The name of the women's clothing boutique is a list. How to choose an original name for a clothing store

For the successful implementation of an entrepreneurial idea, the project manager must think through each stage of its formation. A responsible approach to organizational issues will help to avoid failure and reduce the risks inherent in a functioning business. Particular attention should be paid to the name of the project, since its characteristics affect the formation of reputation, as well as the process of attracting customers.

How to come up with a store name women's clothing

How to come up with a name for a women's clothing store so that it becomes its active advertising tool? To give a spectacular name to the project, it is necessary not only to connect imagination, but also to take into account a number of rules, the implementation of which will help to give the store elements of originality and attractiveness.

How to name a women's clothing store: options for successful trading

The name of a women's clothing store should be distinguished by a simple pronunciation that attracts the attention of those who hear it.

  • age;
  • gender;
  • social status;
  • solvency level;
  • personal preferences.

Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose the name of the project on their own. Therefore, before getting down to business, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main aspects of selection, which are the science of naming. If the project manager is not able to master the theoretical norms, then he is not entitled to seek help from professionals who, in accordance with the requests, requirements and desires of the entrepreneur, will promptly select an excellent name. Having studied the proposed list of names for a women's clothing store, an entrepreneur will surely choose the right one for his project.

Women's clothing store name: original and simple

It's nice to visit clothing stores with exclusive and memorable names. It seems that there is nothing easier than to come up with a big name for the project so that everyone who hears about it can be interested in it. However, in practice it turns out to be more difficult. To give elements of originality to the name of the store, one should not forget that even professionals rely on a certain order in their work, the use of which greatly simplifies the procedure.

Knowing several naming techniques will allow the entrepreneur to quickly cope with the task.

Word combination

The name of the project will sound spectacular if you combine it from several words. Initially, the name of the store may seem incomprehensible, and even strange, but it will certainly be unique, unusual and memorable. For a word combination, words from any spoken language can be used. It is desirable that a potential buyer can understand what he can buy by visiting a store with a creative name.

An alternative option for creating a subject name obtained in a similar way is to combine two different words into a single word. The result is obvious, since the selection of the constituent elements of the name must be carried out in accordance with the principle of understandability. Customers, after reading the sign, become closer to the seller, because they understand what he can offer them.

The secret of a successful business lies not only in the business acumen of an entrepreneur, a large assortment of goods or a huge investment. A well-formed store name is easy to remember and attracts customers like a magnet. An unsuccessful name can be a real disaster and negatively affect the company's reputation. So how do you come up with a store name?


The easiest, but costly way to come up with a good name is to turn to technologists in the field of “naming”. People who work in this field are professionally engaged in the selection of interesting (attractive, meaningful) names for companies, boutiques and stores.

The services of professionals will cost you a lot, but in some cases it is worth spending money on a spectacular name. A bright sign and a catchy, memorable company name are the key factors influencing sales and the number of customers.

A bright sign and a catchy, memorable company name are the key factors influencing sales and the number of customers.

Dictionary to help

A good option to choose a melodic, beautiful name for the store is to turn to a foreign dictionary. The name of the product or service offered may sound interesting in English, French or Italian. Such names are remembered, sound new, stylish.

If you have decided on the name, be sure to consult with a specialist who knows the grammar rules of the chosen language (especially if the language is oriental). It will be annoying if you order a beautiful sign with the original name, which means something completely different from what you wanted to say.

Favorite characters

Interesting names of heroes from fairy tales or cartoons set customers on a positive wave from the very beginning. Remember your childhood, your favorite characters - perhaps you will immediately find a suitable topic. For example: a children's toy store can be called "Mermaid" or "Cinderella", a point of sale of electrical goods - "Electronic", making keys to order - "Golden Key".

How to come up with a name for a store? It can happen spontaneously, as the famous Steve Jobs did. He announced to his colleagues: "If you do not come up with a name for the future company, I will name it ...". And he looked at the apple that he had in his hand: "I will call her an apple ..." And he took a bite. What came of it - we all know.

Let's remember geography

Animals, natural objects, cities, plants can become the original name of your business. For example, the Jaguar parts store, the New York clothing boutique, and Waterfall home goods.

When choosing an interesting name, you can take legends, traditions and interesting stories a certain region. The main thing is understanding the essence of the name, working out all possible options and associations. After all, it is clear that the name "Titanic" today is not associated with power and strength. The unfortunate ship that sank in 1912 immediately comes to mind.

What is your name?

You can name the store using your first name, your last name, old, melodic names. However, the signs "At Elena's" or "Visiting Fyodor" will not surprise customers, they only suggest roadside cafes. In order for the name to stand out among the mass of similar companies, it is important to approach the process with a creative mood.

In order for the name to stand out among the mass of similar companies, it is important to approach the process with a creative mood.

Let's try to consider variations of names and surnames in a foreign way. Score menswear Smirnoff, Pani Monica shop. Translate, look at beautiful names in foreign languages, combine several options - the original name will definitely come.

Remember the rules

You can easily choose a name for a store, taking into account the basic rules outlined by experts. In the search for consonant names, we adhere to the following basics:

  1. Ease to remember. Visual memory is well developed in almost all people. A potential customer, looking at an attractive store sign, will immediately remember it and ask what is inside.
  2. Conciseness. Do not make complex names that combine a group of words. The maximum number is 2-3 short words a. The sign "Here you can buy pork" will seem stupid and ridiculous.
  3. Consider translation. In some countries, Russian words denote unexpected and often unpleasant things. Over time, your company may go international, and foreign partners may be shocked by the name of your company. For example, among the Arabs, “Kis-kis” means a call to sexual action, and the Russian name “Galina” in Italian means “chicken”.
  4. Associations. It is important that the name of the store matches its theme. Seeing the name of the store for fishermen "Olimp", many will be interested in what is sold at this point. But the name "Carp" or "Catch" is immediately associated with fishing.
  5. . Sadly, many people forget to check how many companies with a similar name already exist in the city. And if this is acceptable for a big city, then two Antoshka stores located on the same street in a small village are overkill. Use legal expertise or don't be lazy, type your "original" name into the search box and look at the results.


If the name of the store is already ready, do not rush it - wait for the time. Perhaps in a week you will not like it or will cause negative associations, and it will be too late to correct the situation. It is important to stick to common sense and not be too sophisticated in originality - the name of the store can turn out to be such that it will not be possible to pronounce or remember it.

Go ahead and remember: what will you call the ship ... Perhaps the name "Fortune" is not very original, but it brings good luck!

The name of the store is a complex but important part of the business. It will become the main identifier among competitors and important point to be recognized by customers. Success will depend on the name and the chosen development strategy. There are magnet names that attract customers. You can choose such a name yourself or use the services of specialists.

It is recommended to come up with several names, and then consult with others. If a store logo has already been invented, then the name can be attached to it. It will influence the formation of a positive reputation and the process of attracting customers.

The name for an online store is chosen in the same way as for a regular one. But it is worth remembering that it must match the domain name, that is, be free.

Work of professionals

Some do not even suspect that there is a whole direction called naming (English "name"). The Namegis are well aware of the psychology of buyers and the basics of marketing, which allows them to come up with a name to attract buyers the most. You can find them in advertising agencies or on freelance exchanges.

To pay for services will require from 2000 rubles. A more accurate price depends on the company and the experience of the selected employee. If he has experience working with well-known brands, then the fee reaches 20 thousand. Naming services on the site, popular for freelancers, are estimated at around 15 thousand.

You can create a contest on In most cases, the fee for the name does not exceed 3 thousand. An economical option would be a contest-survey in social networks. Additionally, it will attract new customers. However, for a beautiful name, you will have to "go broke" for a prize for the winner.

A great store name can turn out not only for a professional, but also for a beginner. But it is worth remembering that naming is a labor-intensive and tedious process that requires the possession of certain knowledge.

Self naming

Name selection is creative pursuit where you can try your hand. Entrepreneurs who decide to save on the name of the store must take into account the principles of its creation.

We warn you right away that the ideal result will not work in 10 minutes of thinking. Don't make rash decisions. A high probability of obtaining an attractive name appears when several naming tools are combined.

Brainstorming is a powerful tool

Brainstorming is considered the most effective technique. It consists in searching for the name of a company of people, which allows you to consider the issue from different angles. Not all people are able to see and admit their mistakes, especially when they are sure that the invented version is ideal.

On the other hand, others will support an idea that may seem mediocre. The main condition is a serious atmosphere and the desire of those present to help in choosing the best name.

foreign words

Good names are obtained from foreign words. An example is the sweets "Bonjour", which is translated from French as "good afternoon", and the online store "bon prix" as " good price". There are many similar examples. Beautiful names from foreign words look stylish and intriguing.

After choosing a name, it is better to consult a person who knows the language from which the concept is borrowed. Sometimes words are used incorrectly or they have multiple meanings. It is also important to take into account the correct sound and the presence of articles.

Merging multiple words

Merging words will help reflect the scope of work. You need to play with words to get an exclusive name. For example, a pet store can be called "LapUsik" (paw + mustache). It is clear that the store sells products for owners of paws and mustaches.

Interesting, but no longer original, will be the names of tea and coffee shops "Chaykoff", "Chaykofsky". The last name can also be attributed to the following method.

Use of first and last names

Stores are often called by simple names: "Mashenka", "Misha's", "Victoria", etc. The owner decides to glorify his own name or his relative. Similar names can be rated at three, as it is unattractive. This ordinary option does not allow you to stand out among hundreds of other stores.

You can use a surname or foreign names. The best option would be a surname that reflects the direction in trade - "Medoff", "Tsvetkoff". For the basis, they use the leading product and, on its basis, come up with a name. Write down all options and choose the best one.

If it is difficult to come up with a beautiful name, then you can immerse yourself in a pleasant environment: turn on pleasant music and think about what your store will give people. The associations that appear are written down on a piece of paper, and then they are selected.


The names of geographical and natural objects - rivers, countries, areas, etc. sound good. For example, the store of draft beer "Bavaria", children's clothing "Aist", summer clothing "Malibu", hunting goods "Brown Bear".

You can use the features of the country or locality. Almost everywhere there are unofficial names of the districts, some places are legendary. In Donetsk, there is a beer shop "Dobry Shubin" named after the character of mine folklore. Scotland's local brands associated with the Loch Ness monster are a prime example.

Fairy tale and literary characters

Fairy-tale heroes can be a great name for specialty stores:

  • "Freken Bok"- hardware store;
  • "Elena the Wise"- book;
  • "Mowgli"- children's toys;
  • "Winnie the Pooh"- sweets.

The buyer remembers the good old fairy tales that mom used to read before going to bed. Such names will tune in a good-natured way.

Popular quotes from films or books, puns and popular expressions based on them have the same effect.

Basic requirements for a store name

You can name the store with any word you like. However, it must meet certain requirements:

  • euphony. Each combination of sounds and words is emotionally colored with a semantic load. You don't have to be an expert to identify a melodic and pleasant combination. Professionals have more gradations. They know how to express openness, tenderness, masculinity, accessibility with a sound range.
  • Memorability. The name should stand out from the competition, and sometimes be provocative.
  • semantic correspondence. Remembering the names without an assortment, the buyer will not go to the store a second time.
  • Legality. The name must be free to register.
  • visual clarity. After choosing a name, you need to present it on a billboard. The letters should not be confused - "l" and "m", "c" and "u".
  • advertising perspective. The logo and slogan should be easy to fit under the name.

Brevity is called the sister of talent. A fancy name that is original but difficult to pronounce would not be the best choice for a store name.

To check exclusivity, you can enter a name in the search bar and make sure that competitors do not use it. You should not use the popular prefixes "top" and "vip" - the name will be lost among analogues. It is important that the name evokes desired and attractive images from buyers. They will not only visit the store, but also recommend it to their friends. Word of mouth will start working.

Poor visual perception of a word that consists of letters that do not go beyond the line: o, a, s, k, p, t, l, f. The name must contain letters containing elements that fall outside the line: f, d, c, b, p. Marketers believe that the presence of the letter "and" in the word causes feelings of insignificance or second-rate. The presence of more than 5 characters complicates memorization.

Clothing store for men and women

When a person is asked about the number of famous brands, he will name 10-15, but quickly remember only 2-3. Similarly, with the shops that he visits in his area. It is important that the name is easy and memorable. Of course, the store gets fame not only due to the name, but also due to promotion methods, brand recognition and the presence of good goods.

  • foreign word - "Top Fashion", "Brand Fashion", "New Look", "Fashion house", "Dresscode";
  • descriptive titles - "Your Style", "Fashion City", "Pretty Woman", "Lady", "Wardrobe";
  • geographical name - "Avenue", "Valencia";
  • pun - "DzhemSvit" (jumper), "Freshion" (fresh - fresh, fashion - fashion);
  • neologisms - "Getwear" (to wear).

For an online store, a laconic name with a positive meaning is used - "4 seasons", "Charm", "Fashionable thing", "Carino", "Lady Mart".

It should correspond to the level of prices, floor space, assortment, age and social status of the target audience.

A successful marketing strategy allows a business with an unsuccessful name to achieve success - Harm's (H&F) from English. "evil", but the addition of a suffix and an apostrophe changed the situation. Oh, My is a light and beautiful name.

Women's clothing store

For a women's clothing store, you can use the following approaches:

  1. The combination of syllables of the names of the founders - "Marco".
  2. Add the prefix off - "Creatiff", "Brukoff".
  3. Shorten words or use an abbreviation - “TIK” (You And Beauty), “BTB” (Be Better Be The Best), “Tata” (Tatiana).
  4. A descriptive name with a positive accent is "Elegant", "Style", "Fashionista".
  5. Tie to geography - "Little Paris".
  6. Play with words - "MaRUSiya" (emphasis on "rus" - Russian production).
  7. Neologisms - "Rassana", "Druzhestik".

To make the name attractive, some errors should be excluded:

  • Use hackneyed personal names - "Elena", "Karina".
  • Use words with difficult pronunciation or incomprehensible meaning - "Minerva" (goddess of wisdom), "Miscellaneous" (from English mixed).
  • Change famous brands- Abibas.
  • Words with a double meaning or negative perception - "Teremok" (something childish, not adult), "Debut" (incompetence), "Swell", "Soul".
  • The name that does not correspond to the profile is “Royal” (irrelevant for a store in the basement), “Passage” (this is a covered gallery between two streets, and not a cramped room in a shopping center).
  • Use banal foreign words - "Violette".

In addition to an attractive name, you should come up with a creative slogan that will attract customers and motivate them to buy things.

Lingerie store

Women's lingerie stores often bear female names ("Margarita", "Anna", "Maria"), flower names ("Orchid", "Lily"), or simply beautiful words("Silhouette", "Caprice"). The listed options do not carry a semantic load - this can be called perfumery, flower shops, beauty salons. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use such names, then it is better to supplement them and make them more original - “Night violet”, “Lily of the valleys”, “Lady's whim”.

The name should correspond to the style of the interior - "Boudoir" (retro), " women's secret» (classic style in gentle tones).

You can beat the name of the material or components of lingerie ("Openwork", "Lace", "Pajamas", "Silk and Velvet").

Carefully use erotic backgrounds - "Emmanuelle", "Empire of Passion", "Kitty's Salon". The titles will attract a male audience, but women may be deterred. If the assortment consists of classic things, then the names should not have sexual associations. Women like the names "Vorozheya", "Cute", but "Thin matter" or "Transparent hint" are unlikely to make them regular customers.

The name should be soft and feminine. It is not necessary to use growling sounds (s, h, s), which toughen the sign.

Men's clothing store

The name for a men's clothing store should be aimed at the target audience and inspire confidence. To check the selected option, you can interview potential customers. The name should be in harmony with the concept, assortment, style and price category. A small shop called "World of Style" will not be successful. Bad associations are caused by the words "Dude", "Alphonse", "Macho", "Egoist", "Provocateur". It is not recommended to use banal names - "Fashion for men", "Don Juan", "Cavalier", "Look". Successful options include "Dandy", "El Bravo", "Casanova", "Oscar". The presence of a franchise greatly simplifies the choice of name: VD one, TOM TAILOR.

Children's clothing store

The name should target two audience groups: children and their parents. You need to develop a name in several stages:

  • identification of potential buyers;
  • study of competitors;
  • development of several titles;
  • testing the name on buyers;
  • selection of the best option.

There should be a capacious and beautiful name that evokes only positive emotions.

Children quickly remember easy and concise names. If the product is designed for children of all ages, then "Baby" and "Baby" are irrelevant. The name should be universal - "Superman". Do not use abbreviations - the public should understand who this store is for.

Studies have shown that the processes of choosing clothes or shoes for children different ages excellent:

  1. from 0 to 3 years, the choice is made by parents;
  2. from 3 to 7, a small initiative of the child is shown, he draws on the choice of others;
  3. from 7 to 12 the child takes an active position and independently chooses the goods;
  4. from the age of 12 - a teenager, an emerging personality that requires self-expression.

The name of the store for the first category should be designed for parents, inspire in them a feeling of tenderness and love, which requires buying the best for the child.

The name for the third group should be focused on the child, emphasizing that he is not small.

The last group are teenagers who know the fashion and the cost of many things. They are not attracted by boring names, they tend to express themselves with the help of things. A good name would be "Seven Pockets" (unusual since pants have 2-3 pockets).

Perfume shop

A bright and juicy name should attract others and encourage them to visit it. The main target audience consists of females, so the name should emphasize the resulting effect - lightness, freshness, attractiveness. good options I will be "Sweetie", "Chic", "Coquette", "Charm".

When choosing, it is better not to use banal options, but to come up with an exclusive name. You should not dwell on the examples listed, you need to come up with your own.

You can use compound words:

  • noun with adjective - "Good fairy";
  • two adjectives - "The most beautiful";
  • adjective with a verb - "To be beautiful."

To increase the options resort to tricks. Two columns of words are written on a piece of paper and the words from one column are sorted out in turn with the words from the other (“Elitperfume”, “Aromamarket”).

You can use dictionaries of foreign words, having previously specified all the meanings of the selected words.

Shop products

Grocery Store Names Are Less Important Than Boutique Names fashion clothes. Visitors will be attracted by the reputation of the seller and the range of goods.

The sign must be memorable and catchy so that the buyer quickly remembers the name. Creative names cause a smile and positive emotions:

  • store positioning - "Around the corner", "First floor", "Middle";
  • adjectives that evoke pleasant associations - “Homemade”, “Delicious”, “Favorite”, “Own”;
  • message about the operating mode - "Round the clock", "Always with you";
  • goods sold - "Fruits and vegetables", "Butcher's shop", "For tea";
  • pricing policy - "Economy", "Budget", "Social".

It should be remembered that too creative name may have a negative impact. A store in a residential area should evoke associations of close and accessible. Larger retail outlets are named for the quality of the products they sell.

Jewelry shop

The Soviet names "Agate" and "Sapphire" are irrelevant today. They are interesting to people for whom novelty and originality is unimportant. The signboards indicating the specialization look trite - “Gold”, “Salon jewelry". The buyer transfers the boring name to the product. The name of the store should be original and arouse the interest of passers-by.

The main consumer of the jewelry store is girls over 18 years old. Even if the buyer is a man, he buys a product for a woman. Regardless of age and status, ladies want to have sophisticated and non-standard things.

The name should evoke the image of fine and exquisite jewelry, but be easy to remember. Salon names from wedding rings and exclusive diamonds should be excellent. Experts suggest using positioning words - "Ounce", "Gold", "Carat".

You can attract customers with the semantic load of the name - "Treasure Island", "Special Day".

The chosen name should be tested on acquaintances or potential customers. They should describe their associations when pronouncing the future name of the store.

Handmade gifts

In the title, it is necessary to emphasize not only the presence of products on different cases life, but also their origin ("Gifts from Just Maria"). There is a visual image of the heroine of the telenovela of the same name, which is engaged in heavy manual labor.

Foreign words can be used: Handmade + present = “Handmade present” (gift self made). In the title, you can use separate categories of goods - "Magic Wallet".

Flower shop

The sign should encourage passers-by to look inside. It should evoke a number of pleasant associations: stylish composition, luxurious bouquet, elegant packaging. The name should not be associated with perfume or jewelry.

Interesting names can be found in a color guide or a specialized encyclopedia. Name rare flower will give the store an aura of unusualness and mystery.

Naming does not advise using the words "floral" or "flowers". The name should not be "butter oil".

Online store name

The name of the Internet salon requires a more careful approach, since the consumer must remember not only the name of the store, but also its address.

Basic rules for an online store:

  1. The name must be one word. Users find it difficult to enter several words and do not know what to use as a separator: hyphen, underscore, write together. It is better to eliminate the error at the initial stage.
  2. The word must have a simple transliteration. Buyers speak different languages. You should not use the letters "u" and "g" - they do not have an unambiguous analogue in the Latin alphabet.
  3. Transliteration must be understood unambiguously. Often they confuse "n" and "h", "u" and "y", "s" and "c". Not everyone is able to distinguish two "v" from "w" or a capital "I" from a slender "l".
  4. You should not take words with the same spelling, but different meanings when changing the phonetic sound. Errors occur when trying to write words in Latin.
  5. It is recommended to use foreign words that are familiar to the Russian consumer - sale, market.
  6. Make sure you have a free domain with the appropriate name.

Developing a store name turns from leisure into hard work, requiring knowledge of the basics of marketing and consumer psychology.

Do not rush to choose a name for the store. The postponed option after some time will be unprofitable or "golden". A slow and balanced approach will help you choose a beautiful name without the involvement of marketers.

Decided to open your own store? You need to consider not only the assortment, location and markup level, but also give the outlet a suitable name. Let's figure out how to name the store correctly and why it is so important.


What name would you like for your store? Many novice entrepreneurs do not think about it, registering the first word that comes across with the relevant authorities. Then the understanding comes to them that they made a mistake, but it is already very difficult to correct it.

The art of naming companies and stores is called naming

The name of the store should be simple, memorable and beautiful. And it can also become additional free advertising and even a brand in the future. Therefore, never neglect the name for your new outlet - it is necessary to think over it before you go to register a new enterprise.

Note: the name of the store will be the first impression of the buyers about it. But if the store sells low-quality products, the impression will be spoiled and the store will go bankrupt.

That is why you should act as harmoniously as possible: the name creates the first impression, it is fixed by a beautiful sign and a wide range, and high-quality service makes the buyer come back to you again and again. Offer your customers a discount and they will never leave you for your competitors, even if they offer better conditions.

What should be the title

Since Soviet times, store names have not been creative. The tradition continued in Russian Federation. In almost every city you can see establishments named after the owners: “Natalie”, “Lana”, “Elena”. There are also “male” names: “At Seryoga”, “At Petrovich”, “At Givi”, etc. Also, stores with the names “Bread”, “Juice-Water”, “Mobile Phones” or “Products” have not gone away. These are, of course, simple and specific names, but remembering them is quite difficult. And in such stores there are usually few visitors - basically, they are visited only by locals.

Let's compare the name "Bakery" and "Little Red Riding Hood". Where would you go for fresh baked goods? Most people will choose the second option precisely because of the name. And if the pastries there are of really high quality, then the store will become a popular place in the city.

It should be understood that the original names of the stores may have nothing to do with its activities. As an example, the experience of the legendary Apple is interesting. The board of directors could not come up with a name for the future company for a long time. Jobs, taking an apple from a vase on the table, said that if they did not stop at any one name, then he would call it by the name of this fruit, after which he took a bite of it. As we all know, the company got the name Apple and the logo with an apple bitten off on one side.

Creativity should not border on vulgarity

Key rules for a good name

The science of how to make a beautiful and memorable name for a company or outlet is called “naming”.

Read also: How to name a children's clothing store: options

Several rules for composing names for a store There is even a special technology for composing sonorous names for brands - “naming”. Below we list a few key rules of this art:

  1. The shorter the better. Your company name should be one or two short words. No need to call the outlet "Sale of delicious and fresh dairy products." But “Burenka” is quite suitable for this.
  2. The name of the store must match the item being sold. If you sell beautiful forged products, then you can call your company “Hephaestus”. But this beautiful Greek name is completely inappropriate for a clothing or grocery store.
  3. The name should be easy to remember and easy to pronounce. No need to come up with something complicated, like Ilkulgan or a word with a lot of hissing (for example, Sersheif). People with speech defects simply will not pronounce it, and many simply will not remember such unusual names.
  4. Spelling and title foreign language should not cause various associations. For example, the Sewing store will be quite critically perceived by English-speaking citizens, and the innocent "Kis-Kis" for eastern residents will become an analogue of a sex shop, not goods for cats.
  5. The company name must be unique. Of course, it is tempting to call the point for the sale of food for fish and aquariums "Mermaid", but only in Moscow there are about 40 of them. This means that there will be confusion, and you can almost forget about promotion on the Internet. Especially if competing stores are located near you.
  6. You can describe your target audience in the naming. Such names as “Inexpensive overalls”, “Everything for the newlyweds”, “Militarist”, “Working canteen” have proven themselves well.
  7. Let the name settle. came up with interesting option? Wait a couple of weeks and look at it again. Perhaps it has become not so attractive? Discuss it with friends, colleagues and children, ask them to name the associations that came to their mind.

Here we have listed seven key tips on how to come up with a store name that will attract customers. Now let's look at how successful brands come up with.

How can you choose a name for a clothing store?

In the process of opening a clothing store, many entrepreneurs face the question: “What is the name of the clothing store?” The store needs more than just a name. The name should be sonorous, bright, memorable. Most businessmen do not attach much importance to this stage and give the store an ordinary name, similar to hundreds of other similar stores. But this is wrong.

The future of the store also depends on the name of the store. If this were not so, then naming would not exist now, marketers would not devote so much time to this issue. Therefore, in order to attract customers to your new clothing store, the name must be catchy, rare and appropriate to the range.

How to come up with an original name for any clothing store?

When choosing a name for each store, you need to consider its assortment. The name should correspond to the goods sold. If the store has all the clothes from Chinese suppliers, then the name "Fashion Italy" or "Italian" will be clearly losing.

If the store is multi-brand, then it will be quite difficult to come up with a name, since all the simplest and most banal phrases have already been sorted out by competitors. To simplify your task, you can rely on 7 groups.

Group 1: goods in general terms (clothes, fashion, style, outfit, style).

Group 2: scale (planet, world, country, gallery, home, salon, boutique).

Group 3: quality (economy, image, budget, exclusive, elite, class, chic, office, haute couture).

Group 4: relevance (stock, mania, discount, second-hand, collection, trend).

Group 5: division of the target group (by gender, age): lady, woman, macho, senior, teens, girl, drive, respectable, kid.

Group 6: product material / product group (linen, knitwear, coats, down jackets, dresses).

Group 7: buyers (family, with us, our own, ours, at home, to face).

You need to make a personal table with seven groups. Each of them should contain words that characterize your clothing store. Words from different groups are combined, and the desired option is selected by the selection method. But you can not use more than three words from each group. Maximum two.

With a monobrand store, everything is easier. Since he specializes in one brand, one brand of clothing, you can simply call him the same as the trademark. This provides two benefits at once:

1. No need to waste time and puzzle over the name, it is already ready.

2. Brands are on everyone's lips, therefore, if buyers come to the Mango clothing store, they know that they will find only clothes from one manufacturer here, that is, their campaign is purposeful.

The stock store has one trap. The fact is that everyone associates stock with second-hand (in most cases) and if you give it another banal name “European stock”, then buyers will simply pass by, thinking that another second-hand store has opened. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for a stock according to the principle of multi-brand stores, so as not to mislead buyers in advance.

When choosing a name for second-hand, it is better to focus on the fact that these are clothes for the lower and middle class of the population, that is, at low prices. Again, you need to avoid the standard names "Clothes by weight", "Just second-hand" and so on, and try to add a twist.

Naming and name generation

Naming is the creation of a name for a trademark, a specific company. His secret lies in understanding the idea, the advantages of a company or product, which allows you to deeply study the market, the target audience. After a detailed and thorough analysis, a phrase or word is created that fully meets the specified parameters and characterizes not only the assortment itself, but also the target group.

Naming has four stages.

1. Definition of goals, functional load, which should bear the name.
2. Selection of words that from all sides characterize the product, store. And from the proposed options, a suitable word is selected.
3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed name.
4. A check that identifies identical items.

The ideal result meets the following criteria:

1. Brevity
2. Significance
3. Uniqueness
4. Correct associations
5. A real opportunity to use it in different business areas

You can come up with a name yourself, or you can contact companies involved in naming. If in the second case everything is clear (the entrepreneur pays money to the company, gives it detailed information about the store and the target audience), then in the first case, you can work on ideas yourself, attract friends and relatives, arrange opinion polls on the Internet or, possibly, among future employees, and you can use special generators that select a lot of synonyms and sometimes give out really worthwhile options.

The main thing to consider some aspects:

1. Features of word formation
2. Perception of the name by buyers
3. Possibility of wrong association.

What is the name of the women's clothing store?

To successfully name your clothing store, you need to analyze the trend of competitors. What do they call women's clothing stores? Recently, more and more stores have appeared with borrowed names (Italian, French, less often Spanish). Women's names, it would seem, went through everything ("Angelica", "Beatrice"). You can come up with names associated with European fashion("Parisian"). But the assortment should be from Europe, not from China.

The following are good options:

  1. "Vaudeville"
  2. "Mieux"
  3. "Cozy"
  4. Best Brand,
  5. "Modesty"
  6. "Melisent".

When choosing a foreign word, you need to rely on a convenient pronunciation so that buyers do not have the question: “But how does it read ?!”

What is the name of the men's clothing store?

If you need to think about how to name a men's clothing store, then you should not overdo it. It is in this case that the rule “the simpler the better” applies. There is no need to invent any complicated foreign constructions. It is better to opt for simple but meaningful Russian words.

1. "Gentleman".
2. "Sir."

Try to avoid popular buzzwords like "Dude" or "Casanova". The reaction of male buyers will be mixed.

1. "Aesthete"
2. "Forward"
3. "El Bravo"
4. "Oscar"

Ideally, when the name of the men's store goes without the words "fashion", "style", "fashion" and so on.

What is the name of the children's clothing store?

Before you name a children's clothing store, you need to remember what can please children and be associated with them. Popular options are animals: "Buslik", "Bear cub".

But if you can come up with names for the women's and men's stores that would cover the entire age group, then here it is a little different. If the goods are designed for children aged 10 to 15 years, then they are unlikely to go to a store called "Baby".

Therefore, if there are goods for babies on sale, then the names will do: “Sun”, “Peter Pan” (for boys), “Little Fairy” (for girls), “Mischievous”, “Karapuzik”.

For older people, you can use characters from popular cartoons or fairy tales. They are, as a rule, well remembered not only for children, but also for parents.

1. "Kingdom"
2. "Superbabies"
3. Goofy
4. "Children's quarter"
5. "Wish Island"
6. "Lord"

How to name clothing stores with a specific product?

Coming up with a name for a clothing store for a specific target group (office workers, teenagers) can be easier than you think. Here the task is simplified by the fact that there is already a hint of the style of the store, its potential buyers.

For example, if this is a sportswear store, then parents of toddlers or older women will not look there. His customers will be, to a greater extent, young guys, athletes.

Therefore, the names need to be thought out, based on the style of the clothes being sold. For example, for a sports store, this could be "World of Sports", "Winner", "Sport Style".

If this is a business clothing store, then “Business style”, “Official” would be suitable options.

For a store with classic clothes, you can come up with many variations of the word “classic”: “Classic”, “Classic”, “classic style”, “Class”.

If a clothing store is aimed at young people, then you can insert slang words that are quickly remembered by teenagers, or something bright, dynamic: “Creative”, “Fresh”, “Impulse”, “Oxygen”, “Ozone”, “Drive”. The main thing is that the name should sound like a youth, not pretentious.

On the one hand, coming up with a name is not easy. You can choose for a long time, compose, ask your friends and, finally, make a choice, but then it turns out that such a store already exists and it is quite successful. And again go through all sorts of names until something appears that is not occupied by anyone and at the same time catchy. But to come up with a great name is really possible without the help of specialists. The main thing is to know what and to whom your clothing store offers.

Watch an interesting video about naming: