Crafts from shells and paper. Crafts from shells with your own hands: where and how to use shells brought from the sea. Shell craft - original candlestick

The long-awaited summer has arrived. And many have already packed their suitcases and bought tickets to the warm sea. And on the way back, almost everyone has a bag of shells in their suitcases ... I so want to keep these memories longer ...

The shells themselves are very different. In the rivers, mostly simple flat oval shells-mussels are found. They can also be found in the Baltic Sea. A much greater abundance of shapes and sizes can be found in the southern seas. Donaxes, cardiums, zebrils and many other mollusks live in shells of the most bizarre shape. These can be spiral shells, spindle-shaped or heart-shaped shells, and many other shapes.

Crafts from seashells begin with their collection. The child can handle it too. The collected shells should be washed with running water and dried. After that, for crafts from shells, they must be examined and sorted. Examining each shell, trying them on one by one, images of future crafts will be born in your head.

Ask for help sorting your child. With those who are younger, you can consolidate the knowledge of the concepts of "more-less". And older children are able to offer their own options for crafts.

The next step will be directly making the shell craft itself. Joint creativity with a child is better to start with simple things. It is best to start with a snail or turtle. If the child has never seen or does not remember these animals, then it is better to prepare a high-quality photo or drawing of the selected animal in advance.
For crafts from shells, we recommend that you use plasticine. This material allows you to fasten the shells together well, and it is also quite easy to sculpt the missing details of the animal image from it.

The right stand will help you create a complete image or a whole composition. When making crafts from shells in the form of animals, it is better to use natural coasters. Such bases can be a flat stone for a turtle, a thick branch for a snail, etc. Try to make the stand for crafts made of shells contrast with the animal, otherwise your craft will be lost against the background of the stand. If you want to save memory, then it is better to make a thematic inscription on the stand. The kid will be happy to give such a craft made of shells with an inscription to his godfathers or grandmother for the New Year or other holiday.

In general, choose an idea and create!



Frames for photo or embroidery:

Little things for the interior:

With crafts made from sea stones or all kinds of shells, you can decorate not only your house, but also the area adjacent to it. Of these, even children can create a huge number of toys and various things.

What you need to create crafts: tools and materials

Any stones that are collected on the sea or river bank are suitable for making souvenirs.

Pebble can be any:

  • to size;
  • smooth, like gloss, or rough;
  • plain or painted with veins or inclusions;
  • transparent or translucent.

They create panels from it, decorate frames for paintings or photographs, decorate a variety of containers, sometimes even large surfaces, create all kinds of characters, pave garden paths. They go well with other natural materials. They decorate the interior of the premises or the garden plot.

For especially valuable shells, you even have to dive to the depths. They are collected in the summer, however, on overseas beaches this can be done at any time of the year, and only empty. Some people buy them in souvenir shops. And although many unusual shells are found on the shore of a lake or river, it is sea shells that are recognized as the most attractive and suitable for crafts.

They will look great on all kinds of frames, you can create panels and paintings from them - real masterpieces.

Glue, paints and other materials for creativity

Sea stones and shells are not the only things that will be required in the process of working on crafts. Usually, the farm will find a lot of what you need, and if something is missing, you can always buy it.

What you need:

  • plasticine ordinary and hardening, which is distinguished by the ability to harden after some time in the air;
  • clay;
  • paints - gouache, watercolor or acrylic;
  • glue;
  • nail polish (sometimes acrylic);
  • salty dough:
  1. Take flour and salt in a glass, mix with half a glass of water and a tablespoon of starch or PVA glue. Glue is used when you need to sculpt thin figures.
  2. For storage, the dough is removed in a bag and in the refrigerator, no more than a month. Later, it is enough to paint it with gouache, watercolor or food coloring to give the product the desired color, varnish it, dry it in the oven and remove it completely cooled down.
  • gypsum;
  • any sand;
  • shards of glass;
  • flexible soft wire;
  • scraps of fabric, leather, suede, fur, yarn or thread;
  • cardboard (you can plywood);
  • beads, beads, buttons;
  • glass or ceramic containers.

Crafts from sea stones and shells with a similar set of very valuable things in the house will not be difficult to make.


For work, you will also need some tools:

  • pencil;
  • awl;
  • brushes;
  • various stacks;
  • round-nose pliers for working with wire;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • sandpaper.

Workplace and safety

The workspace must be properly organized.

You need to cover the desktop with an old oilcloth or newspapers. The workplace should be provided with a source of light. A work robe or apron will help keep your clothes clean. An old T-shirt is enough for a child. In summer and in the fresh air, you can work, sitting on the veranda or balcony.

You will have to use a portable box to fit the necessary materials and tools.

Safety precautions should be given special attention, especially if children are involved in the process of work:

Job Precautionary measures
With a drill Goggles or eye protection, gloves (not for children)
With salt dough Electric or gas oven (only under adult supervision)
With varnish Do not keep the container open for a long time. You can pour some varnish into a plastic cup and close it again. The room must be well ventilated. After work, the brush should be washed in a solvent
Working with 10% hydrochloric acid solution Work with acid using an old toothbrush and wearing gloves to protect your hands. Eyes should be protected

Preparing shells and stones

It is enough to rinse the pebbles with boiling water, and it is ready to go. You have to work hard with shells.

The first thing is cleaning:

  • It is enough to soak “dead” shells for half an hour in a chlorine-containing agent diluted with an equal part of water;
  • too dirty shells are soaked longer, then they are brushed, rinsed in water;
  • "Alive", in which the remains of mollusks are present, because of which they emit a disgusting smell, it is necessary to clean especially diligently. Boiling for 5 min. will allow you to easily remove the remains of mollusks with tongs or nail scissors, after which the shells should be treated with an agent containing chlorine.

Some crafts require drilling a hole. The main thing is that cracks do not appear on the shell, or it does not exfoliate at the point of drilling. It is recommended to pre-glue the shell with masking tape, put it on a flat surface and put a mark on the inside.

A hole in it can be made in two ways:

  1. Manual. If there is no screwdriver or drill, then there is a nail and a hammer. A nail is carefully placed on the mark and tapped with a hammer until the initial hole is formed. Expand it to the desired diameter, making translational movements inside the hole with the same nail.
  2. automated(drill or screwdriver). You will need a drill with a diameter not exceeding 0.8 - 2 mm. If the hole is drilled using tape, the shell will not be damaged.

How to remove chips and cracks on sinks and stones?

Treated sinks should be carefully inspected to make sure that they do not have any chips or cracks. Finding perfect shells without such damage is quite difficult.

To polish the surface of the shells, you can use:

  • sandpaper;
  • bar;
  • disk.

Lacquer coating will hide even cracks invisible to the eye and give the material a shine.

Master Class

Crafts from sea stones and shells are not the only things you can do with your own hands. From these materials, interior items and elements of landscape design are created. You can involve children and all household members in this business.

DIY sea shell frame

Materials required:

  • shells, pearls, starfish, or figurines of skates;
  • waste paper;
  • epoxy glue (if necessary);
  • scotch;
  • glue gun.

Crafts from sea stones and shells can decorate any, even the most uncomplicated, interior

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. The mirror should be covered with paper, use tape to secure it.
  2. By size, you need to disassemble the shells.
  3. Stick in the first row closest to the mirror, even shells from among small or medium ones.
  4. Now you can glue large ones, filling the voids between them with smaller shells.

When epoxy is used, the frame must dry first.

Panel of shells and sea stones

Materials required:

  • shells;
  • leg-split;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun.

Video selection of pano from stones and seashells:

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Draw the shape of the future panel on cardboard.
  2. Cut out the base from cardboard.
  3. Make two holes.
  4. Glue the shells on a cardboard base closer to each other, leave the holes for the loop open.
  5. Thread the two ends of the rope of the desired length from the inside into the holes. Double knots will not allow the loop to slip out of the holes.

In a product with sea shells, pebbles can be interspersed.

Shell painting

Materials required:

  • shells;
  • template or stencil drawing on paper;
  • canvas on a stretcher;
  • acrylic paint and brush (if necessary);
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. You should create a background on the canvas using the paint of the desired color.
  2. Wait for complete drying.
  3. Fix the template on the canvas with masking tape.
  4. Trace the outlines of the drawing with a pencil.
  5. Glue the shells one by one, trying not to go beyond the borders of the picture.

Sea shell candlestick

Materials required:

  • large shells;
  • candles in molds;
  • pot;
  • water;
  • PVA glue (you can use 2-sided tape).

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. It is necessary to remove the candle so that the wick, container and the candle itself are separate.
  2. Glue the wick in the center of the shell.
  3. Melt paraffin in a water bath in molds until it turns into a liquid.
  4. Carefully pour paraffin into shells.

The paraffin will harden completely after 20 minutes.

Candlestick made of bivalve shells

Materials required:

  • flat shells;
  • plate as a base;
  • glue gun;
  • beads, figurines of a marine theme.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. You need to sort the shells by size.
  2. Glue one layer of shells to the base - the largest.
  3. Glue new tiers on top of the lower one, one after the other (it is recommended to overlap the shells).
  4. Close all free gaps with decorative elements.
  5. Coat the finished product with a colorless varnish (you can use white paint).

Wind music from sea shells

There should be a ring at the base, but this is not required. Forms may vary.

Materials required:

  • shells, starfish, beads, corals, pieces of glass;
  • jute twine or any other thread;
  • wire for beads;
  • willow branches;
  • crochet hook;
  • knitting threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun (you can use a drill with a small drill, nail scissors or a needle).

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Willow branches must be boiled for 2 hours, then cool and remove the bark from them.
  2. Form a ring from the branches, braiding some branches with others (the branches must be wet), align it and leave to dry overnight.
  3. From transparent nail polish and wire, prepare flowers.
  4. Tie the shells (let them be openwork).
  5. Prepare several beads by stringing each on a wire and securing.
  6. Cut 8 ropes of 120 cm.
  7. Attach the details to the string: some just tie, some stick, and tie it to the base ring, leaving a hanging end. Do the same with the rest of the ropes.
  8. Collect the free ends in a bundle and tie it with a separate thread. If the ropes are loaded with parts unevenly, it is difficult to achieve balance. And this is necessary for the correct manufacture of crafts. So, when distributing beads, fragments, stars and shells along the rope, you will have to keep an eye on balance.
  9. From the resulting start, tie a pigtail up to 10 cm long and form a loop out of it. Wrap one of the threads around the base, and cut the rest.

Willow branches can be replaced with hoops and wrapped with twine.

Shell ship

The basis of the sailboat will be a large rapana shell.

Materials required:

  • shells of different sizes;
  • stone as a stand;
  • wooden skewers;
  • threads (preferably with Lurex);
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. It is necessary to depict the ship schematically on paper (it is recommended to indicate the order of the shells in numbers).
  2. Fold the future sails of a sailboat from shells: there should be 2 masts, one lower than the other, in which there are 4 and 5 shells.
  3. The first larger shell must be glued to the skewer, it is recommended to apply glue in 2 places: at the top and on the side. Each next sink should be smaller than the previous one (or, conversely, all of the same size).
  4. Next, you need to make a nose for the boat - glue the skewer along the rapana.
  5. Glue the finished masts perpendicularly to the large shell, then the side sails.
  6. Apply a drop of glue to the end of the skewer and wrap the edge with thread.
  7. First, stretch the thread to the mast, wrap it around, lower it down and glue it with the shell. Then again lift the thread up and wrap one mast, transfer to another and repeat the steps. After the thread is glued to the rapana, the excess can be cut off.
  8. The ship must be fixed on the stone with glue - it must stand firmly on the stand.

A child will be happy to take part in the construction of such a ship.

shell flower

Materials required:

  • shells;
  • wire;
  • frame;
  • velvet fabric;
  • beads and beads;
  • glue;
  • clothespins.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. You need to make some flowers. For one, you will need to connect 3 shells of the same size with transparent glue. Flowers can be of different colors and sizes.
  2. Lacquer finished products, decorating in the middle of each of them with a large bead or beads.
  3. Glue the fabric to the frame.
  4. From the wire, you should build a semblance of a stem and leaves and attach it to the fabric.
  5. In any order, strengthen the buds along the wire.
  6. Wait until completely dry and cover with glass.

Applications for children

Crafts from sea stones and shells are best done with children. You can create applications on a variety of topics, for example, the underwater kingdom.

Materials required:

  • shells, pebbles, feathers and dry moss;
  • corrugated paper in blue and brown;
  • wooden frame;
  • plasticine;
  • salt dyed yellow;
  • PVA glue.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. The paper needs to be fixed on the frame, it will become the background - blue water and brown seabed.
  2. Glue dry blades of grass - algae.
  3. For a crab figurine, pick up shells: 1 larger - torso, 4 smaller - paws, 2 very small - eyes.
  4. Transfer the crab to the paper, carefully gluing each shell.
  5. Make up a few fish (shells instead of a body, a feather tail and plasticine eyes), and “float” in the picture.
  6. Add dry moss.
  7. Glue shells to the bottom.
  8. Lubricate the free areas of the bottom with glue and cover with salt, painted with gouache.
  9. Decorate the wooden frame with a variety of shells.


If you managed to find a large stone, smooth and flat, on the seashore, you can decorate it using the napkin technique. It is called "decoupage".

Materials required:

  • white water-based paint;
  • napkins in 3 layers with a bright large pattern;
  • PVA glue.
  • acrylic paints.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. It is necessary to paint the stone with water-based paint.
  2. Separate all layers of the napkin and cut out the pattern from the first.
  3. Saturate the picture with glue (it is recommended to start from the middle) and carefully glue it to the stone so that wrinkles do not form.
  4. Wait for complete drying.
  5. Perform drawing with acrylic paints, painting, if necessary, add sparkles, rhinestones, and other additional decorations.
  6. Varnish the surface.
  7. Dry 2 days.
  8. Varnish on the other side.

In total, up to 3 layers of varnish are required. You can decorate a flower pot with a finished product or simply leave it on a coffee table.

Decorations for landscape compositions

The pebble fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, and therefore it is quite widely used in landscape design of various stylistic trends. For a creative person, this is just a godsend. A garden path made of sea stones will turn out to be quite strong.

Materials required:

  • pebbles of different sizes;
  • stone chips;
  • sand;
  • concrete mixture;
  • level;
  • plywood (can be replaced with a film or tarpaulin);
  • water;
  • hose;
  • hammer (wood or rubber);
  • hard brush.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the soil layer, install curbs along the edges of the path.
  2. Lay polyethylene on the ground.
  3. Pour a layer of sand, and rubble on top of it.
  4. Prepare a solution: 4 parts of sand and 1 of cement, fill it with an embankment.
  5. Lay the pebbles, after wetting it.

Advice! The solution dries too quickly, so it is better to lay out the track in small areas.

  1. Tamp down the pebbles with a rubber mallet once the small area has been paved.
  2. Fill the space between the stones with a more liquid solution.
  3. After 3 hours, sprinkle water along the path and cover with a film.
  4. After a while, sprinkle with water again, but do not cover with a film anymore, wait for it to dry.

About ornament

Patterned paths look spectacular. First, you need to disassemble the stones by size, shape and color, then make a sketch of the ornament and its template, and lay the latter on the mortar. Pebbles look great whether laid flat or edgewise.

The path is the classic and most common option for decorating the site.

Make a backlight and it, created from a light stone, will become “moon”, and from a colored stone it will become contrasting. However, this is not the only design technique. Pebbles will help hide uneven terrain or not particularly attractive objects on the site.

It could be:

  • high flower bed, steps or alpine slide;
  • garden sculptures - no restrictions for creativity;
  • fencing.

Crafts from sea stones and shells that you can make with your own hands are a source of countless ideas for creativity. Sea pebbles are easy to turn into marine life. The child can even manage on his own. The main thing is to tell him how, with the help of a brush and paints, you can make fish of various colors.

And then it will not be difficult to find a use for them:

  • put in an aquarium
  • make a mosaic on the plot;
  • just play with them in the water.

You can collect a whole town of fabulous houses on the playground or, armed with a glue gun, transfer the pebbles to the panel, using as a base:

  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • even a wooden fence.

You can lay out a flower bed in the form of a mosaic of stone flowers. Pebbles will make an excellent portrait of a friend. You can make several stone men and even lay out a whole scene from life. The child will rejoice, turning ordinary pebbles into funny animals.

You can not limit yourself to miniature crafts. From this material, you can create something more significant, such as a dry stream, a mosaic carpet by the house or pool. Having a cowrie shell and turning to a needlework store for accessories, you can make a boho-style bracelet.

If you do crafts with children, they will be happy to paint sea stones and glue shells. Such a joint pastime is sure to bring family members even closer.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

A useful video clip about crafts from sea stones and shells

Video of a master class on making a rug from sea pebbles:

A traveler lives in each of us, and in order to prolong the pleasant sensations from the happy days spent on vacation at sea, every time we bring small reminders to stuffy cities - beautiful pebbles and seashells. And if everything is prosaic with the former, their place in glass vases or aquariums with fish, with the second there is where to roam fantasies. Let's breathe new life into sea shells!

Everything needs order

First, let's clean up. Even if there are no foreign particles and remains of mollusks left on the surface, shells should be soaked in a chlorine-containing solution. Any bleach or detergent with chlorine will do.

Advice! If the pollution is not strong, half an hour is enough, a long time and additional cleaning with a brush will be required to remove the dark plaque.

To get rid of live clams and their relatively fresh parts, the shells must be placed in boiling water and the excess removed with tongs. There is another way - warm them up for 30 seconds and clean them of the remains in the same way. If the first half minute does not work, repeat the process until all particles have been removed. Next, the material must be disinfected by rinsing in a solution with chlorine.

If there are chips

Finding cracks or chips, they must be sanded. For this, ordinary sandpaper or a sanding bar is suitable.

Advice! To give a more beautiful appearance to the sink, you can cover it with a transparent nail polish or furniture, or grate with oil / fat cream. If you chose the second method, when gluing the contact points, you must first degrease with alcohol.

Drilling holes

If we conceived necklaces, bracelets, "dream catchers" and other crafts that require stringing, we drill holes in advance.
You can do this in two ways:

  1. Drill or - put the shell on a wooden board and glue it with tape. We take the thinnest drill and make a hole right on top of the adhesive tape, this will not allow the material to crumble.
  2. With a nail and a hammer - we paste over the sink with adhesive tape (paper masking tape), draw a mark on the depressed side, attach a nail with a tip and lightly hit the hat with a hammer several times to mark a hole. Then gradually expand it with the same nail or awl to the desired diameter.

Advice! The structure of the shell is fragile, therefore, in order to avoid splitting, you need to remember a simple rule: the thinner the material, the thinner the drill or nail should be.

From simple to complex

Working with shells is not difficult, but requires a careful attitude. Let's go from the simplest to the more complex options for crafts. Bracelets and beads can do everything! Let's take a look at more interesting ideas.


The usual ones will sparkle with other colors, if you decorate them with sea shells.

Creating crafts from shells will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Beautiful, embossed shells, differing in shape and size, mentally return to the warm, bright summer on the sea coast. We propose to make a Master class presented in this article.

Preparatory stage

It seems that nature created shells precisely in order to make all kinds of decorations out of them. And being on a seaside vacation, in the resort souvenir shops, we can observe a huge number of beautiful handicrafts. But why buy when you can make your own? We will tell you how to make a Master class worth studying after preparing the raw materials for creativity:

  • Wash.
  • To get rid of the smell of shellfish, boil the shells in salt water.
  • Go over sharp corners with sandpaper.
  • Shine the shells with baby oil or nail polish.

How to glue seashells

Those who already have experience with shells will find it much easier. Beginners will have to learn the correct gluing technology. Only after that you can do crafts from shells with your own hands. The master class will appeal to everyone.

The shell is glued in several ways:

  1. With the help of Glue, it is good that it is transparent, but if it is overheated, it may turn yellow. Be extremely careful when gluing small parts, the glue in the gun is very hot and you can burn yourself.
  2. Using This method is good for beginners. Silicone dries for a long time and if you want to replace a part, you can easily do it.
  3. With the help of superglue "Moment".

If you need to make a hole in the shell, then use a thin drill. You need to drill over the protective film. Wrap the shell with tape and drill through. This is how you prevent a split.

Varieties of crafts from seashells

There are a lot of options. From shells you can create boxes, souvenirs, paintings, candlesticks, figurines, photo frames and much more. It is better to make crafts from shells with your own hands, the master class is presented step by step below. This way you will avoid a lot of mistakes.

A decorative vase is considered an easy craft. Such beauty will decorate your interior. It is necessary to pour sand into the container, you can use colored sand. Next place shells and starfish. A beautiful gift will be a photo frame decorated with such material. It is very easy to make such crafts from shells with your own hands. A master class for beginners is presented below.

Crafts from shells for kids

An exciting activity for children is the creation of animals from shells. To simplify the task, use not glue, but plasticine, besides, it is much safer. Let's take a look at some of the crafts you can do with your kids.


You will need a spirally twisted shell. From plasticine, make all the small details of the body parts of the snail, the shell will serve instead of the shell. Attach the parts to the shell - and the toy snail is ready. Using the same technology, you can make a turtle. Choose a shell for the shell, and mold all the other details from plasticine. Connect the parts and get a turtle.

Shell flowers

With a baby, you can do other crafts from shells with your own hands. The master class (flowers, crab and a glass) is described below. Step by step you can create real masterpieces.

Take thick colored cardboard. Make a ball out of plasticine and stick it to the cardboard. The shells will serve as petals for the flower, and the plastic mass will become the core. Attach the shells to the plasticine in a circle. If the shells are of different shapes, then the finished application will look much more interesting. Now the flower needs to make a stalk. Roll up the sausage and glue it to the cardboard. So you can create a whole flower meadow. To make the application brighter, ready-made flowers can be painted with paints.

Using the same method with a child, you can create a picture with the seabed. Draw the underwater world, and with the help of shells and plasticine, create the inhabitants of the oceans.

Craft from shells "sea crab"

Let's make our own shells. The master class (animals, crabs and turtles) is painted in great detail. You can use the finished product for a variety of purposes. For example, decorate your interior or give to friends as a souvenir. The size of the crab depends on what shells you have available.

You need to take:

  • Double shell.
  • Cone shells.
  • Paint.
  • Glue.
  • Red knitting threads.

Cover the shells with paint, preferably in two layers, then the color will be brighter. It is better to use acrylic. Let the shells dry. Draw eyes with a marker.

The paws are made from knitting threads. Cut 12 ropes of the same length and glue them on the inside of the shell.

Glue cone-like shells to the front segments. They will become claws.

The crab is ready! By creating more of them, you can decorate the whole house with them. This animal will become a wonderful talisman or amulet.

original photo frame

Buy a cheap photo frame and stock up on seashells.

We will decorate the frame according to the frame. Place the shells at your discretion, the main thing is that the overall picture is in harmony. Such crafts made from shells with your own hands will be a wonderful gift. The master class will help you create an unforgettable piece of furniture.

The location of the shells must be remembered, as they will have to be removed in order to lubricate the frame with glue. If desired, you can decorate the sea shells with paints. Insert your favorite photo from a seaside vacation into the finished frame.

sea ​​garland

For a garland, take shells, thread and a needle. Now we will create bright crafts from shells with our own hands. The master class describes each stage in detail. Difficulties should not arise.

To create a garland for your home, follow the technology:

  1. In each shell you need to make a hole to stretch the thread. Holes are made from the inside of the shells with a needle.
  2. You determine the distance between the shells yourself.
  3. Such a garland can decorate curtains or walls. And if you decorate the sea shells, the garland will perfectly fit into the interior of the children's room.

Try creating another vertical garland. It will brighten up any holiday. To create it, take:

  • Christmas garland.
  • Scotch.
  • Glue.

No complicated items need to be used, and the result will fill your home with a festive atmosphere. The execution technique is quite simple. Apply glue to the light bulb and attach the shell. This should be done with every light bulb. After complete drying, place the product on the wall, securing with adhesive tape. Can be plugged into an outlet. The garland looks amazing.

Pencil cup

With the help of shells, you can transform any thing. Even the oldest uninteresting box can sparkle with new colors. And all you need to do is just glue the item with sea shells. As you can see, it is very easy to make these crafts from shells with your own hands. The master class (a photo of each product is attached) describes in detail the stages of production. You will not notice how time flies behind this creative process.

After decorating the box, place large shells of various shapes on the lid. Complete them with beads and open them with mother-of-pearl paint. You can use nail polish.

And to add brightness to the life of a child, give him a small gift. Cover the pencil cup with a variety of shells and decorate them with paints. Your child will love this present. Especially if you invite your baby to take part in its creation.

Fantasize, and with the help of elementary things you can create a huge number of beautiful things. They will not only decorate the house, but also keep memories of summer holidays. They will be a wonderful gift for your relatives. You can save on sea souvenirs. Create and decorate your home with beautiful creations of nature. Such products will harmoniously take their place on the shelves. It is always nice to look at handmade souvenirs.