Squares, cages with knitting needles - simple patterns. Knitting squares with knitting needles as the basis for creating large and voluminous products Patterns with knitting needles squares rhombuses

Hello dear guests!

I don’t know if openwork patterns with knitting needles with patterns in the middle of winter will be of interest to you. It's just that the sun is shining here, it blew warmly, I wanted spring - that's what drew me to openwork-tuzhur.

Although these openwork patterns are not very complex, I decided to accompany some of them not only with diagrams, but also with descriptions. This will help you better understand how to knit such interesting and beautiful patterns with knitting needles.

Very often in books on knitting, and on the Internet, knitting patterns are published without names, and this is not very convenient when searching for a particular pattern. I took the liberty of naming them on my blog. Do you mind?

Openwork knitting patterns

Knitting pattern "Openwork cob"

I named this pattern. "Openwork cob". Does it remind you of an ear of corn? I think it looks like.

To knit a sample of the pattern, on the knitting needles we collect the number of loops divisible by 8, add 6 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops, for example 24 + 6 + 2 = 32, and proceed to knitting the pattern according to the pattern or description (as it suits you).

Just do not be afraid, please, of such a huge pattern of the pattern - many front and back rows are repeated in it.

Scheme of the pattern "Openwork cob"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • circle - nakid;
  • black ;
  • We knit 2 loops together on the wrong side.

Pattern Description

  • In the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th rows we knit: 1purl, * 4 purl, 2 facial, yarn over, 2 together with a tilt to the left, as described above * (from * to * repeat to the end of the row), at the end of the row 5 purl;
  • in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th rows: 5 facial, * 2 purl, yarn over, 2 together purl, 4 facial *, at the end of the row 1 facial;
  • in the 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th rows: 1 purl, * 2 facial, yarn, 2 together with a tilt to the left, 4 purl *, at the end of the row 2 facial, yarn, 2 together with a tilt to the left, 1 purl;
  • in the 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th rows: 1 front, purl 2, yarn over, purl 2 together, * knit 4, purl 2, yarn over, purl 2 together *, at the end of the row 1 knit;
  • repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Like most openwork patterns, "Openwork Cob" is perfect for knitting women's and children's products.

Knitting pattern "Arrows"

Pattern "Arrows" reminds me of road signs, don't you think? Hence the name of the pattern.

To knit a sample of this interesting pattern, we cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that is a multiple of 14, add 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops: 28+1+2=31. Now we turn to knitting a sample according to the pattern pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Arrows"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left -We knit 2 loops together with a slope to the left (We remove the 1st loop as when knitting the front one, knit the 2nd loop with the front one and stretch it through the removed loop);
  • 2
  • circle - nakid;
  • even rows - we knit as the pattern shows, yarn overs - with purl loops.

Despite the fact that this pattern is openwork, it can also be used for knitting men's jumpers and pullovers.

Knitting pattern "Openwork squares"

Pattern "Openwork squares" perfect for knitting both women's and children's clothing. This is the pattern I knitted.

To knit a pattern sample, we collect the number of loops divisible by 6, add 7 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 edge loops, for example: 24 + 7 + 2 \u003d 33 loops, and proceed to knitting the sample according to its pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Openwork squares"

In the front rows, first we knit 3 loops in front of the bracket (rapport), then 6 loops of rapport, enclosed in a bracket, repeat as many times as necessary, and at the end of the row we knit the 4 loops remaining after the bracket (rapport).

In the purl rows, we knit, as the pattern pattern shows (above the front - front loops, over the purl and crochets - purl loops).

Knitting pattern "Lace leaf"

Agree, openwork pattern "Lace Leaf" will decorate any women's product.

In order to knit his sample, we cast on the number of loops divisible by 8, add 9 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 more edge loops: 16+9+2=27. Well, the pattern of the pattern is at your service.

Scheme of the pattern "Lace leaf"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left - 2 we knit the loops together with a tilt to the left
  • triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 we knit the loops together with the front;
  • circle - nakid;
  • white arch - 3 we knit the loops together with a tilt to the left (we remove 2 loops together as when knitting the front, we knit the 3rd loop with the front and stretch it through 2 removed loops);
  • even rows - knit as the pattern shows, nakida - purl.

Knitting pattern "Cones"

The knitting pattern "Cones" got its name in the competition "Give a name to the pattern!", which I hosted on my previous knitting blog.

There were so many suggestions to name the pattern: “lanterns”, and balloons”, and “poppy buds” ... but I settled on “cones”, on the “bottom” of which even liquid is visible!

To knit a sample pattern with knitting needles, you need to dial the number of loops divisible by 6, add 1 loop for symmetry and 2 edge loops, for example: 30+1+2=33 loops. Well, then you should knit according to the pattern.

The scheme of the pattern "Cones"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left - We knit 2 loops together with a slope to the left (we remove the 1st loop as when knitting the front one, knit the 2nd loop with the front one and stretch it through the removed loop);
  • triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 we knit the loops together with the front;
  • circle - nakid;
  • even rows - we knit as the pattern shows, nakida - with purl loops.

Since there are very few openwork "holes" in the pattern, it will look great not only on children's and women's clothing, but also on knitwear for men.

Knitting pattern "Fishtails"

I named this pattern. "Fish tails" really looks like it? Knitting it, of course, is not as fast as the previous patterns - more attention is required here, but the result is worth it!

To knit a pattern swatch "Fish tails", we collect the number of loops, a multiple of 14, add 15 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops (14+15+2=31). And then we knit according to the pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Fishtails"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • circle - nakid;
  • white triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 loops knit together wrong side;
  • white triangle - 3 loops knit together wrong side;
  • even rows - knit as the pattern shows, nakida - purl.

You can use this pattern for both women's and children's knitted clothes.

These are the openwork patterns with knitting needles with patterns I have prepared for you this winter day. I hope you liked them and the pattern patterns were understandable. But even if this is not so - write, I will definitely help you figure it out!

If these openwork patterns turn out to be complicated for some of you, you can follow the link to a page with simpler ones, but from this.

Well, if you do not want to accidentally miss any useful information for yourself, subscribe to receive new articles from my blog. Just DO NOT FORGET to go to your email and confirm the subscription by clicking on the link in the email that came automatically, otherwise the subscription WILL NOT BE registered!

And this is a musical gift: "Echo of Love" performed by everyone's beloved Anna German. Listen and enjoy!

A huge number of knitted items can consist of separate small elements, which, combined with each other, create very interesting canvases. Subsequently, beautiful blankets, bags and other things are obtained. Of course, the details can be of different geometric shapes, but now let's talk about knitting squares with knitting needles, which, in turn, can also differ significantly from each other. Their surface is smooth or covered with a contour pattern and even convex elements. This is a huge scope for fans to dream up. Therefore, we will analyze several options for squares: smooth, grandmother's and with diagonals.


  1. Row - R.
  2. Petty - P.
  3. Facial - LP.
  4. Purl - IP.
  5. Thread - N.
  6. The front wall of the loop - PS.
  7. Back wall of a loop - ЗС.
  8. Nakid - N / K.

The easiest way to knit squares is with plain front stitch. They can be made in different colors or in two shades. We just dial P, for example -48 and knit until the desired equilateral figure is formed (about 66 rows):

If a smooth canvas seems boring, then you can add a simple pattern in the center as in the diagram (alternating N / K (circle) and knitting 2x P together (triangle), empty cells - LP):

You can also use a "chess" (4x4 rubber band, swap every 4 P) or any other motif of a suitable shape.

Even an inexperienced knitter will master such work. And the result is a big and beautiful thing.

Video: Simple Garter Stitch Square

Knitting a square with a diagonal

To make such a square, we collect 25 P with knitting needles. The number of P should always be odd. We will work only LP. Now we need to link the preparatory P in which there are only LPs:

2 R: 12 LP, move 1 P without knitting, as a PI (working H in front), 12 LP.

IMPORTANT: In even R, remove the P located in the middle as an IP without knitting.

3 R: 11 LP, the next 3 P must be knitted together. To do this, we hang 12 and 13 P for the PS on the right knitting needle, and then again on the left and adding the 14th to them, knit their LP for the GS.

IMPORTANT: In odd Rs, we knit 3 Ps together as described above. As a result, one of the diagonals of the square will look like a pigtail, and the number of P will gradually decrease. We continue knitting until 1 P remains, which we simply tighten. The square is ready.

Video: Patchwork knitting technique

Square with two diagonals

We collect 8 P with circular knitting needles and close the work in a circle. We use markers to mark 1,3,5 and 7 P.:

1 R: IP. When knitting, add P at the beginning, at the end and between the typed P. You should get 16 P.

2 R: We make an increase in loops before and after each P, marked with a marker.

Alternate 1 R and 2 R, finish the square when it has reached the desired size by 2 R. Close as PI. With the remaining H we tighten the hole between the completed loops, and with the segment H that remained at the beginning of work, we tighten the hole in the center of the square.

Try to knit freely, then your parts will turn out even and flat. If the loops are tightened too much, this will lead to a distortion of the pattern.

Grandma's version of knitting a square

This option consists, as a rule, of several colors, following one after another in the form of stripes. Often it is used to create some children's things that turn out to be especially bright and interesting:

To knit a grandmother's square, we collect 20 P with regular knitting needles and knit 28 R using knitting stocking type in one shade:

Should be a square. At 29 R, we close all Ps except 1. We unfold the knitting and on one side of the resulting figure we collect new Ps in a different color until the end of R. We knit until we reach the desired effect. For example, 18 R. In 19 R, we again close P, leaving one. We turn the grandmother's square further and start the set on the other side, repeating the above. So until we tie the first figure on all sides with a thread of a different shade. Now attach the third color and repeat:

Knitting can be done with a satin stitch of the front type or some kind of pattern, such as pearl. It is not necessary to arrange the colors exactly like this:

Each of the stripes can be made in different shades, which will add variegation to the figure. So here we connect the fantasy. Using a grandmother's square, you can make interesting blankets or bags.

As you can see, there are many ways to knit squares, but they all give an interesting and unique result, and most importantly, they are not at all difficult to perform. Having completed all the number of figures necessary for this or that product, lay out all the elements in the order you like and start connecting. Usually separate strips are collected, which are then combined with each other.

Video: Square blanket review

Schemes of square patterns

(Size 48)

The shirt (Fig. 152) is crocheted with a two-color pattern No. 2 from 150 g of fine yarn of light pink and gray-blue color in 3 threads.

Start knitting with an elastic band 2 × 2.

To knit a 2 × 2 elastic pattern pattern (Fig. 153), a chain of 27 air loops is dialed (KP / 4 + 3).

1 row- knit with double crochets.

2 row- 3 air loops, (2 st. s / n concave, 2 st. s / n convex).

3 row- 3 air loops, (2 st. s / n convex, 2 st. s / n concave).

4 row- the pattern is repeated from the 2nd row.

For knitting backrests they collect a pigtail from the air loops of the desired length and, having knitted 5 cm with an elastic band from gray-blue yarn, they switch to knitting a two-color pattern.

To knit a pattern sample (Fig. 154), 26 air loops are dialed (KP / 4 + 2).

1 row- light pink color. 3 air loops, 2 tbsp. s / n, (1 air loop, skip 1 loop along the chain, 3 st. s / n knit one in each loop of the chain).

2 row- same color. 3 air loops, 2 tbsp. s / n over 2 columns of the previous row, (1 air loop, 3 tbsp. s / n above the s / n columns).

3 row- gray-blue color. 3 air loops, (1 air loop, 1 st. s / n over the 3rd st. s / n, 1 st. s / n - the hook is inserted under 1 air loop of the 1st row, 1 st. s / n over 1st st. s / n of the next group of 3 columns).

4 row- same color. 3 air loops, (1 air loop, 3 st. s / n over 3 st. s / n).

5 row- light pink color. 3 air loops, (1 st. s / n - the hook is inserted under 1 air loop of the 3rd row, 1 st. s / n over the 1st column of 3 columns, 1 air loop, 1 st. s / n over 3 -th column of the same group of columns).

6 row- same color. 3 air loops, 2 tbsp. s / n over 2 tbsp. s / n, (1 air loop, 3 st. s / n over 3 st. s / n).

7 row- the pattern is repeated from the 3rd row. A straight fabric is knitted with a pattern to the chest line. Then, on both sides, they are not knitted to the width of the armhole. After the armhole, knit another 5 cm.

Before knit in the same way as the back.

Having finished knitting, the parts are steamed and sewn. The top is tied with an elastic band 1 × 1 (1 st. s / n convex, 1 st. s / n concave). The width of the elastic is 3 cm. The armholes are tied with single crochets.

For straps, knit a chain of air loops of the desired length and knit 3 cm with an elastic band 1 × 1. Ready straps are sewn on.


Relief patterns spokes - this is an alternation when knitting front and back loops, while the fabric turns out to be three-dimensional due to the combination of convex and concave sections, and also quite dense (without gaps), so such patterns are especially expressive. There are a great many relief patterns, they differ in small or large rapport. These patterns are ideal for plain cotton, cotton-viscose, silk and linen blends. If the yarn is thick, then the pattern looks especially embossed, and if it is thin, then an exquisite, noble structure will be obtained. Embossed patterns are quite easy to knit, so they are recommended for beginners, because. help them gain skills and experience. Confident knitters also pay attention to embossed patterns, because they are convenient to combine with openwork and give it a special elegance. So that the charm of relief patterns does not disappear, they should not be ironed and steamed, it is enough to moisten and let them dry in a straightened form.

We offer you a large collection of simple relief patterns with squares and squares, cells and cells for knitting with patterns, diagrams, descriptions and symbols.
Choose and create with pleasure!

Attention! Pattern schemes are shown as they look from the front side.

p. - loop;
persons. - front;
out. - purl;
chrome - edging;
cross - crossed.

Pattern 85 "Okay"(for 12 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 84 "Spartacus"(for 16 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 83 "Blockwork"(on 9 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 82 "Surprise"(for 14 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 81 "Large armor"(for 8 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 80 "Small armor"(for 6 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 79 "Quadrics"(for 12 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 78 "Fifteen"(for 12 loops and 14 rows)

Pattern 77 "Cookies"(for 14 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 76 "Squares with crossed loops"(for 18 loops and 28 rows)

Pattern 75 "Flower motif"(for 18 loops and 24 rows)

Pattern 74 "Marble"(for 8 loops and 14 rows)

Pattern 73 "Miniature squares"(on 6 loops and 14 rows)

Pattern 72 "Idyll"(on 14 loops and 28 rows)

Pattern 71 "Square-tiki-taki"(for 13 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 70 "Square idea"(for 12 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 69 "Princess"(for 20 loops and 40 rows)

Pattern 66 "Buttons"(for 12 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 65 "Diagonal of squares"(on 12 loops and 24 rows)

Pattern 64 "Kegs"(on 6 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 63 "Original relief"(for 8 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 62 "Sails"(for 7 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 61 "Variation"(for 26 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 60 "Squares from triangles"(on 9 loops and 10 rows)

Pattern 59 "Domino"(for 7 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 58 "Hypotenuse"(for 10 loops and 14 rows)

Pattern 57 "Domino Square"(on 19 loops and 19 rows)

Cast on 21 sts (= 19 sts + 2 chrome)
1 row: 9 persons. behind the front wall; 1 persons. behind the back wall; 9 persons. behind the front wall.
2 row: 9 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 9 persons. behind the front wall.
3 row: 8 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 8 persons. behind the front wall.
4 row: 8 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 8 persons. behind the front wall.
5 row: 7 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 7 persons. behind the front wall.
6 row: 7 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 7 persons. behind the front wall.
7 row: 6 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 6 persons. behind the front wall.
8 row: 6 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 6 persons. behind the front wall.
9 row: 5 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 5 persons. behind the front wall.
10 row: 5 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 5 persons. behind the front wall.
11 row: 4 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 4 persons. behind the front wall.
12 row: 4 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 4 persons. behind the front wall.
13 row: 3 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 3 persons. behind the front wall.
14 row: 3 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 3 persons. behind the front wall.
15 row: 2 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 2 persons. behind the front wall.
16 row: 2 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 2 persons. behind the front wall.
17 row: 1 persons. behind the front wall; 3 sts together. behind the back wall (middle loop on top); 1 persons. behind the front wall.
18 row: 1 persons. behind the front wall; 1 out.; 1 persons. behind the front wall.
19 row: 3 p. together persons. behind the back wall (middle loop on top).

Pattern 56 "Squares and bows"(on 9 loops and 10 rows)

Pattern 55 "Pearl blocks"(on 14 loops and 18 rows)

Pattern 54 "Wattle"(for 6 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 53 "Aquarium"(on 14 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 52 "Weaving"(for 8 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 51 "Birch bark"(on 9 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 50 "Binding"(on 9 loops and 10 rows)

Pattern 49 "Tuesok"(for 16 loops and 32 rows)

Pattern 48 "Big basket"(for 16 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 47 "Small basket"(for 10 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 46 "Big box"(on 8 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 45 "Small box"(on 6 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 44 "Wicker Relief"(for 6 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 43 "Braid"(on 6 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 42 "Two-color braid"(on 6 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 41 "Basket"(for 8 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 40 "Candelabra"(for 20 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 39 Big Top(for 18 loops and 18 rows)

Pattern 38 "Waffles"(on 6 loops and 6 rows)

Pattern 37 "Kalinka-raspberry"(on 6 loops and 6 rows)

Pattern 36 "Rep squares"(on 14 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 35 "Horseshoes"(on 14 loops and 24 rows)

Pattern 34 "Taffy"(for 10 loops and 10 rows)

Pattern 33 "Mill"(for 20 loops and 36 rows)

Pattern 32 "Windmill"(for 14 loops and 12 rows)

Pattern 31 "Small pockets"(for 12 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 30 "Pockets"(for 17 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 29 "Original checkerboard"(for 16 loops and 24 rows)

Pattern 28 "Chess field"(for 16 loops and 16 rows)

Pattern 27 "Chess 5x5"(for 10 loops and 14 rows)

Pattern 26 "Chess 4x4"(on 8 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 25 "Chess 3x3"(on 6 loops and 8 rows)

Pattern 24 "Ladles" the reverse side of the pattern "Yin-yang" (for 15 loops and 30 rows)

Pattern 23 "Yin-yang" the reverse side of the pattern "Ladles" (for 15 loops and 30 rows)

Pattern 22 "Sea battle"(for 14 loops and 20 rows)

Pattern 21 "Expression-2"(for 12 loops and 12 rows)

Hello dear guests!

I don’t know if openwork patterns with knitting needles with patterns in the middle of winter will be of interest to you. It's just that the sun is shining here, it blew warmly, I wanted spring - that's what drew me to openwork-tuzhur.

Although these openwork patterns are not very complex, I decided to accompany some of them not only with diagrams, but also with descriptions. This will help you better understand how to knit such interesting and beautiful patterns with knitting needles.

Very often in books on knitting, and on the Internet, knitting patterns are published without names, and this is not very convenient when searching for a particular pattern. I took the liberty of naming them on my blog. Do you mind?

Openwork knitting patterns

Knitting pattern "Openwork cob"

I named this pattern. "Openwork cob". Does it remind you of an ear of corn? I think it looks like.

To knit a sample of the pattern, on the knitting needles we collect the number of loops divisible by 8, add 6 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops, for example 24 + 6 + 2 = 32, and proceed to knitting the pattern according to the pattern or description (as it suits you).

Just do not be afraid, please, of such a huge pattern of the pattern - many front and back rows are repeated in it.

Scheme of the pattern "Openwork cob"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • circle - nakid;
  • black ;
  • We knit 2 loops together on the wrong side.

Pattern Description

  • In the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th rows we knit: 1purl, * 4 purl, 2 facial, yarn over, 2 together with a tilt to the left, as described above * (from * to * repeat to the end of the row), at the end of the row 5 purl;
  • in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th rows: 5 facial, * 2 purl, yarn over, 2 together purl, 4 facial *, at the end of the row 1 facial;
  • in the 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th rows: 1 purl, * 2 facial, yarn, 2 together with a tilt to the left, 4 purl *, at the end of the row 2 facial, yarn, 2 together with a tilt to the left, 1 purl;
  • in the 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th rows: 1 front, purl 2, yarn over, purl 2 together, * knit 4, purl 2, yarn over, purl 2 together *, at the end of the row 1 knit;
  • repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Like most openwork patterns, "Openwork Cob" is perfect for knitting women's and children's products.

Knitting pattern "Arrows"

Pattern "Arrows" reminds me of road signs, don't you think? Hence the name of the pattern.

To knit a sample of this interesting pattern, we cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that is a multiple of 14, add 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops: 28+1+2=31. Now we turn to knitting a sample according to the pattern pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Arrows"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left -We knit 2 loops together with a slope to the left (We remove the 1st loop as when knitting the front one, knit the 2nd loop with the front one and stretch it through the removed loop);
  • 2
  • circle - nakid;
  • even rows - we knit as the pattern shows, yarn overs - with purl loops.

Despite the fact that this pattern is openwork, it can also be used for knitting men's jumpers and pullovers.

Knitting pattern "Openwork squares"

Pattern "Openwork squares" perfect for knitting both women's and children's clothing. This is the pattern I knitted.

To knit a pattern sample, we collect the number of loops divisible by 6, add 7 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 edge loops, for example: 24 + 7 + 2 \u003d 33 loops, and proceed to knitting the sample according to its pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Openwork squares"

In the front rows, first we knit 3 loops in front of the bracket (rapport), then 6 loops of rapport, enclosed in a bracket, repeat as many times as necessary, and at the end of the row we knit the 4 loops remaining after the bracket (rapport).

In the purl rows, we knit, as the pattern pattern shows (above the front - front loops, over the purl and crochets - purl loops).

Knitting pattern "Lace leaf"

Agree, openwork pattern "Lace Leaf" will decorate any women's product.

In order to knit his sample, we cast on the number of loops divisible by 8, add 9 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 more edge loops: 16+9+2=27. Well, the pattern of the pattern is at your service.

Scheme of the pattern "Lace leaf"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left - 2 we knit the loops together with a tilt to the left
  • triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 we knit the loops together with the front;
  • circle - nakid;
  • white arch - 3 we knit the loops together with a tilt to the left (we remove 2 loops together as when knitting the front, we knit the 3rd loop with the front and stretch it through 2 removed loops);
  • even rows - knit as the pattern shows, nakida - purl.

Knitting pattern "Cones"

The knitting pattern "Cones" got its name in the competition "Give a name to the pattern!", which I hosted on my previous knitting blog.

There were so many suggestions to name the pattern: “lanterns”, and balloons”, and “poppy buds” ... but I settled on “cones”, on the “bottom” of which even liquid is visible!

To knit a sample pattern with knitting needles, you need to dial the number of loops divisible by 6, add 1 loop for symmetry and 2 edge loops, for example: 30+1+2=33 loops. Well, then you should knit according to the pattern.

The scheme of the pattern "Cones"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • triangle with a right angle to the left - We knit 2 loops together with a slope to the left (we remove the 1st loop as when knitting the front one, knit the 2nd loop with the front one and stretch it through the removed loop);
  • triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 we knit the loops together with the front;
  • circle - nakid;
  • even rows - we knit as the pattern shows, nakida - with purl loops.

Since there are very few openwork "holes" in the pattern, it will look great not only on children's and women's clothing, but also on knitwear for men.

Knitting pattern "Fishtails"

I named this pattern. "Fish tails" really looks like it? Knitting it, of course, is not as fast as the previous patterns - more attention is required here, but the result is worth it!

To knit a pattern swatch "Fish tails", we collect the number of loops, a multiple of 14, add 15 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops (14+15+2=31). And then we knit according to the pattern.

Scheme of the pattern "Fishtails"

  • plus - edge loop;
  • minus - purl loop;
  • black square - front loop;
  • circle - nakid;
  • white triangle with a right angle to the right - 2 loops knit together wrong side;
  • white triangle - 3 loops knit together wrong side;
  • even rows - knit as the pattern shows, nakida - purl.

You can use this pattern for both women's and children's knitted clothes.

These are the openwork patterns with knitting needles with patterns I have prepared for you this winter day. I hope you liked them and the pattern patterns were understandable. But even if this is not so - write, I will definitely help you figure it out!

If these openwork patterns turn out to be complicated for some of you, you can follow the link to a page with simpler ones, but from this.

Well, if you do not want to accidentally miss any useful information for yourself, subscribe to receive new articles from my blog. Just DO NOT FORGET to go to your email and confirm the subscription by clicking on the link in the email that came automatically, otherwise the subscription WILL NOT BE registered!

And this is a musical gift: "Echo of Love" performed by everyone's beloved Anna German. Listen and enjoy!