Are we going on holiday on February 23rd? Defender of the Fatherland Day will give Russians an additional day off - calendar. At the end of February, Russians will have a short week with three days off in a row.

At the end of February - beginning of March, Russia traditionally celebrates two consecutive “gender” holidays, when women and men congratulate each other on holidays based on their gender. Both holidays, both men's and women's, are official days off in Russia, so it is always interesting how exactly the weekend falls in a particular year. How will we rest on February 23, 2018 - the weekend schedule in February 2018 according to the government-approved production calendar.

At the end of February, Russians will have a short week with three days off in a row.

First of all, the schedule of weekends and working days in connection with a particular holiday depends, of course, on what day of the week a particular holiday falls on in a particular year.

For example, in cases where a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, most often the additional day off is not burned at all, and Russians rest on the coming Monday. In rare cases, this day off is moved to another day of the calendar, sometimes even to the next month.

If a holiday falls on Tuesday or Thursday, then usually Monday or Friday are also made a day off, respectively. This is done to avoid having just one working day surrounded by weekends. In most cases, such a working day turns out to be meaningless, and people’s labor productivity is low. It is clear that an extra day off on Monday or Friday in such cases does not come out of nowhere; usually you have to work it off on one of the next Saturdays.

A holiday falling on a Wednesday most often simply divides the work week into two parts: two working days before the holiday and two after.

This is what happened this time on February 23rd. This day in 2018 falls on Friday, which means we will simply rest for three days in a row - from 23 to 25 February.

February 22 will be a short working day

Please note that the last day of the short, four-day workweek (February 19 to 22), Thursday February 22, will also be a short day. The production calendar for 2018, approved by the government, implies that on this day the work shift is reduced from eight hours to seven.

Workers can go home one hour earlier or, if the team decides so, this hour will be devoted to congratulations to men by women and a small festive feast by the work team.

Public Holiday Russia Day celebrated annually and consistently 12 June. The date was approved as 06/02/1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1113.

How do we relax on Russia Day in 2020, how many days:

In honor of Russia Day 2020, we will have a rest
3 days in a row: from Friday 12 June 2020 to Sunday 14 June 2020 .

The working week preceding the holiday will be four days.

The Russian Day holiday itself (06/12/2020) is a non-working day throughout the Russian Federation.

According to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this holiday is included in the number of official non-working holidays (additional days off), both for a five-day week and for a six-day week.

November 4, 2019 is the last additional day off this year. Next, residents of Russia will have the opportunity to have a good rest only at the beginning of 2020, when, after the New Year, they will have a long New Year holiday, including the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Other events on September 21:

* Military Glory Day, dedicated to the victory of Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo. Six and a half centuries ago, Russian troops led by Dmitry Donskoy gave battle to the hordes of the Golden Horde. The battle took place on the Kulikovo field and marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the power of foreign invaders who came from the East.

* International Day of Peace. The event was established by the United Nations and is dedicated to "establishing world peace" and, most importantly, ending the war. On September 21, the warring parties temporarily cease hostilities (introduce a “ceasefire”).

* World Day of Russian Unity- for now this is an unofficial holiday, which has been celebrated on September 21 since 2010.

What is the reason for the conflict between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko:

The relationship between Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko and weightlifter Mikhail Koklyaev heated up in March 2019, after “Misha” posted a video in which he commented on Alexander’s conflict with another MMA fighter, Sergei Kharitonov.

Koklyaev joked about “stupid jocks and fighters,” summing up that “...Now it’s not just the jocks who are stupid.”

In a response video, Emelianenko suggested that Mikhail “be more careful,” since he might soon come to visit him at the gym.

The exchange of pleasantries continued on the fighters’ Instagram accounts, where they did notches on the bench press, hit a heavy ball, and shot with a broom.

In the end, it all ended with an agreement to resolve the dispute with the help of fists.

That is, the cause of the conflict is a joke by Mikhail Koklyaev.

When will the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko take place (date and time):

“The most anticipated fight of 2019” between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place on Friday November 29, 2019.

As for the start time of the fight, it is not known exactly, since it depends on how quickly the preliminary fights are completed. In total, 6 fights are planned in the tournament program, and the meeting between Emelianenko and Koklyaev will be the final one.

The tournament itself will begin on November 29, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. And Koklyaev and Emelianenko as headliners can enter the ring in the meantime from 21:30 to 22:30 Moscow time.

That is, when the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place (date and time):
* On Saturday 11/29/2019
* The tournament starts at 19:00 Moscow time.
* The Koklyaev - Emelianenko fight starts after 21:30 Moscow time.

Subscribe to our updates, join site groups on social networks so as not to miss new important information regarding the meeting of two famous athletes. Closer to the date of the fight, we will announce the exact start time of the fight, as well as where you can watch the live broadcast.

Where will the meeting between Koklyaev and Emelianenko be held on November 29, 2019:

The venue for the fight was chosen "VTB Arena"(Moscow, Russia) - a multi-purpose sports complex built on the site of the central Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park.

The fight will take place in the VTB Arena Park ring, a small indoor arena that can accommodate up to 13 thousand spectators for mixed martial arts.

What are the rules for the fight between A. Emelianenko and M. Koklyaev:

The fight will take place according to boxing rules.

Forecast for the Koklyaev vs. Emelianenko fight:

On November 29, 2019, we will receive an answer to the question of which is preferable - strength or speed.

Speed. Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko (younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko) has fought more than a hundred fights in various types of martial arts. His style of fighting is distinguished by courage, speed and entertainment. Now Alexander is in excellent physical shape, which means that in the upcoming fight he will be faster than ever.

Force. Eight-time champion of the Russian Federation in weightlifting, powerlifter Mikhail Koklyaev, “The Strongest Man in Russia”, is a repeated winner of international tournaments in extreme strength. It is deservedly famous for its strength, courage and sporting character. He claims that in order to knock out Emelianenko, he “only needs 1 blow.”

If the fight between Koklyaev and Emelianenko is not a freak fight (staged for show), then Mikhail doesn’t have much of a chance. Of course, there is a video where a strongman slaps 320 kilograms, and therefore theoretically he can knock out Alexander. However, Emelianenko is an experienced fighter who has been performing in mixed martial arts for a long time, and therefore is the undisputed favorite of the fight.

Festival "Invasion" - where it will take place in 2020:

The open-air rock festival "Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia, held annually in the open-air format by the radio station "Our Radio".

For the past 11 years, since 2009, the venue for the music festival has been a field near the village of Bolshoye Zavidovo in the Konakovsky district of the Tver region.

That is, the location of the “Invasion” in 2020:
* village of Bolshoye Zavidovo, Tver region.

When will "Invasion 2020" be held, festival dates:

The exact date for the "Invasion" festival is announced about a month before it starts - in June. And the dates for the “main summer event” vary every year. But these are invariably four summer days - from Thursday to Sunday in either July or August.

That is, we will find out the exact date of the festival in June 2019.

"Invasion 2020" can be carried out, for example, at the end of the first week of July 2020: from July 2, 2019 to July 5, 2019 (predictive dates!).

How many days will the “Invasion” festival last in 2020:

Starting in 2017, the “Invasion” festival lasts 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.

To the question asked about this to the general director of Multimedia Holding whether the next festivals would be held over 4 days, the answer was “why not.” According to Gen. Director Kiseleva, since so many people are ready to come to the festival on Thursday, the organizers will keep the four-day format of the event in the future. Moreover, if it is required, the Invasion can be carried out over 5 or even 6 days.

That is, the “Invasion” in 2020 will last:
* 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

When will ticket sales for "Invasion 2020" begin:

Ticket sales start now in September 2019. You can purchase tickets on the official website of the event.

How much will tickets for "Invasion 2020" cost:

The price of one ticket will vary in 2020 from 2000 to 10000 rubles, depending on the selected category.

What kind of festival "Invasion" will there be in 2020:

In 2020, the festival "Invasion" will be held 21 times (20 times open air).

The "Invasion" festival was first held in 1999 in the Moscow Gorbunov Palace of Culture. This was the only time a music event of the year took place indoors, apart from the “virtual” Invasion of 2003, when an open-air performance was canceled due to an explosion a month earlier at the Wings festival, and invited groups sang “live” live in the studio of “Our Radio”.

Since 2000, the festival has always been held outdoors.

What is the theme of "Invasion 2020":

The theme of the next festival, which will take place in 2020, has already been announced. This " Carnival".

The organizers plan to make the upcoming event a costume event.

How to get to the site of the festival "Invasion 2020" from Moscow:

You can get from Moscow to the village of Bolshoye Zavidovo by train. Electric trains depart from Leningradsky Station. You can get to the station from the Komsomolskaya metro station. You need to choose those electric trains that depart towards Konakovo. You should get off at Konakovsky Mokh station.

If you are going to visit “Invasion” by car, then 115 km from Moscow, moving along the “Russia” highway, you need to turn near Konakovo and drive to the village of Vakhonino, then turn left. You can also get to the place via the M-11 toll highway, bypassing all traffic jams and populated areas.

How to get to the site of the “Invasion” in 2020 from St. Petersburg:

To travel from the northern capital of Russia to Bolshoi Zavidovo by rail, you should choose any train that goes to Tver. Next, you can walk to the bus station (it is located about 1 km from the railway station) and take the bus that goes to Konakovo. And from Konakovo to the "Invasion" meadow you can take a taxi.

Although February and March are not very rich in public holidays, these months still have two “red” dates on the calendar. And Russians are looking forward to them with great impatience. These are men's and women's holidays.

How to relax on February 23 and March 8 in 2018 in Russia: Weekend schedule, calendar

It goes without saying that Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day are holiday weekends. Now we’ll tell you how many days in a row we’ll rest. February 23rd falls on Friday this year. It is followed by two calendar days off - Saturday and Sunday. Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day we will rest for three whole days in a row. Moreover, Thursday, February 22, is a pre-holiday day. You can legally leave work an hour early. And on the occasion of International Women's Day, Russians are looking forward to a big weekend.

Read also: Ideas for gifts for colleagues on February 23: classic, comic, office, do-it-yourself

We will rest and relax from March 8 to 11, 2018, informs the C-ib website. The Russian government, drawing up the production calendar, resorted to a postponement. This gave me an extra day off. Thus, the day off from Saturday, January 6 has been moved to Friday, March 9. Let us add that March 7 is considered a pre-holiday day in the working calendar, therefore, the duration of work is reduced by one hour.

Production calendar 2018 with holidays and weekends, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

Taking into account the postponement of holidays, the 2018 calendar includes six long weekends and holidays:
from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018 inclusive (10 days of the New Year holidays);
from February 23 to 25 (3 days on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day);
from March 8 to 11 (4 days dedicated to International Women's Day);
from April 29 to May 2 (4 days to celebrate the Spring and Labor Festival);
from June 10 to 12 (3 days to celebrate Russia Day);
from November 3 to 5 (3 days dedicated to National Unity Day).
One holiday - May 9 in honor of Victory Day - will be a rest day during the week.

Read also: Lent: five main misconceptions

The "Accountant's Calendar" service can help you. Using it, you can filter the list of reporting and taxes paid for your company.


Next week, February 23, 2018, Russians will plunge into a new wave of holidays. The New Year holidays and Christmastide have barely died down when two important holidays are on the doorstep - Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day after it. We will tell you in our material how many days off Russians will have in honor of men, and then women.

Winter is always generous for residents of our country with extra days off, and this year was no exception. The production calendar of holidays and weekends was compiled by officials in the summer of 2017, and in the fall it was approved by the government and the Duma. And no matter how hard some deputies tried to deprive the country’s residents of many days of rest, nothing came of it again - the Russians “have been lazy, are lazy and will continue to be lazy.”

Jokes aside, in 2018 many public holidays fell on calendar weekends, and therefore rest was automatically transferred to weekdays so that the working part of the population would not be deprived of their due rest.

How to relax on February 23 in 2018 - is it a day off in Russia or not?

Traditionally, Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia is considered a very important public holiday, and therefore really gives the residents of the country additional rest. In 2018, the date fell on a Friday - the day will be a day off for all government agencies and companies, educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, banks and other organizations.

The following Saturday and Sunday do “their job” - at the end of February, Russians will have a short vacation lasting three days.

At the same time, some private organizations and those structures, without whose services residents cannot live for so long, change the general state schedule and still work on holidays. For example, in clinics you can easily find doctors on duty, and at Russian Post there are cashiers on duty as well. More information about the work schedule of institutions can be found on the website or by phone number.

By the way, February 23 has long been called “Men’s Day” in our country. On the holiday, all representatives of the stronger sex are congratulated, as well as some ladies who are military or veterans.

How are we relaxing on February 23, 2018? One of the holiday traditions is the ceremonial laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And every year a festive concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day is held in the Kremlin Palace. In many cities across the country they give off festive fireworks.

March 8 in 2018 - there will be many days off

This year, unlike last year, most of the holiday weekend is dedicated to Women's Day. If last year Russians had four whole days off on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and only one on March 8, then this year the priorities have changed - it is March 8 that will give the country an additional series of four days off.

This state of affairs became possible thanks to the calendar, in which Christmas, January 6 and 7, fell on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. In order not to offend the residents of the country and not to deprive them of their rightful rest, the holidays were moved to March - in honor of International Women's Day we will rest from 8th to 11th inclusive(from Thursday to Sunday).

Residents of the country are used to planning long weekends in advance, because they want to devote time to both relaxation and solving everyday problems that they didn’t get around to during working days - now you have a chance to plan a lot of interesting things for the beginning of March.

Holidays in Russia in 2018 - production calendar

The next additional weekend in the country will be in honor of the May holidays - Workers' Solidarity Day and Victory Day cannot pass without May Days and the first trips to nature after the bitter cold.

Also, Russians always receive additional days for rest in honor of Russia Day, which is celebrated annually on June 12. National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4, is also included in the state holiday schedule.

The one-time payment amount is only 109 rubles.

The young calendar quickly turns over its holiday pages: official - New Year and Christmas, unofficial, but no less beloved - Tatiana's Day and Valentine's Day.

By the way, Russia is one of the few countries in the world where the holiday period can be equated to short vacations or holidays.

And now the day is approaching, which women wait with trepidation, and men with pride - February 23.

How do we relax on February 23? How not to “overstay” and not become a truant? How not to get confused with transferring days?

Maxim Anatolyevich Topilin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection, with the production calendar for 2017 approved by him, will help you deal with days off and holidays.

February 23rd according to the calendar is an official non-working holiday. According to this year's calendar, it falls on Thursday. January 1 (Sunday), as a holiday, was moved to February 24, making it automatically non-working.

As a result of these transfers, our fair half has a happy, unique opportunity to congratulate their “knights” for four days in a row.

A “clipping” from the February calendar looks like this:

  • We will congratulate the Defenders of the Fatherland on the holiday weekend of February 23 ;
  • February 24 - postponed from January 1, day off;
  • February 25 and 26 are days off.

Tradition 23 February Celebrating solemnly and with love for men is in the soul of Russians.

How can you celebrate holidays and weekends on February 23?

Of course, during the February cold you won’t be able to spend much time in nature. But paraphrasing a popular slogan from a children's film magazine of the 70s, we can say affirmatively: “The February frost is strong, but we are not used to retreating...”. Especially if we are talking about Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Natural eco-options:

  • Going out into the forest with family or friends;
  • Mass or family sports events;
  • Group horseback riding;
  • Joint fishing trip;
  • Paintball competition;
  • Visits with children to a natural quest city;
  • Organizing a competition in an open shooting range: clay pigeon shooting, archery, clay pigeon shooting or target shooting.

Collective celebration indoors:

  • Competitions in a bowling club;
  • Swimming pool and billiard room;

Cultural events:

  • Visiting the theater, cinema, museums, exhibitions;
  • Musical and poetry evenings dedicated to this date;
  • Excursion trips to battle sites and visits to cities of military Glory;
  • Concerts of your favorite performers and groups;

Holiday with family:

  • Festive dinner;
  • Organization and holding of the above events, but in the circle of family and friends;
  • Preparation by “amateur artistic performance” of a festive mini-concert for the male part of the family;
  • Thematic competitions, quizzes, screenings and discussions of films;

“Adult” part of the holiday:

  • Going out with friends or as a family to a cafe, restaurant, sauna;
  • Visiting thematic programs in the city’s cultural institutions: “The soldier is always in the ranks,” “Our youth is in the army,” “It’s too early for us to retire.”
  • Prepare and spend an evening of memories with friends - February 23 dates, history, memory. On it you can read preserved letters from the army and look at army photo albums. Or maybe you can chat with friends and colleagues on Skype.

On February 23, you can officially congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland both at the enterprise and in a narrow circle of colleagues. But to make the celebration memorable and enjoyable, try to also think of a fun, entertaining part. To make this day truly festive: put all your soul and warmth into its organization.