Is it possible to donate jewelry by check. Practice: How to return a piece of jewelry. Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to return a gold jewelry to the store, those who bought a quality product, but understand that it does not suit him or life circumstances have changed, think.

Returning goods to the store is sometimes better to return the money than to pawn the thing in a pawnshop.

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Issues of legislation and judicial practice

Gold jewelry is considered a piece of jewelry, because. made from materials considered precious. Gold is directly indicated as a precious metal, so the turnover and accounting rules are stricter than in the case of other categories of goods.

Jewelry is considered gold if the product contains a minimum sample of gold. minimum standards for precious metals is established by a special decision of the government.

Jewelry can be mostly made from base metals and stones. Now artificial stones are being made that have qualities similar to those possessed by natural stones.

Before you wonder if you can return a gold piece of jewelry to the store, you should find out if it is really precious. If not, the procedure is quite different. There is one more nuance, which is described below.

The rules for trade in jewelry are established by the rules for trade in certain types of non-food products.

The concept of jewelry and precious metals is established by the Law on Precious Metals and Precious Stones. The law is basic in the field of circulation of precious metals and stones.

Otherwise, the sale of gold jewelry is regulated by the Consumer Protection Law.

Practical explanations are contained in the Decree of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

From time to time, clarifications in connection with interesting cases are published in practice reviews.

Is it possible to return a gold jewelry to a store, what does the law say about this?

Classifies gold jewelry as a category that, if of proper quality, is not returned to the store.

They cannot be exchanged within 14 days of purchase.

The Law on Consumer Rights allows to allocate such a category of goods.

Purchase and return process

It is easier to protect your rights at the initial stage by checking the quality of the goods. The shortcomings to which the buyer is entitled to refer must be, first of all, of a hidden nature, the buyer, with all his discretion, could not detect them.

How can you prove your discretion later? The decoration must be branded, it does not matter if it is foreign-made or not, all products must be branded.

It has the right to deal exclusively with the assay office under the Ministry of Finance.

Jewelry according to the rules must have individual packaging, sealed. The buyer, believing that the product is defective, must return it to the store by writing a statement. Provided:

  • the product itself
  • package

Can I return gold jewelry to a store without a receipt? No, you can’t, so when buying, be sure to take a check. The consumer has the right to return the goods without a receipt in exceptional cases, the right to return without a receipt does not apply to jewelry.

The seller is obliged to carry out in order to identify the cause of the marriage. The following options are then taken:

  • return of money and goods by the parties
  • money is returned partially, the goods remain with the buyer
  • another decoration is provided, the buyer either receives part of the money back or makes an additional payment

Signs of a defective product:

  • sample mismatch
  • falling out or loosening elements of decoration
  • problems with the lock
  • in the case of the clock, they stopped working

The term for contacting the seller is 2 years, the absence of a warranty period, a decrease in the duration period still leaves the buyer the right to ask to change. Hidden defects of the product are detected within 2 years.

When giving the employees a statement in their hands, the buyer keeps a copy with a mark. Sending by mail is proved by a notice and an inventory of the attachment.

In a statement or claim, the buyer chooses what he wants from the seller from the above.

It does not make sense to indicate at the same time the return of goods or money.

Incorrect wording will then make it difficult for Rospotrebnadzor to resolve the complaint.

You can complain to the supervisory authority if the store does not accept the complaint or ignores it.

Assistance is provided by consumer protection societies.

Thus, the law gives the right to return the gold jewelry to the store, in the presence of marriage. If the product is of high quality, and the desire to return it is associated with external properties, the return is prohibited.

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Not all citizens of the Russian Federation know their rights to return goods to the store. If a product of inadequate quality is purchased and a person wants to return it, he should refer to the text of the Federal Law 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights". It details all aspects regarding the return and exchange of any purchase.

The Federal Law specifies the rules for the return and exchange of goods such as household appliances, electrical appliances, food, things, shoes, and so on. With regard to gold and silver jewelry, their return and exchange is possible only in accordance with with article 18 of this law. the provisions of this article state that if the buyer notices flaws in the jewelry that the seller did not report, then the consumer has the right to file a claim.

According to the law, The consumer has the right to make demands to the seller:

  • about replacing a piece of jewelry with exactly the same one;
  • about replacing with another piece of jewelry, taking into account the change in price;
  • about a price reduction due to the presence of a marriage on the jewelry;
  • about the elimination of the defect at the expense of the seller;
  • on reimbursement of expenses incurred by the buyer when eliminating the marriage;
  • on the return of funds in full for the goods paid (in this case, it is necessary to return the jewelry of inadequate quality back to the store).

Based on their provisions of Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, it follows:

  • in the case when the jewelry does not fit in size, style, etc., then the return of gold and silver to the store is not possible;
  • if the jewelry is defective (of poor quality) and this fact can be confirmed by an examination, then a return is possible.

What does the RFP say about selling jewelry?

The Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" in Article 26.2 specifies the rules for the sale of jewelry. The text of this article contains provisions that the terms of trade in jewelry made of gold and silver are established by the Government of Russia.

Download the text of the consumer protection law

When purchasing anything you need, you need to make sure that there are no defects. To do this, you should carefully examine the goods, especially for expensive jewelry. For example, if there is a marriage on the clasp of a gold chain, it can unfasten and get lost. Therefore, it is important to detect the defect as early as possible.

But if, when buying a piece of jewelry of inadequate quality, the marriage was not noticeable, then after its discovery, you need to familiarize yourself with your rights to return the jewelry back to the store. To do this, you should study the full version of the law. You can download the latest version of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" with amendments and additions at

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The state protects the rights of buyers and guarantees them the possibility of returning or exchanging defective goods. You can return almost any item, including precious metals and stones. This is regulated by the law on the rules for the return and exchange of jewelry in 2019.

The ability to exchange a piece of jewelry or return it to the seller is established by the federal law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". It sets out the main current standards that apply to the purchase of jewelry.

Federal Law 2300-1 specifies the rules for the return and exchange of various goods. As for jewelry, the rights of the buyer are regulated by Article No. 18. The consumer has the right to file a claim with the store if he finds defects on the jewelry that the seller has kept silent about. The defrauded buyer has several options:

  • replacement of goods with a similar one, but without defects;
  • replacement for another product (with recalculation of the cost);
  • reduction in purchase price;
  • troubleshooting by the seller;
  • full refund.

However, you cannot return a piece of jewelry if it turned out to be small or if it ceased to please you at home. The law determines that items with a factory defect are subject to return.

The norms provided for in the law on consumer protection

Federal law regulates not only the right of return, but also the requirements for jewelry. If the thing does not match them, it can be taken back to the salon. The following standards apply to jewelry:

  • a sample is required (does not apply to goods weighing less than 3 grams);
  • Russian jewelry must have imprints of personal names;
  • the sale of precious stones is carried out if there is a certificate;
  • jewelry with precious stones is equipped with individual packaging;
  • if the client wishes, a control weighing can be carried out before the sale;
  • the check contains information about the sample, precious metals and stones, article.

In addition, the label indicates the name, manufacturer's data, processing method, cost. If the product is decorated with a non-precious stone, information about it is entered.

Jewelry products are covered by a warranty, such as appliances. You can return a defective item within 2 years, unless the manufacturer has specified a different period. Defects include:

  • the absence of a sample or its inconsistency with the information indicated on the label;
  • loss of precious stones and other inserts;
  • broken links in a chain or bracelet;
  • jamming of the castle, etc.

How to return or exchange jewelry

If you find a factory defect after returning from the store, then you can safely file a claim with the seller. To exercise his right, the client should contact the salon where he purchased the low-quality jewelry, present the receipt, seal and all labels, and choose one of the possible compensation methods.

Jewelry is sent for examination less often than equipment, but the seller has the right to do so. In order to determine the cause of the defect, he may send the jewelery for inspection, which he must carry out at his own expense. Most often, stores offer to draw up an official claim indicating the reasons for the return.

The buyer can independently initiate the examination and pay for it. This speeds up the return process. The store should be presented with a receipt indicating the cost of the services of the appraiser, since the seller is obliged to reimburse the funds spent.

If you entrust the examination to a jewelry salon, ask the management to give you an official receipt that you have provided all the necessary documents, decoration, seal, etc. Demand to sign the director and seal. Remember that in the store you leave copies of documents (if an examination was carried out at your expense), and leave a certified original in your hands.

After the cause of the defect is established, the client should be called and invited to the salon. The next step is to choose a refund method (getting a new jewelry, refund, etc.). If it is proved that the fault arose through the fault of the buyer, he will have to bear responsibility.

The refund period by law cannot be more than 10 days (if you have chosen a refund). Examination can be extended up to 45 days only for complex goods, to which jewelry products do not apply.

The maximum allowable period for the return of goods

The following return policies apply to jewelry:

  • if a visible defect is found, the product must be returned within 2 weeks;
  • a hidden defect must be notified to the seller within 6 months.

However, you can return the product within the warranty period. Typically, manufacturers indicate a period of 1 year. If there is no information about the guarantee, the maximum allowable period for a return is determined by law - up to 2 years.

Not only the manufacturer, but also the seller has the right to indicate the warranty period. So be sure to check this information before buying. Sometimes jewelry stores indicate a warranty period that differs from that offered by the manufacturer, but it cannot be less.

In what cases the seller has the right to refuse the client

Sellers are not always willing to make contact with buyers. Refusals to accept an item with an obvious factory defect are extremely rare, but in some cases, store representatives have the right to disagree with the requirements of the buyer. Most often this happens in the following situations:

  • the terms of the warranty return are violated;
  • the malfunction arose after the purchase of the jewelry (due to the fault of the client).

If you are sure that the product initially turned out to be defective, but the seller stubbornly assures otherwise, you can file a complaint with one of several instances.

Where to complain about a dishonest seller

If the situation could not be resolved peacefully, the first agency where you should apply with a statement will be Rospotrebnadzor. You can attach to the claim all the collected documents (including the results of the examination, if you carried it out at your own expense), a check, etc.

In most cases, jewelry stores prefer not to start a lengthy litigation (except in those situations when they are sure they are right) and quickly reimburse the client for the costs.

If Rospotrebnadzor turned out to be powerless, you can go to court. When it comes to litigation, the consumer is not only entitled to a refund of the money spent on the purchase, but also to a penalty of 3% of the transaction value.

Download the text of the Federal Law on consumer protection

When buying jewelry, you should examine it well and make sure that there is no marriage. This will save you from wasting time and effort. In most cases, defects are visible to the naked eye, but sometimes they appear only after a certain time.

To find out your rights when buying a defective item, we suggest downloading the text of the consumer protection law at the following link. The latest edition contains complete information about the possibilities of returning or exchanging jewelry.

If you are sure that you are right, do not be afraid to contact the salon for a refund or exchange of jewelry. The law clearly defines in which cases the truth will be on the side of the buyer.

Can I return jewelry to the store? This question is asked by many buyers after purchasing and trying on jewelry at home. But, unfortunately, it will not work to return high-quality jewelry to the store. Because it's prohibited by law. You will learn more about all this from this article.

Basic moments

Each consumer should be aware that it will not work to return high-quality jewelry to the store. Therefore, the choice of jewelry should be approached very seriously. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Therefore, when answering the question of most buyers about whether it is possible to return the jewelry back to the seller, you need to give a positive answer, but with a small reservation. If a defect was found on the jewelry, then by law the consumer has the right to take it back to the store and ask for a refund. But there may be difficulties here.

The thing is that entrepreneurs involved in the sale of jewelry defend their position and do not want to admit the fact that defective goods were sold in their store. Therefore, it is possible that an independent examination will need to be carried out here.

Legal regulation of this issue

So, according to the current Consumer Rights Protection Law, each buyer can return the purchased item back to the store if it has not been in use, it has all the labels and factory seals. But this rule does not apply to jewelry. It needs to be known.

Therefore, if a person is wondering if it is possible to return a piece of jewelry of excellent quality back to the store because it does not fit with other pieces of jewelry, then the answer in this case will be negative. This rule must be remembered.

Jewelry is included in the list of goods that cannot be returned back to the seller. But once again it must be said that there are exceptions to every rule. Therefore, you can return the jewelry if you find certain factory defects (for example, the lock on the bracelet or earrings does not work). It will be very problematic to do this, but it’s still worth trying to defend your rights. Especially if the defective product was bought as a gift to a loved one, but it was not possible to hand it over.

Jewelery Return Cases

This issue needs to be dealt with in more detail. Moreover, jewelry of excellent quality cannot be exchanged or returned to the store. This has already been said before. However, you can still bring the jewelry back to the store. But in the case when the decoration does not meet the declared quality characteristics. For example:

  • there is a complete or partial discrepancy between the product and the characteristics indicated on the product tag (for example, during use, it suddenly turned out that the purchased ring was not made of gold, but of a completely different metal, but had only gold plating);
  • the purchased jewelry began to gradually collapse (a stone fell out of a bracelet or earrings, the links of the chain were unhooked, the lock stopped working);
  • the precious watch has stopped running and cannot even be adjusted (this will be a factory defect, but only under the right operating conditions).

In such situations, sellers often take their goods back so as not to spoil their business reputation in front of other customers, and return the funds to the buyer. Or they offer an exchange of defective jewelry for another, of good quality. But sometimes it also happens that the seller refuses to accept back low-quality jewelry. In such a situation, an examination may be required.

How to proceed

So, is it possible to return jewelry back to the store? Yes, if the jewelry turned out to be of poor quality. Otherwise, it won't work.

In order to return a piece of jewelry that has defects, you must contact the store where it was purchased. If the buyer was denied his request, then you will need to contact the owner of the distribution network with a claim. This document must be made in two copies.

If marriage is found

So, as already stated above, the buyer needs to make a claim addressed to the owner of the jewelry store and transfer one copy of this document to the seller against signature, and keep the second. This is necessary so that in case of failure to receive a response from the store owner, the buyer has the opportunity to file a claim with the judicial authority.

So, can you return a piece of jewelry to a store? The answer in this case can be either positive or negative. Therefore, if the jewelry is of high quality, then it will not be possible to exchange it or return it back to the seller. Because the law says that such products are included in the List of goods of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged, approved by Government Decree No. 55 of 01/19/1998. These are the rules.

The situation is quite different when the jewelry turned out to be defective. The buyer initially could not even notice minor defects on the jewelry, but in the process of a short wear, the low-quality product began to collapse. In this case, the consumer has the opportunity to bring the goods back and receive their money or exchange the defective item for another product. All buyers should be aware of this.

How to file a claim

So, is it possible to return a piece of jewelry to a store if the seller does not accept it back and refers to the norm of the law? Yes, but only when defects were found on the decoration. The claim form looks like this:

Store manager _______________ (name of organization)

Address ___________________________________ (indicate in full)

from citizen _____________________ (data are indicated in full)

address and telephone _____________________


to return (or exchange) defective goods

_____ (indicate the number) I purchased a piece of jewelry ______ (indicate which one, from which metal and sample). This fact is confirmed by cash and sales receipts dated _______ (date).

The purchased jewelry turned out to be of poor quality, because it has factory defects (describe which ones), which I noticed only during the operation of the product.

On the basis of Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", I ask you to return the money for the purchase of jewelry (reiterate which one) purchased in your store ______ (date of purchase).

If I do not receive a response to this claim within ten days, I have the right to apply to the court for the protection of my rights as a consumer.

Date _____________

Buyer's signature _________________

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people are faced with the problem of returning goods. Including low-quality jewelry. But not everyone can defend their position before the seller and get their money back for a defective piece of jewelry. All this is due to the fact that the owners and sellers of jewelry stores take advantage of the legal illiteracy of ordinary citizens and do not accept jewelry from them, even if they show factory defects. This happens most often.

However, many buyers still wonder if it is possible to bring a piece of jewelry back to the jewelry store if it has certain defects. It is legally possible. But you must keep a receipt confirming the purchase of the product from this seller. Otherwise, you will also have to prove the fact of purchasing jewelry in this store.

When can I return a piece of jewelry to the seller? When answering this question, it is necessary to say once again that it will not work to return a high-quality jewelry. A piece of jewelry can be returned only if it does not meet all the required characteristics or has a certain manufacturing defect. This must be remembered.

Conducting an examination

Due to the fact that, according to the current legislation, jewelry cannot be returned or exchanged, in most cases, sellers, relying on this rule, do not want to accept even defective products from buyers. In this case, it's illegal.

However, if such a situation occurs, the buyer must insist on an independent examination, which will help determine the manufacturing defect on the jewelry or confirm the fact that the defect appeared during improper use of the product.

This study is carried out at the expense of the seller himself. If the examination establishes that the defect on the jewelry appeared in the process of improper use of the jewelry, then the buyer will have to reimburse the cost of conducting this study. All consumers need to be aware of this.

If the examination shows that the defect was on the product initially (i.e., it is a factory defect), then the seller will be obliged to return the money for the jewelry to the buyer or exchange the low-quality jewelry for another product. That is the order.

Warranty period for jewelry

As previously stated, purchased jewelry cannot be returned to the store. But for each piece of jewelry, a certain guarantee is established. Therefore, if a certain defect was discovered during the operation of the jewelry (for example, the lock on the bracelet or earrings is unfastened), then the buyer has every right to demand the repair of this product or its replacement with another jewelry, as well as the return of his money. It's important to know about this.

Here it is necessary to say that the guarantee for jewelry is established by the manufacturer. If this was not done, then this period is at least two years from the date of purchase of the jewelry.

It should also be said that the buyer is not obliged to prove that the defect on the jewelry appeared through no fault of his.

Sometimes it also happens that the manufacturer indicates on the jewelry tag not the warranty period, but the service life of this jewelry. It turns out that during this period the manufacturer is responsible for his product. You also need to know about this.


So, according to the law, the return of jewelry is allowed only if a factory defect is found on them. If the jewelry turned out to be of high quality, then it will not be possible to exchange it or return it back. This is a very important rule.

Can jewelry be returned if loose gemstones fall out of it? In this case, the answer will be positive. Moreover, if the buyer has repaired the product at his own expense, the seller is obliged to reimburse him for the amount spent on repairing the jewelry.

Of course, when people buy gold or silver jewelry in a store, they want it to be pleasing to the eye. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Moreover, for the exchange and return of jewelry, you need to contact the store where they were purchased. This issue must be resolved only in an official manner with the owner of the distribution network.


I would like to say once again about the rules for returning jewelry to the store. In this case, buyers do not need to be afraid to defend their rights if the jewelry turned out to be defective. In order to return a product with a defect to the store, you must go there with a receipt confirming the purchase. Moreover, if the product is not accepted, then you need to write a claim addressed to the owner or director of the store. If you do not receive a response, contact the judicial authority.

Before buying, you should carefully inspect the product for flaws. If the trouble still happened, know that you can always contact the store and, on the basis of the law, resolve the issue of warranty repairs or a refund for the jewelry.

What does the return policy say?

According to the law, jewelry can be exchanged and returned only if the jewelry turned out to be of poor quality. At the same time, it is not necessary to have a receipt and a label with information about the product (but, of course, it is desirable). The buyer has the right to contact the store for at least six months after purchase. If the warranty period for the product is not specified, then you can present a low-quality jewelry within two years. If the product was found to be defective, the store is obliged to return the full cost of the product.

When to return jewelry

If the purchased watch stopped running after a few days, the chain or bracelet broke literally on the second day after the purchase, and stones fell out of the ring very soon, and all this did not happen as a result of mechanical influences due to the fault of the owner, then you can safely contact the store where it was product purchased. In addition, there are individual cases when it turns out that the sample indicated on the jewelry does not correspond to the true sample of gold.

What steps to take to return a product

In order to return a piece of jewelry, first of all, you should go to the store where the purchase was made and talk to the seller or manager. It may be necessary to file a written claim, and send the product for examination to determine the reasons for the marriage. Examination should be carried out at the expense of the store. Also, the return will be faster if you contact the consumer protection society.

Sometimes, having shown proper diplomatic skills, in the store you can agree on the exchange of a product that you suddenly did not like or did not fit. If you buy a ring or bracelet as a gift, it is better to immediately discuss a possible replacement in case of an inappropriate size. In addition, some stores that sell jewelry may have their own rules for returning non-faulty items. So, you can return jewelry within two weeks from the date of purchase, always having a receipt from the store and a tag with you. The buyer in such cases may be asked to pay a certain penalty.