Raspberry jacket as a symbol of a bygone era. Raspberry jacket Denim jackets, skirts, trousers, overalls

This dark and wild period of modern Russian history began in the late 1980s. The total control of the state suddenly turned into absolute freedom, but for many it was simply too tough. New heroes of that time entered the field: unprincipled and cruel groups capable of doing anything for their own benefit.


Normal guys cut through the area on the VAZ 2109 - it was convenient to jump into this with the whole brigade after the job. More serious guys also had more serious cars: BMW “fives” and, of course, the legendary SUVs Jeep Grand Cherokee were popular. The main symbol of that lawless era was undoubtedly the Mercedes S 600.


An extensive inventory was used as an everyday tool for business: nunchucks, brass knuckles, butterfly knives and even baseball bats, rare at that time. Firearms were found in large quantities, the bandits loved the Chinese TTs, but did not disdain the "parabellums" and "Walters" that had remained since the war.


For easy money, first of all, those who had nothing to lose, and there was really nothing to hope for, reached out. The children of the sleeping areas whiled away their puberty in the basement rocking chairs, so the sport, as they say, was in their blood. Often, failed guys from big sport, wrestlers and boxers adjoined the already formed teams.


Money appeared as quickly as it was mined. The "lads" had not yet imagined any special entertainment for themselves - a sauna, girls, expensive tracksuits, and body kits for their favorite car. In the early 90s, nightclubs and casinos became one of the main signs of the times: the Moscow Metelitsa, for example, completely gained fame as the main gangster establishment.

Crimson jacket and gold seals

Today, tales of crimson jackets are perceived as anecdotes, but at that time they really became a hallmark of the development of banditry throughout the country. The image of a swindler in the first place signaled impudence: they say, here I am, standing smartly and you can see me a mile away. Gold rings came back into fashion, and a signet on several fingers at once became a hit.

gang wars

The main redistribution of the market took place in the capital. The war began as a wild fight of all against all, but gradually the groups had to unite first against the SOBR and OMON units, and then against the much more evil and unscrupulous people from Chechnya.

sports cars

The constant threat to life forced the "boys" to reconsider their understanding of the "right" cars. Of course, frets-nines have not gone anywhere - consumables, convenient for bypassing your area. But executive cars were replaced by more practical, fast and maneuverable sports cars, with preference given to the Pontiac sports coupe and, of course, the Jaguar.

graveyard fashion

Constant disassembly led to the formation of a special attitude of brothers to death and burial. They buried their own with pomp: a cavalcade of expensive cars rolled through the city center to the anguished cries of horns. Monuments to the departed warrior resembled works of art, musical coffins came into fashion.

The fashionable raspberry jacket that this article will discuss is not at all the velvet splendor that was worn in the 90s. Now it is, for the most part, a female element of the wardrobe, and it rather demonstrates not the “coolness” of the owner, but her refined sophistication and ability to skillfully handle defiant, rich tones.

For many years now, a raspberry-colored jacket has not left the pages of fashion house catalogs, as well as budget clothing brands. It can be seen in the collection from Armani, and on a hanger in the Zara store. Moreover, what is most remarkable, a women's crimson jacket can be seen everywhere on the streets of the city. Of the huge variety of flowers that fall into boutiques at the beginning of the spring-summer season, the girls liked this rich pink shade. But it's one thing to buy a thing you like, and another to include it in your active wardrobe. So let's figure out what to wear with a raspberry jacket and what combinations should be excluded so as not to look ridiculous.

Good combinations:

  1. With a plain black or white pencil dress. The length of the dress allows you to significantly dilute the brightness of the jacket with a neutral tone, and the color combination of raspberry with white and black itself is considered one of the most stylish and quite often slips in fashion collections from.
  2. With jeans. The standard blue spectrum denim is the base for any combination and perfectly compensates for the excessive brightness of the top.
  3. With jumpsuits, dresses and long khaki skirts. This is especially true for dark shades of raspberry.

Bad combinations:

  1. With miniskirts and short dresses. Even if there is an ideal ratio in terms of colors, such a combination looks overly defiant, and, accordingly, rather tasteless.
  2. With a cotton bottom in bright colors. Intense blue trousers, turquoise skirts, hot pink dresses - all this can create some tacky outfit. But it is difficult to unequivocally judge such combinations, since everything depends on the specifics of the shades and style of the jacket.

How to care for a raspberry jacket?

A stylish raspberry jacket is stylish only as long as it retains an even saturation of its color. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right detergents, observe the cleaning temperature indicated on the label, and try to avoid long walks on excessively sunny days.

April 3, 2013, 18:15

Of course, the era of the 90s is a shocking fashion ... Fashion from the series: What we brought, we wear. And all at once and at the same time. I will make a reservation right away that in this post we will talk about the so-called fashion of the first half of the 90s. Closer to zero, street fashion in the expanses of the former USSR looked no longer so grotesque and comical. So, let's remember by name the most significant things of that era.

A crimson jacket was an indispensable attribute of the "new Russians" in the early 1990s, along with a shaved head, a mobile phone, a purse with the keys to a six hundredth Mercedes and a gold chain around his neck. In this form, this wonderful style is shown in novels and films about that era.

In 1992, at Fashion Week, Versace designers show a new collection: gray trousers and bright red jackets. Not even a month passes before such outfits appear on the "new Russians". But sewed them, of course, not Versace. At first, such jackets were not so common, but then those who wanted to be like the "new Russians" began to wear them both in the tail and in the mane. Even sometimes it was possible to see on individual individuals a terrible combination of this jacket with tracksuit pants, while the legs could be shod in classic pointed shoes, also popular at that time. It already looked like a farce, and not like fashion, and the "crimson jacket" immediately became the topic of jokes. At this time, respectable men had long abandoned it and preferred traditional colors: gray, black, beige, etc. In the mid-90s, the raspberry jacket already personified people from the very bottom, usually under the age of thirty, a symbol of and easily received some capital.

Fashion of the 90s - this is such jeans-varenki

Jeans Mawin or "Malvins" poured to us along with the shuttles, in a matter of weeks filling the flea markets throughout the former USSR. They were cheaper than Livi's, Montana and Rifle, so they were worn by everyone and everywhere ... Later, the label on the ass could be anything, but these dumpling jeans were called "Malvins".

In those days, this clothing was not at all divided into women's and men's. The beginning of the 90s, among other things, can be considered the era of the tracksuit.

Half of the country wore such Adidas, which later became Abidas, Adibadas and any other ... catfish, because everyone and sundry sewed it, and many narrow-minded shuttles simply did not pay attention to the inscription, choosing a familiar shape and color.

It is completely incomprehensible how such an ugly thing could become a cult item of clothing, in which many went out, as they say, both to the feast and to the world and to good people.

Another unisex hit of the 90s, a masterpiece of Turkish consumer goods, the Boys sweater with a pattern reminiscent of a carpet.

Girls in Boys sweaters with graduation chains - the squeak of fashion in those years:

First girl in class

And in such fluffy sweaters and blouses made of angorka, embroidered with beads and various pendants, almost all the girls went. The color was chosen according to the principle - the brighter the better. Most often they wore blouses of crimson, purple and turquoise colors.

From the same angorka, literally, without exception, everyone wore a variety of hats (most often bonnets and berets) and accessories for them (scarves, gloves).

Bright, but not very convenient and practical. The fluff had the ability to fly around, roll, mercilessly climb into the eyes, nose, mouth, and even cause allergies. But somehow this didn’t really stop anyone, is it worth paying attention to such minor inconveniences :)

In addition, in the early 90s, elastic skirts were wildly popular among girls, most often in black, but there were also other, acid colors: purple, lemon, pink, the color that is called "pull out the eye." "Little black dresses" made of the same rubberized fabric were not inferior in popularity to skirts. But the trouble is, such too tight-fitting clothes seemed to be designed for an ideal figure, but in those years every second woman wore them.

These leather jackets were also considered the highest class at that time and the subject of passionate dreams of many, many:

It was generally a period of fashion for total leather and total jeans.

It was considered very cool to walk in such a jacket, combining it with a leather mini skirt, trousers or shorts. Such shorts as on Natalya Vetlitskaya:

And since this is a photo where everything is at once, then pay attention to these tights, sparkling and shimmering like a Christmas tree toy. They were terribly full of legs, because of their low quality they slipped and gathered into an accordion, but they were still bought and worn with enviable persistence.

Tights of those years is a separate story. In addition to the aforementioned, fishnet tights, fishnet, with lurex thread, tights with a stocking effect were also in use ... However, this can also be found today.

And, of course, the women's fashion of the 90s is, first of all, leggings of various neon colors.

Without them, this story would be incomplete, as this is perhaps the most striking sign of that time. Almost everyone wore them, even those whose legs were far from ideal.

Worn as you like, in any season, with anything and anywhere. Often even without a skirt, opening the very zone. So Katya Lee was far from the first. Leggings were the favorite stage outfit of our stars. Tanya Bulanova "cried" on stage, dressed in black mirror leggings.

Anzhelika Varum sings the song "Good Bye My Boy"

Group "Combination":

Leggings were varied: striped, polka-dot, leopard print, imitating jeans, ... and for every taste.

And bikes:

One of the images of the 90s is a sweater dress and plush (knitted) leggings with purple, gray, leopard, floral, black and other colors and colors:

and sometimes it looked ridiculous and unsympathetic:

But with all this riot of colors, the fashion of the 90s is a fashion for minimalism, for a classic style of clothing. Models in formal suits defiled along the catwalk:

The color scheme was not bright, preference was given to black and plain fabrics in pastel colors. In addition, minimalism excluded any large accessories, jewelry, any decor and decoration of clothes. Dresses of the 90s of this trend were also distinguished by a strict silhouette and straight forms without burdening details. But the simplicity of the cut and the absence of superfluous things were taken literally by us, and, probably, that is why frank, tight mini dresses with a deep neckline came into fashion. Our business style most often looked something like this:

A few more real photos of fashionistas and fashionistas of the 90s:

Our star idols of the 90s in old photos and posters:

The raspberry jacket is a companion of the "new Russians" and crime bosses of the 90s.

One of the main symbols of the 1990s was red or raspberry-colored jackets, which bandits and “new Russians” preferred to wear.

In fact, of course, this part of the classic men's suit was even then mostly black, gray or blue, but the percentage of parrot colors was indeed much higher than today.

How did it happen that the most serious and specific citizens of our country got into such a comical style?


Andrey Kozlov, master of the club “What? Where? When?" assured that crimson jackets began to be worn after extravagant connoisseurs began to wear them. It is not very clear why the bandits decided to imitate the “elite club” (and indeed they became interested in this TV show), although, on the other hand, the money was really significant there.

Some believe that the founder of raspberry fashion was Sergey Mavrodi- when he decided to congratulate the Russians on the upcoming 1994 in the appropriate outfit. This is all the more unlike the truth, because the head of the MMM financial pyramid - even in an atypically combed form - is a little less than suitable for the role of a trendsetter.

In fact, the Italians are to blame for everything. When the USSR had just collapsed and its ex-citizens (not all, far from all) began to legalize their capital and travel around the world, they also became interested in clothing: the murky Soviet fashion no longer suited the brothers who took a breath of freedom.

And then in 1992 in Paris, at Haute Couture Week, Versace rolled out a completely ridiculous collection of suits, where bright red jackets were combined (or rather, flashy Not combined) with gray trousers. Some samples were immediately sold out by guests from a distant eastern country, and soon the Russian market was flooded with both original red-crimson outfits and Polish and Turkish fakes.

Perhaps the cult of raspberry jackets was also supported by the fact that the very word “raspberry” (1. House, apartment, dwelling. 2. Den, gathering place of some company. 3. Something good, free, comfortable. 4. A place where there are many women) especially warmed the thieves' soul.

However, not only the “new Russians” wore such clothes, but also quite decent officials. First President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk tells how he met the future president of Russia, who in those years worked as deputy mayor of St. Petersburg: “I paid attention to the man in the crimson jacket. "Who is this?" - Asked. " Vladimir Putin", - they answered me. Very beautiful, ultra-modern. Then all the businessmen wore this, all the cool ones ... ".

At the same time, a photo circulating on the Web, where Putin in a raspberry jacket and Adidas sweatpants stands next to Sobchak- gross forgery.

genre crisis

By 1996, crimson jackets had already entered the jokes and were perceived as something outdated, a sign of the primitiveness of the owner of this piece of clothing. The period of initial accumulation of capital has passed, the "new Russians" have finally divided into losers - bandits, pimps, petty drug dealers - and masters of life, big businessmen and officials. Many of the former moved, along with their jackets, one and a half to two meters underground, while the latter knew harmony, became aesthetes and dressed already to the envy of the English lords.

Therefore, now only memories remain from those times ... and those jackets that were lucky to survive the period of their popularity (and often their own owners). The largest collection of crimson jackets in Russia is called "Real Outfit" and belongs to Dmitry Funtikov. These are not museum pieces, jackets are sold and bought, so in a fit of nostalgia you can buy or rent the most striking attribute of the 1990s.

Second birth

Apparently, in memory of those stupid, dangerous, but also romantic times, the leadership of Rospotrebnadzor in 2007 decided to introduce a uniform of painfully familiar colors. Now, when an employee of this respected department comes to check, for example, a store, the dashing assaults of the brothers from the nineties on the merchants they cover are immediately remembered.

What distinguishes the new Russian era of the 90s from the Russian businessman of our day? Let's draw an associative series. The first thing that comes to mind: mobiles the size of slippers, thick and crosses on the chest, purses, domestic-made cars for those who are poorer, and black foreign cars for the real rich. But the most important thing is raspberry jackets. Only in this way, pot-bellied and bald nouveau riche look exactly as it should in their status.

Yes, at present, the raspberry jacket is indeed a characteristic feature of the bygone era of financial pyramids, the turbulent activity of the Russian mafia, the development of market trade, the rejection of censorship on television and the press, the decline in the standard of living of the average population and the flourishing of prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction … Yes, it was our 90s. But back to the new Russians and their style.

The raspberry jacket did not accidentally appear on the shelves of retail outlets and in expensive boutiques of the capital. According to history, in the early 90s, namely in 1992, the Versace Fashion House showed the world a new collection, the main focus of which was raspberry-colored jackets. The nouveau riche, who had not previously followed fashion trends and did not have large sums of money in their pockets, decided that the status should be emphasized in a bright and memorable way. So, those who are richer acquired the originals from Versace, while novice entrepreneurs and bandits were content with Chinese copies. So the crimson jacket became the uniform of the new Russians. Designers of the former All-Union Republic (Slava Zaitsev, for example) also worked for the benefit of the bandits, sewing more and more new models of clothing.

What did the gangsters from the 90s complement their new image with? Especially bold and daring were not afraid to combine a raspberry jacket with Adidas sweatpants and classic faux leather shoes. Those who were close to the elite did not allow themselves such luxury and managed with black trousers, but never forgot about gold jewelry and a purse.

In general, the jacket is only a symbol of the era, but in fact, a lot can be said about the style and life of the new Russians in the early 90s. So, for example, they all built the same houses of red brick, like castles. Until now, similar architectural structures under construction can be found in holiday villages near the city. When choosing a car, the nouveau riche did not show imagination either. As a rule, rich brothers bought models for themselves, BMW or the good old VAZ-21099.

Returning to fashion, it is worth mentioning that due to well-known political events, the "Iron Curtain" was opened, cheap low-quality goods from Turkey and China began to be actively imported into the country. Hungry for new products, bandits and their wives actively acquired fashionable rubbish and were considered trendsetters of the style of all Rus'. Pumps with a thin stiletto heel, made of various synthetic materials, washed-out jeans from unknown companies and much more. Among other things, children's toys from China, American (which is still popular) and many other things, which we all now remember with some nostalgia, appeared on the markets and in stores.

Of course, even now you can buy a raspberry jacket in any fashion department (fortunately, fashion is cyclical), but that era cannot be returned. The 90s are history.