How to relax on the trinity of the year. The Feast of the Great Trinity is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. When is Trinity celebrated?

In the first month of the long-awaited summer, one of the most important holidays takes place, marking a new era in the history and development of the Russian Federation - Independence Day of Russia. And therefore, we will rest from June 11 to 13, since the holiday falls on Sunday this year, and the day off is transferred to the next working day. In addition, an important Christian holiday is celebrated in June - as well as International Children's Day and Youth Day of Russia.

Weekend calendar in Russia for June 2016

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
  • Day off

You can download and print the calendar of holidays and weekends:

Children's Day has been celebrated for 65 years!

After the terrible events of the Second World War, the echoes of which were felt for a long time, the peoples of the whole Earth came out for a clear sky and a bright sun over the heads of children. After the first women's congress was held in Paris, a decision was made on the importance of maintaining peace and ensuring the safety of children, who no longer have to face the horrors of war.

In 1949, it was decided to introduce a worldwide holiday - Children's Day, which is now held in all countries (since 1950). Fun festivities, festivals, concerts, competitions, competitions with prizes and gifts, performances by children's groups and animation performances with the participation of favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters are organized for children.

Postcard to the Day of Russia

The day of June 12, 1990, when the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted a document called "Declaration of State Sovereignty", became significant in the modern history of Russia. It became festive in 1991, and now marks a new milestone in the history of the country and the development of statehood on the principles of democracy, national sovereignty and equality.

Trinity - a holiday of youth, spring and greenery

A special day for Orthodox believers. According to the biblical story, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the apostles, the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus gathered together. Suddenly the wind picked up, a storm broke out, flames appeared. God's Blessing descended on all the apostles in the form of the Holy Spirit, which endowed them with the ability to preach in different, hitherto unfamiliar languages. The Trinity is a symbol of life and a bright beginning, when bouquets of fragrant flowers and greenery are brought home.

Youth Day is celebrated at the end of June

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, this holiday came in 1993 to replace the Day of Soviet Youth. On this day, mass celebrations are usually not held, but important decisions of the government regarding the problems of youth are timed to coincide with it. These are issues related to employment and decent wages for young professionals, and concern about the reduction in the number of young people in the age structure of the country's population, and problems affecting education and health.

Orthodox are preparing to celebrate one of the most important and beloved Christian holidays - Day of the Holy Trinity, otherwise called Pentecost. Following the Trinity is another holiday - Whit Monday (Holy Spirit Day).

When is Trinity celebrated?

Orthodox celebrate Holy Trinity Day on Sunday, the 50th day after Easter so the holiday is also called Pentecost. The Trinity is one of the twelve (that is, the most important in Orthodoxy) holidays.

What is the number of the Trinity for Orthodox and Catholics

In 2016, the Orthodox celebrate the Trinity June 19, and for Catholics and other Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian calendar, the holiday has already taken place - it was celebrated on May 22.

What does the feast of the Trinity mean?

The feast of the Trinity is a Christian interpretation of the Old Testament Pentecost - a Jewish holiday Shavuot, which is celebrated in honor of the giving of the Torah to the Jews on Mount Sinai during the Exodus from Egypt.

It was on the holiday of Shavuot, on the fiftieth day after Resurrection of Jesus Christ(on the tenth day after Ascension of the Lord) and happened Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. On this day, the apostles, together with Mother of God were in the Upper Room of Zion in Jerusalem, where at one time the The Last Supper. After the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, the disciples of Christ began to speak in different languages, which they did not know before, thanks to which they were able to preach in different lands. It is believed that from that moment Christianity ceased to be the lot of only the Jews, but became a world religion.

Trinity - 2016: traditions, signs, rituals

Trinity is a holiday that also has Slavic, pre-Christian roots; it is associated with rituals symbolizing the final transition of spring into summer. Although the church never approved of the tradition of a stormy celebration on Trinity days, however, much of the Slavic ritual of this period passed into the folk Christian customs of celebrating the Trinity.

Read more about the folk meaning of the Trinity holidays in the material Federal News Agency .

Trinity parent Saturday

Trinity house decoration

On the feast of the Trinity, according to folk custom, it is customary to decorate houses and temples with greenery, wildflowers, and birch branches. In general, in Rus', a birch is the main symbol of the Trinity, it is customary to decorate with young birches not only dwellings and courtyards, but also temples. There is also a folk custom for women and girls to place meadow flowers under their pillows to ward off evil forces.

How is Trinity celebrated?

On the eve of the Trinity, it is customary to clean the house, throw away unnecessary things. On this day, in the morning, it was customary to go to the temple to pray and bless birch branches and bouquets of herbs and flowers, which were placed next to the icons and tried not to be thrown away throughout the year. It was believed that Trinity greenery protects the house from the evil eye, as well as from thunderstorms.

On Trinity in Rus', it was customary to lay festive tables and invite guests. The traditional dish on this day is scrambled eggs, because the egg is a symbol of life. After the feast, it was customary to arrange festivities, the girls on this day made plans for the betrothed.

Divination for the Trinity

In ancient times, they guessed at the Trinity, starting from the Thursday before the holiday, when the people celebrated Semik or Green Christmas time.

Fortune telling on wreaths

Girls on Semik wove wreaths, put them on their heads, walked to the river and leaned over the water so that the wreath itself fell into the water. By the way the wreath floated, they tried to predict fate.

  • Floats smoothly - life will be good and calm.
  • Swims under water - to the disease.
  • Drowning - to trouble or to imminent death.
  • Swinging on the waves - to a stormy life.
  • Unraveled - to separation from the sweetheart.
  • Quickly sailed away - to marriage away from home.
  • Stuck by the shore - until the next Trinity, the owner will sit in the girls.

Divination on a chain.

Before divination, the girls went to church, wearing a chain around their necks. Upon returning, it was necessary to count the number of links in it three times. If an even number is rolled, the wish will come true; if it is odd, nothing will come of it. After divination, the chain could not be worn for three days.

Divination on the rings.

The girls took four different rings and put them in a bowl of rye or wheat so that the rings were not visible. A wish was made on each ring, and it was necessary to pull without looking. If the wish and the ring matched, then it will come true.

Signs and prohibitions on the Trinity

  • It was not customary to marry and play weddings on the Trinity, it was believed that the “Trinity” family would face only troubles in the future.
  • But it was customary to marry, get acquainted, arrange “conspiracies”. It was believed that young people who were "conspired" to the Trinity would have a happy family life.
  • On Trinity it was not customary to sew, paint (especially white), bake pies and work in the garden. Swimming in reservoirs was also banned - it was believed that on this day mermaids could drag the bather to the bottom.
  • If it’s rainy on Trinity, the year will be fine and fruitful, especially for mushrooms.

The day after Trinity is called Spirit Day. On this day, it was also not customary to work on the ground, but it was possible to look for treasures. It was believed that on this day the birthday land can give something valuable to someone she likes.

Congratulations on Trinity

Blessed on the feast of the Trinity
I only wish you well.
All over the world, all over the universe
May there never be trouble.

Let the sun warm you
A day to spite all obstacles
Brings good luck and happiness
Give only good.

On a beautiful and wonderful day,
On this holiday our heavenly
I want to wish you
Troubles and sorrows do not know

Mutual love and warmth
Joy and health always
Let goodness reign in the house
And your family hearth is burning,

Never lose heart
Close to your faithful friend.
Happy Holy Trinity Day
Let everything be set up for you!

Bright holiday of the Trinity,
Comes to every home
nature smiles,
Everything is green around!

Today, with the Holy Trinity,
I congratulate you,
Let happiness flow to you like a river,
Filling every hour!

With the Holy Trinity
Happy holy day!
Let your heart be filled
golden light,

May the soul not know
No sin, no evil
May bless you
God for everything.

Every day the sun warms more and more, which means that the season of holidays and vacations is open. Summer is always hiking, visiting the beaches, the growing season is already in full swing, and the store shelves are teeming with fresh fruits and vegetables. But for those who have to work, they really want to escape into this summer atmosphere. Well, in any case, to plan your vacation, it will be very useful to find out how we have a rest in June 2016 in Russia and Ukraine.

Weekends in June 2016 in Ukraine

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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27 28 29 30

The first month of summer will endow citizens of Ukraine with their days off and holidays, because it is in June that two celebrations are celebrated here. In total, in June 2016 there will be 19 working days, 11 weekends and holidays, the total number of days in the month will be 30. No shortened working days are expected.

Weekends in June 2016 in Russia

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30

But in Russia they rest two days less, since there is only one holiday this month. So, as we already mentioned, there are only 30 calendar days, of which 21 are working days and 9 are holidays and weekends.

Day of Russia in 2016- this holiday is traditionally celebrated on June 12, but in 2016 it falls on Sunday, and therefore the government of the Russian Federation decided to postpone it to June 13, that is, Monday. As a result, in the middle of the month, Russians will receive 3 days off in a row from June 11 to June 13 inclusive.

Ukrainians have a lot of rest, you are mistaken. Holidays and weekends in June 2016 in Ukraine will again give Ukrainians the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, enjoy and engage in self-development. Therefore, we publish material about holidays in June 2016 in Ukraine.

Weekend in June 2016 Ukraine

Holiday weekends in June in Ukraine will last as much as 11 days. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a corresponding decree, so the weekend in June 2016 will drag Ukrainians into their holiday networks.

Additional weekends in June 2016 are associated with two holidays: the religious Orthodox holiday of the Trinity and Constitution Day.

Weekends for Trinity 2016 in Ukraine

Judging by the questions of our readers on the forum, many are interested in Trinity 2016, what date is the day off. Therefore, we inform you that the official ones in Ukraine will be on June 19-20. Since June 19 is Sunday, the day off is postponed to June 20.

Trinity is one of the main Orthodox holidays, celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In 2016, Trinity falls on June 19th.

Weekend on Constitution Day of Ukraine

Constitution Day is a day off, as usual. Since Ukrainians will celebrate Constitution Day on June 28, the government decided to combine official holidays - from 25 to 28 June there will be non-working days in honor of the Constitution Day weekend.

But do not rush to rejoice. A day off on June 27 is not given to Ukrainians. You still have to work it out on July 2. The final decision on additional days off in June 2016 and the postponement of the working day is made by the employer.

Stock up on ideas for creative leisure, as the weekend in June 2016 will be long. Happy holidays!

Summer 2016 has just begun, and this is the best time to plan your holidays not only on the basis of, but also on public holidays in Ukraine in June 2016. Therefore, we publish material about what days off will be in June 2016.

Working days and days off in June 2016 in Ukraine: how to relax

After the busy May holidays and the news that next year many are interested in how many days off are in June 2016 in Ukraine. For clarity, see the following picture about the holiday weekend in June 2016. There will be only 19 official working days in Ukraine, while the remaining 11 will be off.

Official holidays in June 2016 Ukraine: how to relax in June 2016 Ukraine

According to Kambina's decision, there will be 3 more days off in June 2016 in Ukraine than usual. What holidays in June in Ukraine are decided on the basis of church holidays, as well as state ones. This year, many people ask what holiday June 20 is in Ukraine. We remind you that Ukrainians will celebrate on June 19. We recommend reading. Thus, the days off in June 2016 in Ukraine are increased by a day due to the fact that the Trinity is transferred to Monday. That is, June 20, 2016 will be a holiday.

Public holidays in June 2016 in Ukraine: weekends in June 2016 how to relax

Constitution Day also presented public holidays in June 2016 in Ukraine. Constitution Day 2016 is reported to fall on a Tuesday. June 28 so Monday June 27 will also be a holiday. True, it will have to be worked out on Saturday, July 2. Therefore, the holidays in June 2016 in Ukraine promise to be rich in events.

Holidays in June 2016 in Ukraine

Now you know what holidays are in June 2016 in Ukraine. Follow our news to find out the schedule of events for June 2016 and for the June holidays in 2016. How do you relax, share on our page in