Products from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step. The basics of weaving from newspaper tubes step by step for beginners. New straw weaving - Easter

Almost all of us have unnecessary newspapers and various magazines and other printed paper products. Many try, of course, to get rid of all this, but you should not do this.

The fact is that from old newspapers you can make a variety of crafts with your own hands, while you can make various and necessary things in the house or decorate the interior of your room well.

The newspaper is very easy to process and no titanic effort is needed to make any useful thing. Therefore, for making crafts from a newspaper with your own hands, you can connect children as assistants who will have a great desire and interest to do something interesting and useful.

At the moment, one of the most interesting and popular areas of do-it-yourself newspaper crafts is the weaving of crafts from newspaper tubes.

It should be noted that this activity is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Here it is necessary to clearly understand all the subtleties and nuances of weaving, and if all this is well studied, then you can do a lot of different and funny things that both children and adults will like.

So, for example, you can make a variety of decorative boxes, caskets, baskets, vases and decorative saucers, in general, for everything that is enough imagination.

Also in this article there are many bright and colorful photos of crafts from newspaper tubes.

However, before starting the creative process, it is necessary to prepare the source material from which the weaving process will begin.

How to make a vine from a newspaper?

Many wicker elements can be combined very well with the interior of almost any room, so most owners of country or private houses would be especially happy to decorate their room in this style.

However, the vine that is used in weaving can cost significant financial costs, but in this case, you can look at cheaper and more affordable material - these are ordinary old newspapers from which you can make wicker crafts, while the cost will be minimal.

So, before the very beginning, it is necessary to make a large number of blanks, from which some interesting craft will later be made. Therefore, first the newspaper must be cut across, strips of the same size, after which we take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip on it, resulting in a thin and beautiful tube, and so on until a large number of blanks are collected.

Newspaper souvenir basket

One of the elementary crafts from newspaper tubes is a rectangular or square basket. This design is not particularly difficult, it can be done by almost anyone.

For the manufacture of this product, you will have to use a rectangular or square piece of cardboard, you will also need glue and scissors.

So, several tubes must be glued onto the prepared cardboard form, while the distance between them should not exceed more than 2 cm.

Further, it is necessary to bend each tube at the edge of the cardboard upwards, only this must be done so that the cardboard form is at the bottom and the tubes protrude upwards. After that, the base of the frame is ready and you can start weaving.

The weaving itself looks like this: from the very bottom, horizontally, we set the workpiece between the vertical elements and so on to the very top. If the tube is over, then a new tube is put on its tip, pre-lubricated with glue and we continue the weaving process further.


Upon reaching the required height, all unnecessary must be fastened well somewhere, glued well somewhere. For a longer service life of the product, it is coated with a special varnish.

Thus, from ordinary newspaper tubes, you can make a rather interesting and beautiful basket, which will certainly be useful in the house.

At the same time, when experience and skills come in the weaving process, it is possible to make new crafts from newspaper tubes, more complex and uncomplicated in shape.

In this case, almost any thing that you may need in the house can be made from the tubes, for example, a wall shelf for storing small and light items or souvenirs.

Children's crafts

A very funny and exciting activity with paper can be found for kids. In this case, we will talk about an interesting style of working with paper like papier-mâché.

Such an activity will not leave indifferent any child, while the baby will learn certain subtleties of working with paper, with scissors and glue. And most importantly, the child will like it and informative.


So, first you need to take the main element when creating paper crafts, this is a plate that will be the basis of the future product.

The plate itself is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly, then small pieces of a white napkin soaked in water are placed on it, this process must be done until the napkin completely covers the plate, only after that it is recommended to use a newspaper for work.

The newspaper also needs to be torn into pieces of small sizes with a diameter of 3-4 cm, but no more.

All pieces of newspaper soaked with water must be placed on the top layer of a napkin, such an operation must be done in several layers, it is recommended to carry out no more than 7 layers.

After each layer, it is necessary to smooth the entire surface with a brush to evenly distribute pieces of newspapers. The last layer is applied with a white napkin, after which it is necessary to smooth and level everything again with a brush, and only then the product must be left to dry for one or two days.


After complete drying, the product can be removed from the mold. It is clear that during the process, irregularities at the edges could result, but this can be carefully corrected with scissors.

And the finished product can be painted in different colors, or some kind of drawing can be applied, and in the end, a thin layer of transparent varnish can be applied to the finished papier-mâché style plate.

As a result of this, you will get an interesting and original do-it-yourself craft from newspapers, which can be installed in the most prominent place.

Picture from magazines

Almost every house has old illustrated magazines, someone gets rid of them by throwing them in the trash, and someone stores them to take them to a waste paper collection point.

But do not rush into this, as paper crafts can be made from such magazines. In this case, the only thing that may be required is to cut out various pictures from the magazine and stick them on a piece of paper, resulting in a simple picture that is filled with a certain meaning.

Photo of crafts from newspaper tubes

You can create unique things without spending a lot of money. A striking example of this is weaving from newspaper tubes. Of course, it will take a lot of time. But, in addition to the satisfaction and joy of creativity, you will become the owners of original and beautiful crafts. The problem with gifts will be solved - you can make them with your own hands.

Tube preparation

Before weaving, it is necessary to prepare the source material - wind the tubes from newspapers or magazines. You will need the paper itself, PVA glue in a bottle with a dispenser, a long pushing needle, or a piece of stiff wire. The needle/wire diameter is 1.5-2 mm. These are all tools at the preparatory stage.

Lots of ideas, lots of stuff!


To prepare the tubes, you must first cut the paper into pieces of the desired size. We cut newspaper strips or magazine spreads into several parts. The aspect ratio is 1:3 or 1:4 (for example, 27 * 9 cm, 35 * 10 cm). The exact dimensions are not important. Divide the page into several parts so that they are approximately the same aspect ratio as above.

We take a knitting needle and a paper strip. We twist the corner of the paper around the knitting needle, gradually, layer by layer, roll up the tube. We fix the edge of the strip with a drop of glue. To get the tube of the desired density, the paper is laid at 45 ° with respect to the knitting needle. Then it will be quite dense, but at the same time it will bend well.

We take out the needle. The tube is not too long, for work you will have to splice them. If everything is done correctly, one of its edges turned out to be thin, the second - thick and hollow from the inside. To connect two newspaper tubes, we drip a few drops of PVA glue into the thick part, insert the second tube with a thin edge. Now we wait until it dries.

Painting and other processing methods

Sometimes, for simpler weaving, the tubes are rolled using an ordinary rolling pin. They become flatter. In this form, it is easier to work with them - to stretch between the rows. But this is an optional step. Try "rolling", maybe you will like weaving from newspaper tubes in this form more.

Not everyone likes the "natural look" of weaving newsprint. To improve the appearance, the wound tubes are painted. Acrylic paint works best for this. It lays down tightly, behaves well with any type of paper, does not flow, dries quickly and has no smell. Suitable and water moisture resistant stain. Paper tubes coated with acrylic lacquer look good, in which a coloring pigment is immediately added. Simultaneously with painting, they become less sensitive to moisture.

To paint each tube with a brush is long and dreary, so they are looking for a long tray in which the tubes are placed. Paint is poured into it, ready-made newspaper tubes are lowered into it. Then they are laid out on a layer of polyethylene to dry.

Before weaving, so that the “newspaper vine” bends well, you can moisten it. It is better and easier to do this from a spray bottle, just by spraying water.

The beginning of weaving - we form the bottom

In most products, you first need to form the bottom. There are two options: make it out of cardboard, gluing racks to the edges. The option is simple and clear. Perhaps it is better for beginners - weaving the walls is a little easier than shaping the bottom. And so that the ends of the glued racks do not “scratch” the eyes, they are covered with a second piece of the same piece of cardboard.

Of the features: in the corners it is necessary to glue a double number of tubes. One will be on one side, the other on the other. In addition to the above option, there is another way - to stick them not on the corner, but on both sides. In this case, the racks are placed from the corner at a distance of no more than half a step (this is the distance at which you placed the other racks).

The second option is to weave the bottom out of newspaper tubes. You will need long tubes - spliced ​​from two or three. There are many ways, they are taken mainly from wicker weaving. There is only one principle - the tubes one by one or in groups - are intertwined with each other, forming a center. Then, using some of the "losins", braid the base, adding size or giving a more rounded shape, if necessary.

Round bottom for large items

It will be a little easier if you cross several tubes stacked one to the other. In the photo (see below), they took five tubes each, twisted them relative to each other. To make the bottom not so voluminous, it must be crushed. The easiest way to do this is with a rolling pin or a bottle - by rolling it several times. To make it easier to work further, we coat the intersections with PVA glue.

Next, we take a straw and begin to tie the bottom, passing the straw through three tubes (rope method). So - through three tubes - we make two rows. Then - several rows - through two. Several - this is so that the dimensions of the bottom are almost "as it should" - in shape.

Weave the last two or three rows through one tube. During weaving, it is necessary to spread the tubes of the base to the same distance. So it, in fact, turns out, you just need to make sure that the distance is the same.

When switching to weaving the walls, we cross the tubes of the base with one another. So the product is more stable and the transition is more reliable. For weaving the walls, you can use the working tubes that were used when weaving the bottom.

A simple version of the bottom of newspaper tubes

Weaving from tubes of the bottom of a round shape can be started even easier. Such a bottom will not look so elegant, but for beginners, we advise you to try this particular method.

For a small product, we take eight long tubes. Fold four at a time "criss-cross". You can also roll them with a rolling pin and glue the junction - there will be fewer problems at the start.

In the described embodiment, 15 racks (16-1) are obtained. If you need more - either add as we weave the bottom, or take a larger number in the source code.

Photos and patterns of weaving the bottom of various shapes

As you gain experience, you will want to make products of other shapes - oval, rectangular, multifaceted. This section contains several diagrams showing how forms can be made more elegant and complex.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for walls

As soon as you start weaving products, the patterns will become clear to you. Having gained a little experience, you will learn, looking at the photo, to restore the way of weaving. For beginners, we advise you to start with the simplest patterns. This is a rope, and then a pigtail. It doesn't take long to master them.


To master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, you will need five to seven racks. To begin with, you can fix on some kind of stand (a piece of dense foam, for example) several pieces of thick wire.

This is how weaving looks live on the "simulator"

  1. We take two tubes, lay them between the two extreme racks crosswise. It turns out that one tube lies in front of the work, the other behind.
  2. Holding the tubes at the intersection with one hand, bend the other, bypassing the next rack. As a result, the tube that was in front - turns out to be behind, the one that was behind - turns out to be in front.
  3. We bend again, bypassing the next rack and so on until the end of the row.

That, in fact, is all - this is a way of weaving “rope” from newspaper tubes. Already using this technique, you can do the most simple things. The product is dense and durable. One important point: for this pattern to look normal, there should be an odd number of racks.

By changing the “starting” location of the tube, we get a pattern that is different in appearance

If you want to complicate it a little, you can take two tubes each, go around two racks. But then you need to calculate the number of racks so that the second row is offset - then the pattern will turn out to be interesting. No less interesting are two ropes directed one to the other, and not woven in the same direction.


Checkered is another easy way to weave. To do this, take two tubes, placing them one above the other.

So you can weave a basket, tray and many other products. In terms of density, the product is not as strong as with the previous weave.

If you combine the described two methods, you get a rather interesting product. And if the transition is also arranged in a different color, it will be even prettier.


In order for the product to look neat, it is necessary, firstly, to remove the working tubes, and secondly, to somehow form an edge and do something with the racks.

We fix the working tubes

First you need to fix the working tubes. Usually they are hidden in weaving - in the nearest binding. For this operation, you will need a knitting needle or a long wooden skewer.

This is an easy and reliable way to secure the work tubes. Their ends are hidden in weaving, while securely fixed, clamped. For those who are just starting to master paper weaving, this is perhaps the best option.

Weaving the edge - the main technique

Next, you can proceed to close the edge. There are many different ways - more or less complex. The easiest is to do it like with workers, but bend them inside the product. But then the edge is not very beautiful. If there is a desire to make it more aesthetic, you can try the edge of the "rod". It is not too difficult for beginners to master, and the view is interesting.

To close the edge with a "rod", you need an auxiliary tube or you can take a skewer, a knitting needle. With its help, we bend the first rack to the right, wind it up behind the next rack and bring it forward. Similarly, we bend to the right, wind up behind the next one and bring forward two more racks. In total, we have three bent.

We cut it with wire cutters so that 8-9 mm of the tube remains behind the rack. To fix this cut, we bend the first of the standing racks to the right, pressing the cut edge. Again we have three tubes (bent) in operation. Again we take the left and repeat everything again.

Gradually, a side is formed that closes the top of the weave. We repeat all these steps until three racks remain: two bent and one standing. Tracking this moment is easy, it is important not to miss it. Here you have to be careful. If everything is done correctly, it will be impossible to find the place where the work begins / ends.

final chords

When three racks remain open, it is necessary to ensure that the newspaper tubes are laid in the same sequence and in the same direction, so that they lie down in the same way as before. We take out the auxiliary tube or skewer, with which we started to close the edge.

Again we take the leftmost tube, go around the last standing rack in front and further, according to the previous weaving algorithm, we need to bring it to the next rack. This stand is already bent and fixed. This is the one with which they began to close the edge. We start the tube from behind, slip it under the first bent rack (more conveniently with a skewer) and stretch it forward, laying the tube like the rest. We cut.

Now there are no standing racks, only three workers remain. They must be laid in the same way as those that are already fixed. We take the extreme left, it must be stretched under the third rack. Watch carefully. This is the first post that doesn't have a cut tube near it. We stretch, we lay, we cut.

We stretch under the third rack. If you look closely, this is the first one, under which there is no cut tube

We lay the left tube along the top, covering the tubes that have just been laid. We start from behind, stretch under the counter, in front of the laid tube.

Here we stretch...

We repeat the same operations with the next extreme left. It must be brought behind the “empty” rack, near which there is no cut tube. This rack is located to the right of the one with which we just worked. Here you can’t do without a skewer - you need to slip a newspaper tube under the two already laid (look at the photo).

We spread the tube on top, hiding the cut one above. We wind it from behind, put it on a skewer and pull it out. Holding it with your fingers, we sway from side to side so that there is a place for her and she “lay down”. We cut.

It is also necessary to lay it correctly - repeating the same scheme as before

She remained a protruding newspaper tube. We start it for the third rack. It is not difficult to navigate: under the first two, trimmings of freshly laid ones are already sticking out. We put the skewer under the laid turns, we bring it out near the bent rack.

With the help of a skewer, we bring the last rack out, lay it out so that it lies like the others. Now it can be cut. The edge of the basket is ready and it is impossible to find where the row begins and where it ends.

Photo ideas for weaving from tubules

Novice craftsmen master weaving from newspaper tubes on simple crafts. With the acquisition of experience, I want to diversify products, use more complex patterns. In some cases, weaving that is interesting in appearance is not necessarily complex. Such an example in the next photo gallery. It contains step-by-step photos of creating chess weaving.

Beginning - we braid two racks The number of turns - at your discretion It is more convenient if the tube "looks" to the right We finish the second row of checkerboard weaving, cut off the extra working tubes and fix their ends We leave as many working tubes as needed

Creating masterpieces from unnecessary things has always been an original activity that was especially popular. Everyone has a lot of old items that can no longer be used for their intended purpose for various reasons. They often lie idle due to the fact that it is a pity to throw them away. Craftswomen and needlewomen are beginning to use an increasing variety of materials. Souvenirs of amazing beauty can be created using various types. Baskets, boxes, decorative elements for the interior are made in this way. It is not difficult, so anyone can master this technique.

Surface creation options

There are different types of weaving from newspaper tubes. Some allow you to make dense products, other methods give the impression of openwork lace. In this case, the objects are translucent, that is, the contents of such a basket or container will be visible.

So, if you decide to master its types are the following:

  • one stripe;
  • rope in two strips;
  • alternating weaving with one and two tubes;
  • oblique weaving using racks alone.

For beginners, it is better to start with the first option. He is the simplest. The last method on the list is illustrated in the photo, which shows an ice cream souvenir in the form of a Santa Claus hat. The method of creating a base that is painted red is quite complicated. It is better to leave it for later. If you decide to immediately master such newspaper weaving, a master class in video format will be of great help. Just by reading the description, it will be difficult to work with this method for the first time.

Material preparation

To get an artificial vine, you need to find newspapers, magazines, catalogs. Some prefer to make non-colored editions from soft paper, others work with colorful gloss. Both options can be used. What is best for you, decide in the process of practice. The sheets are cut into strips about 5-6 cm wide. A knitting needle is taken, which is applied to the workpiece at an acute angle. Start rolling the tube. The edges must be secured with glue. This work is easy. It just takes practice. At first, you may get uneven thickness on the left and right of the paper stick. Do not worry. This is acceptable, although the difference should not be too large or noticeable.

Tubule extension

If you work with the real one, then problems with the length of the elements occur less frequently. Here you are limited by the size of the newspaper sheet. Buying a large roll of paper, which is used in print production, is expensive and does not make sense. You can get out of the situation by adding the length of the tube by building. When you roll it up, one edge gets a little wider. Accordingly, the narrow tip will just fit into it. The junction should be made as less noticeable as possible and be sure to glue. As a rule, adding a new part occurs during the weaving process, because it will be inconvenient to work with a long one at once, and you still don’t know exactly what size you need.

Should I paint the vine?

You can use any types of weaving from newspaper tubes, but for each of them there is a general stage of material processing. To give aesthetics and decorative properties to the manufactured object, an artificial vine is usually painted and varnished or stained. Acrylic immediately creates a waterproof layer, and in addition, it fits well on the paper surface. Some prefer not to use color, making very beautiful things, where black text on a white background serves as a kind of pattern. This option is indeed possible, but colored newspapers will not look very aesthetically pleasing, as the object will be too colorful. It is better to apply a drawing on top of such things, and to add a layer of varnish to give a glossy sheen.

What is the best way to decorate the surface?

There can be two options for staining: the first - before weaving, the second - after. It makes sense to make the tubes colored immediately after manufacturing, if you create a very complex shape of a souvenir, it will be too difficult to paint over all parts of it with high quality. However, you should first try what the tube will be like after the manipulation. Some paint formulations make the paper stiff and the stick will lose flexibility. Weaving in this case is impossible. It is best to decorate the product after it is made. They use different decoration techniques: painting, decoupage, ribbons and other options. The combination of several ways of processing the material looks original, for example, the holes in the wicker basket are filled with openwork elements in (the first photo in the article).

What items can be crafted?

After viewing any master class "Weaving from tubes" once, you can start creating souvenirs on your own. You can make any object.
Most often weave such things:

  • baskets;
  • vases;
  • large boxes or small boxes;
  • napkin holders;
  • decorative decorations for home.

The choice of subject depends on your skills, imagination and desire to create. As a first experiment, you can choose a round, square or rectangular box with a solid bottom. Suitable option with a vase. When you understand the technique of creating the walls of an object, start making the bottom also wicker.


If you want to master the master class in the format of tips, it will be enough to start independent work. Creating a souvenir such as a basket or box consists of the following steps:

  1. Assuming that the material you have already prepared, start by making the bottom. In the first options, it is better to use a solid one made of thick cardboard. Cut out the base in the form of a circle, square, rectangle in two copies. In the first, the vertical elements will be fixed, and the second will be decorative and close (hide) the connecting parts.
  2. Execute the framework. In a cardboard circle, make slots for the racks, install them there. For reliability, you can glue small tips to the base. Fix the outer decorative bottom.
  3. Insert the object to be braided into the space between the racks. Vertical tubes should be attached to the base, as shown in the photo. Here it is done with clothespins. If your souvenir is small, use other methods, such as paper clips.
  4. Start weaving from the bottom up. The picture shows an example with two tubes, you use the only one for the first time. You pass it between the racks according to the principle through one. If you start dragging the stick in front of the counter, then you move further behind the frame element. And so on until the end. It turns out a solid surface. Try to hide the joints of the tubes in the places of extension inside, behind the rack. In the case of weaving two elements of a paper vine at the same time, one passes behind a vertical stick, the other in front of it, then they cross, and everything repeats.

Bottom making

In your first works, it is better to use circles, rectangles made of thick cardboard as a basis. However, fully woven souvenirs look most impressive. When you gain some experience, try to make a bottom in the same technique.

To make a rectangular or square bottom, you will need a kind of machine made of cardboard. It is a design in which holes are made in a line with an awl at a distance of about two centimeters, and their diameter corresponds to the tubes. Insert the required number of sticks into the holes, while leaving a free edge on the outside, which will later act as a vertical stand. Insert the working tubes at a right angle and begin to braid the bottom frame.

In the case of a round base, several tubes cross, for example, four each. With a working element, you begin to bypass them, evenly distributing them in a circle in the form of radially divergent rays. Do this to the desired bottom diameter.

Weaving from newspaper tubes: basket "Chess" (diagram)

You can try to master not solid, but with holes, weaving "Chess" is well suited as an example. The bottom can be made in the usual way, and to get a pattern of squares and holes, you will need to use several work items. Each one braids two racks, then there is a shift to the next pair.

So, you have learned what types of weaving from newspaper tubes are, what you need to work with this material. You can choose any sample you like and try to implement it yourself. Start mastering the technique on a simple form, then gradually move on to making complex souvenirs.

Surely you have old newspapers in your arsenal that have already been read and lie idle. Of these, you can make an unusual and original souvenir in the form of a basket or a vase.

If you are not yet familiar with the technique of weaving such a product from newspaper tubes, then you should read the step-by-step instructions.

To make a vase or a basket of newspapers, prepare:

old newspapers;
jar or bottle;
brush with PVA glue;
knitting needle with scissors;
cardboard with a ruler;
white acrylic paint with a hot gun (you can not use it).

Let's start weaving from newspapers

Useful video: How to twist newspaper tubes

About 30 pieces of such blanks are needed.

When the tubes are formed, you should take a jar or bottle and put it on a sheet of cardboard, circle the base and cut out circles (2 pcs.).

Watch the video tutorial, which has a detailed weaving process.

Related video: Simple newspaper basket for beginners

We proceed to the preparation of frame tubes. We flatten one end of the tube (by 3 cm).

We apply glue on one circle and glue the blank tubes on it with flattened ends. It turns out a vine of newspapers, located at an equal distance from each other. Initially, before gluing, measure the lengths on the cardboard. Apply glue to cardboard with a hot gun or use a press.

We lift the tubes up and fasten them with an elastic band. The frame for weaving is ready.

We take one tube with a flattened edge, glue it to the base and wind it behind the nearest tube on the right so that it wraps around the frame from the outside.

We alternate the blanks until the bottom row is obtained.

We carry out weaving a vase to the required level.

We cut off the end of the last tube and put it in the middle of the vase, while fixing it with glue.

The first tube of the frame on the right should be cut off, but bring its end inward and glue it.

We also cut the second frame tube, smear it with glue and put it inward.

Now let's decorate the basket. We paint the craft inside and out with one layer of acrylic paint, let the paint dry, then apply a second layer.

We taught you how to weave a newspaper basket, now you can safely move on to more complex weaving techniques that decorate the interior.

For most women, the home is the family nest. And each seeks to fill the house with warmth, comfort and beauty. Wicker products from the vine of trees have adorned the dwellings of our ancestors since ancient times. But the vine of far from all trees is suitable for such purposes.

Currently, for weaving baskets, vases and other crafts, you can use improvised materials - newspapers and magazines. The presence of free time and the necessary raw materials will help to spend time interestingly and usefully.

Preparation for weaving from newspaper tubes

For weaving from tubules you need:

  • newspapers;
  • glue;
  • knitting needle;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • paperclips.

For beginners, weaving is better to watch the process of creating crafts on video. Video tutorials will help visualize the necessary weaving rules.

The first thing to do is to prepare the necessary raw materials. The material in our case are newspapers and paper. We cut them into long strips with a width of 5-10 cm, depending on the desired density of the product. You can cut paper with scissors or use a clerical knife.

Note! To determine the direction of the paper grain, you just need to run a few fingernails along the edge of the sheet. The longitudinal direction does not form irregularities, and in the transverse direction, the cut line will immediately become wavy. When preparing tubes from newspapers, it is better to use the longitudinal direction.

Then we proceed directly to the creation of newspaper tubes. We take the cut out strip and put a knitting needle on it. We twist the edge of the strip onto a knitting needle. Lubricate the edge of the resulting tube with glue and let dry.

In the same way, it is worth making at least 50 blanks. Their number depends on the complexity and size of the product.

At the preparation stage, it is also worth deciding whether you will color the tubes before the weaving process or give the necessary color to the finished craft. For painting it is better to use acrylic paints or varnishes. After drying, they do not make the surface hard, which is extremely important when weaving. The tubes must be flexible for easy handling and easy to take the desired shape.

Weaving the bottom of newspaper tubes for beginners

Now you can proceed to the very process of weaving baskets or vases with newspaper tubes. And our MK will help in this! A basket is a unique thing that can be used as a storage place for pleasant little things, and can also become an original handmade gift.

Different types of products require different forms, and, accordingly, different bases.

The square bottom may be suitable for a small basket or wicker box. A wicker box (or a small chest) looks simply incomparable in the interior!

Take a strip of cardboard and fold it in half. Using a stationery hole punch, it is necessary to make holes for the tubes at a distance of 1-2 cm.

We put pre-prepared newspaper tubes into these holes. Now we take a paper vine and weave it next to the cardboard. Above the first tube, under the second, above the third - this alternation is constantly repeated.

When we approach the extreme newspaper tube, we turn around it and continue weaving, but in the opposite direction. If the tube is over, then glue the next one to it.

We continue weaving the square bottom to the desired size.

For weaving a round bottom of a basket, it is better for a beginner for the first time to read a detailed description or study the diagrams.

A round cardboard is needed for the base. We take eight tubes and put them as shown in the image. For convenience, you can fix all this with clothespins.

We take one tube and wrap around four fixed ones.

We fix the tube and clasp the next four again, as shown in the image.

After the first circle is over, we continue weaving in the same way, only now we grab not four, but two tubes each.

We also continue to weave the round bottom of the vase or basket to the desired volume.

Step by step weaving from newspaper tubes

After the bottom of your craft is ready, you can safely proceed to weaving the side. So let's do it step by step!

Step number 1. The tubes around which weaving was made must be bent to the middle.

For convenience, you can put an object for braiding on the bottom of the basket. Such an object can be the most ordinary glass or cube.

Step number 2. Weaving the side of the craft continues in exactly the same way as the base. The newspaper tube passes first over one stick, under the second, over the third, etc. If the tube is over, take the next one and continue until the craft reaches the desired height.

Remember! All rows of your weaving should fit snugly against each other, otherwise your work will be in vain, and the craft may fall apart.

Step number 3. When the basket has reached the desired height, we use a bend for the edges of the tubes and fix it with paper clips.

If desired, you can insert ribbons or beads between the rows of weaving your crafts to realize your idea. This will make your basket unique and unusual.

Step number 4. If you decided to give a certain color to the basket, but you did not color the pre-rolled newspaper tubes, then now is the time to think about it.

For painting, it is better to use acrylic paints and varnishes, as well as alcohol-based stain. It is better not to use a water stain, because the product may lose its shape.

At this stage, you can decorate your product with a wide variety of decor.

Step number 5. Giving rigidity. The easiest way to fix the shape of your craft is PVA glue. They need to completely soak the basket and let it dry thoroughly.

At your discretion, you can add a handle to the craft or similarly weave a lid and use it as a box or chest.

Video of the weaving process from newspaper tubes

In order to better understand all the intricacies of weaving crafts from tubes, you can watch a master class on the video.

Photo of products woven from tubules

Handmade crafts have a special charm. They are diverse, as you can see in the photo, they are unique and reflect the inner thinking of their craftswoman. Crafts from newspaper tubes can be a wonderful decoration for your home interior or an original gift. A variety of decorations and patterns give fakes an author's chic.