Holiday haymaking day scenarios. Scenario of the concert program for the harvest season “people are worthy of songs. Song "Near the River"

Despite the fact that the new century brings new technologies, traditions and musical preferences into our lives, our love for folk festivities and ancient Russian holidays (Greeting of Winter and others) remains unchanged. And even, on the contrary, there are more such holidays over the years and each locality has its own: Ax Festival, Blacksmith Day, Honey Spas, Festival of Folk Crafts, etc. and almost all of them are accompanied by fairs, master classes of various ancient crafts and crafts and, of course, concerts and performances of folk groups.

We offer our collection Funny scenes in folk style for Village Day and other holidays, which will be useful when drawing up programs for such holidays.

Scene in folk style "Regular bus"


Driver (he also plays the harmonica)

1st grandmother (with knapsacks),

2nd grandmother (with basket),

Man (with a knapsack).

Everyone is standing at the back of each other’s heads, with their faces turned towards the hall, huddled close to each other, as if there was a crush on the bus. There may be more participants - these are passengers in a tightly packed bus. The characters stand in the following sequence (from right to left): Driver, 1st grandmother, Man, 2nd grandmother. The melody played by the driver-harmonica player can be anything, something simple is best. Participants can sing or speak recitatively.

It's packed with people like herrings.
The people had a dispute in a crush,
We'll relay the conversation to you.

1st grandmother: Oh, why are you pushing me!
Do I look like a horse?!
I can't hold you anymore
And now I’m definitely going to fall.

2nd grandma: Stop it, women, damn it!
Be cultured people!
It's very difficult for me to travel -
I have milk in bottles.

Man: Well, squeezed, bitches, that's the problem!
Neither breathe nor spit anywhere.
What to do, mother goat!
I can’t bring eggs to the city like that!

1st grandmother: We all need to go anyway.
Everything must be resolved peacefully.

2nd grandma: Why did you shout: “Kar, yes kar!”
You better take care of your goods!

1st grandmother: Let me pick up my bag,
You'll feel like you're driving at home.
At least someone would give up their place (Looks around)
And I have no strength to stand anymore.

Man: It’s more comfortable to stand this way now,
Just check your bag -
You're probably bringing cucumbers,
See, you're pouring brine on my hand. (Licked his hand)

1st grandmother: Oh, sorry people, that's the problem!

The main thing is not to go anywhere (Dashes around).
I took the cat to the city,
He always has incontinence.

Man: What are you, an infection, your mother!
I'll strangle you in a minute, woman!

2nd grandma: Anything can happen, citizen.
The main thing is that they deliver, and there is gasoline.
Still, it would be much worse
If your balls were crushed.

1st grandmother: That's for sure, it's not me, iris, you're scolding.
Better save your eggs.

Driver: The regular bus runs into the distance,
It's packed with people like herrings.
If only it were the other way around -
Honest people would not laugh.

Folk song-game "The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law"

(The skit is suitable for a program or any rural holiday)




Sons-in-law: Khomka, Pakhomka, Clementy, Dementiy, Zakharka, Makarka, Vanyushenka

(A young girl is chosen to play the role of mother-in-law).

Dear mother-in-law, you must invite seven sons-in-law to visit you. Choose from all those present, only look at the good ones, so you don’t regret it later.

We ask seven men to come forward who have already been in the role of son-in-law and those who are just about to become one.

The first son-in-law, Khomka, and the last, Vanyusha, may be folk theater artists. They should be familiarized with the role in advance; other participants will be guided by them. Each participant is given a sign with their name and a clue word on the back.

- At my mother-in-law's - on one side it is written “Mother-in-law”, and on the reverse words, which she needs to say during the game for the laughter of her sons-in-law and personally for her son-in-law Vanyushenka:

1. The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law…….

And also Vanyushenka-darling, beloved son-in-law.

2 .

Vanya-darling, come quickly.


Vanyusha-darling - a pie with cabbage.

4. The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Vanya-darling - on the wild head.

- At Vanyushechka's written their own words:

1. It's me!

2. I'm coming.

3. Thank you!

4. Oh!

- U other sons-in-law words:

1. (Name) - son-in-law!

2. (Name) - coming!

3. (Name) - pie!

4. (Name) - in the neck!

All participants are explained the essence of the fun: The mother-in-law sings the first line, all the sons-in-law repeat it, then everyone takes a step forward, says a phrase, saying their name, and moves back. Then the mother-in-law says a personal phrase for Vanyushenka, who answers. Then the second line for everyone: mother-in-law, sons-in-law, separately for Vanya, etc.


Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law.

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law.

Khomka son-in-law!






Mother-in-law: And also Vanyushenka-darling, beloved son-in-law.

Vanyushechka: It's me!

Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law began to invite her sons-in-law to visit.

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law began to invite her sons-in-law to visit.

Khomka is coming.

Pakhomka is coming.

Clementius is coming.

Dementiy is coming.

Zakharka is coming.

Makarka is coming.

Mother-in-law: Vanya-darling, come quickly.

Vanyushechka: I'm coming.

Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law began to treat her sons-in-law with a pie

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law began to treat her sons-in-law with a pie

Homke pie.


Clementia Pie.




Mother-in-law: Vanyusha-darling - a pie with cabbage.

Vanyushechka: Thank you!

Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Khomka - in the neck.

Punch in the neck.

Clementia - in the neck.

Dementia - in the neck

Zakharku - in the neck.

Makarka in the neck.

Mother-in-law: And son-in-law Vanyushenka - for his wild hair.

Vanyushechka: Oh!

Presenters: Thanks to all participants!

Musical scene-song "Darling, good!"

Song to the tune " There lived a gray goat with my grandmother "

Participants in the skit:

Marusya is a very tall girl (she stands on stilts or a stool, her sundress reaches the floor)

Vanyusha is a man, much shorter than Marusya.

Assistants - (can be of any gender, dressed in folk costumes, stand between them).

The essence of the fun: participants sing in turns, focusing on the last word in the line: Marusya, assistants, Vanyusha, assistants again, etc. (at the same time, they turn to the person they are addressing, extend their hands, gesticulating.)

Marusya: Darling, good one, why are you silent? / 2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why are you, why are you silent? / 2 times.

Vania: I am not silent, I admire you /2 times.

Assistants (to Marya - in unison): What are you doing, what are you doing, let me take a look! / 2 times.

Marusya: My dear, my dear, why don’t you come? / 2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why aren’t you coming? / 2 times.

Vania: I came, but you weren’t at home. / 2 times.

Assistants (to Marusa - in unison): What are you, what are you, where are you?! / 2 times.

Marusya: Dear Vanyusha, why don’t you kiss me? /2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why aren’t you kissing? / 2 times.

Vania: I would kiss you, but you won’t be able to reach me! / 2 times.

Assistants (to Marya - in unison): What are you, what are you, such a bigot? / 2 times.

Marusya: We sang to you, and you listened to us.

Vania: We sang to you, but you didn’t clap.

Assistants (into the hall - in chorus): What are you, what are you, clap your hands / 2 times.

on Village Day "Three Sisters and a Vet"






In a certain kingdom, in our state, there lived, no, not a king, a man. And he had 3, no sons, daughters of marriageable age.

(The sisters each come out to their own piece of music)

The first Marfushechka-darling (comes out)

And the second Maryushka (comes out)

And the third Nastenka (comes out)

The sisters sing together (to the tune of “He’s going on leave...”):

Why in our village

Do all the girls have a stroke?

Because he came to us

Young veterinarian.

Thirty years old

And good-looking.

And with all this


Leading: Here are the sisters in the evening

We daydreamed under the window.

Marfusha: If only he took me as his wife,

If only we were newlyweds.

And the neighbors are all amazed

We'd go to the Maldives!

Or maybe, however

We would live in Monaco.

Marya: You got it wrong, sister.

Well, what a foreign country.

He's a veterinarian of everything.

Don't you want too much from him?

Over there to the neighboring village

If you brought it, consider yourself lucky.

Marfushka: Maybe he'll get rich

He can make money here.

I will help him

I know how to inspire.

There will be a brain, there will be a salary.

Marya: Well, yes, yes, hand me a shovel?

You will rake in the money.

Well, sister, you are dreaming.

You, Marfusha, are overheated,

I've seen enough TV series.

We don't have oligarchs

Where are the rich clients?

Pekingese are expensive

These are not found here.

There are cows and bulls here.

It's not easy to get rich here.

Marfushka: So, we'll look in the city.

We'll find someone there.

No matter what kind of layover,

But rich, cool.

Marya: And I don’t care about going abroad.

I sleep well at home.

Well, what if it were with someone,

In general, there would be no problem.

He would take me as his wife.

He would have been given an emergency situation.

From marital debt

I wouldn't run away anywhere.

And to the envy of all girlfriends

There would be a sexen revolution.

Nastenka: Where can you find such power?

You will drive your husband to the grave.

Now, if I became a wife,

I would protect him.

If he were well-groomed, well-fed,

Always trimmed and shaved.

I would love him so much

She fed me delicacies,

She was waiting for him from work

And I would blow away specks of dust.

Marya: From care from such

He would have run away to someone else.

If you overeat sweets,

Then you'll start to feel sick

It will taste salty.

Yes, what can I say to you?

From the wife should also

Smell like sex, not borscht.

Nastenka: I would give birth to his children.

I would have kept him with children.

Leading: Sisters didn't notice

That the good guy stood on the sidelines.

Without getting involved in this dispute,

Silently listened to the conversation.

Then I decided to go out to them

He joined the sisters' conversation.

Vet: Eh, girls are good.

I'm telling you from the heart.

All three of you in one

The ideal wife.

One would inspire me

One surrounded me with care,

And from the third night I spent.

It would be cool if I lived like this.

But I am not a sultan for a harem,

This is the problem we have.

So don't blame me

Still be brides.

Leading: The sisters thought about it.

Their faces became sad.

The only moral left to say is:

In everything, girls, you need to know when to stop.

Impromptu sketch "Don't make a mistake yourself"

Characters and lines:

Woman: “How much is manure?!”

Garden: “E-mine!”

Cultivator: “Pour gasoline!”

Watering machine:“Reduce the pressure!”

Turnip: "Oh, leave me alone!"

Son: “I’d like a beer!”

Daughter-in-law:“I’m just coming from the salon!”

Grandson: “We’ve had enough already!”

Granddaughter: “I want to go to Paris!”

Neighbour:"A real colonel!"

Shovel: “Eh-ma!”

The text reads Leading. The heroes he named say their lines. The material can be used on or at the anniversary of a woman who is interested in gardening. In this case, you need to add her name.


Once upon a time there was Woman. Like all real Russians Women, she loved holidays in Vegetable garden. He used to go into the “Everything for the Vegetable Garden” special store and look at Cultivator, on Watering machine and will think: “Yes, with such technology, what kind of equipment do I have? Turnip I was born!” And I decided Woman buy Cultivator And Watering machines y and plant Turnip. Cultivator cultivates the land Watering machine Vegetable garden waters. And grew up Turnip big, very big! I decided Turnip Woman put away. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. She called Woman Son Son of daughter-in-law. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. She called Grandson's daughter-in-law. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Called Grandson Granddaughter. Granddaughter behind Grandson, Grandson behind Daughter-in-law, Daughter-in-law behind son, son behind Woman, Woman behind turnip... They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. I was passing by at that time Neighbour With Shovel. Dug Neighbor Shovel and dug up turnip! Moral: rely on technology, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

Haymaking in the rain

The main action was the reconstruction of the haymaking ritual with the involvement of spectators in it - learning to mow, mowing, tedding hay, throwing haystacks. There were also master classes on various methods of mowing and a competition among mowers. The participants were provided with a traditional meal in the meadow and treated to village kvass.

In general, a good, interesting idea. It was assumed that all participants and guests would arrive on Knyazhestrov Island in mowing suits. A sort of role-playing game. In reality, it didn’t turn out the way it was originally expected.

Firstly, the rain spoiled everything pretty much. An open air event still presupposes that in our latitudes there is an option in case of bad weather. It would be possible to come up with some kind of canopy over the stage or at least over the audience. Or move the “holiday action” to an empty cultural center (the artists spent most of their time there, escaping the bad weather, anyway). And cutting hay in the rain is a strong violation of tradition. If we’re going to show everything a la naturel, then let’s really do it “for real” - in good weather or schematically in a closed area.

Secondly, the venue is also, in my opinion, not the best. No, in principle, I have nothing against the wonderful village of Kuzmino: picturesque lakes, meadows, friendly residents... The point is different - don’t come, don’t leave. Island. And there are no bridges. Only a trough-boat that makes a couple of trips per day. The artists found themselves hostages. It seems like you could go home wet and frozen, but you wouldn’t have to swim to get to Lyavli. Many complained that they got up at 5 am in order to be at the pier by 9 o'clock, and it became possible to leave the island only after four o'clock in the evening. One could turn a blind eye to this, if not for the age of the participants - children and elderly women. What do you want? Who is involved in folklore groups these days? And if the path to the village was less rugged, it would be possible to invite more artists and craftsmen, and even hold a mini-fair.

The lion's share of responsibility for holding the holiday fell on the shoulders of the director of the Knyazhestrovsky Palace of Culture and the local head. The island has never hosted a regional event before. Seeing how hard the owners are trying, one can only say one thing: well done, they really tried and cared.

Overkill with authenticity

In 2013, the festival “All Year Round: Holiday “Haymaking”” was included in the project of the government of the Arkhangelsk region “Constellation of Northern Festivals” and received financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the region within the framework of the state program of the Arkhangelsk region “Culture of the Russian North for 2013-2015”. That is, the money was allocated by the region. The event was held by the culture department of the Primorsky district administration. The holiday turned out to be crumpled. It seems that if the weather was happier on Sunday, little would have changed. The impression was that the event was just for show, for the record, they say, we held it, we spent the money... There were almost no spectators from local residents, the crowd was formed from musical groups of the Primorsky district, some of whose participants complained that they were preparing concert numbers for the festival , but in fact they came for a “defile in folk costumes.” By the way, about the costumes. Even journalists were informed about the special “dress code.” They say, we won’t let you in without a sundress and a scarf, and no modern bags or mobile phones - everything is exclusively “mowed”: bundles, baskets... Well, journalists are like that - they chuckled at the creativity and didn’t give a damn: are we really cramming cameras, cameras and voice recorders around pockets? But the artists were simply ordered: to be authentic, even if you crack. And take the scythes and rakes with you from home! Imagine the picture (and why imagine, some have seen it live): a group of people standing at a bus stop in Russian sundresses, shirts, with braids, bundles, baskets in which phones, keys, medicines, wallets are carefully packed, all at the very bottom, for sandwiches, because it’s not a bag, you can’t lock it, and the thieves don’t sleep... This group stands and explains to the onlookers that they are not from the madhouse, but to the haymaking. Well, for the holiday. Those who ignored the management's call deafened their ears - safely changed their clothes upon arrival at the place. Not without adventures, it is true, but the reputation of “normal” in the eyes of the “untilted” part of humanity is still superior. The organizers of the next national holiday still need to think about this. Whatever one may say, we do not live in the 19th century. Even accomplished role players, those who honor the history of Ancient Rus', do not go to their rallies in chain mail...

One could, of course, make allowances for the fact that such a large event does not take place every month, so there is not much experience. But, gentlemen, this is not the first open air in the Arkhangelsk region! Ask those who know, they will tell you! The same role players, having a zero budget, manage to win back at their gatherings so much that no one even doubts that the time machine exists.

“The Constellation of Northern Festivals” is a kind of emerging brand, therefore it would not hurt to approach it with a greater degree of responsibility, because first of all they are judged by the level of organization, and not by the beauty of the kokoshnik. This way you can be considered such provincial festival-goers that next time no one will go. Otherwise, the authenticity was too much, and people saw not a festive haymaking, but the sad reality of modern rural life.

But I still thank you very much for one thing - for inviting the folk ensemble “Belozorie” from the Leningrad region. Conquered.

SUBJECT: Wedding scene
Kulemalin Vyacheslav, Perm.

Part 1. Logging

Olya: Slava, you’ll take me with you, won’t you?
Slava: Olenka, we talked about this yesterday.
Olya: Well, Slava, Slavochka, take it, please!
Slava: Yes, what are you talking about, Olenka, it’s not like going to the garden.
Olya: Take it, take it, I don’t want to be alone!
Slava: Olenka, there’s no need for you to be there. There are things to do at home. What will you do there?
Olya: I’ll sing to you, you like the way I sing. You will admire me... It’s better for two. Take it, Slavochka, you love me.
Slava: You better stay home. There you will get tired and suffer.
Olya: There’s a forest there, it’s beautiful there. And I’m here, how would I be without you? I don't want to be left without you. I won’t get tired, take it, Slavochka!
Slava: Olenka, why are you so disobedient? I already told you: stay home. All. I love you, I'll be back in the evening.
Olya: (crying) Why are you talking to me like that, I’m a weak vessel...
Slava: Well, Olenka...
Olya: Of course, go ahead. And I’ll be here alone all day long. And so I will sit within four walls all my life. Go, go, this is my fate: to be locked up until a very old age.
Slava: My dear, my dear, what are you saying? It's not like that at all. You understand everything yourself. Well, stop crying.
Olya: Of course, I understand (she cried even more).
Slava: That's it, that's it, stop it, get ready, let's go together. Just hurry up, otherwise we'll miss the bus.
Olya: You don’t want to take me, you don’t love me. Go alone.
Slava: Olenka, I love you very much, let’s get ready, let’s go.
Olya: Well, okay, okay, I’ll go (getting ready). So, you need to take: a hat, an umbrella, a songbook, a comb with a mirror. You need to take 1.5 times more food. Tomatoes, cucumbers, bread and definitely salt.
Slava: Olya, we are late.
Olya: You eat tomatoes without salt, but I eat them with salt. Where is the small plastic jar with a lid? She probably fell under the table. Why are you standing there, I’m not the one who’s going to crawl under the table! Help me, otherwise we'll really miss the bus!
Slava: She's not there!
Olya: Did you throw away the jar?
Slava: Olenka, sorry, I threw it away. And we won’t be able to catch the bus in time, the next one will be in an hour.
Olya: You see, we're late! This is all because it took a long time to persuade you. And he gets up and stands... The wife spins and spins, and he stands still thinking about something. You don't need to think, but act. That's it, I'm ready, let's go already.

Olya: You have to come up with something like this - take your wife to the logging site!!!
Slava: Olenka, you...
Olya: It’s terrible heat, noise, crackling, knocking and pounding all around... How did that come into your head?!
Slava: So this is...
Olya: There’s nowhere to sit, there are ants everywhere, and these big flies, what do they call them? I was almost eaten alive. I took my wife to the logging site!... They left the apartment unattended, there was no food prepared!
Slava: Olenka, you asked for it yourself.
Olya: Yes, I asked for it! Where is your firmness and determination, you are a husband. Where is your head? I would say: I don’t take it and that’s it! No, he dragged me to the logging site!

Part 2. Haymaking

Characters: Husband Slava, Wife Olya.

Slava: I, Olenka, have already left. Do you bless me on my way?
Olya: We’ve only been living with you for three years, but somehow our romance is all over.
Slava: Yes, you are my sunshine, my dear - I love you so much!
Olya: No, this is not romance, just words. Romance is when things happen.
Slava: Look, I installed a window frame for you, whitewashed the stove, look how much wood I chopped - I did all this for you.
Olya: No, this is not romance. Romance is when we are together, in nature.
Slava: Tomorrow we’ll go to the garden, there’s a lot to do there. Oh, that is, romance...
Olya: Yes, what are you talking about! You keep laughing and laughing. Don't you understand? You need a forest, sun, flowers, then a fire, stars.
Slava: Okay, Olenka, I understand everything. We’ll get together sometime, but now - you understand - we need to help them.
Olya: So, you’re leaving, and you’re leaving me alone, cooing within four walls.
Slava: Olenka, this is last year’s story. Do you remember when I took you to the logging site?
Olya: Well, that was logging, and this is haymaking...
Slava: Yeah, I'll take you; you will get tired, and in the evening you will say again, where is your firmness, determination, why did you take me?
Olya: Well, take it, I won’t talk like that anymore.
Slava: What are you going to do there, in the hayfield?
Olya: Sing...You like the way I sing.
Slava: Yeah! I wave my scythe, and you follow me, trample the grass and sing songs. Let's do it this way: I'll go, and you stay here.
Olya: You know, I was praying, and a passage from Holy Scripture came to my mind: “It is not good for a person to be alone.” And you leave, and leave me alone. Not good!
Slava: It’s good to humble yourself under the strong hand of your husband!
Olya: It’s not good to shake the weakest vessel with a rough hand!
Slava: What are you talking about, Olenka? I'm not shaking you!
Olya: Forgive me. May the Lord bless you on your journey.
Slava: No, it’s you, Olenka, forgive me. Listen, do you know what I remembered? The Ivanovs invited us to a barbecue. Shall we meet on Wednesday?
Olya: We'll get together, of course! That's good!

Fun fair on the day of Peter and Paul.

At the fairgrounds, guests are greeted by cheerful Buffoons.

Buffoon 1. Hey, honest people!
Today is not an easy day!
The day is waning
And the fun is coming!
Buffoon 2. Peter-Paul turned up the heat,
It's too hot, I'm not tired of having fun!
Buffoon 3. Like at our fair
Songs and jokes in good time!
At the top of summer
Various funny things!
Buffoon 1. Come in! Come in!
Hurry up to have fun with us!
Who was left without fun on Midsummer's Day,
This is why Peter-Paul tried!
Buffoon 2. Let's play games
I'll laugh until I drop.
And whoever falls, we will raise him up,
Let's not cool down in the hot dance!
Buffoon 3. Hey people, hurry up
Don't be bored, don't yawn!
Today is the holiday of the Sun!
There is a ray of happiness for everyone!

Musical screensaver.

Presenter 1. Good day to all! It’s great that you came to our fair! Here, in addition to all kinds of garden, vegetable and forest delicacies, in addition to the necessary goods, any of you can get a good mood. At the fair, fun can be easily bought or sold for a smile, a joke, a joke, a song, or whatever you want.
Presenter 2. And we just want to remind you that on the day of Peter and Paul, the Slavs organized the last noisy festivities before the harvest, because haymaking begins in mid-July, weeding of vegetable gardens and picking cucumbers is in full swing.
Presenter 1. So we’ll have a party today, play to our heart’s content, sing and dance, and remember that July 12 - Peter-Paul, added strength and joy to all of us!

Musical screensaver.

Presenter 2. Good people, we are opening a fun fair, we invite the best ensemble to the clearing!

Presenter 1. Thank you for the heartfelt song,
For good, eternal music!
Let's begin Peter's mischievous games!
Calling the brave souls! Are there any of you like that?

12 people are selected.

Presenter 2. Here are twelve good fellows and red girls! Do you know, brave souls, that on Peter and Paul’s day in July there was a custom among peasants to wash themselves from three springs?.. Don’t you know? So now you will find out and try! Today, July 12, we are dividing your brave dozen into three groups! Each group has its own “spring”. Scooping from their “spring” with a ladle, everyone washes their face once and passes the ladle to a friend. The winner is the team that washes itself from its “spring” faster. This is the first stage.

To the music, the first players of the teams run to the “springs” for water, bring buckets, everyone washes themselves - touching their cheeks with wet palms, the last ones return the buckets to their place.

Presenter 1. We thank all participants and invite the four winners to split into pairs and wash their face a second time!

To the music, the first players of the teams bring the buckets, after washing, the second players take them to their place. The winning pair is revealed.

Presenter 2. And now - attention! From the third spring, that is, for the third time, two lucky people wash themselves. They choose a “spring” for themselves, bring water, wash themselves and return the ladle to its place.

After the competition, the winner is awarded.

Presenter 1. I just want to end this game with lyrical words of wishes so that the springs of clean water and folk fun do not dry up.
Live, spring! Live, spring!
Awake and be born again!
You are great in your purity -
The source of Russia is young and new!

Musical screensaver.

Presenter 2. Friends! July is famous for the flowering of linden - the queen of honey plants! Linden trees, majestic and fragrant, have been revered in Rus' since ancient times, because they feed and heal with their honey! In the old days July was called “Lipets”! So we will hold our fake competition. Real, not fake. Jars of linden honey await the lucky ones who will answer the questions by choosing the correct option from the proposed, sometimes very “phony” answers!
1. What color is the pollen of a linden flower?
a) Yellow;
b) green;
c) red.
2. 1 hectare of pure linden forest can give...
a) 100 kg of nectar;
b) 300 kg of nectar;
c) 600-800 kg of nectar.
3. What is the shape of a linden leaf?
a) Heart;
b) circle;
c) oval.
4. What are the names of the “parachutes” on which ripe linden seeds and nuts fly away?
a) Covers;
b) bracts;
c) stipules.
We thank everyone for their answers and move on from the fragrant linden tree to the ancient July round dance, which was sung or, as they said in the old days, “played” on the day of Peter and Paul.
Presenter 1. Let's stand in a circle and choose a good fellow and a beautiful maiden, who will build a “gate” from the hands. At the words “Warmth from love,” the choir passing through the “gate” stops, and the young man or girl who is caught in the “gate” chooses a mate with whom he becomes a “gate.” The last of every four lines is repeated twice. The round dance is ancient, but is sung to a modern melody. We start singing, and you sing along, repeating the last musical phrase or line.

The presenters start a round dance and sing to the tune of the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming.” After each verse, the “collars” change.

Presenters(singing). Oh, how red the sun has risen in the sky!
How it is not close, but very high!
How warm it is, how bright it is,

How joyful and bright my heart is!
High love makes the heart happy!
Let's tell the sun how good it is with him.
My heart feels so warm with love!

Bitter aspen, mighty oak tree
They don’t scare the bird, they won’t scare it away.
The bird sings cheerfully and easily.
My heart feels so warm with love!

The sun will order - the rain will pass.
The darling will find his own way.
The wedding will be celebrated for the whole village.
My heart feels warm with love.

On the mountain on the hill I bow to the sun.
The sun gives morning, the moon gives sleep,
The eyes shine clearly, the soul is light.
My heart feels so warm with love!
Presenter 1. Love always makes your heart feel warm. The folk ensemble sings about love.

Vocal number performed by a folklore ensemble.

July is good, to say the least! What kind of elegant butterflies you won’t see in July: bluebirds, pied butterflies, and elegant swallowtails, in whose wings the blue sky, the greenery of the meadows, and the sunlight are reflected!
Presenter 2. In July, medicinal herbs are collected. There are various conspiracies about herbs, but the main one is about “overcome the grass.” On their journey, the Slavs took this grass as an amulet and said: “Overcome the grass, overcome evil people! Conquer me high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests! Give me a good way along the entire path..."
Presenter 1. What kind of overpowering grass is this? Who knows?.. That's right, the water lily is a resident of lakes! They say that demonic power drags the flower to the depths every night, but it still floats up, the sun helps it overcome all evil spirits! It’s not so easy to find a water lily, and there’s no point in ruining its beauty, but you can always make a flower yourself.
Presenter 2. Here are paper blanks for overpowering grass. Remember: the middle is yellow, the petals are white. Whoever collects the most flowers will defeat all the participants in the competition is the main “Odolen”. 3workpieces and threads are at your disposal. While the music is playing, you prepare water lilies-talismans as a memory of this meeting and as a gift to friends.

A competition is being held. Participants give their crafts to the audience.

Presenter 1. Now we have overcome all the troubles! Just don’t tear the water lily in vain! He who is kind to a flower receives goodness from it!
Presenter 2. And now the folklore ensemble is singing their good songs for you...
Presenter 1 (after the vocal number). “July is the head of the whole summer,” - this is what our ancestors said. Let us recall the calendar of some July signs that the Slavs have used since ancient times.
Presenter 2. July 6 - Agrafena-bathing bath, beginning of the collection of medicinal herbs.
July 7 - Midsummer's Day, the beginning of mowing.
July 9 - David the strawberry grower, when the strawberries are ripe.
Presenter 1. And soon July 14th is a garden day, the day of Kuzma and Demyan.
July 18 - Months holiday, Afanasyev Day. The moon is ticking away - the harvest promises.
July 25 - Proclus the Mourner - abundant dew.
At the end of July the nights get colder - August is predicted to be cool.

Musical screensaver.

Presenter 2. And now I’ll ask you what awaits us in July.
1. What do people call July 30th?
- Fedorin's day;
- Borin day;
- Zorin's day.
2. July 29 - Athenogen heat has passed! And if it rains...
- the bread in the sheaf will sprout;
- lightning will strike;
- the hay will rot.
3. July 22 - what day is this?
- Gossip;
- Borage;
- Mourner.
4. July 11th - whose day?
- Zemlyanikin;
- Kukushkin;
- Pestrushkin.
5. July 3 - Cobweb. According to signs, if it rains...
- Ivan will find Marya;
- forty days will pass;
- the bee will bring honey.
Presenter 1. And the last question: what was the very first day of July called in the old days?
- Vasilin's day;
- Gavrilin's day;
- Yarilin's day.
Presenter 2. Yarilin's day does not cast a shadow.
It’s not too lazy to rejoice on Yarilin’s day.
Let the sun shine all July,
May your good wishes come true!
Presenter 1. And we have a desire to listen to the cheerful, perky songs of the ensemble... (names) and dance together.

Concert numbers of the folklore ensemble.

Presenter 2. Thanks to the artists! Yes, and we are not born with bastard! We're having a ditty competition!

Competition of ditties to the accompaniment of a button accordion.

Presenter 1. Where there is a ditty competition, there is a fun fair! Now who will talk to whom! Tongue twisters, sayings, jokes. Everything is bought at our fun fair! First, let's practice in choir. Let's all say together: “Peter is the cook, cook Pavel,” 3 times and very quickly. (Repeat with the audience.) This is a warm-up, and now let's start the competition!

After the competition, participants are awarded.

Presenter 2. And now there’s a fun dance for all of us! He's funny in his own right! To the words “Peter the cook,” we place our right hand on our head and our left hand on our stomach; to the words “Cook Pavel,” we place our right hand on our heart, and hide our left hand behind our back on our lower back.

Dancing game.

And now to the words “Peter the cook” we say loudly “Ah”, to “Cook Pavel” we say “Oh”.
Presenter 1 (after dancing). So they danced
They blushed and laughed!
It's time for the little legs to rest,
It's time for Peter and Paul to set the tables.
On this glorious day, don’t be too lazy to drink tea!
The first jam is already ripe,
So to the tables,
Get to work!
Presenter 2. A fun fair with a samovar greets you,
He cordially treats everyone to tea and jam!
Presenter 1. And one more time for you
Our cheerful ensemble sings.
The fair invites you to enjoy life.

Concert numbers performed by a folklore ensemble.

Presenter 2. July on Peter and Paul Day
I invited everyone to the fair,
Today rejoice and laugh,
Allowed to sing and dance!
Today is a fun July fair
Greets guests cordially,
Tea with jam
Greetings from the heart!
And let the July sun
Will stay with you forever!
We wish everyone health and good luck
For many, many years!

Summer is the traditional time for most holidays of the folk Orthodox calendar. It’s easy to breathe, with the various herbs of fragrant meadows, the mood is sunny, when there’s even no sun, in general, summer is good! Moreover, earlier, in Soviet times, for various reasons, the national holiday was celebrated en masse in any village - the attention of collective and state farms to social and cultural life, to the opportunity to make the life of a peasant worker brighter in times of need! Nowadays, folk holidays are held mainly, as a rule, by club leisure institutions - so that people do not forget, and young people know WHAT folk traditions and folk holidays are!

Here is such a holiday - Beregini-pokosnitsy took place at the site beloved by the population near the Shamordinsky rural House of Culture. Its initiators and organizers were, naturally, the workers of the latter.

The beginning of July is a wonderful time, it is haymaking time. According to the church calendar, this is the time after Peter's Day (from July 8 to July 25), when the herbs gain their greatest strength. It was from this day that the meadow mowing began, to which people came out as if it were a holiday, to show themselves, to look at others, and dressed in all the best clothes.

Girls in Russian costumes, haystacks, huts - after all, mowing in the village lasted more than one day, the whole village participated in it in one way or another, and the music playing in the morning attracted more than a dozen people to the festival site.

The holiday script included the performance of Bereginya - the Pokosnitsa, the staged picture “Mowers”, folk games and fun near a haystack, folk songs performed by the oldest resident of the village Anna Gorelenko, stylized round dances, songs, and refreshments. All this, put together and shown to the audience, made us touch Russian folk holidays in general and the meticulousness and diligence of the workers of the Shamordinsky SDK - N. Shilo, V. Grishechkina, E. Simochkina - with the participation of the deputy head of the local administration V.A. Moiseeva.

The stories about haymaking traditions in Rus', about the Bereginya rag dolls that housewives made and took them to haymaking became interesting. They planted it under the haystacks and it protected the owner’s hands from cuts and damage and brought good luck.

Invited spectators and guests did not stay away from the wonderful mood created by the holiday: some of them began to actively participate in the games, offer their own games, actively sing famous songs about haymaking, and participate in a quiz on their knowledge of proverbs about haymaking. Local accordion player Uncle Lesha also contributed to the beauty of the holiday with his beautiful accordion tunes and overflows. During the meal, local residents exchanged their experiences on using the healing properties of herbs and traditional herbal treatment.

The children recalled proverbs about haymaking, where the presenter began the proverb, and the children offered their own options. They played various folk games: “Dawn-lightning”, “A goat walked through the forest”, “Oh, I got up early” and others. We took part in team relay games - “who can run around a haystack the fastest”, in weaving the longest braid of grass, and others. Adults and children danced in circles, sang songs and ditties.

A warm festive atmosphere reigned at the event. All those present received a charge of cheerfulness and positivity, real pleasure from the holiday, the goals of which were to revive the national traditions of haymaking of different peoples living in the village, popularize a healthy lifestyle, educate the younger generation and respect for rural work, ecology, and the discovery of the healing properties of medicinal plants.

It is gratifying that people of almost all ages took part in the celebration - from five years old to senior citizens!