What tools do I use for decoupage. Manicure tricks: ordinary PVA glue will help! Lacquer from pva glue and water

Every girl who is serious about the beauty of her hands dreams of doing absolutely any manicure without unnecessary difficulties. But if the simple usually does not cause problems, then more complex options often require additional preparation. Let's figure out what is smeared around the nail during a manicure so that there are no varnish stains around.

Why is this needed?

To begin with, let's decide what benefits the application of various compounds on the skin around the nail plate brings. Some of them are designed to soften it. From special oils and creams, the border of the nail plate becomes clearer, does not peel or delaminate.

But this article is about something else. Complex manicure designs - like water and ombre - require a more serious approach than classic French or one-color. In the process of creating such effects, the varnish goes beyond the boundary of the zone assigned to it and simply stains the finger. It is in order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the hands that you need to apply a special liquid to the skin.

A little later, we will go directly to the answer to the question of how the finger is smeared around the nail during manicure. But for this you need to have a complete understanding of why this manipulation is needed at all.

How to make an ombre

This is what beauty salons call a smooth transition from one color of varnish to another.

There is nothing complicated here, so the steps for creating such a manicure can be divided into a few simple steps:

  1. The nail plate is prepared for applying varnish - the edge is corrected, polished, polished and the cuticle edge is leveled.
  2. On a piece of foil, two or three rows of varnish are applied close to each other so that they connect. In the middle they can be mixed.
  3. Foam rubber (you can use a piece dipped in this varnish and pressed against the nail several times.
  4. This operation is done for all fingers.

Now it remains only to wait until the varnish dries, and remove its remnants. If the fingers have not been prepared, this will be quite difficult. That is why it is important to know what is smeared around the nail with, and specifically - in front of it.

It is much more complex, so instructions for it will need to be written in a separate article. Let's not waste time on this and go directly to the topic.

Special funds

In professional beauty salons, of course, there is no question of how to smear the skin around the nail during a manicure. There, for this, special tools from well-known manufacturers are used.

Many cosmetic companies produce formulations that prevent dyes from getting on the fingers. In addition, they often contain beneficial substances that nourish and moisturize the skin. Some formulations have antiseptic and regenerating properties that improve the appearance of the hands right during the procedures.

The main component of such professional solutions is usually rubber - it creates a thin polymer film on the surface of the finger. Excess varnish is easily removed with it at the end of all procedures. This is one of the most convenient options for preparing for a complex manicure, but at the same time the most expensive. The cost of 15 ml is on average about 250 rubles.

Fat cream

This is one of the most popular ways to remove excess polish from your fingers. Finding a greasy cream is not difficult - it can be hand or face skin care products. The main thing is that it is poorly absorbed.

A fat cream is what the skin around the nail is smeared with before a manicure by girls who want to save on the purchase of specialized products. Here's how they do it. Immediately before staining, a thick layer of cream is applied to the skin around the legs. This must be done carefully. The oily mass should not fall on the nail plate itself. If this happens, with a cotton pad or stick, carefully and carefully wipe off all the remnants of the cream where they do not belong, otherwise the varnish will lie unevenly. Now you can create any design at your fingertips.

After the manicure is done, and the varnish has dried up a little, you can remove its remnants along with the cream. Use cotton swabs for this, being careful not to damage the pattern on the nails.


What is smeared around the nail during manicure by those who do not have greasy creams or varnish films in the house? For example, vaseline. This oily and viscous substance is an excellent protector from excess varnish. Before creating a design, apply it to the periungual areas in a not very thick layer. Just as in the case of a cream, care must be taken that the product does not get where the manicure will be created.

After that and dry them a little, you can remove the product with a cotton swab. The advantage of petroleum jelly is that it is very poorly absorbed, creating a reliable protection against varnish. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and quite inexpensively.

PVA glue

Polyvinyl acetate is one of the main analogues of what is smeared around the nail during manicure in beauty salons. Some professional products have a pronounced PVA smell, which means that their compositions are similar.

One of the most important advantages of glue is its harmlessness. It is a water-based substance that has a characteristic odor, but is not toxic. PVA, when dried, creates a dense film resembling rubber. It perfectly protects the skin from varnish and can be easily removed after the manicure is completed. This tool has earned a lot of positive feedback from those who create. Many people note that there is practically no difference between professional tools and PVA glue.

In addition, you can buy it in almost any stationery store. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that some unscrupulous manufacturers sell a substance that is too liquid, the useful properties of which are minimal. Therefore, you should not save when buying PVA, especially since even the highest price for it is quite acceptable.

Less popular options

What is smeared around the nail during manicure, if the means described above are not at hand? To do this, you can use any very fatty substance - for example, oil. It can be ordinary vegetable, intended for cooking, or a special manicure. In the latter case, you combine the creation of a beautiful design on the nails with the improvement of the skin around them.

Many do not stop at the methods proposed above for creating a neat manicure. The main material for one of the options is the usual stationery tape, which is pasted over the area around the nail. This method has several disadvantages. Firstly, the adhesive tape does not adhere well to the skin. Therefore, it will not work to create reliable protection with its help. Secondly, no matter how good the bonding is, varnish will definitely get under the film when painting. With a water manicure, the adhesive tape can completely peel off from moisture. In other words, it is recommended to use this option only if all the others are unavailable.

How to remove varnish residue

After creating a manicure, even with the use of the above products, small stains of paint may remain, which must be removed. You can use a special eraser pencil for this, which is sold in cosmetic stores. It will allow you to do even the most delicate work without damaging the manicure. But after several uses, the pencil may darken, and you will have to buy a new one. Wouldn't it be better to find a cheaper way to get your hands in order?

For large stains, ordinary cotton swabs are suitable. For finer work - toothpicks. The tip of a wooden stick is wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and moistened with nail polish remover. This method is suitable for those who are not afraid of painstaking work and at the same time know how to save money.

Now you know what is smeared around the nail with a water manicure or when creating an ombre and how to remove varnish residue without spending extra money. Do not forget to take care of your hands, and then any, even the simplest design, will look stylish and attractive on them.

Recently, the popularity of the by no means new decoupage decoration technique has been growing rapidly. The Internet is full of decoupage works, one more beautiful than the other. And the number of fans of this wonderful hobby is increasing every day.

Of course, the growing interest in decoupage cannot but please businessmen who, being in demand, flood the market with all sorts of materials and tools for decoupage. Sometimes very useful and high-quality, and sometimes completely superfluous.

How not to get confused by the abundance of decoupage materials in a craft store? Is it possible to replace expensive special decoupage products with improvised and much cheaper ones?

Perhaps the main question that worries every novice decoupage artist is

I will not deceive you by telling you that instead of a special decoupage glue, I use diluted PVA. Yes, for my decoupage work, I most often use a special adhesive varnish from the well-known Hobbieline manufacturing company.

Special decoupage glue has an ideal consistency, dries quickly, securely fixes the glued decoupage motif. In addition, after drying, the special decoupage glue becomes completely transparent, without distorting the color of the glued motif. Since I really like to decorate with decoupage everything that comes to hand, I buy a large jar: it is more economically profitable, and the glue lasts for a long time.

Decoupage glue can be matte or glossy. Personally, when buying, I don’t pay too much attention to this particular quality, because I always cover the finished decoupage work with acrylic varnish, matte or glossy. But for the first decoupage experiments, it is quite enough to purchase decoupage adhesive varnish with a matte or glossy effect as desired.

Another type of special decoupage glue that I want to mention is decoupage glue on textiles. I often use this type of glue for decoupage on fabric.

The difference of this decoupage glue is that it creates a durable elastic moisture-resistant film on the textile surface, which protects the glued motif from various deformations. A textile product decorated with decoupage using special glue for decoupage on fabric can be washed by hand or in a washing machine in a delicate wash mode, without any fear of spoiling the decoupage work.

But I still use PVA glue for decoupage. Diluted with water 1: 1 or completely undiluted PVA glue, you can glue the decoupage motif to the fabric, if only dry cleaning of the product is expected in the future, or to any other surface.

PVA glue can act as an inexpensive improvised tool for creating craquelure(decorative network of cracks used for artificial aging of the surface with decoupage).

For photo materials for decoupage in my workshops, I use a small tube of PVA stationery glue, which I always borrow for filming from my son's desktop. So, I’ll tell you my little secret: in fact, I never use PVA stationery glue in my work.

I don’t know what PVA clerical glue is made of, but only this glue from small tubes almost always refuses to glue anything, and it doesn’t even smell like real PVA! To create all my crafts, I use only high-quality PVA glue, bought at a hardware store. Here is such a large liter tub - excellent quality + super-savings.

Well, it seems that we figured out a little with decoupage glue, it's time to find out

If you want to reliably protect your decoupage work, so that the product decorated with decoupage will serve faithfully for a long time, varnish is a must!

In addition, as a rule, each decoupage work has many layers: primer, acrylic paint, glued motif, drawing, craquelure. But you never know what decorative techniques you will come up with to use in your work! So, each layer of decoupage work can and even needs to be fixed with varnish.

For example, if you have successfully created a background for decoupage, cover it with varnish, then in case of failure with gluing the motif, you will not have to repaint the product again. If you varnish the pasted motif, you can safely experiment with drawing and redo it as many times as necessary.

For decoupage work, you can use both water-based acrylic varnish and alkyd varnish.

The absolute "plus" of alkyd varnish is its moisture resistance. The "cons" include a sharp unpleasant odor, a long drying time, the need to clean the brushes with a special solvent. In addition, most, if not all, alkyd varnishes have a patinating effect and give the surface painted with them a yellowish tint. And this is not always successfully combined with the theme and colors of decoupage work.

However, alkyd varnish is the best suited for artificial aging of the surface. The noble amber hue goes well with vintage decoupage pictures. In addition, alkyd lacquer can serve as an economical substitute for a special patinated lacquer for creating two-step craquelure.

It is much more convenient to fix decoupage work with water-based acrylic varnish. Personally, I use it the most.

Acrylic lacquer is easy to apply, dries fairly quickly, does not have a sharp specific smell, which allows it to be used when creating crafts with children.

Acrylic varnish I also buy in the department of building materials. Moreover, I always try to choose the most expensive and high-quality: the reliability and durability of the varnish coating is above all for me.

Construction acrylic varnish can be matte, semi-gloss, semi-gloss, glossy and even super glossy. So there is always something to choose from!

And you will not see this huge liter jar in the pictures from my master classes. Usually a small 100-ml jar of Sonet varnish appears in the photo. But its primordial contents have already been used a long time ago, and a very high-quality, but still building, acrylic varnish is poured into a beautiful small jar. I am not a big professional in the field of decoupage, so I don’t feel the difference between artistic and building acrylic varnishes.

Special varnishes and tools for creating craquelure - this is a separate big topic, and requires a separate long story. Therefore, we will talk about them next time.

I think that's enough useful information for today's reflections. In the near future I will try to tell you more about what napkins I use for decoupage. So subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss a new article.

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Until recently PVA glue It was mainly used for gluing paper. But resourceful women are always looking for unusual uses for ordinary things. This time, ordinary PVA glue, which overseas and our beauties use for ... manicure, has become a new beauty trend! We suggest you take on board two tips on how to use this inexpensive remedy to good use.

Glue for manicure

  1. PVA glue can be used as a base for glitter varnish. Many people like to do such a beautiful manicure, but then it can be very problematic to erase the sparkles. Apply PVA on your nails, let dry, then apply holiday varnish on top. If you need to remove it, just pick up the polish with the edge of your nail and remove it along with the film.
  2. Advantages of this method: Non-toxicity- this glue is water-based, it is harmless to nails, skin and respiratory tract, and also has a slight characteristic odor. From him, the nails do not exfoliate and do not break. Cost-Effective - This product is very inexpensive. To prepare the product, you will need ordinary glue, an empty bottle of varnish and 2 tsp. water. Disadvantages: such a manicure is short-lived.
  3. It's no secret that removing nail polish from your skin without damaging your manicure can be tricky. Apply PVA glue around the nail, especially on the cuticle, as in the picture, then paint your nails. If the varnish has gone beyond the edges, after drying, the glue with the remains of the varnish can be easily removed.

More details can be seen in the video:

From this article you will learn:
- about the practice of choosing PVA glue and special glue for decoupage in decor with various materials;
- yellowness from PVA glue and poor-quality gluing - myth or reality?
- about the preparation of a working solution for decoupage with PVA glue.

Video version of this article (part of the video course "Stylish decoupage from scratch for beginners: basics and materials")

"About decoupage glue PVA or special decoupage?"

Decoupage uses special or professional glue and PVA glue.

How to choose glue? When to use professional glue, and when to use ordinary PVA?
Having started decoupage with PVA glue and having tried special decoupage glues for comparison, I decided to use it once and for all in the following cases.
PVA glue for decoupage:
- with napkins more about decoupage with napkins;
- with rice paper more about decoupage with rice paper;
- with decoupage card
I use special glue for decoupage when decoupage with printouts
Since I am telling my experience of decoupage, then, speaking on the topic of special glue for decoupage, I will note that for all its merits, it has some stickiness of the composition. Stickiness is according to my impressions of the decor with it in comparison with PVA. Moreover, it was noted that this property is common for decoupage adhesives from different manufacturers, again, in contrast to PVA glue. And this stickiness creates certain inconveniences, especially when sticking motifs from napkins and rice paper. Perhaps this is a personal inconvenience. Nevertheless, with all the advantages of a special decoupage glue (and this is a really high-quality product), it is more convenient for me to use PVA in cases of decor with a napkin, rice paper and a decoupage card.

Yellowness from PVA glue and poor-quality gluing - myths or reality?

Existing myths about PVA glue:
MYTH 1 "This glue makes the surface yellow"
MYTH 2 "Details glued with PVA will peel off after a while"

Let's take a closer look at these myths. There is a widespread belief that PVA glue turns yellow on the product over time. This is wrong. As a rule, the finish coatings turn yellow, and not the PVA glue itself.

Therefore, by choosing the “right” finishing varnish and using it in accordance with the instructions, you can be sure that decoupage products, if handled with care, will delight you with their beauty for a long time (see useful links at the bottom of this article about finish coatings).
Another myth which is not confirmed in practice is that the motifs pasted with the help of PVA will peel off after a while. For more than 5 years of serious decoupage, not a single detail has come off on any surface.

Thus, practice shows that PVA glue can be successfully used for beautiful and high-quality decoupage.

Preparation of a working solution for decoupage with PVA glue

Here is one nuance in working with PVA glue you need to know. The composition of the adhesive should not be thick. Therefore, you should not immediately use the purchased PVA glue for decoupage: immediately from the bottle - it is thick. To do this, when decoupage, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (about 2 parts of glue and 1 part of water). This is best done once, at the time of gluing.

Preparation of the working composition (each time the composition is prepared for 1 time):
1. Pour into a separate bowl a portion for 1 time;
2. Dilute PVA glue with water (2: 1)

So, when choosing decoupage glue, you know that both special professional decoupage glue and PVA glue can be successfully used here.Opinions about the yellowness of PVA glue and its short-lived adhesive properties are myths that have not been confirmed in practice.
As our own practice shows, PVA glue diluted in certain proportions is best used for decoration.napkins, rice paper and decoupage card; special decoupage glue is used when decorating with printouts.

Catch all this and much more in the video course about the magic tool "2 in 1"
Click and read:

Every girl knows this way: if the dent is small, then you just need to lick a nail and lightly smooth the varnish with your finger. Incredible, but it works.

If the problem is noticeable, then try moistening your finger with nail polish remover and lightly smoothing the coating. Then apply a thin layer of varnish on the bald spot, then a transparent top coat on the entire nail to smooth out the boundaries of the application.

Problem 2: Air bubbles ruined the manicure

Do not apply cream or oil to your nails before polishing if you are going to varnish them that evening. Absorbed oil may react with varnish which will cause bubbles to form.

Before manicure always degrease your nails nail polish remover. This will prolong the durability of the coating and prevent bubbles.

Do not shake the bottle of varnish, otherwise air will get into it. Just before a manicure roll the bottle in your palms.

Try keeping the polish in the fridge for ten minutes before using it.

Make sure there is no fan, air conditioner or draft nearby. Air currents can cause bubbles to form.

Problem 3: The polish has stained the skin on the hands

Firstly, a dry rough cuticle will be uneven, so the varnish can get on it even with the most careful application. Get in the habit of applying nourishing balm on the skin around the nails before going to bed.

Try not to cut the cuticle. From this, the skin grows even faster and becomes rough.

Use a special corrector pencil (or a toothpick with cotton wool soaked in nail polish remover) to clean the skin around the nail.

Thin synthetic brushes or an unnecessary liquid eyeliner brush will gently remove excess varnish along the cuticle - just soak them in a solvent.

Problem 4: I can’t accurately apply polish on my right hand

Try simply holding the polish brush with your left hand and moving the fingers of your dominant hand back and forth under the brush.

If you still can't manage with your left hand, stop worrying about it. Apply Vaseline generously to the skin around your nails and apply polish as best you can. If a trembling hand ruins a manicure, then excess varnish can be easily removed from the skin with a piece of cloth.

Problem 5: the varnish does not dry for a long time

Apply to a fresh manicure any oil in the form of a spray - this will make the coating slippery and it will be more difficult to spoil it.

Swap out your regular top coat for a quick-drying top.

Finally, just dip your hands in cold water and hold for a few minutes. This method quickly fixes the top layer of varnish and prevents smearing.

Problem 6: Glitter polish is hard to remove

Large sequins cannot be wiped off the nails. Here base coat recipe, which will help remove the coating in one layer: mix ordinary PVA glue with a few drops of water and apply on nails. Use the trick in an emergency, and for permanent use, buy a special base for glitter varnishes.

Glitter is removed much easier if you apply it not on bare nails, but on colored nail polish.

Soak your nails in hot water for a few minutes to make the polish softer and more pliable.

Cunning for the most durable coating: Soak cotton wool in nail polish remover, wrap it around your nails and fix it with foil on top. This trick prevents the solvent from evaporating and after a couple of minutes the sparkles will easily come off.

Problem 7: Nail polish spilled

First, carefully collect all the liquid from the surface. The longer the varnish is left in the air, the more difficult it will be to clean off.

If a light-colored carpet is dirty, then apply nail polish remover to a sponge and rub the stain. If the fabric is dark, then the solvent will discolor it along with the varnish. In this case, use alcohol. If the varnish has got on a tree, then do not use liquid, but spray hairspray on the stain. Wait 20 seconds and then wipe.

Problem 8: Nails peel off

Grained files designed for artificial nails - do not use them for natural! Choose fine grain, and ideally glass nail files.

File your nails correctly: not back and forth, but strictly from the edges of the nail to the center.

Problem 9: Nail Polish Chips Quickly

Degrease your nails with nail polish remover and start manicure only when your nails are completely dry.

Use as a base coat before applying bright and neon shades. white lacquer. Wait at least three minutes before applying a new coat of varnish.

Seal the end of the nail with varnish And the manicure will last longer.

Apply a thin layer of clear top coat every other day to protect your manicure from chipping.

Problem 10: Your Favorite Nail Polish Has Thickened

Always screw the lid tightly after a manicure and remove the dried varnish on the neck of the bottle in time.

A drop of a special thinner will again make the varnish liquid and fresh.