointment of a pension. Only the general experience is required and the requirements for it differ depending on the category of citizens and the type of pension received.

The amount of pension payments cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum for pensioners. In such a situation, the missing amount is credited as an additional benefit. The specific value of the subsistence minimum is established by the regional authorities. In Moscow for 2016, it corresponds to 8528 rubles.
Pension provision can be increased in case of:

  • the presence of dependents;
  • reaching the age of 80.

It is not possible to receive old-age and disability pensions at the same time. The latter ceases to be paid from the day the disabled person retires. If the amount of the pension is less than the disability allowance, the deficiency is compensated by additional payments.

Pension with service below the minimum

A citizen whose pension experience is below the required minimum is entitled to receive not an insurance, but a social pension, the amount of which is much lower.
If the insurance pension is assigned to men at the age of 60, and to women at the age of 55, then the age limit for the social pension is exactly 5 years higher:

  • for women - 60 years;
  • for men - 65 years.

The amount of the social pension depends on the average salary in the subject of the federation where the elderly citizen lives.

The work experience after January 1, 2003 can be confirmed by the data of individual (personalized) registration in the state social insurance system. In particular, an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person, issued by the district departments of the Fund.

When assigning a pension to a specific person (in the case of submitting him for the appointment of a pension in the prescribed manner or a personal application for the assignment of a pension), this extract is requested by the district (city) department (department) for labor, employment and social protection.

How does a high seniority increase a pension?

Now let's consider how the length of service affects the size of the pension of a person who has worked not a small number of years, but a large one.
After reaching the minimum length of service, the pension capital, calculated in points, increases due to an additional coefficient.
Points are also growing faster on the account of a citizen who continues to work after reaching retirement age.

Please note: in addition to the minimum, the law also provides for a maximum length of service that is taken into account when calculating a pension:

  • for women - 40 years;
  • for men - 45 years.

Working beyond this period will not increase your pension benefit.

Who is eligible for early retirement

Important information

The work book confirms the work experience and is the main document. In the absence of it, as well as in cases where it contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records of individual periods of work, certificates issued on the basis of orders, personal accounts, payroll sheets and other documents, written employment contracts and agreements with notes on their implementation.

Opening the topic of how the pension depends on the length of service, it remains to be said under what conditions a working citizen has the right to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule (a man under 60 or a woman under 55).

The grounds for the early appointment of an old-age pension are written out in Ch. 6 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

Early retirement is provided for persons of two categories:

  1. on the basis of labor output of the established duration - for food workers, teachers, rescuers, miners, employees of fishing vessels, etc.;
  2. on social grounds - the visually impaired and those injured during the hostilities, mothers of large families, as well as persons who have a work experience established by law in the Far North or in areas equivalent to it.

"Northern" pension ahead of schedule relies on:

  • at 50 years old for men / at 45 years old for women living in the regions of the Far North (RKS) and who have worked for 25/20 years as hunters, fishermen, reindeer herders;
  • at the age of 50 for women who have given birth to two or more children and have earned 12 years of experience in the CSW or 17 years in equivalent areas;
  • at 55 / 50 years old for men / women with a total experience of 25 / 20 years, of which 15 years have worked in the CSW or 20 in equivalent areas.

Also, early retirement is assigned by the Pension Fund at the suggestion of the employment service to persons of pre-retirement age registered with it, not earlier than two years before retirement age (Article 32 of the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991 .).

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The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of receiving an old-age pension for all citizens. But in order to be eligible for an insurance pension, and not a social one, future pensioners must work out a certain length of service.

Minimum length of service for a pension in Russia

Currently, the legislation establishes a minimum seniority for retirement in the amount of 15 years.A transitional period has been defined, according to which this figure will become mandatory only in 2024 and will not change in all subsequent periods.

A transitional period has been set in order to make the transition from the minimum tenure of 5 years, which was valid until January 1, 2015. This was done with the aim that citizens who had only 5 years of work experience at the end of 2014 could increase it.

The minimum number of years of insurance experience increases every year by 1 year. From January 1 to December 31, 2015, it was 6 years. For those who received pension rights from January 1, 2016, it was already 7 years.

Thus, those who will apply for an old-age insurance pension in 2017 must have at least 8 years of the above experience.

The exact number of years of minimum service by year, up to and including 2024, can be seen in Appendix 3 to the Federal Law-400 of December 28, 2013 .

What is the difference between the insurance component of the labor pension under Federal Law No. 173 and the insurance pension under Federal Law No. 400?

Until 2015, the right to an insurance pension was regulated Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001. Currently, this law is valid only in terms of determining the size of labor pensions, provided that its provisions do not contradict the Federal Law-400, which replaced it.

Under the old law, the minimum length of service for receiving a pension was 5 years. At the same time, it included not only periods of labor activity, but also other periods of time, specified separately.

In the new law, the principle of determining the length of service remains the same, with the exception of the following provisions:

  • the insurance period is gradually increasing and will eventually reach 15 years;
  • a new concept has appeared - an individual pension coefficient, which depends on the length of service;
  • the period of care for children up to one and a half years increased by 1.5 years and amounted to 6 years;
  • added a clarification that the amount of insurance experience may include the time of suspension from work, in case of an unfounded accusation;
  • periods have been added to the calculation of seniority that relate to seniority for employees of operational-search activities.

The new legislation does not contain the concept of seniority, but nevertheless it continues to be used when determining the length of service until 2002.

Experience for the appointment of an insurance pension

Currently, only the minimum length of service for receiving a pension is established by law.Its size is the same for men and women.

In 2017, this value is 8 years, and since 2018, the minimum experience has already been 9 years.

In addition, the state increases the fixed part of the pension and the number of points if citizens apply for a pension after the age of 55 (women) and 60 years (men). The state encourages citizens to work as much as possible by setting various coefficients.

Coefficients for calculating the insurance pension in case of postponing the application for its appointment

In order to receive a basic seniority coefficient for work before 2002, women must have worked 20 years before this period, and men 25 years.

Right to early retirement pension

Citizens who have the necessary work experience in harmful conditions can retire early.

The period of retirement can be reduced by either 5 or 10 years, depending on the type of work that entitles them.

The new pension legislation deals with this issue . One of the main criteria that give the right to early retirement is the length of service in harmful conditions, and the total length of service is also taken into account.

In order to be eligible for early retirement, the name of the position in the work book must be entered exactly in accordance with the ETKS or professional standards.

Special conditions for residents of the Far North

Retirement benefits are also provided for citizens working in the Far North. They can start receiving their old-age pension 5 years earlier if:

  • women have at least 12 years of "northern experience" and 20 in general.
  • men have at least 15 years of "northern experience" and 25 in total.

If the "northern experience" is less than the norm, then each year it reduces the retirement age by 4 months.For example, to retire a year earlier, you need to work in the conditions of the Far North for 3 years.

Pension for individual entrepreneurs

Under current legislation, individuals who have worked as individual entrepreneurs retire at the age of 55 and 60 for women and men, respectively.

The size of their pension will be determined by the length of service and the amount of pension contributions.

Appointment of pensions for state pension provision

State pension provision implies that pensions will be paid not from the PFR, but from the state budget.

Such pensions can be received by the following categories:

  • people who received a disability in special conditions (during the performance of military duty, in man-made accidents, etc.);
  • families of citizens who died in special conditions;
  • for length of service, to employees serving in state bodies;
  • persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities;
  • children with disabilities;
  • children - orphans;
  • citizens who are not entitled to receive a social pension.

Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law

The new legislation establishes only that allows a citizen to qualify for retirement at 55 (women) and 60 (men) years and receive an insurance pension.

Hello readers? today we will talk about what is included in the length of service when calculating a pension in 2019! All of you probably remember that in recent years the pension reform has been actively implemented, bringing with it new rules for assigning labor pensions. But everything is changing. In 2019, the counting process takes place according to a new system and has a number of features.

What does the internship law say?

Previously, the pension was formed based on the number of years worked by a citizen. For women, it used to be enough to work continuously for 20 years, men had to work for 25 years. For each year that exceeded the norm, 1% of the salary was relied on.

But after 2002, there was a requirement for a minimum length of service, which was a 5-year period. It became called insurance, not labor, because the employer paid for insurance for his employees. The size of the upcoming pension depended on this indicator.

Important! After amendments were made in 2015, work experience equal to a 5-year period and 6.6 points became the minimum. In 2019, you need already 10 years of work experience for retirement, as well as 16.2 pension points.

The formation of the amount began to be influenced by:

  • the number of years during which the social tax was deducted by the person;
  • the amount of deductions on official insurance premiums.

It follows that the experience itself has already ceased to be of paramount importance, because having a high salary, an individual paid significant deductions. For this reason, he received a more impressive pension than a person who worked all his life and received a small amount of income.

What is the minimum work experience in 2019?

In order to at least slightly equalize the legislative injustice indicated above, since 2015 the minimum length of service for retirement began to grow - one year at a time. In 2019, it was 10 years old. The limit will be 2025, when the minimum number of years worked will be equal to 15 calendar annual periods, and the number of points will reach 30.

Fortunately, today the concept of continuity of work in one area or in one organization has become irrelevant.

How should seniority be calculated?

The length of service that is needed to calculate pension payments is the time of work or social activity. There are a large number of its types. This:

  • Duration of civil service.
  • Insurance part. The time when a person made contributions to the insurance type.
  • Special experience. When working in a certain area, the accrual procedure and the date of retirement may deviate from the established framework.

What is a Special Experience? These are years of work in hazardous production, which negatively affects human health. In order to somehow reduce the harmful effect on the citizen, the state apparatus allowed such people to work for a little less than the standard number of years.
For example, pilots need to work for 20-25 years. Medical staff should work 25-30 years. Persons carrying out military service and teachers should work the same amount.

What are the features of the calculations?

Having found out exactly what length of service is needed to calculate a pension, it makes sense to find out how it is calculated. It should be understood that:

  • The decree is counted in the length of service (but only the first 1.5 years of caring for the baby are taken into account). The law says that the total number of such years should not exceed a 6-year period of time.
  • Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the State Border Service is counted in the length of service. The army is also included in the experience.
  • The disease that caused the temporary disability of a person is also taken into account.
  • The experience includes years of participation in social work.
  • The length of service includes the period of being registered with the employment service.

The experience also includes:

  • Staying in prison is unreasonable (meaning cases when a citizen, after leaving prison, was able to prove his innocence).
  • Years of caring for a relative (this may be an elderly person aged 80 or older, a disabled person, including a child).
  • Years when the wife of a military man or civil servant did not work, as she was forced to stay abroad next to her husband.

Important! The period of time lost for any of the above valid reasons is included in the length of service. But in order to calculate a pension, it is necessary that a citizen before and after this period work in an official way.

Do not forget that the exact number of years worked is always calculated based on the entries in the work book.

What does the law on individual entrepreneurs say?

Persons engaged in their own business (these can be writers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers) form an experience only on the condition that during the years of their work they voluntarily contributed money to the OPS system. If an individual left the country and worked abroad, the years of employment in a foreign country will be counted only if these citizens transferred money to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What is included in a pension?

Today, a pension is calculated on the condition that two significant parameters are taken into account, such as the minimum work experience, as well as the insurance coefficient (that is, the number of points actually available). Points are calculated based on the amount paid for a particular person upon the fact of contributions. Years of work after January 1, 2002 are no longer necessary for an elderly person to confirm. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation performs calculations on the volume of payments made to the account of the state apparatus from the organization.

What is the northern official experience?

27 objects of the Russian Federation are assigned to the Far North. All these regions have a special climate that negatively affects human health. To compensate for this fact, the state apparatus offers such a concept as "". It is always counted in the usual calendar order.
This benefit allows women to retire early at the age of 50, and men to retire at the age of 55. But such persons must meet two conditions. They:

  • must have 25 years of service (this requirement applies to men) or 20 years of official service (this requirement applies to women);
  • were required to work in the conditions of the North for at least 15 years or work in regions whose conditions are similar to those in the north.

Important! For women who gave birth to two or more children in the conditions of the North, the conditions are relaxed: they need to work not 15, but 12 years in order to officially take a well-deserved rest at 50. For women who have given birth to two or more children while living and working in areas similar to the northern regions, the state has established a requirement to work for 17 years.

When it comes to calculating the "northern experience", it is always ignored:

  • educational leave, unpaid leave;
  • the period of passing advanced training courses;
  • part-time work;
  • work without paying due contributions to the FIU;
  • certain circumstances specified in the legislative framework.

What is meant by length of service for the official title of "veteran of labor"?

The state has identified only two categories of citizens who have an unconditional right to this title. This:

  • Persons who have awards of all-Russian significance, as well as official diplomas.
  • Persons who, in their minority years, helped defeat the Germans during the Second World War. At the same time, these persons must have 35 years (this applies to women) or 40 years of work experience (this applies to men) of labor activity.

Important! In the regions of the Russian Federation, the issue of pensions for veterans is approached creatively. In some regions, only experience is required, in other areas it is corrected by voicing additional conditions.

Points for vacation and service

If an individual did not work due to one of the socially significant circumstances, the number of individual points will be awarded according to the following criteria:

  • stay on parental leave - 1.8 points;
  • being on vacation due to caring for the second child - 3.6 points;
  • being on vacation due to caring for a third baby - 5.4 points;
  • leave to care for a disabled or elderly person - 1.8 points;
  • the period of stay in the army - 1.8 points.

Important! If it so happens that a person has not worked even the minimum period required by law, his contributions do not matter, since the old-age pension will be assigned without taking into account the years of service.

Do not forget that the number of points awarded increases every year. In 2019, this number is 16.6 points. Every year it increases. It will increase until 2025. The price of one point is set at the state level and is subject to annual adjustments.

No experience - no pension?

Everyone knows that a large percentage of the able-bodied population works unofficially, or systematically receives "black" wages. Both of these factors negatively affect the future pension and its size. The whole problem is that the employee cannot confirm the period that he worked. But since the state apparatus protects all categories of individuals without exception, a pension will be due for such citizens. But it will be social.

The social pension will be paid upon reaching the age of 60 for women and 65 years for men.

The length of service for the official calculation of old-age pension payments does not matter. If it is not enough, social assistance immediately relies. Its size is very modest. But the law says that if its amount is less than the subsistence minimum for a particular area, then an additional payment will follow up to the border indicated above. This value is static and is not affected by other parameters: neither the total number of years worked, nor the availability of a work book.

Summing up

From the material described above, it became clear what is included in the length of service when calculating a pension and how the pension is calculated according to the current pension system. Now you know who can receive what kind of pension, and you have an idea of ​​how much insurance experience is needed for an old-age pension. Use the knowledge gained from this article when calculating retirement points.

Questions and answers

Question: Is there still such a thing as early retirement? If so, which categories of the population may be affected by this pension benefit?
Answer: Yes, this concept has not been abolished. Early retirement can be: workers in a number of professions, persons of certain social groups, individuals who were laid off in the pre-retirement years.

Question: What is the minimum seniority for a pension set in 2019?
Answer: From the first days of January 2019, the legislation began to require 10 years of official service and 16.6 pension points for retirement.

Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I have been working in the field of law since 2013. I specialize primarily in civil law. She studied at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: Jurisprudence (Lawyer).

In order to mitigate the consequences of the pension reform, in addition to a general increase in the retirement age by 5 years, the new law will provide additional benefits for early retirement for certain categories of citizens.

One of these benefits is the provision of early retirement pensions. If it is at least 37 years for women and 42 for men, then it will be possible to apply for an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than the new stipulated retirement age, which will begin to increase gradually from 2019 and reach 60 years for women and 65 years for men (by 2028).

The main limitation is that it will be possible to become a pensioner ahead of schedule due to long-term employment not earlier than when you reach the age of 55 or 60 years (for women and men, respectively). That is, it will not be possible to reduce the general retirement age that is valid until the end of 2018 in this way.

In the first 2 years of the new reform (in 2019 and 2020), it will not be possible to use the new pension benefit in full - i.e. it will still be impossible to reduce the retirement period by 2 years, since in any case it cannot be less than now - 55/60 years (see the table of retirement by length of service).

When determining the right to a benefit, all periods included in the insurance period will be taken into account (i.e., both periods of work and other considered “non-working” periods defined by law - for example, caring for each child until the age of 1.5 years).

It is also necessary to understand that the benefit provided for by the new law with a long insurance period of 37 years for women and 42 years for men will not affect the general requirements for length of service! Those conditions, the fulfillment of which is already provided now for receiving an old-age insurance pension on a general basis, do not change during the reform and will remain the same.

Length of service giving the right to early retirement (for women and men)

The law on raising the retirement age, adopted by the State Duma in the third (final) reading on September 27, 2018, initially provided for an additional basis for early retirement - this is the presence of a long insurance period that allows you to become a pensioner 2 years earlier than the period provided for by the new law (taking into account transitional provisions).

The original version of the bill also contained a restriction according to which such a benefit cannot be used before the age of 55/60. However, the very value of the length of service that gives the right to such a benefit, during the discussion of the bill for women and men, was reduced by 3 years in comparison with the original version.

Recall that the government's draft law initially set standards that allow you to get the status of a pensioner ahead of schedule, in the values ​​of 40 years for women and 45 for men. It was with this content that the draft was adopted by the deputies in the first reading in July.

During a televised address to the population of the country, Vladimir Putin announced the need to reduce the proposed parameters in order to make such a benefit more accessible. Corresponding amendments to the draft law were introduced by the President in September. In them, the requirements for seniority were relaxed to 37 and 42 years (that is, by 3 years).

What insurance periods are counted for early retirement?

The length of service for early retirement is calculated in calendar order. When calculating, only insurance experience will be taken into account, including:

- Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund.

- Other periods during which contributions to the FIU were not deducted, but in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”, they are counted in the insurance period (pension points can also be awarded for them).

In particular, countable "other periods" include those during which a Russian:

– cared for each child until the age of 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total;

- cared for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child or a citizen who has reached 80 years of age;

- passed military or other equivalent service;

- Received social benefits insurance during the period of temporary disability;

- received unemployment benefits;

- in the direction of the employment service, he moved to another area for further employment;

- participated in paid public works;

– was in custody as a person unreasonably prosecuted and other periods.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ, the above periods will be counted in the insurance period if before or immediately after them there were periods of work or other activities during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund.

Early retirement by length of service since 2019 (table)

Having accumulated the required number of years of service (37 for women, 42 for men), a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule - two years earlier than the retirement age provided for at that time. However, due to the fact that this age standard will increase gradually from 2019, not all citizens who have worked for the required number of years will be able to become pensioners 2 years earlier.

In fact, in the first years of the reform, this decrease will be a smaller number of years:

– In 2019, the retirement age in Russia on a general basis will be 55.5 and 60.5 years. Citizens who have earned the required number of years for early retirement in 2019 will be able to reduce the retirement age by only 6 months - that is, they will be able to become pensioners at 55 and 60 years old (according to the standards of the old law). This change will apply to women born in 1964 and men born in 1959.

- In 2020, the reduction will already be 1.5 years, since the retirement age standard this year will be 56.5 and 61.5 years. According to such conditions, women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to become pensioners at the age of 55 and 60 ahead of schedule.

Early retirement by year of birth in the presence of a long insurance (labor) experience can be presented in the form of the following table:

Table - Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law 2018

Note: GR - year of birth; PV - retirement age.

After the final values ​​of the retirement age for Russians are set - 60 and 65 years, the age of early retirement will also be finally fixed at 58 and 63 years. According to such standards, women born in 1968 will be able to become pensioners. and men born in 1963

What experience is needed to receive a pension under the new law in 2018-2019?

With the implementation of the pension reform from 2019, no additional conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension are introduced, however, the requirements for the minimum required length of service began to increase even earlier - from 2015.

Every year, the minimum required value of this standard increases by 1 year:

- for 2018, the standard is set at 9 years;

– in 2019 it will take 10 years;

- in 2024, the final value will be established - 15 years.

But it is worth recalling that in addition to long-term employment, there are 2 more conditions that must be met in order to apply for old-age insurance payments, these are:

– reaching the stipulated retirement age (will gradually increase from 01/01/2019 to 60/65 years for women/men);

- the presence of the minimum required number of pension points - IPC (the standards are increased annually by 2.4 points until the standard of 30 points is reached).

Therefore, to retire in 2018, you need to reach the age of 55/60 years, have at least 9 years of service and 13.8 IPC. In 2019, these standards will be changed to 55.5/60.5 years, 10 years of employment and 16.2 points.

The minimum required requirements will be adjusted after 2018. All planned changes in retirement conditions by year are presented in the table below:

Note: PV - retirement age