Oil Therapy: How Natural Oils Can Help You Manage Pregnancy Stretch Marks. How and which oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is better to use? Body butter for pregnant women

During pregnancy, almost all organs and systems of the expectant mother are subjected to overload, and the skin is no exception. An enlarged belly, bulging breasts and rounded hips are the most common places where stretch marks appear. Some pregnant women treat them as inevitable changes, while others do their best to avoid the appearance of this cosmetic defect, because becoming a mother does not mean ceasing to be a beautiful woman.

What are pregnancy stretch marks

Stretch marks, or striae, have a well-defined medical name: striped skin atrophy. It affects not only pregnant women, but also teenagers, and even men. They appear as the body's response to hormonal "swings", some endocrine diseases, weight changes. Genetic predisposition also plays an important role.

In pregnant women, the pregnancy hormone progesterone is involved in the appearance of stretch marks. It reduces the ability of skin cells to produce collagen and elastin - the structural elements of the dermis that provide its firmness and elasticity. With prolonged stretching of the skin, its fibers simply burst, and connective tissue fills their place (as in scars). The stripes of pregnancy - striae - are pinkish at the beginning of their appearance, then acquire a more saturated color (from dark pink to purple-purple), then gradually turn pale, but do not disappear completely.

Soon, whitish seals will appear in place of the purple lines, noticeable even against the background of a tan.

The skin is only a “mirror” of the changes taking place in the body, and not a single agent used externally is able to prevent the appearance of stretch marks with a 100% guarantee. Advertising promises of cosmetics manufacturers to prevent the appearance of scars or get rid of existing ones are still slyness. Moreover, even using the full range of available remedies and following the recommendations on diet and drinking regimen, you are not guaranteed to be protected from the appearance of these annoying changes. And the reason for this is a genetic predisposition.

In no case am I urging you to completely abandon self-care, attributing everything to genetics. I just want to warn against unjustified expectations from the use of this or that cosmetic product. And the genetic predisposition is also very capricious: my sister, having become pregnant at the age of 25, got stretch marks, and I, having given birth to my first child at 39, did not ... Neither she nor I gained more than 11-12 kilograms recommended by gynecologists during pregnancy. I used skin care products very irregularly.

Can stretch mark oils be used during pregnancy?

There is no direct ban on the use of oils to combat stretch marks, but the choice of remedy must be approached wisely. General properties - to retain moisture in the skin, nourish, smooth, increase skin elasticity and firmness - are characteristic of all oils, but some components of complex mixtures can make them unsuitable for use during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

What oils for the skin can be used during pregnancy

Among the various oils for skin care during pregnancy, you can find both pure vegetable oils (liquid and solid) and cosmetic ones. All of them must be hypoallergenic, not have a potentially harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Cosmetic oil is a multicomponent composition based on vegetable oils and various additives - essential oils, emulsifiers, and sometimes also preservatives, fragrances, parabens

It is allowed to use natural liquid vegetable oils:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • linen;
  • peanut;
  • castor;
  • sesame;
  • burdock;
  • mustard;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • almond;
  • from avocado;
  • from wheat germ;
  • from the seeds of peach, grapes, watermelon, apricot;
  • from pumpkin seeds.

Photo Gallery: The Most Popular Liquid Vegetable Oils Allowed During Pregnancy

In ancient times, olive oil was used in all areas of life - from home life and religious rituals to sports and medicine Peach oil will make the skin soft like a peach Almond oil is highly regarded for its moisturizing properties Avocado oil perfectly nourishes the skin and takes care of it

There are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) for the use of solid oils (butters):

  • coconut;
  • cocoa;
  • palm.

Photo Gallery: Solid Vegetable Oils Allowed During Pregnancy

Coconut oil can also be used as a sunscreen Cocoa butter improves skin elasticity and firmness, slows down the aging process Shea butter acquires the consistency of ghee at room temperature Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of the plant Elaeis guineensis, known as oil palm

The choice of cosmetic oil to prevent the appearance of stretch marks should be approached more carefully, since most of them contain essential oils - natural or synthetic (artificial).

You can prepare cosmetic oil for yourself by adding ether to your base (vegetable oil) to your taste. Pure essential oils for the skin, due to their high concentration, cannot be used unchanged - you will get irritation, redness or burns.

Some plants from which essential oils are produced contain phytoestrogens. These are substances similar in action to the female hormones estrogens, that is, they can potentially cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and lead to miscarriage or premature birth. These plants include:

  • cedar;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • fennel;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • ginger;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • nutmeg;
  • naioli;
  • geranium;
  • incense;
  • vetiver;
  • star anise;
  • verbena;
  • rose.

Be careful with the presence of a large amount of vitamin A in the oil purchased - pure fat-soluble retinol can negatively affect the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

Teratogenic properties (i.e., leading to impaired fetal development, up to death), according to experts, have the following essential oils:

  • wormwood and bitter;
  • rue;
  • marsh mint;
  • hyssop;
  • medicinal sage;
  • spike lavender (dipper, spike).

Essential compounds are considered relatively safe for use during pregnancy in cosmetic oils:

  • citrus fruits (in the absence of allergies);
  • coniferous;
  • rosewood;
  • bergamot;
  • tea tree.

The largest producers of essential oils in the world market are Styx Naturcosmetic (Austria), Bergland-Pharma (Germany), Vivasan (Switzerland), R.Expo (India), Floressence (France), and the Russian company LECUS.

Properties and action of oils to combat stretch marks

What happens in the skin when we apply stretch mark oil? Main manifestations:

  1. Hydration (moisture). This quality is manifested when applying oils to slightly damp skin. True, only the epidermis is moistened - the upper layer of the skin, to the deeper layers - the dermis (actually the skin), oils do not penetrate due to their hydrophobicity. But they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.
  2. Speed ​​up regeneration. New cells appear faster due to a more active metabolism.
  3. Improvement of blood supply and nutrition of the skin. This is due to the action of both the active components of the oils and massage movements during application.

For the optimal effect of fighting stretch marks, do not forget to drink enough fluids, and also remember that proteins and vitamins A and E are needed to build skin cells (be careful with the latter - they are easy to overdose)

Effect on the fetus

The use of cosmetics with essential oils in the first trimester is not recommended by experts. The placental barrier is not yet formed, the components of the oils from the surface of the skin enter the general bloodstream. Even the effect of aromas on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus is very little studied.

When and how to apply oils to combat stretch marks

It is often impossible to get rid of stretch marks without the help of aggressive cosmetology (laser treatments, chemical peels, mesotherapy). It is also impossible to prevent their occurrence with a 100% guarantee. But it is possible to minimize their manifestations with the help of skin care products, in particular, with the help of oils.

In the first trimester, only pure natural vegetable oils are allowed, the top three among which are olive, almond and peach (due to their high content of vitamin E).

In the second and third trimesters, you can purchase cosmetic oils containing permitted essential components.

Application rules

When buying oil, pay attention to:

  • expiration date - if stored for too long, the composition of the oil may not change for the better;
  • price - low cost should alert, because natural ingredients are almost always expensive;
  • instructions for use on the label or instructions - if you have chosen a cosmetic oil, check when it can be used - during pregnancy or after childbirth (they have a different composition), there are also universal products;
  • appearance of the product - there should be no flakes, foreign inclusions in the bottle;
  • aroma - the smell should not be rancid.

Before use, be sure to test for allergies: drop 1 drop of oil on the inner surface of the elbow, wait 12 hours. If there is local redness, swelling, itching, peeling - stop using this remedy.

Oil should be applied:

  • on clean, moist and intact skin of problem areas (chest, hips, abdomen);
  • light massage movements (especially for the abdomen), but not too zealous - you do not have the task of warming up the skin;
  • always observing the direction of movement from the periphery to the center - along the lymph flow (i.e., from the knees to the groin, from the center of the abdomen to the sides, from the areolas on the chest to the armpits).

If there are no contraindications for taking a bath, you can add oil to the water, after mixing it with milk, honey or bath salt

For the décolleté area, try compresses by dampening a washcloth with water and oil and leaving it on the skin for half an hour.

Wraps are undesirable due to excessive local warming effect and increased blood circulation in the lower extremities and abdomen.

I have the unfortunate experience of taking a bath with essential oils 10 hours after waxing. After about 3-5 minutes, I thought that the water was somehow excessively hot - it began to burn the skin on the legs and thighs. A minute later I saw a point redness - hives, all the legs were bright red. Hastily leaving the bath, she ran to the medicine cabinet for Loratadine. I went back to the shower and washed it off with soap and water. For another 20 minutes I just walked around the apartment, sorry, in a negligee, since the skin burned and itched, it was impossible to put on even a light dressing gown. Fortunately, there was no emergency call, but I learned the science: no use of products with essential oils with damaged skin ...

Table: Popular Stretch Mark Prevention Oils Allowed During Pregnancy

NameActive ingredientsActionAverage price, Yandex Market
natural oils
(preferably first cold pressed - Extra virgin olive oil)
  • Vitamins A, E, D, K;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids, 60-80% - oleic acid (Omega-9),
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, 4-14% - linoleic acid (Omega-6);
  • squalions;
  • phytosterols;
  • phenols.
  • Levels the surface
  • increases elasticity and firmness;
  • slows down aging;
  • accelerates the regeneration (recovery) of cells;
  • good for dry skin.
600 rub. for 500 ml
  • Vitamins A, E, K, B 15, C, PP;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids.
  • Nourishes, moisturizes the skin;
  • restores the integrity of cells, accelerates their regeneration;
  • slows down aging;
  • reduces fragility of capillaries;
  • suitable for dry and sensitive skin.
80 rub. for 30 ml
  • Vitamins A, E, F, PP, group B;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • restores water-fat balance;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • accelerates cell regeneration.
80 rub. for 30 ml
Coconut (solid oil, requires warming up in a water bath before use)
  • Vitamins A, E, K, B 2;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, lauric, linoleic, palmitic).
  • Has an antimicrobial effect;
  • due to the high content of lauric acid, it can dry the skin, so it is better to mix it with other oils;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • accelerates cell regeneration.
200 rub. per 100 ml
cosmetic oils
  • Wheat germ oil;
  • almond seed oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • arnica extract;
  • orange, sandalwood and rose essential oils.
  • Moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
1300 rub. per 100 ml
Johnsons Baby
  • liquid paraffin;
  • isopropyl palmitate;
  • fragrance.
  • Moisturizes the skin by preventing the evaporation of moisture;
  • softens;
  • eliminates itching and peeling.
200 rub. for 200 ml
Bio Oil (not the best composition during pregnancy due to controversial essential oils), recommended start of use - II trimester
  • Essential oils of calendula, chamomile, rosemary, lavender;
  • vitamins A, E.
  • Improves microcirculation in the skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • smoothes the skin;
  • increases elasticity and firmness.
400 rub. for 60 ml

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a large number of changes that do not always have a positive effect on appearance. Almost every woman during pregnancy or after childbirth is faced with such a skin defect as stretch marks or, in other words, stretch marks. But if excess weight, puffiness and other changes in shape return to normal soon after childbirth, then stretch marks can remain for life if measures are not taken in time. Such a cosmetic defect creates a lot of inconvenience for a woman, because she can no longer easily put on an open swimsuit or a short top without overcoming a lot of complexes. Fortunately, you can fight stretch marks even before they appear, and the best preventive measure for this disease is oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

Stretch marks are subcutaneous microtraumas of various lengths and widths that appear as a result of excessive stretching of the skin that has lost its elasticity. They can take on a different color: from flesh to bright blue. Most often they appear in the area of ​​the thighs, abdomen and chest.

Stretch marks can appear both during and after pregnancy. But why do some women have them literally before their eyes, while others do not have a single one? The fact is that it all depends on the hormonal state of the woman and the degree of elasticity of the skin. If a woman is gaining weight intensively, epithelial cells simply do not have time to divide so quickly and eventually stretch and tear. As a result, unpleasant purple-colored stripes form on the skin, which eventually acquire a flesh-colored hue, but still remain noticeable. The main provoking factors of their formation are:

  • Intensive increase in the volume of the tummy.
  • Fluctuating hormonal levels.
  • Unbalanced diet before and during pregnancy.
  • Age category "30+".
  • Smoking.
  • Concomitant diseases (diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity).
  • Re-pregnancy earlier than two years after the previous one.
  • Inactive way of life.
  • lactation period.
  • hereditary factor.

It should be noted that normally the skin has such a high elasticity that its structure resembles rubber. It should be firm, hydrated and elastic, which will allow it to easily "adjust" to the rapidly growing tummy and enlarging breasts. But for a number of already known reasons, it is depleted and, when stretched, begins to tear from the inside. At this stage, you can eliminate these striae much faster and give the skin an initially healthy look. But old stretch marks can also be dealt with, it just takes a little more time.

The most effective treatment for stretch marks is to prevent their occurrence.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Application efficiency

Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is the only safe and economical way to "nourish" the skin. It is an all-natural stretch mark remover and costs ten times less than massage or biorevitalization in spas.

Oil can be purchased at any cosmetic store or pharmacy and used independently at home. Such prevention can prevent terrible stripes on the skin, the main thing is to successfully choose the right oils.

The effectiveness of skin restoration with the help of oils depends on the regularity of the procedures and the period of initiation of treatment. Stretch mark oil can be used from the first trimester. You need to be patient and give your skin 5-7 minutes daily. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure:

  • The skin becomes softer and more well-groomed.
  • Blood circulation is activated.
  • Increases the formation of collagen.
  • The peeling disappears.
  • Wrinkles are softened.

Treatment with oil against stretch marks during pregnancy is a long and painstaking work. It will not work to get a positive result in 3-4 procedures. But perseverance and optimism in treatment will certainly help restore damaged skin.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. How to choose a remedy for stretch marks

The choice of oils for stretch marks should be approached as seriously as taking medications:

  1. Compound. It must be studied first. In the remedy for stretch marks, only vegetable or essential oil should be present. Mineral oils and vitamin complexes are also allowed. If you are buying a pure oil rather than a cosmetic product, opt for one that is steam distilled (for essential oils) or cold pressed (for vegetable oil).
  2. Price. Natural oils are not cheap. Depending on the composition and manufacturer, the price ranges from a couple of hundred to several thousand rubles.
  3. Possibility of application in the gestational period. There are many essential oils that are strictly prohibited during this period, as they can cause anaphylactic shock and even abortion. Avoid contact with cedar, mint, fennel, rosemary, sage, ginger, parsley, thyme, juniper oils.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. natural vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are ideal for use by pregnant women. They rarely provoke allergic reactions, do not require compliance with the dosage, can be used undiluted, and some of them can be used not only externally, but also internally. In addition, they help to get rid of stretch marks and give the skin a fresh and radiant look.

Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • Olives contain tocopherol, which is responsible for youthful skin. Tocopherol can be found in any anti-wrinkle cream or stretch mark product, but in its natural form it is absorbed by epithelial cells faster and smoothes out stretch marks.
  • For leather, it is better to use cold-pressed oil. It has a dark saturated color and a bright aroma. For prevention, the oil is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas twice a day. It is better to do this after a shower and gentle peeling.
  • Olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. It is rich in vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids and potassium. Its use has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin and muscles, which prevents the appearance of microtraumas of the skin and birth ruptures of the uterus.

Almond oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • This is a classic tool in cosmetology. It is used for scarring, skin aging and cellulite. It is excellent for all skin types and virtually eliminates the risk of stretch marks.
  • Almond kernel oil is an absolutely non-allergenic product that does not show toxic effects and is allowed during any period of pregnancy and lactation. Its effectiveness lies in its unique composition. It has a wide range of biologically active nutrients, including fats, minerals, vitamins A, E, F, B.
  • Almond oil can be applied to cleansed skin two to three times a day. Based on it, you can make a homemade cream or combine it with cocoa butter and jojoba.

peach oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Oil obtained from peach kernels enriches the skin with vitamins E and A, organic acids and esters. During pregnancy, it is used only externally. Its main purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, minimize the number of stretch marks and cheer up.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, peach oil helps with skin irritation, conjunctivitis and otitis media. The oil is useful in the period of viral and respiratory diseases, as it stimulates the immune system.

Peach oil is hypoallergenic and can be used when caring for a baby.

Flaxseed oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  • Flaxseed oil has many healing effects when taken orally, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy. There are no exact research data on this subject, but experts believe that this oil provokes a miscarriage. But the external use of linseed oil is very welcome.
  • The high content of omega fatty acids, vitamins and essential oils in flax seeds at the cellular level "starts" the process of skin regeneration. Daily self-massage with this oil helps the skin to stretch evenly and return to normal after childbirth.

If the stretch marks are a little old, you should mix the oil with any cream base. So the nutrients will penetrate deeper into the skin.

  • Well helps with stretch marks scrub based on flax oil. You need to prepare a mixture of oil, ground coffee and 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil. Once a day, you need to gently massage the affected areas of the skin.
  • Flaxseed oil is suitable for use instead of face or hand cream, nourishing masks can be prepared on its basis, and after childbirth it can also be used for baby skin. It is almost universal and will never be superfluous among home cosmetics. No wonder they believe that this is the best oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.

Other types of oils for stretch marks

The following oils are also suitable for removing stretch marks:

  • Coconut oil - evens out the tone, nourishes the skin, prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Cocoa butter - eliminates even chronic stretch marks; exhibits moisturizing and antioxidant effects.
  • Shea butter - stimulates collagen synthesis; softens stretch marks and makes their tone lighter.
  • Wheat germ oil - regenerates the skin, evens out and "masks" stretch marks.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is the strongest antioxidant; relieves inflammation and smoothes scars.
  • Jojoba oil - when used from the first weeks of pregnancy, completely prevents scarring of the skin.
  • Grape seed oil - restores the "health" of the skin and eliminates stretch marks.

Vegetable oils are used undiluted, can be the basis for the use of essential oils and are intended for external use only.

Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Essential oils have proven to be excellent as a remedy for stretch marks. They tone the skin, increase blood flow to the outer surface of the body, smooth wrinkles and, of course, eliminate stretch marks.

The disadvantage of such concentrated oils is that they provoke allergic reactions and therefore are not indicated during pregnancy. Ideally, the use of these funds is best postponed until the postpartum period. But if you tolerate the use of essential oils well, you can do preventive procedures, but within reason.

Essential oils are used only in diluted form. Any vegetable oils, cream, tonic, emulsion and even honey can act as a basis.

There are a lot of essential oils and they all have different effects on the body. To remove stretch marks, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Immortelle oil - regenerates stretched and damaged skin areas.
  • Sandalwood oil - eliminates the causes of flabbiness and inelasticity of the skin.
  • Tangerine oil - improves blood flow to the place where stretch marks have formed.
  • Neroli oil - restores the work of damaged capillaries in places with stretch marks.
  • Myrrh oil - nourishes and restores damaged skin.
  • Geranium oil - moisturizes and restores skin turgor; fights cellulite.

For self-massage against stretch marks, you can make fragrant compositions of essential oils. In this case, several nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The utensils in which you will mix the oils should not be made of metal.
  2. First, essential oils are mixed, and then the base oil is added to them.
  3. Oils soon lose volatile substances and vitamins, so you should not immediately prepare a large amount of the mixture. If it has an "old" smell, immediately pour it out.
  4. It is better to store oils in a glass container in the refrigerator.
  5. Essential oils are best purchased at a pharmacy or specialty health and beauty stores.

Cosmetics for stretch marks during pregnancy based on oils

In addition to the gifts of nature, cosmetics are excellent in the fight against stretch marks. Popular brands of children's cosmetics produce a whole series of skin care products for pregnant women. Among the most popular oils for stretch marks during pregnancy, given the reviews of women, include the following:

  • Hipp Babysanft Stretch Mark Oil. The composition includes organic oils of almond, sea buckthorn, jojoba and sunflower. It has a long lasting moisturizing effect. The remedy is preventive. The oil does not have an allergic effect and is safe during pregnancy.

  • MAslo Johnson Baby from stretch marks during pregnancy. Suitable for both mother and baby. It can be taken as a basis for essential oils, and then massage the thighs and abdomen. It eliminates peeling of the skin and resumes blood flow. True, after using it, a greasy ball remains on the surface of the skin, which can stain clothes. The composition of the oil includes liquid paraffin, fragrance, isopropyl palmitate. There are no oils and vitamins there, so it is better to enrich the composition with a few drops of orange or lavender oil.

  • Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy Weleda. Made with almond kernel oil and arnica extract. Natural ingredients smooth wrinkles, strengthen capillaries and increase elasticity. The tool is recommended to be used from the moment of conception until the end of lactation. It has only a preventive effect.

  • Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy Bio Oil. The product is designed for "adult" dry skin. Regular use of the oil makes the stretch marks less noticeable, their color turns pale, and the surface evens out. Contains oil of calendula, chamomile, rosemary, lavender, as well as vitamin A and E. The oil is actively absorbed without leaving any residue.

In order not to think about how to get rid of stretch marks, it is better to make every effort so that they do not appear at all. After all, damaged skin is very difficult to restore at home. Therefore, if you plan to get ahead of the enemy, choose which oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is right for you, and start intensive care of your skin.

Many women are familiar with the problem of stretch marks after pregnancy. However, thanks to a special selection of medicines, it is possible to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin. In order to understand how to act, we will analyze the causes of such damage, find out which oils help to cope with scarring on the skin and consider the precautions for using them.

Features and Benefits

The reasons for the appearance of damage to the dermis during pregnancy are very different. It is common for the female body to adapt to external circumstances or internal factors of irritation. The skin has a protective function, due to which, under adverse conditions, it takes a hit on itself. The epithelium can easily stretch - this is due to the collagen fibers inside the skin.

When the constrictions are too sharp and large, the skin cannot cope with the load and then the inner layers can collapse, as a result of which stretch marks are formed - scars that are saturated with microleaks, brightening over time.

The main reason for the appearance of such injuries is, of course, the increasing load on the abdomen. From a strong constriction, microscopic damage appears on the skin of the abdomen. This is not the norm, but due to certain factors.

The most common:

  • changes in the hormonal structure of the female body. During pregnancy, progesterone is actively produced, which stops the production of collagen and elastic fibers. In this case, the skin abruptly loses its elasticity and becomes too thin, due to which damage to the skin easily occurs;
  • heredity. At the DNA level, such indicators as the properties of the skin, the predisposition of the dermis to wrinkles, and the rate of aging of the body are laid down. It is inherited from older generations. This also includes the elasticity of the skin, and the possibility of stretch marks on the surface of the dermis.

But in addition to internal mechanisms that a person cannot control, there are external factors:

  • a sharp weight gain;
  • lack of a healthy diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • age from 30 years.

In this case, an integrated approach to improving your body helps to avoid stretch marks. This applies to changing nutrition, maintaining the activity of the body, obtaining the entire spectrum of vitamins for the skin.

A well-known fact: the epidermis receives vitamins and microelements at the very last turn, so it must be nourished with additional oil masks.

Features of oils that cope with stretch marks:

  • 100% natural base needed during pregnancy;
  • natural composition without additional chemical compounds;
  • softness of action;
  • nice smell;
  • availability.

Benefits that should be emphasized: thanks to the completely natural composition, the oils can be used everywhere. Side effects occur only with individual intolerance to the components. However, vitamins and minerals act naturally on the skin, activating internal reserves, which contributes to its recovery.

Types and properties

Oils are the perfect remedy for any kind of skin damage. The main criterion when choosing a concentrate for pregnant girls is the naturalness of the composition.

Common natural stretch marks helpers:

  • sunflower oil is the most sought after product in the world. Used for food and cosmetic purposes. For the body, this is a great natural relief for dryness. The plant extract contains oleic acid in large quantities, which affects the regenerating functions of cells and restores the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis;

  • almond concentrate is the safest way to take care of your skin. A whole vitamin complex in the composition promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, regulates water-salt metabolism in cells and strengthens protective functions. Due to this, the appearance of stretch marks is minimized. Linseed, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn and sesame oil have the same effect;

  • palm and coconut extract- able to reduce stretch marks that have already appeared, as safe as possible for mothers. The huge content of vitamin E in their composition protects the structure from subsequent damage. The skin is smoothed and acquires uniformity and a healthy color;

  • peach ether- able to nourish the skin with essential trace elements and vitamins. Due to which the skin becomes radiant and able to support heavy loads;

  • jojoba extract - volatile compounds in the composition are able to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, maximally supporting fat metabolism inside the cells. With the help of such a tool, you can provide first aid to damaged skin;

  • apricot oil - tones and restores the internal protective mechanisms of the skin. Due to the hypoallergenic composition, it can also be used by young children and expectant mothers. Suitable for any type of epidermis. Also, ether is often used in the basis of cosmetics and perfume compositions - it is a natural preservative and contains vitamins that are necessary for the elasticity of the dermis;

  • cocoa- base oil, like coconut oil, has a huge amount of minerals and fatty acids. Penetrating into the epithelium, the elements help to restore all its layers in the shortest possible time;

  • Argan oil - the best way to fight stretch marks. The oil composition of such a concentrate breaks all records in terms of the number of useful properties. The skin becomes moisturized, saturated with nutrients, protected from external influences. In addition, the oil has a brightening effect - stretch marks become colorless, and with regular use of the oil, they disappear;

  • wheat germ extract- is able to restore skin radiance and supports the nutrition of dermal cells with beriberi;

  • avocado oil- is the champion in the amount of fatty acids, which is so necessary for a girl during pregnancy;

  • walnut extract can promote the healing of microcracks, it is absolutely safe for daily use;

  • Shea Butter- has a pleasant smell, can remove dry skin and restore elasticity. With frequent use, it will help prevent the appearance of cracks and stretch marks on the skin.

  • cedar extract and pomace from grape seed - able to boost immunity. Means affect not only the skin, but also the general condition of the body. Volatile substances in the composition can soothe irritated dermis and relieve stress from the body.

Also, expectant mothers can use essential oils:

  • wheat germ;
  • black cumin;
  • rosewood;
  • sandalwood;
  • orange. The extract is one of the components when wrapping or masks.

Volatile esters that should not be used during pregnancy and lactation:

  • ginger;
  • mint extract;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • nutmeg concentrate;
  • Cedar oil;
  • oregano.

Separate cosmetic oils can also be used to maintain skin tone. For expectant mothers, special solutions are produced, which are obtained in a natural way from natural ingredients. For skin care with stretch marks for pregnant women, the following products are recommended:

  • Weleda oil- manufacturers tried to ensure that the complex of vitamins penetrated immediately into the skin after application, thus creating the preparation of the epithelium for heavy loads. Physiological changes can affect the skin with stretch marks, and thanks to the almond extract and wheat germ oil included in the composition, the product can be used as a prophylaxis against stretch marks;

  • Johnson's Baby- accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, tones and saturates the dermis with moisture. Natural oils can be added to the lotion and used as a base for masks.

How can I apply

In order for oil extracts to act as efficiently as possible during pregnancy, without negative consequences, you can use little tricks:

  • apply concentrates in a circular motion, gently rubbing them into problem areas of the dermis. In the thigh area, you can use the drainage effect - lightly pinch and pat the skin;
  • use natural type oils daily, but compounds with esters twice a week;
  • when buying a remedy for stretch marks - check your body for allergic reactions. To do this, before applying to problem areas of the body - drop the mixture on the wrist, then wait 12 hours. If after this time there is no redness or itching, then the remedy can be easily applied. When choosing, you should focus on individual preferences;
  • purchased and opened body creams and bottles of oils are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than two months.

Homemade body creams based on natural oils should be used within a few days, or use dark bottles with a sealed lid - this way the shelf life can be extended to several weeks.

Oils can be used not only as a basis for creams. For example, there are other unusual uses:

  • compresses on areas of skin damage. This method helps to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen in a short time. Safe during pregnancy;
  • taking baths with oil extracts prevent stretch marks and nourish the dermis. In this case, the whole body receives hydration and protection from negative effects;
  • wraps help to prevent skin aging at the internal levels. This method is also used to prevent beriberi.

How to DIY

The preparation of special means for getting rid of stretch marks can be done at home. The main thing is to follow a small list of rules:

  • you can not use metal dishes in which there will be oils, since esters are oxidized when interacting with iron oxide;
  • for proper mixing, it is necessary to first combine the esters of oils, and only then mix the base;
  • it is necessary to mix the oils until a homogeneous consistency;
  • the final mixture should be stored in a refrigerator in a glass container;
  • you should check the expiration date of the product - if there is an unpleasant smell, the oil can no longer be used.

For the first solution for stretch marks you will need:

  • olive oil - 25 ml;
  • lavender extract - 5 ml;
  • orange tree ether - 5 ml;
  • geranium oil concentrate - 5 ml.

This composition has antiseptic properties. It must be rubbed into the skin daily, without washing off after. The mixture is able to regenerate skin cells, turn on energy exchange within the dermis, and eliminate stretch marks.

The second oil composition may include:

  • castor oil - 25 ml;
  • orange extract - 5 ml;
  • neroli oil - 10 ml;
  • lavender ether - 5 ml.

  • Johnson's Baby suitable for delicate skin that has already suffered from all kinds of scars and needs gentle care. Thanks to its hypoallergenic form, the oil easily penetrates inside and restores damaged skin areas.

  • Emulsion Frei has proven to be an excellent remedy for stretch marks. For example, this oil can be used from the third month of pregnancy in order to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Thanks to jojoba extract, chamomile ether and wheat germ concentrate, it creates an excellent basis for nourishing and restoring the skin.

  • Another excellent composition is presented by the company HiPP. The product includes several effective oils - jojoba, almond and sea buckthorn, which prevent stretching of the epidermis. The emulsion must be applied from the second month of pregnancy.

  • Stretch Mark Remedy Bubchen presented on the market in large bottles. The composition includes jojoba, almond and rosehip oils, which restore the elasticity of the dermis, eliminate stretch marks and small scars on the skin. The mixture can be used for dehydration of the epithelium and its peeling. Initially, the brand was developed for children.

Pregnancy is a completely new and such a wonderful stage in a woman's life. But along with joyful emotions and anticipation of the birth of a small miracle, extra pounds also come. The hormonal background during these months undergoes strong changes, leaving unaesthetic "traces" on the skin - stretch marks. In the field of medicine, these purple or white stripes on the abdomen, chest and thighs are called "stretch marks".

It is much easier to deal with stretch marks in the very early stages, when barely visible stripes have just begun to “settle” in problem areas. But it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to use any chemicals and potent drugs! A different approach is needed here. A very popular essential oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.

Striae, except for their unattractive appearance, do not cause any inconvenience to a woman. But this is already quite enough for a young lady who is especially sensitive during pregnancy to lose her peace of mind.

Stretch marks appear due to a sharp increase in body weight. And the skin, stretching as the fat layer increases, leaves traces in the form of stripes. At first they have a burgundy or purple hue, and over time they become whitish. And it is almost impossible to get rid of white striae - only by resorting to cosmetic methods and surgical interventions. Therefore, in order not to take it to the extreme, our task is to start strengthening the skin as early as possible!

Since many procedures are prohibited for pregnant women, you should choose a method that is safe for both the baby and the mother. And judging by the positive reviews, the oil from stretch marks during pregnancy, although not able to completely get rid of them, but somewhat underestimate their visibility - easily! The active substances in the composition of the oils put a kind of "shield" on the upper layer of the skin, giving it elasticity and smoothness. And on healthy strong skin, stretch marks do not appear.

But even high-quality natural ingredients in the composition of oils against stretch marks can harm pregnant women! Therefore, carefully read the contraindications for each remedy.

Contraindications to the use of oils

Not every oil is suitable for use by a pregnant woman. In an "interesting" position, do not use products derived from the following plants:

  • cedar;
  • chamomile;
  • parsley;
  • basil;
  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • thyme;
  • sagebrush;
  • nutmeg;
  • rose;
  • sage.

These oils can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, causing uterine contractions and bleeding.

But even those anti-stretch marks oils that are approved by doctors for use cannot be used in a higher concentration than 1% (3-4 drops per 2 large spoons of the base). But after the baby is born, all prohibitions are lifted. Now any oil mixture can be prepared at a higher concentration - up to 2%.

Effective oil blends for stretch marks

In its pure form, oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is not used. A few drops of the product must be diluted in the base - massage creams and lotions. You can use "drugs" both to eliminate newly formed stretch marks, and for prevention purposes. The following oils are good for stretch marks:

  • Almond. The sweet aroma of the oil makes the massage not only useful, but also extremely pleasant. The skin becomes toned and smooth.
  • Peach. The oil relieves irritation on the skin, regenerates and moisturizes.
  • Caraway. It is often taken orally - but not during pregnancy! Light massages will help in prevention.
  • Olive. It is a natural storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
  • Sea buckthorn. The components in the composition have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Shea Butter. Active substances create a strong lipid barrier on the skin - no stretch marks are scary.
  • Corn. The skin becomes more elastic.

Especially popular against stretch marks are almond, peach and olive oils. It is they who become the basis for many folk recipes that future mothers resort to.

Each of the oils can be used both as an independent agent, and in a mixture with other components. Here are some popular, time-tested oil blends for treating and preventing stretch marks:

  1. Almond (4 tablespoons) + orange (2 drops) + lavender (2 drops).
  2. Peach (4 tablespoons) + lavender (2 drops) + neroli oil (2 drops).
  3. Peach (4 tbsp.) + orange (1 cap.) + jojoba oil (1 tbsp.).

It is not difficult to prepare oil mixtures, the main thing is to stir them thoroughly to get a uniform composition. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Use only metal utensils to mix ingredients.
  2. Mix the essential oils first, then the base oils.
  3. After preparing the mixture, pour the liquid into a glass container.
  4. If the composition is rancid, it can no longer be used.

To feel the healing effect of oils, combine fragrant massages and baths with light physical exercises - the skin will be toned and elastic.

Massages and oil baths

To combat stretch marks or for prevention, light massages and warm baths are more often used.

If possible, special massages are best done in a beauty salon. The masters here will select the desired composition of the mixture and make the procedure according to all the rules, without harming your health.

Apply the oil mixture to problem areas - thighs, chest, abdomen, arms. Massage even those places where stretch marks are not yet visible. Movements are light, without pressure and rubbing. This technique proved to be excellent in practice - with your thumb, middle and forefinger, lightly pinch the skin, and then release. The skin will become more elastic in this way - it will not be afraid of either stretch marks or cellulite.

Having decided to take baths with oils, do not overdo it - high water temperature and a strong concentration of active substances are unacceptable during pregnancy! In order for the oils to be evenly distributed in the volume of water, additionally add sea salt or herbal decoction here. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, then wipe the skin dry.

At first glance, it seems that stretching the skin does not represent anything terrible. And indeed, they do not harm health, they are not a symptom of some dangerous pathology, they do not threaten life in any way? Why, then, are many looking for a unique oil for stretch marks during pregnancy? And all because the defects of the skin that appeared during the period of bearing a child are the main cause of constraint and complexes.

According to many doctors, surgical intervention in this case can provoke serious complications. It is not worth exposing yourself to risks if you can choose the best stretch mark remedy that will be effective.

How oils work

In medical science, strips of different lengths and trajectories that form on the surface of the skin during childbearing are called striae. They can appear on any part of the body, but the hips, shoulders, chest, and abdomen are most often affected. For prevention, you can use various means, substances of natural origin are especially popular among expectant mothers.

The main cause of stretch marks is the intensive growth of tissues, this occurs faster than the epithelium has time to form. Over time, it simply becomes thinner and torn, not entirely attractive scars form in the affected areas. A similar phenomenon occurs not only during pregnancy, but can also be the result of hormonal failure, a sharp increase in body weight or weight loss. Everything you need to choose the right cosmetic product, focus on the reviews of those who have already used it.

How do essential oils work on the skin? When applied to the skin, they penetrate deep into the skin within a few seconds and begin to have a healing effect. If, for example, take flaxseed, then it contributes to:

  • renewal of the cellular composition;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • smoothing the skin.

Be prepared to get rid of aesthetic defects quickly. In this case, the most important thing is to show patience, perseverance, perseverance. The search for a suitable remedy must be approached very seriously, and most importantly with caution.

The advantage of fatty oils is that they are of natural origin. They do not contain dyes or preservatives. You can not worry about the health and development of your child, there will be no negative impact. By the way, products made from jojoba, wheat germ, are great to use early in pregnancy.

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Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy - what are its benefits, other varieties

If we talk about the remedy for stretch marks, made from olives. It is valued for its content of vitamin E, which helps not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also regenerate tissues. The tool protects the skin from destruction, moisturizes and smoothes. There are other types of nutrient fluids that have different effects. For example:

  • almond oil - nourishes, softens, does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • coconut - is used not only to prevent stretch marks, but also to combat scars that have already appeared;
  • peach - activates regeneration processes, in addition, refreshes and softens the skin;
  • cocoa - copes well not only with newly formed stretch marks, but also with old ones. In fact, the fatty substance is an active antioxidant, moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic;
  • grape seed oil - perfectly copes with nutrition, moisturizing the skin, increases elasticity, effectively protects against the appearance of stretch marks.

Be sure to know what is prohibited for those who are carrying a child. This is because the drugs promote uterine contractions. We are talking about chamomile, rosemary, mint, wormwood, sage. This is not the whole list.

In communication with expectant mothers, you can learn about the benefits of oils such as apricot, argan, castor. But it is not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor, because each woman has her own characteristics that must be taken into account in the selection of a remedy for stretch marks. The same applies to fatty compounds made from rose hips. With their use, you can not only do massages, but also take baths, if this is not contraindicated, thereby having a positive effect on the body as a whole.

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Description of oil from stretch marks during pregnancy Weleda and not only

Expectant mothers are encouraged to use not only herbal products, which are 100% natural and safe, but also oils from well-known brands that have additional components that enhance the positive effect.

  1. Weleda is a favorite among moms all over the world. It is made on the basis of wheat germ oil, almond oil and arnica flower extract. The use of this complex allows not only to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also to get rid of those that have already appeared. Already after the first application, cell regeneration begins. It can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Bio Oil - perfectly copes with the restoration of skin that has lost its elasticity and attractiveness. Its action is aimed at reducing the visibility of microtraumas of the skin, getting rid of bluish / purple stripes, and evening out the tone. The oil can be used to reduce age-related changes in tissues, soften rough skin, and saturate it with moisture.
  3. Johnsons baby - originally this cosmetic product was intended for children, but over time, women also liked it. In combination with other ingredients, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin affected by stretch marks.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are really a lot of “tools” for dealing with ruptures of collagen fibers, a doctor will help you make the right choice, as well as reviews of women who have already used one of them and were satisfied.