The pension will be given earlier in May. How the date of receipt of benefits is determined

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

The concern of many pensioners about the late receipt of pensions in 2018, due to the large number of days off and holidays, has no basis. Branches of the Pension Fund of Russia rest only on Victory Day and the first two days in May, on the 1st and 2nd. Therefore, citizens who receive money on a Sberbank card, as well as those who receive money from postmen at home, will receive pensions on time, without any delay.

Schedules for receiving pensions are drawn up in advance, and if the monthly payment date falls on May 9, it is provided that pensioners can receive it a day earlier. On May 7 and 8, branches in Sberbank also work in accordance with the established procedure. There, citizens can not only receive the funds due to them, but also make a highly profitable deposit by May 9, which Sberbank launched in 2018 under the name “Grateful Hearts”.

Payment schedule and May holidays

The concern of pensioners, both insurance and social, has absolutely no grounds. The Spring and Labor Day weekend this year fell in the middle of the week, and thanks to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the working people of the country got the opportunity to rest for 4 days in a row. However, this feature of the schedule, which is pleasant for working people, does not in any way affect pensioners. The first 2 days belonged to April, when everything was completed, and May 1 and 2 are the time when no one receives a pension, because payments of this kind in the Russian Federation start monthly from the 3rd.

Russia is a huge country, which includes numerous subjects of the Federation, and when the day ends at one end of it, the morning is already in full swing at the other, so the regional authorities can make some legislative decisions at their discretion.

Payouts start monthly on the 3rd

But the decisions of the regional authorities regarding pensions cannot diverge from the schedule established by the Pension Fund of Russia regarding the payment of pensions established by law. If violations have occurred somewhere, and the money is not paid to the pensioner on time, these are violations on the ground.

A person can complain about the illegality and illegality of the actions of local branches that did not leave him a living allowance at the time when it was established this month.

Payments to citizens through the Russian Post should be made in accordance with the regulation on the payment of pensions, and will be made this year in Moscow and the Moscow Region, for example, as follows:

Table of payments in Moscow

The Russian Post and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation guarantee the timely payment of pensions, which will not be affected in any way. Moreover, if you look at the compiled table, you can see that for some days - Victory Day, May 9, for example, the money will be paid in advance. So there are no grounds for concern among citizens.

The Russian Post, despite the weekend, works according to the established schedule and delivers pensions on time, and if in isolated cases there are any violations, then these are shortcomings on the ground, which can be reported to the appropriate authorities for complaints. And starting from May 10, which is not a day off (this is a regular working day, Thursday), pensions will be delivered according to the usual schedule, as in any other calendar month of the year.

Payments for May 9 will be made in advance

Payment of pensions through Sberbank of Russia

For those who refused the services of the Russian Post and preferred accruals to, they will be made in the same way as in any other calendar month - before the 25th day. So a large number of holidays in early May should not affect the receipt of money by pensioners. In some regions of the country, in general, such concern may cause bewilderment (especially when you consider that in Samara the payment schedule starts on May 14, and in Transbaikalia - on May 17, then the concern of pensioners about the large number of holidays and weekends, and the timing of payment becomes incomprehensible money from the Pension Fund.

Sberbank said that:

  • pension payments to the card will be made from the 3rd day;
  • those who receive a little later - on the 8th and 10th (with the exception of Wednesday, May 9, when the country celebrates the Day of the Great Victory);
  • Until May 25, other pensioners can also receive all the funds due.

The state structures of the Russian Federation have taken all possible measures to ensure that citizens whose lives depend on payments made by federal bodies do not affect the festive mood and the state of their budget in any way. True, the information from Sberbank contains a clause that payments can be shifted, but not more than 3 days, but at the beginning of the month they will be carried out on time, because preparations for them are carried out in April and are not related to any holidays.

Around the same time, Sberbank launched a program of income deposits, which compares favorably with other projects not only with a high percentage of accruals, but also with a decent social orientation.

Terms of deposits “Grateful Heart”

Program "Grateful Hearts"

This contribution is one of the most profitable offers that he made to his clients. By putting money on a deposit (the amount must be at least 10 thousand rubles), the client will receive 8.5% of the minimum deposit. The interest rate rises, with an increase in the deposited funds, and starting from 1 million increases to 9%.

But the main thing is not this, but the fact that for every thousand rubles contributed, 1 ruble is transferred to the needs. The investor not only increases his money, but also helps people, thanks to whom it is possible to celebrate the Great Victory Day every year.

You can find out about the work of private structures that are entrusted with receiving pensions directly at the place of registration, or on the website of a financial institution. All violations in the work and schedule for the provision of funds, the pensioner will be able to appeal against the management, or defend their interests in court, in a legal manner. Russian Post, about the optimization of work, which is taken care of by the federal authorities, will deliver all payments on time.

Due to the large number of holidays in May, the pension payment schedule is traditionally adjusted. Citizens whose payment date falls on holidays will be able to receive money ahead of schedule. First of all, this applies to pensioners receiving payments through post offices(OPS). And for the majority of citizens whose money is transferred to bank cards through credit organizations operating under an agreement with the PFR (including through Sberbank), payments will be transferred on ordinary days without postponing.

May 2018 pension payment schedule

Pension to citizens of the Russian Federation and other social payments of the Pension Fund are provided on a certain day of the month, employees of the PFR at the initial appointment, and the pensioner is not entitled to choose this date on his own. At the same time, payment schedules differ significantly depending on the chosen citizen:

  • When receiving a pension at home through the post office the payment schedule is formed from the 3rd to the 25th day of the month, depending on the number of pensioners at one delivery site, the territorial features of the settlement and the allocation of funding from the budget.
  • Date of payment of pension through a credit institution depends on the schedule in accordance with which funds for payments are transferred to specific banks from the budget of the Pension Fund (usually it is one or several days a month).

Due to the holidays in May 2018, the standard schedule for the delivery of pensions will be slightly changed. For example, the dates of receipt of payments through the OPS for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large regions of the country are presented in the generalized schedule below, compiled on the basis of PFR data (given at the links in the table):

Actual payment datePayment dates, according to the schedule established for the region
MoscowSaint PetersburgKrasnodar and Krasnodar TerritoryYekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
May 3for May 3
May 4thfor May 4 and 6for May 4 and 5for May 4for May 4
5 Mayfor May 5- for May 5for May 5
the 6th of May- - for May 6for May 6
May 7for May 7 and 9for May 6 and 7for May 7for May 7 and 9
May 8for May 8for May 8 and 9for May 8 and 9for May 8 and 9
9th Maypublic holiday, delivery of the pension is not carried out

Delivery dates for pensions in May 2018, taking into account transfers due to holidays, may differ for post offices in different regions. For example, in the Republic of Crimea, rural OPS with a 4-day working week will not work on May 10 (Thursday), while most branches from this day are already returning to their standard work schedule.

All the necessary information about the delivery of a pension can be obtained at the territorial office of the PFR. Addresses and phone numbers of hotlines are indicated on the pages of specific branches on the official website of the Russian FIU, where you can go through the section "Contacts and addresses" - "Department" - "Phones and addresses of customer services". The same is true if a citizen receives a pension through another delivery organization (for example, funds are transferred to his bank account or card).

Also, in connection with the May holidays, the work schedule of the Russian Post itself is changing. Exact opening hours may vary by branch. An approximate schedule looks like this:

  • On April 30, branches will close an hour earlier (pre-holiday day);
  • May 1 and 2 - public holidays;
  • May 8 - the working day is reduced by 1 hour;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • From May 10, post offices will resume work according to the usual schedule.

Due to the large number of holidays in May, adjustments are made to the standard pension payment schedule. First of all, this applies to pensioners who receive money at the branches of the Russian Post. Payment dates for citizens whose pensions are accrued through credit institutions depend on schedule for transferring funds from the FIU these organizations.

May 2018 pension payment schedule

Below is schedule for receiving pensions through post offices for residents of the largest regions of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory), compiled on the basis of data from the official website of the Pension Fund.

Actual dates of pension payments in May 2018Payment dates according to the standard schedule for the regions
Saint PetersburgKrasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
3 for 3
4 for 4 and 6for 4 and 5for 4
5 for 5- for 5
6 - - for 6
7 for 7 and 9for 6 and 7for 7
8 for 8for 8 and 9for 8 and 9
9 Victory Day, pension is not paid

Most branches of the Russian Post will resume their work in standard mode, starting from May 10, 2018. However, there are exceptions - for example, for the OPS of the Leningrad Region, a schedule is set with date changes up to the 21st, and for rural branches in the Crimea, which work on a 4-day working week, May 10 is a day off.

You can find out the exact information about the dates of payment of pensions in territorial branch of the FIU. A personal appeal is not necessary, the addresses and phone numbers of departments are indicated on the pages of regional offices on the website of the Pension Fund, which can be accessed through the section "Contacts and addresses" - "Department".

Schedule of payment of pensions in May 2018 in Moscow

As already noted in the table above, the schedule for the delivery of pensions in Moscow during the May holidays has changed. Citizens who receive it on the 4th and 6th, the money will be transferred May 4th, and those who usually receive funds on the 9th, pension payments will deliver May 7. The rest of the pensioners will receive the money according to the standard schedule.

These changes do not apply residents of the Moscow region, for them, the schedule for paying pensions through the OPS in connection with the May holidays will not change.

Moscow pensioners who are paid through banks will receive a pension in the following numbers:

  • clients of Sberbank of Moscow - May 4, 15 and 23, 2018;
  • Central Russian Bank of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation - May 4, 10, 15 and 23;
  • branch of the "Central" Bank VTB - May 4, 15 and 23;
  • bank Vozrozhdenie - 4, 15 and 23 May.

Such data are provided on the official website of the PFR department for Moscow and the Moscow region.


When will pensions for May 2018 be paid in Moscow

Delivery days will change due to the May holidays. As was reported by the press service of the Moscow Department of the Russian FIU, social benefits and pension payments delivered by mail for the 4th and 6th will be on the 4th, and for the 7th and 9th - on the 7th of May. Well, from May 10, residents will be able to receive their payments in the prescribed manner. It's all for mail.

But most of the payments of those Muscovites whose payments are transferred to a bank card or account will come either on May 4 or May 10, the website reports. You will need to check with your bank for more details. After all, everything here will depend on the particular bank - some of them will start working only on May 10, 2018, and then pensions will be credited to clients.

Branches of the Russian Pension Fund in Moscow and the region in May 2018 work on May 3, 4, 7 and 8, and non-working holidays and weekends for them will be April 30, 1 and 2, and May 9.

The schedule for paying pensions in Moscow can be found below.

Muscovites will be paid their pensions according to the schedule, starting from May 3. By the way, this is the first working day of this month.

Also, those who, according to the schedule, receive a pension on holidays will receive a pension a day earlier. If we take the Russian post office, then payments begin as early as May 3, 2018. During this time, the bank will have time to accrue pensions to everyone before the 9th.

Schedule of pension payments for May 2018 in Sberbank

Holidays in May fall at the beginning of the month, so there may be some discrepancies in the current month.

Sberbank adheres to one rule - this is the payment of pensions to a pensioner's bank card by the 25th day of the month. This date may change slightly due to holidays or weekends.

In May, those who receive pension benefits through Sberbank in the first days will receive them after May 3, and pensioners who receive payments later - after May 9.

Due to the fact that Russia is a very large country, the schedule for paying pensions through Sberbank differs by region, but everyone receives payments on time. So, for example, residents of Transbaikalia receive monthly pensions on the 17th day, and residents of the Samara region - on the 14th day of each month. The May holidays will not become an obstacle for pensioners in receiving a pension, absolutely everyone will receive their payments on time.

Schedule for the payment of pensions for May by Russian Post in Moscow and the region

May is a difficult month in terms of the timely payment of state benefits: the first two days are holidays, and the 9th is Victory Day. Therefore, many organizations change the payment schedule.

The Pension Fund of the capital and the region announced its schedule for the payment of pensions and other benefits, which are carried out through the Russian Post.

At the Post Office, you can receive a pension according to the following schedule:

  • 05/03/2018 - for May 3;
  • 05/04/2018 - for May 4 and 6;
  • 05/05/2018 - for May 5;
  • 05/07/2018 - for May 7 and 9;
  • 05/08/2018 - for May 8;
  • from 05/10/2018 - payments will be made according to the established schedule.

Pensioners are one of the most socially unprotected categories of the population, whose only source of income is often a state-appointed pension. What is the schedule for paying pensions at the post office and through the bank, and under the influence of what factors can it change.

Appointment and payment

Starting from April 2019, the schedule of payments made through banking organizations has changed. If earlier the pension was transferred no later than the 15th day of the current month, now these terms have been shifted to the 21st-25th. These changes affected only credit institutions.

If the delivery organization cannot transfer funds to the pensioner within 6 payment periods, then they are returned to the PFR account. In this case, further payments will be suspended until all circumstances are clarified.


The method of delivery of funds will be transferred to the new address, and the payment schedule will be adjusted depending on the established terms in the given region of residence.


What changes depend on

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the schedule of pension payments is a fixed value, but does not exclude the possibility of its adjustment depending on holidays and weekends.
Information about such transfers can be obtained both at the PFR offices and at the pension delivery service itself.

How the date of receipt of benefits is determined

The date of receipt of pension payments is determined by the Pension Fund at the time of their accrual and cannot depend on the preferences of the pensioner himself. Despite this, the data Deadlines may vary depending on:

  • the number of pensioners at a given point of delivery of pensions;
  • financing of pension payments in the region;
  • territorial features of the given settlement.

In any case, the obligation to inform the population about changes in the procedure for paying benefits lies with the FIU.

The FIU prescribes the date of receipt of pensions in payment orders that are sent to delivery organizations. After this period, these companies are required to provide a full report to the FIU on the payments made.

Regional features

As mentioned above, the schedule for the payment of pensions is approved at the local level. Differences in them can be due to several reasons:

  • economic situation in the region;
  • the total number of pensioners;
  • the ratio of working citizens and pensioners in the region;
  • a mechanism for the interaction of local FIUs with institutions responsible for delivering pensions to the population;
  • climatic features;
  • providing federal subsidies for the payment of pensions and benefits.

Frequency of transfers to a Sberbank card

The vast majority of pensioners receive their pension payments on Sberbank cards. A citizen can issue such a card or open an account at any nearest bank office.
Sberbank transfers pension payments to its clients by the 25th of the current month. This date can be shifted depending on holidays and weekends, but no more than 3 days.

Schedule of payment of pensions by mail and through the bank

All the necessary information on changing the schedule for the delivery of pension payments due to weekends and holidays can be obtained from the territorial Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or from organizations responsible for their delivery.

May, including public holidays

Those pensioners who receive a pension after the 10th, inclusive, have not been affected by changes in the payment schedule due to holidays. Payments scheduled for the period from May 3 to May 10 were postponed to the working day before the holiday.

Thus, pensioners in Voronezh received cash payments on May 5 and 8 instead of May 7 and 9, while in Moscow the same dates were postponed to May 4 and 5, respectively.