Beautiful hats knitting and crochet women. How to knit a hat for a woman - lessons for beginners. Knitted hat with simple harnesses

Homemade things always look very cute and cozy.

Hats are a great way to practice, especially since they are fairly easy to make.

The main thing is accuracy and patience.

Loop designation:

  1. LP - front.
  2. IP - purl.
  3. PP - patent (having dropped the top one, we introduce the knitting needle into the next one a row below).
  4. KP - edge.
  5. L - front side.
  6. And - purl.

The latter, if there are no features, is knitted as a purl.

It is worth mentioning in advance that the volume of the head is individual for everyone, as is the style of knitting. Therefore, you should find out in advance, taking into account all the factors, how many loops to cast on a cap of the required volume. We make a standard (small canvas) and count the number of loops in 1 cm. Below we will present the average values ​​​​for a head volume of 55-60 cm.

Knitting methods

On circular needles

  1. We connect the product in a circle. We interchange the two extreme loops, threading one into the other. Then we go to the desired pattern.
  2. We knit the whole product with a cloth and sew at the end. This path is relevant if the canvas is really large and does not fit on ordinary knitting needles.

In both cases, do not forget that you need to gradually decrease the loops closer to the top. This is usually clearly stated in the diagrams.

The connection of the initial row on circular needles. Video lesson:

garter stitch

We collect and begin to knit in rows: we remove the first loop and then we go to the front until the last one (it is purl). Closer to the top, we remove the loops and, as a result, we sew the product with a knitting needle.

In a circle it will be more practical - no need to sew + the cap will be without unnecessary irregularities.

Garter knitting in a circle with knitting needles. Video for beginners:

front surface

From the previous paragraph, the difference is only in the structure.

We always remove the first one, the last one is always SP. We knit the rows alternately: one - the whole LP, the second - SP.

As a result, you get two sides - the wrong side and the front, on which the given pattern is located.

How to knit a flat front surface - video tutorial:

Hat on 5 spokes

The principle of knitting is similar to circular knitting. We evenly divide the dialed loops into 4 parts and distribute them over the knitting needles. It turns out a square, along which we continuously go up with the fifth knitting needle of the desired viscous.

How to knit a warm hat with knitting needles for a woman with your own hands?

A simple mohair hat for beginners step by step

With knitting needles 4.5 mm we collect 75 loops:

  1. L: 2lp. 1 sp + 1lp - to the last.
  2. I: 1lp. 1 sp + 1 lp.

So we knit only 10 rows (the last one is SP).

We continue with a patent rubber band:

  1. L: 1lp. PP + 1lp - to the last.
  2. I: 2lp. PP + 1lp.

So we knit until the canvas is 26 cm in length. The last row is purl.


  1. L: 1lp. PP + 3ip together - up to two extreme loops. PP + 1lp. Total: 39 p.
  2. I: 1lp. 1p + 1lp - to the end of the row.
  3. R: 2k together - to the last + 1k. Total: 20p.
  4. And: 1p + 2p together 9 times + 1(0)p. Total: 11 p.

from angora

You will need a ball of angora (150 grams with a margin), circular knitting needles 5 mm, double-edged knitting needles with a diameter of 5 mm, a knitting marker.

Openwork pattern (loops are multiples of 7):

We're going in circles:

  • lp - all;
  • 1lp + 2lp together + throw n + 3lp + throw n + remove 1p + 1lp and stretch it through the removed one - repeat;
  • lp - all;
  • 2lp together + throw n + 3lp + throw n + remove 1p + 1lp and stretch it through the removed one.

Repeat 1-4 circles of the pattern row.

Cast on 84 sts on circular needles. We knit with a garter stitch (all facial) 2.5 cm in length - do not connect in a circle. We fix the marker in the first and connect it into a circle. Repeat 1-4 circles + rows of openwork pattern 6 times.

Hat top:

When it is convenient (few loops), we switch to double-edged knitting needles.

Let's go in circles:

  • 10lp + 2lp together - to the last = 77 loops;
  • lp - all;
  • 9lp + 2lp together = 70 loops;
  • lp - all;
  • 8kl + 2lp together = 63;
  • lp - all;
  • 7lp + 2lp together \u003d 56;
  • 6kl + 2lp together = 49;
  • 5ls + 2ls together = 42;
  • 4lp + 2lp together \u003d 35;
  • 3lp + 2lp together \u003d 28;
  • 2lp + 2lp together = 21;
  • 1lp + 2lp together \u003d 14;
  • 2lp together = 7.

Cut the thread, leaving a big end. We sew the hat with a needle, pulling empty loops together. We thread the thread from the set of loops into the needle and sew a garter stitch. At the end, we hide the extra threads with IP.

Warm from weed

All you need are knitting needles No. 6 and grass yarn.

We collect 60 p and go with an elastic band (lp + sp) about 4 cm. With a twisted crochet, add one loop every sixth. Thus, the circle will expand. 5 cm knit straight. Next, in each front row, we remove the loop every five loops.

We collect about 10 empty loops on a double thread with a needle and close them. We sew a hat with a knitted seam.

For women over 50

The most popular models are Kubanka, hood, bonnet (helmet). These models are best knitted with the help of a video, because there are a lot of features that you need to see.

Knitting Kubanka - master class on video:

Hood. Master class on video:

Cap-bonnet. Video lesson:

How to knit a beautiful fashionable hat: new models

Fashionable voluminous coarse knit

This is a very popular female youth model. Here you will need thick knitting needles (No. 10), yarn (at least 75 m per 100 g), a hook.

We knit 44 loops with any pattern to the desired height (depending on the width of the lapel). Next, we remove - we knit together every 5 and 6. Then a row according to the picture, and the next one - we remove all SP, knitting them together with LP. We follow the pattern in a new row.

We close the loops: we thread one into the other. After crocheting, we collect a hat, trying not to disturb the splendor.

Universal earflaps for women

If desired, you can knit in 2 threads.

For ears: With knitting needles 4 mm we collect 6 loops. We go to the front, every 2 rows adding a loop from both edges - a total of 6 times.

The size of the ear can be adjusted by changing the number of added loops and rows accordingly.

Base: now we collect the hat. In turn, we collect loops from the ears and new caps for the front and back ends on the knitting needle. There will be 2 parts in total, which are connected by a mattress seam, as the back part will expand in stages. If it's hard to imagine, then you can compare it with a pattern.

As a result, we add a loop, knitting with any technique (to taste) the loops of one ear. We collect 20 more loops (for the front), we knit another ear and we collect another one.

We continue with any viscous.

You can add patterns as you wish. But it is necessary to add to increase the back of the cap (every second row) on both sides of the product:

1 time - 2 sts and 1 time - 3 sts each. As a result, approximately 8 rows will come out (this is the full width of the entire product, which can be adjusted during knitting).

We set the height of the cap before further narrowing, knitting about 16 side by side.

Decrease loops: 1 kp. 5 st = 2 st together (tilting to the right) + 2 sts + 2 sts together (tilting to the left) + 5 sts - repeat 1 st.

Cyclically perform a decrease only 4 times every 2 rows. The remaining we tighten through 2 rows. We sew a hat.

To make a lapel, we collect 20p and with the front rows we go to the desired height. We fasten the lapel by closing the loops.

To weave braids, we cut 18 threads 1 m long. Fold in half and thread into the bottom loop of the ears.

Knitting pattern for a beanie hat with knitting needles (hat-stocking, hat-sock, cap)

The peculiarity of this model is that it is necessary to knit with threads and knitting needles of medium thickness, a product that is quite large in length.

We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles (preferably circular 4 mm) We go up with an elastic band (lp + ip) 25 cm. Next, we reduce the loops. We knit 1lp and 1p together every three rows. When there are only three, we close them with a working thread.

An example of a beanie hat pattern:

Woolen turban for the cold season

We collect the height of the cap (an average of 26 p) and knit for a length equal to half the girth of the head without 2 cm. Divide the loops into 2 equal parts. We set aside one part, and on the second we knit 4 rows.

We knit the knitted half over the untied one and knit further, putting them on one knitting needle (not forgetting to observe the features of the pattern). If there are 2 loops of the same type together (for example, LP next to LP), then we knit them together, but then at the end you need to add 1 st.

Close by knitting to desired length. We collect loops along the entire length of the canvas and go for 9 rows with an English rubber band. After we go with an elastic band (1 by 1) 2.5 cm. Next - the bottom of the cap with a garter stitch 2 rows.

Next, we reduce the loops by half, knitting together - lp over sp, so that it is on top. 4 rows in plain stockinette stitch, then 2 rows in double stockinette stitch. Then together 2 rows 2 p. We close the free ones. The bottom of the cap should be steamed through a damp cloth.

With visor

Prepare a silicone or cardboard visor in advance.

We knit 80 loops with the front surface in a circle of 5 rows. You need to mark the beginning of the row with a marker, or you can just leave the tail of the thread. We divide the product into 3 parts: 18, 44 (there will be a visor here), 18 loops. For the visor, we add - 10 every 4, then we begin to decrease, the dimensions depend on the dimensions of the visor.

By the way, the upper part should be made larger than the lower. We bend in half and knit with a working thread: one loop from the visor, the second - from the base of the cap. Halfway through, we insert the visor and bring the matter to the end. Next, we knit the hat with the desired model.

Stylish with a pompom for a girl with knitting needles

The model of the hat can be virtually any, so below will be only instructions for making a pom-pom.

We cut out two bagels from cardboard - the size of the future pompom will depend on the width. We wind the thread on bagels with a very thick layer - the thicker, the fluffier, even in two layers. After we cut off the remnants of the thread and wind the end inward.

We begin to cut the threads along the edge of the donut - in half. Along the way, we introduce a new thread between two cardboard boxes so that the pompom does not bloom. Everything must be done gradually, controlling the course of all the threads.

At the end, we tie the pompom with a thread that goes inside the bagel. Tighten tightly, you can remove the cardboard. We cut the protruding threads, bringing the pompom to a decent look.

Sew the pompom to the knitted cap.

Creating a pom-pom on a photo step by step:

How to knit a warm double hat for the winter with knitting needles?

We collect 12 loops and close them in a circle. We go down the desired pattern. Starting from the second row 12 times we add 8 loops in each 2 row. In this case, the loops should be divided into 4 parts and added at the beginning after the first LP and at the end before the last LP. Next, we knit straight down 122 rows, after which we reduce the mirror top.

At the end we close, fixing with a working loop. We screw one half inward - we get a lining for the hat.

With ears

With knitting needles 4 mm, we collect 7 loops and knit: kp + sp + lp + sp + lp + silt + kp.

7 times we add 2 on both sides with drugs, taking into account the peculiarities of the pattern of the canvas. We reach the desired eye width (21 - minimum).

Similarly, we knit the second ear.

We turn to the base of the cap, which is desirable to knit on circular knitting needles:

  1. We collect loops (connecting parts adjacent): 33 (front) + 21 (eye) + 33 (back) + 21 (eye)
  2. We knit 4 rows with an elastic band 1 by 1, trying to even out the pattern of the fabric.
  3. Let's start knitting with a “tourniquet” pattern - we alternately change the parts of knitting in places. The loops are distributed in this way:
  4. Main part: 7p elastic band + 6p tourniquet + 7inc + 6pzh + 7inc = 33p.

Eyelet: 6pzh + 1ip + 6pzh + 1ip + 6pzh = 20 loops. It is necessary to imperceptibly reduce 1 loop, observing the features of the pattern.

We insert the remnants of the yarn into the ties, pulling them through the bottom loop and weaving a long pigtail.

Winter knitted with lapel

Number of loops = 4n + 2 (average 98) You can knit on any knitting needles, but you need to consider what exactly you want to get. Based on this, we select the diameter and type of knitting needles.

We knit with an elastic band 2 by 2 (2kp + 2kp) until the desired height is reached.

We begin to gradually reduce:

  • 2p we knit together, while leaving the hem;
  • we follow the drawing;
  • 2lp we knit together, taking into account the hem;
  • according to the drawing;
  • we knit 2 adjacent ones, as one LP;
  • ip is everything.

We fix and mask the end of the thread with the IP. We turn the edges of the cap.

Snood hat

You will need circular knitting needles No. 5 and 200 g of yarn.

The length and width of this model can be any - depends on your desires. A wide hat can be laid much more effectively. The classic is knitted with Polish rib.

We collect the required number of loops, connect them in a circle and knit cyclically in rows:

  • 3lp + 1 sp - repeat;
  • 2lp + 1 ip + 1lp - repeat.

Patterns for hats with knitting needles: diagrams and description

English rubber band

This model is practically dimensionless. On average, we collect 78 loops (for a simplified formula for the number of loops cast on - 4n + 2) on knitting needles No. 4.

If desired, you can make an elastic rim of 1 by 1 elastic band, which can be tucked up. Otherwise, we make a rim with an elastic band 2 by 2 \u003d 8 rows

We knit with an English elastic band: in the first row we make increases (= 95 p).

A simplified version of the English gum:

  • 3lp + sp - repeat;
  • 2lp + sp + lp - repeat.

You can learn how to knit with the help of youtube, but they look the same in appearance.

We knit up to get 25 cm from the base. We begin to gradually reduce the singing, always knitting 3 together. In the first row, we take into account the edging extremes, then we ignore them and knit together with the rest by 3.

At the end, tighten the loops and sew the product along the seam. Keep in mind that you can not tighten it too much, as the hat should turn out to be magnificent.

Stylish with braids

We collect 94 p and go (needles No. 4) with an elastic band (2 lv, 2 ip) about 6 cm. We turn to the braids:

  • 2p + 6lp + 2p + 2lp - repeat;
  • We knit according to the pattern, respectively, ip-ip and lp-lp.

On the 7th row of such knitting, we make overlaps in a place with 6 sts. This can be done with toothpicks, alternately knitting the desired parts. Then we continue to follow the pattern 2p + 2lp + 2p and overlap again.

After the braids, we knit a row along the IS according to the pattern.

We do the cycle described above only 3 times (it turns out 3 overlaps).

Rubber band 2 on 2

We collect the required number of loops and go in a circle to reach the desired height of the cap:

  • we knit the first un under the second lp - the whole row;
  • 5 cm knit straight;
  • (lp, sp, lp) -together + lp + sp + lp - the whole row;
  • we knit directly according to the pattern;
  • 3lp-together + sp - the whole row;
  • ip under lp;
  • we put the thread into free loops and tighten.

How to knit a hat for a girl?

A cat hat is perfect for a child.

We prepare the ears: we collect 17 loops and knit 4 rows in turn:

The sharpness of the ears can be adjusted - it depends on the moment of completion.

The hat model can be almost any - it all depends on your creativity. The main point is to form groups of wedges when we begin to decrease the loops. Their number should be even (usually 6) so that it is clear where to sew the ears.

Fancy knitted hats

Patent rubber band

We collect loops and distribute equally on 4 knitting needles. Next, we go with a classic 1 by 1 elastic band so that the edges do not stretch. At the same time, we knit the lp behind the back thread (crossed).

After 8 of these next, we begin to knit with a patent rubber band with the following features:

  • we remove the un with a crochet;
  • we remove the LP with a crochet, and we knit the SP (which were removed in the previous row) with a crochet as purl4
  • We remove the SP with a crochet, and we knit the LP with a crochet as facial ones.

So we knit 20 cm, then we begin to narrow: we remove the LP, we knit the next one as a LP, threading the previous one into it.

So we knit the whole row - the loops will become half as much. Then the whole series of LP, and repeat cyclically. When there are not enough loops, we tighten them with a thread and hide the end with the IP.

Original two-tone

A two-color cap can be of any model, so the general method for introducing a thread of a different color will be described below.

Let the fabric be knitted with an elastic band 1 by 1. If you want to make vertical stripes of different colors, then here the division will go along LP and SP. We just draw the second thread next to the first. When she is needed, we knit her, otherwise, we remove her with a crochet.

In the case of wide horizontal stripes, you can cut and tie in knots, and then mask with IS.

Another option is to knit in two threads (respectively, different colors). Or you can buy multi-colored yarn.

Hello, today's topic is this is KNITTING HAT… I will show you the most beautiful models of women's hats for the winter of 2016-2017 and tell you exactly how they are connected ... In this article I will reveal to you the general principle of knitting women's hats and berets(both crochet and knitting). You can already about one photo to understand exactly how this hat is connected... and LEARN without diagrams and descriptions to figure out for yourself what and in what sequence you need to do in order to eventually knit just such a winter hat as in the photo.

Today we will knit...

  • hats-caps on knitting needles (elongated and on the head)
  • beret hats on knitting needles and crochet (fluffy and not so)
  • women's turban hats (I will show one simple way on knitting needles)
  • knitted hats with fields and visors (I will tell you in detail how to make fields)
  • winter hats with elegant soft lapels
  • and dried wool caps designed like an English lady.

So, let's start knitting our autumn and winter hats.

Let's start with the simplest ones... and move on as the task becomes more complex.

Women's hats SIMPLE KNIT spokes ...

(cut CAP)

The fastest knitting hat is when you just chose one simple pattern(gum, English gum, knit-rice) ... And drive almost the entire (or even all) part of the canvas in one pattern. Starting from the crown - in each row we begin to decrease the loops, and when 15-20 loops remain on the knitting needles - we pull the thread through them - and simply pull them into one bunch-point at the back of the head. According to this principle, the cap is knitted in the photo below - (25 rows of knitting of the "rice" pattern ... and 15 rows of purl loops with decrease).

And in the same knitting with the “rice” pattern, it would be nice to knit a cozy scarf-snood (collar).

In such a RUNNING PATTERN (of the same type) can be connected as dense winter hat (covered over the head) ... So loose spacious knitted hat pattern. You can decorate a women's hat with one or two fur pompoms.

Can be knitted HAT-CAP - as in the photo below . She looks best when it has a fairly wide (16-20 rows) gum. With a narrow elastic band, such a hat is not suitable for anyone ... as it visually cuts off the skull. A wide elastic band, on the contrary, visually stretches the oval of the face ... opens the forehead and gives volume.

To knit any hat pattern exact knitting pattern in principle, it is not needed ... Since all the hats in the world are knitted according to the general principle. Below I give a general knitting pattern for hats-caps... And a little lower I will give a knitting pattern for all berets.


for any caps.

Such hats-caps can be knitted according to a simple WITHOUT A PATTERN ... or according to a RELIEF or OPENWORK pattern. Choose any knitting pattern on any site ... and go.


first and we knit an elastic band (in 12-15 rows) and further ( without adding loops on the knitting needles) we knit an already patterned fabric of a hat. We get a model similar to the photo of the purple hat is above.

Or after knitting the elastic we can add stitches on the needles... and our canvas will begin to expand ... and we will get a model of a cap that is lush in volume (as on the pink model from the photo above ).

An important rule for adding loops.

When adding loops when knitting a hat with a pattern only one thing matters - the total number of loops on the knitting needles should be DIVIDED BY THE REPORT of the pattern (by the number of loops that are repeated in the pattern pattern) ...

For example, the report (repetition) of our pattern is 8 loops ... which means that the total number of loops on the knitting needles should be divided by 8 ... For example, it should be 160 ... or 168 ... or 176 loops ... (edge-edge loops do not count).

Step 2 - BASIC KNIT.

Further, when the loops are added we begin to knit a pattern ... repeating reports ...
We drive the patterned canvas on rows 40, if you want the usual size of the cap ... (it also depends on the thickness of the threads) Trying on the head ... in the process of knitting, you yourself will understand when it’s enough to drive in a straight line and it’s time to narrow the fabric at the crown. (You can run such a patterned canvas longer so that the hat is higher ... or finish earlier so that the hat wraps around the head, and does not stick out or hang down - everything is up to you)


Then when our hat approaches the back of the head(or whatever length you want)… we start to close the loops 4 each (or 6 ... or 8 each) in each row - the more you cast off the loops in the row, the faster your knitting will end. Since knitting is completed when 16-20 loops remain on the knitting needles

An important rule of DECREASE loops.

We know that there are fewer stitches on the needles if knit two loops together (as one) ... But in order for the decrease in loops to be UNIFORM - you need to do this decrease in any place ... and in certain sectors of the cap ... (so that these decreasing places are at the same distance from each other). That is, the entire circumference of the cap - we divide it into sectors (as we divide a round cake into equal pieces with a knife) ... sectors usually an even number can be 6 ... or 8 or 10 ...

If you have a hat with a pattern(in which some drawing-report is repeated) - then the drawing itself can be a sector ... Then we make the decrease in a certain (at your choice) place of the pattern- and so in each repetition of the pattern we knit two loops together as one.

Here's what it looks like in the process sector decrease loops when knitting any hat or beret ... (it doesn’t matter if you knit it on two knitting needles or on circular ones).

For example- we have 160 loops on the knitting needles - and we have reached the top of our hat and we need to decrease. We decide to decrease evenly in 10 places of each row ... So we need to divide our hat into 10 sectors.

Then we divide 160 by 10, we get the number 16 ... (that is, we mentally divide the hat into sectors - 16 loops in each sector). And so we continue...

In our first decreasing row we will knit at the end of each 16th loop two loops together(that is, we pick up each 15th and 16th together and knit as one) ...

In the second decreasing row there is one less loop in the sector (and we will already pick up together every 14th + 15th loop in a row) ....

In the third decreasing row- in each sector there are even fewer loops (and we will knit together every 13th and 14th loop).

Everything - now you can complete the knitting.

We collect these remaining loops on a thread... we tighten the thread by collecting all the loops into a bundle and tie it into a knot (we hide the ends of the knot inside). We close the back seam of our hat... and you're done.

LOWERED hat in coarse knit…

If you knit a hat-cap on thick knitting needles and thick threads ... then it’s better to make it SMALL - ON THE HEAD ... and wear it slightly tilted back (that is, without pulling it over your forehead).

The knitting principle is small low hat- exactly the same as that of a high cap-cap ... It’s just that here the FRONT PART of the knitted fabric will not be so long ... that is, we’ll move on to the TOP PART with its loop-reducing rows early.

Knitted hats - WITH EARS.

HAT WITH EARS №1 (dark gray in the photo below) You can KNIT the ears separately and then sew them to the right place of the finished knitted hat.

HAT WITH EARS №2 (light gray in the photo above) - we knit a hat in the form of a pipe - without reducing the loops at the top, and then just close the loops and sew the front and back of the hat together in a straight line. T about there, the top of the pipe was flattened (and this flattened edge was sewn together)

And then the corners of this straight seam we turn into ears. To do this, we make a seam with threads DIAGONALLY cutting off this corner. We make a seam with a thread, pierce through both layers (front and back) and not with a needle, but with an ordinary crochet hook we thread the thread back and forth. Thus, our corner will not be pulled over the head like the whole hat, but stick out like a separate ear. And from the other corner of our flattened and sewn cap pipe we make out the same eye, in the same way.

Or such ears can be conceived on a knitted hat with braids - with a lush embossed pattern. It is easy to knit with your own hands.

Knitted HATS with knitting needles - WITH BRAIDS.

LARGE RELIEF KNIT "BRAID" looks very nice on women's hats

And braids can be placed vertically(as on the ash-pink hat from the photo below).

Or you can make a longitudinal knitting of a hat - not from the forehead to the top of the head, but along the side line (along the girth of the head) - and then our braids will be horizontal left to right - like on the gray hat from the photo below.


With lapels and FIELDS.

Fashionable hats with fields- reminiscent of elegant hats - so feminine, ideal for an elegant coat with flirty gloves ... Under loose curly hair

Sometimes the fields are knitted SEPARATELY and then sewn to the edge of the finished hat ...

Sometimes, in order to give such fields the necessary rigidity, special blanks of felt fields are cut out ... and inserted inside the fields folded in half (like a bookmark in a book). This is exactly what is done on the knitted hat from the photo below.

Here, try to make the same (as in the photo above) fields on your hat - it's easy to do it yourself ...

Step 1 (preparatory)

First you knit a hat ... Then you cut it out of felt a figure resembling a bagel (a pancake with a hole)... the inner edge of the donut hole should be the same size as the circumference of your head and the edge of the hat.

Step 2 (knitting )

Then on the needles we will knit DIRECT (rectangular fabric gum pattern).

To do this, we collect such a number of loops ... so that the future canvas is equal to the length of the OUTER circumference of a donut made of felt (you can measure it with a centimeter or a school formula) ...

The length of the canvas should be twice as wide as the thickness of the donut - to wrap the donut around it from below and above (since the knitted fields at the cap go both above and below) ... That is, we knit the fabric and from time to time try it on to the width of the cut donut - we wrap the barrel of the donut from the lower and upper sides and see how many more rows are missing ... we knit to the desired length.

Step 3 (stitching )
When the canvas is connected (that is, it has reached a sufficient width for wrapping and sewing a “donut-blank” into it), we are on our canvas close the loops ... remove it from the knitting needle.

We wrap our felt bagel with a knitted cloth ... so so that the fold of the canvas is along the OUTER edge donut ... and the connecting seam of the doubled fabric went along the inner edge of the donut fields was ... (that is, we immediately wrapped and sew the halves of our canvas along the inner edge of the donut)

And then along the edge of the same seam we sew our finished fields to the finished hat. And that's it. You can now crochet a beautiful fluffy flower and add it to the side of your hat.

Another way to make fields on a knitted hat.

And in the fashionable model of a light beige hat (from the photo below) - the fields are formed by themselves when bent in half knitted classic elastic band (one front, one purl). it's easy to do it by hand.

That is, we knit an elastic band for a hat twice as long what the margins should be... and then fold it in half. We stretch the bend slightly with our hands in breadth so that it protrudes with a visor.

Sometimes a fishing line is inserted into such a protruding bend of the elastic- this is done so that the edges of the fields do not wrinkle from wear, but always remain even and elastic.

Sometimes a corset tape is inserted inside the bend - for rigidity(the tape with which the trousers are hemmed below) - and with sewing threads (tone on tone) it is neatly and imperceptibly sewn with through stitches through the edge of the fields.

And here is a hat with WIDE lapels-brims .

Here, the lapel is knitted in the shape of a bell ... which has two sides (inner - light, and outer dark). Now we will make it with our own hands.

Such a hat must be knitted starting from the back of the head... that is, from top to bottom (since it will be convenient to adjust the scope of the fields ... and in which case, it will be convenient to dissolve them and knit again ....

A simple knitting pattern for this WIDE TWO-COLOR BRIM HAT…

  1. Knitting this black hat with white fields - we start from the top ... just knit a straight fabric (or a straight pipe, if on circular knitting needles) ... The fabric of this pipe should be so long that it covers the head from the crown to the forehead.
  2. We turn to white threads - and sharply expanding canvas from the edge of the forehead (adding loops in each row). A shape similar to a bell is formed (we reach the very edge of the fields - trying on in front of a mirror to decide whether such a width of the fields was enough for us). It was we who tied the white side of the fields (the one that is visible in the photo).
  3. We change the threads to black ones and knit the Narrowing in the opposite direction (reducing the same number of loops in each row as we added before). ... this will be the reverse side of the lapel of the fields (dark) which is not visible, hidden-turned away in the photo.
  4. It turns out a design in the form of ... first a narrow black pipe .... then an expanding white part... and then a narrowing black part.
  5. At the widest point of the canvas(where the white turns into black again) we bend the canvas in half (we folded the fields of the cap in half ... And we sew this addition-we fasten it with threads - we fix this double sandwich of fields.
  6. And then only remains sew the top crown seam of the cap - fold it with an envelope as seen in the photo and secure with threads ... and (if we did not knit on circular knitting needles) we make the back seam of the cap.

Note - if you knit such a hat from thick dense threads, then the fields can not be made DOUBLE - without this they will turn out to be dense and upright .

(If suddenly it was unclear explained - write in the comments, I will explain in more detail and even draw ... and maybe even calculate the number of rows and loops in a row).

Knitted hat with brim - crochet.

And here is a MULTI-COLORED hat, which is crocheted. Crochet fields are generally easy to knit. There is no need to be smart here - know, drive the columns in a circle, sharply adding their number in the fields.

And then, at the very edge of the fields (on the last rows), you need to slightly reduce the number of columns so that the cap itself asks for a neat bend upwards.



The fields of a knitted hat can be soft and easy to turn away to the hat... then we have an elegant lapel on a knitted cap.

Here in the photo below we see an example of how a ONE-SIDE SIDE lapel is made.
How exactly it is made, I think everyone understands.

knitting first top of the cap... And then we knit the lapel part itself as a separate long canvas on knitting needles (similar to a scarf). There is only one pattern - both from the front and from the wrong side we knit all the time one face loop... we get a ribbed pattern (it is thanks to this ribbed pattern that our fields keep their shape well).

Buttonholes are not required- just sew the edges of the canvas overlapping each other ... and sew on buttons for decoration.

Here is the front opening . The hat is knitted on two needles (without elastic) so that the fabric itself is wrapped up with a beautiful roll up. The pattern looks like RICE...

But the lapel, which is uniform around the entire circumference of the cap. It is decorated with a neat flower.

Hat with cuffs - soft angora.

And here is another fashionable hat - in it we see a non-standard circular knit - and the direction of the knitted fabric goes across - this made it possible to come up with such beautiful lapel fields.

Here the knitting direction is HORIZONTAL (and apparently in the shape of a trapezoid)... which is then sewn into a hat (if suddenly something extra is connected) you can always correct it with scissors (roughly) and close the cut with threads.

To be sure, we can first do Trial mock-up of a hat from a piece of an old sheet(to guess its shape) ... then knit the canvas according to the shape of the layout ... and fold such a hat.

And even better... tie such a hat ONE SIZE BIGGER ... and therefore DECREASE-DOWN it (like a felt boot) in hot water (40 degrees) in a washing machine ... The knitting will immediately become very dense - the hat will become denser and one size smaller.

MORE ABOUT THE RULES OF FELTING I will tell you right now using the example of the following two hats.

HATS KNITTED WITH lapels - dried.

See what fashionable dried hats you can knit on knitting needles ... and dump in the washing machine.

They knit first larger than necessary. Then they are washed in hot water and the wool shrinks. decreases by 30% and the hat becomes plump and warm, as if made of soft felt fabric.

I’ll say in advance that both gray and pink hats are knitted according to the same instructions - this is the same model, it’s just that the manual drapery of the fields (with the help of hat pins) is slightly different.

A detailed description of the dumped hats from the photo above.

(gray and red hat).

Characteristics of the material and product.

200 g of yarn Wash+Filz-it! Fine

(100% wool, 50 g\100 meters No. 00120

circular needles No. 5, stocking needles No. 5
Buckle + pin, brooch, buttons (for finishing hat fields).

Product size before felting: head circumference 70 cm, height 26.5 cm.

Product size after felting: head circumference 54, height 20 cm.

Before starting work- you should knit a sample from the purchased yarn - mark a 10 by 10 cm square on it with a bright thread. Then dump this sample in the washing machine and check how it decreases.

According to the declared yarn- the density of knitting before and after felting should match the following:

Knitting density before felting: 10 x 10 cm = 16 stitches and 22 rows

Knitting density after felting: 10 x 10 cm = 20 stitches 29 rows

And if your data is different (and this may be due to a different yarn, too tight knitting, or vice versa, your habit of knitting loosely and sweepingly), then you need to dial the number of loops on the knitting needles a little different. In accordance with how your prototype differs from the one shown above.

In order not to peer into the small print and encrypted abbreviations, I decided to paint step by step and in rows the whole knitting process and hat assembly.

STEP 1 - knit the main part of the brim of the hat.

We start knitting from the fields - that is, we collect 124 loops on circular knitting needles and knit circular rows with the front stitch. 20 rows in a circle. And we get the straight part of the fields (gray shading on the pattern of the fields). And we will only have to connect that part of the fields, which will be an elongated triangular shape in the pattern from the diagram below.

STEP 2 - start changing the shape of the fields

(narrow on one side and wide on the other side).

At a height of 9 cm (= after 20 circular rows) we knit short rows- every other row we will decrease by 10 loops. This is necessary so that our fields turn out to be different in level - on the one hand, our field will turn out to be wider (there will be more rows), and on the other hand, our hat field will be narrow (in the place where we reduced every second row by 10 loops). Now you will learn how it is done, and understand how it will look.

I decided write each row, which you knit - so that you can knit without bothering your brain by strictly repeating the steps described below.

So, at a height of 9 cm (after 20 circular rows), we knit short rows as follows.

We have 124 loops on the knitting needles. We start knitting 21st circular row but we knit this row not to the end, but to the last 10 loops of the row(that is, we do not knit all 124 loops that are on the knitting needles, but only 114 facial loops) , after which we stop and we need to turn the work back to front (so that the wrong side of the knitting is already looking at us) and we can knit in the opposite direction of the circle.

And in this back way we do 1 yarn over on the right needle And knit the 22nd rowthe same reduced by the number of 114 loops, but already on the wrong side. We knit this amount to the end and turn our knitting back to the front side to knit the next 23rd row. Here's what it looks like in a picture (I hope I made it clear).

On this front side and knit 23rd front row- but we also do not knit all 114 loops - but again we turn the knitting without reaching 10 loops to the end. That is, in the 23rd row we must knit 104 front loops. And turn to the wrong side - to knit on it 24th row - 104 purl loops (before each purl row, do not forget to make 1 yarn over on the right knitting needle). And we turn back to the front side.

25th row we also do not knit 10 loops to the end - but stop at knitted 94 front loops- and turn to the wrong side. Where do we knit 26 row - purl 94 loops. And we turn back to the front.

This 27th row we also do not knit up to 10 purl loops - that is, we only knit 84 front loops. Turn knitting inside out and knit 28th purl row - 84 loops. And again we turn to the front side.

This 29th row we also reduce by 10 loops - that is, we only knit 74 front loops, and turn the knitting on the reverse wrong side, and knit 30 row - 74 purl loops. We return to the front.

This 31 row- we again reduce by 10 loops - that is, we only knit 64 front loops. Turn inside out - knit 32 row - 64 purl loops. We return to the front side.

This 33 row 54 front loops 34th row - 54 wrong loops. Expand to the front.

This 35 row- we again reduce the knitting by 10 loops - we knit only 44 front loops. Turn inside out and knit 36th row - 44 wrong loops. We return to the front side.

This 37 row- we again reduce the knitting by 10 loops - we knit only 34 front loops. Turn inside out and knit 38th row - 34 wrong loops. We turn to the front side.

This 39 row- we reduce the knitting by 10 loops for the last time - we knit only 24 front loops. Turn inside out and knit 40th row - 24 purl loops. And after that, we turn the knitting with the front side towards us for the last time. This was the last short row. We are back on the front side.

And now we can continue our usual circular knitting- together with all 124 stitches in a row.

STEP 3 - knit the main dome of the cap.

So, we have 124 loops on the knitting needles, already connected fields hang from the knitting needles (on one side of the circle, the fields are wider 40 rows high, on the other hand, narrower 21 rows high.). Now we will knit the hat itself - the part that is pulled over the head.

The first thing we need to do is seal the transition from the brim to the dome of the hat. To do this, we knit each loop in together with a crochet.

Here is one way to close the loops - with a hook.

So, we closed 12 loops - and therefore we have 112 loops left on the knitting needles. Of these, we will knit the dome of the cap.

We transfer these loops from circular knitting needles for 4 stocking needles- 28 loops on each of the four knitting needles. And we knit in a circle 30 facial rows up. (Our knit rises another 13.5 cm (excluding margins).

Now we stopped and marked every 14th loop on our knitting (you can pass red ribbons between every 14th loop). We will need these marks (there will be 8 of them) in order to properly reduce the cap (narrow the dome).

We noted and in the next circular row we knit each 14th loop together with the previous one (that is, we knit 13 and 14 together). As a result, we have 104 loops left on the knitting needles.

Next, we knit like this.
In every 4 rows - repeat the decrease(we knit the loop marked with a ribbon together with the previous loop). Doing so 3 times. (That is, 3 rows are simple, 4 we decrease - 3 rows are simple, 4 we decrease and 3 more rows are simply 4 we decrease - three such calls). As a result, we have left 80 stitches on needles.

Now let's get stronger.

In each 2 rows we make the same decrease (in the same places marked with a red ribbon). We repeat 6 times. That is, 12 rows we alternate one simple + one subtractive. As a result, we have 32 loops left on the needles.

And now we come to the end of knitting.

Three rows in a row we make a decrease - in each row. In the same places marked with a ribbon. And on the spokes we have 8 loops left.

We finish knitting: cut the thread, stretch the tail of the thread through these last 8 loops. and pull tight. We fix the end of the thread in the body of the cap (using a crochet hook).

STEP 4 - we roll the hat

in the washing machine

+ form its final form.

And here is a detailed description of how such hats knitted from wool can be DOWN IN THE WASHING MACHINE ...

  1. We place a hat in a laundry bag.
  2. Fall asleep in the washing machine colored laundry detergent. DO NOT add fabric softener or detergent for woollens.
  3. Choose mode - delicate wash(it is with a large flow of water - we need this). Mode for washing wool is NOT NECESSARY.
  4. Setting the temperature 40 degrees.
  5. Best with a hat in the car shove something rough(like jees or towels) - to create additional friction.
  6. We start washing - as a result of which the product will decrease by 1/3 (i.e. 30%) After that, we take it out - wring it out and wet it PULL-STRETCH to the size of your head ... (so that she remembers this shape) ...
  7. and then we put it on a BLUE where it will dry. It is, of course, understandable that you do not have hat blanks in your household - n oh you can find a replacement for her- for example, a suitable-sized children's ball or a three-liter jar (to increase the size of the jar, you can wrap it with several layers of newspaper, fix it with tape and put on a bag for cleanliness) - put on a hat and leave it like that until completely dry.
  8. After you have pulled the hat onto the blank, you must level its fields - stretch the fields so that on one side they are 9 cm, and on the other 15 cm.
  9. AND UNTIL THE HAT IS DRY, we do its styling. .

Here is a photo to help you. We approach the mirror and try to lay the fields as shown in the photo. The instructions say this:

Gray hat styling: Align the margins (by 9 cm and by 15 cm). Turn the fields up (both the short and long sides. Take the edge of the short field turned up and turn its half down. Stab this place with a hat pin (buckle + wand).

Knitted hats for women: diagrams, descriptions, modern models

Three reasons why you need to learn how to knit hats with knitting needles:

First: today it is difficult to find a knitted hat made of natural yarn in stores. At best, it will be a wool mixture with 50% acrylic, but, alas, you will not find 100% alpaca or merino wool mixed with silk. But in stores you can easily buy wool with the right composition and knit a hat for yourself without synthetics.

Second: it's all about style. To find a hat model that suits you, you need to travel around all the shops in the city, do you know this? Isn't it easier to buy yarn and knit a hat with your own hands according to the description from the site? The Hummingbird website presents many modern models of hats with knitting needles with a description in Russian.

Third: A knitted hat with knitting needles is the perfect gift for your loved one. Mom or grandmother, brother or sister, dad or dear husband: a knitted hat with knitting needles with your own hands will give them a piece of the warmth of your hands, and will help you express your concern for your loved ones.

I wish you light loops, and successful knitting with the Hummingbird site!

A beautiful and fashionable women's hat is not necessarily something expensive bought in a store. You can create it with your own hands, with only 150 grams of good yarn and knitting needles. From winter and autumn hats, not only aesthetics are required, but also the ability to retain heat, passing air in the right amount. That is, to…

Winter won't take you by surprise if you know how to knit! And we will also come to your aid by providing a drawing and a diagram for a beautiful and not difficult to make hat with a lapel, decorated with a pattern of braids. The hat is knitted using 100% cashmere yarn. So you will be warm and cozy ...

Are you planning to buy a warm hat for the winter? Why not knit it yourself? There is an interesting and very fashionable model, with a nice pattern. Think it's too difficult? Not at all. Simple and familiar techniques are used here. And the amount of work is not big at all. By the next cold weather, you will definitely have time, even ...

A warm hat for the winter does not have to be fur and very expensive. There are many options for knitwear, in which autumn and winter will be held in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This model, decorated with an original pattern in the form of leaves, is quite capable of warming you. The main thing is to choose good yarn. Woolen may be suitable for this ...

We knit an excellent autumn-winter women's hat with a simple but original pattern. The performance of such work takes a minimum of time, but you get a wonderful, warm and very comfortable thing. It seems thin, but, thanks to the natural wool and mohair yarn used, it turns out to be quite dense. To freeze in such a hat you need to try. However, she doesn't...

Not only beautiful and fashionable, but also such a two-tone woolen hat looks very unusual. Knitting with an elastic band is not difficult. You yourself know this very well. And if not, you will quickly understand this by looking at the job description. As you can see, you only need a certain amount of wool yarn in two colors (gray and ...

Warm and very comfortable woolen cap for a girl, decorated with an original pattern of intertwined braids and plaits. Linking such a model is much easier than you might think by looking at the picture. Standard knitting elements are used. Therefore, even a beginner knitter will not have any difficulties. At the same time, the hat turns out to be quite modern and not at all old-fashioned. ...

A hat is a very important, fashionable and necessary piece of clothing for every person who lives in a more or less cold climate. There are a lot of beautiful factory hats in the store today. But not always you can choose a hat of a suitable color or texture. It happens that only the latest fashion trends are on sale: a cap-cap or beret, which categorically do not suit you. Or you bought a new coat that matches perfectly with a menthol cap and snood. But you didn't find either one or the other for sale. Although no, the store has a green hat, a blue snood, and everything is not right. Or the price is such that with this money you can buy 2 kg of good yarn. Then it remains for us to take the knitting needles in our hands and knit the hat with knitting needles.

There are many patterns for knitting hats with knitting needles on the Internet: a hat - a beanie, a hat - a cap, a hat - a beret, etc. A women's hat with knitting needles will decorate any look, so there should be many and different hats in the wardrobe. Do not knit black, gray, brown hats. Buy bright, multi-textured threads and experiment with them. We must somehow dilute the dullness of our everyday life.

It is easy to knit a hat with knitting needles if you choose a scheme that suits your strength. If you have been knitting recently, then do not focus on models with aran and braids. Of course, they look very impressive, but in such patterns it is difficult to calculate the number of loops you need, connect all the patterns correctly and make beautiful reductions. Find a suitable video tutorial on knitting hats for your level and knit according to it.

We have collected more than 30 patterns of knitted hats from our authors and beautiful models from the Internet. We hope you will find something to your liking. And if you knitted yourself a hat with knitting needles, then be sure to send it to the editorial office, we will be happy to post a photo of your work.

Knitted hat. Interesting models from the Internet

Knitting caps Nepal spokes

For knitting you will need: - Drops Nepal yarn 2 skeins (I have color 4311) - short circular knitting needles 4.5 and 5, stocking needles 5 - crochet hook or knitting needle Dimensions after WTO in the folded state: width 20 cm, length 22 cm (for an adult, size 56-58).

Openwork hat knitting

Size: for head circumference 55-57 cm.
For a hat and mitts in the kit you will need: 80 g of yarn for a hat and 40 g of yarn for mitts (ALIZE Cotton Gold, 55% cotton, 45% acrylic, weight: 100 gr., Length: 330 m), circular knitting needles.

Knitted hat with knitting needles “BIRGITZ”

The size of the cap for the circumference of the head is 53-57 cm, the height of the cap is 20 cm.

Materials needed: Cygnet Superwash Pure Merino DK yarn (100% wool; 104 m / 50 grams per skein) - 2 skeins.

Knitted hat with braided pattern

The pattern is simple, thanks to it the hat turns out to be very warm, double, keeps its shape perfectly and creates volume.

Hat knitting UNDERGROWTH

Sizes of the finished hat. Girth: 47cm (51cm, 55cm). Height: 19.5cm (21cm, 23cm)

Materials: yarn. Brown Sheep Nature Spun Sport ; 1 skein of each color: Deep Sea - base color;
Gray is a contrasting color.

Multi-colored model with knitting needles

A cap with an interesting wave effect is knitted in stockinette stitch and garter stitch in short rows. Size M; head circumference: 54-57 cm.
You will need: yarn (75% wool, 25% polyamide; 320 m / 150 g) - 150 g each of red, purple, pink and green; circular knitting needles No. 4.

Volumetric knitted hat and snood

Hat size: for exhaust gas 54-58 cm. Weight 75 gr. Knitted from yarn 1) Alize simli in 100gr.- 460m. ;Composition: 95% Acrylic, 5% metallic, Color No. 191 (pink), 2) Nako mohair delicate in 100g - 500m; Composition: 40% mohair, 60% acrylic, Color No. 6111 (pink). Needles number 3; 4; 5.

Bright knitted hat

Author Natalia Kan. Natalya knitted this hat from Martine's yarn. Composition - 100% extra merino wool; length 145m, weight 50g and added a thread of Silk Mohair Lano Gato. Composition - 75% kid mohair, 25% silk. The length of the thread is 212 m. The weight of the skein is 25 g.

Beautiful knitted hats from Elena Zakhvatova

Women's bandana knitting

The legendary hat Rock Star is knitted

The legendary Rock Star hat by Kim Hargreaves, interpreted by Irina Belova.

Original photos taken from the Fair of Masters, from Irina Belova.

The hat is really very interesting, warm, just in time for the winter.

interesting selection on the site 22 models for girls only

Hat size: for OG 56 -57 cm.

For knitting you will need: 150 gr of 100% cotton yarn 85m/50 gr; knitting needles number 3 and number 4.

The description is calculated for knitting an adult model for a head circumference of 56-58 cm. After the WTO, the hat is approximately 25 cm in depth, loose fit.
"Rainbow wool-XS" yarn, 100g/100m, assorted colors
- 100 g per hat without lapel,
- 120 g (one skein) for a hat with a lapel.

Double hat for warmth.
Thread Mink from Color City 350m / 50g knitting needles No. 2.5 density of the front surface 33p * 40p = 10cm * 10cm. Suitable for exhaust gas 5 6cm in circumference. Beanie.
You can use a thicker thread, for this you should recalculate the OG you need, while maintaining a pattern repeat of 8 loops.

See description and knitting patterns for hats.

The dense pattern will not allow you to freeze in the most severe winter month, and the noble gray color, interesting weaves will make you feel beautiful even in the most severe January frosts.

The hat is suitable for head circumference 56-58cm.
Yarn: Merino Platinum Nuovo biply, 125m/50g, 100% merino; or Bianca Lanalux 2 ply, 240m/100g, 100% wool or any similar yarn that holds ribbing and arana well. Need 200g of yarn! (exact consumption 164g).
The model is wearing a hat made of Bianca Lanalux yarn (exact consumption 164 g).

Description and patterns of knitting hats can be downloaded

The hat is knitted from Alize baby wool in two strands. Two caps of bright orange color are knitted from Nako baby marvel also in two strands. Consumption 2 skeins per hat. I must say right away that the customer brought the yarn, this is her choice. For me, this yarn is the most terrible of which I have ever knitted - creaky, stiff and prickly. In a word, I do not recommend.Well, actually the transition to the description. It is designed in such a way that it can be knitted with any threads for any size.

How to knit an angora hat

Angora hat by Nastya @anastasia_muraschuk For a hat in size 56-58 you will need: ALIZE NATURALE yarn (230m × 100gr) -2 skeins of circular knitting needles 40 cm - 5.5 and 7.0 scissors and a needle. Hat knitting from angora, description of work We knit in 2 threads!!! On circular needles

Swing knitting, the work of Anna Chernova

Another interesting trend in knitting is SWING. FROM WIKIPEDIA - Swing, swing (English swing; "swing, oscillation"): Swing is a rhythmic pattern used in jazz. Swing is a type of orchestral jazz. Swing is a pair dance. Swing is a term in musical theater

Knitted hat, interesting models from our site

Snood and hat knitting. Catherine's works

Yarn Pekhorka "northern" (angora-30%, semi-fine wool-30%, high-volume acrylic-40%). It took 7 skeins of 50 g each. I knitted with a “pearl” pattern and an elastic band 2 * 2. The pompom is made from an old collar.

Tools and materials: knitting needles No. 4 - 4.5, terracotta woolen or semi-woolen yarn 50 g 90-100 m (200 grams), yarn residues suitable in color for colored stripes (about 100 grams). You can use leftover yarn. Written by Inna

To knit a hat you will need: Yarn angora ran 100g/500m, color 3864 Alize lanagold fine 100g/390m, color 203 We knit with an English elastic band in a circle of 35 cm. English elastic band 1 row: * 1 person., Straight yarn over,

Set Melange

Set "Melange". The work was sent to our knitting competition “Hats and sets”. Yarn “Nako Bambino Marvel”, 25% wool, 75% acrylic, 100 gr – 350 m, three skeins were used. Head circumference 56 cm, straight needles 2 mm.

Hats made of thick yarn. The yarn was used by the Pekhor factory “Souvenirnaya”. 160 meters per 200 grams. 50% wool 50% acrylic. The hats are thick yet soft. After washing, they remained unchanged. My daughter wears one all the time. A cap

Greetings to all knitting lovers! This time I come to you with a kit. Turban. Thread: see photo in 100 gr 266 m (70% acrylic and 30% wool). How to knit a turban with knitting needles, a description of the work Knitted with knitting needles 4.5 mm in two

Warm autumn hat. The work was sent to the Hats and Sets competition. Cap size 54-56. Yarn Alize lanagold fine 390/100. Circular knitting needles 3.75 - 4 cm. It took a little more than half a hank. Knitted in one thread. The hat is very warm

How to knit a beanie hat

Set “Anthracite” for a head circumference of 56 cm. The work was sent to our knitting competition “Hats and sets”. Semi-woolen yarn 1 skein - 100 grams / 100m, it took three skeins of black yarn and half a skein of gray yarn. Straight needles No. 3. BEANIE HAT,

Hello everybody! This set is knitted from yarn Alize Superlana Classic 280m - 100g (75% acrylic, 25% wool) in 2 threads, knitting needles No. 3, additional 2 knitting needles are needed for the pattern. The whole set took 230g. Gained 120p on the hat, then we knit

Knitted hat and snood with braids. Works by TatVen

Yarn Nako “Artist”. In 100 gr. 150 meters. Quite a thick yarn, but the twist is loose and due to this it is airy. Well, the composition is 35% wool, 65% acrylic. Very comfortable!! Yarn consumption - everything took exactly 4 skeins, 1 skein with a tail for a hat, the rest for snood.

Hat - Kubanka with knitting needles. The work of Oksana Usmanova

Hat - beanie with knitting needles. The work of Saule Vagapova

How to knit a stylish beanie hat with short rows. Many people like the beanie hat, and for good reason. Knitting is a pleasure. Even a beginner will cope, because. only knit and purl loops are used.

Hat - beanie with knitting needles. The work of Tatyana Ivanovna

Knitted from leftover yarn. Threads NAKO Arctic 40% wool, 60% acrylic. The hat and snood are crocheted with NAKO Arktik threads.

Knitted hat for women with a pattern. Catherine's work

Hat size - 56 (length 25 cm). Scarf - volume 110 cm (length 30 cm). Materials: KARTOPU GONGA yarn (100% acrylic, 300 m / 100 g) 200 g black and 50 g white, knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3.5, sewing needle.

Knitted hat City lights. Margarita's work

For knitting you will need yarn “Yarn Art” Turkey, 350m / 100g, 70% cotton 30% viscose, two skeins of different colors. Hosiery knitting needles No. 2. Cap size 56.

Knitted hat for spring. The work of Valentina Kaldysheva

Knitted with 100% acrylic yarn. Light as a feather. Delicate and soft. The hat model knits simply and quickly!

Hat - a cat with knitting needles. Natalia's work

Wool mixture yarn, it took 2 skeins.

Valeria knitted this hat for herself, for a head circumference of 56-57. We take knitting needles with a diameter of 5 mm, the yarn of the main color, and we collect 98 loops.

Green knitted beanie hat

Favorite beanie. It turned out to be a very useful wardrobe accessory. It pleases with a variety of ways to wear it and suits everyone! For this hat, I cast on 3.5 105 loops on circular needles (the number of loops should be a multiple of 3).

Knitting a warm hat with knitting needles. The work of Larisa Velichko

To knit a hat, you will need: 100 g of Lanosso Alpacana yarn, knitting needles No. 4; 2 wooden buttons. Cap size: S/M - M/L . Head circumference: 52/54 - 56/58 cm.

Pink knitting hat for women

Hat: Double elastic band 2*2. further: 1st row: 1 persons, crossing of 2 persons of loops, etc. to the end of the row 2nd row (and all even rows) all from the loop of the 3rd and the crossing of 2 knit loops of 1 knit, etc. 5th row knit 2, cross 2 knit loops 7th row as the first

Knitting a hat with braids. Valeria's work

Size: 56-57. Semi-woolen yarn 200 grams. Spokes straight No. 3.

Knitting hats with knitting needles. Valeria's work

Size: 56-57. Semi-woolen yarn 150-200 grams. Spokes straight No. 3.

Hat knitting Robin

Knitting a hat with beads

The hat is double, the elastic band is also double hollow. Tip for those who want to try knitting with beads: for beads, be sure to go with a hook and yarn. On the spot, try to see if the hook with the thread will pass through the bead.

Women's hat knitting. The work of Tamara Matus

Transformer hat “Taste of Raspberry” is knitted with two strands of half-woolen yarn Pekhorka “Crossbred Brazil” (composition 50% merino wool and 50% acrylic, 500m/100g).

Hat - turban with knitting needles. Svetlana's work

Knitting is my favorite hobby since the age of 7, I knit and crochet. I have a lot of work. So I decided to send you the work "turban". I knitted a hat for a friend, at first they came up with one option, there were threads left and decided to knit another option.

Hat knitting video tutorials

Fashionable hat made of thick yarn with cuffs

Hat - beanie knitting

The video should load here, please wait or refresh the page.

Knitted hat with a pattern “braid with a shadow 12 loops”

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Beanie with fashionable flaw knitting

The video should load here, please wait or refresh the page.

If you like to create beautiful fashionable things with your own hands, then our article with a detailed description and diagrams on how to knit a hat for a woman is especially for you.
To be honest, today every woman must be able to knit, because there is nothing more pleasant than the opportunity to pamper yourself and loved ones with budget new clothes.

How to knit a warm hat with knitting needles for women?

If you are still a beginner, you can start with our first tutorial on how to knit a simple hat for a woman. As a visual aid, you can use the videos we have selected on how to knit a hat for a woman.

How to knit a simple hat from maher

Knitting a beautiful hat is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, arm yourself with knitting needles, yarn and patience.


  • 125 g mohair
  • knitting needles 4.5 mm

PP (patent loop) \u003d insert the right knitting needle into the next loop one row below (reset the loop of the current row).


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Cast on 75 stitches and knit in rib as follows:
1st row (RS): 2 knit, * 1 out, 1 knit; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Rib for 8 more rows, ending on a purl row.

1st row (RS): 1k, * PP, 1k; repeat from * to the end of the row.
2nd row (WS): 2k, *PP, 1k; repeat from * to the end of the row.
Repeat 2 rows of pattern until beanie measures 26 cm from cast on, ending on a WS row.

Top shaping:
1st row (RS): 1k, * PP, 3 out together; repeat from * to the last 2 loops, PP, 1 knit = 39 loops.
2nd row (WS): 1 knit, * 1 out, 1 knit; repeat from * to the end of the row.
3rd row (RS): *2knit together; repeat from * to the last loop, 1 knit = 20 loops.
Row 4 (WS): P1, 9 times, P1 (0) = 11 sts.

Beautiful hat for the winter from angora


  • 120 g angora
  • circular needles 5 mm
  • stitch marker
  • set of double pointed needles 5 mm
  • knitting needle

Garter stitch: facial loops in each row.

Openwork pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 7).
1 circle: facial loops.
2 circle: * 1 persons., 2 persons. together, yarn over, 1 person., yarn over, remove 1 p., 1 person. and stretch it through the removed item; repeat from * to the end of the circle.
3 circle: facial loops.
4 circle: * 2 persons. together, nakid, 3 persons., nakid, 1 p. remove, 1 persons. and stretch it through the removed item; repeat from * to the end of the circle.
Repeat 1-4 rounds. pattern row.

Cast on 84 sts on circular needles. Do not join in round, work in straight and reverse rows in 2.5 cm garter st. Place a marker at the beginning of the row and join in a round. Repeat 1-4 rounds. rows of openwork pattern 6 times.

Top shaping:
Switch to double pointed needles when the number of stitches decreases.
1 circle: * 10 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 77 p.
2nd, 4th and 6th circle: facial loops.
3 circle: * 9 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 70 p.
5 circle: * 8 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 63 p.
7 circle: * 7 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 56 p.
8 circle: * 6 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 49 p.
9 circle: * 5 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 42 p.
10 circle: * 4 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 35 p.
11 circle: * 3 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 28 p.
12 circle: * 2 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 21 p.
13 circle: 1 persons., 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 14 p.
14 circle: 2 persons. together; repeat from * to the end of the circle = 7 p.

Cut the thread, leave a long end. Insert the section into the knitting needle, pull through the remaining loops and pull off. Insert the thread from the set of loops into the needle and stitch in a garter stitch. Hide the remnants of the threads from the wrong side.

Warm grass hat


  • 100 g yarn weed
  • knitting needles number 6.

Start knitting by casting on 60 stitches on needles No. 6. Knit in rib 1x1 for about 4 cm.

In order to expand the circle, every 5 loops add 1 loop with a twisted crochet. Then knit straight for 5 cm, after which start decreasing 1 loop in each front row every 5 loops. Collect the remaining loops (there will be about 10 of them) with a needle on a thread folded in half, then fasten it.

The hat must be sewn with a knitted seam.
(On YouTube you can watch a video on how to knit a simple hat with knitting needles.)

How to knit a trendy hat

After you have learned how to knit simple hats, you can move on to more complex patterns. In 2018, the following models will be relevant: a voluminous hat, a hat with earflaps, a beanie (they are also called a hat-stocking, a sock, a cap), a turban, a bonnet (or a hat-helmet), a model with a visor, a hat with a pompom, double a hat, mischievous with ears, a regular one with a lapel, a snood hat (or a hat-hood).

Fashionable voluminous hat made of coarse yarn

Universal size 53-54 cm.


  • thick yarn 200 g
  • circular needles 10 mm, length 40 cm
  • stitch marker
  • thick knitting needle


Cast on 32 stitches. Place the marker at the beginning of the row and connect in a circle.
Knit with an elastic band as follows: * 2 persons, 2 out; repeat from * to the end.
Work 14 more rounds and dec 2 sts evenly, knitting 2 sts together in last round of stitching = 30 sts.
Next, knit 12 circular rows only with facial loops.

Track. Round: Knit 2 together = 15 sts.
Knit 2 more rounds. Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Thread the piece into a knitting needle. Slip all loops onto thread. Pull and fasten the thread on the wrong side.

Universal hat with earflaps for a woman

Size - 54 cm (head circumference)


  • 250 g yarn
  • regular knitting needles 4 mm
    The hat can be knitted in 2 strands.

Cast on 6 stitches and start knitting a hat in garter stitch. At the same time, add along both edges 6 times every 2 rows, 1 loop. Then knit straight for another 14 rows.

If you add more loops, then your eye will be much wider. If you knit more rows, then similarly your eye will be longer than in the photo. So, you have tied 2 identical ears.


Now we collect everything in one product. To do this, on a long knitting needle, type loops from your ears in turn and new ones for the front and back of the cap. Please note that at first the back of the cap will gradually increase and, as a result, will consist of two parts connected by a mattress seam. For a visual representation, look at the photo of the pattern.

Thus, you need to add 1 loop, knit with facial knitting (or any other, if you don’t want the option from the photo) the loops of one ear, cast on an additional 20 loops for the front of the hat, knit the second eyelet and cast on an additional 1 loop.

Continue knitting the hat with your pattern or front stitch, as suggested in the photo. At the same time, add loops to expand the back of the product in every second row on both sides of the knitted fabric 1 time for 2 loops and 1 time for 3 loops. This will be about 8 rows. This will be the full width of your header. If necessary, you can adjust it by adding more loops in the process of knitting.

You need to knit about 16 more rows, which will be the height of the cap before tapering at the crown.

Decrease as follows: 1 hem loop *, 5 knit loops, 2 loops with tilt to the right, 2 front loops, 2 loops with tilt to the left, 5 knit loops *, repeat from * to *, 1 chrome -i loop.
Dec 3 more times every 2 rows in this way, and slip off the rest of the sts after 2 rows. Sew the hat on the back with a mattress stitch.

For the front lapel, cast on 20 sts around the edge and work in garter st to the desired height. then close all loops and attach the lapel in any suitable way.

For braids, it is necessary to cut 18 threads 1 meter long, which are folded in half and threaded into the bottom of the ears and braided into braids.

Knitted beanie hat (hat-stocking, hat-sock, cap)


  • circular needles 4 mm
  • 200 g yarn of medium thickness
  • tape measure


First of all, using a centimeter tape, measure the circumference of the head on which you plan to knit a hat. Let's say you got 56 cm. This means that you will knit a hat in size 56.

The second crucial step is to determine the density of knitting. What does knit density mean? This is the number of loops and rows needed to knit a 10x10 cm fabric. What does it mean in translation into “simple language” - correctly calculate how many loops you need to dial at the beginning of work.
Cast on 22 stitches and knit 10 cm with the pattern chosen for the hat.

Press the knitted pattern with an iron through a damp cloth. You don't need to smooth it out too much. Do this carefully, slightly "steaming" the sample.
Measure the prepared sample around the perimeter. Let's say you got a sample of 10x10 cm in size when knitting 30 rows. This means that the density of knitting with this pattern will be 2 loops per 1 cm and 3 rows per 1 cm.

That is, for a cap of the 56th size, you need to dial: 56x2 = 112 loops and knit 30 cm, that is, 30x3 = 90 rows.

Cast on the required number of stitches on circular needles. And knit in a circle, using the fishing line, the pattern chosen earlier, 25-27 cm up. You will get a knitted fabric in the form of a pipe. After 25 cm, start decreasing stitches by working 2 stitches together on every third row until you have 3 stitches left on the needle. When decreasing the loops, knit the fabric with a garter stitch. Break the thread from the skein, leaving about 10 cm, and pull it through the 3 remaining loops, knitting them together and securing the end from the wrong side.

Watch the video "tie a beanie".

Woolen hat-turban for the cold season


  • 150 g wool yarn
  • knitting needles No. 2.5 - 3

Knitting pattern: 1st row - 1 front loop, 1 wrong loop. 2nd row - before the purl loop, yarn over, and remove the purl loop without knitting, knit the front loops with the face. The 3rd and all subsequent rows - in front of the wrong loop of the yarn, remove the wrong one without knitting, and knit the front loop and the yarn of the previous row together (grab from above).
The cap consists of two parts: the turban itself and the bottom. The height of the turban is 10-12 cm.

Pick up the height of the turban, about 24 loops, and knit a strip, the length of which is equal to half the circumference of the head minus 2 cm.
Then divide all loops in half. Remove the left side on a pin and do not knit temporarily, and knit 4 more rows on the right side. After that, swap both parts so that the right part goes to the left and over the left part. Then put all the loops on one knitting needle and knit the second half of the strip.

If, when knitting the second half, there are two identical loops next to each other, then knit them together (so as not to knock down the pattern), and add one loop at the end of the row. When the desired length is knitted, close the loops.

Now pick up loops along the entire length of the strip and knit 7 - 8 rows with an English elastic band, then 2.5 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. After that, start knitting the bottom: 2 rows of double stocking knitting (front loops knit with the face, purl loops are removed, the thread remains before work). Then knit 2 loops together in the face, so that the front loop is on top of the wrong one. Knit 3-4 rows in plain stocking st, then across the face 2 rows in double stocking st, the next 1-2 front rows - 2 loops together. Pull off the remaining 6-8 loops. Steam the bottom through a damp cloth.

Video "Knit a turban with knitting needles for a woman"

The original hat-hat (or hat-helmet) for a very cold season


  • 400 g of yarn
  • knitting needles number 3

It is necessary to dial 31 loops on the knitting needles and tie a transverse strip of any knitting that you choose yourself for a frill 110 cm long, so that it has a beautiful and finished look, then make the corners on it with short rows.
In each row, be sure to decrease the knitted loops by 2, that is, first you need to knit 29 loops on the front side of the product, then leave 2 loops intact, wrapping around the 30th loop and turning the knitted product to the wrong side, then knitting the entire row to the end.

On next row from RS, also work 27 sts, leaving 4 sts intact.

Wrap around the 28th loop and turn to the wrong side again. Thus, knit the entire product.

Having stopped under-knitting all the loops of the corner, start knitting the main part, increasing the rows, which will make it possible to change the direction of knitting. First, knit three loops on the front side, and in subsequent rows increase the number of loops by 2, but only knitted.

Having connected the strip with the corners, on one side, dial about 180 loops along the edge loops and knit the product with a garter stitch. Then in the next row, every three loops remove one loop. Repeat these reductions 2 more times. Then work 5 cm in garter stitch.

After 5 cm for the main part of the hood, add evenly up to 90 loops and again knit another 17 cm in garter stitch. Then select 30 loops in the center and knit only them, grabbing and knitting together - both at the beginning and at the end - 2 loops from the central part on each side. After all the central loops are connected to the side loops, close the remaining loops.

Cap with a visor


  • 250-300 g of yarn
  • circular knitting needles No. 2.5
  • silicone visor

Dial 80 loops, close in a circle and knit 4-6 rows with front stitch, i.e. face loops.

When I connect in a circle, leave the tail of the thread to indicate the beginning of the row. We divide the number of loops into three parts-18pet, 44pet., 18pet. On 44 loops we will knit a visor, making an increase of 10 loops every 4 loops. We make an increase so that the visor fits well and is conveniently located in its pocket.
When the pocket for the visor is knitted and the reductions are made, we knit the second half of the rim.

We fold the fabric in half, throw the tail of the thread onto the knitting face (the beginning of the row!). We knit one loop from the knitting needle, raise one and knit from the typesetting edge. We reach approximately the middle of the visor, insert the blank of the visor and continue to knit loops to the end of the row, i.e. to the tail.
The upper part of the rim (i.e. the front) should be a few rows larger than the inner (to hide the holes from the turns).

And so we have 160 loops on the knitting needles. You can start knitting the tulle. We divide the loops into 8 parts (wedges), and knit a zigzag pattern. One wedge-20 loops. Rapport - * from 1 pet. knit 3 loops, 8 persons., 3 loops together (behind the back wall), 8 persons. * - repeat 7 more times. If you want a larger cap, you can add 16 loops = 176 loops. One wedge - 22 loops. Rapport - * from 1 pet. knit 3 loops, 9 faces., 3 loops together (behind the back wall), 9 faces. * Repeat 7 more times.

We knit the height of the crown we need, knitting one row-pattern "zigzag", one row exactly.

Tula is ready. We start making cuts. One row is a zigzag, one row is exactly.
One row - we knit only 3 loops together, and we do not make 3 loops from 1 loop, one row is exactly.

When there are 16 loops left on the needles, knit 2 loops together and pull on a thread.
The cap is ready!

(Watch the video from the best needlewomen of the network " tie a hat with a visor "on the YouTube channel).

Stylish hat with pompom

The size is universal.

  • 1 skein of yarn (75% acrylic, 25% wool; 136 m / 85 g) in three different colors: Oxford Gray (78046) - A, Steel Blue (78105) - B, Soft Teal (78209) - C;
  • knitting needles 5.5 and 6 mm;
  • auxiliary needle.

Knitting density:
15 sts and 20 rows = 10 cm in stockinette stitch on larger needles.

K8P \u003d remove 4 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle at work, 4 persons, then 4 persons from the auxiliary knitting needle;
K8L \u003d remove 4 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, 4 persons, then 4 persons from the auxiliary knitting needle;
+1 (inc 1 st) = pick up st from broach and knit in pos. wall.

On smaller needles with thread A, dial 73 loops and tie 7.5 cm with an elastic band 1 person, 1 out. Finish on purl row.

Switch to larger needles.
1st row (RS): knit with a thread In 3 persons, * + 1, 2 persons, +1, 3 persons; repeat from * to the end = 101 loops.

3rd row: 5 persons, * K8L, 4 persons; repeat from * to the end.
Rows 4 to 10: Start on a WS row and work in stockinette stitch (7 rows total).
11th row (RS): 1 knit, * K8P, 4 knit; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, 4 faces.
13th row: facial loops.
15th and 17th rows: Knit with thread C.
from the 19th to the 27th row: knit with a thread C and repeat from the 3rd to the 11th row again.
Row 28 (WS): Purl.

Top shaping:
1st row (RS): 1 knit, * 2 knit together, 3 knit; repeat from * to the end = 81 loops.
2nd and all purl rows: Purl.
3rd row: 1 persons, * 2 persons together; repeat from * to the end = 61 loops.
5th row: 1 persons, * 2 persons together, 1 persons; repeat from * to the end = 41 loops.
7th row: 1 persons * 2 persons together; repeat from * to the end = 21 loops.

Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Using a needle, pull a segment through the remaining loops. Pull and fasten the thread. Run a seam.

Thread A in 2 additions, wrap the hand about 50 times. Leave a long line. Carefully remove the skein from the rugi and tie tightly. Sew the pom-pom to the top of the hat.

Watch the video on how to knit a hat with a pom pom:

Warm double hat for the winter


  • circular knitting needles;
  • favorite color yarn;
  • soft yarn for lining;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • hook.

In order to knit a double hat in your size, you need to know the girth of your own head. Determine it with a tape measure. Write down the total and calculate the loops for the set. The standard for which you need to knit a small square using a working thread will help you make the calculation correctly. Count the number of loops in one centimeter of the standard.

To knit the front of the hat, multiply this amount by the circumference of the head in centimeters and add 4-5 loops for supplies. For the lining, take the yarn created for knitting children's things. It does not prick and does not irritate the skin.

Type on two knitting needles, folded together, the required number of loops, pull out one of the knitting needles and start knitting gum.

The most reliable is the 1x1 gum. It stretches well and retains its original appearance for a long time. After knitting 5-6 cm of elastic, start stocking knitting. When knitting in a circle, it is better to knit the front loops by the front thread, so they turn out to be more even.

Knit the main part of the hat about 15 cm high. Next, start reducing. If you decide to knit a double hat on radial needles, divide the number of loops by 4, mark each part and knit 2 loops together first of each part. In this case, if knitting is done with a set of 5 knitting needles, knit 2 loops at the beginning of each knitting needle.

After all the loops are closed, fasten the thread on the wrong side of the hat with a crochet hook.

For lining the hat, cast on the loops from the wrong side of the main fabric, immediately after the end of the elastic band. Do not forget to reduce 4-5 loops. Knit in stockinette stitch. Knit the lining 1-2 cm shorter than the main part of the hat and close in the same way.
Wash knitwear by hand, in warm water, with special detergents for washing knitwear. It is necessary to wring them out without twisting, but to dry on a terry towel in a straightened form.

Hat with ears

Size 56-57.


  • 150 g of yarn
  • circular needles 4 mm

For the first “ear”, you need to dial 7 loops and knit in this order: 1Krom., 1IP, 1LP, 1IP, 1LP, 1IP, 1Krom.
2nd and all purl rows - knit according to the pattern.

As soon as there are about 21 loops on the needles, measure the length of the "eye".
If the length is suitable, then set aside, and proceed to knitting the second.
If not, then knit directly to the required length, but without adding loops.
Tie the second "ear" in the same way.

Then on circular or stocking needles (you can also knit on straight lines, but then there will be a seam along the back of the head, and the loops will need to be distributed taking into account this seam) cast on 33 loops, add 21 loops of the first “ear”, dial 33 loops again, add 21 loops of the second "ear".

Next, knit with a regular elastic band 1LP x 1IP for about 3-4 rows. See that the gum pattern is harmoniously distributed on the new typed loops.
Those. for the front and back of the hat, which consist of 31 loops, distribute the loops as follows:

7 elastic loops, 6 loops for the tourniquet, 7 elastic loops, 6 loops of the tourniquet, 7 elastic loops = 33 loops in total; for the “lugs”, each of which consists of 21 loops, distribute the loops as follows: 6 loops of the bundle, 1 PI, 6 loops of the bundle, 1 PI, 6 loops of the bundle = 20 loops in total. 1 loop carefully cut, i.e. knit 2 loops together without ruining the pattern.

Knit straight, repeat the rapport of the “harness” according to the scheme, about 14-16 centimeters.
Then start decreasing loops.
To do this, in every 4th row, evenly across the entire row, cut:
3 times 1/4 of the total number of loops

Check the height of the hat, if it fits, then pull off the remaining loops with the end of the thread and fasten them. As a rule, the height of a hat with ears can be from 20 to 22 centimeters. Perhaps someone likes a higher one.
If the height is not enough, then knit a few more rows in height, while reducing the existing loops, and close at the end.

For ties, attach pieces of yarn to the ends of the "ears". Approximately half as long as the desired length of the strings themselves. Take the yarn in several threads for three parts, which you then braid into a pigtail. This will be your tie. Tie a knot at the end and trim the yarn at the bottom of the tie with scissors.
Make a pom-pom for the crown.

Watch the video "how to knit a hat with ears for a woman"

Winter knitted hat with lapel

Size 56-57.


  • 150 g of yarn
  • regular knitting needles number 5


The number of loops should be divisible by 4, plus 2 edge loops. If we knit for an adult, approximately 98 loops will be required: 96 + 2 = 98.
We collect the loops and start knitting the first row: we remove the edge loop without knitting, then the elastic band 2x2: 2 front loops, 2 wrong ones, we always knit the last loop of the row (edge) with the wrong one to maintain even edges of the product. The first loop of the row is always removed without knitting.

All further rows - both wrong side and front ones are knitted according to the pattern: 2 front loops over the front ones, 2 wrong loops over the wrong ones.
When the required depth of the cap is reached, taking into account the lapel option you have chosen, we begin to make decreases from the next front row: we knit 2 purl loops together with a purl loop.

In the second row (purl) we knit according to the pattern: 2 purl loops, 1 front loop.
In the third row, we decrease the facial loops: instead of two facial loops, we knit two loops together with the front loop. It turns out an elastic band 1x1: 1 facial loop of two facial, 1 purl.

Fourth row - according to the figure: 1 purl loop, 1 front loop.
The fifth row (front) is knitted together in two loops of the front.
And the sixth, final row - all the loops are purl.

As you can see, decreases when knitting a hat from a rectangle have the same principle as when knitting in a circle, there is only an adjustment for the front and back rows.

When knitting a hat from a rectangle, it is better to leave the tip of the thread longer so that there is enough for the back seam. We collect the remaining loops on it with a hook or a large needle, tighten it into a ring and carefully sew the hat. You can connect the edges of the cap in different ways (seams), this is a reason for a separate article, but the main goal in any case is to make the seam look equally neat both on the front side and in that part of the inside that, when turning off the edge of the cap, will be visible . Remember this!

That's all. We confuse, cut off the extra end of the thread and go to the fitting.
I wish you interesting work and warm hats!

If you need a visual example, watch the video how to knit a hat with a lapel on YouTube.

Hit of the season - snood hat


  • 200 g of yarn
  • circular needles number 5

First, decide on the width and length of the future product, and then tie a small piece of the knit that you prefer. Having chosen the fragment you like, you can calculate the number of loops for the product. So, type on the circular needles the required number of loops. The proposed snood must be knitted with a Polish elastic band. This knitting is not very difficult, and if you knit it for the first time - do not be afraid, you will adapt quickly enough.

The resulting chain of loops must be connected in a circle and knitted.

First row: 3 front loops and one wrong side.

Second row: two front loops, one purl, and one front loop.

Third row: knit in the same way as the first row.

Fourth row: knit in the same way as the second.
Then continue to knit in cycles. Do not forget that the wider the hat, the more effectively it can be laid on the head. |

Video "how tie a snood hat "will help beginners to learn in more detail the whole process of creating such a beautiful knitted creation.

How to knit a hat with a pattern

Hats with a pattern look spectacular, but knitting them is much more difficult, since you need to follow both the shape of the hat and the pattern. Sometimes you get lost and you have to start all over again. But if you pay attention and practice on a small sample, you will succeed the first time.

English ribbed hat


  • woolen yarn - 50 g at 135 m;
  • straight knitting needles No. 4 - 2 pcs.;
  • knitting hook;
  • scissors;
  • darning needle.

1. Find out the circumference of the head of the future owner of the headgear and be sure to make a small square of the knitted fabric for the sample - the knitting density is always calculated individually. When knitting a hat with an English rubber band, an elastic, almost dimensionless, product is created. In the described example, with a head girth of 55-60 cm, a jersey density of 18 loops for 46 rows, 78 loops are dialed for the rim of the cap. Knitting needles are used straight, medium diameter (No. 4).
You can start knitting a hat with an English rubber band without making an elastic border-rim. At the same time, you can make a product canvas with or without a collar. Please note: 1x1 elastic band fixes the edge well!

2. Knit the headband in straight and purl rows, alternating 2 front and 2 purl loops in succession. When 8 rows are ready, start knitting a hat with an English elastic band. In the first row of the pattern, you will need to make uniform increases, bringing the total number of loops to 95.
To add loops, divide the row into equal segments, and in each knit with an additional thread bow. To do this, grab and twist the transverse threads between adjacent loops.

3. Perform a fluffy canvas with an English rubber band until you reach a height of 25 cm from the edge of the rim. To form the main pattern of knitwear, perform alternating loops in the following sequence. In the first row of the pattern, do only facial; start the second row with an edge loop (it is removed untied); do the front. Next, repeat the so-called double facial loops, inserting the right knitting needle into the thread bow of the previous row. Finishing loops - front and edge.

4. Start the third row of English Rib also with an edge loop, then alternate double and regular front loops until only a pair of thread arches remain on the left knitting needle. Knit the first of them double front, the second will be edge. Repeat the pattern according to the finished sample of the second and third rows until you make the main fabric of the headdress of the desired size.

5. Proceed to the formation of the crown of the cap. To round the knitted fabric and pull it off from above, make uniform decreases of loops in straight and reverse rows: at the beginning of the edge loop; during a row of 3, the thread arches are knitted together with the usual front; at the end - edge. On the next row, decrease without leaving edge stitches, always knit 3 stitches together.

6. Cut off the working yarn, leaving a “tail” about 10 cm long. Pull the open loops of the last row with it and drag it through the crochet inside the hat. Form a strong knot.

7. Turn the hat inside out, steam out the knitted fabric and carefully connect the side edges of the part. Sew a neat connecting seam with a darning needle and thread from a working ball. In order for the stitching to remain sufficiently elastic, and the product does not deform, do not make the stitches too tight.

Watch the video "how to knit a hat with an English rubber band"

Stylish hat with braids


  • 150 g of yarn
  • knitting needles number 3.5,
  • knitting needles No. 4, 5

I knitted on two knitting needles, because on circular ones I have a large thread and it turns out to be very tight and there are large holes between the loops, and I like it tighter. Then I sewed it.
I scored 96 loops on the knitting needles. Knitting needles No. 3.5. Knitted in 2 strands, yarn with wool 20%, 135g per 50m.

I knitted an elastic band 2 × 2 about 6 cm.
Switched to knitting needles No. 4.5


  • (2 out, 6 persons, 2 out, 2 persons) - repeat to the end of the row.
  • knit according to the pattern, where there is out-out, where there are faces - faces.

Knit 6 rows like this and in the 7th row make overlaps where there are 6 faces. (Youtube is full of videos on how to knit braids). I did this: I transfer 3 loops to the toothpick, knit the next 3 knit ones, return these 3 loops from the toothpick to the left knitting needle and knit them too. So to the end of the row.

After these overlaps, we knit 1 row on the wrong side according to the pattern, I do not count it.

And repeat again all 6 rows, in the 7th overlap
And once again repeat all 6 rows and in the 7th overlap
In total, 3 braids were made. And from the beginning of knitting, about 15-17 cm were tied.

By watching in addition the video “how to knit a hat with braids for a woman”, you can easily master the science of knitting.