How to get maternity benefits for a non-working woman? Allowances for unemployed mothers Child allowances for unemployed mothers per year

The child care allowance is a significant financial assistance to parents, taking into account the disability of one of them due to the decree. Such help is especially noticeable for a non-working family.

Who can get benefits (which non-working persons are eligible)

A child care allowance is entitled to receive, in addition to the mother, a father or other relative who is raising a child (as a rule, these are unemployed grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, etc.).

The recipient can be any one person from the family. And if everything is very clear with payments for workers - whoever goes on vacation receives the funds, then things are more complicated with non-working categories of citizens.

Life situation as a basis for receiving benefits Who in the family is eligible to apply for benefits?
Mother Father other relative caring for the child
Mothers dismissed during maternity leave (after childbirth) + + +
Laid off during pregnancy + - -
Students of universities and secondary professional uch. full-time institutions + +
Individual entrepreneurs (as well as lawyers, notaries, members of peasant farms, etc.) + + + (if the individual entrepreneur paid deductions for himself)
Non-working pensioners (for any reason: old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, etc.) + + +, subject to the absence of care from the mother (death, declared dead, deprived of parental rights, serving a sentence, etc.)
Unemployed who do not receive unemployment benefits, individual entrepreneurs who do not pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund + + +, subject to the absence of care from the mother (death, declared dead, deprived of parental rights, serving a sentence, etc.)

You should know that in addition to Russians, a foreigner (stateless person) who has a residence permit in the Russian Federation can also count on child transfers.

Benefit amount

The amount of the benefit is influenced by many circumstances: social status, previous income, number of children, etc.

Based on the life situation, one or another calculation formula should be applied (there are several of them).

The unemployed, pensioners, individual entrepreneurs (who do not pay deductions to the FSS for themselves), students.

In a standard situation, the calculation is made according to the formula:
"FR (fixed size)" X "RK (district coefficient)".

Where, the fixed amount (still, in a different way, the minimum amount of accruals) depends on the number of children the child benefit recipient has:

  • $3,142.33 for the firstborn;
  • $6,284.65 for the second and subsequent children.

The indicated values ​​​​are indexed annually, so earlier, in 2016, 3065.69 rubles were relied on for the first one, and 6131.37 rubles for the subsequent ones.

Regional coefficients are set in the Information Letter of the Department of Incomes and Living Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 670-9 dated May 19, 20103. Not all regions apply coefficients (in those based with difficult climatic conditions).

Example #1. Ivanova S.E. is unemployed and lives in the Kemerovo region. So, when calculating assistance, you need to multiply the minimum indicator by the coefficient. 1.3. Thus, the child allowance for Ivanova S.E. will be equal to 4085.02 p. And if she lived in the Krasnodar Territory, then the monthly payment would be equal to 3,142.33 rubles, that is, in “pure form”, since the district coefficient in the Krasnodar region does not apply.

If care payments are made simultaneously for two or more children, then all accruals are summed up.

Example #2. Student Grigoryeva A.E., a resident of Saratov, gave birth in January 2018 to a daughter, and in March 2019, to twin boys. Since January 2018, she has been charged a monthly payment of 3,065.69 rubles. indexed in February 2019 and its amount was 3,142.33 rubles. In March 2019 Grigoryeva A.E. already owed for the first, second and third baby in the total amount of 15711.63 rubles. (3142.33 + 6284.65 + 6284.65). The RK will not be applied, since the coefficient has not been established for the Saratov region.

These calculations are equally applicable to other non-working relatives who take care of a minor in the absence of a mother (she died, was deprived of her rights, was declared dead by the court, is seriously ill and is physically unable to take care of the baby, etc.).

Laid off during maternity leave

The calculation formula is:
"SMZ (average monthly earnings)" X 0,4 X "RK (district coefficient)"

In the specified calculation, the CMZ is taken for 12 months. The last month included in this one-year period is the one that precedes the month in which the leave of absence was scheduled (and not the month of actual dismissal). Let's say mom went on vacation on May 20, 2019, quit on July 13, 2019, then the SMZ is calculated from 05/01/2018 to 05/01/2019.

Dismissal in any case should be during the vacation period and on the grounds: liquidation of the organization, termination of the functioning of the individual entrepreneur, notary, law office, etc.

If, when paying wages, the employer calculated the district coefficient, then it does not appear in the calculation formula, since it has already been actually taken into account.

There are limits for this type of state support (regardless of the results of the calculation):

  • cannot be lower than 3,142.33 rubles. (for the firstborn) and 6,284.65 rubles. (on subsequent children);
  • should not exceed 12,569.33 rubles. (the number of children does not affect the indicator).

Often the amount of state support assigned in connection with the release of the decree changes upon subsequent dismissal.

Example #3. Spiridonova A.A., a resident of the Samara region, had an average salary for 2015, 2016 of 37,000 rubles. On March 14, 2017, she went on vacation. She was assigned a monthly amount of 14,800 rubles. In connection with the liquidation of the employer, on June 30, 2017, she was dismissed. From 07/01/2017, the state content will be 12,569.33 rubles, since the previous value (14,800 rubles) was higher than the maximum allowable childcare allowance for a non-working mother.

Mothers laid off during pregnancy

Two calculation methods are used, which depend on whether the mother was on maternity leave or not.

When the stage of pregnancy is early (that is, the vacation is still premature), then the amount of maintenance is determined as in the situation for the unemployed, students, individual entrepreneurs, etc., that is, for the first-born, the amount is 3,142.33 rubles, for subsequent children 6,284.65 rubles .

When a pregnant woman officially went on maternity leave, and it does not matter before or after childbirth, the calculation formula looks the same as for those dismissed during maternity leave:

"SZ" X "RK" X 0,4
Values: SZ - average monthly earnings for 1 year, taken up to the month (inclusive), after which there was a dismissal. RK - regional coefficient.

In these situations, it is important that the fact of liquidation of the employer, so to speak, forced dismissal, should serve as the basis for dismissal. And when determining the size, there are also upper and lower limits (12569.33 and 3142.33/6284.65 respectively).

Example #4. Anfiskina A.F. on maternity leave from 12/20/2018. And after 2 months (had not yet given birth), she was fired due to the termination of the individual entrepreneur (employer) of her activities, that is, 02/20/2019. For the period from January 2018 to January 2019 the average monthly salary was 22,000 rubles. Since Anfiskina A.F. lives in Perm, the district coefficient is 1.15. Anfiskina A.F. gave birth to a daughter on 03/05/2019. Therefore, she is due to receive 10,120 rubles. (22 thousand X 0.4 X 1.15).

What documents are required

The set of documents for each case is varied, but in any case it contains a basic package.

Basic package

  1. Statement . Non-working parents must write an application according to established patterns in the appropriate body that makes the payment (social protection, social insurance fund (for individual entrepreneurs who voluntarily pay contributions for themselves)). In these institutions, the specialist issues a form that must be filled out according to the columns and details (filling in special difficulties does not arise). If the appeal is made through the MFC, then the receptionist fills out the application himself, the applicant only has to check the correctness of what is written and put a personal signature. In any case, the following data is indicated in the application:
    • About the recipient (full name, date of birth, registration address, passport data);
    • Name of transferred funds (monthly allowance for child care);
    • Method of receipt (through a bank, then the account details are indicated or by postal order);
    • List of applications.
  2. document for a child. This can be either a birth / adoption certificate or a court decision on the establishment of guardianship, etc. Moreover, information is provided for all existing children (without reservations).
  3. Help from dad from work that he is not being paid a child care allowance (if the father is not working, then he takes such a certificate from the social security office at the place of residence, if the individual entrepreneur - in the territorial branch of the FSS);
  4. Employment history . If it is absent, it must be indicated in the application itself that the recipient has never worked and is not working, is an individual entrepreneur, etc.;
  5. Help from the employment center that the applicant is not registered and does not receive unemployment benefits (it is not required if the entrepreneur applies);
  6. Document confirming the residence of the child with the parent(certificate of family composition, registered persons in the address, etc.);

Additional package for those laid off during maternity leave

  • Instead of a work book - an extract from it about the last employment;
  • An order to go on parental leave, a certificate of accrued maintenance for care. This is obtained from the previous employer;
  • Certificate from the last job on the average monthly earnings.

Student package

Help from the university.

Entrepreneur Package

  • IP certificates (on state registration, on TIN).
  • Certificate from the Social Insurance Fund on the lack of registration in social insurance and on the non-receipt of monthly funds for the child there (to obtain this certificate in social insurance, you must write an application and attach a copy of the IP certificate, the birth certificate of the baby).

When and where to apply for benefits

The child care allowance for an unemployed mother is assigned and issued by a social security institution (Sobes).

An unemployed applicant must apply to the territorial Social Security at the place of his residence with a package of documents for state support. It is allowed to apply to the MFC (subsequently, the applicant's data is sent to the Social Security), as practice shows, it is in the MFC that it is easier and more efficient to start the process (less queues, longer daily hours, sometimes closer to the applicant's place of residence, etc.).

If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur who is voluntarily insured in social insurance (pays contributions for himself), then such an entrepreneur requests benefits from the service department of the FSS.

You can submit an application with attachments from the day the child is born (in advance, that is, this cannot be done before birth).

The deadline for applying is not later than the execution of the minor 2 years. If the appeal follows beyond this period, then the issuance of a monthly allowance will be denied. Only in court can such a period be restored (but serious reasons will be needed to recognize the pass as valid, this is a very rare judicial practice).

How the payment is made

There are two ways to receive financial assistance:

  • transferred to a personal bank account (registered for the recipient);
  • individual postal order. The applicant can personally receive it, or an authorized person under a notarized power of attorney.

State support is provided monthly no later than the 26th day, that is, by the specified date, the money is received in a bank account or in the post office at the recipient's address.

However, if you apply late (but within the deadline), then the funds will be paid in a lump sum for the missed period, that is, the amounts for the time from the moment of birth and the date of the request for state assistance do not burn out. Thus, within 10 days, social protection must decide on the appointment of benefits and make a full calculation by the 26th day of the next month (without stretching for 1.5 years).

Example #5. Non-working citizen Solovieva V.V. On 08/01/2018 she gave birth to a daughter and after giving birth she left for 1 year to her parents in another region of the Russian Federation. In this connection, she could not collect the necessary set of documentation and submit it to the social security at the place of her registration. Upon returning to the address of her residence, 09/20/2019 Solovieva V.V. contacted the local department of social protection. The documentation was accepted and the non-working woman was assigned a monthly allowance in the amount of 2908.62 rubles. (for the period from 08/01/2018 to 01/31/2019) and 3142.33 rubles. (for the period from 02/01/2019 to 09/01/2019). As a result, until October 26, 2019 Solovieva V.V. must make a payment of 39,068.62 rubles. (as of October) and continue transfers until January 31 of the next year.

Payment period

The transfer is made on the basis of 18 months.

The first payment is made the next month after the month of application. By this month, the amount is calculated for the time from the birth of the child to the current month (from the monthly tariff rate, recalculated for the actual amount). Subsequent payments are made monthly and terminate in the month the child is 1.5 years old.

In the last month, the amount of payment must correspond to the number of days from the first day to the child's birthday (estimated number of days) and is determined by the formula: "amount of benefit" divided by "number of days in a month" multiplied by "estimated number of days".

Denial of payment and how to appeal it

There are not so many reasons for depriving a parent of state assistance:

  • The complete package of documentation is not presented;
  • The appeal took place after the age of 2 years of the child;
  • False information was found;
  • Any of the applicant's family members are already receiving care support funds;
  • Delivery of applications and applications is carried out in the wrong territorial department;
  • The applicant receives other payments inconsistent with child support, such as unemployment benefits;
  • The applicant is deprived of parental rights or is a foreign citizen not residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, etc.

Events and circumstances not related to the fault of the applicant for assistance, for example, lack of money in the treasury, budget deficit, etc., cannot be grounds for refusal.

The decision to refuse is made in writing within 10 days after the submission of the documentation. This refusal can be appealed to the court within 3 months from the date of receipt of a written notice of refusal. To file a claim, you should contact a professional lawyer, since the court will need to legally competently draw up procedural documents, correctly formulate requirements, clearly describe the essence of the disputed problem, collect the necessary applications, etc.

There are cases when, having submitted documents, a citizen does not receive either money or an answer. Then, after waiting a month, you can send a simple letter to the leadership of the social protection department, in which you write about the fact of the appeal, about the absence of any reaction and ask for an explanation of the situation. If no answers are received, then such silence should be regarded as a refusal and you can go to court.

  • Part 2.1. Art. 12 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"
    Deadlines for applying for benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, monthly allowance for child care
  • Ch. 1, 2.1, 6, 7, 7.1, 8, 9 Art. 13 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" The procedure for assigning and paying benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, monthly childcare benefits
  • Part 1, 1.1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.1, 5.2 Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" The procedure for calculating benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, monthly allowance for child care
  • Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" The term for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, monthly allowance for child care
  • Clauses 39-59 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1012n dated December 29, 2009 "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children" Monthly allowance for child care
  • Information letter of the Department of Incomes and Living Standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 670-9 dated May 19, 2003 "On the size of regional coefficients for the wages of workers in non-manufacturing industries in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them"
  • Families expecting the birth of their first child are often interested in where and how maternity pay is paid, when and where to apply for the allowance. To avoid problems with maternity payments and receive them in full and on time, we have prepared this publication for you. As part of social assistance, maternity payments in 2019 are made on the basis of Federal Law N 81-FZ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995. If a woman is entitled to child care allowance and maternity allowance at the same time, then she can choose only one of these benefits, it is not possible to receive two such payments at the same time!

    Women who are subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood have the right to pregnancy and childbirth benefits; women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations, the termination by individuals of activities as individual entrepreneurs, the termination of powers of notaries engaged in private practice, and the termination of the status of a lawyer, as well as in connection with the termination of activities by other individuals whose professional activities are in accordance with federal laws subject to state registration and (or) licensing, within twelve months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner; women studying full-time in professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education, educational organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations; women undergoing military service under a contract, serving as private and commanding personnel in internal affairs bodies, in the National Guard troops, in the State Fire Service, in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, in customs authorities; women when they adopt a child (children).

    What payments after the birth of a child can parents expect?

    When parents are preparing for the birth of a long-awaited baby, they will have to face not only pleasant chores, but also impressive financial expenses. A small financial support is provided at the state level, and parents receive various benefits related to the birth of a child.

    In accordance with the Federal Law "On state benefits to citizens with children" dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, such benefits include:

    1. Payment of sick leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.
    2. One-time financial assistance that is associated with the birth of a child.
    3. Allowance for early registration in a medical institution for pregnancy.
    4. Financial assistance paid once a month, which is related to the implementation of child care.
    5. Financial assistance to the wife and child of a serviceman who is serving in the military.

    In addition to the financial payments mentioned above, most of the regions pay benefits at the local level in connection with the birth of a baby. The regions set the amount of the allowance independently, and it is directly related to the welfare of the region.

    The amount may have significant differences if a comparative analysis is carried out by region.

    Payment for early registration for pregnancy

    Only those women who are officially employed are entitled to claim maternity benefits. This is because, on this basis, maternity pay is the actual sick leave payment for the time period that the woman will be absent from the workplace in the last months before the birth of the baby and in the first months after the birth.

    In addition, only for employed women, the state provided for a cash payment for timely registration of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). This assistance is paid as a supplement to the maternity allowance, if the woman has an appropriate document from a medical institution.

    The terms of maternity leave payments are directly related to the gestational age. In the medical institution where the expectant mother is observed, after the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy, she is issued a certificate of early registration for pregnancy and a sick leave - these papers should be taken to work.

    If we refer to Art. 12 of the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood" dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, it states that a woman must be provided with sick leave for work no later than 6 months from the date by which it was issued .

    If the deadline for applying for payment has been missed, then the decision on sick leave payment will be made by the social insurance authority. It is he who will determine whether the reason for missing the deadline for applying for benefits was valid.

    Women often ask questions about the time frame for the employer to transfer money on sick leave, as situations often occur when management finds many reservations in order not to make payments.

    Article 15 of Law No. 255-FZ clearly stipulates the period within which maternity leave should be paid in 2019 for pregnancy and childbirth - from the moment the woman submits the sick leave, within 10 days the allowance should be accrued, that is, the subject payment amount.

    The terms of maternity payments in 2019 depend on the date set in the organization (where the woman who went on maternity leave worked) for the advance payment, wages and other payments. On the next day after the assignment of the allowance, the payment must be made.

    It should be borne in mind that if the payment is scheduled for the end of the year or the beginning of the next, there may be delays in connection with the formation and submission of reports. Make allowances for this. But if the due payment does not come within 60 days, then here you already need to take tough measures and complain about the employer.

    Every citizen to whom Law No. 81-FZ applies, having become a parent, has the right to receive a one-time payment related to the birth of a baby. We can say that this payment is made for the child and one of the parents can receive it. If the replenishment in the family was marked by the birth of several children, then the payment will be made for each child.

    If we are talking specifically about this payment, then the official employment of the baby's parents is of fundamental importance here:

    1. If both parents are officially settled, then either of them can receive this payment of choice. But the second parent will need to take a certificate from work stating that this cash payment was not assigned and paid in his organization.
    2. If the parents of the child do not have an official place of work, then one of them will need to visit the social protection authorities at the place of registration.
    3. If one parent works on an official basis, and the other does not, then the officially employed parent at their place of work will receive a cash payment on this basis.

    For money in connection with the appearance of a child, you must apply within six months after the baby was born. If the parents did not have time to apply to the appropriate authorities within this period, then the funds will not be paid.

    If we turn to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n, then it says that the allowance must be assigned no later than 10 days from the date of application by one of the parents. We are talking about the period of consideration of documents and making a decision on the right of the parent to receive funds.

    A citizen who works is required to pay benefits within 10 days directly at the cash desk of the organization in cash or transferred to a savings book or card. If a citizen does not work, then he must receive benefits no later than the 26th day of the next month. Non-working citizens receive benefits by transferring by mail, to a passbook or by bank transfer to a bank card.

    Monthly child care allowance in 2019

    The official employment of parents is of great importance for receiving monthly funds, with the intended purpose of caring for a child. But, unlike payment at the birth of a baby, assistance will be provided to the person who actually cares for the child. It can be either a mother or another relative.

    We draw conclusions: if a citizen officially worked before, then he should apply for the appointment of this type of benefit to his organization. If a citizen is not working at the time of caring for a child, then in order to receive benefits, he will need to contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

    This type of maternity benefits is paid monthly, according to general rules - from the date of birth of the child and up to one and a half years, or from the day the maternity leave ends and up to one and a half years. This is the case if the woman officially works, and took sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

    After applying within 10 days, officials are required to make an appropriate decision on the payment of material assistance.

    You must apply for child care funds no later than 6 months after the child is 1.5 years old. Otherwise, a positive or negative decision on the payment of benefits is made by social insurance employees.

    It will be analyzed what reasons contributed to the fact that the documents for benefits were not submitted on time - valid or disrespectful.

    Payments of maternity leave to the mother of a child of a military serviceman

    For cash payments that are provided for the spouse and child of a conscript, it is necessary to visit the social protection authorities at the place of residence - this rule applies to both working and non-working persons.

    The cash allowance to the wife of a conscript will be paid once in one amount. For this type of financial assistance, the spouse of a conscript is entitled if her pregnancy has crossed the mark of 180 days, but no later than six months after her husband served. If citizens did not use their right and did not apply for benefits in due time, the funds will not be paid.

    Maternity payments for the care of a child of a conscript are made monthly. Both the mother of the child and any of the relatives who have taken maternity leave, for example, the child's grandparents, can receive them. Mothers will pay from the day the baby is born, but not before the start of service by the child's father, and until the child reaches the age of three, but not later than the end of the service of the child's father.

    Within ten days, the application for these payments must be considered. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1012n determines the time period for paying maternity leave of this type. A one-time payment to the wife of a military man undergoing military service will be paid no later than the 26th day of the month following the appeal. The conscript's child allowance must be paid no later than the 26th day of each month.

    The amount of maternity benefit in 2019

    The amount of maternity payments in 2019 depends on the status of the recipient (or recipient, if the father of the child or another relative goes on maternity leave):

    • Working women receive benefits equal to 100% of average earnings
    • Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles
    • Students - in the amount of a scholarship
    • Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

    If the experience of an insured woman is less than six months, she has the right to count on a child care allowance in an amount not higher than (the minimum wage, which is 11,280 rubles per month from January 1, 2019).

    The maternity benefit is calculated based on the average salary and does not depend on the length of service of the employee. For convenience, the calculation of maternity can be represented as the following scheme: Maternity allowance in 2019 = income for 2 calendar years (preceding the year of the decree) / number of days in this period * number of days of decree.

    State support for expectant mothers extends not only to officially employed women, but also to those who, for various reasons, do not work, have been laid off, fired due to the liquidation of an economic entity, or are receiving education. Let's see what benefits are due to pregnant unemployed people in 2017 and how social benefits are properly processed. The list of required documents is given below.

    All existing categories of benefits for unemployed pregnant women are defined in Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. The recipients include working women; full-time students; persons who have adopted children; contract soldiers. This regulatory document establishes the types of benefits and payments to pregnant women at the federal level. In addition, regional authorities provide additional measures to support expectant mothers at the municipal level through the issuance of relevant regulations and laws.

    Note! The right to receive benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2016-2017 is enshrined in the Russian Constitution (Article 38) and the Family Code (Article 1). Not only expectant mothers, but also fathers, as well as other relatives who actually care for the child on vacation, or guardians can apply for state support.

    Types of benefits for non-working pregnant women in 2017

    The maximum guarantees for the birth of children are provided to employed individuals, for whom the employer makes mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in case of temporary disability or motherhood. For example, if we are talking about the B&R allowance, only an officially working woman at the place of employment can receive it in the amount of her average earnings based on the past 2 years. Unemployed pregnant woman such benefit in 2016-2017. cannot receive, except for situations-exceptions.

    When maternity leave is paid on the occasion of BiR:

    • In the event of liquidation of the company.
    • In connection with the recognition of a woman unemployed for 12 months. from the date of downsizing of the organization.
    • When a woman has the status of an individual entrepreneur and stops working.
    • When a woman is studying at the full-time department of an educational organization of any level.
    • In the case when a woman is a serviceman under a contract agreement or the wife of a military man serving on conscription.

    In the above situations, benefits for non-working pregnant women in 2016 can be received at the minimum amount, but at the same time they are not allowed to use unemployment benefits. This status is lost when making B&R payments and is subject to renewal after the end of the period of incapacity for work lasting for uncomplicated childbirth in 140 days (calendar).

    What other benefits can a non-working pregnant woman count on? The expectant mother can apply for a lump sum birth payment in social security. But the allowance for early registration in the residential complex for medical registration for unemployed pregnant women (with the exception of students and those dismissed due to the liquidation of the company) is not required, since the employer makes the calculations of such amounts. In addition, after the child is born, monthly payments are provided until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

    What benefits are due to pregnant women - amounts and categories of payments in 2017:

    Table of benefits in 2017 for unemployed pregnant Russian women:

    Type of social paymentAmount, in rubles Allowance for early registration - in the event of liquidation of a business613.14 Benefit for R&D due to liquidation300 Benefit for R&D for female students Scholarship allowance for R&D for military women Amount of monetary allowance Lump-sum allowance for pregnant women after the birth of a child16350.33 Lump-sum allowance for pregnant wives of military conscripts25892.45 Child allowance paid during the period of vacation until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years

    3065.69 - relies on the first child;

    6131.37 - relies on the second and all subsequent children;

    40% of the average salary in compliance with the specified minimum and not more than 10873.36 rubles. - is considered dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise

    Social payments to employed pregnant women are calculated and transferred by the employer. When a woman does not work, all state benefits should be issued at the territorial social protection authorities at the address of permanent residence/registration. Also, those pregnant women whose organization was officially liquidated will have to apply to the social security.

    Time frames for assigning benefits to pregnant women - terms

    It is important not only to know what benefits are due to pregnant women, but also in what period they should be applied for. The B&D benefit has a 6-month application deadline. from the date of completion of maternity leave (displayed on the sick leave). After the package of mandatory documents is collected and submitted, consideration should not exceed 10 calendar days. Payments from social security authorities come to the account of an individual - until the 26th day of the next month.

    Important! If the deadlines are missed, it will be difficult to achieve social guarantees, you will have to prove the existence of good reasons that prevented the woman in labor from applying for payments.

    The procedure for obtaining benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2017

    The conditions for receiving payments are different depending on what type of guarantee is issued. So, both mom and dad can submit documents for the appointment of a lump-sum allowance for the birth of children / a child to their employer in the case of official employment. And the exact amount will depend on the number of children born:

    • 16350.33 - relies on one child.
    • 32700.66 - due at the birth of two children.
    • 49050.99 - due at the birth of three children, etc.

    If both parents do not work officially or are trained full-time in institutions of any level of education, the social security authorities will pay a lump sum allowance, where any of the parents who have already taken place have the right to apply.

    If the mother is currently not employed anywhere and does not have the status of unemployed, that is, she does not receive payments from the CZN (employment center), then according to the law she is entitled to a monthly allowance - for pregnant women in 2016-2017. appointed until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. Such amounts are transferred to the recipient by the month the child is one and a half years old. For registration, you should contact the social security authorities or the MFC.

    Attention! Child benefits before reaching 1.5 years are not issued to those women who were unemployed and before pregnancy, because the purpose of this payment is leave-release from work duties.

    Thus, we can conclude that all payments to unemployed pregnant women and women who have already given birth are handled by the Social Protection of Citizens. And what is required for the prompt processing of amounts? Consider the bureaucratic details.

    Registration of benefits for a pregnant non-working woman - necessary documents

    To prove your legal right to social guarantees, you should collect a package of mandatory documentation. It should be noted that the list is provided for federal payments, the procedure for obtaining benefits of regional and local significance may differ.

    List of documents for applying for benefits for unemployed women:

    • Application in the form established for various types of benefits.
    • Sick leave - not provided by all non-working women, but only by those who are entitled to the appointment of benefits for BiR.
    • Passport - a copy and an original, a woman's SNILS may also be needed.
    • Certificates on the fact of the birth of a child / children - a photocopy and the original, SNILS of children.
    • Employment book - the original and a duly certified copy.
    • Certificate for the father of the child on non-payment of benefits - is submitted if the individual is unemployed or a full-time student.
    • A certificate from the territorial bodies of the EPC - is provided to confirm that the woman is not registered and does not receive unemployment benefits.
    • A certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of studying in full-time education.
    • Information about the composition of family members.
    • Income statement - provided to confirm income for the last 3 months. It is taken when assigning the types of benefits provided for low-income citizens of the Russian Federation.
    • Other documents - on request.

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    In accordance with Russian legislation in the field of state support for families with children, various options for a woman's disability are provided, which affect the right to receive and the procedure for calculating child benefits. For women who find themselves unemployed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, the amount of payments per child and their number will be somewhat different than for an ordinary housewife.

    If a pregnant woman is fired, she can register with the employment service (register as unemployed), and then receive unemployment benefits until the start of maternity leave. Benefit during the maternity period is not issued, therefore, it is necessary to submit to the employment center a disability certificate, received for a period of 30 weeks in the antenatal clinic.

    Regardless of social status, the presence of work or its absence, any woman has the right to count on the allowances and benefits that are due to her by law during the period of caring for a child up to 1.5 years.

    What benefits are due at the birth of a child if the mother does not work?

    Students full-time education, fired on the liquidation of the enterprise, as well as individual entrepreneurs(who voluntarily paid insurance premiums for the previous year in Social Insurance), in addition to the previous ones, several more types of benefits are paid:

    • when placed on honey. accounting in early pregnancy.

    However, students must apply to their educational institution for these additional payments. And entrepreneurs in the social insurance fund. And only those dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, as well as for the previous three types of benefits, make these payments to the Social Security authorities (district OSZN).

    Payments before and after childbirth to the unemployed through Social Security

    The table below shows the types of state assistance that unemployed women can count on in 2017, related to various categories.

    Type of allowanceSize, rub.Documentation

    maternity benefits(only dismissed during the liquidation of the organization)

    Allowance for women registered with medical institutions in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)613,14 certificate from the LCD (antenatal clinic) or other medical organization that registered the woman in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)
    Maternity allowance for women laid off during pregnancy34 473,60

    (for students - in the amount of a scholarship)

    sick leave issued on the 30th week of pregnancy honey. institution where the woman is registered
    Note: the same benefits can be received by students at the place of study and individual entrepreneurs - directly through the FSS


    Birth allowance16350,33
    • certificate from the registry office on the birth of a child (form 24);
    • copies of work books of both parents or a diploma (if they have never worked);
    • applicant's passport


    Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years3065,69 - for the 1st child;

    6131,37 - for the 2nd and subsequent children.

    • birth certificate of the child;
    • certificate of cohabitation;
    • birth certificates of previous children;
    • a copy of the work book or diploma (if you have never worked);
    • certificate from the employment service on non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
    • certificate from the other parent's place of work for this child;
    • applicant's passport;
    • certificate of the amount and payment or non-receipt of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth and care (for laid-off and students)
    for those dismissed during the liquidation of the enterprise - 40% of average earnings, but not less than the above sizes and not more than 10873.36 for each child of this age

    All of the above documents plus:

    • a copy of the order granting parental leave
    Benefit for a child up to 16 (18) yearsDifferent ones are installed in each subject of the Russian Federation, you can get acquainted with them in more detail on the regional page of our website
    • birth certificate;
    • information about the composition of the recipient's family;
    • certificates of family income, if one or both spouses do not work, copies of their labor (diploma) and a certificate from the labor exchange;
    • certificates: marriage, divorce, paternity;
    • recipient's passport;
    • certificate from the school for a child aged 16 to 18 years

    Social Security (OSZN) pays monthly benefits through the post office or bank that was indicated in the application by the recipient, no later than the 26th day of the following month.

    Upon employment, the recipient is obliged to notify the social protection authorities within a month, since care allowance will need to be filed with the employer. If the OSZN employees are not notified in time, an overpayment will be issued, which will be collected in court.

    Benefit for a child up to 16 years paid after registration within one calendar year. For further continuous receipt, a new package of documents must be submitted annually. If you do not apply for a payment for more than 6 months after its last transfer to the recipient's account, the OSZN will pay extra only for the last six months in the amount established for this period.

    Formally, in order to apply for (BiR) and the corresponding allowance, a woman must be officially employed and the employer must pay mandatory contributions to the FSS (Social Insurance). Then the basis for going on vacation and accruing maternity money will be (sick leave).

    However, some categories of pregnant women are entitled to maternity allowance, even if at the time of its registration they are officially does not work and are not subject to compulsory social insurance. They receive benefits in the form of a lump-sum payment - in the same way as working expectant mothers. But the principle of accrual and funding sources are changing.

    Are maternity payments due if a woman does not work?

    • 140 days in general (70 days before delivery and 70 after).
    • 156 days for birth complications (the postpartum period is extended to 86 days).
    • 194 days for multiple pregnancies (84 days before delivery and 110 after).

    That is, certain categories of the unemployed are granted the right to immediately for two welfare. To apply for benefits, a woman must write an appropriate application and provide a certificate of contact with a medical institution and registration within 12 weeks.

    Pregnancy benefit for the unemployed upon liquidation of the organization

    If a woman worked until recently, and contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) were paid from her income, the state cannot leave her without guaranteed disability payments related to the birth of a child.

    Special conditions are provided to women who are left without work and earnings if they are registered with the state for unemployment in employment center(TsZN), and within 12 months before:

    • lost their jobs in connection with the reorganization(liquidation) of the enterprise;
    • ceased activities as;
    • lost the status of a notary or a lawyer.

    Is sick leave paid for pregnancy and childbirth for the unemployed?

    Unemployed citizens dismissed from work have the right to join the labor exchange and within 12 months receive unemployment benefit which is a certain percentage of the salary. According to current regulations, the sick leave extends this period by the number of days indicated on the disability certificate (but this period for 1.5 years cannot exceed 12 months).

    For unemployed pregnant women in this regard, there are special conditions. They should be issued immediately for several reasons:

    • Pregnant paid for all vacations in BiR duration . True, in a rather small size. In 2016, a non-working woman is supposed to RUB 581.73 for every month decree, however, this amount (in 2019 - from February 1).
    • A woman during maternity leave cannot be deregistered as unemployed.
    • For a period of a woman extended unemployment benefits:
      • that is, the allowance itself is not accrued, but it will be paid (if 18 months have not passed since the moment of registration with the employment service);
      • if, after the decree, a woman wants to apply, the payment of unemployment benefits to her for the period of its payment will be suspended.

    These conditions apply only if no more than 12 months have passed from the moment of dismissal until the woman was recognized as unemployed, and until the day she went on maternity leave, and the dismissal is related to the liquidation of the enterprise.

    In all other cases (voluntary dismissal, lack of work before registration with the employment service, a break in work for more than a year) maternity allowance for a woman not paid.

    Payment of B&R benefits to the unemployed through Social Security

    The payment of maternity allowance to women who have lost their jobs and wages due to the reorganization (including liquidation) of an enterprise or staff reduction is carried out through the authorities Social protection of the population at the place of residence of the pregnant woman.

    Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth through the employment service (CZN) is not provided. Only unemployment payments can be processed through the labor exchange.

    Need to contact Social Security in application form, that is, submit an application and the necessary documents:

    • issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy with a seal and signatures;
    • a certified extract from the work book with a record of the last place of work and dismissal in connection with the reorganization (liquidation) of the company;
    • a certificate from the employment service that the woman is registered as unemployed;
    • the decision of the tax service to register the fact of termination of activities as a notary, a lawyer (for the self-employed population).

    Funds are provided from the federal budget in the form of a subvention to the region for the payment of benefits. Social Security must be assigned within 10 days after registration of the application from the applicant. Money is transferred to the woman's bank account or sent by postal order until the 26th day of the month following the month of applying to Social Security.

    Maternity benefits for unemployed women

    Because of the above features, women who are doing military and equivalent service under a contract, as well as students, can be classified as unemployed in the proper sense of the word. They receive pregnancy benefits under special conditions, different from those that can be used.

    Employees under contract and non-working students in any case must take sick leave at a medical institution in order to apply for payment on its basis.

    Passing military service under the contract and service in the state. bodies

    Expectant mothers in public service are entitled to maternity payments in the amount of monthly allowance(for each month). This category of women includes:

    • undergoing military service under a contract;
    • employees in enlisted or commanding positions in:
      • internal affairs bodies;
      • fire and customs service;
      • drug control authorities;
      • penitentiary system.

    An employee must provide the following documents to the accounting department of her unit:

    • application for maternity leave and benefits;
    • a certificate from a medical organization;
    • a certificate from the place of residence stating that she does not receive B&R benefits there (if the place of service does not match the place of residence).

    According to Russian legislation, 10 days are allocated for the calculation of benefits. The recipient will be able to count on payment from the day when she officially retired from service. That is, if she continued to serve after the start of the sick leave, during this period she will receive only one monetary allowance, but not in the form of its amount c.

    The money is transferred from the federal budget allocated to executive authorities that provide for contract service.