Seniority pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs per year. Calculation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - benefits for police pensioners. What decisions are being made about this?

  • for persons participating in the State Pension Co-financing Program - the amount of insurance premiums additionally paid on account of the funded part of the labor pension; the amount of contributions of employers who participate in the Co-financing Program as a third party; the amount of contributions transferred from the state budget to co-finance the accumulated part of the pension;
  • part of the funds (or the entire amount) of family (maternity) capital, which was directed to the formation of SIT;
  • income from the investment of the above funds.

Who has SIT SIT is formed for citizens born before 1967, if they are members of the mandatory pension insurance system, and also worked / work in any period of time after 2001.

Lump sum payment to pensioners: how much and how to get

The length of service does not include periods of service in law enforcement agencies for which a citizen has already been assigned a pension through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2018, the minimum length of service is 9 years, and in the future it will increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024, according to the table: 9 2019 10 2020 11 2021 12 2022 13 2023 14 2024 15 Second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 and its calculation A fixed payment or a fixed supplement (FSD) - a federal social supplement to a pension up to the subsistence level - is an additional payment that is paid to those pensioners whose pension is below the subsistence minimum in a given region.

Pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: conditions, calculation, news

With a positive result, a lump sum payment to pensioners is carried out within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of the decision. In case of refusal to assign payments, the Pension Fund notifies the citizen in writing of the decision made, indicating the reason. Amount of lump sum payment The amount of lump sum payment to pensioners depends on the amount of SIT in their pension account at the time of assignment of labor pension.

For citizens born before 1967, pension savings were formed over three years (2002-2004), so the amount of payments ranges from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. Lump sum payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Citizens of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the right to pension provision, and registered for receiving a lump sum allowance during their service, are entitled to a lump sum social benefit.

Lump sum payment to pensioners: who is entitled and how to get it

Pension payments are:

  • urgent pension payment;
  • lump-sum payment to pensioners;
  • SIT, which are accrued upon reaching retirement age;
  • payment of funds of the insured pensioner to his successors.

Lump sum allowance for pensioners Lump sum social payment for pensioners is an opportunity to receive a share of labor pension throughout life not only in the form of monthly payments, but also as a lump sum payment (if you have certain rights). Citizens can also receive an urgent pension payment, which was formed at the expense of additional deposits.

Second pension for military pensioners

Compensation will be calculated according to a special delivery schedule, that is, in some cases, the payment will coincide with the pension, and in others it will be made as a separate payment. Payment of pensions assigned to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 57 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 (as amended on May 1, 2017) “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families”, is made to their recipients, regardless of the employment of pensioners.

Pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: size, indexation and method of calculation

Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, raising three or more children,

  • is more likely to receive the required amount;
  • housing purchased at the expense of the budget can be transferred to a disabled person of groups I and II of category "a".

In addition to direct payments, there are benefits that significantly save the pensions of police officers. At the regional level, additional benefits are provided in different amounts. In Moscow, pensioners of the internal affairs bodies have free travel on public transport, and in St. Petersburg they buy a ticket at a reduced cost.

Treatment By the end of the term of service, a policeman manifests a whole bunch of diseases. In gratitude for the years given, the state provides benefits for medical care:

  • Purchase of a voucher for 25% of the cost for treatment in departmental health or sanatorium institutions.

Pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for length of service and disability

The second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018: who is entitled

  • 2. Second pension for police officers: conditions for granting
  • 3. The second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 and its calculation

The second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018: who is entitled Those who serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation should know that the following types of pension payments are due to the police (or members of their families) through the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • Seniority pension;
  • survivor's pension;
  • disability pension.

After dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, these types of pensions remain with the former employee, but since this pension can be earned in 20 years (or even 10 years, if we are talking about special conditions of service, for example, when you have to protect law and order in the Far North or hotspots), these retirees are often referred to as “young retirees” because of their age.

The second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

Irregular working hours, low salaries and tense service in law enforcement reduce the number of people who want to become police officers. The pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs helps to attract new employees with decent cash payments in old age. The pension provision of law enforcement officers is based on the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993.
with the latest changes and law RF dated 12.15.2001 No. 166, which provide the opportunity to receive three types of pensions. Content

  • 1 By seniority
  • 2 By disability
  • 3 Insurance pension
  • 4 Surcharges
  • 5 Treatment
  • 6 Decoration

By length of service The retirement age in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such age restrictions as for ordinary citizens. You can retire before the age of 45, you just need to work in the police for at least 20 years.

Pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police)

From that moment on, he has a generally established right to an old-age insurance pension in an amount that depends on the length of service and the amount of pension points. The second pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the age of 55 To receive a second pension through the Pension Fund, a woman must reach the age of 55. From that moment on, he has a generally established right to an old-age insurance pension in an amount that depends on the length of service and the amount of pension points.

In addition, a second pension after the age of 55 can be received by those former employees of the internal affairs bodies who have worked "in civilian life" in the conditions of the Far North or areas equated to them, as well as in particularly difficult or harmful working conditions and have earned the right to an early old-age pension .
Until the age of 60, a well-deserved retirement is possible if the term of service in the police is at least 12.5 years, and the total length of service is 25 years or more. Reorganization or illness, which makes it difficult to perform official duties, allows you to leave the service if you have the specified work and service record. The retirement age for some employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is reduced due to the special conditions of service (traffic police), business trips to "hot spots".


The time of service in the Armed Forces or in the fire department is counted in the total length of service. Full-time study at a university also counts, with a year of study equaling six months of service. The amount of pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the monetary allowance of the policeman.

Every year, legislators increase this amount, which is taken into account when calculating pensions.

Compensation for the insurance pension to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016

This is due to the fact that upon retirement, an employee is required to pay 5 salaries. Monthly payment is made, depending on the region of residence, from the 15th to the 25th day of each month. Recalculation and indexation of pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month following the one in which the amount of payment was changed, unless otherwise prescribed by law.
All changes must be made to the pension file, indicating the date, amount and reason for the change. If the amount is increased upwards, all additional payments will be transferred to the beneficiary's account along with the next payment. Pensions are indexed because real incomes are falling and prices are rising. This measure is a kind of state support for its citizens. As a rule, indexation of pensions is carried out in stages several times a year.


Insurance pension Persons serving in the Department of Internal Affairs are entitled to the sum of two pensions - insurance and seniority. The insurance pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is paid to men upon reaching the age of 60, to women - at the age of 55 if they have fifteen years of insurance experience, and the value of the pension coefficient is 30. The insurance period includes the period of labor activity that is not taken into account when calculating length of service.

Additional payments In addition to the increased pension content, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are financially encouraged by the state with various benefits:
  • unused vacation is financially compensated;
  • upon dismissal, seven salaries of monetary maintenance are paid;
  • a one-time social payment is provided to improve housing conditions, subject to established rules. At the time of leaving
  • to retire, the former employee must be registered for financial assistance.

Started in 2011, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to this day. The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2016/2017 affects important aspects of the work of the department, the main of which are the wages of employees, the amount of pensions, the increase in the retirement age and the reduction of employees of departments.

Reduction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to the Decree of the President, in 2017 the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be no more than 904,871 people. To date, there are 1,003,772 units in the "bodies", thus, during the entire period of the reform, about 100 thousand workers fall under the reduction. in 2017 will start from October 2016, which is confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2016 No. 480 "On the amendment and invalidation of certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation". From October 1, 2017, the reform comes into force, and special commissions have already been created for its implementation.

The number of staff units to be reduced is quite large, but the reform does not affect some regions at all. These include the remote Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka districts, a new republic within Russia - Crimea. The main percentage of cuts in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 will fall on management structures. Operatives, employees of the teaching staff, and district police officers will practically not be made redundant. It is worth noting that today there are a number of vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are canceled automatically during the reform. Their number is estimated at 20 thousand units.

Pension reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who retire after 2016 will be affected by the new rules for calculating it. The main parameters when calculating the pension payment:

  1. Job accruals.
  2. Rank accruals.
  3. Accruals for work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Each of these factors increases the size of the future pension during the entire time of work. In 2016, it partially changed the rules for calculating accruals. Now it is being actively discussed that in 2017 retirement will be possible only after 25 years of service. And the amount of payments will depend on the position and rank of the pensioner. Thus, those employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who planned to retire in 2016 are forced to work another five years for seniority. Note that this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

The size of the pension payment for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is initially higher than the pension of people who have retired from their civilian positions for a well-deserved rest. The pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 will be increased, this procedure is carried out annually. Typically, the percentage of pension increases directly depends on inflation. The percentage increase in the pension payment is equal to or slightly higher than the percentage of inflation.

Police salaries in 2017

This year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is introducing changes to the wage system, in other words, a reform of the monetary allowance system is underway. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive wages based on the results of their activities. Many issues will be resolved at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. For example, payment for going to work on weekends will depend solely on the boss. If a police officer commits an offense and is suspended from work, then he loses his bonus.

Changes have also been made to the procedure for attesting employees, which directly affects the amount of earnings. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued two orders, which were approved by the Ministry of Justice: “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowance to employees of internal affairs bodies” and “On introducing changes to the procedure for attestation”. According to these documents, members of the attestation commission should study the motivational component of the work of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs more deeply, strictly check not only professional skills, but also the psychological qualities of employees, their moral character.

Significantly changed the size and conditions of retirement. This affected all areas of activity, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on two key parameters: the salary of the position and the salary of the rank. In addition, the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the length of service, indexation and more.

Retirement of employees of the Ministry of the Interior

Usually people retire at the age of 55 (for women) and 60 (for men). There are people to whom a pension is assigned before reaching the retirement age. These include military pensioners, medical workers, teachers, employees of hazardous industries, etc. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have at least 20 years of experience in order to calculate a pension. Moreover, depending on the situation, not only the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for length of service, but also for disability, loss of a breadwinner can be assigned.

This bill will come into force in 2019. But the government does not want to stop there. There are proposals to increase the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 25 to 30 years by 2025. The bill has already been drawn up, but has not yet been adopted.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The final amount of the pension will be formed taking into account benefits. They can be conditionally divided into the following types: basic, tax, transport, medical.

Benefits are received by all citizens retiring, but their size, the number depends on the department that will pay the pension. Priority positions are occupied by the military and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Upon retirement, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the following basic benefits:

  1. Getting housing. A pensioner who does not have his own housing has the right to receive an apartment.
  2. Tax incentives provided at the regional level.
  3. Benefits for medical care, treatment, provision of medicines.
  4. Travel concessions.

The state also provides benefits to close relatives of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among all the benefits provided, pensioners most often use housing and those that are exempt from paying taxes. But it is worth knowing that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not receive them for utility payments.

To apply for benefits, you must submit the following package of documents to the appropriate authority:

  1. Pensioner's passport.
  2. A document confirming that a citizen is a pensioner.
  3. Documents for real estate, vehicle, land and other evidence confirming ownership.

After the submission of these documents, the tax authority will recalculate and will not further charge taxes to the pensioner.

Medicine for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation seeks medical assistance, then it should be provided to him free of charge, but only if the medical institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. In other cases, the patient pays all the costs of treatment on his own.

Once a year, a pensioner has the right to receive a free ticket to a sanatorium, which is assigned to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Travel to the place of rest and back is paid.

Some family members can also hope for benefits, namely, a pensioner can buy a ticket for a family for half of its cost.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occupy a priority position in the provision of additional social services. However, benefits are not available to everyone. You can clarify what exactly is required in a particular case by contacting the specialists who assign a pension (human resources department at the place of work).

Rumors about the abolition of military pensions and pensions for other security officials who are equated with military personnel (including police officers) have been around for a long time. As they say, the government does not plan to cancel pensions for those who have already retired, but the current employees of law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, allegedly may be left in the future without the pension they are counting on. Is it planned to cancel the pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

When information appeared about the possible abolition of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Back in October 2016, Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported this. The publication then released a large material, which reported that the Russian Ministry of Finance was preparing a reform of military pensions and pensions for other security officials, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to information that became known to the newspaper in the fall of the year before last, the Ministry of Finance allegedly calculated the following version of the reform:

  1. Cancellation of special pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies.
  2. Replacing the pension with a serious severance pay in the amount of one or two annual salaries of the employee.
  3. The emergence of programs to retrain retired military and security officials to civilian positions.

Thus, according to the idea that was discussed in 2016, the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other security officials who retire at a relatively young age should have received assistance from the state in adapting to civilian life.

For the first time, for a comfortable life, a person should have had enough of a high severance pay, and in the future he would have to find himself “in civilian life”.

Obviously, according to this scheme, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would go to a regular old-age pension, having reached retirement age. Its size would be calculated taking into account the length of service as a regular length of service. In those few years that would separate the dismissal from the service and retirement, a person could work in the civilian sphere. Moreover, in many cases, former military, police and other security officials have specific skills that are needed in business.

Advantages of canceling pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It is clear that only the state would benefit in such a situation. However, it is not a fact that these pluses would outweigh the minuses for him.

Of course, there was only one reason for talking about the abolition of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in recent years, the state has been constantly looking for reserves to reduce its costs. In 2013, the economy began to frankly stagnate, a year later, sanctions and falling oil prices were added to this.

The President urged citizens to be patient for a couple of years until the situation corrects itself, and, apparently, this was the only brilliant plan of the authorities to overcome the crisis. Two years have passed, the same 2016 has come, when there was talk about the abolition of military pensions, but nothing has improved in the economy.

Various calculations showed various amounts that could be saved by the state budget on the abolition of pensions in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies. However, in all cases we are talking about hundreds of billions of rubles a year. Someone spoke about 500-700 billion, someone about a more modest 200 billion.

One way or another, but as a way to save money, this idea looks rather doubtful, and it has much more minuses than pluses, so over the past year and a half, nothing new has appeared on the topic of canceling military pensions. Fortunately.

Cons of the possible cancellation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Indeed, there would be much more minuses in such a reform than pluses. And these shortcomings would be from the category of deeper and structurally important things than the usual counting of money in the treasury.

First, the abolition of pensions would undermine the prestige of both military service and service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other bodies. The police are already not held in high esteem in society, which cannot but put pressure on each employee. At the same time, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are dealing with the most unpleasant human manifestations that can only be. In many cases, a good salary and pension is the only incentive to continue serving.

Secondly, someone who, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have much more opportunities for abuse in the service than anyone else. The abolition of pensions in many cases would mean provoking employees to provide for their old age on their own, using completely illegal methods.

Third, no matter how good the idea of ​​retraining retired military or police officers may look, it is not necessary to accompany it with the complete abolition of pensions. For many retired employees, it is difficult to find themselves in civilian life, and such people will be left without a pension and without a job “in civilian life”.

Fortunately, the state had enough understanding that budget savings should not be achieved in all ways that one can think of. Talk about the abolition of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the military and other security officials remained just talk at the level of rumors. Over the past year and a half since their appearance, no news about the development of the idea has been received. Fortunately, probably for everyone.

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The amount of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (calculation formula)

The definition of length of service for a police officer is regulated by Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1.

When calculating this type of pension the following factors are taken into account:

  • the size of the salary;
  • salary for a special rank;
  • length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or mixed length of service;
  • seniority allowance.

The formula for calculating the pension of an employee of the internal affairs bodies with a length of service of 20 years and with a mixed length of service of 25 years in 2019 is as follows:

RPO \u003d 1/2 × (OD + OSZ + NVL) × 72.23%,

  • RPO- the amount of pension provision;
  • OD- salary according to the position;
  • OSZ - salary for a special rank;
  • NVL- seniority bonus;
  • OD + OSZ + NVL- the amount of monetary allowance of a serviceman (DD).

The amount of pension provision may increase for each year of service over 20 years - 3% of the specified DD, but not more than 85% in total, and with a mixed length of service for each year over 25 years - 1% of the DD amounts.

Calculation of the old-age insurance pension for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions" produced by the following formula:


  • joint venture- insurance old-age pension;
  • IPK- the value of the individual pension coefficient;
  • SPK- the cost of one PC on the day of the appointment of a pension.

Increase (indexation) of pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 in Russia for those who are already retired

Since the amount of pensions for police officers depends on the amount of monetary allowance, an increase in the amount of pension provision becomes possible in the event of its increase, which has not been carried out for several years. The indexation planned for October 2016 was not carried out due to lack of funds.

The reason for this situation is the difficult economic situation in our country, which negatively affects the filling of the Federal budget, from which the Ministry of Internal Affairs is financed.

At the end of October 2016, the government of the Russian Federation submitted a bill to the State Duma to extend until January 1, 2018 the "freeze" of the pay of federal employees, the military and employees of other law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However in 2018 military pensions will increase by increasing the amount of money by 4%. At the same time, in 2018 it will be set at 72.23%.

Must be done annually:

  • February 1 at the rate of inflation;
  • April 1 based on the possibilities of the Pension Fund.

As for the second labor pension, it has been increased by 3.7% since January 1, 2018, which is ahead of schedule and higher than inflation in the previous year.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019

In the original version of the draft law on the payment of one-time compensation, there was no mention of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose payments are regulated by a separate law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1, and only recipients from the Pension Fund were mentioned.

However, after the meeting held on November 8, 2016 in the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the President's order followed to make the appropriate amendments to the pensioners of law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, planned for January 2017.

Police officer pension calculator in 2019

Currently, there are many Internet services with which you can calculate the pension for police officers who retire.

In order to make calculations on the calculator, you need to go to the page of the corresponding site, fill in the information fields and make the calculation.

To carry out this operation the following data is required:

  • salary for the last position held;
  • the amount of salary for a special rank;
  • the amount of the seniority allowance;
  • qualification category (if any);
  • preferential length of service (in special or combat conditions, etc.);
  • district coefficient (if any);
  • year of pension.

Using an online calculator, determine the exact amount of the pension, more likely, will not work, because he cannot take into account all the features of the pension case of each employee. It, in fact, is not intended for this, but with its help you can evaluate your capabilities and prospects.

It is worth using calculators, the calculation algorithm of which contains up-to-date data, taking into account the latest changes in legislation.

The procedure for applying and paying pensions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

All issues related to the procedure for applying for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the appointment of pensions and the timing of its payment are regulated by Articles 51-56 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1.

For seniority, a police officer must contact the personnel service of his unit, where he will be provided with the necessary advice and a list of documents and certificates that will need to be submitted to the pension department of the Internal Affairs Directorate is determined.

Applications received by the pension department are considered within 10 days from the date of their submission or from the date of submission of the last required document, and the appointment takes place from the day the employee is dismissed, but not earlier than the day until which he was paid the allowance.

The payment of pensions is made at the place of residence or place of temporary residence of the recipient through:

  • post office;
  • branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension apply to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on a general basis.

Required documents for registration

To apply for a retirement pension for a police officer the following documents are required:

  1. a special application in the form of a form to fill out, which can be found in the personnel service, the pension department of the Office or download it on the Internet on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  2. payslip for years of service, which can be taken from the accounting department of your unit;
  3. a money certificate can also be found in the accounting department (you only need a spine from it);
  4. if there are grounds, it is necessary to take documents on the right to benefits (if any);
  5. fill out and sign the form with consent to the processing of personal data.

To appoint a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the PFR unit, in addition to the relevant application, you will need to provide next package of documents:

  1. passport with the FMS stamp of registration;
  2. work book or other documents certifying the length of service;
  3. income statement for 5 years before 2002;
  4. documents certifying the presence of dependents of the applicant, family members;
  5. certificates of ranks and awards (if any).

It is necessary to start collecting the necessary documents for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension in advance in order to exclude a possible delay due to the lack of necessary certificates and waiting for answers to requests from the FIU.

If a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works, will he pay a second pension?

Many pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after retirement, continue their labor activity in civil structures and, upon reaching, under conditions specified by law, they become entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension simultaneously with the departmental pension already assigned to them through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The payment of pensions assigned to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 57 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 is made to their recipients, regardless of employment.

If a pensioner of the internal affairs bodies, receiving two pensions, continues to work, then pension payments, both through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, continue to be made in full, but in accordance with Article 26.1 of Federal Law No. 385-FZ, indexation of payments under the line The Pension Fund will be suspended for the period of employment by the recipient of the pension.