Material for parents in dow. Consultations for parents in preschool: a list of the most important topics. Psychological characteristics of babies

1. Hug, kiss the child more often, praise him. Do not assume that your child already knows that you love him.

2. Let your love for your child be expressed in words, tone of voice and looks that reflect your love.

3. It's not true that as children get older, their parents' hugs and kisses less and less. But! Respect the distance the child sets.

4. At least once a week, dedicate an evening to a task in which all family members can be engaged. Think and agree on what you would like to do together. Be ready to share their interests with the children.

5. If you have two children, give each of them the opportunity to individually spend some time with you.

6. Talk to your children about how to make your apartment more comfortable and welcoming for them and their friends. And take steps in that direction.

Dear parents!

You should know that not a single, even the most wonderful, kindergarten can do everything for your children.
Kindergarten is designed to help you, not replace you. Without your help and support it is simply impossible.

  • In the morning, when you bring the children to kindergarten, help the teacher to greet each child, ask how the kids spent the morning in front of the garden. Your baby will learn to be friendly, welcoming and considerate to other people.
  • If you have some time, do not rush to leave, linger in the group. We are very glad to see you!
  • Watch the children play. You will find out what needs children of this age have.
  • Read the materials on the information boards. You will find a lot of useful information on the upbringing and development of children, learn about our prospects and about the achievements of your child.
  • Share your ideas about organizing the lives of children in preschool. We are glad to cooperate with you!
  • Ask questions about issues that interest you. We will find a solution together with you.
  • Rejoice in your son and daughter.
  • Don't interrupt the child.
  • Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone.
  • Don't force your child to do something they're not ready for.
  • Listen to your child carefully without interrupting.
  • Do not force the child to do something if he is tired, upset.
  • Set clear and specific requirements for the child.
  • Don't say, "No, it's not red," rather say, "It's blue."
  • In a conversation with a child, name as many objects as possible, their signs, actions with them.
  • Do not arrange a lot of rules for the child: he will stop paying attention to them.
  • Be patient.
  • Don't insult the child.
  • Read to your child every day and discuss what you read.
  • Don't expect your child to understand all of your feelings.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions.
  • Don't expect your child to understand abstract reasoning and explanations.
  • Praise your child often.
  • You should not constantly correct the child, repeating every now and then: “Not so, redo it.”
  • Encourage play with other children.
  • Do not demand too much - it will take a long time before the child learns independence.
  • Buy educational games and toys.
  • Do not criticize the child.
  • Try to show interest in what he likes to do (collecting, painting, etc.)
  • Do not compare your child with any other children (brother or sister, neighbors, etc.)
  • Be interested in the life and activities of your child in kindergarten.
  • Do not forbid contact with other children.
  • Make sure that the child has new positive experiences that he could talk about.
  • Don't expect your child to understand all the rules of logic.
  • Love baby!
  • Don't betray the child!

Preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 129 of an open joint-stock company

"Russian Railways"

Approved by the head of the preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 129 JSC Russian Railways

I.V. Nagovitsina __________

___” ____________ 20___

"Interaction of the preschool with the family"

Complex of consultations

release 1

Compiled by: Gritsko S.A.

Educator 1 ml. gr.



Explanatory note

The quality of family education, the expansion of the educational opportunities of the family, the increase in the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children are the most important problems of modern pedagogical practice. It is these circumstances that dictate the need for a constant increase in the level of pedagogical competence of parents, the need and relevance of organizing various forms of education for them.

The joint activities of the family and the preschool educational institution make it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the mental and social development of pupils, to remove the child from the "difficult" group, to normalize the conditions for his development, to form the necessary psychotechnical skills of interaction between adults and children, to ensure social adaptation of preschoolers.

The goals of parental education in ECE are significant and varied. It is they who determine the special role of parents as the main allies in the ECE among other subjects of the educational process.

Interaction with parents is a very special kind of pedagogical activity that requires special psychological knowledge, tact, and tolerance. The education of parents is characterized by a certain sequence, gradual development of knowledge, stages, which determines the specifics of the forms of work of parental general education, the characteristics of the contingent of students, and the forms of classes.

The education of parents on the basis of a general educational institution is focused on the actual problems of life, the family and its interaction with the school.

It should be borne in mind that the greatest effect is achieved when training is combined with the solution of practical problems of raising children.

The selection of material for parent education programs is subject to several principles:

    parental education is based on the study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child's personality.

    the material selected for study should be accessible to parental perception, meet the interests of parents and age characteristics of the preschool children.

    consultations with parents should be consistent with educational goals.

One of the main principles of parental education is the principle of variability.


Creation of conditions for joint activities of teachers,pupilsand parents.

Acquisition of methodical, fiction literature on family education.

Updating information stands to help parents.

Strengthening the material and technical base through sponsorship and attraction of extrabudgetary fundsV.

Expected results: .

A variety of forms of interaction between preschool, family and society.

Involvement of parents in the educational process and leisure activities.

Psychological and pedagogical education of the family.

Prevention of negative family upbringing.

Formation of parents' interest in the personal development of the child.

Parent satisfaction:

1. the quality of the educational process;

2. psychological climate in the team;

3. conditions for the development of the child's personality.

Consultation #1

"Organization of direct educational activities (NOD)

in accordance with GEF DO".

Hdirectly educational activities implemented throughorganization of various types of children's activities (playing, motor, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, etc.)or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently, depending on the contingent of children, the level of development of the general educational program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems.

According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, the processes of upbringing and education do not directly develop the child by themselves, but only when they have activity forms and have the appropriate content.

The GEF contains an indication of what types of activities can be considered acceptable forms of practice for a preschool child:

At an early age (1 year - 3 years) - object activities and gameswith compound and dynamic toys;experimentation with materials and substances(sand, water, dough, etc.), communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household items-tools(spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.), perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, physical activity;

For preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - a range of activities such as games,including a role-playing game, a game with rules and other types of games, a communicative(communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive research(research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work(indoors and outdoors), constructionfrom different materials, including construction kits, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual (drawing, modeling, appliqué), musical(perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor(mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

The scheme for the development of any type of activity is as follows: first, it is carried out in a joint activity with an adult, then in a joint activity with peers and becomes amateur activity.

The essential signs of joint activities of adults and children are highlighted - the presence of a partner position of an adult and a partner form of organization(cooperation between an adult and children, the possibility of free accommodation, movement and communication of children).

An essential feature of the partner activity of an adult with children is its openness towards free independent activity of the preschoolers themselves. At the same time, the partner activity of an adult is open to design in accordance with their interests (children).

The teacher, based on the interests and play of children, offers them activities that stimulate their cognitive activity.

By providing children with direct contact with people, materials and real life experiences, the educator stimulates the child's intellectual development.

Thematic play centers give children the opportunity to independently choose materials and, accordingly, the field of knowledge. Various topics, large-scale tasks (projects) should also take into account the interests of children and can be associated with certain centers. The interior of the groupbe organized in such a way that children are provided with a sufficiently wide choice of centers and materials.

In a child-centered setting, children:

make a choice;

actively play;

use materials that can be found in more than one application;

all work together and take care of each other;

responsible for their actions.

There must be mutual respect between teachers and children. Respect is a necessary element in the community that is the kindergarten group. Educators set an example of mutual understanding, respect and care for each other, which they expect from children. The degree of respect that children feel from other people is a key factor in their development of self-esteem. And self-respect, in turn, lays a solid foundation for positive relationships with other children.

When educators show respect for each child in a group, children learn to accept all other children - those who run slowly, those who draw well, and even children with unusual or conflicting behavior.

When children see and feel that each of them is accepted and respected, they begin to feel comfortable and can behave freely and pursue their own interests.

Consultation #2

"Healthy child"

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have long established that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of health care and 50% - on lifestyle.

Against the backdrop of environmental troubles, an unprecedented increase in the diseases of civilization, you need to learn how to maintain and strengthen your health. In addition, we must remember that today there are practically no ideally healthy children. The constitution of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is the most important indicator that reflects the biological characteristics of the child, the socio-economic state of the country, the conditions for raising and educating children, their life in the family, the quality of the environment, the degree of development of medical care, maternal and child health services, and, ultimately, the attitude of the state to health problems.

According to Russian statistics, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 have functional health problems and only 10% of children come to school in perfect health. Therefore, the problem of health should be considered in a broad social aspect. From this position, the focus of work on the full physical development and health promotion of children should be, firstly, the family, including all its members and living conditions, and secondly, a preschool educational institution where the child spends most of his active time.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. The problem of improving the health of children is the purposeful work of the entire team of teachers and parents. Thus, the kindergarten today is the social structure that basically determines the level of children's health.

Physical culture and health work in kindergarten is a priority activity of the entire team, includes:

Creation of conditions to meet the biological needs of children in movement;

Implementation of health-saving technologies;

Ensuring the development and training of all systems and functions of the body through specially selected sets of exercises and games, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits;

Implementation of rational healthy nutrition for children;

Development and implementation of a system for hardening children;

Regular monitoring of children's health

This important multifaceted work can bring the greatest positive results only if there is close interaction with the family. It is impossible to assess the role of the family in preserving and strengthening the health of the child. The foundations of health are laid in preschool age and are a necessary factor in the prosperous life of any person. It is no coincidence that the great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vivacity of children.”

Hardening is the training of immunity with short-term cold stimuli.

At any time of the year, both an adult and a child need hardening procedures. In our kindergarten, they are conducted under the guidance of a nurse. Hardening air treatments and walking barefoot on massage mats.

It has been established that a person who regularly takes hardening procedures gets sick much less often, especially with colds, and also tolerates any disease more easily, recovers faster.

Thanks to hardening, not only the interaction of physiological systems is improved: respiration and blood circulation, but also the efficiency of the central nervous system, mental and physical development.

The positive effect of hardening children brought up in a family can only be achieved with strict adherence to the following rules:

    individual approach when choosing hardening procedures;

    gradual increase in the strength of irritation;

    systematic and gradual hardening.

Extensive washing is carried out with cool water. This type of hardening can be used from 3 years.

The child should open the tap, wet the right palm and hold it from the fingertips to the elbow of the left hand, say “one”, do the same with the left hand.

Wet both palms, put them on the back of the neck and hold them at the same time to the chin, saying "one".

Wet the right palm and make circular movements along the upper chest, say "one".

Wet both hands and wash your face.

Rinse, “wring out” hands, wipe dry.

Pouring feet. The child in the bathroom is alternately doused with water on his feet. Water temperature 38 - 28 - 36 degrees. You need to pour water with a bucket, starting from the knees. The water temperature is gradually reduced and brought to 26 - 18 - 36 degrees. The procedure always ends with warm water. Then the feet are rubbed well with a wet towel.

You can apply contrast baths.

In the bathroom, put two basins of water and invite the child to first stand in warm water, and then in cold, then again in warm. Water temperature 38 - 18 - 38 degrees. Rub your feet thoroughly with a towel.

Air quenching is carried out as follows.

In the cold season, prolonged ventilation is repeated 5-6 times a day, always before going to bed.(20 - 30 minutes); air baths(girdle or partial exposure of the skin)up to 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.

The duration of the walk should be 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on weather conditions.

Hardening procedures, in addition to increasing resistance to cold, improve the regulatory function of the brain. The predominance of excitation processes in the central nervous system is accompanied by increased expenditure of energy, rapid fatigue, which leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. Therefore, those children who spend their waking time mainly in outdoor games, are especially excited before going to bed and sleep poorly, hardening with exciting procedures is contraindicated. Only soothing procedures are useful, for example, rubbing, warm baths before bedtime.

When choosing hardening influences for a child, one should take into account his individual characteristics: state of health, physical and mental development.

Hardening of frequently ill children should be approached very carefully. But in no case should a weakened child be deprived of hardening at all, since it is for him, first of all, that it is necessary for health.

The positive effect of hardening is preserved only with constant repetition of procedures.

Ten Tips for Parents

Tip 1. If you have any questions about your child's health, you should contact your pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment or, if necessary, refer your child for examination to other medical specialists. In special cases, so that there is no delay in the start of treatment, when the first characteristic signs of diseases appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist in this field of medicine.

Tip 2. If you notice that your child in the circle of his peers is distinguished by awkward movements, poor speech, if he has fainting, dizziness, headaches, vomiting, he is motion sick in transport, it is necessary to consult the child with a neurologist.

Tip 3. Pay attention to the child's behavior: excessive mobility, hyperexcitability or, conversely, lethargy, fatigue, tearfulness, fears, disturbed sleep, obsessive movements - these are the most common symptoms of mental stress in the still weak nervous system of a preschool child. When these signs appear, be sure to show the child to a child psychiatrist.

Tip 4. Your child often asks again or does not always respond to the speech addressed to him, he has frequent sore throats, loss of voice, cough, constant runny nose, if the child sleeps with his mouth open, snores in his sleep, nasal when talking - consult your child with an ENT doctor(otolaryngologist).

Tip 5 If the child has poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders often occur.(constipation, loose stools), stomach ache (before meals, after meals), you should seek qualified help from a gastroenterologist.

Tip 6 Seeking the advice of an allergist is necessary in cases where a child has a reaction in the preschool period(rash, swelling, difficulty breathing, sudden runny nose, sneezing)on some food, smells, pollen of flowers, medicines, vaccinations.

Tip 7 . Inflammation of the skin on different parts of the body(usually on arms and legs), accompanied by redness, itching, peeling, exudation - perhaps these are signs of chronic dermatitis or eczema, which a dermatologist will help to cure. A dermatologist should be consulted for any visible changes in the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.

Tip 8 If you notice that the child narrows his eyelids when looking at distant objects, or leans low over a sheet of an album or book, sits close to the TV screen if it is from afar(from a distance of 5 meters)does not distinguish small(up to 1 cm in diameter)items, you need to check your child's visual acuity - contact an optometrist(ophthalmologist).

Tip 9. Constantly pay attention to the posture of the child: when walking, he stoops, he has one shoulder lower than the other, the shoulder blades protrude strongly with a straight back; sitting on a chair, he noticeably bends in one direction or another, often tries to change his position, leans low(almost lays down on the table)while drawing, etc. - an examination of the condition of the spine should be carried out by an orthopedic specialist.

Tip 10. Do not forget about the need for mandatory preventive examinations of your child by the following specialists: endocrinologist(prevention of thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, growth disorders), surgeon (detection of congenital anomalies), dentist (identification and treatment of caries), cardiologist (diagnosis of disorders of the heart and blood vessels), speech therapist (speech and sound perception disorders)

Consultation #3

"Hyperactive children, how to help them?"


(English hyperactive child syndrome; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (S. D. V. G.), hyperdynamic syndrome. Hyperactivity is manifested by inattention, distractibility, and impulsivity unusual for a normal child.Hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor parenting, but a medical and psychological diagnosis that can be made by specialists based on the results of special diagnostics and observation of the child.If a child is alive, mobile and restless, this does not always indicate his hyperactivity. It is quite normal if he cannot sit at a table for a long time, is restless at bedtime, is naughty in a toy store, and runs around without stopping after a long move. The main difference between an active child and a hyperactive one lies precisely in the fact that the latter will run around, move aimlessly, without dwelling for a long time on any, the most interesting subject, regardless of the situation, whether at home, at a party or at the doctor's office. Neither endless requests, nor persuasion, nor bribery will affect him. He does not have a self-control mechanism, unlike his peers, even the most spoiled ones. Hyperactivity is a disease that needs to be treated.The authors of the psychological dictionary refer to the external manifestations of hyperactivity inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, increased motor activity. Often hyperactivity is accompanied by problems in relationships with others, learning difficulties, low self-esteem. At the same time, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm. The first signs of hyperactivity are observed before the age of 7 years and are more common in boys than in girls.A characteristic feature of the mental activity of hyperactive children is cyclicity: they can work productively for 5-15 minutes. And then the brain rests for 3-7 minutes, accumulates energy for the next cycle. At the moment of adaptation, it is necessary to move, spin and constantly turn your head. To do this, in order to maintain concentration of attention, he applies an adaptive strategy: he activates the centers of balance with the help of motor activity.There are different opinions about the causes of hyperactivity: these can be genetic factors, features of the structure and functioning of the brain, birth injuries, infectious diseases suffered by a child in the first months of life. The presence of hyperactivity is determined by a specialist - a doctor after a special diagnosis. If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.External manifestations of hyperactivity may change with age. If in early childhood immaturity of motor and mental functions is noted, then in adolescence, violations of adaptive mechanisms appear, and this can cause delinquency and crime. Hyperactive children often develop cravings for alcohol and drugs. Hyperactivity is considered a pathology and is a serious social problem. By adolescence, increased motor activity in most cases disappears, but impulsivity and attention deficit persist.Hyperactivity in children contributes to difficulties in learning to read letters, counting. There is a delay in mental development for 1.5–2 years. Inner speech, which should control social behavior, is not sufficiently developed. They have weak psycho-emotional stability in case of failures, low self-esteem, stubbornness, deceit, irascibility, aggressiveness. Due to misunderstanding on the part of others, children develop an aggressive model of behavior that is beneficial for them, and therefore difficult to correct.DChildren with hyperactivity syndrome have rather high compensatory mechanisms. To enable them, you must complycertain conditions: providing emotionally neutral education without intellectual overload;observance of the daily routine and sufficient time for sleep;appropriate medical support;development of individual assistance to the child by a neurologist, psychologist, educators and parents.

How to identify a hyperactive child?The main manifestations of hyperactivity can be divided into 3 blocks: active attention deficit, motor disinhibition and impulsivity. American psychologists Baker and Alvord offer the following criteria for identifying hyperactivity in a child.

Criteria for hyperactivity:

Active Attention Deficit:
1. inconsistent;
2. cannot hold attention for a long time, cannot concentrate;
3. inattentive to details;
4. when performing a task, makes a large number of errors as a result of negligence;
5. does not listen well when spoken to;
6. takes on a task with great enthusiasm, but never finishes it;
7. has difficulty organizing;
8. avoids tasks that require a lot of mental effort;
9. easily distracted;
10. often changes activities;
11. often forgetful;
12. Loses things easily.

Motor disinhibition:
1. constantly fidgets;
2. shows signs of anxiety (drumming with fingers, moving around in a chair, fingering hair, clothes, etc.);
3. often makes sudden movements;
4. very talkative;
5. fast speech.

1. begins to answer without listening to the question;
2. not able to wait for his turn, often interferes, interrupts;
3. cannot wait for reward (if there is a pause between actions and reward);
4. when performing tasks, he behaves differently and shows very different results (in some classes the child is calm, in others he is not, but he is successful in some lessons, in others he is not);
5. sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

Rules of conduct for parents with a hyperactive child:
maintain a clear daily routine at home;
listen to what the child wants to say (otherwise he will not hear you);
automatically repeat your request many times with the same words (in a neutral tone);
distract the child in case of whims: offer a choice of another activity possible at the moment; ask an unexpected question react in a way that is unexpected for the child (joking, repeating his actions);
take a picture of the child or bring him to the mirror at the moment when he is naughty;
leave alone in the room (if it is safe for his health);
do not prohibit the child's action in a categorical manner;
do not read notations (the child still does not hear them);
not to order, but to ask (but not to curry favor);
do not insist that the child apologize at all costs.
Work with the child at the beginning of the day, not in the evening.
Divide work into short periods. Use physical exercises.
Reduce requirements for accuracy at the beginning of work.
Sit next to your child during class. Use tactile contact.
Negotiate with the child about certain actions in advance.
Encourage immediately, without postponing for the future.
Provide choice.
Keep calm. No composure - no advantage!

1. Do not let your child sit up in front of the TV. In some families, it is customary to leave a constantly working TV, even if no one is watching it at the moment, in this case the child's nervous system is greatly overloaded from the constant noise and light background. Try to turn off the TV in the room where the baby is.
2. Do not allow your child to play computer games.
3. A hyperactive child gets overexcited by large crowds. If possible, avoid crowded places (large shops, markets, theaters) - they have an excessively strong effect on the child's nervous system.
4. A hyperactive child should be sent to kindergarten as late as possible, when he has already learned to more or less control his behavior. And be sure to warn educators about its features.

How to play with such a child?
When choosing games, especially mobile games, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children: attention deficit, physical activity, impulsivity, fatigue, inability to obey group rules for a long time. In the game it is difficult to wait for your turn and take into account the interests of others. It is desirable to use games with clear rules that contribute to the development of attention.
"Find the difference." The child draws a simple picture (a cat, a house) and passes it to an adult, while he turns away. An adult draws a few details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in the drawing. Then the adult and the child change places.
"Affectionate Paws". 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, beads, cotton wool. Everything is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow; the parent explains that the “animal” will walk on the hand and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which "animal" touched the hand - to guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant. Variant of the game: the "beast" will touch the cheek, knee, palm.
"Chants-whispers-silences" 3 palm silhouettes: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red hand - a “chant”, you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow palm - "whisper" - you can quietly move and whisper; to the “silent” signal - a blue palm - the children should freeze in one place or lie on the floor and not move. The game should end with silence.
"An hour of silence and an hour is possible."
“Let's say hello”: 1 clap - we say hello to the hand, 2 clap - with shoulders, 3 clap - with backs.
"We catch mosquitoes."

Exercises aimed at developing arbitrariness and self-control:
"Princess Nesmeyana".

Exercises to reduce impulsivity and aggressiveness:
"Scream in the Desert".
"Two sheep".
"Chopping wood".

Exercises aimed at developing concentration of attention:
"Who is flying?"
"Alien knees".

Consultation No. 4

"Games and toys for children 2-3 years old"

The early age of a child is a very important period in the development of a person, when the foundation of his personality is laid. Parents need to know that at each period of a child's development, he can acquire "psychological values" that will be with him for the rest of his life. It should be emphasized that development is not only new acquisitions, but also the consolidation of previously achieved. And in this regard, the type of activity of the child at this age stage of personality formation is of particular importance. It is the type of activity that determines a new stage in the psychological development of the child. The leading type of activity and the basis for the formation of the personality of a child under 3 years old is an object game. Therefore, in kindergarten with children of this age, games are held, in which the assimilation of any material proceeds unnoticed by the kids, in practical activities. Object-playing activity is leading at an early age for a child. It has a special influence on its versatile development. Toys, matched by color, size, quantity, are an excellent means of developing the personality of young children. The main task of an adult is to use such toys to draw the child's attention to the various properties of objects, to teach him to perform tasks for selecting them according to similarity and difference. Practical actions with a didactic toy reflect the visual-effective nature of thinking inherent in the early period of childhood. Therefore, didactic toys not only enrich the sensory experience of kids, but also teach them to think. In such practical actions as connecting, disconnecting, stringing objects, mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization develop ... Didactic toys develop fine motor skills in children, make them want to experiment, perform various constructive actions. Games with objects put the child in front of the need to remember and reproduce the methods of action that were shown to adults, i.e. develop memory and imagination. Thus, the sensory experience of children is the basis of cognitive development. Therefore, for a child under 3 years of age, toys are essential: - for stringing objects of various shapes with a through hole (various pyramids, etc.); - for pushing objects of various shapes into the corresponding holes; - for rolling; - figurative with fastening and sticky elements (buttons, laces, buttons, Velcro, zipper); - different sizes, shapes, colors for comparing objects, laying out figures that differ sharply in shape (ball, cube), etc. Thus, the game determines the further mental development of the child. Of particular importance in terms of raising a healthy and physically developed baby are outdoor games. From the moment of birth, the child strives to move. Children explore the world by crawling, climbing, running, etc. The use of outdoor games in everyday life creates conditions for the child to learn to control his body, his movements become beautiful and, most importantly, confident. An outdoor game is a source of joy, one of the best means of communication between an adult and a child. The inclusion of elements of folklore, the use of various characters stimulate children's imagination, contribute to the formation of speech and, ultimately, the formation of the child's personality. Help your child expand vocabulary and learn new speech structures, for which read and look at picture books with him, encouraging him to repeat what he has read or told. Be a good listener. Give the child time to finish what he wants to say. Try not to interrupt him, correcting the pronunciation and word order, because he himself by ear, in the end, will perceive the correct speech. Be sure to look at the child when he talks, showing that you are listening carefully and that his words are not indifferent to you. Thus, in any action with a child, the most important thing is friendly communication with him. An adult is required not only to give the child any knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to provide him with a sense of psychological security and trust. “Play it” (games with teachers) We, educators, would like to introduce you to the games that we use. Games and exercises that develop speech activity: - games that develop attention and auditory perception, for example: “Who will hear what? (screen; guess what object produced the sound: a tambourine, a bell, a drum, a hammer - play with your parents)”, “Recognize by sound (noises and sounds)”, “Who is attentive? (gives tasks, it is necessary: ​​to hear, understand and fulfill)”, “Do what I say”, “Where did you call?” and etc. - games that develop the strength of the voice and the pace of speech, for example: “Loudly - quietly (change the strength of the voice: a big dog loudly “Av-av”, a small puppy is quiet - play with their parents)”, “Do not wake the doll”, “Who screams like ”,“ The wind is blowing ”, etc. - games that develop speech breathing, for example: “Vodichka”, “Bubble (to play with parents)”, “Steam locomotive”, “Blow on a ball, spinner, horn”, etc. - games that form the correct sound pronunciation, for example: “Games - classes in onomatopoeia” (file cabinet), play with parents. Games that form motor activity: - games that develop hand movements - finger gymnastics, (file cabinet), play with parents. - games that develop coordination of movements, for example: “We stomp! (play with parents)”, “Hide and Seek”, “Quietly we will hit our hands”, “Step over the rope”, “Little legs ran along the path”, etc. - games that teach you how to run fast, for example: “Run to me!”, “Catch me”, “Walk and run”, “Faster - slower”, etc. - games that teach jumping, for example, "Sparrows", "Ball", "Jump up to the palm of your hand", "Jump on your toes", etc. - games that form crawling skills, for example: “The cat is sneaking”, “Obstacle track”, “Collecting balls”, etc. - games that develop a sense of balance, for example: “Swing”, “Walk along the ribbed path”, “Across the river”, etc. -ball games, for example: “Throwing balls”, “Who will hit”, “Run, catch”, “Ball in the goal”, “Catch, throw - don’t let fall! (play with parents)”, etc. - outdoor games, (file cabinet), play with parents. Educational games: - games with plot pictures, for example: “Who is doing what?”, “Who eats what”, “Airplanes”, “Like a heron”, etc. - games with a doll, for example: “We build a room for a doll”, “We dress a doll after sleep”, “a doll does exercises”, “Let's feed a doll with lunch”. - games that develop the perception of size, shape and color, for example: “Big and small”, “Which ball is bigger”, “What shape is it”, “Circle, square”, “Colorful beads”, etc.

Consultation No. 5

"Finger gymnastics for younger students"

In the oral speech of any nation, you can find short poems that are accompanied by finger movements, for example: "We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired."

It has been proven that subtle movements of the fingers have a positive effect on the development of children's speech. By the age of five, a child's speech should be fully formed.

What happens when a child does finger gymnastics?

Performing exercises and rhythmic finger movements leads to the excitation of speech centers in the cerebral cortex, which in turn stimulates the development of speech.

Finger gymnastics helps the child to concentrate his attention and distribute it correctly, teaches him to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increases the child's speech activity.

Performing exercises and accompanying them with short rhymes, the child improves his speech, its pace and rhythm. As a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers acquire strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the skill of writing.

Finger games create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult. The baby develops imagination and fantasy.

Make sure that the child correctly reproduces and holds the position of the hand and fingers and correctly switches from one movement to another. If necessary, help the baby or teach him to help himself with his other hand. Accurately observe the given rhythm.

Finger gymnastics is useful not only for children with a delay in the development of speech, but also for children whose speech development occurs in a timely manner.

At what age can you do finger exercises?

Some experts advise doing finger gymnastics from 6-7 months: this includes a massage of the hand and each finger, each of its phalanges. Kneading and stroking is carried out daily for 2-3 minutes. Already from the age of ten months, active exercises for the fingers are carried out, involving more fingers in movement.

But even at a later age, classes will be very useful and effective.

Exercises are selected taking into account age characteristics. So, kids can be given to roll wooden balls of various diameters with their fingers. All fingers must be involved in the movement. For this exercise, you can use a plasticine ball.

You can engage in construction from cubes, collect various pyramids, shift pencils from one pile to another.

At the age of six months, children are given more complex tasks: fastening buttons, tying and untying knots.

At an older age, poems are used, which are accompanied by movements of the hands.


    At first, all exercises are performed slowly.

    Exercises are practiced first with one hand, then with the other hand.

REMEMBER! Any exercise will be effective only with regular classes! Do no more than 5 minutes a day!

Consultation No. 6

"Development of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the first younger group!"

It is known that the strongest habits, both good and bad, are formed in childhood. That is why it is so important to educate a child in healthy habits from a very early age, to consolidate them so that they become habits. Cultural and hygienic education is the basis of a sanitary culture, a necessary condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in the future. Education in children the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, promotes proper behavior in everyday life, in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the knowledge and implementation of the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior by children. In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. But how they will do it depends on what the kids were laid from early childhood, first by their parents, and then by kindergarten teachers. And the brighter and more interesting the impressions of learning skills that are not easy for kids will be, the faster they will remember them, the more pleasant it will be to perform and improve them day by day. Very different kids come to the group. Some of them use the potty on their own, and some categorically refuse to be friends with him, some children eat with a spoon to the fullest, while others are accustomed only to a bottle or delve into their plate with great pleasure with their hands. Why is this happening? The child receives the very first ideas about cultural and hygienic skills in the family. Caring parents begin to accustom kids to accuracy and independence literally from the cradle. One of the first skills is the skill of careful eating. The kid should immediately be taught to actively participate in the process of eating. It is advisable to feed a child over one and a half years at the table. At this age, it is necessary to ensure that the child, sitting on a chair, rests his feet on the floor, and the height of the table would be at the level of his bent elbows. In addition, it is necessary to educate and consolidate other skills in children: make sure that they do not sit down at the table with dirty hands, do not leave the table with a piece of bread, use a handkerchief. When dressing and undressing, it is also necessary to give children the opportunity to act independently to some extent. The same requirements for hygiene rules and self-care skills in kindergarten and at home lead to better memorization and consolidation of good habits. In the 1st junior group, it is necessary to instill such useful habits as washing hands, observing the daily routine, using the potty independently, and the ability to properly hold a spoon. By the age of two, the baby can learn to wash and comb his hair, take off his hat or socks, wipe his mouth with a napkin after eating, and blow his nose into a handkerchief. At first glance, everything is very simple, but in fact for kids it is a whole science - the development and application of cultural and hygienic skills. The program "From Birth to School" defines and sets tasks for educating children in self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills. Performing these tasks every day, it is necessary to consolidate the ability: before eating, take a chair and sit at the dining table in the same place, hold the spoon correctly, drink carefully from a cup. Be sure to teach the kids at the end of the meal, getting up from the table, thank the adults. From the first day of the children's stay in the group, it is necessary to begin work on educating dressing (undressing) skills: to learn to take off and put on tights, socks, boots, a hat. It is also necessary not only to teach children to dress themselves, but also to be neat. Children always have a desire to unfasten buttons and zippers themselves, but there is no skill. You can teach them this in the evening during games: “Put on an apron for Matryoshka”, “Button up the buttons”, “Remove from the basket”. Game elements will also help to cope with buttons and "zippers". How soon the baby learns to dress and undress depends on the mobility of his fingers. This quality must be developed by playing with small objects from time to time with babies, such as counting sticks or drawing in an album. From the practice of the educator it is clear that it is very difficult to teach children how to wash themselves, how to use a towel correctly. Kids are not afraid of water, but they don’t know how to wash themselves: they put their hands under the stream and hold it. Preparation for washing must begin in a group: children roll up their sleeves, as the teacher shows, and explain why this is necessary, using poetic lines: “Hands must be washed cleanly, sleeves must not be wetted,” or “Whoever does not roll up the sleeve will not receive water ". Teaching children how to wash, you need to conduct didactic games: “Katya washes”, “Misha is visiting Masha”. The education of cultural and hygienic skills includes a wide range of tasks, and for their successful solution, a number of pedagogical techniques can be used, taking into account the age of children: direct teaching, puppet show, exercises in performing actions in the process of didactic games, systematic reminding children of the need to observe hygiene rules and gradually increasing the requirements for them.

Consultation No. 7

"Speech environment in the family and its impact on the development of the child"

Speech - one of the lines of development of the child. Thanks to the native language, the baby enters our world, gets ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms attitudes and beliefs, and also renders a great service in understanding the world in which we live.

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to man from birth. It takes time for the baby to start talking

Sometimes parents believe that their child's bad speech will correct itself and nothing needs to be done for this. Others believe that the development of speech requires a special restrictive environment, as in school, specially prepared, training sessions and postpone its development until the pre-preschool age. Still others think that if a child learns all the letters at the age of 2, learns to read and knows by heart the poems of K.I. Chukovsky, then their child’s speech will be correct, understandable and clear. Are there attentive parents who wonder why some children start talking later and others earlier? What needs to be done to ensure that the child's speech develops as early as possible?

Among the many components of success in life, clear and precise speech is not the last. Therefore, teaching a baby to speak correctly should start almost from the cradle.

The key to success is the speech environment in which he is from the moment of birth, has a great influence on the formation of his speech. The development of speech goes on constantly, throughout the day, and if it is full of events and impressions, then it doubly stimulates the child to communicate. The speech environment is not only communication with the child, but many factors that are brought together that positively or negatively affect the development of the child. The main role is played by the enriched or unenriched environment.

The physical, mental and intellectual education of a child begins in early childhood. All skills are acquired in the family, including the skill of correct speech. The speech of the child is formed on the example of the speech of relatives and people close to him: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older sisters and brothers. There is a deeply incorrect opinion that the sound-producing side of a child's speech develops independently, without special influence and help from adults, as if the child himself gradually masters the correct pronunciation.

In fact, non-interference in the process of formation of children's speech almost always entails a developmental lag. Speech deficiencies, entrenched in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years. A reasonable family always tries to influence the formation of children's speech, starting from the earliest years of life. It is very important that a child hears correct, distinct speech from an early age, on the example of which his own speech is formed.

Parents simply have to know how important adults' speech is for a child, and how exactly you need to talk with young children. Adults should speak correctly, without distorting words, clearly pronouncing each sound, not in a hurry, not “eating up” syllables and word endings.

It is completely inappropriate to "fake" a child's language, which often inhibits the development of speech. If adults do not follow their speech, then many words reach the child’s ear distortedly (“look” instead of “look”, “do not run” instead of “do not run”, “finally” instead of “in general”, etc.).

Especially clearly you need to pronounce unfamiliar, new to the child and long words. By addressing their son or daughter directly, parents should encourage them to respond, and they have the opportunity to listen carefully to your speech.

Parents should teach the baby to look directly at the speaker, then it is easier for him to adopt the articulation of adults.

Incorrect pronunciation is fixed as a result of the following reasons:

1) Incorrect speech of others. Some of the listed shortcomings encountered in it are supported in the speech of children.

2) Insufficient consideration by adults of the child's tendencies to assimilate the speech of others. They do not show in difficult cases how to articulate a given sound, do not correct the child, do not arouse his interest in pronunciation. Left to his own strength, he does not always successfully and in time overcome the difficulties of pronunciation.

3) Unbearable for the child speech load. Adults often encourage children to memorize speech material that is too extensive and difficult for them. Often, "zealous" parents force the elimination of age-related features of speech by persistent corrections and the requirement to speak correctly. As a result of overwork of the physiological mechanisms of speech, speech irregularities are even more fixed and even multiplied. In addition, the child loses interest in speech, in its correctness, since his energy for learning the language is tense as long as he sees what is necessary and necessary in front of him, and falls when he feels that something beyond his strength is required of him.

4) Unfavorable environment , among which the child lives during the period of development of his speech: constant noise, screams, fuss, deafening the child, tiring him and preventing him from clearly perceiving the speech of others.

Almost all personal qualities: tastes, habits, character, temperament are laid in a person in childhood. And speech plays a significant role in the formation of personality.

In early childhood, we can notice what kind of character a child is developing. Imagine a child with a speech impediment who does not attend kindergarten. He does not experience any feelings about this. Peers do not laugh at him, do not tease him. He is relaxed, talkative, willing to communicate. Exactly the same child attending kindergarten will be subjected to ridicule, offensive remarks, such children do not participate in concerts at children's matinees, educators do not allow them to perform. The child is offended, he does not feel equal among other children. Gradually, he will try, at an opportunity, to remain silent or answer in monosyllables, he will try not to take part in speech games. His character is formed closed, he will be a silent man, unsure of his abilities, and, becoming an adult, he will choose a profession that does not require frequent and intense communication with people. There is a high probability that a child will form an incorrect sound pronunciation when one of the parents, or a brother, or sister in the family has pronunciation defects.

Emotional communication between an adult and a child is the most important prerequisite for the formation of verbal (speech) forms of communication. For the full development of speech, both communication with adults and peers is necessary. It is important to monitor the speech of the child always and everywhere.


In order for the process of speech development to proceed in a timely and correct manner, certain conditions are necessary. In particular, the child must:

    Be mentally and somatically healthy;

    Have normal mental abilities;

    Have full hearing and vision;

    Have sufficient mental activity;

    Have a need for verbal communication;

    Have a complete speech environment.

If parents often communicate with the child, play with him, read fairy tales, learn poems, then usually the baby’s speech develops in a timely and correct manner.. To do this, parents are advised to follow a number of rules:

1. Do not try to speed up the course of the natural speech development of the child, do not overload him with speech activities;

2. When communicating with a child, always watch your speech;

3. Do not adjust to the babbling of your baby, talk to him slowly, clearly pronounce sounds and words;

4. Eliminate the shortcomings of the child's speech in a timely manner, but in no case laugh at him;

5. Do not leave children's questions unanswered, make sure your answer is clear to the child

So, a brilliant result in the speech development of a child can be achieved only if the coordinated actions of parents, educators and speech therapists (if there is such a specialist in kindergarten). To do this, it is necessary to establish interaction between the family and the kindergarten, which implies that all the people around the child (parents and teachers) act interconnectedly - they solve common tasks, coordinate their actions and observations

So, adults have a goal:
at an early age to provide a wealth of external impressions and experience to create and expand the base of the child's speech development; form conceptual and active speech;
at preschool age (3-7 years) to ensure the integrated development of all components of oral speech (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech);
at preschool age (4-7 years) to provide training for the assimilation of written forms of speech (reading and writing).
The achievement of this goal is ensured in the process of solving the main tasks of the speech development of children of early and preschool age, which are solved in the process of interaction between the family and the kindergarten.

All this makes it possible for the child to successfully master the program material when entering school.

When working with a child, parents should maintain a good, good mood, be patient and not get annoyed, not everything will work out the first time. Praise your child more often and rejoice with him every, even the most insignificant, success. Your positive attitude is the key to success.

Always remember - the well-being of the baby depends entirely on the parents!

Consultation No. 8

"If the child does not obey"

Often parents complain that no matter what the arguments, the children still do not obey. How to be? And is it punishable at all?

Of course, in cases where it is necessary, it is possible and necessary to punish. But it is important to remember that most often punishment does not achieve the main goal of pedagogical influence - the child's awareness of his act, remorse for what he did.

It follows from the fact that children are not born stubborn and self-willed, but become so in the process of improper upbringing, as a result of mistakes and adverse conditions for which parents are fully responsible.

If the punishment is not fair, it usually only embitters, insults or frightens the child. Therefore, one should not resort to punishment with passion, without considering its consequences and without understanding the reasons for the act.

Some use physical punishment. Physical punishment kills subtlety in children, corrupts morally, pushing them to lies and sycophancy, makes them soulless and heartless.

The child hates the one who beats, although he is powerless at the moment to express his feelings. But time will pass, and the cruelty of the father or mother will turn against them. By cruelly treating a child, one can grow out of him a person of an embittered, callous, deceitful coward and sycophant.

There are many effective measures to influence the child: persuasion, severe reprimand, deprivation for a certain time to play, to do interesting things.

One of the most effective means of an adult's influence on a child is love, affection and attention from those close to him. Children experience an organic need for affection and love. The brightest memories of childhood are associated with a feeling of happiness from the fact that someone loves you infinitely, takes care of you. And, perhaps, a child, and then an adult, is kept from personal reckless actions precisely by this bright memory, the fear of upsetting the person who brought him so much unique joy. The child should grow up joyful and cheerful.

Consultation No. 9

"How to dress a child in winter"

Previously, everything was simple - they put on a child “one layer more than themselves” and did not know any problems. However, other times have come, the materials for the production of winter children's clothing have changed. Now, if you stock up on modern overalls, you can dress your child much easier than yourself. An adult on the street is unlikely to run so much, climb a hill, wallow in the snow and perform a lot of body movements characteristic of walking children. Therefore, put on a child a thin blouse or turtleneck made of mixed fabric and tights with synthetics. If the temperature outside is below -5, put on another layer - fleece or wool with artificial fibers. Put on a hat with modern thermal insulation - thinsulate or isosoft, on your head, it is much warmer in them than in fur ones, and your head does not sweat. If a strong wind blows, we put a hood on our heads. Instead of getting wet woolen and uncomfortable fur mittens, we buy modern waterproof insulated leggings, which not only keep you warm, but also keep snow out of your sleeves. We choose shoes for winter that are loose, at least one size larger than the current one. This does not mean that you need to stuff two downy socks and one terry into it. That's how your feet freeze! There must be an air gap, which will provide warmth to your baby's legs. For mild frosts, membrane shoes with a moisture-wicking insole have proven themselves well. If it is very cold, wear felt boots or other shoes with very thick soles and a good layer of natural fur. The so-called "Arctic" shoes showed themselves perfectly. There are no natural materials in it, but there are high technologies that allow you not to freeze even at -40. What is absolutely impossible to do? It is too warm to dress the baby: he will inevitably sweat and immediately become cold, as a result of which he will get sick. Wear a hood over a woolen hat when the air temperature is above -10 and there is no wind: a greenhouse effect is created, the head quickly overheats, which means it freezes. Wrap the neck too much: the large blood vessels that lie in this area expand from the strong effect of heat, increasing the flow of blood to the head and, conversely, creating its outflow from the limbs. As a result, hands and feet become very cold. Covering your mouth with a handkerchief or scarf: the child breathes warm, moist air, which provokes a cold


1 . Artsishevskaya I.L. Working with hyperactive children in kindergarten. - M .: Book lover, 2011
2. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology / under re. V.V. Davydov. - M .: AST: Astrel: Lux, 2005
3. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for parents. Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. – M.: Speech, 2010
4. Shirokova G.A. Handbook of preschool psychologist. Ed. 6th. Rn/D: Phoenix, 2008
5. Psychological dictionary. 2nd ed. / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007
6. Working with parents: practical recommendations and advice on raising children 2–7 years old / ed. comp. E.V. Shitov. - V .: Teacher, 2009.

Consultations for parents held in the preschool educational institution are one of the forms of differentiated work with the family. This type of work allows the teacher to give qualified advice to the parent on the upbringing and development of the child. In this section, you can find interesting topics and options for conversations with parents, summaries of consultations, ways to design visual information material.



Advice for parents

"Features of the use of cognitive research activities in work with children of preschool age."

“What I hear, I forget.

What I see - I remember.

I understand what I'm doing."


The concept of modernization of Russian education states that a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructive thinking, who will be able to independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences. At preschool age, such an active position involves the self-development of the individual precisely in cognitive activity, during which the child enters into communication and interaction with peers, the formation of the worldview of the child takes place, and his personal growth is carried out. The development of a child's research abilities is one of the most important tasks of modern education. The knowledge gained as a result of one's own experiment, research search is much stronger and more reliable for the child than the information about the world that is obtained by reproductive means. The kid is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative, research activity will be,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological science. Science Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky.

In accordance with FGT, the child should be: inquisitive, active, interested in new things, unknown in the world around him, ask questions to an adult, love to experiment.

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: “The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play.”

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant at the present stage, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms stable cognitive interests through research activities on their basis. Is it possible to organize research activities with children of primary preschool age?

The content and methods of teaching preschoolers are aimed at developing attention, memory, creative imagination, developing the ability to compare, highlight the characteristic properties of objects, generalize them according to a certain attribute, and receive satisfaction from the solution found. When a child himself acts with objects, he learns the world around him better, therefore, priority in working with children should be given to practical teaching methods: experiments, projects, experiences.

Cognitive research activity originates in early childhood in the depths of object-manipulative activity, representing a simple, as if "purposeless" experimentation with things, during which perception is differentiated, the simplest categorization of objects by color, shape, purpose arises, sensory standards are mastered, simple gun actions. In the period of preschool childhood, "islands" of cognitive research activity accompany the game, productive activity, "weaving" into them in the form of indicative actions, testing the possibilities of any new material.

At preschool age, experimentation is the leading, and in the first three years - practically the only way to know the world, rooted in the manipulation of objects, as L.S. Vygotsky repeatedly spoke about.

Children are at the mercy of the external situation, their actions depend on the things around them. Therefore, materials for cognitive research activities should mainly be represented by objects for research in real action, bright and attractive, which arouse the interest of the child. These objects with specially selected, as if emphasized physical properties (color, shape, size) contain the possibility of mastering the external properties of things (in the process of simple grouping with an orientation towards one of the properties, pair correlation, etc.), as well as the possibility mastering actions with simple tools that mediate human activity. Actions with such objects are necessary for sensory development and the development of visual-effective thinking, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills development.

The placement of material for cognitive research activities should be mosaic, in several quiet places in the group room so that the children do not interfere with each other. Some of the objects for research in action can be permanently located on a special didactic table (or a pair of ordinary tables adapted for this purpose). The remaining objects for research and figurative-symbolic material are located in the field of vision of children immediately before the start of their free activity. It is advisable to divide all the material into several functionally equivalent sets and change them periodically during the year in order to arouse waves of children's interest in new or slightly "forgotten" materials.

Experimentation is carried out in all areas of children's activities: eating, studying, playing, walking, sleeping, washing. Special conditions are created in the developing environment, stimulating the enrichment of the development of research activities. In the course of experimentation, the child learns the object. In practical activities, it performs and performs a cognitive, orienting and research function, creating conditions in which the content of this object is revealed. Thanks to experiences, children experience great joy, surprise from their small and big discoveries, which cause children to feel satisfaction from the work done. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

By the senior preschool age, the possibilities of the initiative transforming activity of the child are noticeably increasing. This age period is important for the development of the child's cognitive needs, which finds expression in the form of search, research activities aimed at the "discovery" of the new, which develops productive forms of thinking. The main factor is the nature of the activity. As psychologists emphasize, it is not the abundance of knowledge that is of decisive importance for the development of the child, but the type of their assimilation, determined by the type of activity in which knowledge is acquired. There is no doubt that such joint activities and business communication develop the intelligence of children and the personality as a whole. Children have a desire to learn new things about the properties of things, to actively explore them.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time,

when the child hears, sees and does himself. This is what research is based on!


Children's experimentation.

Children's experimentation is one of the leading activities of a preschooler. Obviously, there is no more inquisitive researcher than a child. The little man is seized with a thirst for knowledge and exploration of a vast new world. The research activity of children can become one of the conditions for the development of children's curiosity, and ultimately the cognitive interests of the child. In kindergarten, a lot of attention is paid to children's experimentation. Research activities of children are organized, special problem situations are created, classes are held. The groups have created conditions for the development of children's cognitive activity: there are materials for experimentation in all activity centers and corners.

Simple experiments and experiments can be organized at home. This does not require much effort, only desire, a little imagination and, of course, some knowledge.

Any place in the apartment can be a place for experiment.

Advice: never dismiss your child's opinions on any issue you are discussing, even if his opinion seems naive to you. Everyone has the right to their point of view, even the wrong one. It is important to find the truth together with the child or to prove the opposite together.

Purpose of experimentation- to lead children up step by step in the knowledge of the world around them. The child will learn to determine the best way to solve the problems facing him and find answers to the questions that arise.

To do this, you must follow some rules:

  1. Install purpose of the experiment:Why are we experimenting?
  2. Choose materials: a list of everything needed for the experiment.
  3. Discuss the process: step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment.
  4. Summarize: a precise description of the expected result.
  5. Explain why? Words accessible to the child.


Advice for parents


Today, no one doubts the fact that the role of the family in the upbringing of the child occupies the main place. And it's not even about the social adaptation of the baby, although this is very important.

In one of Ch. Aitmatov's novels, the legend of a mankurt is mentioned - a man who was forcibly deprived of memory. This state, unconsciousness, the writer says, is worse than death, because the person belongs to the family, and the traditions of his people, the past of his ancestors nourish, saturate him with wisdom, support and inspire him in a difficult hour. Without this it is difficult, almost impossible to take place in life.

The family is the cradle from which a young person goes out into the big world. How he is raised by his relatives will largely depend on how other people will meet him, how quickly he will be able to adapt to new circumstances. And although preschool institutions and the school contribute to the development of young citizens, the role of the family in raising a child has been and remains the leading one.


The basis of family education is the mutual love of parents and children. Not a blind feeling that borders on "deification" and justification of all the actions of the baby, but a deep, understanding and forgiving love based on respect for the personality of a little person.

Children are a great happiness, the joy of parents. But in order for them to be proud of the success of the child in the future, they need to patiently and calmly, day after day, support in him all the best that nature has laid down, and help him work on himself, getting rid of selfishness, rudeness, lack of concentration.

Loving a child does not literally mean "living in his interests", because adults have their own lives. But it is important to understand what is dear to him, what he strives for, to support and encourage in moments of failure. And do not expect gratitude at the same time - parental feeling is disinterested.

Even if the child's actions seem to be a manifestation of terrible callousness and injustice, do not break down and do not blame him. Believe me, your grandchildren will avenge you. But seriously, you need to talk about all negative emotional manifestations only after calming down and not remembering all the insults “in bulk”.

“I love you, and it hurts me to hear your rudeness, because I know that my son (my daughter) does not take pleasure in insulting another person. Let's agree that the next time you want to get your way, you will give me three important reasons why dad and I should comply with your wish, and not start screaming and swearing. In turn, we will behave in the same way. And if we can’t help you, then together we’ll figure out what to do, okay? ”- saying this, you broadcast important information to the child: you are important to us, we hear you, we are ready to help you if it is really necessary.

Psychologists say that in 90% of cases in their own family a person behaves in the same way as his parents behaved with him.


When we talk about gender differences in people, we often rely on the role of the family in raising a child, because he observes the first correct (or incorrect?) model in the relationship of parents.

It is possible to declare deep truths, but not always be able to demonstrate following them by your own example. So, speaking about the need for respect for elders, parents can openly or “behind the eyes” scold their mother-in-law or mother-in-law in the presence of the baby, forgetting that they are the grandmothers of their child.

Being offended by their parents, not maintaining relations with them, condemning them, adults may think: “Well, I’m something else! I will never treat my child as unfairly as they did to me!” It seems natural to them that a child treats one of the grandmothers with contempt, accusing her of “offending mom (dad)”. They may even support these feelings in the child without thinking that in the future they will turn him against themselves and their "unpopular" decisions regarding him.

The relationship of spouses is a school of life for children, especially teenagers. It has been proven by numerous studies since the time of the old Freud that girls subconsciously seek a husband who looks like their father, and boys, a wife who looks like their mother. Even if one of the parents was not an exemplary family man, the child's preference is preserved. A daughter can choose a brawler and a rude man as her husband, and a son can choose a noisy, touchy woman who seeks to dominate everything.

Whatever the family, for the child it is a kind of "bar", the level according to which he will "measure" his life goals, plans, claims. Everything that family education gives him, he realizes in his own life. It is important that the personality of a small person develops in an environment of people who love and respect him. This is precisely the main role of the family in the upbringing of the child.


Advice for parents

"Soon to school!"

Psychologists note that the age factor is not always decisive. Just as not all apples ripen on one tree at the same time, so do our children - for some it is not too early to go to school even at 6 years old, and for some it is too early at 8 years old.

The fact that the child is physically already, so to speak, “ripe” can be seen from the outside: he takes out the opposite ear through the middle of the head with his hand, permanent teeth have appeared. But that is not all.

It is often believed that if you teach a preschooler to read, count, perform addition and subtraction, familiarize him with the phenomena of the world around him, he will study well, although he will be only 5 years old. And in the garden, they say, he is already bored. Such parents do not take into account that the baby at this age has insufficiently developed finger motor skills, which means that he will not be able to write normally, he has not yet fully formed the psychological qualities necessary for learning, and it is still difficult for him to work hard in the children's team, he gets tired quickly.

Why do children not always live up to their parents' expectations for good academic success?

Let's try to analyze, for example, such a moment: parents are delighted with the abilities and talents of their baby, they praise him. And the child begins to feel his superiority over others, so he no longer listens to the teacher too carefully, because he is sure that he himself knows everything and is ahead of his peers with his preparedness. Over time, less trained classmates begin to overtake such a know-it-all, and this infringes on his pride. He loses confidence in himself and begins to study worse. Then the parents, who did not expect such a turn, sigh ruefully: “Probably, it was too early for us to go to school.”

Attention! A child can be considered ready for learning when he knows how to listen and hear, answer the questions posed, and therefore perform tasks, single out subtasks in them - that is, perform certain mental operations.

Here, let's say, the children are offered the following task: “Look at the picture. Find living creatures on it and paint the flying ones. A child who is not used to listening, thinking about what was said, immediately begins to draw the whole picture, he took only the word “color”. And the one who knows how to listen carefully and thoughtfully treat the task will single out four subtasks for himself here:

1) consider the drawing;

2) find living beings;

3) choose flying;

4) color them.

After completing this task, a thoughtful student is able to substantiate, prove the correctness of what has been done.

It is very important that the child's attention is formed, of course, within the limits of age. Quite often, kids lack the ability to concentrate on a task for at least 3-5 minutes.

A first-grader should be able to navigate well in space. After all, if he does not have such concepts as “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”, problems may arise when working with a notebook. The child will not be able to perform tasks correctly, quickly respond to the teacher's commands, such as: "Three cells to the right, two cells up" and others.

A well-developed memory will help to study well, which can and should be trained by learning poems, inviting the child to memorize the order in which objects or drawings are placed, etc.

Developed speech is also important: the child must be able to retell the text, ask questions, make sentences or short stories.

Another important point: do you, dear parents, teach your children to fulfill your requests or instructions the first time?

The inability, or rather unwillingness, to fulfill the requests and demands of adults in the family goes to kindergarten, and from there to school. Children cannot dress properly, eat on time, do not have time for anything, because they are distracted all the time. Later, they are late for lessons, they do not know how to switch to the tasks of the teacher. Therefore, they often become the subject of ridicule from classmates.

Another very important factor is the culture of behavior. A child in whom it is formed knows how to behave in a team, communicate both with adults and with peers. This is very important, you should not assume that the child, they say, is still small, and everything will come by itself when he grows up.

Some parents surround their children with hyper-custody, try to do everything for them and expect the same from educators, and then from the teacher. We should remember the words from the parable that you cannot provide fish for life, you need to teach the child to fish on their own.

Such seemingly trifles as the ability to sit correctly at the table while writing, drawing, and properly holding a pen or pencil are essential. Parents generally ignore this. So the child gets used to sitting sideways, tucking his leg under him, holding the handle in his crooked fingers, and also tries to settle down at the desk. This spoils his posture, vision, and therefore, harms his health, prevents him from writing correctly.

It is not always possible to retrain a child. By the way, you should not teach children to write at home, because parents, in the end, very often themselves do not know how to hold a pen without tension, write letters correctly and connect them together. You have to re-teach at school, and as you know, it is easier to teach than to re-teach.

So, as you can see, for a child who goes to school, it is important not so much to have some specific knowledge, but to have a well-formed willingness and ability to learn, to perceive new things. Observe whether your son or daughter is actively interested in others, whether they know how to concentrate, whether they quickly and firmly memorize the material, whether their speech is well developed, whether their interests are diverse and how persistently they realize them, whether they are prone to creative work. Stimulate these manifestations and help them develop.

How to prepare your child for school:

Preparation should begin long before the birth of the child, trying to ensure that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

You must know the age norms and characteristics of your child, and set requirements and tasks according to age.

In no case do not criticize the child, do not underestimate his self-esteem.

Create a favorable climate in the family. Let your child feel that you love him more than usual.

Ask in advance about the components of the school maturity of the child and develop them in a timely manner.

Follow the mental development of the child. Create conditions for intelligence to develop without delay.

Read fairy tales and poems to your child. Learn songs, listen to music together. - Watch cartoons, children's films.

Praise for the first drawings, take them to museums, theaters, a circus, a zoo.

Purchase toys appropriate for the child's age.

Encourage communication with peers by any means. Cultivate the world of feelings, learn to manage emotions. Try to reduce your anxiety.

Monitor the state of health and engage in the rehabilitation of all identified deviations.

Find out if your child is ready for school.

How not to behave parents when the child is preparing for school:

Don't let your child get ready for school.

Do not take measures in relation to the immaturity identified in advance, the unformedness of any abilities.

Trying to enroll him in a class with in-depth study of mathematics or English, knowing full well that he will not be able to cope with the load in it.

Maintain low self-esteem and inferiority complexes in him.

To show that he is incapable both in the family and at school.

Not to be interested in the development, abilities of your child, and be indifferent to his future.

We wish you success in our common, so difficult, but at the same time joyful work!


Advice for parents

How to dress your child in winter?

Any mother knows a simple truth - for a child to be healthy, he needs to be in the fresh air more often. A daily walk, and preferably even two, should be planned, regardless of what the weather is like outside.

If it is too cold outside, you will most likely send the baby for a walk, without fail wrapping him in a hundred clothes. This is fundamentally wrong!

And one more important BUT: clothes for a child should not hinder his movements, should not interfere with games - otherwise, a lethargic and overweight baby will grow out of a rosy-cheeked baby.

About how many clothes a child needs in the cold season, we will talk further.

Why shouldn't children be wrapped?

Unfortunately, not all young mothers know how to properly dress a child. Many continue to overdress their children until they learn how to convincingly describe their condition with the words "I'm cold!" and "I'm hot!" And even then they continue to wrap him up, doubting that the child can correctly assess his feelings.

Someone will say that grandparents are to blame for everything - the eternal lovers of dressing the child warmer. However, often the whole reason lies in the personal doubts of mothers.

Experienced pediatricians can and should dispel them. After all, when it comes to the health of children, who better than a doctor should be listened to?

Layers of clothing

How to dress a child is not only a question of fashion. And it's not about ruffles and bows, but about the number of layers of clothing on a child.

Pediatricians formulate the golden rule for dressing babies like this: dress your child the same way as you, plus one layer. If there are more layers than necessary, this threatens: overheating - a small child has an insufficiently developed thermoregulation system. To an excessive amount of warm clothes, the baby can react with an increase in body temperature up to 39C, respiratory failure, apnea (temporary cessation of respiratory movements), heat stroke, dizziness and headache. And in the end, improper child care can even turn into a tragedy; hypothermia - in an excessive amount of warm clothes, the child can quickly sweat. After that, even a small draft will lead to freezing and, subsequently, possibly even to a cold; the inability of the body to adapt to environmental conditions - the body will adapt to heat so much that it will not be able to cope with the cold. And a child, who was wrapped up all the time in childhood, will be chilly throughout his life even at the slightest cold snap;

neurosis, irritability and aggression - both adults and children react to overheating (for example, sweating in transport) in the same way: they become uncomfortable, and if there is no opportunity to change the situation, then irritation appears. And children, as a rule, cannot change anything - who will give them, sweating, the opportunity to undress? Never! And, being trapped in heat, they will be capricious, whine, cry, get annoyed, fight ... (by the way, when a child begins to behave inappropriately in a store, it may not be at all that he desperately needs a new doll or car) ;

psychological problems - including low self-esteem (this conclusion was made by psychologists who determined the connection between kutan in childhood and shyness, timidity and inadequate self-esteem in adulthood).

Movement = warmth. I think no one will argue that it is difficult to keep children in one place. They "get lost everywhere and are everywhere." True, in the winter on the street this applies only to properly dressed children.

The same kids who were dressed too warmly are inactive, lethargic and capricious. In order not to spoil the mood and not undermine the health of children, mothers need to remember that while they are standing still on the playground, children are always on the move. This means they are much warmer, because heat production is doubled when walking and four (!) Times when running.


Working with parents

Advice for parents

Whims and stubbornness

Before proceeding to the topic "Whims, stubbornness and ways to overcome them", it is necessary to determine the scope of this topic, i.e. put it within certain limits. Capriciousness and stubbornness are seen as components of deviant behavior, along with:

  1. Disobedience, expressed in disobedience and mischief
  2. Children's negativism, i.e. not accepting something for no particular reason.
  3. Willfulness
  4. indiscipline

All of the above forms of deviant behavior differ only in the degree of social danger, and also depend on the age and individual characteristics of the child's personality.

The concepts of "whims and stubbornness" are very related and it is impossible to draw a clear line between them. And the ways to overcome whims and stubbornness are the same, but more on that later.

stubbornness - it is a psychological state very close to negativism. This is a negative feature of human behavior, expressed in unreasonable and irrational opposition to the requests, advice, demands of other people. A kind of stubborn disobedience for which there is no apparent motive.

Manifestations of stubbornness:

  • acts as a psychological defense and has a selective character, i.e. the child realized that he had made a mistake, but did not want to admit it, and therefore "stands on his own."

Stubbornness can become a character trait if steps are not taken to overcome it. Over time, it gives rise to children's deceit, can lead to a disorder of the nervous system, neuroses, irritability. If such manifestations, even at preschool age, pass from reactive states to chronic ones, then the initial stage of pedagogical neglect occurs.

We will not talk much about whims, because. All information is largely intersected with the above.

WHIM - these are actions that are devoid of a reasonable basis, i.e. "I so want and all!!!". They are caused by the weakness of the child and, to a certain extent, also act as a form of self-defense.

Manifestations of whims:

  • in the desire to continue the action begun, even in cases where it is clear that it is meaningless, does not bring benefits.
  • in discontent, irritability, crying.
  • in motor excitement.

The development of whims is facilitated by a weak nervous system.

What parents need to know about children's stubbornness and capriciousness:

  1. The period of stubbornness and capriciousness begins at about 18 months.
  2. As a rule, this phase ends by 3.5-4 years. Random seizures
  3. stubbornness at an older age is also a completely normal thing.
  4. The peak of stubbornness falls on 2.5-3 years of life.
  5. Boys are more stubborn than girls.
  6. Girls are naughty more often than boys.
  7. During the crisis period, attacks of stubbornness and capriciousness occur in children 5 times a day. Some children have up to 19 times!
  8. If children, upon reaching 4 years old, still often continue to be stubborn and capricious, then most likely we are talking about "fixed stubbornness", hysteria, as convenient ways to manipulate the child with their parents. Most often this is the result of conciliatory behavior of parents who succumbed to pressure from the child, often for the sake of their peace of mind.

What parents can do to overcome stubbornness and moodiness in children:

  1. Do not betray great importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the attack, but do not worry too much about the child.
  2. During the attack, stay close, let him feel that you understand him.
  3. Do not try to inspire anything to your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing does not make sense, spanking excites him even more.
  4. Be persistent in behavior with the child, if you said "no", stay on this opinion.
  5. Don't give up even when your child has a seizure in a public place. Most often, only one thing helps - to take him by the hand and lead him away.
  6. Hysteria and capriciousness requires the audience, do not resort to the help of strangers: "Look, what a bad girl, ay-yai-yai!". This is all the child needs.
  7. Try to cheat: "Oh, what an interesting toy I have (book, little thing)!". Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious and he will calm down.
  8. Exclude from the arsenal of a rude tone, harshness, the desire to "break the power of authority."
  9. Calm tone of communication, without irritability.
  10. Concessions take place if they are pedagogically expedient, justified by the logic of the educational process.

The following points are very important in the prevention and in the fight against stubbornness and whims. We will talk about the humanization of relations between parents and children, namely, in which cases a child cannot be punished and scolded, when it is possible and necessary to praise:


  • not achieved through hard work.
  • not to be praised (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence).
  • out of pity or a desire to please.


  • for an action, for an action that has taken place.
  • to begin to cooperate with the child is always with praise, approval.
  • it is very important to praise the child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too.
  • be able to praise without praising ( example: ask for help, advice, like an adult). It is necessary to dwell on punishments in more detail.


  1. the child is sick, unwell, or has recovered from an illness. at this time, the child's psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable.
  2. when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before bedtime.
  3. in all cases when something fails ( example: when you're in a hurry and your child can't tie their shoelaces).
  4. following a physical or mental injury example: the child fell, you scold for it, believing that he is to blame).
  5. when the child did not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard.
  6. when the inner motives of his act are not clear to you.
  7. when you are not yourself.


  1. punishment should not harm health.
  2. if in doubt, it is better not to punish (example: you are not sure that it was your child who committed the misconduct, or you doubt that the committed action is generally worthy of punishment, i.e. you cannot punish "just in case".
  3. for 1 offense - one punishment (you can not recall old sins).
  4. It is better not to punish than to punish late.
  5. should be punished and soon forgiven.
  6. if the child believes that you are unfair, then there will be no effect, so it is important to explain to the child why and for what he is punished.
  7. The child should not be afraid of punishment.

Of course, it is very difficult to use all the rules and necessary conditions in your family upbringing, but probably each parent will choose the missing part from all of the above, thereby supplementing the already developed upbringing strategy in your family.


Advice for parents

First ever team.

Adaptation rules

The period of getting used to kindergarten is not the easiest in the life of a baby and his mother. You will probably worry about how your child is doing, and at first he will miss his mother a lot. Don't worry - it will get better with time.

Choice - in favor of kindergarten

So, you have decided to send your child to kindergarten. Your family is now on the threshold of another life. We will assume that you have already found a suitable kindergarten and agreed to accept the baby. Now the next important step is the adaptation of your baby. In order for the child's adaptation to be less painful, it is very important in advance - 3-4 months in advance - to engage in self-preparation of the child for kindergarten:

1. Tell your child what kindergarten is, why children go there, why you want the child to go to kindergarten. For example: "Kindergarten is such a big house with a beautiful garden where moms and dads bring their children. You will really like it there: there are many other kids who do everything together - eat, play, walk. Instead of me, your aunt will be with you - a teacher who will take care of you, as well as other kids. There are a lot of toys in the kindergarten, there is a wonderful playground, you can play different games with other children, etc."

Another option: "In kindergarten, children play with each other and eat together. I really want to go to work, because I'm interested. And I really want you to go to kindergarten - because you will like it there. In the morning I will take I will take you to the kindergarten, and in the evening I will take you. You will tell me what was interesting in kindergarten, and I will tell you what happened during the day at work. Many parents would like to send their children to this kindergarten, but they take not all. You're lucky - in the fall I'll start taking you there."

2. When you walk past the kindergarten, happily remind your child how lucky he is - in the fall he will be able to go here. Tell relatives and friends in the presence of the baby about your luck, say that you are proud of your child, because he was accepted into kindergarten. And after a while, your child will proudly tell others that he will soon go to kindergarten.

3. Tell your child in detail about the kindergarten mode: what, how and in what sequence he will do there. The more detailed your story is, the calmer and more confident your baby will feel when he goes to kindergarten. Ask your baby if he remembers what he will do in the garden after a walk, where he will put his things, who will help him undress, and what he will do after dinner. By asking these questions, you can check whether the child remembers the sequence of actions well. In kindergarten, kids are usually afraid of the unknown. When a child sees that the expected event is happening as it was "promised" in advance, he feels more confident.

4. Talk to your child about the difficulties they may have in kindergarten. Discuss who in this case he can turn to for help, and how he will do it. For example: "If you are thirsty, go to the teacher and say:" I'm thirsty, "and the teacher will pour you water. If you want to go to the toilet, tell the teacher about it." Do not create illusions in your child that everything will be done at his first request and the way he wants. Explain that there will be many children in the group and sometimes he will have to wait his turn. You can tell your baby, "The teacher can't help all the kids get dressed at once, so you'll have to wait a bit."

5. Teach your child to get to know other children, address them by name, ask instead of taking away toys, in turn, offer toys to other children.

6. Let the kid himself choose his favorite toy as a companion, with which he can go to kindergarten - after all, it is much more fun together!

7. There are different opinions about whether the mother should be next to the baby in the initial period of adaptation to kindergarten. It would seem that what's wrong with a mother attending a kindergarten with a child? Everyone is happy, the baby does not cry, mom is calm. But in doing so, the inevitable parting only drags on. Yes, and other children, looking at someone else's mother, cannot understand - but where is mine in this case? Therefore, it will be better for everyone if from the very first day the child tries to stay in the group alone, without the care of the mother. And experienced caregivers will take care of the baby into their own hands.

8. Develop a simple system of parting signs of attention with your child - it will be easier for him to let you go. For example, kiss him on one cheek, on the other, wave your hand, after which he calmly goes to the kindergarten.

9. Remember that it may take up to six months for a baby to get used to kindergarten, so carefully calculate your strengths, capabilities and plans. It is better if for this period the family will have the opportunity to "adjust" to the characteristics of the baby's adaptation.

10. A child feels great when parents doubt the appropriateness of kindergarten education. The cunning kid will be able to use any of your hesitation in order to stay at home and prevent separation from his parents. Children get used to it easier and faster, for whose parents kindergarten is the only alternative.

11. The child will get used to kindergarten the faster, the more children and adults he can build relationships with. Help him with this. Get to know other parents and their children. Call other children in the presence of your baby by name. Ask him at home about new friends. Encourage your child to seek help and support from other people. The better your relationship with caregivers, with other parents and their children, the easier it will be for your child.

12. There are no perfect people. Be forgiving and tolerant of others. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clarify the situation that worries you. Do it in a soft way or through specialists.

13. In the presence of the child, avoid critical remarks about the kindergarten and its staff. Attention - never scare your child with kindergarten!

14. During the adjustment period, emotionally support the baby. Hug him more often, kiss him.


Advice for parents.

What is fine motor skills and why is it important to develop it.

Recently, modern parents often hear about fine motor skills and the need to develop them.

What is fine motor skills and why is it so important?

Specialists in the field of child psychology, speech therapy have long established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine motor skills of the hand. If the movements of the fingers develop "according to the plan", then the development of speech is also within the normal range. If the development of the fingers lags behind, the development of speech also lags behind.

Why are these two components so interconnected?The fact is that our ancestors communicated with the help of gestures, gradually adding exclamations and cries. The movements of the fingers gradually improved. In this regard, there was an increase in the area of ​​the motor projection of the hand in the human brain. Speech developed in parallel. Approximately the same way speech and fine motor skills develop in a child, that is, the movements of the fingers begin to develop first, when they reach sufficient subtlety, the development of verbal speech begins. The development of the movements of the fingers, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

Scientists have proved that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. It is the magnitude of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor zone that givebase consider brush hands like " organ speech", the same as the articulatory apparatus. In this regard, an assumption was made about the significant influence of subtle finger movements on the formation and development of the child's speech function. Therefore, in order to teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop finger movements, or fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills of hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination), imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities.

What is the best way to develop fine motor skills?You can massage the baby's fingers and hands, let him sort out large and then smaller objects - buttons, beads, cereals. A good helper in the development of fine motor skills will be various educational toys that parents can make themselves.

Developing fingers, you can use the following nursery rhymes:

(we bend our fingers one by one)

This finger went to the forest,

This finger - a mushroom found,

This finger - took place,

This finger will lie tightly,

This finger - ate a lot,

That's why he got pissed off.

(touching fingers, we sentence)

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is a mother

This finger is Vanechka.

(bend fingers)

It is useful to do finger exercises once a day.

Gymnastics for the fingers (according to N. P. Butova)

Put your hands on, rotate the hands in different directions.

Fold your palms and spread your fingers.

Close the fingers, rotate the thumbs one around the other.

With force, squeeze the fingers of the left and right hands in turn.

Rotate your fingers alternately in different directions.

Slow and smooth squeezing of outstretched fingers into a fist; the pace of the exercise gradually increases to a maximum, then decreases again.

Tapping with bent fingers on the table, at first joint, and later - with each finger separately.

Quick alternate bending of the fingers of one hand with the index finger of the other hand.

Stretch out your arms, shake your hands slightly, kneadbrush one hand with the fingers of the other hand.

Fine motor skills of the hands are also developed by the following activities:


modeling (from plasticine, clay);

stringing beads on a string, beading;

various games - lacing;

constructors (the older the child, the smaller the details of the constructor should be);


cutting out of paper and cardboard;

drawing various patterns;

To form subtle movements of the fingers, finger games can be used, accompanied by the reading of folk poems.

"A squirrel is sitting..."

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

An adult and a child, with the help of the left hand, bend the fingers of the right hand in turn, starting with the thumb.


Girls and boys are friends in our group

(fingers are connected in a "lock").

We will make friends with you little fingers

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name on both hands).

One two three four five

(alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers),

One two three four five.

(arms down, shake hands).

"House and Gates"

In the meadow stands a house ("house"),

Well, the way to the house is closed ("gate").

We open the gate (palms turn parallel to each other),

In that invite ("house").

Along with such games, a variety of exercises without speech accompaniment can be used:


the tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger; perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand; perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands;

"Fingers say hello"

Connect the fingers of both hands with a "house". The fingertips take turns clapping each other, greet the thumb with the thumb, then the index with the index, etc.


Straighten the index finger of the right hand and rotate it; the same with the left hand; the same with two hands;

Classes for the development of fine motor skills should be carried out systematically for 2-5 minutes daily. Despite the fact that at first many exercises are difficult for the child, they bring him a lot of joy, both from the results achieved and from simple communication with his mother. Finger gymnastics contributes to the development of fine motor skills, speech, basic mental processes, as well as communication. By the end of preschool age, the child's hands become more mobile and flexible, which contributes to the successful mastery of writing skills in the future.


Advice for parents

"Family education"

Family education of preschool children.

The family is the initial organization of members of society that arises on the basis of a marriage union, interconnected by kinship and economic relations, living together and bearing moral responsibility for each other. Throughout the history of mankind, the family has been the economic unit of society and served the purpose of preparing children for certain roles in society.

The following characteristic features of the family have a direct impact on the process of raising children: structure, living conditions and environment, cultural potential, field of activity, intra-family relations, civic position. The level of pedagogical culture of parents is also of great importance.

The shortcomings of family education are the result of incorrect relationships between parents and children: excessive severity or excessive love for the child, lack or insufficiency of supervision over him, low general culture of parents, a bad example on their part in everyday life, etc.

Conditions for the proper upbringing of children in the family.

The educational impact of the family on children is most effective under certain conditions.

Authority should be understood as a deep respect for parents by children, the voluntary and conscious fulfillment of their requirements, the desire to imitate them in everything and listen to their advice. All the power of the pedagogical influence of parents on children is based on authority. But it is not given by nature, is not created artificially, is not conquered by fear, threats, but grows out of love and affection for parents. With the development of consciousness, the authority is fixed gradually decreases and is reflected in the behavior of children. The educational power of a personal example of parents is due to the psychological characteristics of preschool children: imitation and concreteness of thinking. Children unconsciously tend to imitate both good and bad, more to follow examples than moralizing. Therefore, the exacting control of parents over their behavior is so important, which should serve as a role model for children.

The positive influence of the example and authority of parents is enhanced if there are no discrepancies in the words and actions of parents, if the requirements for children are the same, constant and consistent. Only friendly and coordinated actions give the necessary pedagogical effect. Important in the creation of authority is also the respectful attitude of parents to the people around them, the manifestation of attention to them, the need to provide assistance.

The authority of parents largely depends on their attitude towards children, on their interest in their lives, in their little deeds, joys and sorrows. Children respect those parents who are always ready to listen and understand, to help, who are always ready to help, who reasonably combine exactingness and encouragement, fairly evaluate their actions, are able to take into account desires and interests in a timely manner, establish communication, and help strengthen friendly relations. Children need reasonable and demanding parental love.

Pedagogical tact of parents.

Pedagogical tact is a well-developed sense of proportion in dealing with children. It is expressed in the ability to find the closest way to the feelings and consciousness of children. Choose effective educational measures to influence their personality, taking into account age and individual characteristics, specific conditions and circumstances. It presupposes the observance of a balance in love and severity, knowledge of the real motives of the actions of children. The right balance of exactingness with respect for the dignity of the child's personality.

The tact of parents is closely connected with the tact of children - with a responsible sense of proportion in behavior based on a sensitive and attentive attitude towards people. At first, it manifests itself as imitation caused by the example of elders, and later becomes a habit of behaving tactfully.

Culture of life in the family.

The concept of cultural life includes the correct relationship between family members, respect for each other, as well as a reasonable organization of the entire life of the family. At the same time, children learn to reason and evaluate facts and phenomena on their own, and parents pass on life experience to them, help them to establish themselves in the correct judgment and unobtrusively direct their thoughts. Conversations with the child in a free and cordial atmosphere create closeness between parents and children and become one of the means of parental influence.

Malfunctions in education often arise where the general life of the family is not sufficiently organized. Negatively affects the character and moral qualities of children and remnants of the old way of life, preserved in some families; wrong attitude towards a woman, alcoholism, prejudice and superstition.

The upbringing of children in the family is also influenced by external conditions: the culture of the home environment, compliance with hygienic, general cultural and aesthetic requirements.

Knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of children.

Knowing the characteristics of children allows parents to learn how to properly handle them. Increases responsibility for their upbringing and ensures unity and consistency in the requirements for children on the part of all family members.

Special pedagogical knowledge helps develop children's inquisitiveness, observation, the simplest forms of logical thinking, manage play and work, and understand the causes of children's actions.

Parents' awareness of the physiological and psychological characteristics of young children helps them not only take care of the child's health, but also purposefully develop movements, cultural and hygienic skills, speech, and communication activities.

Family types.

Several types of families can be distinguished.

1 type. Prosperous families. This type of family is characterized by ideological conviction, high spiritual values ​​and needs, citizenship. Relations between parents in these families are built on love and respect for each other, a creative approach to family education is noticeable.

2 type. Formal families. And they are characterized by ideological conviction, a responsible attitude to production duties, but there is no respect between family members, spiritual closeness.

3 type. Dysfunctional families. There are no spiritual interests, indifference to work and family responsibilities, lack of labor traditions in the family, disorder in housekeeping.

4 type. Incomplete family. These are families in which one of the parents is missing. Such a family can be prosperous if it is characterized by an ideological orientation, knowledge of the goals and objectives of education, and not prosperous if these conditions are violated.


Advice for parents

"Organization of children's experimentation

at home"

Children's experimentation is one of the leading activities of a preschooler. Obviously, there is no more inquisitive researcher than a child. The little man is seized with a thirst for knowledge and exploration of a vast new world. But among parents, a mistake is often common - restrictions on the path of children's cognition. Do you answer all the questions of the young why? Do you readily show objects that attract a curious eye and talk about them? Do you regularly visit a puppet theater, a museum, a circus with your child? These are not idle questions, from which it is easy to laugh off: "he will know a lot, he will grow old soon." Unfortunately, "mother's mistakes" will make themselves felt very soon - in the very first grades of school, when your child turns out to be a passive being, indifferent to any innovations. The research activity of children can become one of the conditions for the development of children's curiosity, and ultimately the cognitive interests of the child. In kindergarten, a lot of attention is paid to children's experimentation. Research activities of children are organized, special problem situations are created, direct educational activities are carried out. The groups have created conditions for the development of children's cognitive activity in all activity centers and corners there are materials for experimentation: paper of various types, fabric, special devices (scales, watches, etc.), unstructured materials (sand, water), maps, diagrams, etc. .P.

Simple experiments and experiments can be organized at home. This does not require much effort, only desire, a little imagination and, of course, some scientific knowledge.

Any place in the apartment can be a place for experiment. For example, a bathroom. While washing, a child can learn a lot of interesting things about the properties of water, soap, and the solubility of substances.

For example:

Which dissolves faster?

Sea salt

Bath foam

coniferous extract

Bars of soap, etc.

The kitchen is the place where the child interferes with the parents, especially the mother, when she is preparing food. If you have two or three children, you can arrange competitions between young physicists. Place several identical containers on the table, a low bowl of water and foam rubber sponges of different sizes and colors. Pour about 1.5 cm of water into the bowl. Have the children put the sponges in the water and guess which one will absorb the most water. Squeeze water into prepared jars. Who has more? Why? Can you fill a sponge with as much water as you want? And if you give the sponge complete freedom? Let the children answer these questions themselves. It is only important that the child's questions are not left unanswered. If you do not know the exact (scientific) answer, you should refer to the reference literature.

The experiment can be carried out during any activity.

For example, a child draws, He has run out of green paint. Suggest that he try to make this paint himself. See how he will act, what he will do. Don't interfere or suggest. Will he guess that it is necessary to mix blue and yellow paint? If he doesn’t succeed, tell me that you need to mix two paints. Through trial and error, the child will find the right solution.

home laboratory

Experimentation is, along with the game, the leading activity of a preschooler. The purpose of experimentation is to lead children up step by step in the knowledge of the world around them. The child learns to determine the best way to solve the problems facing him and find answers to the questions that arise. To do this, you must follow some rules:

1. Set the purpose of the experiment (what we are doing the experiment for)

2. Pick up materials (list of everything you need for the experiment)

3. Discuss the process (step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment)

4. Summarize (accurate description of the expected result)

5. Explain why? words accessible to the child.


When conducting an experiment, the main thing is the safety of you and your child.

A few simple experiments for children of middle preschool age

hidden picture

Objective: To learn how animals disguise themselves.

Materials: light yellow crayon, white paper, red transparent plastic folder.


Draw a bird with yellow chalk on white paper

Cover the picture with red transparent plastic.

Results: The yellow bird has disappeared

Why? The red color is not pure, it contains yellow, which merges with the color of the picture. Animals often have colors that blend with the color of the surrounding landscape, which helps them hide from predators.


Goal: Make a solution for soap bubbles.

Materials: dishwashing liquid, cup, straw.


Half fill a cup with liquid soap.

Fill the cup to the top with water and stir.

Dip the straw in the soap solution.

Blow carefully into the straw

Results: You should get soap bubbles.

Why? Molecules of soap and water combine to form an accordion-like structure. This allows the soap solution to stretch into a thin layer.

Plants are static and, to the inexperienced eye of a baby, lifeless. The task of adults is to show the originality and mystery of their life, their beauty, for the sake of which they are kept in the house.

Teaching a preschooler to regular observations, adults show him the coloring and pattern on the leaves of ornamental plants, the graceful lines of falling stems in ampelous ones and the intricate bends and branchings in their upright species. Even a pure green color can vary from plant to plant.(suggest to compare the dark green of clivia with its much lighter tones in balsam or chlorophytum.)What a wealth of color shades, symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns is available on the leaves of ornamental plants.

The decorativeness of plants is formed by the richness and variety of their external features: the size of stems and leaves, their shape and color. Various combinations of these features create the unique beauty of each plant. This beauty is noticed and seen by an adult, it is brought closer to him by his developed differentiated perception. The state of the child is exactly the opposite - he, as a rule, does not notice the grace and beauty of plants due to the peculiarities of his still insufficiently developed gaze, flowing from the fusion and inseparability of perception.

A flowering plant is a particularly wonderful sight: several large or many small flowers scattered throughout the bush usually have a bright color of different and pure tones. The contrast of the greenery of the plant and its flowers, like a magnet, attracts.

On the basis of cognition, a preschooler will begin to form an attitude - an important aspect of the moral and aesthetic development of the human personality.

One of the types of practical activity of the child is his participation in the direct care of plants. In order for labor to be a joy and assignments to be fulfilled willingly, adults surrounding the child must lead

yourself flexible, unobtrusive, diverse.

It should be remembered that labor activity for a preschooler is not yet the main one. Adults only introduce him to the feasible participation in family work. At preschool age, work is, first of all, a means of educating such important qualities as responsibility for the execution of an assignment, for the result obtained, duty, purposefulness. Plant care is extremely important and has a humanistic meaning: the life and condition of living beings depend on it.

The most common infectious childhood disease is chickenpox or, as it is popularly called, chicken pox. A person can get chickenpox only once in a lifetime, after which the body develops a lifelong immunity to the causative agent of chickenpox. Most often, the disease is ill precisely in childhood, and chickenpox in children is much easier than in adults. Parents should have an idea of ​​what is the causative agent of the disease, how the disease proceeds and what consequences it can have for the child's body.

The causative agent of chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, through the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes, including through the mucous membrane of the eye. It is because of this way of spreading that the disease got its name chicken pox or chickenpox. Most often, chickenpox affects young children attending kindergartens. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, so a sick child should be immediately isolated from other children.

Signs of chickenpox

The first signs of chickenpox appear no earlier than 14 to 20 days after the first contact with a sick person. This is how long the incubation period of the disease lasts, during which the pathogen in the child's body does not manifest itself in any way. The minimum incubation period ever recorded by physicians was only 7 days. After the expiration of the incubation period, the child's body temperature rises sharply and to a large extent - up to about 39 degrees.
In the event that the temperature increase was not accompanied by the appearance of a rash, the onset of the disease could be mistaken for a banal respiratory infection - the child complains of a headache and general malaise.

Immediately after the increase in body temperature in a child, rashes begin to appear on the skin. First, flat pink spots appear, which after a few hours are filled with liquid contents and take the form of bubbles. Many parents try to squeeze them out, believing that the disease will pass faster. However, this is by no means the case - squeezing out the bubbles can only worsen the condition of the child and lead to the appearance of numerous scars.

The first few days of rashes in children with chickenpox are very plentiful. Moreover, they are localized not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes - in the mouth, on the genitals. The rash is almost always accompanied by an extremely intense feeling of itching and the child constantly tries to scratch it. In no case do not allow the child to comb the rash, as this can lead to infection in the wound.
The course of the disease in children is undulating - some bubbles disappear, new ones appear. The appearance of rashes usually occurs in the first 4 days of the disease, after which it subsides. In place of the bubbles, crusts appear, which gradually disappear on their own completely without a trace.

Chickenpox treatment

If chickenpox in children, treatment should begin immediately. The next question to be dealt with is the treatment of chickenpox. The first and most common mistake parents make is self-administration of antibiotics. This is a fundamentally flawed approach to treating chickenpox. The causative agent of chickenpox is a virus, so taking antibiotics is absolutely useless. The only case when the use of antibiotics is justified is an associated bacterial infection. But even in this case, only a doctor should prescribe an antibiotic. Methods of treatment of chickenpox, despite the generality, in each case may vary.

A bacterial infection joins most often because the child combs the rash and infects. That is why it is so important for parents to ensure that children do not scratch itchy vesicles. Of course, if the child is very small, exhortations and prohibitions will not achieve anything. An enormous burden falls on parents - almost around the clock to monitor their baby, distract him from combing the bubbles.

During the treatment of the disease, pediatricians advise the child to stay in bed - especially in the first few days of the disease. Be sure to change your baby's bedding and underwear daily. This measure will help to significantly reduce the number and intensity of new rashes. Also, for the period of treatment, it is necessary to abandon water procedures. The only thing you can do is take short baths with pale pink manganese. The duration of the baths should be no more than 3 minutes.

There is no specific treatment for chickenpox, just as there is no cure for chickenpox. However, there is still a certain tactic to alleviate the condition of a sick child. The main ones are listed below:

  1. 1 Therapeutic diet. During illness, the child must follow a certain sparing diet - all foods that can become allergens must be excluded from the child's diet. The child's menu should include more vegetable and dairy foods.
  2. 2 Drinking mode. The child must receive enough fluids to avoid dehydration. Very often, children, due to rashes in the oral cavity, refuse not only to eat, but also to drink - parents will have to show miracles of ingenuity and ingenuity in order to give the baby a drink.
  3. 3 Antipyretic drugs. In the event that a child has a high body temperature for a long time, parents have to resort to antipyretic pharmacological drugs. Remember that doctors do not advise bringing down the temperature below 38.5 degrees. The exception is children under one year old, as well as those babies who have previously had cases of seizures against a background of high temperature.
  4. 4 Bubble treatment. Surely everyone has repeatedly seen "leopard" crumbs, in which it is easy to determine the presence of chickenpox by the characteristic green spots on the body. Brilliant green solution does not cure rashes, but has a disinfecting effect, reducing the risk of secondary bacterial infection. In addition, brilliant green to a large extent dries up the wounds and relieves itching a little. A solution of potassium permanganate has about the same effect - however, be extremely careful - a too strong solution of manganese can cause a burn on delicate children's skin. The water should be pink, not purple.
  5. 5 Treatment of the oral cavity. If a child has chickenpox in the mouth, oral treatment should consist of rinsing with a weak solution of furacilin. Rinse your mouth approximately every two hours.


Advice for parents

on the topic of:
"How to teach a poem to a child"
Memory develops from childhood, the sooner the better. Children's memory is very receptive, we remember everything learned in childhood until old age. One of the most common ways to develop children's memory is to teach poetry with your child.
1. Read the poem to the child with expression several times. Try to invest more emotions to arouse interest in the process.
2. Be sure to analyze with the child all unfamiliar words, explain their meanings. Ask to retell the content of the poem, help the baby understand what is at stake. Watch the intonation while reading the poem, pause when necessary. Teach your child from the very first days to recite poems with expression.
3. Do not forget that visualization is very important for young children - beat the content of the poem with the help of toys, look at the pictures.
4. We divide the poem into parts. When studying verses, it is recommended to divide them into parts, it is desirable that they be semantic.
During games and daily activities (washing, dressing, feeding), accompany actions with rhymes, nursery rhymes. During walks, on the way to the grocery store, or to kindergarten, repeat verses that have been learned previously or tell new ones.
Do not insist on studying poetry if the child is not in the mood, busy with something, upset. This can discourage the child And most importantly - positive emotions. Praise your child as often as possible!

The success of the educational process in kindergarten directly depends on the degree of coordination between teachers and parents. In this connection, the exchange of information, experience, the search for interesting ways to organize work with children, as well as awareness of the results of the educational activities of children are very important. All these aspects of cooperation are reflected in the corner for parents. And the task of the educator is to methodically competently and aesthetically arrange it.

The goals of creating a corner for parents

A stand or shelf, as well as tablets and a passe-partout, which are located in the reception room and are designed to familiarize parents with the life of the group where their baby is brought up, is called a corner for parents. The goals of its creation are:

  • awakening the interest of the family in the life of the group and the garden (materials for planned excursions, creative projects, etc.);
  • demonstration of the results of work on the education, development and upbringing of children (photos, collages from photos, drawings of kids, crafts, including those made with parents, etc.);
  • acquaintance with the normative documents relating to parenthood (information on the rights of the child, the list of rights and obligations of parents, the charter of the preschool institution, etc.).

Parents' corner should be neat and tidy

Material submission form

In order for the corner to fulfill its purpose as much as possible, its design should be varied, but not redundant. Based on the methodological experience of generations of educators, we can conclude that for a beautiful and meaningful parental corner, it is enough to choose one of the following positions:

  • 1–2 stands;
  • 3-4 tablets (the size is selected according to the dimensions of the corner);
  • 1 table or shelf for an exhibition of children's works (they are conveniently placed in a passe-partout);
  • posters or images of silhouettes of toys, fairy tale characters.

Children's drawings, bright pictures, photographs of kids during classes and walks - this is only part of the design of the corner for parents, the content of which can be divided into two groups of materials: permanent and temporary. The first ones include:

  • annually updated age characteristics of children;
  • a list of age-relevant skills and abilities (rewritten every year);
  • daily routine for the current academic year;
  • menu;
  • rules “Every parent should know this”;
  • information about the program under which the preschool children's institution operates;
  • phone numbers of the educator, assistant educator, social service, ambulance, trust service;
  • information from specialists (their names, office hours, phone numbers);
  • tips for training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking;
  • notes on the prevention of morbidity (organized, for example, in a folder-slider);
  • a table with data on weighing and measuring the growth of babies;
  • letters of thanks for parents (for helping the group, garden, etc.).

It is convenient when in the parent's corner there is a place for the lost things of the kids

Temporary materials require the following information:

  • list of birthdays for the month;
  • health sheet with information on a specific day;
  • a list of classes for the whole week (with topics, tasks and a brief description of the content);
  • information about the results of the work of kids (an exhibition of works, the results of psychological and pedagogical tests, etc.);
  • a list of topics that need to be repeated with children (for example, learn a riddle, poem, proverb);
  • a list of events for a segment of the study period (usually for a month);
  • news from the life of the kindergarten;
  • information about upcoming competitions (for example, "Summer vacation for my family", "Weekend with dad", etc.)

Where to locate

It is best if the corner is located near the window. Any well-lit area of ​​the room will also work.

In many kindergartens, information for parents is placed above the lockers.


As with all educational materials, there are several requirements for the parent's corner:

  • rubric titles are highlighted in bright, for example, red;
  • the text must be divided into paragraphs;
  • availability of permanent and updated information;
  • the main principle of material presentation is lapidarity.

This is interesting. Lapidary - extremely short, concise.

As for the issue of information content, the relevance of the information is important. And the task is not only to match the material to a given moment in the life of the group, such as: a report on events, a work plan for the week or a menu, but to create a selection of useful recommendations for parents of a specific age group. So, it will be useful for parents of children in the first younger group to read about the daily routine in kindergarten, so that relatives at home can build a similar rhythm to facilitate the adaptation of the baby to new living conditions in the group. But for moms and dads of preschoolers, for example, it is very important to learn in advance about tests for first graders, as well as about the work that is done in kindergarten to prepare children for the first tests.

If the sheets with information are not protected by the frame coating, then the information will not stay on the stand for a long time

Design example

There are many options for creating a corner. It all depends on the creativity of the teacher and the possibilities of the material and technical base of the kindergarten. In other words, using improvised material to implement creative ideas, you can arrange a corner for parents in a unique author's style. Consider the most accessible in terms of materials, simple in execution and easy to use form in the form of train trailers.


  • ceiling tiles;
  • narrow plinth for the ceiling;
  • cardboard (dense);
  • colored sticker;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors and a paper knife;
  • colored paper;
  • A4 plastic pockets.

To create a corner for parents with their own hands, you will need quite affordable materials


  1. We cut out rectangles of the desired size from the ceiling tiles (it all depends on the size of the corner, as well as on the dimensions of the train and the number of trailers in it).
  2. We glue the blanks onto cardboard.
  3. Glue with self-adhesive.
  4. At the edges we place a ceiling plinth. It can also be used to simulate frames for information sheets (instead of plastic pockets).
  5. We attach plastic pockets to the cars with a stapler or glue.

    Cutting out a locomotive is a rather troublesome business, because it must be proportional to the rest of the cars

  6. We cut out flowers from colored paper, which we use to bundle trailers.
  7. We print out information on A4 sheets and place it in pockets.

    You can decorate the corner with paper clouds located above the train

Scheme for analyzing work and designing a corner for parents

The indicators by which the effectiveness of a visual community with parents is assessed are determined by the methodological council of a preschool children's institution, taking into account the specifics of the educational direction of the kindergarten (for example, the organization of the educational process for children with visual impairments). On the website of the Educational Resource Base (ERB), a sample is given that can be used to assess the compliance of the content and form of visual work with the family with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Table: plan for pedagogical analysis of the parental corner

Indicators Points

2. "The importance of family leisure as a means of improving the health of children"

3. "Literary education of children in the family."

4. Memo for parents: "The influence of television on the development of children"

5. “Do you know how to ask for forgiveness from a baby?”

6. Consultation for parents of preschool educational institution. Memo on anti-terrorist security.



“In order to educate, here you need an uninterrupted daytime

and night work, eternal reading "

(A.P. Chekhov)

When choosing books and subsequent acquaintance

with them a child, please note the following:

1. A book for a preschool child must be illustrated. Figures should be organically connected with the text, visually and expressively display the most significant moments of the content of a work of art. It is desirable that illustrations accompany the text, but do not dominate it. The older the child, the fewer illustrations there may be. When choosing books, preference should be given to those illustrated editions, where the image of animals, people, objects is realistic.

2. Choose books according to the age and interests of the child. For children of primary preschool age, read nursery rhymes, short poetic tales, fairy tales about animals. Children of senior preschool age are interested in stories about other children, fairy tales and everyday life.

3. Read voluminous (“thick”) books to older preschoolers. The reading of each part of a long book (“reading with continuation”) should be accompanied by a recall of what was read the day before. Ask the child: “Where did we stop yesterday?”. Be sure to bookmark.

4. Try to read according to a certain system, for example, introduce the child to several works by the same author. Before reading a book, regardless of the age of the child, be sure to name the name of the writer or poet, the genre and title of the work. For example, "I will read you a Russian folk tale" Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka. Alternate reading works of different genres: stories, fairy tales and poems.

5. Reread familiar books many times. A single reading of the work, the desire to read as much as possible does more harm than good. Children do not remember what is read to them, as a result, a bad habit of superficial attitude to the book is formed.

6. Do not use literary characters as a model for the implementation of the rules of conduct (you need to wash your hands like a book character). The educational function of works of art is self-sufficient. The child should not perceive the book as a set of rules, otherwise he will begin to hate it quietly, and sometimes even resist what it says.

7. Before reading, explain the meaning of those words, without understanding which the child will not understand the main meaning of the text, the character of the characters. If the work is not perceived, understood by the child, it will not achieve its main goal: it will not contribute to the formation of the personality of the growing person.

8. Read expressively, trying to convey to the child the emotions contained in the work of art. If an adult in the process of reading does not determine his attitude towards the characters and the events depicted, it is unlikely that a child will be able to do this.

List of used literature

  1. Ivanova L. How to introduce a child to the book. - 2015. - No. 1/2. - S. 48-49.
  2. Petrova S. Workshop of good fairy tales / S. Petrova // Preschool education. - 2011. - No. 12. - S. 106-110.
  3. Obnosova Kh.A. Introducing children to fiction in modern society // Culture and education. - May 2015. - No. 5 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 09/16/2015).


Consultation for parents "Literary education of children in the family"

Currently, there is an increased interest of parents in all issues of upbringing and education of children. At the same time, the rapid successes of the scientific and technological revolution also give rise to contradictions, an involuntary reassessment of many values, when the dignity of a person is determined not so much by his moral qualities, spiritual wealth, but by natural scientific knowledge and technical abilities. This is quite clearly manifested in modern family education, when parents are sometimes only interested in those pedagogical means that stimulate the child’s preparation for mastering the exact sciences, when communication with preschoolers in the family, consecrated by centuries of tradition, with the help of nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales, games is underestimated and replaced by watching TV shows. , playing games with the computer, listening to tape or DVD recordings. The mass media (especially television) have supplanted or almost supplanted such a traditional form of communication between elders and younger in the family as family reading.

The book introduces the child to the most difficult thing in life - to the world of human feelings, joys and sufferings, relationships, motives, thoughts, actions, characters. The book teaches to peer into a person, to see and understand him, to cultivate humanity in oneself.

A book read as a child leaves a stronger impression than a book read as an adult. “Oh, the memory of the heart! You are stronger than the mind of sad memory” K. Batyushkov. Those who did not empathize in childhood may remain indifferent to the problems of the century - ethical, environmental, economic.

Huge opportunities for the formation of a child's personality lie in a children's book. Each good book not only expands the horizons of children and gives rise to new interests, but also subordinates their imagination and feelings to its influence, makes them think. A children's book is written for education, and education is a great thing: “they decide the fate of a person,” as V.G. Belinsky.

Therefore, it is necessary to use in full force the powerful influence of the book in the upbringing and development of the child. But this powerful influence of the book on the upbringing of the child must be used carefully and skillfully by parents and educators.

The correct guidance of children's reading has a beneficial effect on the formation of the moral character of the child: tact is needed here, annoying edification should least of all take place. Belinsky said: “We have a moral thought - fine, don’t pronounce it to the children, but let them feel it, don’t draw a conclusion from it at the end of the story, but let them deduce it themselves, if they liked the story - you did your job.”

We must skillfully select books to read to children. You don't have to read everything. The book is rich in cognitive material: there is nature, animal life, and the human world. Many children in books do not understand what is important to bring to the consciousness of children. Reading conversations are very important. What did you like about the book? Which character is the most memorable? Would you like to be like a hero, if yes (no) why?

Ask for a drawing. A preschooler, and even a schoolchild, perform these tasks with great interest. Such tasks awaken the thought of children, affect the personality of the child himself, and his behavior.

To read to the baby, you need to choose colorful books. The child is emotional by nature. He is attracted to everything beautiful, bright. And it is necessary to draw the attention of the child to the one who designed this book so colorfully - the artist, to acquaint people with other professions involved in the creation of the book.

It is very important that the child gives an independent assessment of his hero. In their conversation with children, adults should try to bring children to the main idea, the idea of ​​the work. The child, having come to school, finds it difficult to determine the main idea of ​​the work. He tries to retell the entire text of the story in detail, which is not required at all. In order for children to correctly understand and appreciate what the author created, it is necessary, as the famous Russian methodologist D.I. Tikhomirov - "to teach our little readers (or listeners) to think and feel while reading." Such opportunities are created with expressive reading. Therefore, parents should read books to their children very expressively. It is through voice, diction that the child's attitude to the events and facts described in the book is expressed.


Advice for parents

"The Importance of Family Leisure as a Means of Improving Children's Health"

Caring for children, their well-being, happiness and health has always been and will be the main concern of the family. A strong place in the daily routine of the family should take physical culture. The health of the baby, the development of his intellect. The formation of character, the education of useful skills and abilities in him - these are the most important tasks facing parents.

The foundation of health, physical and mental, is laid in childhood. Whether this foundation will be strong enough depends entirely on you, parents, on how you will raise your children, what good habits they will acquire. It is important to instill in preschool children a taste for regular physical education, the need for such activities. It is not easy to do this. If from the first years you accustomed the child to the correct regimen, hardened him, then your task is made easier. You just need to consistently continue what you started. But if you paid insufficient attention to physical culture, missed something, do not be upset. Fortunately, everything can be fixed. You just need to be persistent.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong and strong. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this. And as a result, children, especially preschoolers, often get sick, grow up weak, physically poorly developed. This, unfortunately, has become accustomed to as a kind of norm. Small means weak, parents say, it must be protected, protected, protected, but the baby is often protected and protected from what it should be. Parents carefully monitor that the child does not run too much and too fast (suddenly he sweats!), does not jump (no matter how he hurts!), does not climb (and if he falls ?!), and, unfortunately, they do not really think about that their overprotectiveness does not make the child healthier. They often forget that the key to success in promoting children's health is sound physical education. The leading system in the child's body is the musculoskeletal system, and all the rest develop in direct dependence on it. By loading the muscular system, you not only bring up a child strong and dexterous, but also develop his heart, lungs, and all internal organs. Running, for example, makes the heart beat faster. Naturally, the lungs, kidneys, and liver work with much greater stress at this time, as metabolic processes intensify. Thus, the inclusion of the musculoskeletal system in hard work leads to the improvement of all organs and systems, to the creation of those reserves of power and strength of the body, which determine the measure of health.

Movement is the way not only to health, but also to the development of intelligence. Movements, especially of the fingers, stimulate the development of the brain, its various departments. And the sooner they enter the life of the child, the better he will be developed. Properly organized physical education contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, initiative, imagination, and independence in children. Children become more attentive and observant, more disciplined. Their will is strengthened and character is developed.

Physical education of a child is not an easy task. In order to succeed, parents need to know and be able to do a lot. Your child is growing and becoming more independent. His body is getting stronger, movements are becoming clearer, more confident, faster. The games are getting harder. During the game, the child gains life experience, develops creative imagination. He eagerly reaches for everything new and is very mobile. Sometimes it may seem like too much, but do not rush to stop it. Better try to direct this mobility in the right direction, use it to form vital skills.

One of the most important means of education is gymnastic exercises, various forms of manual labor, outdoor games. Daily exercises prevent postural disorders and skeletal deformities, strengthen the whole body well, and have a beneficial effect on the normal growth and development of the child. Communicating with a child during physical education should be as if playing, while always taking into account the age of the child, his capabilities. Ensure that the child performs the exercises with joy and pleasure, without pressure from adults, unaware that he obeys his desires. There should be no quarrels and disputes that could alienate the child from sports and deprive him of a beneficial effect on physical movement. Such use of free time is useful for both adults and children. While exercising with a child, an adult helps him to pull himself up, jump high, climb a chair or a gymnastic wall. The child admires his father: what a strong dad, how cleverly he lifts him, how well he does the exercises! Imitates mother in graceful movements. Gradually, these joint activities will become the happiest events of the day, and the child will enjoy them, look forward to them. Such activities should be daily. Only systematic care for the motor development of the child can bring the desired results: regular repetition and logical continuity of classes are the prerequisites for success.

It is necessary to keep in mind another important circumstance. Modern life is oversaturated with nervous overload. Whether you like it or not, you can't stop the fast pace of life. Physical exercise is a counterbalance that will help your children deal with stressful situations. The better health we equip our children with, the better they will adapt to modern life.

In order to consciously engage in physical education with a child, that is, in order to be able to choose the most suitable exercises for him, a feasible load, to correctly judge his development, you need to know the characteristics of the child's body in the preschool period and the changes that occur in it as it grows up .


Memo for parents: "The influence of television on the development of children"

As a rule, children watch entertainment films and programs: detectives, action films, science fiction, horror, adventures, films about thieves and spies, etc.

Such uncontrolled viewing by adults often spoils children and leads to undesirable consequences:

  • Children are accustomed to a superficial perception of life, become passive and intellectually lazy;
  • Under the influence of the behavior and actions of the characters in the films, the child's own energy and creative power weakens;
  • When watching entertaining films and programs, children do not make mental efforts, in connection with this, the level of understanding of the child decreases, the sharpness of his perception and the ability to think logically decrease;
  • Over time, lies and secrecy appear in the child's character, the child gets used to spending time empty and sitting in front of the TV screen;
  • Programs and films of a low moral level teach children to be aggressive, commit unseemly acts and, ultimately, contribute to a decrease in moral standards;
  • Low-quality films affect the physical condition of the child: the nervous system weakens, eyesight deteriorates, frequent colds begin;
  • Low-level films are outright evil, as they show unseemly and criminal actions as normal human behavior. And children try to imitate such imaginary idols.

But, it's not a secret for anyone that television brings not only evil into our home. A lot of useful, instructive and necessary things can give a child watching some films and programs. It is simply important to help find them among the huge amount of unnecessary material.

  • Before a child sits down to watch a movie, try to find out in advance what it is about, whether it will be suitable for raising a child;
  • Do not spend all your free time watching TV, do not watch all programs and films in a row. Looking at the parent and the child will not look at everything;
  • Watching some films with your child makes it possible to explain to him “what is good and what is bad”, to assess the characters of the main characters of the picture;
  • Do not let your child watch TV for a long time, try to keep him busy with other entertainment that is more beneficial to health;
  • Teach your child to watch educational, popular science, historical films that broaden their horizons and teach them to think. It is recommended to watch them together with the child in order to explain to him incomprehensible moments in time, and then discuss what he saw.


Consultation "Do you know how to ask for forgiveness from a baby?"

We are all wrong from time to time. But not all of us are ready to admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness for them. Often we, adults, talk about the injustice of the world and accumulate resentment against loved ones, because we didn’t hear “sorry”. At the same time, we teach our children to admit mistakes and apologize with or without reason. But for some reason it is difficult for us to ask for forgiveness from a child. Let's see what the difficulty is. We teach the baby to ask for forgiveness if he took someone else's toy or pushed another child, we teach him to forgive if the offender apologized. It is important from childhood to be able to admit that one is wrong, to be able to apologize, as well as to forgive. Children quite often notice contradictions in the behavior and communication of adults. Parents promised to take me to the cinema, but for some reason they could not. They limited themselves to the phrase: "we're not going anywhere" and that's it! For parents, this is just a trifle, well, it didn’t work out, but for the child, resentment and misunderstanding - how is it that they didn’t keep their promises, they were wrong and didn’t even apologize? It is with such “little things” that children's distrust and the attitude begin that you can not ask for forgiveness. Often parents come home from work tired and exhausted, and then the child asks to play with him or read. And it happens that the nerves can not stand it and the parents break down on the children, slapping or shouting. Never! The child again does not understand, again resentment, tears ... And mothers or fathers feel guilty, hugs and candy or cartoons in the form of an apology. And why not say: "I'm sorry, my dear, I'm to blame." Children "copy" a model of behavior from their parents, carefully watching them and listening to them literally from birth. It seems to us that the child is still too young to understand something, let alone remember. And this is our mistake. Children understand and absorb everything. Parents literally set an example, but you will know whether it is good or not when the child grows up a little and begins to act and speak like you. If you teach your child to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness (be responsible for his own act), then observe this rule both in relation to the child and in relations between themselves and their parents. Don't fool yourself into thinking your 2-3 year old won't learn the "wrongness" of your actions and appreciate your apology. For a child of any age, it is important that he and his interests are respected. The words and actions of the parents must be coordinated and thought out. A child who sees that parents can not apologize because they are adults will apply the same principle to children younger than themselves, and then to subordinates. A child who does not learn to admit his mistakes and apologize will grow up conflicted, selfish and stubborn.

On a note:

Take seriously the words thrown seemingly by chance while cooking dinner or watching TV. Your "okay, let's go" can be forgotten by you in a minute, and for the baby your word has weight, and he will expect the promise to be fulfilled.

Make it a rule to promise only if you are sure that you can keep the promise.

Teach your child to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness for them (both adults and peers).

Remember that what you teach your baby should be backed up by your example. Feel free to ask your child for forgiveness if you are wrong.