How to crochet a bucket of mayonnaise: knit with jute twine. Twine rugs: practical DIY tips What to knit from jute

In terms of needlework, I usually have everything in stripes, sometimes I sew drunkenly, sometimes I knit enthusiastically. But in any of these periods, something else always intervenes. At the end of my pregnancy, I had a basket craze. I looked at YM, the price seems to suit me and I like the product, but I don’t want to pay for shipping.

And just then a bucket of paint was freed (aqua acrylic, 3 kg). Here it reminded me of a basket. And then a lightning-fast thought about the similarity of the color of the basket and jute threads.

It took like a skein and a half. Hook number 4.

This is what it looks like inside. It seems worthy to me. The fabric took some unsuitable for anything. And she played like that.

And of course, she could not deny herself roses, for which the fabric went from extra cuts from the tab.

I really like my basket. I thought I'd do it and calm down. And I feel that I still want a real wicker basket. To put balls in it and go to the park to knit.

Haven't been to the park yet. But I'm already using it at home.

Saved another bucket of paint and thread. I will still knit baskets until I understand that I don’t need a purchased one.

Jute baskets from plastic buckets. MK. Jute Tips

Works and advice of Lena Denisova.
Before, I could not even think that jute comes in different sizes. Well, my husband brought me 2 skeins, and I knit. And she went herself, bought it, and it turned out that the threads were different.

It turns out that the thickness and color of jute thread can be completely different!!! Also different sizes!
This one is thicker. A smaller basket is connected from it. I liked him the most.
But next time I bought 2 different types: two-thread and four-thread.
But they are exactly the same thickness. But the thread is much thinner and softer.
In the photo below, on the left is a thin thread, on the right is a thick one.

Tip 1.
If you want a faster result, then you need to choose a thicker thread (first photo). To do this, take the hook number 3.5.
If the process itself is important to you and you are not in a hurry, then you can buy thinner threads. And apply hook number 2.5.

Tip 2.
Knitting with jute threads is not easy. This is no ordinary yarn. Therefore, let your basket be an additional, intermediate type of needlework. Tied up a bit and set aside.

Tip 3.
On some skeins it is written that the thread should be extracted from the inside. It is better to stick to this advice and knit from the inside of the ball. Then everything will go smoothly and the ends will not be intertwined!

The footage in the hanks is also different. Note. If the thickness of the thread is the same, as in my photo (two-thread and four-thread), then it is better, of course, to take where there are more meters!
I also noticed that the thicker threads have a more harmonious, as if elongated, but pot-bellied, ball, which you don’t really remember. And a ball of thin ones looks more flattened and soft to the touch.
On the left, the basket is knitted from thin threads, on the right - from thick ones. And you can see the difference in the very first photo.


New type of jute baskets.

Hi all!
Sometimes one gets the feeling that I'm alone here in the spring suffering from nonsense and writing new messages that may not be of interest to anyone ... But I will write further. Don't even comment on anything, just read and forgot.

Now I knit a lot with colored threads and I don’t understand what kind of explosion of color this happened to me. And I also realized such a thing that I was transferring threads to all sorts of nonsense, instead of knitting something sensible and worthwhile, for example, hats, sweaters. But apparently, at one time it was so imposed on worthy that now it’s not a pity to harass nonsense. So I went and bought threads.

Now there is absolutely nowhere to store them and they lie right there on the tables and do not hide, which is why they began to strain me a little.

A basket rests directly against my side of the barrel, which is terribly tired of waiting for me to start showing it. All exhausted...

That’s what I won’t put next to it, but its dimensions are still not clear. She's not small either.
As usual, nothing will stop me from redoing what I don't like. Therefore, I bandaged the pens until I realized that they suit me.

You just do not think that I sat down and tied. Of course not. It was a long process for maybe 4 months.

I wanted with handles, but I don’t know where to get them and decided to knit it myself. Just like that, sewing without decoration is also not a hunt, so I came up with mugs that are very, very strongly sewn to a jute base.

At first it was the same front and back, but I made up my mind and hung up the brooch. But until the end I was afraid to overload the basket with decor.

This is the back side.

The bottom always undeservedly hides, but the work begins with it, and it is the most difficult stage for me, so I won’t wait until it groans too and I’ll show it.

New old-style curtains took part in the shooting, which my mother wanted to throw away, and I sheltered them, for which I regularly listen to dissatisfied words. Thanks to the banks, who also migrated from their mother in the hope of continuing to live. Thanks to the white thing with lace that used to be the color of dark chestnut and stood in the village toilet. Thanks to the beads for not riding, although the sofa gives a tilt. Thanks to Lideyka, that although she was rushing to the place of deployment, I was defending myself and she did not manage to pull off the whole entourage.

I want to bring to your attention another very interesting and simple way of making DIY Easter twine basket. For this option, elementary crochet skills are required, since we will knit a basket from jute twine.

The basket will turn out to be textured and very unusual.

For work you will need:

  • jute twine,
  • hook No. 3.5-5,
  • suitable shape (you can take any deep dish or jar),
  • PVA glue,
  • water,
  • container for mixing glue and water,
  • food bag,
  • scissors,
  • for decoration: braid or lace, wire for crafts (diameter 3 mm),
  • hot glue gun.

We decide on a jar or a deep bowl, which will act as a form for our basket.

First we knit a circle ...

To crochet a circle, in each row we will increase the number of intermediate loops between the addition of columns.

We start by closing two air loops in a circle. It is important to make the first loop larger, since we will knit 6 single crochets from it.

So ..., threading the hook into the second loop from the hook (Fig. 5), we knit 6 single crochets (Fig. 6).

We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row. We make an air lifting loop.

Any knitting of rows in a circle begins and ends exactly the same. At the beginning, lifting loops are necessarily made, and at the end a half-column is knitted from the last column of the row to the first column of the same row, thereby we connect the end and the beginning of the row. This will additionally help you not to get confused in knitting in order to evenly add loops.

2 row: 2 sc. in each column of the previous row. Total will be 12 loops (or sc.)

3rd row: 1 sc, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. We alternate so to the end of the row. Total will be 18 loops (or sc.)

4 row: 1 sc in each of the two loops of the previous row, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 24

5 row: 1 sc in each of the three loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 30

6 row: 1 sc in each of the four loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 36

We evenly increase the number of loops by tying the container of your choice until the volume increases. Periodically try on for control.

Then we knit 1 sc in each loop of the previous row. = 36

So we knit the edges of our basket to the desired length.

It is important not to cut the twine tails, we will do this later.

We take the prepared form and put a food bag on it.

We dilute PVA glue 1: 1 with water (50 ml of glue and water were enough for me).

Mix and soak the workpiece well. We leave for 10 minutes.

Squeeze out a little excess glue and pull it onto the mold.

After about a day, the twine will dry and it will be possible to remove the blank for the basket from the mold.

Remove the blank from the mold and remove the bag.

Now you can cut the twine tails ...

It turns out a very rigid frame that can be decorated to your taste.

Handles can be formed from braid and wire, we fix everything with a hot glue gun.

Crocheted Easter twine basket is ready ...

In such a basket you can put colored eggs or sweets.

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!

I like a jute crochet coaster . It looks dignified and does its job well: it protects the tabletop from the effects of temperature, and also prevents scratches and liquid from getting on the countertop.

Knitting with jute thread is a fun way to give the product a cute casual and chic country or Provence style. However, do not get carried away, otherwise the resulting thing will be overly sloppy and sloppy.

Preparation for work and general principles

For knitting you will need the following materials:

Techniques to be used:

  1. Air loop (VP).
  2. Single crochet (ST b N).
  3. Connecting column (PS).
  4. Harness "Crab step".

Little material is required. On one stand, with a diameter of 12 cm, it took about 15 grams.

Crochet goes in the round. I described in detail how this is done in the article. « ».

My stand for hot made in individual rows (P), but if desired, it is quite possible to use spiral ones.

Scheme, photo and master class

According to the scheme, you can connect the stand ST b N or ST with N, however jute knitting gives a fairly rigid canvas. The columns are voluminous, and the holes between them are large, so I recommend stopping at ST b N.

Crochet circle pattern

IMPORTANT: so that the middle does not bulge, and the circle is perfectly flat, it is better to start work immediately from the 2nd P of the scheme.

First air loop

1st row: 12 stbn

What I mean? After the 1st VP is completed, a chain of 6 VPs is made and closed into a ring, you should knit 12 ST b N as the 1st row.

According to the classical algorithm, such a number of ST b H is formed only in the 2nd R.

2nd R: 18 ST b N.

2nd row: double every 2nd stbn

3rd R: 24 ST b N.

3rd Row: double every 3rd sc

4th R: 30 ST b N.

4th row: double every 4th stbn

At the final stage, crocheting is done with the “Rachi step” (traditional single crochet, but made from left to right).


Ready hot stand

To make the circle bigger, you just need to continue working according to the given algorithm, and finish with the same strapping.

Wrong side

If it so happened that ponytails formed on the reverse side, they must be hidden with a crochet or a needle. Jute is hard and the knots may come undone over time.

That's it! Work done for an hour. Of course, if you crochet a full set for six people, then more material and time will be required. But it's worth it: a large teapot stand and 6 small coasters will look extremely cute.

Twine Knitting: Applying Skills

Having learned to work with circular rows and twine, you can knit a variety of items of clothing and interior decor:

  • Beach bags.
  • Cache-pot for flower pots.
  • Rugs in different sizes.
  • Hanging pockets for the kitchen.

I think that the results of any work should be, first of all, practical, so I often use jute twine for interior crafts.

I wish you success in all your endeavors and real pleasure from knitting!

In every house there are a couple of plastic buckets of mayonnaise in case of "what if", which seem to be not needed, but the hand does not rise to throw away. And they really may be needed by a good hostess, the main thing is to bring them into a presentable appearance.

I want to tell you about the idea - what can be made from mayonnaise buckets, giving them a second life, using all kinds of materials at hand. We will tie a bucket of mayonnaise with twine. Yarn, of course, is much easier to knit, but twine will give a very unusual and interesting texture to your product.

We will knit a basket from jute twine, you can use jute thread, it is softer. Inside there is a removable cotton cover.

For work you will need:

  • jute twine,
  • hook No. 3.5-5,
  • a bucket of mayonnaise of the desired volume,
  • scissors,
  • for decoration: braid or lace, ribbons, etc.,
  • hot glue gun.
  • for the inner cover: any suitable fabric, needle, thread, elastic band, pin, sewing machine (for convenience).

First we knit a circle ...

To crochet a circle, in each row we will increase the number of intermediate loops between the addition of columns.

In knitting in a circle, it is very important to evenly distribute the number of knitted columns, so for starters I will present you with a diagram.

We start by closing two air loops in a circle.

It is important to make the first loop larger, since we will subsequently knit 6 single crochets from it.

For knitting in a circle with single crochets, the initial round should consist of 6 loops or single crochets.

Threading the hook into the second loop from the hook (Fig. 5), we knit 6 single crochets (Fig. 6).

We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.

If you count, now you can see 6 loops formed by single crochets of the first row. We do not take the connecting loop into the calculation.

We make an air lifting loop.

Any knitting of rows in a circle begins and ends exactly the same. At the beginning, lifting loops are necessarily made, and at the end a half-column is knitted from the last column of the row to the first column of the same row, thereby we connect the end and the beginning of the row. This will additionally help you not to get confused in knitting in order to evenly add loops.

Let's move on to the second row...

We knit two single crochets into the first loop of the previous row (! Not into the lifting air loop). So we knit two columns without a crochet in each loop to the end of the row. Total 12 columns (lift does not count)

We close with a connecting column into the loop of the first column of the second row and make an air lifting loop.

3rd row: 1 sc, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. We alternate so to the end of the row. Total will be 18 loops (or sc.)

4 row: 1 sc in each of the two loops of the previous row, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 24

5 row: 1 sc in each of the three loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 30

6 row: 1 sc in each of the four loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 36

7 row: 1 sc in each of the five loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 42

We evenly increase the number of loops by tying the container of your choice until the volume increases. Periodically try on for control.

Then we knit 1 sc in each loop of the previous row. = 42

So we knit the edges of our basket to the desired length.

We do not cut the tails of the sword, since the thread is coarse, it is not possible to tighten it so that it holds tightly. We will then fix them with hot glue on a plastic basis.

We coat the bottom of the plastic bucket with hot glue and immediately put our twine blank on top, press the bottom well. This is necessary so that the bottom is well fixed and does not puff. Glue on top with hot glue.

From any suitable fabric we sew a cover, an elastic band is threaded at the top, so the cover will be removable.

We wrap the handles with twine in a spiral, if necessary, fixing the twine thread with hot glue.

We close the holes in the handle with curls of twine, but we do not glue it to the fabric, but only to the twine on the handle.

Decorate to your liking...

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!

Good afternoon friends! I present to you my latest, recently done work. A twine basket is crocheted and decorated with a border.

I used jute twine. Crafts from it have long attracted attention. If you remember, somehow I already talked about mine.

Baskets can be made with your own hands using different techniques, but since I am better at knitting, I chose this particular method.

Knitting from twine is very interesting and easy, since the thread is quite thick, and the result is a stylish and creative product.

Knitting baskets from jute twine

It took one and a half pieces of small spools of this material to knit a basket of jute twine. It can now be bought at any hardware store, as well as in the needlework departments.

I took the hook with the number 3.5.

All rows are connected with single crochets.

I will describe the process of knitting in rows.

Knitting the bottom of the basket

Here we have a regular circle at the base.

  1. We make a ring of five air loops (or a sliding loop).
  2. In the first row - 10 sc.
  3. In the second row, we add 10 more columns - knitting two columns in each loop of the first row.
  4. In the third row, the increase is performed through one loop of the base - 1СБН, 2СБН in one loop, etc.
  5. In the fourth row we add a column after two loops. To make the circle evener, make increments with an offset to the previous row.
  6. Fifth row - we add columns through 3 loops.
  7. The sixth row - after 4.
  8. Seventh row - through 5.
  9. The eighth row - after 6.
  10. Ninth row - after 7.

The bottom of the basket turned out to be 20 cm in diameter.

Knitting the walls of the basket

I knitted the tenth row without adding loops.

In the 11th row, I completed the addition through 8 loops.

In the 22nd row, I decreased the number of loops by knitting two columns together through each seven loops of the base. As a result, the walls turned out to be not strictly vertical, but first with a slight expansion in diameter, and at the end with a narrowing.

I tied the edge of the basket with my favorite step. I used this technique when knitting.

The height turned out to be 8 cm.

Here is such a nondescript and scary bowl at first glance, but we will fix it.

Twine basket decor with a knitted border

We figured out how to make a twine basket, embellish it a little with a knitted border.

I spied this idea when I was preparing material about.

Kaima, of course, knitted herself.

I found this schematic:

I liked it because the width of the border of a small size is obtained, and most importantly, you do not need to calculate the length, because the beginning of knitting goes across.

The border was knitted from white iris yarn, hook No. 1.

Knitting borders

I deviated from the scheme a little and knitted as follows:

I sewed a knitted border to the upper edge of the basket with a needle and thread.

I also tied a small twine bow.

The result - you can see a twine basket in the pictures.