Crocheted sundresses for girls patterns. How to crochet a sundress for a girl: diagrams and description. Simple white sundress

Schemes, descriptions and photos of sundresses for girls of different ages. Crochet and knitting.

The skillful hands of needlewomen work wonders. Hand-knitted items are unique and contain a piece of the master’s soul. This article contains diagrams and descriptions of knitted sundresses for girls of different ages.

Crocheted and knitted summer sundresses for girls 1-3 years old: patterns, descriptions, photos

If you decide to knit a summer sundress, choose light yarn. Suitable:

  • Cotton
  • Cotton and viscose (50/50)
  • Viscose
  • Acrylic

Important: Sundresses made from 100% cotton can be a bit stiff. The product will be softer if the yarn consists of cotton with the addition of acrylic or viscose.

Colored openwork sundress

Crochet colored sundress


  • Cotton yarn of different colors (100 g of yarn is needed for 6 months)
  • Hook #2


  1. Knitting this sundress starts from the middle
  2. First you need to measure your child's waist circumference. Cast on a chain of air loops, 2-3 cm more than your waist circumference
  3. Next, we continue knitting downwards according to the pattern shown in the photo below.
  4. Change color every 3-4 rows
  5. Having knitted the required length, start knitting the top of the sundress
  6. To begin, work one row of double crochets into each stitch.
  7. The next row is knitted alternatingly: 3 double crochets, 2 chain stitches, etc. This row is knitted so that you can insert a ribbon
  8. The next row is worked in single crochets into each stitch of the bottom row.
  9. Then comes the main pattern of the top - these are tables with a crochet. In each row, make decreases along the edges so that the top is oblique (as in the photo)
  10. At the same time, knit the back in the same way.
  11. When you have tied the required height, make the straps

You can also take note of the sundress ideas of other craftswomen.

Crochet sundress ideas for babies

Knitted soft pink sundress

Pale pink sundress: description, scheme

Crocheted and knitted summer sundresses for a girl 4-6 years old

Summer is the best time to show off beautiful sundresses and dresses to little fashionistas. The variety of yarns and styles of knitted sundresses allows you to choose a product model to suit every taste.

Crochet sundresses can be made openwork. Such sundresses will be elegant, at the same time light. This option is good for the summer, because in the heat it's time to wear light clothes.

Turquoise summer sundress

Summer sundress for a girl 4-6 years old: photo, diagram

It is not difficult for an experienced knitter to knit such a sundress. The result is a very elegant item that is suitable for holidays and everyday life.

Follow the pattern shown next to the photo to knit a sundress for a little fashionista 4-6 years old.

Summer sundress for ages 4-6 years: description, photo

Summer sundress for ages 4-6 years: diagram

Crocheted and knitted summer sundresses for girls 7-10 years old

For a 7-year-old girl, you can crochet the following sundress model.

Crochet summer sundress for girls 7-10 years old: description, photo Crochet summer sundress for girls 7-10 years old: diagram

Knitted sundress

Openwork patterns are well suited for knitting summer sundresses. Such patterns are perfect for the warm season.

Knitted summer sundresses for girls 7-10 years old

Knitted warm sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 1-3 years old

Sundresses can be not only for summer. Warm sundresses are comfortable clothes for any occasion. They warm well, and at the same time the girl looks cute and gentle.

  • For a warm sundress, choose the appropriate yarn. It can be wool with the addition of acrylic. The wool itself can be itchy, acrylic softens the thread
  • You should also remember that yarn can be synthetic and natural. When it comes to children's clothes, it is better to give preference to natural yarn. After all, synthetics do not allow air to pass through
Warm stylish crochet sundress for 1-3 years Warm crocheted sundress for 1-3 years: diagram Warm sundress knitted: braids, garter stitch

Knitted warm sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 4-6 years old

Important: For warm knitted sundresses, a braided pattern is suitable. Braids are a classic that is always in fashion.

Sundress for girls 4-6 years old with a braided pattern

Knitted warm sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 7-10 years old

You can knit a sundress tunic. This option is very convenient. The tunic can be worn with jeans, tights, and leggings.

This jacquard model is knitted with voluminous braids.

Warm sundress-tunic for girls 7-10 years old

Knitted openwork sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 1-3 years old

Openwork sundresses just seem too complicated to make. In fact, you should carefully follow the scheme and everything will work out.

Openwork sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 1-3 years old

Openwork patterns can be large or small.

Below are diagrams of openwork patterns for knitting.

Openwork pattern with knitting needles: diagram 1 Openwork pattern with knitting needles: diagram 2

Openwork pattern with knitting needles: pattern 3

Knitted openwork sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 4-6 years old

Openwork sundresses crocheted and knitted for 4-6 years

Do not forget that knitted products require proper care:

  1. Hand wash preferred
  2. If you decide to wash the item in the washing machine, turn the item inside out and put it in the bag
  3. Machine wash should be on gentle cycle
  4. Unscrew the sundress carefully, it’s better to just gently wring it out
  5. Dry the knitted item on a horizontal surface
  6. Do not dry on the radiator

With proper care, the item will last a long time and retain its appearance. And vice versa - if you do not properly care for knitted items, they will quickly lose their shape and appearance.

Knitted openwork sundresses crocheted and knitted for girls 7-10 years old

The openwork crocheted sundress is made of white cotton yarn.

Openwork white crochet sundress

Below are options for openwork crochet patterns. The symbols are standard - double crochet and single crochet, connecting loops, air loops.

Openwork crochet pattern: diagram 1

Openwork crochet pattern: diagram 2

Openwork crochet pattern: pattern 3

Knitted items are unique and beautiful. You can use ready-made ideas or come up with your own model from several ideas.

Video: Knitted sundresses for girls

Features of crocheting and knitting children's sundresses for girls from 6 months to 5 years.

There is no more feminine clothing for the representative fair half of humanity than a dress. And how beautiful sundresses are on little girls. They evoke tenderness, admiration, and a smile.

Many young mothers, with the arrival of their daughter, feel the desire to do needlework and dress their baby like a doll.

Each of us can master the technique of knitting and crocheting without reference to talents or past experience.

Today we’ll talk in more detail about the nuances of knitting and crocheting sundresses for girls from 6 months to 5 years.

How to knit a summer sundress for a 2-3 year old girl with knitting needles: instructions for dummies, diagram with description, patterns

To perform such a request, proceed like this:

  • Decide on the model of your future sundress.
    Find it on the pages of a needlework magazine, a specialized website, or spy on it from your friends.
  • Choose the right yarn.
    The thinner it is, the lighter the product and the more openwork it is. For summer models, buy thread containing at least 50% natural fiber - linen, cotton, viscose.
  • Be careful when selecting knitting needles. Their thickness should not differ greatly from the diameter of the yarn thread.
  • Draw a diagram of a sundress with the designation of parameters in centimeters.
  • Perform control samples of knitting with all kinds of patterns. Add value in loops to the sundress scheme.
  • Decide on the direction of knitting - bottom up, or top down, or a combination.
  • The main part is knitting all the details of the sundress and connecting them together.
  • Wash the finished sundress by hand and spread it on the table until completely dry.

Let's add several patterns describing how to knit summer sundresses for girls 2-3 years old.

And for example, a number of interesting patterns.

How to knit a beautiful summer sundress for a girl 6 months - 1 year old with crochet and knitting: diagram with description, patterns

For babies up to one year old, knit summer sundresses with an extension at the neck that closes with buttons/hooks/snaps.

Another point is to make the product moderately wide so that the child does not get entangled in the hem. The optimal length is just below the knees.

Summer models are characterized by the presence of:

  • flounces, ruffles
  • voluminous knitted flowers
  • accents with yarn of a different color

Let's add a few descriptions of crocheting and knitting...

And also various interesting patterns for a light summer sundress for a baby up to one year old.

How to knit a beautiful summer sundress for a 4-5 year old girl with crochet and knitting: diagram with description, patterns

It seems that the summer models of children's sundresses are all beautiful. Especially if you knitted this beauty with your own hands for your grown daughter/granddaughter/niece.

Using the hook do:

  • simple openwork mesh
  • fantasy floral motifs
  • a combination of patterns with a large number of yarn overs and smooth fabric

And knitting needles will help you diversify the hem of your sundress or its part from the chest line:

  • zigzag
  • floral and foliage inserts
  • openwork vertical stripes

Plus add some imagination to the style of your future sundress:

  • ruffles and flounces
  • thin high straps
  • bold combination of yarn colors

Below we add several ready-made patterns with a description of how to make a sundress for a 4-5 year old girl using crochet and knitting.

photo and crochet pattern for a summer openwork sundress for a 4-5 year old girl, example 1

diagram and description of knitting a summer sundress for a 4-5 year old girl, example 1

And also photos of a number of interesting patterns.

How to knit a beautiful openwork sundress for a 2-3 year old girl: diagram with description, patterns

Often at this age a girl already begins to go to kindergarten. This means that the question of what to dress a child in is relevant for mothers.

For summer, the ideal option is a knitted sundress. It is convenient to put on and take off not only for an adult, but also for the owner of the product.

In addition, the design of openwork beauty can be in different styles:

  • everyday
  • festive
  • creative

Feel free to add:

  • embroidery
  • satin ribbon under the bust
  • small openwork on the hem
  • wavy patterns
  • combination of 2-5 different colors of yarn

It is worth noting that the greatest advantage of such sundresses is that you do not need to sew on the lining. That is, the baby will be comfortable on hot days.

We insert a number of diagrams and job descriptions.

And several patterns for creating unique sundresses.

How to knit a beautiful openwork sundress for a girl 6 months - 1 year old with crochet and knitting: diagram with description, patterns

Openwork sundresses for babies up to one year old play more of an aesthetic role.
If you like to crochet, then even for the most delicate sundress there will be no need for a lining. Since under the sundress you will definitely wear a bodysuit or a T-shirt / T-shirt.

Decorate openwork products:

  • patterns made in other colors of yarn
  • frilly

Avoid straight silhouettes. Then it will be more convenient for you and the baby to put on and take off the associated beauty.

We add some examples and descriptions of knitting.

And also patterns for inspiration.

How to knit a beautiful openwork sundress for a 4-5 year old girl with crochet and knitting: diagram with description, patterns

An openwork crocheted or knitted children's sundress is beautiful due to the lightness of the yarn. When it contains a natural ingredient - linen, cotton.

Therefore, even when choosing a model made of wool, you can easily turn it into a summer one by replacing the yarn.

Try to maintain a balance between the smooth fabric of the yoke and the openwork hem.

On particularly hot days, your grown-up baby will be happy to wear the beach sundress that you carefully prepared for her for a trip to the sea.

Below are several examples of sundresses for girls under 5 years old from magazines and online publications.

photo and description of crocheting a sundress for a 4-5 year old girl, example 2

And a photo series of current patterns:

How to knit a warm sundress for a 2-3 year old girl with knitting needles: instructions for dummies, diagram with description

A sundress differs from all other things in that it consists of:

  • straps
  • narrow yoke
  • long hem

The shape of children's sundresses is often knitted by handicraft mothers:

  • straight fabric
  • trapezoid
  • the sun, or flare

To create warm models, proceed as follows:

  • buy the right yarn - ideally with a wool component, but not 100%
  • choose the width of the knitting needles to match the thickness of the yarn and patterns
  • draw a diagram of the product after taking measurements
  • indicate in detail all measurements and results after measuring control samples of related patterns
  • refer to the sketch and model while working on the sundress
  • Before wearing for the first time, wash and dry the finished product

Below are several ready-made diagrams with a detailed description of the work on the sundress:

description of knitting and crocheting a children's sundress for a 2-3 year old girl, example 2

How to knit a beautiful warm sundress for a girl 6 months - 1 year old with crochet and knitting: diagram with description

Babies under one year old also love to dress up in sundresses. Especially those that their mothers/grandmothers knitted for them.

Try to choose light patterns, without an excessive number of braids and bumps. Then the sundress will be as light and comfortable to wear as possible. The best options are a combination of front and back loops.

Consider the neck area and the height of the straps so that the sundress fits well on the baby and does not cause her discomfort.

We add a number of ready-made descriptions for inspiration.

cheerful warm sundress for a girl up to a year, made with knitting needles, description 3

How to knit a beautiful warm sundress for a 4-5 year old girl with crochet and knitting: diagram with description

Preschool girls will love your creative designs in the form of warm sundresses. Moreover, both braids and volumetric patterns will be in place on such products.

Consider the tips for knitting sundresses for girls 4-5 years old from the sections above.

Several ready-made descriptions.

knitted warm sundress for a 4-5 year old girl, description 2

So, we examined in detail the nuances of crocheting and knitting children's sundresses. We took into account the advice of wise craftswomen and were inspired by studying ready-made descriptions and patterns of patterns.

Summer is in full swing, but a needlewoman always has the opportunity to carve out an hour to create another masterpiece for her beloved daughter/granddaughter.

Even loops for you!

Video: how to knit a baby sundress with knitting needles?

Translated by honey25 from Osinka.

Description of work:

Back (upper part)

Row 1: for 2 years; first side of shoulder

With crochet 2 dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-2 times, 2 in. p., dc up column, turn. (12st)

Row 1: for 3 years; first side of shoulder

Using crochet 5, dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. n, double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, 2c. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-2 times, 2 in. p., dc up column, turn. (13st)

In front of the first row is the right side of the shoulder.

Row 1: for 4 years; first side of shoulder

Using crochet 5, dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. n., double crochet stitch at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-3 times. (14st)

In front of the first row is the right side of the shoulder.

Row 2: for all sizes, 2in. p. 2 pdc in each st. row, turn (25pstsn) (27; 29)

Rows: 3 (3-5; 3-5): 2in. p, 2 pdc in each st. row, turn

Rows: 4 (6; 6): (2in. p, psts) in the first st., psts in each st. row, turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): 2c. p., pstsn in each st. row with 2 dc in the last st. turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33dc) (35; 37) in the last row. At the end of the row, break the thread.

Rows: 1-3 (1-5, 1-5): for the second side of the shoulder. Repeat rows as in the first part.

Rows: 4 (6; 6): 2c. p, pstsn., in each st. row with 2 dc in the last st. turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): (2ch, dc) in first st, dc in every st. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33dc) (35; 37) in the last row. Do not break the thread at the end of the row!

Row 12 (14; 14): 2c. p., pstsn., in each st. row; For the neckline, dial 22 (23; 25) in. P; continue hdc into each stitch of the first side of the shoulder, turn 66 hdc, 22 in. p (70pstsn, 23v.p; 74pstsn, 25v.p)

Rows: 13 (15; 15): 2c. p, pstsn in each column and each. V. p. row, turn (88 pdc) (93; 99)

Rows: 14 (16; 16): 2c. p, pstsn in each st. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

The note! pstsn from 2 stitches - (yo, insert the hook into the next loop, yo, pull the thread through 2 loops) 2 times, yo, pull the thread through all the loops on the hook.

Rows: 15 (17; 17): 1c. p, pstsn in next. Art. (count as pstsn from 2 columns) first pstsn in each st. row to the last 2 columns, pstsn from 2 columns (see Note!) turn 86, (91; 97) pstsn

Rows: 16-19 (18-21; 18-21): Repeat rows 14 and 15 (16 and 17; 16 and 17) until you get 82, (87; 93) dc in last row.

Row: 22 for size 4; 2c. p., pdc in each stitch of the row.

Row: 23 for size 4; 1st century p., pstsn in next. p., pstsn. into each stitch of the row. (92)

Rows: 20-22 (22-24; 24-26): for all sizes: 2in. n, pstsn in each loop of the row, turn.

32 arcs from 3c, p., 17 arcs from 1c. p, (34 arcs from 3v, p., 18 arcs from 1v. p; 36 arcs from 3v, p., 19 arcs from 1v. p,)

Rows: 24 (26; 28): skip an arc from 1c. p., 5v. p., (dc in the next arc of 3 in. p., 3 in. p., sc in the next arc of 3 in. p., 4 in. p.) until the last 4 sts., sc in the 3 arc of 4 in. n, turn. 33 arcs., (35 arcs; 37 arcs)

Rows: 25 (27; 29): 5c. p. in next arc, shell (dc, vp, dc, vp, dc, 2vp, sc in next arc) to the end, turn. 17 shells and 33 arcs, (18 shells and 35 arcs, 19 shells and 37 arcs).

Row 28 (30, 32) skip shell, 5c. p., sc in next. arc, (3 in. p., sc in the next arc, 5 in. p, sc in the next arc), to the end, turn.

Row 29 (31, 33) 5c. p., sc in next. arc, (2 chain stitches, shell in the next arc, 2 chain stitches, sc in the next arc), to the end, turn.

Row 30-32 (32-34, 34-36)), repeat rows 26-28, (28-30, 30-32)

Row 33 (35, 37) 5c. p., (dc in the next arc, 2 in. p., shell in the next arc, 2 in. p.), until the last arc,

(dc, 3in. p., dc) in the last arc, turn. 34 arcs, (36 arcs, 38 arcs)

Row: 34 (36; 38): 5c. p., sc in next. arc, 3v. p, (dc in the next arc, 5 in. p., skip the next shell, sc in the next arc, 3 in. p.) to the last arc, (dc, 3 in. p., dc) in the last arc, turn. 35, (37; 39)

Row: 35 (37; 39): 5c. p., skip next. arc, shell in the trail. arc, 2v. p, (dc in the next arc, 2 in. p., shell in the next arc, 2 in. p.) to the last arc, turn dc in the last arc. 34 arcs and 17 shells, (36 arcs and 18 shells; 38 arcs and 19 shells).

Row: 36 (38; 40): 5c. p., sc in next. arc, 5v. n, skip next. shell, (dc in the next arc, 3in. p, sc in the next arc, 5v.p., skip the next shell,) to the last arc, (dc, 3in.p., dc) in the last arc. Break and fasten the thread.

Knitted sundress size: 28-30 (height 99-104 cm).

You will need: 80 g of yarn “Yarn Art JEANS” (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 160 m/50 g) orange; 80 g melange ribbon yarn “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir” (100% acrylic, 20 m / 50 g) yellow-red-orange shades; 100 g of yellow cotton yarn; hook number 3.

Basic patterns: rows of st/n; “loin mesh” according to scheme 1; openwork elements according to schemes 3 and 4.

Performance. The main yarn in the product is “Yarn Art JEANS” orange yarn.

The product consists of several parts: a lower part (skirt) and an upper part of the front and back.

Bottom piece: use the main yarn to cast on a chain of 136 sts. p., close it into a ring and knit evenly, distributing the loops as follows: 40 p. cx. 1 (side); 26 st/n (before); 40 p. on cx. 1 (side part) and 30 st/n (back). Finish the work at a height of 19 cm from the inlaid edge. Tie the top of the product - 2 p. st/n, bottom of the product – 1 r. st/n.

Top detail.

Back (make a pattern for the part in full size): use yellow cotton yarn to knit the element according to cx. 4, lay it out on the pattern. Fill the space around the element with the main yarn in rows of st/n according to cx. 2.

Before: use yellow yarn to knit the element according to cx. 3.

1. Tie the upper part of the front with the 1st row. Art. b/n, hem it to the bottom part. On the left shoulder, perform 7 “loops” – *st. b/n, arch from 3rd century. p.* (from * to * repeat 7 times).

1. Hem the upper part of the back.

2. Sew the right shoulder seam.

3. Connect the front and back under the armholes with chains of c. P.

4. Using the main yarn, knit two lacings - chains of c. items 80 cm and 50 cm long (decorate the ends of the lacing with elements according to diagram 5, decorating them with ribbon yarn - see photo) and thread the long one into the transition row between the lower and upper parts of the product, lace the short one to the left shoulder seam.

5. Hem ruffles on the side parts of the lower part using “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir” ribbon yarn, gathering the ribbon to form a ruffle (see photo). Hem the same yarn along the front neckline.

The best clothes for little fashionistas in summer are tops and dresses. For this reason, it always makes sense for mothers to crochet a sundress for a girl. This outfit will be a real holiday and will undoubtedly delight the little one. Also, the child will stand out from the rest in an original and unique way.

Features of the pattern

Before you start crocheting a summer sundress for a girl, you need to understand the features of its cut. The simplest option is a straight stocking with straps. This is a kind of elongated top. It is perfect for little ones. For bigger girls there is another simple option.

We knit the upper part straight, like the previous version, but at the waist line we switch to knitting in the round, like a napkin. This cut allows you to get a full skirt. The more stitches you add on each row, the more pleats you will get.

Thus, a sundress for a girl, crocheted, will become not only practical clothing, but also a completely formal outfit. Provided that if you choose the right pattern and type of thread, such clothes will turn into a real work of art. The main thing here is not to be afraid to experiment.

Simple white sundress

A beautiful, elegant and simple crochet sundress for a girl will be knitted by any beginner. To do this, you need to know the size of the child and be able to knit a pair of dense and openwork patterns, not necessarily of increased complexity. The blouse or dress that the girl is currently wearing will help determine the size.

We collect a chain of air loops, which will be twice the width of the selected measurement. True, there is one nuance here - during the knitting process, the width of the product will increase slightly. This point must be taken into account so that the sarafan does not turn out to be too loose.

After this, we connect the ends of the chain and knit several rows in a circle in a tight pattern. The easiest option is double crochets or without. The width of the knitted part depends on the desire of the knitter herself. But don't make it too narrow.

When the main fabric is ready, we tie the straps at the top on which the sundress is worn.

Sundress in a column

But it is not necessary to crochet sundresses for girls, the patterns of which require a lot of experience and certain skills. You can create a product that will both wear well and look great. There is no need to be an ace in crocheting. An example of this would be a sundress made exclusively using stitches and crochets.

Its highlight is not in the pattern, but in the simple and practical cut. It is knitted from the top, according to the raglan principle. To form the correct sleeves, we knit two loops into one arch on the raglan lines. When the armholes are ready, we connect them and knit further to the waistline or a little higher.

In this particular product, the craftswoman changed the tone of the working thread to emphasize the moment where the skirt begins, and therefore the smooth expansion of the working fabric. This crocheted sundress for girls is made with a wrap, but it can also be knitted in the round, fastening the wide neck with a button at the front or back.

Openwork skirt

We knit the upper part of the product with any acceptable pattern. At the same time, it is important that it is in harmony with what will be on its lower part. Pineapples and other plant patterns absolutely do not fit this description. It is better to choose something simple and discreet, so that the skirt is the accent of the product.

The first row will be transitional and is knitted on the basis of the last one at the top of the sundress. The dots indicate air loops or loops of the previous row. Vertical sticks are columns. The number of horizontal lines on them indicates how many yarn overs are needed for the pattern.

The most difficult part of this pattern for beginners will be the common top of two or three columns. It is knitted like this: we make the required number of yarn overs, knit a stitch, but leave the last loop on the hook so that it looks like there are two of them. After this, we yarn over again and knit the next stitch. The last loop is also left in it, and there are already three of them. When the number of stitches required for joining is ready, knit all the loops on the hook together.

Summer pineapples

Now let’s look at crocheted sundresses for girls, the patterns of which contain the popular “pineapples”. We also knit the upper part with a random pattern. Please note that it should not be very openwork and fluffy in order to draw all the attention to the skirt.

According to this pattern, we start knitting not from the waist, but from the armhole. Therefore, in the upper part the pattern practically does not expand. The entire skirt will also not be too wide.

The pattern of this pattern is a little simpler than the previous one. It also has columns with several crochets and a common top. The only difference is that the knitted elements end up forming the famous “pineapple” pattern. Its popularity has not changed over the years. Craftswomen are looking for ways to improve it and make it more elegant and unusual.

Playing with color

Here's a great way to use color to highlight different parts of a piece. As mentioned earlier, the upper part, from which the sundress (crocheted) for a girl begins, is made with pink fans. This is one of the variations of the pattern in which its elements are knitted one above the other and have different sizes. It turns out that the top of the sundress consists of columns of wide and narrow fans.

The lower part of the sundress appears to be one of the pineapple variants. This is a fairly wide variation of it, which results in the well-known circle skirt. It has a light silhouette and beautiful folds.

But not only two colors can be used. In children's sundresses there is a huge field for space and possibilities for playing with shades. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Correct threads

Once you have decided on the model and pattern, you need to purchase the appropriate yarn. There are several nuances to consider here. Firstly, a sundress for a girl is crocheted for the summer. This means that it must be pleasant to the body. It is better to give preference to cotton threads, which are highly breathable and absorb moisture. Their disadvantage is that they quickly lose their shape.

Secondly, you need to add a little synthetic to natural threads. Here you decide for yourself: either it will be a small artificial thread, or ready-made yarn with the addition of synthetics.

Thirdly, the colors should not fade, since the thread is in direct contact with the body, and poor quality dyes can cause an allergic reaction when interacting with sweat.

A few words about tools

It is quite obvious what the main tool is for knitting - crochet. A sundress for a girl for the summer requires a special approach to choosing the tool with which it will be tied. And all because children's products should be light and airy.

And most importantly: when knitting children's clothing, never sit down to work in a bad mood. Children need to be given only joy and care, and not convey our poor health, which is woven together with the threads.

Summer sundress. Yarn - Vita Coco, hooks No. 1.5, 1.75, 2.0. The expansion of the canvas was achieved by changing hooks

Competition entry No. 21 – Children’s dress – sundress ().

Good afternoon. I decided to take part in your competition again. My name is Marina. I have been crocheting for 4 years. I present to your attention several of my works:
Children's dress - sundress. I knitted it for my daughter’s matinee. Yarn - Alize Bella Batik, hook No. 2.

Competition entry No. 10 – Knitted sundress for a girl (Burova Elena)

Hello! I decided to take part in the competition.

The sundress was knitted with "Pekhorka Cotton Natural" yarn, 100% cotton 425m/100g, color light lilac No. 178. Crochet number 3.0.

I only made the size a little smaller - at the base of the bodice there are not 11, but 10 floral motifs, then in the 2nd row there are 4 motifs on the back and front.

Competition entry No. 67 – Sundress for a girl “Flight of the Butterfly” (Anastasia Vereshchagina)

Hi all! I am a young mother of two wonderful boys. But I don’t stop at knitting just for boys, I constantly try to create something new. Since childhood I dreamed of being a designer, and the dream almost came true. The idea to create such a cute sundress came after I knitted a butterfly and thought for a long time about where to put it, and this is what happened in the end.

I divided the dress into 5 parts, it seems to me that it will be more convenient to understand how it works, and the order of knitting itself. So,

Competition entry No. 46 – Dress – sundress “Mint Freshness” (Demina Natalya) ()

Story about myself: I, Dyomina Natalya Vladimirovna, work as a technology teacher at a technical school, leading a knitting group “Golden Hands”. And my history of knitting began in elementary school in a circle, first they knitted napkins, then products, and somehow everything came to naught. I haven’t knitted for many years, but life made its own adjustments and I had to pick up a crochet hook again. I knit a lot now - napkins, tablecloths, shawls, skirts, sundresses, tunics, blouses, etc., both for myself and to order.

A bright sundress made of cotton yarn can be complemented with a beautiful headband with daisies.

Size: for 5-6 years

You will need: yarn “Iris” (100% cotton, 125 m/20 g) - 130 g yellow, white remains, hook No. 2.

Start knitting from the bottom. Make a chain of air. p., equal to the waist circumference + 3 cm for a loose fit. Close the chain in a circle and knit according to the pattern to the required length (in this model -35 cm). Break the thread and fasten it.

A bright sundress for a little baby is crocheted from cotton yarn.

AGE: 3-6 months

MATERIALS 100 g of mercerized yarn (100% cotton) pink, 30 g of white yarn and 3 pink buttons, hook number 2.

TYPES OF HINGES V. p., art. b/n, art. s/n, conn. Art. Fantasy pattern: according to the scheme.

KNITTING DENSITY 10 cm = 22 tbsp. s/n.

A beautiful, bright sundress simply charges you with its positivity. In this outfit you will not go unnoticed.

It's time to announce the winners!!! As I thought, the choice would be very difficult, both for adult models and for children.

So, let's meet our winners.

Among children's models:

First place (prize 1000 rubles + winner’s diploma) -

Second place (prize 500 rubles + winner’s diploma)

And now adult models, here everything turned out to be more complicated and we decided to deviate a little from the conditions and choose 3 jobs at once!

First place (prize 1000 rubles) -

And one more work (with the same number of points)

Second place (prize 500 rubles) -

Congratulations to all the winners!!! We wish you new creative success, inspiration and only easy loops!!!

Thank you very much to all participants for participating and supporting our competitions, in the near future you will all receive diplomas for participation and we are waiting for you in our new competitions, very soon!!!

Competition entry No. 53 – Yellow sundress for a girl

Hello. My name is Polina Vasilchenko. This is what I managed to knit before my little one was one year old.

I knitted a yellow sundress for my little princess. Satin lining. The ties on the shoulders and the belt are woven in the form of braids.