Wool knitted. What to knit from - what wool is. How to knit a large knit blanket

Woolen yarn is one of the favorite materials of many needlewomen. And if we talk about things for the cold season, then this yarn has no equal. It is warm, soft, hygroscopic, it is pleasant to work with it, and things made from such yarn are warm and comfortable. But it is important to choose the right type of wool yarn for the future product.

Woolen yarns are distinguished by strength and fineness. Fineness is the most important indicator of the quality of wool yarn. This is the name of the cross section of a single fiber. The finer the hair, the softer, silkier and more delicate the yarn, the higher its quality. As for strength, traditionally camel wool is considered the most durable of natural wool yarns (it is good to knit products from it that need to be resistant to abrasion). Then, in descending order of strength, comes the goat, and finally the sheep.

Of course, the most popular is sheep. And the best sheep wool is wool from sheep of the Merino breed. The main supplier of this wool is New Zealand and Australia. Merino yarn is good for children's clothes because it does not irritate the skin, but pure merino yarn is quite expensive, although it is excellent for knitting. To reduce the cost of yarn somewhat, wool or other fibers are added to it. By the way, merino wool is the only natural material whose main qualities scientists cannot reproduce using synthetic raw materials.

Sheep wool yarn is actively used in blended yarns. This allows, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of raw materials (if we are not talking about author's or especially complex combinations), and on the other hand, to make wool less prone to felting. The classic combination is wool and polyacrylic/acrylic in different proportions.

Semi-woolen yarn is called thread with a wool content of 8 to 52%. The most common is wool-blend yarn with a content of about 35% wool, so you should be more careful when choosing threads for knitting. As a rule, wool blend yarn is made from regenerated wool combined with high quality raw materials. However, recently, most often in the production of half-woolen yarn, only artificial raw materials are used, without natural wool.

Gentle is obtained from the undercoat of Himalayan (Kashmir) goats. To obtain raw materials for this material, beloved by many needlewomen, goats are not sheared, but combed out during molting, and no more than 200 g of fluff can be obtained from one goat. It is believed that cashmere is 8 times warmer than sheep's wool, and cashmere products are much lighter in weight than wool. But the cashmere fabric is stretched quite strongly. So, as a rule, yarn from a mixture of cashmere and wool or cashmere and silk is used for products.

Made from the wool of angora goats. And from it, as well as from the wool of Angora rabbits, fluffy Angora yarn is made.

Mohair is used only for hand knitting and most often in the form of a mixed yarn, for example, mohair + silk. In its pure form, this warm and fluffy yarn is used, as a rule, when knitting scarves and shawls (real Orenburg scarves are knitted from pure mohair yarn). In order for a mohair product not to lose its appearance, it must be washed very carefully and carefully.

It is almost not used in its pure form due to its exceptional inelasticity and tendency to shed, but it is actively added to blended yarns. Pay attention to the composition of the mixed yarn: the greater the percentage of angora, the more villi from your product will remain on the surrounding objects when worn. And, accordingly, the faster the product wears out and loses its appearance. Angora products require extremely careful care, but they are very warm and not at all prickly.

Camel wool (the source of raw materials is clear from the name) is very wearable, soft, light and warm. a significant disadvantage of this material is that this wool is practically not bleached, therefore it is, as a rule, natural, brown or black. However, natural colors are very pleasant in themselves. Akin to camel hair is the wool of the vicuña, a distant relative of the camel that lives in the highlands of the Andes. It is believed that the yarn made from vicuña wool is stronger and more delicate than cashmere, but it is quite expensive.

Originally from the high Andes and wool , elastic and comfortable. It is used in knitting very actively, both in pure form and as part of mixed yarns. Alpaca itself is quite tough, so keep that in mind when choosing your yarn. A more comfortable option would be a blended yarn with merino, plain wool or acrylic thread.

The label will help you in choosing the wool yarn that is best suited for knitting a particular product. And you can read it correctly, armed with the following information.

And finally, a couple of important tips.

Keep in mind that wool yarn is dyed in batches, so in order to match the color in your product exactly, you should buy only yarn from one batch.

The more threads in the yarn, the stronger the product will be. Pay attention to this when choosing yarn for different types of products. It is also important to look at how tightly the yarn is twisted. A highly twisted yarn product is less prone to pilling, but if the yarn is almost lint-free due to a strong twist, the product is guaranteed to be colder than a "shaggy" one, which traps heat.

Knitting and crocheting has always been a popular pastime for women. But today this type of needlework is experiencing a real boom. IN

The possibility of acquiring the most varied in color, production and composition of yarn for knitting simply inspires anyone who decides to venture into the manufacture of any knitted product with their own hands. The choice of yarn is indeed quite large. For beginners and those who decide to refresh their memory about the types of yarn, we offer an overview of wool yarn.

Sheep's wool. One of the oldest materials used in textile production. Since time immemorial, threads have been spun from sheep's wool, which were then used to make clothes.

Sheep wool is strong, but coarse, often shrinking or deforming when washed. But for socks, mittens, gloves, warm jackets, nothing better can be found.

Merino. Merino is a special breed of sheep for wool production.

Merino wool is sheared from the withers of the sheep, where the hair is longest. Merino wool yarn is elastic, structured, holds its shape well, and is resistant to wear. Products from it are warm, but not rough.

Alpaca. Alpaca - e then one of the types of llama.

Alpaca is considered one of the high-quality and budget types of wool, its fibers are homogeneous, silky, with a hollow core, which means they are heat-saving, not prone to stalling in the finished product, retains its properties when in use, while the alpaca wool thread is very pleasant and easy to use does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is more economical and economical, compared to expensive types of yarn.

Mohair. Mohair yarn is obtained from the wool of the Angora goat with long, curled hair.

The structure of mohair hairs makes knitted things light and warm, the fabric turns out to be fluffy, airy, elastic. Sheep wool or acrylic is added to mohair fibers for greater practicality and wear-resistant qualities.

kid mohair .

This is a kind of mohair, which is characterized by even greater lightness and extreme tenderness. Kid mohair is obtained from two-month-old Angora goats.

Cashmere. This is the down or undercoat of highland cashmere goats.

These goats come from Mongolia or China. Cashmere is rightly considered royal wool. Any cashmere products are light, warm, with a noble soft shine and unusually gentle to the touch. This is the most expensive woolen thread, with its help the most exquisite things are created.

Angora. This is the wool of angora rabbits, unusually soft, thin and fluffy.

Angora is very warm, it is considered the most hypoallergenic. She is not sheared, but combed out from very fluffy angora rabbits. In addition, it can be used immediately after combing out, since it does not contain fatty skin secretions, it is suitable for knitting children's things. The disadvantages include the low strength of down fixing due to its delicate structure, so you need to choose only high-quality, not cheap yarn.

Camel's wool. This is not a common type of wool for knitting. As a rule, camel yarn can be found in Asian regions, where camels are bred in sufficient quantities.

Camel thread most often has a rough structure and is not dyed, its natural color is from field to chestnut brown. Great for knitting jurabs or soft boots. Warm and wear resistant.

Yak wool. Even more exotic yarn.

It is produced in Mongolia and China. It is also a very warm and durable thread, in dressing the yarn turns out to be quite pleasant to the touch. The most successful of it are outerwear and socks.

Dog's fur . The well-known "soul warmer" and a remedy for the back and joints.

Very warm. For knitting daily things for socks, it is practically not used. A Newfoundland wool sweater can be worn in winter instead of a jacket. The yarn must be made from combed dog undercoat, otherwise it will turn out to be very prickly.

Connoisseurs confidently classify wool according to breed, describing its different thermal and wear-resistant properties.

25.10.2017 23 294 0 Igor

skillful hands

A plaid is a very popular product, interest in which increases significantly in the autumn-winter period. Classic "checkered" options are no longer relevant. Volume, softness and naturalness of the material are in fashion. Therefore, a large-knit merino plaid has become a real hit of home comfort and stylish photos. The main objectives of this product is to decorate the interior and provide its owners with warmth and softness.


How to choose a blanket?

These blankets do not miss the opportunity to appear on the pages of glossy magazines, and bloggers can no longer imagine their photos without a “blanket” beautifully thrown on the sofa. And we have no choice but to rush to look for a great copy for our home. So where can you get it?

The founders of this "innovation" was the American company Modern Wool, which is still working. In addition, they produce hats, scarves, pillows - everything is very thick and merino. The disadvantage of this company for the Russian consumer is the lack of delivery to Russia and significant prices. The situation is approximately the same with a rather young Ukrainian brand, oriented primarily to the West.

It's good that Russian manufacturers are not far behind. Reasonable price, good quality and the possibility of different purchase options are the distinguishing features of a domestic seller.

How to knit a large knit blanket?

If for some reason it was not possible to choose a suitable model, this project can be carried out independently. To do this, you just need to tie it with your hands, with a little effort.

Types of thick yarn for knitting a plaid

The material plays the greatest role in this process, because if it is of poor quality, then it will not be possible to get any pleasure from the finished product. Thick blankets are made from merino wool. Its undoubted advantage is the absence of causticity and hypoallergenicity, which makes it an ideal option even for children's things. It should be borne in mind that this is a rather expensive material, which will have to be spent heavily.

Such material is divided into 2 types: raw unspun or processed spun wool. Each of them has a number of pros and cons, evaluating which you can make the right choice.

Raw tops or combed tape

It is a ribbon formed from wool fibers. Its width can reach 5 cm. This material is suitable for crocheting or knitting a lot of things: hats, scarves, sweaters, etc.

Among the advantages are:

  1. The ability to use hands as a tool, instead of knitting needles or a hook. It can be inconvenient to move huge knitting needles, so your own hands are often used instead.
  2. Such material has high airiness and softness;
  3. Often the effect of raw yarn creates a special chic and piquancy to the product.

But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  1. Sometimes the tops are torn in the process of work, because it is not a finished yarn, but only a raw material for it. Therefore, it does not have all the qualities of the finished product, in this case, strength.
  2. The following follows from the previous statement: knitting may be accompanied by deformation of the combed tape, its separation into individual fibers, and the formation of pellets.
  3. Due to the technical features of the top, it cannot be washed, and it will also be difficult not to damage the product during dry cleaning.

spun wool

The processed material has the best characteristics in this regard. It is already completely ready for use, and its thickness is from 0.5 to 2 cm. The main difference from tops is a special mechanical and thermal treatment, which ensures the twisting of the thread and its stalling. This allows for many benefits.


  1. The wet-heat treatment carried out allows the future product to retain its original shape and not stretch during operation.
  2. It is protected from splitting into fibers, thread breakage and other similar situations, both in the knitting process and in the finished product.
  3. It is possible to hand wash ready-made items in cool water, if their dimensions allow it.

But it also has some drawbacks:

  1. A small degree of stalling of products.
  2. Hand wash is not available for all wool products - large items are dry cleaned only.

Taking into account all the features of a particular material, you can highlight the important aspects for yourself.

Calculate the amount of yarn needed

Calculating a sufficient amount of yarn is no less important than choosing it. Especially considering that this material is far from cheap. To do this, the following method is often used:

  • 1 skein of the material needed for knitting is purchased;
  • with the selected pattern and tools, a fragment is knitted, about 7 * 5 cm in size;
  • it should be washed and dried;
  • after the sample has acquired the final size after drying, the density is calculated, i.e. the number of rows and loops in each row;
  • now the knitted sample is unraveled and the length of the spent thread is measured.

All the necessary data for the calculation have been received.

The footage required for a blanket can be determined by the following formula:

(the area of ​​the desired product, expressed in centimeters * the length of the thread for the sample) /sample area in centimeters.

* - multiply;

/ - share.

Important! Washing the untied sample is mandatory, since only after it does the product acquire its final size.


For knitting, you will need to have some knowledge and skills. In this case, these are elementary skills in casting on loops, knitting knit and purl loops, as well as closing them. Other skills are not required, since the main pattern used for such blankets is the front surface. This is due to its simplicity - more complex manipulations will not be easy to perform on such material, as well as thickness - large patterns will add more volume and weight to an already large product.

The very manufacture of the plaid occurs in two ways: with tools or with hands. Knitting needles are most often used as tools, sometimes a hook.


To fulfill her idea, the needlewoman will need only the following:

  1. Suitable thick yarn.
  2. Spokes of the desired diameter. The usual size does not fit here, so you should take care of purchasing very thick knitting needles in advance - not all stores sell such products. Improvised tools are also often used, for example, plastic tubes with a diameter of about 2-3 cm are suitable as knitting needles.

The rest of the steps are no different from ordinary knitting.


This method is not classical, but rather an innovation. It is performed on the performer's wrists. The first step is a set of loops. To do this, measure about 3 meters and form the first loop on the right wrist, slightly tightening it. In the same way, they collect the required number of loops.

The first row is performed as follows: the thread from work is clamped in the fist of the right hand, after which the very first extreme loop on the wrist is pulled together. The thread in the fist thus forms a new loop. As in the case of knitting needles, it is worn on the left hand. Also knit the whole row.

All other rows are knitted in a similar way, with the purl rows being done in a mirror image and purl loops.

When closing, leave 4-5 meters of free yarn. Then the first 2 loops are knitted as usual. The 3rd is removed from the wrist, and the next one is left on the hand. After knitting it, the previous one is removed from the hand. Continue in this manner until the end of the row. A thread is threaded into the very last loop and simply tightened.

Features of care

An unusual piece of furniture requires some features in the care, which are due to its size, weight and material:

  • small dirt is removed with a dry brush, carefully cleaning the desired area with it;
  • when washing, it is required to observe the temperature regime of water - below 30 ° C;
  • only special products with lanolin designed for this are suitable for washing;
  • merino wool does not require stretching and friction during washing, a wet object should be slightly wrung out and laid out on a flat horizontal surface until completely dry;

If necessary, you can use dry cleaning. Proper care will preserve the beauty and qualities inherent in merino wool.

Beautiful and unusual item - a great decoration for the interior. And creating such a masterpiece with your own hands is a special pleasure.


You will need; 1700 g for the jacket and 200 g for the hat in Mondial Merino Max creamy yarn! (50% merino wool, 50% acrylic, 60m/100g); straight knitting needles No. 7 and No. 7.5; auxiliary knitting needle No. 7.5; darning needle.

Double elastic: with a contrasting thread, cast on half of the required loops.
1st row: with a working thread, knit * 1 person., 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to *.
2nd p.: * Knit a crochet of faces., Remove 1 p. As out.,
without knitting, thread before work *, repeat
from to *.
3rd and subsequent p.: * 1 person., remove 1 p. as out., thread before work *, repeat from * to *;
dissolve the contrasting thread in the finished part.
Elastic band 2/2: alternately 2 persons., 2 out.
Facial surface: faces. R. -persons. p., out. R. - out. P.
Wrong surface: persons. R. - out. p., out. R. - persons. P.
Main pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 16):
knit according to the scheme.
13th p.: repeat rapport from the 1st p.
Knitting density.
Front and back surface, knitting needles No. 7.5:
12 p. and 15 p. = 10 x 10 cm;
main pattern: 16 p. = 10 cm;
double elastic: 3 p. \u003d 1.5 cm.
Back: on knitting needles No. 7, dial 74 p. And tie 4 p. double rubber band, then 1 preparatory row as follows: * 1 person., 2 p. cross to the right (knit the 2nd p. persons., passing the right knitting needle in front of the first loop, and, without removing the knitted loop, knit the 1st p. out., remove both loops), 1 out. *, repeat from * to * to the end of the row and finish with 2 faces; then knit 7 p. with an elastic band 2/2, knitting loops according to the drawing of the preparatory row (only b cm). Go to knitting needles No. 7.5 and, evenly decreasing in the 1st p. 2 sts between 18 middle sts, knit as follows: * 6 sts. stitch, 16 p. main pattern *, repeat from * to * 3 times, 6 p. out. satin stitch. After 45 cm from the elastic band 2/2 for the bevels, close the armhole on both sides in each 2nd p. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 2 p., 3 x 1 p. After 19 cm from the beginning of the armhole, close the remaining 54 p.
Left shelf: on knitting needles No. 7, dial 55 p. And tie 4 p. double rubber band, then 1 preparatory row as follows: * 1 person., 2 p. cross to the right, 1 out. *, repeat from * to * 13 times, 3 p. double rubber band; then knit 7 p. as follows (relative to the faces of the side): 52 p. with an elastic band 2/2 and 3 p. with a double elastic band.
Switch to needles No. 7.5 and knit as follows: 6 p. satin stitch, 16 p. main pattern,
6 p. out. stitch, between the next 18 p. in the 1st p. evenly subtract 2 sts and knit 16 sts with the main pattern, 6 sts with an elastic band 2 / 2.3 sts with a double elastic band. After 31 cm (46 p.) from the gum in each 12th p. shift rib 2/2 4 sts to the right 3 times, interrupting the crossing of the main pattern as soon as the number of loops becomes insufficient (the remaining loops of the motif are knitted in stockinette stitch). After 45 cm from the elastic band for the bevel of the armhole, close on the right in every 2nd p. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 2 p., 3 x 1 p.
After 12 cm from the beginning of the armhole for the neckline, set aside 23 sts on the left and close 4 sts. After 7 cm from the beginning of the neck, close the remaining 17 sts.
Dial again the deferred 23 p. And tie 1 preparatory row as follows: * 1 person., 2 p. cross to the left (knit the 2nd p. out., passing the right knitting needle behind the first loop, and, without removing the knitted loop, knit 1 th p. persons., remove both loops), 1 out *, repeat from * to *
5 times, 3 p. double rubber band; then knit on all loops 4 p. double elastic band and close all loops with a knitted seam.
Right shelf: knit symmetrically to the left; after 4 p. double elastic band, knit the preparatory row for elastic band 2/2 as follows: 3 p. double elastic band, * 1 out., 2 p. cross to the left, 1 person. *, repeat from * to *.
Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 7, dial 34 p. And tie an elastic band, as for the back.
Switch to needles No. 7.5 and knit as follows: 2 p. smooth, bp. out. stitch, between the next 18 p. in the 1st p. evenly subtract 2 sts and knit 16 sts with the main pattern, b p. satin stitch, 2 p. persons. satin stitch. Add on both sides in every 10th p. 5 x 1 p .. added loops to knit faces. satin stitch. After 40 cm from the elastic band for the sleeves, close the sleeves on both sides in each
2nd river 1 x 4 p., 1 x 2 p., 6 x 1 p. After 11 cm from the beginning of the sleeves, close the remaining 18 p.
Collar: on knitting needles No. 7, dial 66 p. And tie 4 p. double elastic band, 1 preparatory row, as for the back, and gave it to knit with an elastic band 2/2 according to the pattern. After 7 cm from the typesetting edge, close on both sides in each 2nd p. 5 x 2 p., tie another 2 p. and cast off the remaining 46 sts.
Assembly: carry out the shoulder and side seams, the seams of the sleeves and sew in the sleeves. Sew the inlaid edge of the collar to the neckline, stepping back 13 sts from the edges.

Elastic band 2/2: alternately 2 persons., 2 out. Wrong surface: persons. R. - out. p., out. R. - persons. P.
Main pattern: as for a jacket.
Description of work: on knitting needles No. 7, dial 62 p. And tie 24 p. (16 cm) with 2/2 elastic. Switch to needles No. 7.5 and knit as follows: 3 p. stitch, * 16 p. main pattern, 4 p. out. stitch *, repeat from * to *, 16 p. with the main pattern, 3 p. satin stitch. After 13 cm from the gum on the faces. to the side, subtract 30 p. as follows: 1 out., * 2 p. together out., 8 x 2 p. together persons., 2 p. together out. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, purl 1; knit 2 p. and subtract another 12 p. as follows: * 2 out., 4 x 2 p. together faces. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, purl 2; postpone the remaining
20 p., leaving a long thread.
Assembly: with a needle, collect the pending loops and pull the thread; perform a side seam, taking into account the lapel

Good afternoon dear friends!

We knitters always accumulate so much leftover yarn. It is so?

I have two huge shelves in my closet. I was just putting things in order recently, sorting it out and thinking about how to put the remnants of yarn into action.

Therefore, I want to discuss this topic with you, what to knit from the remnants of yarn, ideas for knitting and crocheting, what crafts can be done.

While I was thinking and picking up different ideas from the leftover yarn, I got an article - an overview of my blog posts. It turns out that quite a few little things have already been proposed to be knitted, for which the remnants of yarn can be used.

Well, a review is a review, with pictures and links to relevant articles, maybe it will come in handy for someone. For some, the ideas will turn out to be new, but someone saw, but postponed knitting until future times. Here's just a reminder. Well, I'll throw in some new ideas.

What to tie: in general, such a question may concern many who, in principle, love to knit and it doesn’t matter what, as long as their hands are always busy, because you get such tremendous satisfaction from this! It comes from somewhere inside, knitters will understand me. By the way, we recently thought about the topic ““, if you are interested, come read and participate in the discussion.

Ideas for the house from the remnants of yarn

Let's start with the little things.

Cute things made from leftover yarn

Potholders and coasters

The first thing that always comes to mind, for some reason, is potholders for the kitchen. The easiest way to use leftover yarn.

Indeed, old items that are out of use often require replacement, and new decorations for the kitchen will not hurt.

I will offer you a couple of new bright ideas.

The first potholder is crocheted in the form of a square of bright threads. Diagonally, when knitting corners, the hook is inserted under the leg of the column of the previous row, so such an interesting effect is obtained.

For the second pot holder with a flower in the center (see the diagram of the flower), I used a different color of yarn for each of the four sides. It also looks very bright and fun.

Other potholders from leftover yarn:

In addition, you can knit wonderful yarn from the remnants of yarn.


Have you seen potholders in the form of covers for the handle of the pan? Very creative and always on hand.

Here is just another idea from the leftover yarn - to knit all kinds of covers:

  • on arms, legs, shoulders,
  • for and
  • For ,
  • For .

You can knit and knit and crochet such things. You will find different ideas with diagrams on the relevant links.

Tie a pocket for small items and attach it to the armrest on the sofa. It will be convenient to store remote controls in it, and you can put the phone, and knitting needles, or you can pour sweets and drink tea while stroking the TV.

Cases for our legs can also be knitted from leftovers.

flower decorations

A couple of creative ideas: make a chair cover from flowers alone and decorate the wall with knitted flowers. I also met knitted flowers on country fences made of mesh. I implemented this idea for my flower garden.

I also really like topiary, including knitted flowers. While waiting for my implementation of this idea.


What else can be knitted from the remnants of yarn?

What do you think of the idea of ​​knitted baskets for the kitchen and bathroom?

To store the yarn itself, too, a basket will not hurt. Bright, cozy. And it is convenient to knit by putting the balls there, then they will not roll all over the floor and get confused.

It is not difficult to crochet a basket. First, we knit a circle for the bottom, and then we continue knitting up without adding loops in the rows. Use single crochets and take a thicker hook. Then the knitting will be tight and the basket will keep its shape well.

And you can also connect from the remnants.


In the next photo, the idea of ​​​​a knitted panel with knitting needles. She liked me so much that I even wanted to embody. All you need to knit from the remnants of yarn with knitting needles is a small rectangle with a pattern with a pigtail and hoist this work of art into a frame.

You can use the pattern that you once knitted for a pullover.

More complex in execution, you can connect a picture - my dream is still too.

Various original panels and crochet can be knitted. I knitted a panel in the form of a sunflower for my kitchen. Master Class .

Pillows and rugs from leftover yarn

From the remnants of yarn with your own hands, you can make pillows and rugs.

First, tie, of course. Use bright remnants of yarn and knit a pillow from motifs, you can also square, or a pillow with a zigzag pattern, or like this, as in the photo -. And you can even knit fashionable!

And here is such a bright one of tiny squares, I also like it. I recorded on video how to knit a motif:

A rug from the remnants of yarn can be knitted round in any way, decorated with tassels or not decorated.

I really like pillows and rugs made of pompoms and knitted flowers from various leftovers.

First you need to impose a bunch of flowers or wind pompoms, and then sew them closer to each other on some kind of fabric base.

In addition to knitting, you can use another way to make pillows and rugs: cut the yarn into pieces and attach them to the base in a mesh with a hook. For pillows, it can be knitted using loin technique. And for rugs, you will need to find a special type of burlap, even a construction mesh will do.

A detailed description of this technology is in the article.

See patterns for rugs.

Maybe someone will feel sorry for cutting the yarn, but such a fluffy beauty turns out, and even with a pattern! I once decided and did not regret that I made a pillow from threads. And it didn't take that long.

Plaids from leftover yarn

We got to the bigger stuff. A blanket made from leftover yarn? Why not?

One of my readers spoke out that after knitting something, any thing, a square motif is immediately knitted from the remnants of yarn and so gradually collects them in a plaid. I wonder if this work has already been completed or not?

Plaids with squares always look very interesting, you can even knit squares with different patterns and combine knitting and crochet in one blanket.

Of course, to knit a plaid from the very beginning as a separate work, you will need quite a lot of leftover yarn, and the most difficult thing is to choose them according to the color and thickness of the thread. But over the years of knitting, a lot of these can accumulate, in principle it is possible. In addition, you can dissolve old pullovers and sweaters.

I present ideas for blankets from the remnants of yarn in the photo.

One bright plaid with knitting needles is knitted in the patchwork style, knitting in short rows is used.

For another plaid, you need to knit separate colored stripes and then sew them together.

We have a diagram and a description of knitting similar.

There has already been a story about crochet blankets.

Another bright plaid is crocheted in rows of simple single crochet stitches: two rows of single crochet stitches, in the third row - several single crochet stitches at the base of the previous row and several double crochet stitches, when knitting which the hook is inserted into the stitches a row below.

From the remnants of yarn, you can get knitting from a corner and crochet, and from new ideas - You will find diagrams and descriptions by clicking on the appropriate links, and I will post the video here again.

Or such a bright “Rainbow” blanket, in which you can use almost all colors at once. How to connect the pattern to it with embossed columns diagonally, see the video.

Crafts from leftover yarn

How to use leftover yarn? You can knit different toys. I have only knitted so far, he, along with his fellows from other materials, helps me get rich.

You can make all kinds of crafts from pompoms for children and just for comfort.