Holiday for a child in the style of fairies. Scenario for the birthday of a girl in the Winx style "fairytale journey". Rainbow Party Invitations

Holding a children's birthday is the most responsible and emotional event for any presenter (animator). After all, children are very impressionable, receptive, inquisitive and responsive. Therefore, it is important that from the very beginning of the holiday a positive emotional space is formed between the host and the young guests. How to achieve this? Make a journey into the world of children, their fantasies and be not a “holiday teacher”, but a bright hero who will go with them on any journey and give everyone present a cheerful mood

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OPTION #2. Thematic birthday for a girl 7-9 years old "School Alfeya"

Presenter: Hello guys. Today (Name). But you did not get to an ordinary holiday, but to the Alfey school. And I am the main fairy of this school. Today you will learn the secrets of magic, learn how to apply it. All girls will be initiated into fairies, and boys into wizards. You will receive a real magic wand as a gift. And even complete your first fairy task. You are ready? But first, let's get acquainted and check how well you know the birthday girl.

Sample questions:

How to study?

In what children. did you go to the garden?

What do you like to do the most?

What is your favorite animal?

Who wants to become? And so on.

Presenter: Before embarking on this difficult and interesting journey, you need to refresh yourself. And you are already waiting for a table with magical dishes that will give you energy.

(Holiday dinner).

1 lesson. Music magic.

Presenter: So, stand in a circle, close your eyes and circle. (Music from the cartoon "Wings" sounds). We are starting our magic lessons! (says a spell)

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, Magic of Music I will invoke!

Presenter: Now I will teach you the magic of music. Do you think music can only be created using musical instruments? And here it is not. After all, we are fairies, and fairies can create music from everything that is at hand.

(Gives children spoons, pot lids, jars of cereals (rustling), a grater with a fork. One girl leads a magic wand over the instrument and casts a spell. To the music, first she shows each child how to play to get in time with the music, gives a try. Then they all play together to the music).

Presenter: And now the change. And we will play with you.

Turn. The game "Who is superfluous"

Game progress. There are sweets on a small table or stool (one less than the participants). To the music, the children run around the table. As the music stops, they grab candy. Whoever didn’t get it leaves, taking one candy from the table as a consolation prize.

Lesson 2. The magic of dance.

Presenter: Do you like to dance? Do you know how? Now I will show you how easy it is to learn to dance, even if you have never done it. And who will say the spell?

We are learning to dance.

Flashmob "Washing" (or another) is being held

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, Magic of Music I will invoke!

Turn.Freeze game.

The essence of the game. The children dance to the music. As soon as the music stops, they freeze in some figure. Who moves, he leaves.

Lesson 3. The magic of water.

Presenter: Now you will see the magic of water and make sure that it is simply magical. ( One girl, before the experiments, leads a magic wand over the water and utters a spell.)

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, Water Magic I will invoke!

(essence of focus. Pour water into one glass, sunflower oil into the second. We close the glass of water with a plastic card and turn it over. We put it in a glass of oil. We shift the card a little to form a hole between the glasses. After a few seconds, the oil and water will switch places. Water will be at the bottom, oil on it. To save money, you can take small cups or stacks.

Pour a glass of water, cover with a sheet of paper and turn over. Water does not flow out, and the paper sticks to it.

Let's prepare a strip from a regular napkin. Draw bright dots on it with a felt-tip pen after 2 cm. Immerse one end of the napkin by 2 cm in a glass of water. Water will quickly move up the napkin).

Turn.The game "Transfer water in a spoon."

The essence of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team member in turn must transfer water in a spoon (preferably deep, for example, wooden) from one pan to another.

Lesson 4

Presenter: Guys, do you know what kind of magic animals have? They have sharp eyesight and hearing. They are also great at disguise. And what animals can disguise themselves as the environment? And now we will try to be animals. And don't forget the spell. And then nothing will work.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, Animal Magic I will summon!

(Assignment. Distributes cards with the name of the animal. Depict the animal so that others guess).

Turn.Game "Name the baby".

The essence of the game. The host calls the animal, the children must say in unison what the name of its cub is and pronounce the sound that this animal makes.

The tiger has a tiger cub, and he screams RRRR

The cat has a kitten, and he screams meow

The horse has a foal, and he screams IGO-GO

The cow has a calf, and he screams MUUU

The dog has a puppy, and he screams GAV

The goat has a kid, and he screams BEEE

The sheep has a lamb, and he screams MEEE

The chicken has a chicken, and he screams PI-PI-PI

The duck has a duckling, and he screams quack-quack

The crow has a crow, and he screams KAR-KAR

Behemoth has a baby hippopotamus loud roar

Lesson 5. The magic of technology.

Presenter: What does technology mean? (Children give their answers). And now you will see the real magic. And this magic is called science.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, The Magic of Science I will invoke!

1. Elephant toothpaste.

For our experience need:

- 6% hydrogen peroxide solution,

- dry yeast,

- liquid soap or dishwashing liquid,

- 5 drops of any food coloring,

- 2 tablespoons of warm water,

- liter plastic bottle, funnel, plate, tray.

(Warning! A 6% hydrogen peroxide solution can whiten the skin or even cause a burn! Therefore, do not neglect the safety rules and use gloves. Elephant toothpaste stains, so be sure that the stained surface can be washed off. Do not taste the resulting foam and especially do not swallow.
Important. Less than 6% hydrogen peroxide solution should not be used. Nothing will work. The higher the concentration, the better. But the higher the concentration, the more dangerous the hydrogen peroxide solution becomes, and we are doing the experiment with children! Therefore, 6% is the best option for us).

So, in a bowl, mix a spoonful of dry yeast and warm water. Stir them for about a minute. Set aside.

Using a funnel, carefully pour the hydrogen peroxide solution into the bottle. We also add food coloring. You do not need to pour a lot, 5 drops are enough. Next, add about a spoonful of liquid soap. Thoroughly mix the resulting liquid by shaking the bottle:

Now attention! Be extremely careful at this stage! Pour the yeast into the bottle and stand back immediately.

2. Pharaoh snake.

We will need:

- soda

- Sand (building sand, you can take it in a children's sandbox and dry it)

- Granulated sugar

- Hydrogen peroxide 30%

- Lighter fluid or alcohol

Pour sand into a plate, soak it with ignition fluid. Mix in a cup 40 g of sugar and 10 g of soda. Pour into a bowl of sand. And we set it on fire. Sugar turns into a big black snake.

3. How to inflate a balloon with baking soda and vinegar

We will need:

- bottle;

- balloon;

- baking soda;

- vinegar.

Pour a little soda into the ball (no more than 3-4 teaspoons). For convenience, you can use a funnel or a regular spoon. Pour a small amount of vinegar into the bottle and carefully put the ball on the neck of the bottle so that the soda does not spill into the bottle. After the preparatory process, lift the ball so that the soda spills into the bottle. Vinegar will begin to gurgle and foam, do not be afraid of this, carbon dioxide is released, which eventually inflates our balloon. A few seconds and the balloon is inflated.

Turn. The game "Who has fewer balls."

The essence of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each has its own territory, which is divided by a line. Each territory has a lot of balloons. The task of each team is to throw all the balls into the territory of the opponent.

Lesson 6

Presenter: In this lesson, we ourselves will be in the role of nature and with the help of our magic we will create beautiful flowers.

Spell : I'll wave my magic wand, The Magic of Flowers I will invoke!

(The essence of entertainment. Children sit down at the table and make a paper flower from prepared templates. (For example, corrugated paper chamomile). Then all the flowers are combined into a bouquet and presented to the birthday girl).

Fairy Initiation.

Presenter: So, you have passed all the lessons and now, by right, you can be called Fairies. (Gives each girl a medal “Water Fairy”, “Fairy of Nature”, etc. Gives them to those who conjured with a magic wand at what lesson. Gives the boys “Wizard” or “Fairy Helper” medals. And gives everyone a magic wand) .

And now it's your first fairy task . Our main enemies, witches, stole a gift that her parents had prepared for her. He must be found. They left clues

The task "Find a gift for the birthday girl"

In advance, you need to hide notes with clues so that in the end the gift is found and solemnly presented to the birthday girl.

Presenter: All the clues are hidden by mom's helpers. Guess who they are, you'll find a gift.

Hint examples:

Always helps with laundry.

She needs powder and water. (Washing machine)

There is no price for her in everyone's house,

In half a minute, dinner will warm up. ( Microwave)

Very fast with him.

Become clean in the house. (Vacuum cleaner)

Everything will grind, cut, chop,

Even minced meat will be ready in it . (Food processor)

What a miracle is now fashionable.

She cooks whatever she wants. (multicooker)

The series will show mom

All news will be told. (TV)

Jumping needle on fabric

Helps to sew a dress for mom. (Sewing machine)

Mom helps to be beautiful,

Everything in front of it, it reflects. (Mirror)

The youngest daughter turned 3 years old - another reason for holding a holiday.) Initially, it was planned to do it in the country, so I wanted to do something on the theme of flowers (as well as the colors of the rainbow), but then, as always, everything was replayed, transferred to the apartment, the script was rewritten, and the task of watering the flowers with sponges was crossed out. 3 girls about 3 years old and 2 older almost 7-year-old sisters participated.

I really liked the format of the holiday "performance - helping the heroes - a visual result", so at the beginning I told the children a little story about fairies:
"The flower fairies lived in one country.
Red is the fairy of roses. The wisest, she always tells and helps everyone.
Orange is the calendula fairy. Calendula is a healing flower, and the orange fairy has always treated everyone and helped flowers and animals.
Yellow - buttercup fairy - the most fun.
Green - the fairy of field grasses and flowers - the most sociable and friendly, it was on her field that all the fairies often gathered in a round dance.
Blue is the water lily fairy, she loves water and always shares it with other flowers.
Blue - fairy cornflowers - the most resourceful and inquisitive.
Violet is the lilac fairy, the most serious and reasonable.
All the fairies were very friendly, their flowers bloomed, butterflies flew over them, but one day it started to rain in their country.
Weak at first.
Then harder.
And then the real downpour began.
And he walked for so long that he began to wash off all the colors, and everything in the magical land began to turn white. The fairies were very upset by the constant rain, and when the fairies are upset, various wrong things begin to happen around them - butterflies and bees have disappeared somewhere, flowers have stopped blooming somewhere.
And only a rainbow flower can cheer them up and stop the rain, in which all the petals are of different colors and form a rainbow. But the fairies themselves are so sad that they cannot come together to receive it.
Let's help them - let's go through all the countries, collect a petal from each fairy to get a magical rainbow flower."
I glued pictures with fairies and flowers on the wardrobe with special chewing gum pads, after the rain I changed them to almost the same ones, but not painted.
We went around 7 countries, received from each fairy a petal made of colored paper (in order not to lose them, each child was hung with a clip on a string around his neck), glued the flowers, and when we came back to the "stage" - there already a rainbow appeared, and the colors returned (albeit in the wrong order, the older children tracked))), and the magic flowers as a gift to the children grew on the floor.

Tasks are standard:
1. Red - rose - they made flowers from corrugated paper (squares folded like an accordion and tied with a thread).
2. Orange - calendula - returned the missing insects, calling them in their language (they repeated the movements of different insects, including playing centipede).
3. Yellow - buttercups - sculpted flowers from marzipan and edible beads.
4. Green - grass - the swamp flooded the country, so we went over bumps, drained the swamp from compote, got seeds to plant it again (cleaned green peas - the most successful task!), ate strawberries.
5. Blue - water lilies - made flowers blooming on the water.
6. Blue - cornflower - to the touch they were looking for Lego flowers in a bag with other details.
7. Violet - lilac - climbed through the web, and then caught paper bugs with chopsticks with plasticine.

1. I know that for 3 years this is a lot of tasks, but on all previous holidays my games went twice as fast as I planned, and only then they stretched.) The birthday girl was quite normal, but two younger girls at the end tried to run away.
2. It was not possible to buy fresh marzipan, and the old one was molded badly and did not stick. However, it was eaten right away anyway.
3. It was lucky that I cut out a lot of blanks for blooming flowers, because while one girl carefully and perfectly painted over her flower, the rest managed to color and fold many others, and this turned out to be quite an exciting activity for them.
4. By the way, strawberries and overripe green peas brought from the dacha were inserted into the script.)
5. The apartment is still a bit crowded, it is unrealistic to organize an approach to the bath for 5 children. (

Entertainment "Visiting the Rainbow Fairy"


"IN guests to the Rainbow Fairy»

Target: Development artistic and creative abilities of children.

Tasks according to educational areas:

To expand children's knowledge about various types of art;

Raise interest in artistic creativity;

Enrich children's vocabulary.

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the festively decorated hall. There are seven colorful boxes on the table.

caregiver: Children, we have great joy today. We were invited to an exhibition of paintings. Do you want to know who sent us this invitation? Fairy sent it Rainbow. She commands all colors. The paints love her very much and are friends with her, so in the fairy palace rainbows There is always music playing and everyone is having fun. Fairy Rainbow sent us all colorful invitation cards. We will be allowed to the exhibition only with these tickets, this is strictly monitored by the cheerful elves Fairies Rainbow and her favorite colors. Grab your tickets and we'll hit the road guests to Fairy Rainbow.

The teacher opens the envelope and takes out tickets.

Instead of tickets, white sheets.

caregiver: Oh, what happened? Last night I held these tickets in my hands and they sparkled with all the colors rainbows, and now they have turned into white pieces of paper. What happened to them? Who will decorate our invitation cards?

An adult dressed as Kashchei the Deathless enters.

Koschei the Immortal: All paints, pencils,

I'll hide it later - look for it!

I forbid children to draw,

But all this doesn't count.

Something needs more

My wild fantasy!

I will order white

Repaint black.

And make flies out of you

And what will I do next

How do I think about it...

It takes my breath away!

caregiver: All clear! It was Kashchei the Deathless who hid the colors from our invitation cards.

Koschei the Immortal: Yes Yes Yes! Since childhood, I do not like all kinds of colors. I locked them in magic boxes. While they are there, you will never defeat me and get into the Fairy Palace. Rainbow.

I firmly believe in dullness

Happy cloudy day.

Any gray personality

I love and appreciate!

caregiver: Tell me, please, your Dimness, what keys open magic boxes?

Koschei the Immortal: Okay, I'll tell you, you still won't be able to open them. Only the correct answers to very difficult questions will help you open these boxes. Where can you do it! I myself do not know the answers to these questions.

caregiver A: We'll try. Our children are very smart, they know and can do a lot. Yes, and we really want to return the colors.

Children come to the table, on which there are caskets. Each box has a question for the children to answer.

1st box: My cheerful sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red Yellow. …

2nd casket: What is King Pea's favorite color?

3rd casket: What color do you get when you mix red and blue?

4th casket: What is the main color in the cartoon collection "Carousel"?

5th casket: The color of a signor from a fairy tale "Chippolino"

6th casket: Bright sunny color.

7th casket: Deep lake color.

Children answer questions. After the correct answer, the teacher takes out the appropriate paint from the box. Kashchei the Deathless gets angry, then becomes a little kinder.

caregiver: Guys, you all answered the questions correctly, so the boxes opened. Only here are the colors of the Fairy rainbows messed up. Let's make these colors rainbow.

Children are divided into two teams and each makes up

rainbow in the correct sequence.

A game "Compose rainbow»

Kashchei the Deathless sits in a corner, thinking, falling asleep.

caregiver: Guys, what kind of music does Kashchei the Deathless not like?

The kids are in charge (cheerful, joyful, perky, sonorous, mischievous, dancing and other).

caregiver: Let's listen to a few excerpts from musical works and choose the one that will help us get rid of Kashchei the Immortal.

Children listen to music excerpts works:

"Joke" I. Bach, "Turkish Rondo" W. Mozart, "Bold Rider" R. Schuman, "Waltz" I. Strauss.

Children: Kashchei the Immortal won't like it "Waltz" I. Strauss, because this is the favorite work of the Fairy Rainbow.

The teacher turns on the music loudly, Kashchei the Deathless wakes up, asks the children not to expel him from the kindergarten. The children leave him and offer him to go with them to the Fairy. Rainbow.

caregiver: Okay, stay with us. Together with the guys, you will complete the couplets.

1. The sounds lined up in a row, it turned out ... (scale)

2. Friendship of sounds is said, called a word ... (lad)

3. The bright world is spacious, opened to a number of …. (major)

4. The world, immersed in twilight, opened a row for us .... (minor)

5. From a roar to a whistle, three in music (register)

caregiver: Well, now the colors are free and we can go to the Fairy Rainbow. Let's color the invitation cards. And let's also turn Kashchei the Colorless into Kashchei the Multicolored.

Koschei the Immortal A: Thank you guys. I will be colorful! Why was I harmful, because I did not know colors.

Children draw flowers, cut them out and decorate with them the cloak of Kashchei the Immortal.

caregiver: Oh, guys, look what happened to our invitation cards. They are bright and colorful again.

The teacher distributes tickets to children,

one ticket is given to Kashchei the Deathless.

caregiver: And now we go to the Fairy Rainbow.

Fairy meets children near the colorfully decorated house Rainbow with a yellow cap in hand and paint (children in hats of colors)

Fairy Rainbow: Hello guys. I am glad to see you at my art exhibition. Here is my exhibition of paintings, they were painted by both artists and kindergarten children "Sun". Whom I put on this magic cap will be the guide at the exhibition.

Fairy Rainbow puts a cap on one of the children. The child begins a tour of the exhibition, talks about one of the paintings he liked.

Children looking at pictures "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", "Alyonushka", "Three heroes" and others.

caregiver: What is this picture?

On the easel is an unfinished painting depicting a cockerel.

Fairy Rainbow: And I have prepared a surprise for you. You need to finish the cockerel, paint his tail with multi-colored paints.

Relay game "Color the cockerel"

Fairy Rainbow: What a colorful and colorful cockerel you have! I will definitely hang this picture in my palace.

Koschei the Immortal: I also want to hang such a picture in my palace!

caregiver: Do not be upset, Kashchei the Deathless, the children will draw a picture for you too.

The teacher takes out an unfinished picture of a peacock.

Children coloring the peacock

Relay game "Color the Peacock"

caregiver: Here's a present for you.

Children give a picture to Kashchei the Immortal.

He thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Fairy Rainbow: I'm glad that you visited me in away released my favorite multi-colored paints. Come to me again, I will wait for you very much. Goodbye!

The children say goodbye and leave.

A children's holiday is for that and CHILDREN'S, in order to take into account the "wants" of the hero of the occasion as much as possible. We offer a birthday script for a girl, which you can surely take as the basis of your own home magic. Creative mom and dad can be no worse than venerable animators when it comes to organizing a holiday for your own little fairy!

Hooray! Your little one has a birthday. Aren't you tired of gathering a crowd of adult uncles and aunts every year to once again confirm the status of a good housewife? Maybe you should think about the fact that this is a children's holiday, and your child wants magic and a miracle. Routine questions about behavior and health, a couple of regular teddy bears ... Boring. We break old traditions and arrange a real adventure for the young sorceress and her guests.

Preparation for the holiday

It's easier than ever to pay a decent amount of money to animators who, at your request, will make everything beautiful (if you're lucky). But why don't you, daddies and mommies, organize the holiday yourself? It's not difficult at all. Inexpensive props, children's easy menu, your imagination and good mood. That, however, is all. Shall we try?


We start with invitations that will go to the guests. Together with the little birthday girl, choose and print the option you like the most.

If your family knows how to draw beautifully, brushes are in your hands. It can be creative and extraordinary.

castle decoration

A sorceress (fairy) can only reside in a magical castle. Garlands, hearts hanging from the ceiling and figurines of your favorite cartoon characters, balloons - the castle is ready to receive guests.

Yes, do not forget to turn on the appropriate music in time to maintain a fabulous mood.

Festive outfit

Because your baby is the main character of the day, you should worry about her outfit in advance. Have a nice dress? Great. We decorate it with tinsel, sequins, rhinestones and beads, we cling to the wings.

Hairstyle must match. You can fork out and buy a Winx costume, for example.


Be sure to warn the parents of the children invited that the party is going to be themed. A little sorceress can only have her colleagues in the workshop - magicians, sorcerers, elves, fairies.

Just in case, prepare accessories for the kids that will help create the appropriate image: wings, headbands with luminous horns, masks, tiaras, caps for boys and even beards.

If the guests came in ordinary clothes, it is necessary to conduct an initiation into wizards with the appropriate dressing.

Someone has to lead the party. Let it be a mother who will play the role of the main sorceress. The Pope will play the role of a magician who will provide technical support for the event (music, illumination). Yes, it would be nice to be reincarnated. Mom has a floor-length dress, a diadem on her head and a wand in her hands.

How to organize holiday entertainment

And now the most important thing begins - the holiday. When choosing contests and entertainment, consider the age of not only the birthday girl, but also her guests, as well as the presence of boys and girls in the magical team. I don't want anyone to be bored.

Festive makeup

Mmm... Get into your mom's makeup bag and paint your face. A dream that becomes a reality! Competition for the best magic makeup. What will be needed? Children's cosmetics, "adult" cosmetic pencils and makeup are available if guests do not have allergies. Don't forget personal hand mirrors for everyone. Divide the kids into pairs and start drawing. At the end of the competition, we sum up the results with mandatory prizes. There are definitely no losers.

A similar version of the competition with hairstyles is also quite interesting. It is important to prepare the maximum number of hairpins, bows, scarves and combs.

Magic Wand Competition

What wizard can do without the most important attribute - a magic wand? The thing is personal, so each guest will have to make it on their own. Your task is to provide the children with the necessary materials: shiny paper, glue, adhesive tape, sticks, tinsel. The choice is great these days. Get ready to help the kids. Not everyone knows how to deftly wrap the foil around the stick.

"Guess the Cartoon"

For this contest, you need to “cut” melodies from cartoons that are watched in the company of your fairy in advance. Yes, yes, I understand. I really want to include something like a melody from “Well, wait a minute!”. Stop! For your anniversary, please. And now support the interests of the younger generation.

One two three four five! Let's start tinkering!

This stage of the holiday should be taken more than responsibly. If your magician and sorcerer abilities are still dormant, you can invite a professional.

The show of soap bubbles will delight a storm of emotions not only in children, but also in your wallet. However, this spectacle is really worth the cost: beautiful, intriguing. No? Then we create ourselves.

You can peep options for tricks on the Dino Poster:

Consider the interests and ages of the children. And don't forget the safety rules.

Fairy costume

And among the fairies there are fashion designers. The competition for the most unusual outfit for a sorceress will captivate children for a long time. To do this, provide them with more multi-colored pieces of fabric, beads, sequins, laces, old shoes, hats and other little things from the grandmother's chest. Perhaps the boys will get bored, but the weaker sex will certainly “come off”.

"Unsmiling Fairy"

The rules are simple, no props needed. One of the fairies sits down in the middle of the room, and everyone else tries to make her laugh. The most persistent and self-possessed participant wins, who can not laugh in response to jokes and antics.

Competition for the most beautiful fan

If there are boys among the invitees, you should skip this contest, as well as the contest with fairy costumes. One young ladies? Then go ahead. Paper, brushes, foil, feathers and other little things to decorate the fan.

Fairy Hostess Competition

Props - delicious and healthy vegetables and fruits. The task of the participants with their eyes closed is to determine the taste of the name of the product. The winner receives a prize, such as an apron.

Karaoke for sorceresses

Great entertainment that unites and liberates even the most modest children. When choosing a repertoire, be guided by the interests of young singers. Even better, if the hero of the occasion herself is present during the preparation of the list of songs.

Are your witches tired? Sit them in comfortable chairs to watch your favorite cartoon or movie. If you still have strength, you can arrange dances.

Holiday menu

During the breaks between competitions, guests will be refreshed. How? We focus on the preferences of today's youth. Yes, not everything is healthy that is tasty. But remember yourself at the festive table. I doubt that you are limited to boiled vegetables. Here is a proven version of the menu for a children's holiday:

  • French fries "Gift of an elf".
  • Chicken chops.
  • Meat cuts "Kaleidoscope" (possible on skewers in the form of shish kebabs).

  • Cabbage salad with corn "Snow White".
  • Fruit in abundance. Can be arranged in the form of "kebabs" on skewers.
  • All kinds of sweets: cookies, sweets, marshmallows.

  • Juices, compote - "Magic nectar". Do not be lazy and get paper cups with drawings of fairies and sorceresses.

  • A festive cake decorated according to the theme of the party.

If you are not confident in your abilities as a sculptor, perhaps the manufacture of magic figures from mastic and chocolate should be entrusted to the pros.

Did the menu seem completely unoriginal to you? You can add a couple of fish or meat dishes, but, as practice shows, children are happy to eat the most ordinary food. It is not necessary to surprise them with sturgeon and hazel grouse.

Let your daughter's birthday remain in the memory of your daughter as one of the brightest and happiest moments! Spare no effort to organize the holiday, because very soon the little fairy will become an adult, and the moment will be lost forever! Try to make your children's lives bright!

We have offered you a script template that can be easily transformed into a holiday for Mickey and Minnie or a charming Kitty. Enough for a debut themed party. Liked? Then go ahead, improve and tell us about your ideas in the comments.

An unforgettable rainbow party with a breath of fresh air and a ray of warm sun will color gray everyday life in bright colors! This is an original idea for a holiday with friends, within any budget and for holding in any room. Rainbow extravaganza of colors is a suitable party theme for both children and teenagers, and for those who want to escape from the daily worries of adults.


Boring transparent glasses will effortlessly turn into bright "minke whales" - acrylic, brush and an hour of time. Color the salt with crushed chalk, lay it out in layers in transparent bottles. If it's autumn outside, paint the maple leaves. Drip gouache into water, pour into jars and put plastic umbrellas or flowers on top - simply and completely on topic.

To decorate a rainbow party place, use:

  • paper garlands;
  • pompoms, corrugated paper flowers;
  • bright ribbons, fabric;
  • multi-colored cocktail tubes;
  • Balloons;
  • buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • bright beads (can be assembled from colored pasta or the same buttons);
  • "Ribbed" colored pencils (perfectly glued to cardboard, original coasters, frames for posters or photos are obtained).

Almost all improvised materials are suitable for invitations: an accordion-rainbow in an envelope, an applique of colored buttons or cereals, a striped card in a cup with M&M's or Skittles, rainbow lollipops or popsicles. Such invitations, albeit paper ones, will surely excite the taste for the holiday and set you up for active fun!

Upside down multi-colored umbrellas under the ceiling and bright rubber boots instead of flower vases look funny. And if a children's rainbow party is planned, add elements of a fairy tale to the festive interior:

  • fairies in colorful buds;
  • ponies with striped manes and tails (if there are many girls);
  • bright huge swallowtails, mushroom birds;
  • in secluded places, hide the treasures of the leprechaun - chests with chocolate or sweets in gold foil.

Make a paper cloud and rainbow "drops" of rain. On the cloud, kids can leave handprints or wishes if this is a party for older children.

Kids can't have too much color- what is already too much for adults, causes great delight in kids! But for teenagers and adults, a rainbow party can be decorated concisely and stylishly - a few bright elements on the main background. Of course, consider the mood of the guests and the degree of desire to fool around.


One of the organizers' favorite options is to ask guests to come in clothes of the chosen color (you need to distribute it in advance, evenly covering the entire palette). As a rule, no one has questions about what to wear - a rainbow party involves a free dress code and comfortable outfits: T-shirts, light dresses, shirts. The photos turn out great! Especially if you ask everyone to stand up like in a counting rhyme about a hunter and a pheasant.

Another option is a rainbow in the sky. Blue denim will act as the sky - trousers, skirts, shorts. And the top is white t-shirts (clouds) with a rainbow image or, again, a shade chosen for the guest. An interesting "planetary" option: a green bottom and a blue t-shirt with a rainbow.

The image will be complemented by homemade accessories - striped ties, bow ties, horns, bows, wigs and glasses. Makeup to match and colored mascara will enhance the effect!

If you are planning a rainbow party for adults or teenagers, the third option will prove to be quite time consuming. Guests must be striped from head to toe! There will be no problems with socks, but the rest can confuse the invitees. But for children, buying or sewing such outfits is not difficult, you just need to give parents time to prepare.


Multi-colored plastic dishes, colored napkins, skewers and tubes, a striped tablecloth - The rainbow style of the party should resonate with the table setting as well.

Let it be just a few elements for integrity, and bright treats will complete the festive design:

  • tomato, bell pepper salad(red, green, orange, yellow!), red onion and purple beans;

  • fruit cut and kebabs, canapes, tartlets;
  • slides of dragees and sweets in transparent vases;

  • colored cocktails, juices in transparent decanters and bottles with flirtatious bows, ice cubes from tinted water;
  • colorful slides of marmalade and huge lollipops, ice cream, cookies and cakes.

Sprinkle cakes with small confetti or pour over with multi-colored icing. And for coloring dough, clear drinks, and sweets, use food coloring, jams, and colored juices. Here's how easy it is to make rainbow themed treats for your party:

colored popcorn- sugar, water, dyes. We prepare liquid caramel (melt sugar and water), add dye, pour over popcorn and mix well.

rainbow jelly- sachets for making jelly, water, dye or juice. Just add water, as it is written on the bag, but painted in the desired color. And then cool the jelly in layers: the first layer has seized - pour the second, and in the refrigerator, then the third, etc.

Striped popsicles- sprite, dye, molds. Like jelly, you need to freeze in layers. Add brightly colored fruit pieces or small gummies. Delicious fruit ice is obtained from freshly squeezed juice with pulp.


A rainbow party hardly needs a strict script.- the theme is conducive to unbridled fun and a bit of madness! Adult guests will almost certainly be happy with contests from childhood: hitting a bottle with a pencil, tearing a newspaper with their bodies in a dance, biting off an apple on a string, running to the finish line with an egg in a spoon, etc.

And here a script is important for children- so the rainbow party will remain in the memory of the kids longer:

- Guys! An evil leprechaun has stolen our rainbow! He says that he will not show it to such lazy and bad children. Let's prove to him that you are not at all lazy, but very dexterous, smart and good?!

It's great if one of the parents plays the role of a harmful leprechaun. Let there be seven contests, like the colors of the rainbow:

  • Red(symbolizes strength) - tug of war, bursting balls with the fifth point, knocking down targets with plush balls.
  • Orange(energy) - obstacle course, blindfold racing, bouncers.
  • Yellow(observation) - riddles about colors, quickly name objects of a hidden color, etc. Rest after active competitions.
  • Green(flexibility) - “the sea is worried once ...” is perfect. And for teenagers and adult party guests, organize a rainbow twister (the one in which you have to take funny poses on the floor, getting your hands and feet into circles of the right color).
  • Blue(dreaming) - let the children answer unexpected questions: “What would happen if you changed places with your parents, if all the trees became chocolate, if people could turn into anyone?”. One more minute of rest.
  • Blue(organization) - it's time to divide into teams and color the picture, assemble a puzzle or build a costume (out of paper, colored fabric, etc.) for speed.
  • Violet(creativity) - write together a congratulation in a rainbow style to the hero of the occasion (with colored pens or over a painted rainbow, for example).

At the end of each competition, give guests a ribbon of the appropriate color or large cardboard letters to fold into a rainbow for a souvenir photo. After completing all the stages, announce that now no one will doubt that guests deserve a bright rainbow life and good mood every day!

- Well done boys! All of you are strong, energetic, observant, etc.

Beat the finale as a congratulation - the leprechaun returned the rainbow in the form of memorable gifts to all guests (crayons, pencils, paints) and mountains of gifts for the birthday man (collect everything in advance, wrap it in colored paper and stick stickers with the name of the giver). Or maybe the returned rainbow will be a huge striped cake or colorful fireworks?!