Tsantsa are dried human heads. It's the other way around: how to actually dry your hair (do not believe it) Why did the tribes dry their heads

When preparing to leave the house, the girl plans her time, which she spends on getting ready and washing her hair in a timely manner. But there are situations when you have to wash your hair not planned, in which case the problem arises of how to quickly dry your hair. Of course, if you have a hair dryer at hand, then the problem can be solved, but in its absence, you need to look for other ways.

How to quickly blow dry your hair

Even though a hair dryer is the easiest and fastest way to dry your hair, you need to do it right, as it can make your hair dry and split ends.

How to quickly blow dry your hair without damaging it:

  • do not turn on the device at full power, it is better to direct a weaker air flow during drying, and if the temperature of the supply air is regulated, then use the coolest one;
  • no need to bring it close to the head, the distance should be at least 15 cm;
  • it is necessary to maintain pauses and comb the strands with a massage comb in between drying;
  • it is recommended to dry the hair according to hair growth, this avoids the appearance of brittleness;
  • do not dry the strands to the end, it is better to leave them a little damp, especially for the tips;
  • if you want to have volume on the roots, and to create styling and curls, you can use a diffuser nozzle specially designed for this.

How to dry your hair fast without a hair dryer

Special devices are not always at hand, and not all girls use them. Therefore, it is necessary to look for other ways to quickly dry your head without a hair dryer.

Classic drying methods:

  1. Using balms after washing your head can speed up the drying process, due to the fact that the film formed on the strands will repel excess moisture.
  2. The head must be wrapped in a towel, it can be microfiber, paper or cotton. After 10 minutes, you can take a dry towel and blot each strand until they are dry. You need to work with a towel carefully, you can not rub the curls, as this can damage them.
  3. During combing, you can periodically tilt your head down, combing the strands with a soft comb from the roots, divide them into zones and shake them periodically. You can perform such actions every 5 minutes until the hair is completely dry.

Alternative drying method

In the warm summer season, if the curls are not completely dry, you can go outside and let them dry naturally under the influence of a warm breeze and sunlight.

How to quickly dry your hair in curlers

To create a beautiful hairstyle, a woman uses curlers that allow you to create beautiful curls. In order to quickly dry curls twisted in curlers, there are also a few tips:

  • you should not use curlers made of metal materials, as they repel moisture, trapping it in the strands, and it is strictly forbidden to dry them with a hairdryer;
  • curls should be wound after they have been previously dried, especially at the roots;
  • the longer the hair, the larger the curlers should be, this will increase the drying area and speed up the process;
  • periodically you need to blot the twisted strands with a towel, you can do this with your head down;
  • if there is an opportunity and warm weather, you can go out onto the balcony or outside so that the natural breeze dries the strands.

How to dry hair after keratin straightening

The modern keratin straightening procedure has become quite common, as it favorably affects the condition of the hair, makes the strands straight and prevents them from fluffing. After keratin straightening, you should follow some rules for hair care, this also applies to drying them. It is not recommended to resort to the use of hair dryers, diffusers and straighteners, as they can damage the keratin sheath. You need to dry the strands in a natural way, gently combing them with a special brush and blotting with a towel.

How to quickly dry your hair without a hair dryer in unusual ways

There are situations when you need to have a dry head very urgently, but there is no hair dryer at hand. In such cases, the most resourceful girls resort to various extreme ways to quickly dry their hair without a hair dryer at home. They must be used with extreme caution:

  1. Vacuum drying - by turning it on the reverse blowing mode, you can get a good warm stream of air. The disadvantage of this method is that, together with the saving air, dust can be blown out of the vacuum cleaner and deposited directly on the hair.
  2. Drying with a fan - by approaching the switched on fan, you can dry your head. The main thing is not to get too close to it, as the strands can simply wrap around the blades. Also, this method is dangerous because you can catch a cold from being in cold air. In this case, a fan heater or air conditioner is best, as the air there is warm and clean.
  3. A gas stove is one of the riskiest ways to dry your head. By turning on several burners, you can stand with your back to them. But you need to be very careful, because if the strands catch fire, it will not be possible to save them.

The drying process can be accelerated thanks to these nuances:

  • a towel before use can be held on a battery or ironed, this will create a pleasant temperature for the hair and speed up their drying;
  • a waffle towel more effectively helps to make the strands dry, but if there is none, you can wrap your hair with a T-shirt, it will quickly absorb all the moisture;
  • to create a small volume, you can shake your head like at a rock concert, but you need to do this carefully so as not to hit your head on nearby objects and not injure your neck;
  • while taking a shower, it is better to wash your head first, after which you can wrap it with a towel and continue washing, in which case you will save a lot of time, since after leaving their shower, the curls will be wet, not damp;
  • you can also resort to special tools that are aimed at accelerating the drying process, these can be special conditioners or serums;
  • there is such good remedy like dry shampoo, it allows you to create an effect clean hair, remove oil from the scalp and is an excellent helper in emergency situations, of course, dry shampoo is not capable of replacing a real hair wash, but it is better to have it in your closet.

In any situation, even when you need to dry your hair very urgently, you should always remember about safety measures and caring for them. You can damage them in an instant, but it will take a long time to restore the hair, spending energy and money on it.

The Jivaro Indians of South America know a lot about perverse fun, and it is to them that we owe the appearance of shrunken heads in popular culture. You have probably seen them more than once in all sorts of TV shows, like The Simpsons or in films, like the same Beetlejuice. These dried heads are called "tsantsa" and, as you might guess, serve as a proof of courage to the warrior and along the way as an amulet.

The Jivaro Indians live in Ecuador and Peru. They are a stereotypical example of a tribe living near the Amazon, i.e. jungle hunters with blowpipes, poisoned arrows and creepy customs.

At the same time, until recently, the Khivaro were incredibly warlike. Possibly the most warlike people in the world. The man had extremely little chance of dying a natural death: 60% died in battles, the rest - on the hunt.

But most of all they became famous precisely due to the creation of tsantsa - the dried heads of defeated enemies. The source of such a strange custom lies in the rather strange notions of the Khivaro about the soul, which they call "arutam."

It is believed that the soul is able to fly at will and change the owner every 4-5 years. And if she behaves like a bird, then she can and even needs to be caught. The dried head is literally a cage for the soul that we managed to grab.

Tsantsa was made from a freshly killed opponent. The skin of the head was cut and carefully removed from the skull like a glove, and the bone and meat in this case remained on the dead. The rest went to work.

The scalp with hair was dried and subjected to special manipulations. Different masters, apparently, did everything in different ways. For example, someone previously “marinated” it in brine, someone did not.

Next, the head was reduced by heat treatment. Hot sand and pebbles were stuffed into it. Along the way, this was done to dry and disinfect the future amulet. As a result, tsantsa was the size of an orange or a tennis ball.

From here follows a life hack that could save a life. How exactly did the European missionaries determine that they had a master in creating “satanic heads”? They looked at the hands of the person involved in the creation of tsantsa, they were ugly burns from constant work with hot stones and sand.

By the way, one of the reasons for such inaccuracy with hot material is that the master made dried heads in a semi-conscious state. The Jivaro Indians used in their rituals a rather powerful psychedelic ayahuasca, which caused visions with fractal snake-like images. The creation of tsants is no exception, they were not made on a sober head.

Before becoming a full-fledged cage for the soul, the dried head was subjected to a lacing ceremony: the mouth and eyelids were sewn up with ropes, and the nostrils and ears were plugged. It turned out a kind of bottle for magical power, which you can always carry with you.

As you might guess, with the advent of Europeans, such customs as massacre, the abduction of women and the creation of dried heads were banned. Surely many old people now regret those wonderful times.

Now the creation of tsantsa has been put on stream in the souvenir industry. Of course, not real heads are used. You can even order a tsantsa with a portrait resemblance to a friend so that he can evaluate how he would look if he got to the Jivaro Indians.

In 1976, the German lawyer Michael Roger, while passing through Hamburg, went into a souvenir shop. They sold small fist-sized human heads. The craftsmanship was amazing: soft smooth skin, juicy lips, real hair. The eyes, however, were bone, with painted pupils, but this did not spoil the impression. The heads were alive.

Mostly these were the heads of blacks, but among them the lawyer saw one European. Roger froze, amazed - the face of the head clearly belonged to his son, who disappeared six months ago in Central Africa ...
Having examined it more closely, he almost fainted: on the crown of the head were two large birthmarks. Their shape and position clearly indicated that this was the real, but for some reason strangely reduced head of his son!

He hurried to buy a "souvenir" and went straight to the police with it. But the guards just shrugged their shoulders. This is a souvenir, a toy. There are no grounds for opening a criminal case. However, they sympathized with the unfortunate father, who, out of grief, sees his missing son everywhere.

Roger hired a private detective. Former investigator Johan Dreyer first of all began to find out where and by whom the head could have been made. It turned out that quite a lot of such souvenirs are sold in stores in Europe. So, somewhere their mass production has been established. Almost all of them were Negro, but there were also white ones who cost more. The wholesale store for their sale was in London. That's where Dreyer went.

The secret of the priests of the Khivaro tribe came to Africa

In the English capital, a detective handed over one of the Negro heads to an expert for examination. The conclusion that he made puzzled the detective. The head was created using the technology of South American Indians from the Jivaro tribe. It lives in remote areas of Ecuador and is known for its barbarian customs, preserved from ancient times. The Khivaro hunt for human heads, which are then reduced and preserved in a special way.

In general, the way looks like this. From the soaked head, the skin is pulled together with the hair. Then this skin is boiled in a special herbal mixture. It becomes soft, elastic and at the same time decreases in size. It is rolled out, filled with small pebbles or sand, and then sewn up. The result is a head the size of a tennis ball, but retaining its features. It becomes like a reduced copy of the original. At the end of the operation, it is hung over the hearth. Smoke completes the conservation process.

The hair on the head, which retains its former length, is decorated by the Indians with bird feathers, which makes the head look intimidating. Only after this is it considered that the evil spirit in the severed head is subdued. The head becomes the tsantsa, the sacred talisman of the tribe.
Headhunting is currently banned throughout South America. However, tsantsa are in great demand among collectors. Where there is demand, there is supply. The headhunting continues, although there are still very few real tsantsa on the market.

The Khivaro tribe still makes tsantsa.

The appearance in a large number of Negro heads, created according to the "Ecuadorian" method, caused bewilderment in the expert. The fact is that the process of making tsantsa is kept by the priests of the hivaro in the strictest confidence. Even South American ethnographers, who have been studying the customs of the Indians for many years, the technology of their manufacture is not entirely clear. Where this method is known in Africa (and the Negroid type of heads indicates that they come from there) is completely incomprehensible.

Dreyer learned that heads were shipped to London from Harrar, Ethiopia. Arriving there, the detective discovered that there was only a transshipment point. The people who run the business are associated with some dubious organization that maintains contacts with guerrilla groups almost all over the Black Continent. And the headquarters of this organization is located in the Central African Republic. That is, where the son of Michael Roger worked!

Colt against poison

Dreyer settled in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. Here he looked around, made acquaintances, carefully questioned the locals.
In those years, the cannibal emperor Bokassa ruled the country. Crime was rampant and corruption flourished. Europeans working in Bangui on contracts did not risk sticking their noses further than the city outskirts. The detective learned from them that people really disappear in the city. And not only Africans, but also whites. Most often, they go to negotiations with some merchants and do not return. The detective was strongly advised not to get involved in dubious enterprises, even if he was promised mountains of gold.

Dreyer waited until they “pecked” at him too. And then one day an unfamiliar African showed him a gold nugget, saying that he wanted to sell two dozen of the same. We agreed to meet in the evening. At the appointed time, Dreyer showed up at a bungalow on the outskirts of Bangui. The owner, before starting a business conversation, offered him whiskey. The detective hesitated to drink, suspecting something was wrong. Seeing that the owner did not drink either, he pulled out a Colt from his pocket and put it to the African's head. The frightened Negro confessed that he had been given the task of poisoning his guest. People from the villa across the river must come for the body.

Night corpse trucks

The detective could not trust the local police, he had to act at his own peril and risk. But in Bangui he had a like-minded person - a Belgian, whose friend disappeared here. He and Dreyer set up surveillance of the suspicious villa.
The matter was not easy: the villa was well guarded, armed posts were already on the distant approaches to it. Friends found out that the villa is often visited by covered trucks, accompanied by jeeps with armed guards.

On a rainy night, Dreyer and the Belgian noticed three trucks at once, which were moving towards the villa. A jeep was ahead. The caravan stopped in front of the Mbomu River. Usually shallow, in the rainy season it overflows, and a ferry runs through it. While the trucks were waiting for the crossing, the friends ran up to the last of them and looked into the back. It was full of corpses.
Dreyer realized that this was his chance to break into the villa. He climbed into the back and pulled the curtain behind him. The Belgian never saw him again.

An amulet made from a woman's head.

Blood scarecrow

Only after the 1979 coup, when the military stormed the gangster villa, did the white inhabitants of Bangui learn that African mafiosi had brought human corpses there from almost all of Africa. There were always corpses in abundance. High mortality from interethnic conflicts and wholesale epidemics did not leave bounty hunters without prey.

Now there is no doubt that even the bosses of this dirty business, which brought good income, did not know the technology for manufacturing heads. Only one person knew her, the main manufacturer - an Ecuadorian, known by the nickname King Coco.

This Koko managed to convince the bandits that the process of making heads is connected with magic, which means that they cannot do without it. The bandits valued the Ecuadorian worth their weight in gold. Coco was not allowed to go beyond the limits of the villa, but he really lived there like a king.

It was said that he was the son of an Indian priest, but had long since broken with his homeland. He was described as a man not of the first youth, flabby, bald, with a big belly. He had a habit of walking around naked, wearing a lot of beads and bracelets. Near him were constantly young girls. It gave him pleasure to stick his dirty nails into their bodies and laugh when the girls screamed in pain. He demanded that virgins be brought to him. Allegedly, while communicating with them, he took from them the energy necessary to create tsantsa.

Koko was killed under unclear circumstances. With his death, the production of heads also ceased. They stopped being supplied about the time that Dreyer entered the villa. People familiar with this case are convinced that the bloody effigy went to the other world with the direct participation of the detective, but Dreyer did not fare well either. The detective knew what he was doing when he was left in a truck full of corpses ...

Later it turned out that Koko's products are worse than real, South American tsantsa. In the early 1980s, the skin on his heads began to deteriorate and, in the end, they all rotted, except for a few specimens preserved in formalin. Experts explain this by the lack of the necessary ingredients for making tsantsa in Koko. Apparently, he replaced South American herbs with local, African ones, which eventually went to the detriment of the quality of scary souvenirs.

The modern pace of life does not allow most women to take the time to dry their curls. natural way. Girls and ladies of all ages prefer to use a hair dryer, which quickly dries their hair and helps to make beautiful hairstyle. But sometimes situations arise when you need to quickly dry your hair without a hair dryer: the electricity suddenly turns off or the device breaks down. How to deal with them?

Drying hair without a hair dryer

How to dry short hair fast without a hair dryer

If you have a short hairstyle, quickly drying your head without the use of special devices is quite simple. You just need to follow five basic rules.

  • Immediately after washing, gently pat your hair dry with a towel. Cotton or plain paper is best. These materials quickly absorb moisture. In no case do not rub your hair, as this damages their structure. To speed up the process, apply a conditioner that will facilitate separation into individual strands, and therefore increase air flow to them.
Apply conditioner to speed up the drying process
  • Comb your hair in different directions, using an indispensable attribute of drying and styling your hair - a skeletal comb. Thanks to the holes, it will allow more air to pass through the hair and remove excess moisture.
  • When the hair is slightly dry, apply styling product, tilt your head forward and comb it in the direction from the back of the head.
  • To form natural curls, you need to change the direction of movement. Slightly damp strands are combed to the crown with twisting movements until completely dry.


Secrets of drying long hair straight

Owners long curls drying your head without using a hair dryer will be somewhat more difficult and longer. To optimize the process, use five tips.

Dry your hair without a hair dryer
  1. Long strands must be carefully wrung out after washing. Do not forget that twisting, although it quickly removes water, at the same time causes serious damage to wet curls.
  2. When the main water is removed, wrap your head for a few minutes with a towel made of a material that absorbs moisture well (cotton, microfiber). To speed up the process, you need to use a warm towel, replacing it 1-2 times after getting wet with a dry one.
  3. Remember that the main task is to dry the roots, because the tips dry much faster. For greater efficiency in drying the base of the strands, provide additional ventilation by lifting them with your hands. Such manipulations at the same time will give the hairstyle additional volume.
  4. When the hair begins to crumble into separate hairs, but remains wet to the touch, you can start styling if you wish. To add splendor to the hairstyle, roll individual strands into bundles and fix them until completely dry.
  5. Dried curls must be freed from hairpins and combed with fingers, giving them desired shape. The resulting careless curls can be collected in a ponytail at the back of the head or dissolved over the shoulders.
If you follow these few rules, you can dry your hair without a hair dryer in 10-15 minutes

Experts do not advise too often and without the need to use a hair dryer to quickly dry your hair. To speed up the natural process, you can use their professional recommendations.

  • A waffle towel is best for wiping your hair, which is desirable to replace as it gets wet. The worst option is terry towels, especially if they are made of fabric with the addition of synthetics.
  • To speed up drying, apply special products to the strands that facilitate combing. They will make the curls more “friable” and increase the evaporating surface of the hair.
  • Remember that wet hair is much more susceptible to damage than dry hair. Therefore, start combing long strands from the ends, gradually rising to the roots. Give preference to combs made of wood and other natural materials.
Plastic and especially metal devices greatly damage the surface of the hair, forming scratches and burrs on it.
  • To reduce the drying time, you need to move the curls as often as possible, shaking and twisting your head. The effect will be enhanced if the head is lowered at the same time. Such movements will allow air to penetrate better to the hairs, contributing to the intensive evaporation of moisture from their surface. But do not be too zealous, otherwise the neck will ache, and dizziness will occur.
  • If the weather is warm outside, a good idea would be to substitute wet hair for the wind and the hot sun. They will dry the curls no worse than a hair dryer, and they will bring much less harm, especially if you pre-treat your hair with a composition with a UV filter.


They can pose a danger to health and even life.

You need to leave the house in just half an hour, and the hair dryer, as luck would have it, is broken? No need to panic or cancel the meeting! Better read carefully how to quickly dry your hair without a hair dryer!

Classic hair drying method

This is the safest and most effective method. Short hair will dry in 10 minutes, and for long thick strands, it will take a little more time and effort.

  1. At the end of washing, you need to apply a balm or conditioner. They form a protective thin film on the strands, which will not allow excess water to be absorbed.
  2. Squeeze the water out of your hair and comb it with your hands so that the water drains faster. But do not twist into a tourniquet, namely squeeze!
  3. If you intend to continue showering, clip your strands with a hairpin and don't wet them again.
  4. Bend down a little and shake your hair for 3 minutes. You can help with your hands. This simple procedure will add the desired volume and blow over each hair.
  5. Wrap your head in a towel that absorbs moisture well (for example, microfiber or cotton fabric). If the strands are very curly, you can take a regular paper towel. Leave it for a few minutes (15-20).
  6. Gently blot each strand of hair. Repeat until hair is dry. The towel must be dry. Do not rub too hard as this can damage your hair.
  7. When drying, focus on the root zone, because the tips dry much faster. Tilt your head down and pat the roots of your strands dry with a clean towel. Shake them several times so that as much air as possible penetrates into the wet hair.
  8. Comb with a wide-toothed comb or microfiber brush - it does not harm the hair and prevents it from frizzing.
  9. Let your hair dry and brush again.
  10. If the process is delayed, shake your hair after 15 minutes and comb it with a comb.

Alternative drying methods

If it's warm outside, sit on a bench or just take a walk. The main thing is to choose a shade, because the direct rays of the sun have a bad effect on the strands. A slight and warm wind also helps to dry the head faster.

Girls with a long braid can turn their heads, as famous rock musicians do at concerts.

extreme ways

There are some, but you need to use them very, very carefully!

Method 1 - vacuum cleaner

This strange variant is used quite often. It works very simply - you need to either turn on the function of blowing air through the hose, or lower your head to the side of the vacuum cleaner where the air comes out. The only drawback is particles of dirt and dust, which will immediately settle on the washed hair.

Method 2 - fan

If you have a fan, use this method. Stand in front of the appliance, choosing the correct speed, and comb the strands with a comb or with your hands.

Attention! Don't get too close to the fan blades as they can trap your hair. And try not to catch a cold.

Method 3 - gas stove

The leader among extreme sportsmen! The prospect of burning skin or losing hair does not scare courageous women who need to dry wet strands very quickly. Turn on a couple of burners and stand in front of the stove. But it is much safer to turn on the oven and just stand in front of it. From the gas, the air will become warm and speed up the drying process.

Not sure how to quickly dry your hair without a hair dryer? A few tricky tips will help speed up the process:

  • Heat a towel on a battery or iron it with an iron - it absorbs moisture better and creates a comfortable temperature for your hair;
  • Experts note that waffle towels are ideal for quickly drying hair. If there are none, pick up from the terry - with 5 mm villi, combed in one direction. It should be matte - a beautiful sheen indicates the presence of synthetic fibers that reduce the absorbent properties of the towel;
  • So that the long braid does not lose volume, regularly lower the strands down during drying and shake them with your hands. Shake your head from one side to the other - this should also help;
  • When your hair starts to dry out a little, comb it through with a comb. Hair will lay down beautifully;
  • Pick up a product for drying hair in the store - for example, conditioner or serum.