Medallions (modular knitting). Knit for a century, learn for a century! how to knit medallions with knitting needles Knitting the left shelf

Bol "shoe spasibo. Ochen" prostaya kosa, no smotritsya kak ochen "slozhnaya :-) Glavnoe, chto vy skhemu daete, a ne tol" ko pokazyvaete kak eto sdelat ". Ya po scheme chto ugodno svyazhu :-) I metod vyazaniya u vas normal "nyi, traditsionnyi, "russkii" chto li. Ya vse tak zhe delayu. A vot posmotrish" osobenno na angliiskom kakoi-to "angliiskii" stil"...Ya vsyu zhizn" vyazhu, no ne mogu za nimi sledit", chto oni delayut. What-to krutyat vokrug pravoi spitsy ... Neponyatno chto, a samoe glavnoe - neponyatno zachem, esli eto vse mozhno sdelat "namnogo proshe i bystrei! ... I v zhurnalakh po vyazaniyu tol" ko opisanie, a schemy ne dayut .. .Khorosho, chto nemetskie zhurnaly tipa "Sandra" or "Verena", "Modische Machen" perevodili i schemy tam postoyanno davali. Ya beru raznye elementy i godami po-novomu ikh kombiniruyu sama, tak kazhetsya, chto voobshe do menya takie uzory i ne sushestvovali :-) Izvinite za liricheskoe otstuplenie. Esli mozhno v vashikh novykh video eshe interesnye kosy davat" ponavarochennei:-) Udachi!

Da, i vyazanie vse-taki takoe udovol "stvie! Mne ran" she prikhodilos "vyazat" na plan. Poetomu nauchilas "vyazat" ochen "bystro :-) No kazalos", chto vse vremya zanimaet, a platyat ochen" malo! A seichas kazhetsya, chto slava bogu napraktikovalas" i kachestvo uluchshila! Doma v teple, na sobstvennom divane. Zakhotela - poshla na kukhnyu perekusila, nado - sdelala pereryv, poshla po drugim delam. I sam protsess - legkii i priyatnyi! Po-moemu, eshe nikto ne umer, esli pererabotal s vyazaniem:-)

Dolgova Julia Master classes and knitting lessons This is to, chto v obshem, nemtsy primenyayut. Tam iznanochnye slozhnee vyazhutsya. No samoe prostoe i bystroe - eto kak raz "babushkino" vyzanie. Ya tol "ko smotryu, chtoby petli ne perekreshivalis". Ya tol "ko za schet etogo primerno v 3 raza bystree vyazhu, chem etim klassicheskim angliiskim sposobom! A posmotrela na YT "grecheskii" or "sredizemnomorskii" metod cherez golovu...voobshe ne ponyala zachem vse uslozhnyat" i "izobretat" velosiped" :-) Otradno videt "chto i russko-yazychnye muzhchiny tozhe seichas bol" she vyazaniem interesuyutsya. Im povezlo, chto ne nado angliiskomu metodu uchit "sya :-)

Nuova Luce Zdravstvujte, blagodarju za commentarij! Da, jeta kosa prostaja v ispolnenii i vjazhetsja legko. Shemy - vsegda davala i i budu davat", t.k. po shemam vjazat" proshhe i legko mozhno vypolnit" sochetanie s drugim uzorom. Prichem anglijskij stil "vjazanija ja sama ne vsegda mogu ponjat", chto i zachem oni krutjat)) Ponavorochenee kosy ne obeshhaju, no ja dumaju, budut v novyh video. Legkih petelek!

Rare material: knitting napkins with knitting needles. My amazed perception is indescribable) Part 1.

Knitted napkins.

Knitting - for many, this is a serene sorting of loops from one knitting needle to another from row to row. However, few knitters, even active knitters, are aware of the existence of another way of knitting - knitting with several knitting needles from the center in a circle. This is partly due to the fact that very little information about this knitting technique is available in the knitting literature and magazines. Basically, until recently, this technique was used when knitting napkins with knitting needles: openwork, airy and light lace. After all, a knitted fabric differs from a crocheted fabric precisely in its lightness and softness. It seems incredible, but in their diversity, knitted napkins are not at all inferior to crocheted napkins.

Knitted napkins can be of various sizes - from the smallest napkins to large tablecloths. Napkins with knitting needles can be not only round, but also of the most diverse shapes - square, oval, have the shape of a star and a polygon. Just like with crochet, a doily can be knitted from separate motifs connected to each other. A small knitted napkin can also be used as a basis for knitting clothing models: pullovers, sweaters and tops. At the same time, you can also actively use the knitting technique itself from the center in a circle.

Hello my friends!

Women's cardigan with a pattern "Medallions" with knitting needles

In the September issue of Sabrina magazine, I saw women's cardigan, connected knitting needles beautiful openwork pattern"Medallions", which I have long wanted to bring to your attention, but everything pulled and pulled ...

And here is such a case - you can clearly see how the pattern looks in the model. And you must admit, it is thanks to this pattern that the cardigan has a very presentable look!

Even I myself wanted to wear such a vilification, but you just need to pick up the yarn. There is no name in the magazine, only composition (50% wool, 50% polyacrylic) and footage (80 m \ 100 g), and needles No. 8.

And for sizes 40-44 (Russian 46-50) you need 1500 g of pink yarn and 6 pink buttons (44 mm).

I think Turkish SUPERLANA MAXI from ALIZE is quite suitable for this cardigan, you will even need less of it! šŸ˜‰

Well, now let's move on to openwork pattern"Medallions" rather, to two variants of its implementation.

Openwork pattern with knitting needles "Medallions" (No. 136)

First option openwork pattern"Medallions" fits in knitting needles exactly according to the pattern diagram below.

And, as you understand, it was he who made this beautiful women's cardiganen.

The first version of the pattern "Medallions"

To knit a sample of the pattern, we cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that is a multiple of 18, plus 10 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops (30 loops).

Scheme of the pattern "Medallions" (1st option)

For beginners, knitting a double crochet from the wrong side can be difficult, so I decided to show and tell (hover over the photo) how it is done:

And here is the second option. openwork pattern"Medallions" which I knitted a few years ago. I wanted to use it for knitting a pullover, but something didnā€™t impress me then.

Found a difference?

And its difference is that the loops bordering the openwork pattern are knitted not with simple front ones, but with ā€œgrandmother'sā€ ones! In this case, the frame of the "medallions" is more expressive. That's the whole difference. So knit, as you like or as it is more convenient and easier.

Well, it's time for us to move on to the description women's cardigan related knitting needles medallion pattern.

Women's cardigan knitting from "medallions"

Knitting density: 15, 5 stitches and 16 rows is 10 x 10 cm.

Back knitting:

On needles No. 8 we collect 75 loops and knit, starting and ending with a purl loop. We knit with an elastic band 9 cm, in the last purl row we make additions like this:

  • we knit 1 front, * 1 purl, 1 front, 1 purl, from the transverse thread we add 1 purl crossed, after that we knit 2 purl, 1 front, 1 purl, 1 front * (from * to * repeat to the end of the row).

As a result, we get 84 loops. Next, knit 50 cm (80 rows) pattern "Medallions", after which we close to form armholes on both sides, 3 loops, then in every second row 2 times 2 loops, and 2 times 1 loop.

There are 66 stitches on the needles. After 70 cm (112 rows) from the beginning Pattern "Medallions" we close the middle 28 loops for the neck and finish both sides separately.

To do this, on the inner edge, we close in the next 2nd row 1 time for 2 loops, we close the remaining 17 loops of each shoulder after 72.5 cm (116 rows) from the beginning of the ā€œmedallionsā€.

Pink cardigan pattern

Knitting the left shelf:

On knitting needles No. 8, we collect 48 loops and knit after the hem 41 loop with an elastic band 1 x 1, starting from the wrong loop, then with a thread of a different color (marker) we make a mark and continue to knit the bar for the fastener (5 loops) with an elastic band 1 x 1, again starting from purl loop, knit edge.

Having knitted 9 cm, in the last purl row we make additions as described above, only on 41 loops - we do not touch the fastener bar. As a result of the increase on the knitting needles, 53 loops are obtained.

On the left edge for the bevel of the neck, after 45 cm (72 rows) from the beginning of the ā€œmedallionsā€, we knit the last 2 loops in front of the bar Pattern "Medallions" purl together. Then we make such decreases in each 2nd row 19 more times.

At the same time, we perform decreases for the armhole along the right edge, as was done for the back.

At the height of the back, we close 17 shoulder loops and continue knitting the strap for the fastener on 7 loops (of which 2 are edge loops). After 11 cm (18 rows) from the shoulder, we close all the loops, as the pattern shows.

Knitting the right shelf:

We knit the right shelf like the left one, only in a mirror image. Don't forget to make 6 buttonholes.

The first hole is made 3 cm from the bottom edge. To do this, we knit the 3rd and 4th loops of the strap together with the front one, make 2 yarn overs, again we knit the 5th and 6th loops together with the front one. In the next purl row, we knit nakida 1 front and 1.

The other 5 holes for buttons are made every 9 cm.

Sleeve knitting:

Cast on 43 sts on needles and knit 9 cm in rib 1 x 1. In the last purl row, we add loops, as described for the back, getting 48 loops on the needles.

Next, we continue to knit pattern "Medallions", at the same time adding sleeves for the bevel on both sides in each 8th row 6 times in the 1st loop. We knit the added loops with an elastic band 1 x 1, in total we get 60 loops on the knitting needles.

After 32.5 cm (52 ā€‹ā€‹rows) from the beginning Pattern "Medallions" close the sleeves on both sides for 4 loops, then in each 2nd row 7 times 2 loops and 2 times 3 loops. The remaining 12 loops are closed after 45 cm (72 rows) from the beginning of the "medallions".

The second sleeve is knitted in the same way as the first.

Product assembly:

We carry out shoulder seams. We sew the short sides of the strap and sew the strap to the neck of the back. We sew in the sleeves, we carry out the side seams and the seams of the sleeves. Sew on buttons.

Here is a description. I think it's not as difficult as it might seem at first. So tie this women's cardigan knitting for the joy of yourself and your loved ones! šŸ˜‰

Well, that's about all for today. With joy and gratitude I will wait for your feedback on this article, my dear!

Baby coat. Beautiful and original coat for a little princess. This model combines various textures of patterns, small and large details are perfectly combined and look harmonious.

Size: 1.5-2 years old, 86-92cm

You will need:

  • 450g of YamArt Charisma yarn (200m/100g, 80% wool, 20% acrylic)
  • fleece white 1.45m - 1m,
  • 4 buttons with holes for buttonholes,
  • 45 cm of chocolate-coloured velvet ribbon,
  • knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3,
  • hook number 3.

Coat related:

rubber band 2x2,garter stitch,

rice pattern- (small pearl pattern),

checkerboard pattern- knit according to figure 1,

braid pattern- figure 2,

braided pattern- figure 3,

pattern "medallions"- Figure 4.

Baby coat knitting description:

We knit the back:

The trapezoid is obtained ONLY due to the pattern, no reductions on the sides are required. On knitting needles No. 2.5, dial 98 (96 + 2 edge) loops and knit with an elastic band for 11 rows. Next, switch to needles No. 3 and knit 4 rows in garter stitch. Then knit a checkerboard pattern for 9 rows (you should get 3 squares in height. Afterof this 3 rows of garter stitch, 12 rows of rice, 4 rows of garter stitch. Then we knit 7 rows with front stitch and in the last purl row we carry out increases - we stretch between the loopscrossed wrong side loop after every fourth loop. We knit with a ā€œbraidā€ pattern 3 rapports. In the last purl row, we carry out decreases - we knit the 4th and 5th loops together with the purl. Then we knit 4 rapports with braid and move on to the ā€œmedallionsā€ pattern.

After we started the ā€œmedallionsā€ pattern, we make reductions for armholes - 1 time4 loops, 4 times 2 loops in every second row (12 loops in total). Having knitted 2 rapports of ā€œmedallionsā€, we knit 4 rows of garter stitch, then we knit ā€œriceā€. After 16 cm from the beginning of the closing of the loops, we close the middle 18 loops, in the next front row we close 8 loops on each side. After 18 cm from the beginning of the closing of the loops, close the remaining 20 loops of the left shoulder and 20 loops of the right shoulder.

Right shelf.

On knitting needles No. 2.5, dial 60 (48 + 10 loops per bar + 2 edge) loops. Knit all patterns on 48 loops, and on the extreme 10 loops on the left, knit the bar all the time in garter stitch.

For 48 loops + 2 edge: knit with an elastic band 11 rows. Next, switch to needles No. 3 and knit 4 rows of garter stitch.
Then knit with a checkerboard pattern for 9 rows (you should get 3 squares in height). After that, 3 rows of garter stitch, 12 rows of "small pearl pattern", 4 rows of garter vase. Then - 7 rows with front stitch and in the last wrong side row we carry out increases - we stretch a crossed wrong loop between the loops after every fourth loop. We knit with a ā€œbraidā€ pattern 3 rapports. In the last purl row, we carry out decreases - we knit the 4th and 5th loops together with the purl. Then we knit 4 rapports with braid and move on to the ā€œmedallionsā€ pattern. After we started the medallion pattern
we make decreases for armholes - 1 time for 4 loops, 4 times for 2 loops in each second row (12 loops in total). Having knitted 2 rapports of ā€œmedallionsā€, we knit 4 rows of garter stitch, then we knit ā€œriceā€.

After 13 cm from the beginning of the closing of the loops, we close for the neck on the left in every second row - 10 loops of the bar, then 1 time 4 loops, 2 times 3 loops, 4 times 2 loops. After 18 cm from the beginning of the closing of the loops, close the remaining 20 shoulder loops. left shelf knit symmetrically.


On knitting needles No. 2.5, dial 44 (42 + 2 edge) loops. Knit with an elastic band 17 rows. Next, go to the knitting needles No. 3 and make an increase in the back row - stretch the crossed back loop between the loops after each 4th loop. Then knit 2 rapports with a ā€œbraidā€ pattern, then 2 rapports with a braid and go to the ā€œmedallionsā€ pattern. At the same time, after the elastic band, make additions on the sides - 1 loop on each side in every 5th row. After starting the medallion pattern, make the following increases on the sides - 1 loop on each side in every 3rd row. Having knitted 1 repeat of the ā€œmedallionsā€, we begin to form a round sleeve sleeve. To do this, in each 2nd row we make decreases on the sides - 1 time for 5 loops, 3 times for 4 loops, 4 times for 3 loops, 4 times for 2 loops, 1 time for 5 loops, and then close the remaining 10 loops.

Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 44 (32 + 10 strap loops + 2 edge) loops. Knit all patterns on 32 loops, and on the extreme 10 loops on the right, knit the bar all the time with a garter stitch.

For 32 loops + 2 edge: knit with a pattern "rice" 12 rows. At the same time, increase on the left in each 2nd row - 1 time 3 loops, 3 times 1 loop. Then knit with a checkerboard pattern for 12 rows, 2 rows of garter stitch and continue with a rice pattern for 8 rows. Next, knit with a ā€œmedallionsā€ pattern 2 rapports, 8 rows with a ā€œriceā€ pattern and on the next 8 rows make symmetrical decreases in each row on the left - 3 times 1 loop, 1 time 3 loops. Next, knit a symmetrical hood detail. We knit a pattern "rice" 16 rows. At the same time, increase on the left in each 2nd row - 1 time 3 loops, 3 times 1 loop. Then knit 2 rapports with a medallion pattern, 8 rows with a rice pattern, 2 rows of garter stitch, 12 rows with a checkerboard pattern. Knit 6 rows with a ā€œriceā€ pattern and on the next 6 rows make symmetrical decreases in each 2nd row - 3 times 1 loop, 1 time 3 loops.


Wash all knitted parts of the coat on the wool mode at 30 degrees, then dry everything on a towel, steam the sleeves and the bottom of the back and shelves. Next, place the knitted parts on a sheet of paper and carefully circle them. At the same time, take into account the folds of the lining along the bottom of the back, shelves and sleeves and on the sides. The lining details are shorter than the knitted details by the width of the elastic band and the placket. Then we cut out the details from the fleece, sew the back with shelves along the shoulders, the sides, sew the sleeves, sew the hood and sew it along the neck line. It is advisable to pre-fasten the middle of the hood with the middle of the back.

Pockets and loops.

Cast on 28 stitches. Knit with a ā€œbraidā€ pattern 2 rapports and 5 rows of the front gpad. Knit 2 pieces.

For loops, crochet 24 loops and tie them with single crochets. Knit 8 details. For 4 parts, sew 2 ends with a white thread, leaving a loop. Pass the remaining 4 strips through the button, and then sew the 2 ends together.


We sew all the knitted details of the coat along the shoulders, the sides of the back with shelves, sew in the sleeves, sew the hood and sew it along the neckline. It is advisable to pre-fasten the middle of the hood with the middle of the back. We decorate the pockets with velvet ribbon bows. Sew pockets to shelves. Then connect the seams of the shoulders of the knitted part and the lining and sew them together. Repeat the same with the side seams, the middle seam of the hood and the neck line. Next, carefully tack the lining around the edges. Sew loops to the straps. Wrap the strap on the hood and sew with a white thread to the hood. Sew a velvet ribbon bow onto the hood.

Small/Medium (Large/1X, 2X/3X)
Width: 30 (33, 35Ā¾)ā€
Length: 20 (21, 22)ā€


Yarn Fibra Natura Radiant Cotton (100% cotton, 100 g/186 m) 5-6-7 skeins, circular needles 4 mm and 3.75 mm

Knitting density

22 sts and 28 rows = 10x10 cm in shadow pattern on 4 mm needles

Description of poncho knitting


On knitting needles 4 mm, dial 165 (181, 197) p. And knit: 5 p. 5 loops of a row, put a marker, 5 p. Work in pattern 16Ā½ (17Ā½, 18Ā½)ā€ from cast-on edge. Following. persons.r. to cut the neckline, knit the first 73 (80, 87) sts, close the center with a thread from a new skein. 19 (21, 23) p. And finish the row. Next, knit both parts of the front separately. In the neckline on each side in each row, subtract 1 p. 12 times = 61 (68, 75) p. on each side. Knit 7 more rows in pattern to a height of 20 (21, 22) ā€from the inlaid edge, transfer the loops to additional. spokes.


Sew shoulder seams front and back, cast off sts on 3 needles. For the collar along the edge of the neckline on knitting needles 3.75 mm, raise 148 (152, 156) p., mark the beginning of the circle with a marker, knit 3 circles with a garter pattern (start from purl), close the loops as faces.