Secrets of seduction: the best pickup tips from the master. What is Pickup? Do I need a pickup for dating

0 In Russia, a pickup truck appeared relatively recently, although it is worth noting the fact that historically it happened that everything that associated with learning to get to know each other with the weaker sex we call Pickup. Before you go to classes to develop this wisdom in yourself, ask yourself this question, do you need it? Or maybe you can get acquainted without an omniscient guru, while saving a specie? And besides, if you have little money, you should not get acquainted with breathtaking beauties, there will be no point and you will lose the rest of your self-respect.

At one time, I myself was fond of Pickup. Therefore, I decided to write a short article about my impressions of attending various courses.
Imagine you come to a training, and some person starts telling you common truths, what does pickup mean. He himself looks fit, well-groomed, attractive (at least I had such a "teacher"), and around him are young people and teenagers, far from the most charming appearance. Guru begins to share with us his successes, how easy it is for him to get acquainted with girls. As for me, such an alpha does not need any tricks to drag a lady into bed.

Pickup(Pick Up) - this is a special art of seducing girls, they teach this wisdom to a pickup master

So, he starts to broadcast that for starters, it will be a big success, take the lady's phone. In addition, you need to communicate in such a way that she wants to see you again.
What I want to add on my own, it turns out that in order to stick some kind of maramoyka, you need to climb out of your skin, creep in front of her, like a lochosaurus. Here I have a sense of pride, and because of the vagina, I'm not going to become a clown.

Then he continues to explain what they say is necessary draw a girl into your world, open up to her, show that you are an interesting person and you will feel comfortable with you.
But what if I like to play computer games, for example, or ride a bike outside the city? How to involve her? Again, you need to climb out of your skin. What for? Again for the vagina? Cheaper to find a prostitute.

Continuing to explain, the guru says that the main task of a pick-up artist is not to have regular sex, but to make your Nyasha happy every day, and when the girl is happy then you will be in seventh heaven. And how do you imagine that? Do her Cooney anywhere and anytime?
Therefore, after listening to such a guru, I realized that This is not for me. I meet on mambe", and in the process of communication it turns out that the girl is ready for intercourse. It is clear that you need to write to several hundred persons of the opposite sex in order to get a worthy candidate for sex. It is also clear that the ladies are not beautiful, but give without problems. And most importantly, you know what?
It takes a minimum of time, since online communication can be combined with watching a movie or playing a game, and also for free.

Therefore, you drop these stupid ideas, what should you say so that she understands that you are smart, how to "squeeze" the girl you like. Just teach you how to "throw" girls. I don’t understand at all, why throw them if they give? Did you find better? So what? An alternate airfield is always needed, especially since they all have their periods. This one can't, but another will do.

I'll tell you an open secret, guys. Most Pickup trainings are so surprising in their stupidity that I don’t understand why they are needed at all. Although they probably have a purpose, to give courage to those who are afraid to even look at beautiful girl- nerds, nerds and other notorious teenagers.

You're asking, what exercises were given to us at the training?
Okay, I'll tell you a little secret.

For example, we were forced to go to the supermarket and harass the guards, pester them with claims, something like: "What are you standing here for, go to work, you get paid for this."

Stick to a stranger on the street and ask why she doesn’t have condoms and other garbage with her.

It's good to meet a girl in order to sing a song with her.

In addition, you need to behave in such a way that the lady sends you three letters or hits you.

Go to a cafe and go to the girls so that they treat you with something, at least a glass of coffee.

It is equally important to ask a stranger to kiss you, at least somewhere - on the neck, forehead, crown or lips.

You yourself understand that this is rather disgusting, after this I felt unpleasant. In general, in my opinion, young guys in these courses are made into some kind of asocial

For successful communication with the fair sex, you should sometimes use methods that are popularly called pick-ups. These are dirty tricks, but they work. It will be much easier for you to break female resistance if you resort to them. You can play fair with women and lose. And you can play dirty, but win. What will you choose?

Undermine the girl's confidence

Many girls turn up their noses unnecessarily in front of men. She is a princess that only a handsome millionaire deserves. Now we will lower it to the sinful earth. The following pickup method will come in handy for this. It is necessary to plant a seed of doubt in her beauty and qualities. Use jokes, jokes and dubious compliments. Say you've already seen a similar skirt today, her hairpin looks like your grandmother's jewelry, and her blouse is funny. A slight irony and she is no longer so sure of her attractiveness. You can hurt her personal qualities, intelligence or character. This should be done with humor and ease. Now the girl is not so good and no longer feels like a princess. Therefore, more vulnerable and accessible. It's a dirty pickup method, but it works with a bang.

Make the girl compete with others

Other in a good way to interest a girl is competition with other representatives of the fair sex. Even if they are imaginary girls. Mention other girls you know at ease, receive messages from them on social networks and calls. To do this, ask your familiar girls or friends. Let the girl know that you are in demand, even if this is not entirely true. Let the girl join the competition with mythical enemies. So it will be easier to break her resistance and fix it yourself.

Talk about feelings and program the girl for sympathy

This dirty pick-up method is the imposition of emotions and programming of the girl. Women are sensitive, so tell her about your love for animals, travel or hobbies. When a person is passionate about something, it is contagious. The girl involuntarily imagines herself in the place of this hobby. Ask, jokingly, if a girl fell in love with you? Does she think about you before bed? More conversations about relationships, emotional topics and feelings.

touch the girl

This is one of the main and main methods of pick-ups. Touch the girl as early and often as possible. Let her get used to your hands and become less shy. Give her a hand, touch different parts of her body, touch with your feet or shoulders. Touch the girl, and she will give you faster.

Unravel the girl's nerves

If you play dirty, then to the end. The girls are very emotional, which is good for you. A very effective method for a pickup truck is to build up the nerves and emotions of a girl. Angry or offend the girl, but not much. Now apologize and comfort her. Be kind and gentle. Such emotional swings will make the girl weaker and more vulnerable. Make a girl suffer periodically, and she will be yours.

If you've read this far, then you're ready to play dirty. In girls, honest tricks do not work, but good guys sleep alone. So play dirty and beat the prettiest chicks, bad boy.

« Pickup. Antidote” is a project that brings understanding, with the help of which a woman gains awareness of what is being done to her and how, and freedom of choice is born in awareness.

After reading the articles Why does the pickup work? ” and ““, you might be thinking, “Okay, I figured out that all he does is show off the False Alpha suit. But after a while, rose-colored glasses will fall off ... ".

Of course they will fall! Because the higher the status of a woman, the higher the intelligence. In order for the "rose-colored glasses" to remain in place, the pick-up artist introduces additional techniques into the Game. I call them "training" techniques.

What's the point? A pickup artist needs to force a woman invest as many resources as possible into a relationship. This is how our psyche works, no matter if it is male or female: the more we invest in something, the more expensive it is for us! And when a man is able to evoke the full range of emotions in us, then the attraction becomes even stronger. From hate to love is one step. Therefore, the pick-up artist begins to artificially stimulate emotions in order to tie a woman to himself. And, instead of giving only "positive" emotions, Player stimulate the whole range, including curiosity, jealousy, resentment, indignation, sadness, fear of loss.

Let's look under a microscope pickup truck tricks, forcing to see in the False Alpha a man of all life, for the sake of which a woman becomes capable of anything. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the techniques can be used in a light version or a heavy one - you can just touch it with a hammer, or you can bang your head. The strength of the blow depends on who holds the hammer in his hands. But the fact that in relations with a pick-up artist, “blows” are present- definitely.


One of the most important tools of the pickup master - keep waiting. During the "Attract" and "Close" stages, he came to meetings on time, in connection with this abrupt change will lead to a conflict, so it lengthens the lateness gradually. How he does it?

You agreed to meet at a restaurant at eight in the evening, you left in advance, at this time you receive an SMS with the text: "I'm late for half an hour." There is no point in returning home, so you come to the appointed place. At 20:30 the phone rings - he is in a traffic jam or he was kidnapped by aliens, but he will be in fifteen minutes. He usually arrives in half an hour. Pick-up artists try to keep the waiting time in the restaurant less than 1 hour. You don’t even notice, because this is the first time and he warned, so you wait.

The next round of development − waiting time increase.

"I'll come by tonight!" When asked to indicate the exact time, you receive a vague answer: “As soon as I get free, I will immediately.” Evening is a flexible concept, you are already ready for seven, it is not there at eight, and at nine, and even at ten. At first you don’t call or write - he’s busy, why bother him, but after ten you break down, an SMS comes in response: “I’ll be there soon.”

You started preparing for the meeting at six, he arrived at eleven, what are you doing those five hours? Correctly! Thinking about him. That's why they keep you waiting! They make you wait even with a phone call. You call, he doesn't answer, he calls back in ten minutes. What is happening at this moment? The thought involuntarily runs through: what is he doing? And you wait for the call back. It turns out that when he is late, you think about him and put emotions into it. When he doesn't call, you think about him. When he picked up the phone and said that he would call back - you think again! Why would he? The more we think about someone, the more emotions, the more we become attached to him.

The question arises: why is he not afraid of being sent? Answer: because there is a technique by which irritation disappears: appear unexpectedly. Sorry. You are giving a compliment.

Therefore, when he suddenly appears on the threshold with the words: “Forgive me! You're so beautiful! I miss you! ”, instead of giving him a brazen, you rejoice - like a dog. Sorry for the harsh comparison, but it's true, this technique suppresses to the state of an animal waiting for the owner. And some pickup masters have reached such a “level” of confidence that they don’t even say “sorry”, instead they jokingly bow their knees or look with a plaintive look. Enough compliment and the very appearance of the owner.

The next training method is lowering self-esteem.


Already expectation affects self-esteem, but in the arsenal of a pickup truck there are harder tricks. We have already talked about the Minus-Plus technique in the article “ Pickup basics. quick seduction". Negative compliments remain in the arsenal, but at the stage RELATIONS they add a new version. The player chooses something in you that he does not like, and constantly focuses on this:

If you lost five kilos, you would be perfect.

If you cut your hair (dye your hair, start wearing short, wear long, quit smoking, do fitness).

The list is endless!

He cares control your self-esteem. For what? If you try to please him, then he is above you. The main indicator of the effectiveness of technology: desire to meet the requirements. And when you lose weight or cut your hair or start wearing short, you get something like this in response:

Short dress? It suits you very well! But you look even better in a little black dress, hope to see you in one!

The second frequent trick for a pickup artist: intellectual pressure. He constantly uses words in his vocabulary that you do not understand:

Do you have haptophobia?

I have dystinia today.

You give me a frisson.

I'm a deviant.

After such words, you hang out and agree with his opinion. He is so smart! But the aftertaste remains he is smart, and you are the antonym of this word. In fact, in most cases this memorized phrases- a technique for lowering the victim's self-esteem and for raising one's own in the eyes of the girl.

Next reduction method − comparison with former.

Masha cooked better! And what a figure Lena had! Here Ira was much more liberated than you! But you are a good person.

You are trying to be better!

And one of the toughest types of demotion is the presence of a third party. By the way, it is far from a fact that he chooses between you and her, but he creates an appearance.

I can not decide. I see myself with you today, but I don’t see myself in my old age ...

He turns himself into a "prize" to fight for.

After applying such techniques, the victim's self-esteem drops over time, while a song from his own lips sounds in the background:

How lucky you are with me, how smart, beautiful and in demand I am.

By the way, many of them are very far from “beauty, intelligence and demand”. Along with a drop in self-esteem, the importance of the presence of this man in life grows, and the pick-up artist connects more powerful tricks. And all your friends are very surprised: “How do you meet such a strange guy?”.


You are in a relationship, but their status is not defined. And when you try to talk about it, the response is something like:

I thought it was clear!

You are so smart! What questions!

You're so beautiful! What a bright blouse!

I thought you were different!

Do you want to ruin the evening?

Could such a great woman be bothered by this?

The last one is tearing me apart. That is, if you continue, then you are no longer great and, of course, you will fall silent. You never manage to discuss your relationship and come to certainty. As a rule, such conversations Player reacts with a different method of education - includes techniques cancellation. So that you know your place!


All technicians cancellation are a kind of quintessence of "Closer-Further". We have already talked about the near-far technique in previous article. At the beginning of the "Convergence" stage (the first long communication), he did the maximum "Closer". He came to the meeting on time, joked, read, told, while he did not show too much interest. But in relations the Closer-Further technique in different variations takes on a different meaning.

What " Closer-Further"? Imagine that our emotions in a relationship can be measured on a scale: plus a hundred− maximum positive up to minus one hundred- the biggest negative: gap. When a pickupper does "Closer" it's plus fifty, when it does an advanced "Closer" it's eighty. Now imagine that there is a sharp drop in emotions, for example, from fifty to thirty - this is “Next”. Variations of the fall of the scale of emotions are used to keep a woman on her toes.

Their use begins, as a rule, immediately after sex. For example, he comes to you and you communicate without intimacy. More calls and SMS: used to call and send messages, now - no, or - may not answer them. That is, it lowers emotions from fifty to thirty. This change in behavior suggests: what's happening? And you do “Closer”: you call, write, pester - you start to catch up with him. Naturally, if you invest more emotions, then these relationships become more important for you. A woman is like a cat, it is difficult to make her hunt, but you can captivate her. And even if you didn’t take your relationship seriously at first, after these techniques it seems to you that you need it.

The second option, the most common use, I call training. That is, every time you try to find out something or bring up a topic that he does not like, he makes a sharp “Further”, increasing the gap from fifty to zero. You have an unconscious desire to avoid an uncomfortable situation, and you do “Closer” - you smooth out the conflict yourself.

And the toughest undoing technique is called"and gla". The “needle” is used to create a long-term relationship in order to “calm down a presumptuous girlfriend” a little (quote from the guru). For some time, the pickup artist plays the advanced “Closer” - his relationship with you consists only of positive emotions, he brings emotions to a maximum - to 80, and sometimes 90. And at the most unexpected moment, a “needle” injection follows. Moreover, the injection occurs suddenly - and the more unpredictable it is, the stronger the effect of this technique is manifested. The technique is to make a concentrated "Further", and with the greatest possible intensity for this woman. This is a technique of a sharp drop in emotions. The greater the gap in the shortest period of time, the harder the hammer blow on your psyche.

Truth, the use of the "needle" is risky: the girl can immediately leave. Therefore, the pickup artist prepares for this. At first, in order to insure, a technique is used, which I call this: donkey carrot«.

We'll go on vacation.

I need time to decide.

Everything will change tomorrow.

We knights are strange at first, but then we change.

He puts a "carrot" that gives hope for change. You don’t notice her, but at the moment when you want to break off relations, you remember her.

Second take- preparation for the "minus". For example, he says that he is afraid of losing you or that you are the most important thing in his life.

Third - input in « minus«:

You'll be mad at me again, but...

I don't know how to tell you, but...

I'm letting you down again, but...

I know we agreed, but...

In real "needle" occurs as follows: everything is good in your relationship. You meet, have fun, nights of love and joyful prospects. You agree that in the evening after work he will come and you will spend the weekend together. And then bam! At best, a phone call is heard, which begins with the words: "I know we agreed, but ...". At worst, the pick-up artist disappears for no reason. He does not answer calls and SMS, he is not there, and if he answers, then to the question: “What happened?”, You get something like: “Everything is fine.” And from his answer breathes such a cold that the withers stand on end. You are brought into the zone of non-existence. That is, from plus eighty» you were sent to « minus fifty“and sometimes minus eighty.

The larger the gap, the worse the condition. There is a feeling that every cell in your body is on fire from irritation and misunderstanding. Really shakes. And suddenly the next day he appears with the word: "I'm sorry." You are hysterical! But he presents evidence that you made it all up for yourself. You come up with different things, depending on the prepared scenario: from treason to he was killed.

When you experience such a range of emotions - from the maximum plus to the maximum minus - it works like a binding to a man! We forget about negative emotions, only the memory of the strength of these emotions remains in the unconscious. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to leave such a man. They are trying to explain to her that it is necessary to break off the relationship, but she cannot - she is emotionally attached. And when the relationship ends the women lie "in the fetal position on the couch". It - result application of this technique.


The next stage in the development of "relationships" − cultivating unhealthy feelings of guilt. I want to draw boundaries right away. Guilt is our subconscious reaction to actions that violate our “right or wrong”. If I did something wrong in my understanding, then feeling guilty is a normal reaction. I am convinced that a healthy psyche should have the “guilt feeling” option and, conversely, its complete absence signals an unhealthy one. But in a relationship with a pick-up artist, it is precisely an unhealthy feeling of guilt that develops.

After applying the technique cancellation for normal person this behavior is illogical, so we start looking for reasons. We think: “How did I offend him?” and after a few days of such reflections, we come up with what, and make ourselves guilty.

The illogicality of his behavior introduces a sense of guilt. Time after time passing you through the circle of hell "plus-minus", "closer-further", you lose your orientation in space. More and more often the thought comes to you: “I am wrong,” and his behavior assures this. “He is calm, does not apologize, leaves with his head held high, so something is wrong with me.” You start to blame yourself though did nothing wrong!!! The boundaries of a healthy psyche are destroyed, your "right-wrong" is no more. From now on, he can ask for everything.


Naturally, if a woman receives only negative emotions, the relationship will end very quickly, therefore, in parallel with all this, he includes demonstration techniques. I call it that! Because it only words without action.

pickup artist demonstrates interest: constantly asks what you think about.

pickup artist demonstrates jealousy. Jealousy for a woman is an indicator of feelings.

Where were you today? Doesn't sex with an ex count? sounds periodically from his lips.

pickup artist demonstrates desire to start a family

I dream of a normal family. I would like children.

pickup artist demonstrates false sense of guilt. Sometimes from his lips sounds:

I am a beast! How could I do that!

And your naive female heart whispers to you: “But he understood everything!!!”. In fact, this is the technique he uses when he goes too far with " training«.

pickup artist demonstrates serious attitude to you:

I take our relationship seriously! hear from his mouth.

It turns out that, on the one hand, you get a lot of “Further”, but on the other hand, there is “Closer”. His words keep you from making a decision at critical moments. Why? Because all these techniques “turn on” emotions and “turn off” logic. While emotions are “on”, you yourself are looking for an excuse for him!

Confirmation of the effectiveness of the pick-up technique is blind pursuit. And over time, a woman is ready for anything in exchange for his presence alone! All acquaintances say: "Break up with him!". But you think it's love. Although in reality this feeling has nothing to do with love. it adrenaline pseudo love. In one of the articles we will talk about this.

In two articles, pickup tricks» we have covered the steps described in the guru's books. For a pickup truck, they sound like this:

Find → Get Acquainted → Attract → Get Close → Sex → Relationships

And for the victims of the Game:

"Turn on" → "Demonstration" → "Sex" → "Training".

Therefore, the pickup truck and its techniques are much more than a one-night stand. This is a traumatized psyche that will take much longer to get rid of hammer blows than the period of the relationship itself. And the consequences of these blows are horrendous - low self-esteem, nervous exhaustion, health problems, professional degradation and, as a result, taking antidepressants or alcohol. That is why it is important to be attentive in a world where such knowledge has been received by many.

When you see me meeting girls on video, you are likely to think: “Why does he do it so easily and naturally?” or “How girls fall for this, because he does not have the appearance of a model, and does not do anything unusual!”.

Like most guys, I used to feel insecure and was afraid to approach the girl I liked, but over time, in the process of continuous practice, these unpleasant sensations disappeared - for a long time dating has brought me real pleasure and real pure emotions. I take them as an opportunity to socialize and seduce nice girl rather than as an overwhelming task.

The point is that seducing girls is as much a skill as being able to play the guitar or write in calligraphy. Seduction can be learned: some do it through their own trial and error, others, under the guidance of experienced trainers in pickup lessons, which is much easier and faster.

The lessons of seducing girls, which will teach you not only to put them to bed, but also to build the right relationship, consist of three areas of development:

  1. Work on your own personality.
  2. Study of the theory of seduction.
  3. Consolidation of skills in practice.

The development of your personality is in the first place for a reason. For more than 10 years of experience, I have firmly understood that success in seducing any girls, even very beautiful ones, is predetermined by confidence in your own actions and how interesting you are as a man. All the tricks that pickup lessons teach you are just tools that allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

As you can see in the video, in all approaches I acted completely improvised, in two cases the acquaintance generally began with a banal phrase: “hello, how are you?”. I was who I am, did not use memorized openers and did not try on other people's behaviors - this works for me, and it works just as effectively for my students.

Who needs pickup lessons and seduction lessons?

Many guys consider themselves successful on the personal front and even if they have obvious problems, they are not willing to admit them. No partner and sexual relations can be justified in any way, from the desire to concentrate on work or study, to beliefs like “I am self-sufficient, I feel good anyway.”

However, a successful man does not need to devote much time to girls in order to have regular sex. If your seduction skills are at a high level, you can put girls to bed on first dates and have several different partners in a month, or choose one and build a strong relationship with her in which she will appreciate and obey you.

If you are unsure whether seduction is worth learning, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Can you, without hesitation, approach the girl you like, or do you fall into a stupor at the mere thought of meeting?
  2. How often does a conversation not go well when communicating with an unfamiliar girl, have there been cases when you approached, stupidly and merged with nothing?
  3. How many dates did you have in total? How many of them ended in sex?
  4. Have there been cases when a girl gradually lost interest in you and you broke up because of this?
  5. Have you ever heard the phrase "Let's be friends"?

If you didn’t answer at least one of the questions as you would like, then the lessons of seducing girls will bring real benefits - after completing the course, you can radically change the situation in relations with the opposite sex.

There will be no more friend zones, superficial attitudes from girls, problems with acquaintances, dates and development of relationships before bed. You will be able to create a personal life according to your own rules, under which women will adapt.

Success = theory + practice

The lessons of seducing girls will ultimately teach you how to meet, seduce and build relationships with women. However, to achieve this, you will have to master a serious theoretical base. I will give you a guide that has been tested by hundreds of other guys, based on my experience and the experience of other successful men, behavioral psychology and the best that has been invented in pickup and seduction at the moment.

During the course, we will cover the following topics in detail:

  1. Limiting beliefs, complexes and fears that prevent you from communicating with girls, ways to get rid of them.
  2. Male sexuality in the understanding of a girl, what should be attractive guy and how to become one.
  3. "Resource" state, ways to overclock the psyche to increase the level of confidence.
  4. Rules for creating a good impression when meeting, a technique for evoking positive emotions in girls.
  5. The theory of the perfect date: how to prepare for it, conduct and end the meeting with seduction.
  6. Effective methods of rapprochement (the main emphasis on kinesthetics) and behavioral errors leading to a decrease in interest and a breakdown in relationships.
  7. Tools of a girl's sexual arousal, the nuances and subtleties of a quality intimate life.
  8. Mechanisms for controlling one's own emotional state and mood, the rules for building long-term relationships and maintaining the girl's constant interest.
  9. Ways to restore broken relationships.

I will provide you with specific, step-by-step strategies, following which you will be able to put any girl to bed in 2-3 dates. And over time, when your skills reach the required level, seduction will not require any formalities - everything will turn out naturally and naturally.

Needless to say, without consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice, there can be no talk of any development of seduction skills? You can absorb the theory of a pickup truck as much as you like, but at the same time be afraid to go out into the field and end up with nothing.

The practical part takes up to 80% of the total training. These are real pickup lessons, not 8 hour lectures. You can be sure that by the end of the first day of purposeful practice, a couple of numbers will appear on your phone beautiful girls, and together we will think where you invite them on a date.

However, do not be naive to expect 100% efficiency from the very beginning. In the process of meeting and communicating with women, various situations will arise that require experience to solve. What to do if she gives the phone, does not pick up the phone or does not answer messages, how and what to write, how and what to say - beginners can get stuck here, but this is what a coach is needed so that you can get a detailed analysis of the situation and instructions on how to lead yourself and avoid mistakes in the future.

Having mastered the skills of seduction, you will significantly increase your personal effectiveness in all areas of life, stop caring about the opinions of others, get rid of stereotypes and complexes. The right pickup truck is the path of self-development and becoming a real man, in which being in demand among girls is just a pleasant addition to a successful life.

Do you want the same and even better? Write to me, call or click on “Sign up for a free consultation” and we will definitely select the best dating model for you so that everything turns out no worse than you saw on the video. Do not worry, and we will also work on fears and you will approach just as easily and not waste your precious nerve cells.

Do you want success with girls and don't know where to start? In this article, we asked one of our regular contributors Andrey Vysotsky to talk about his rich experience in seducing girls. You will learn where to start your journey in a pickup truck: what to read, where you can learn, what you should pay attention to, what mistakes await you ahead.

What is this article or introduction from the author about

I can't cram all my knowledge and experience into one article. But I can tell you about the fastest ways to achieve the goal, and about possible mistakes that lie ahead of you.

Is it possible to learn a pickup truck on your own

So, you want to be great with girls. It doesn't matter if you want to wake up every morning with a new beauty or you need the one and only. In any case, you only have three options:

Sitting at home on your favorite couch and waiting for success to come to you

Waiting for fortune to shower you with money and beautiful girls lining up to jump into your bed? This will never happen.

The only thing that comes by itself is old age. Everything else needs to be achieved. It is difficult (sometimes very difficult). To do this, you will have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone: learn new things, try new things, change your habits, change your social circle. If you want results, you have to sweat. This is the law of life.

Go to a special training where you will be taught everything

I think this is the most the best option of all. It has two decisive advantages:

  1. The presence of feedback. Live communication with the trainer is an important part of training. The coach will always point out your mistakes to you. If you have any questions, he will answer, tell, show, explain the incomprehensible.
  2. Motivation. Often, all you need to succeed is a magical kick in the ass. A good coach always has a stick and a carrot (which is callous and they are also beaten) in reserve, with which he will make you move in the right direction.

But, unfortunately, there are several serious drawbacks:

  1. It is expensive. Good training is expensive. If you don't have a good financial background, you won't get anywhere.
  2. Lots of charlatans. Finding a good coach is a difficult task. There are a lot of different pseudo-coaches and dubious specialists who will take your money, but will not teach you anything, because they themselves do not know how. I advise you to contact trainers who have been in this topic for a long time, who already have a good reputation. Another option is serious organizations with a wide representation and their own party, for example, RMES.
  3. Not available everywhere. The same RMES members conduct their trainings only in large cities. If you are a resident of a small town, you have additional problems with travel to the training site and accommodation.

Learn everything on your own

If you didn’t get along with a good coach, this is not a reason to give up. You can learn everything on your own.

You will not get feedback and no one will give you a magic pendel (except yourself), but if you are determined enough, you will definitely achieve your goal. And in this article, I will help you do just that.

Where to look for information

The network has a huge amount of free and paid information about seducing girls: books, blogs, forums, mailing lists, articles, etc.

Dig up this heap of slag and find in it useful information is a very difficult task. But I also have good news: I already did it for you. Here's what I recommend reading.

Free books

On the Internet you can find many useful and interesting and, most importantly, free books from different coaches. Here are a few options that I find the most useful for a beginner.

Egor Sheremetiev

My first impression of Egor is that he is a nondescript guy, he tells something about seduction - nothing so special. When I got to know him better, I realized that the first impression is deceptive. No matter what anyone says, he can communicate with girls phenomenally. Here is a video where he immediately gets acquainted with a girl right in a traffic jam:

He holds many different events: trainings, master classes, bootcamps, etc. including "Bachelor Party in Asia" in Pattaya. Here he talks about it himself:

In short, he definitely has a lot to learn. I advise you to definitely read his free book Secrets of Successful VKontakte Dating. The book is very interesting: little water, a lot of practical information and examples of successful phrases and dialogues from real correspondence. In order to download the book, you must go and leave an e-mail address. You will then receive an email with a link to download the pdf file.

Another must-read book by the same author is Little Kick to Big Sex. It contains a lot of interesting information about how to properly meet girls: how to approach, what to say, how to overcome shyness, etc. To download .

Roman Vinilov

I have been following Roman for a long time. He has been in the subject of seduction and pickup for 10 years already. Author of courses, seminars and trainings. Trainer, coach, writer, etc. I don’t see the point in listing his entire track record - read it for yourself if you are interested. Here are some of his books to read:

  1. Effective dates. There is a lot of useful information about dates here: how to invite, where to go, how to behave, what to talk about, etc.
  2. 7 steps to building a relationship with a girl. All about how to build harmonious relationship and remain the best man for her.
  3. How to surprise any girl. More than 70 pages of different examples for all occasions, which will help to surprise her and make a good impression.