The power of the mind: how to manage life with the help of thinking. The power of thought - what can be changed in your life with the power of thought and how to do it The power of thought and energy

I think, therefore I am


Part I. The Power of Thought

Theosophy about thought

“The science of thought is the knowledge of one's Cosmic existence. For thought created the entire universe. Thought constantly lives and vibrates in space. It is the energy generated by entities capable of thinking. It is poured into a form corresponding to the vibration of this thought. Thought is a being of the mental plane, with all the signs of an independent existence. And she strives to incarnate first in the mental, and then in the physical world. The connection between a thought and its creator is strong enough. As a being, a thought has a significant influence on a person, his Parent. Thought is a kind of magnet that is constantly drawn to a person. Throughout its existence, it is attached to the human aura. And its existence can be o-very long. A person, leaving the body, will be surrounded by these energy beings. If he fed them, they will continue to live. They will certainly manifest themselves in the next incarnation of the Soul. From past lives, we drag with us already developed addictions, so some thoughts so deeply and instantly take possession of us. You should use your last strength to fight such thought forms if you have traced the process of your identification with them.

Thoughts about the common good of man and the Cosmos are like luminous winged creatures flying to higher spheres and other planets and positively influencing all of humanity. Gloomy thoughts also exist in the field created by people - they are indestructible. They influence those people to whom their Parent directed them. Thoughts of fear, despair, despondency, discontent, condemnation, irritation, all kinds of bad experiences darken the aura of the person who created them and the aura of his loved ones. Dark thoughts, by their electromagnetic connections, attract the same dark thoughts from the Dark World. Spiritual teachers advise a person to keep his mind in selfless thoughts, in love for everything other than himself, to concentrate on the common good of humanity, the Cosmos, and to focus on highly spiritual ideas.

Most earthlings have a purely sensual consciousness, which makes it almost impossible to muster the energy and will to send some kind thought to others. On the other hand, a clot is easily and almost instantly collected, formed by a thought with the negative energy of malice, envy or hatred. This thought, released in others, does not lose its energy connection with its owner, but at the same time it actively looks for weaknesses in the aura of its addressee. Thoughts can bother a person for a long time until he puts his seal of will on them and destroys them. Either thought rules over a person, or his will over thought. Surrendering to the power of thoughts that randomly surf the consciousness, a person hinders his development.

Being in the captivity of his thought forms, a person is as if bound by ropes and his energy is depleted. As long as a thought is born and takes shape, it is in the power of a person, but having received life from its Parent, it begins an independent existence from him and affects his consciousness. This is the power of obsessive thoughts. They push people to commit crimes.

When the mind and heart are completely carried away by the mental image, consent comes - this is an act of will. The will manifests itself in the search for an object that delights thought (a person tries to find this object of passion). Being in agreement with pleasure, our thought becomes desiring the object. She yearns for him. Further, determination appears in the form of confidence in the possible achievement of the object of pleasure. This is how ideas are translated into action. Thought images are actively formed under the influence of human sensual passions. Only the creator himself is able to destroy his creation or save his life. The presence of accumulated psychic energy allows you to create such mental images that are capable of destroying previous harmful and negative thoughts. By conquering his creations of the past, man evolves. It is an endless journey of overcoming oneself.

Due to the inability of the majority of people to think consciously, the entire space of our planet is filled with “wandering” thoughts that have descended like defective parts from the conveyor of the consciousness of Earth people. These gray, sticky thoughts creep into the consciousness, making it difficult to perceive the thoughts of the light spheres. The power of the spirit over thought should be a priority. Otherwise, a person becomes a slave and a victim of his own thoughts. Lack of responsibility for thought is a lack of knowledge and terrible ignorance.

According to the Cosmic law, every thought must manifest itself in action. The forces of chaos, created from various negative thoughts, affect the elements. There are various natural disasters. About a hundred thousand diseases have been created by mankind with their negative thoughts. The law of cooperation of thoughts and space explains this regularity.

The main source of lofty thoughts for humanity is the hierarchy of Light. Cosmic teachers who came from other highly developed worlds are helped to illuminate the twilight of the consciousness of mankind by Arhats - superhumans, earthly personalities who have reached a high level of development of the spirit. Very few earthlings help the higher light beings to protect the Earth, because the consciousness of the majority is at a too low level.

From above humanity is divided according to chiaroscuro. In the subtle world, everyone is a source of light. And the strength and quality of the glow depend on what thoughts he has. Dark forces do not radiate light. The negative person is part of these dark forces. To carry the light of thought into dense spheres is the achievement of a highly developed person. In fact, only high spiritual beings think fully. Bright thoughts increase immunity and are the key to health. They return to the person, increasing his strength.

The thought must be passed through the heart, backed up by a feeling of the heart. This gives her strength and strength. The thought of the brain is always weaker than the thought of the heart. The range of brain thought is very short. Thought streams sent from the heart, intense and active, can retain their Power for thousands of years and protect places and objects on the planet. Everything depends on the fiery power of our heart.

Thought is guided by purposeful will. The will can also be different: brain or heart. The will of the heart is of a fiery nature and is connected with our immortal soul, while the will of the brain is with the temporary personality conditioned by this body. If a person decides to live not with his brains, but with his heart, his heart's will is turned on. When actions come from the heart, they are of high value, have warmth, and can transform people.

Our mature karma, manifested and conditioned by past lives, is in the field of action of will and thought. By thoughts and actions in the present, we form future karma. Heartless brain decisions directed at others with a negative connotation create heavy karma for the next incarnations of a person. The will of a person is always free, a person can choose any path. All the complexities of our life are the product of a particular person's own will. Weak will in a person is not forgiven him by his own karma. A person, first of all, creates new karma with his thoughts, and then with his desires and actions. Our negative thought forms can enter the aura of other people, causing our karmic connection with them in the future. By cultivating bright thoughts in ourselves, we, in fact, do a good deed for others. Will is the ruler of karma, it generates it, and it can also extinguish those negative accumulations that, like a train, stretch for a person from life to life, but can also strengthen them. It all depends on how we use this tool in our lives. The fiery will of the heart extinguishes the flame of low energies and makes it possible to create good karma of light nature. And then a person becomes not a slave, but the master of his karma. And this is an important step on the way out of the wheel of samsara and the influence of any karma.

Health and body are a consequence of past incarnations of a person. Health is also the psychic energy of one quality or another accumulated in the past in one quantity or another. Illness is a consequence of the violation of the laws of Cosmic life. Different Teachers came to earth to talk about these laws. But a person does not like such laws, because he lives in the interests of a temporary mortal personality and is controlled by her will. Personality and body seized power over man and his thoughts.

Man, like a nesting doll, contains an animal, a person (personality) and a superman (spirit). A person can serve both his lower principle, his animal personality, and his higher one. It all depends on the level of awareness and willpower. Someone remains at the first level, not even thinking about the possibility of another existence, remaining a slave of the body, not hearing the information and vibrations of higher spheres.

A person is responsible for the thoughts that have entered his consciousness, especially those that he himself generates. Extraneous thought can be introduced into the mind of a person, but for this it is necessary to suppress his will. If such a thought does not have roots of consonance with other thoughts of a person, then it will not be firmly fixed in the head.

When most of the planet thinks luminiferous, then the space of the planet will be filled with thoughts of the common good, fiery and radiant, having a higher energy potential, destroying negative vibrations. Then the space will begin to be cleansed and filled with love. Both the planet and human bodies will change.”

Although at present there are quite a lot of readers studying benevolent literature, sacred scriptures, only a few of them apply this information in their lives, the majority make high thoughts dead, unembodied. Accordingly, a new life experience that affects the evolution of the soul will not be acquired. The soul will remain at the same level and reincarnate on it. To perceive a thought is one thing, but to put it into practice is quite another, a different level of will. Even very good thoughts easily leave without leaving a trace in the mind. It is only when a person has applied this thought that his consciousness improves, expands and grows. Only by applying in life high thoughts given to us from above, our consciousness evolves. You can read a lot, but still stay at the same level. A person should give himself daily tasks in order to do something based on high thoughts. For example, to sit down and write a certain number of lines for a new article about thoughts and thinking, addressed to those who have embarked on the path of self-development ... This is what will benefit a person. An applied bright thought brings Joy to a person.

You can move forward always, everywhere and in any conditions, even if you are crawling in impenetrable darkness. And not only in the physical, but also in the subtle world. Throwing off the body and leaving for the subtle world, a person retains his character and thinking. If, while living this life, a person worked on consciousness and character, these changes will definitely be credited to him, they will be added to what he had before. The next incarnation will already be in an "updated version of myself."

Part II. About thought and its power

If you don't steer your boat, the river will steer it.

As always, at the time of creating the outline for the article, additional sources of information begin to emerge, and the Universe regularly demonstrates vivid examples to me that confirm the main idea of ​​the material. This time everything was so obvious that my companions on the journey that was taking place at the time of writing the article were quite surprised by the events taking place with us. We have witnessed how quickly and straightforwardly the Universe responds to desires and requests, how a random thought and a casual phrase can change reality and make adjustments to the original plan. I will not talk about these stories, I will only say that I myself sincerely believe in everything that I have stated in this material.

So, here I will share with you interesting information about thoughts and thinking, supplementing the first part of the article, based on the teachings of Theosophy.

Vadim Zeland, who wrote Reality Transurfing, says: “The mental energy itself is hardly enough to move a matchbox on the table. And, strictly speaking, it is not the energy of thought that moves it, but the biofield. When it comes to managing reality, it means that thoughts do not irradiate matter, but an image, a prototype in the virtual space of options, just as a frame on a film is illuminated and projected onto a screen of reality.

If you read the first part of the article, then remember what it says about the influence of thoughts on the formation of future karma. Not only our actions, but also thoughts are included in the complex processes of cause and effect relationships. Annie Besant writes about karmic manifestations as follows: “... A distinction should be made between ripened karma, ready to manifest itself as an inevitable event in this life, karma of character, manifesting itself in inclinations that are nothing more than an accumulated store of experience that can be changed in a present incarnation by the same force that in the past created it, and finally by the karma that is active in the present and creates the conditions for future existence and future character. There is another kind of mature karma, very important in its meaning - these are inevitable actions.

Every action is the final expression of a whole series of thoughts; to take an illustrative example from chemistry, this can be compared to a saturated solution that we fill with one thought after another of the same kind until the moment comes when one last thought or even a simple impulse, one vibration from the outside will crystallize everything solution; in other words, the whole preceding process of thought will be expressed in an inevitable act. If we persistently repeated thoughts of the same kind, for example, thoughts of revenge, we would eventually reach such a degree of saturation that every, even the lightest impulse, is able to crystallize our thoughts, and the result will be a committed crime. Or we can stubbornly repeat thoughts about love and help to the point of complete saturation, and when a new thought, caused by the opportunity to help, touches us, the solution will immediately harden, i.e. karma will be expressed in a heroic deed. Man creates his own karma. The dwelling in which he lives is built by himself. He can either improve it, or harm it, or rebuild it anew at his will. We work as if in plastic clay and can shape it as we wish. But then the clay hardens more and more, retaining the shape we gave it.”

The book “Thought Forms” by A. Besant and C. Leadbeater turned out to be very interesting, which I accidentally (or not by chance) found in my e-book. She waited for her time, probably for several years. And since I have already met the mention of the works of Annie Besant by Vadim Zeland, and the title of the book spoke for itself, I, of course, did not disregard "Thought Forms". Below I will give excerpts from the book. It was interesting to learn about the color of thoughts, the mechanisms of their formation, and much more, but it is difficult to fit everything within the framework of one article.

If you are interested, I am sure you will find and read this book. "... Of the high paths leading from the physical plane to the astral, one of the most interesting is the study of thought ...". As proof of the Power of Thought, the book cites the experiments of one scientist. Dr. Baradyuk took various impressions by thinking intently about the object - the action produced by the thought-form - on the light-sensitive plate. He also created an object by isolating the image from the mind and materializing it through the effect produced on the silver salt by the pictures that he evoked in his imagination. In the early 60s of the 20th century, American sailor Ted Serios, decommissioned to the shore, made similar experiments, who accidentally discovered that he could project his own thought forms onto Polaroid film. Together with scientists, he conducted more than 800 experiments.

“… The vast majority of people are absolutely limited by the consciousness of three dimensions, they have not the slightest idea about the world of thought forms, about the magnificence of its light and colors. Thoughts are luminous. In the manifestation of thought forms, two subtle human bodies are mainly involved: the mental (mano-maya kosha / jyana-maya kosha - ed.) and the body of desires (vijnanamaya kosha / vigyanamaya kosha - ed.). The human thinker is enclosed in a body made up of countless combinations of subtle matter of the mental plane. As the mind reaches a higher stage, and thinking is occupied with pure and sublime matters, the mental body becomes more and more beautiful, appearing as an unusually radiant substance, having the appearance of a living rainbow light. Every thought causes vibrations in this rainbow matter.

When a person's energy is directed outward, towards external objects of desire, or is engaged in passions and emotional activities, it works in the astral world, on a grosser level than mental matter. This is how the desire body is formed, which occupies a large part of the aura in an undeveloped person. As a person conquers his egoism, dull and dirty colors in the desire body disappear ... "

“... Each thought produces a double effect - radiated vibrations and a floating form. First, the vibration of the mental body appears. Moreover, the matter of the mental body consists of several degrees of density and quality, with a characteristic and unique vibration frequency. With a strong impulse of thought and feeling, the corresponding consonant part of the mental matter is thrown out. At the same time, the color of the astral body of a person changes, corresponding color flashes and spots appear. Each such outburst of feelings gradually changes the permanent color of the astral body, adding its own shade to the overall color. Over time, a person becomes easily amenable to the manifestation of this emotion, because the astral body gets the habit of vibrating at a certain frequency. Human thoughts are mostly complex and colored in colors corresponding to several vibrations at the same time.

For example, love often falls under the influence of pride and selfishness. Each vibration seeks to reproduce itself at every opportunity, thus influencing the mental bodies of other people, giving rise to thoughts in their minds similar to the thoughts of the person who sent these waves (oscillations). The strength and clarity of the original thought determines the distance and the strength of its impact on others. And if we can hear the speaker's voice at a short distance from him, then thoughts can freely walk around the planet ... "

Just think how strong the relationship is established between all representatives of humanity due to the qualities of the volatility of thoughts!

“... A powerful wave of thought can sweep through without affecting the mind of a person if he is already involved in another line of reasoning. And the vibrations emitted by the thought form transfer the nature of the thought (feeling, mood), but not the object of thinking itself, they generate vibrations of the level corresponding to this thought. Each thought draws from without the matter most suitable for its expression and causes it to vibrate in harmony with its own vibrations. If one's thought or feeling is directly related to another person, the resulting thought-form moves towards him and discharges on his astral and mental bodies. When a person thinks of himself or his thought is based on a personal feeling, then most thought forms circle around their creator, waiting for him to become vulnerable. A person looks at the world through a cloud of his own thought forms, painted in the appropriate colors. Seeing reality as it is is possible only by gaining control over your thoughts and feelings. A thought-form not directed at anyone in particular floats in the atmosphere, radiating vibrations, either gradually collapsing or strengthening, coming into contact with some mental body. The highest kinds of thought forms are created during meditation. The quality of thought determines the color. The nature of thought determines the form. Certainty of thought gives clarity to outlines. Thoughts belonging to the realm of pure intellect belong to the realm of the mental plane. And the thought of a highly spiritual nature, filled with love or a deep unselfish feeling, rises from the mental level to the plane of buddhi (Buddhi is a spiritual principle. The buddhic body belongs to the world of pure spiritual Wisdom, Knowledge and Love, united into a single whole. - Ed.), providing an extremely powerful influence on people who are able to respond to such a high vibration.

Selfishness and personal desires direct the vibration of thought downward, and an astral sheath is added to the mental body. Thought-forms can take the form of a thinker or the form of some object, and also have their own form, expressing the qualities inherent in the matter that they collect around them. In cases where positive or negative thoughts are directed at people, they must find matter in their aura that can respond resonantly to their vibrations. A pure heart and mind can become your shield from the influences of negative low vibrations, reflecting them with a boomerang effect. As long as some amount of gross matter associated with evil and selfish thoughts remains in the subtle body, the person will be vulnerable and open to attack by ill-wishers.

When a person's thought or feeling is selfish, the energy that produces it moves in a closed curve, inevitably returns and is expended on its own level. In a selfless impulse, energy breaks out along an open straight line, penetrating to a higher plane, because only in these higher conditions (with its additional dimension) can it find space for its distribution. A kind of channel appears through which the divine power can flow not only on the thinker himself, but also on others. The result is an influx of strength and spiritual uplift from the creator of the channel and the widespread distribution around him of the most powerful and beneficial influence. High aspirations are not at all vague, but are firmly based on an intellectual perception of the situation and a clear understanding of the method by which they can be realized. It should always be remembered that there is no such case in which help could not be given to another person by thought. And there is no such case where the action of thought will be ineffectual ... "

I want to place a "piece" from Anatoly Nekrasov's book "Meet: Unknown Love". He doesn't talk about thoughts and thought forms, but this information is really important. The fact is that the mind, projecting different thoughts, builds from them, around the “pure” consciousness of a person, global constructions - shells on the astral and mental levels. They ultimately determine our behavior. This practically destroys intuition, and a person who lives only by the mind puts himself at great risk, preventing the soul from interfering in the course of events in case of life-threatening situations.

“... It turns out that at the present time only a third of the people who are leaving life are leaving by the consent of the soul. Why "currently"? Because earlier souls controlled people's lives more. What happened that separated the soul and body? The biggest obstacle between the soul and the body is the mind, the brain, the head of a person. And today the development of the mind, the human intellect has reached such a high level that it has become the main barrier between them. No wonder there is a saying: "Many smart - few wise." Indeed, it is so. The wise are precisely those people whose soul is in complete unity with the body and consciousness. But there are far fewer of these. But "accidents" do not happen to them, especially tragic ones. How does the mechanism of overlapping the connection between the soul and the body work? Very simple.

The center of a person's soul is above his head, at a distance of about twenty centimeters. As you know, the soul is more of a substance of love with separate individual characteristics and tasks of a particular person. And the energy of love, of course, interacts easily and simply with a similar energy in a person. And the center of love in it is the heart, more precisely, the region of the heart. The flow of love-information from the center of the soul comes to the heart center of the physical body and then spreads through the body with the help of blood, reaching every cell. In order for the flow of love from the soul to connect with the heart center and control the body and life of a person, it needs to pass through the head. And here is often a "reinforced concrete" damper of the most powerful intellect. And in this case, the influence of the soul on a person’s life is sharply limited, the body lives by the programs of the mind, and they, as a rule, are very tough and limited both in relation to the person himself and to the world as a whole, because they are deprived of the energy of love. So, the mental structures that are in the brain are the main obstacle to the interaction of the soul and body.

Andrey Korobeishchikov in the New World trilogy writes a very interesting thing: “The Light Races were not aggressive, because aggression is a consequence of internal curvature, distortion. The ancient Light Ones could influence their enemies with the help of wave communication, transmit Love to them, fill them with Strength, straighten twisted flows, raise them to a higher level. They never argued, never shut up, never convinced anyone, because there was no need to. COMPATIBILITY allowed them to simply broadcast their Love into the heart of another person, bypassing his mind, which is an implanted mechanism that creates an initially distorted perception that leads people into a stream of suffering.”

That's the power of the intellect! It turns out that our modern world is a "kingdom of crooked mirrors." I don't think there's any point in continuing. You and so everything is clear.

Well, - you say, - the whole seriousness of the issue is clear. But what should a person do in this situation? How and from which side to start unwinding this tangle of thought forms that we have been cultivating in our heads all our lives and consider to be part of ourselves? What are the methods of working with thoughts? Before speaking in more detail, I will answer with the words of the Shaman from the above-mentioned book by Korobeyshchikov.

“All the answers are already here, all around us. They are not in your head. There is only a hive with wild bees. Let them go, let them be silent, and then ... - he made a quick movement of his hand to the side, as if grabbing something, - the answer will be at arm's length. Or maybe even jump into your head. I chuckled. I didn’t feel a swarm of wild bees in my head, but it was really difficult to gather my thoughts. The shaman gazed into my eyes. - From childhood, we get used to this swarm so much that we no longer perceive its noise. We think this is normal. We may even mistake it for silence. But if you knew what real silence is, you would understand that the difference is huge. Let yourself go You already know the answer."

And first I will voice two methods - the practice of silence and listening. If you are attentive, you will find that very often during communication we listen to interlocutors casually, in parallel preparing an answer or addition to the conversation, being in continuous mental activity. So we listen, but we don't hear. We do not tune in to the vibrations of the interlocutor, we do not try to understand his feelings and emotional state, our souls do not interact. Draw your own conclusions. I would like to recommend that you try to start consciously and attentively listening to your interlocutors, thereby teaching yourself mental silence. The second method leads to stopping thoughts through verbal silence - mauna.

You can learn more about mouna in the article "" and get acquainted with one of the common types of retreat where silence is practiced, called, in the article "".

Another effective method is the practice of constant mindfulness. The first step in awareness is to become alert and sensitive to your body, to every movement and gesture. Gradually, the body will become more relaxed and harmonious, a deep calm will appear. The next step is to become aware of your thoughts. Being a finer substance than the body, they are more dangerous. When you can become aware of your thoughts, you will be surprised at the intense life within. By writing down everything that happens in your head, and then reading it after, you will find a madman inside you. Because we are not aware of or do not attach due importance to the issues of thinking, our madness continues indefinitely. It affects what a person does or doesn't do, it affects everything. And so, this is our life. That's why it's time to think and start changing these "madmen" inside of us, gradually redirecting the flow of thoughts and the river of our life into a conscious channel.

Solitude is one of the easiest methods of working on yourself from the point of view that you do not need to make much effort, you just need to get out to some clean and crowd-free place. But the simplicity of the method does not detract from its effectiveness. And if you still have enough good karma to get to the place of Power... Here is what Albert Romanov writes in his training “In Search of Magic”: “The threshold of negative information that a person can process is different for everyone. It depends on the views of a person, and on his nature, and on inner strength. Solitude, being in nature gives us silence outside. That allows you to hear yourself from the inside. Being in the environment of a big city, we are in a cloud of an incredibly large number of thought forms. Some are not ours, but find "holes" in our mental shell, being consonant with us in vibration. And in the conditions of the city it is difficult to determine what is a "bath sheet", and what are the desires and aspirations of our higher self.

“The way you talk is the way you live,” writes Rami Bleckt. Speech is another very important building block in building a conscious life.

“... A healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy speech create a harmonious personality. Modern research has shown that speech errors are not accidental. They have a deep connection with mental development. Stuttering and stammering in speech appear when there is a serious emotional disturbance. The more chaotic thoughts we have in our head, the more they appear in the language and the more chaotic speech will be. He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly."

It turns out that thoughts and speech influence each other in a bilateral manner. This means that conscious and well-thought-out speech can lead to awareness in thinking. In support of the foregoing, I will turn once again to A. Korobeyshchikov's book "The New World". In the first part of the trilogy, called "New Look", he writes: "Today it has been scientifically proven that the grammar of the language affects the formation of mental activity, being, in fact, a program of human life. The meaning and meaning of words changes, and the direction of consciousness of a person and society immediately changes. We rarely think about the importance of language for a person. Today, scientists argue that the Old Russian language, in fact, was the "language of the universe." Those little information about the lost language of our ancestors allows us to assert that each letter of this language carried a strictly defined worldview meaning. It was a language of MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS - each letter in it performed not only the function of writing, but could also change thinking, simultaneously expanding the consciousness of a person and transferring him to new levels of the universe. Each letter performed a certain ethical and moral task in the transmission of certain commandments from generation to generation. Scientists believe that using this language, our ancestors could influence physical matter, controlling the laws of our world.”

In conclusion, I would like to say that over the past ten years, reality has really changed a lot. And what Theosophy says is already happening. While this article was being created, I was able to track live how quickly thoughts materialize at the present time. Perhaps the Universe decided to show me the seriousness of the situation so that the words of the article would have real power behind them ... I saw that any random thoughts can materialize, even without much concentration on them. By doing this, you can create problems or obstacles for yourself and others, without wanting to. Therefore, three necessary and important points for understanding appear in our life. First, it is important to try to reduce the amount of "mental mess" in the head, being in a meditative state of mind, even in ordinary, everyday life. This highlights the importance of meditation practice for every person. Secondly, humanity, like air, needs a transition to a new level of perception with its whole being, when information is not distorted by the mind (pure input data). And thirdly, the need for cultivating bright and positive thoughts in oneself is obvious. Know that "Where there is light, there are no shadows." Friends, remember, we create our own Universe. There are nodal points predetermined by the moments of our conception and birth, but how we will move between these points depends only on us.

In order to finally awaken conscious thinkers in readers, I want to end the article not with a specific conclusion or parting word, but to suggest reflecting on two phrases from books: “A person is 99% of a thinking void that considers itself a body” (A. Korobeyshchikov); “Beyond third density, technology loses all meaning, because there everything that is needed is created only by the Power of thought” (Matrix 5, Leading Edge International Research Group).

Watch the movie "The Power of Thought: What do we know about it?", it might give you some interesting thoughts.

Conscious life to you!

The power of human thought: how to make your desires come true effortlessly? Learn about a simple and effective method!

Our thoughts have the ability to form the space around them: with the help of the power of thought, a person is able to control life and create the events he needs.

How is the power of human thought manifested?

The latest scientific research brings amazing results: it turns out that thoughts do not linger in the head: they fly out into the surrounding space! The brain¹ is a radio frequency generator: by thinking, a person creates waves that fly away into space.

The stronger the core of thought, its very essence, the stronger the attraction it has. And the stronger the attraction, the more thought shapes space and future events.

In fact, the thought has the same effect as the hands - it is able to move material objects!

In addition, it is necessary to understand the very nature of materiality. If you look deeper, then any thing is made up of atoms. In their structure, atoms are amazing: most of them are emptiness!

Only a tiny core is dense; but if you study it, you will find that it also consists mostly of nothing!

As a result, we can say that everything is made of energy. And thought, by its very nature, is also energy.

This article describes a simple exercise, thanks to which the power of human thought can become incredible, and in the future it will be possible to develop!

How to develop the power of thought?

It is necessary to blow out the candle with one force of thought.

This technique is based on visualization.

1. The practitioner starts the session in a well-ventilated area. It is best to practice in the early morning or evening, at night.

2. He lights a candle; it is necessary that its flame be at the level of the eyebrows, between them (there is a third eye), at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters.

3. Then the practitioner turns off the light in the room, sits down in front of the candle and gets ready for work.

4. The person takes 5 deep breaths and focuses on the candle for 5 minutes. You need to look with an unblinking gaze.

This look is the secret of many practices! It allows you to go beyond what people usually see, to increase the range of what is visible to the eye. The longer you look with an unblinking gaze, the more seriously the image of reality will be transformed.

At first, not blinking can be quite difficult: this skill is being developed. When the urge to blink arises, it is necessary to cover the eyes a little so that its surface of the eye is wetted with liquid. But you can't close it!

5. After such concentration, the person closes his eyes and begins to visualize how this candle burns. He imagines how the candle in imagination and reality are connected, how they unite into one.

The better the visualization skill², the more effective the work will be and the faster the materialization of thought will occur!

6. The practitioner mentally blows on an imaginary candle and imagines how it flutters and eventually goes out. The same will happen with a real candle!

This thought materialization technique will bring results if it is performed for a long time.

With this simple technique, you can develop incredible mental power. Gradually, using the materialization of thoughts, you will learn to easily manage the events of your life.

If you are haunted by the question of the meaning of life ...

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The brain is the central part of the nervous system of animals, usually located in the head (front) part of the body and is a compact accumulation of nerve cells and their processes (

Thought has colossal power, which a person had not previously guessed. Why does a person who thinks bad things attract bad things? Why is a positive-minded person surrounded by positive people and events? Of course, in the life of every person there are both good and bad events. However, it should be understood that from the direction of thoughts, a person turns on the law of attraction, which fulfills exactly those desires that he scrolls in his head.

The online magazine site reminds readers that the sages have been repeating for many centuries that a person lives in accordance with his thoughts. As a man thinks, so he lives. That is why a person who is constantly faced with failures cannot speak of anything more than failures. He cannot think of anything else. He cannot think in the direction of how to solve his problems. He only knows how to think that he is haunted by failures, which in the end he gets.

A person lives the way he thinks, because thoughts cause certain ones, and they already induce a person to action. It is actions that create the situations that a person lives, and on the basis of the results achieved, a person gains experience, draws conclusions, begins to think about the world in one way or another, unambiguously and one-sidedly. And his own beliefs are those thoughts that are sometimes automatically triggered, prompting a person to again create situations that he thinks about.

What is the power of thought?

How strong is thought? Of course, she is not able, at the wave of a wand, to change the world around her and fulfill all desires. By itself, a thought is nothing until a person gives in to its influence and begins to act. Actions are based on the thoughts that a person spins in his head.

For several years mankind has known that everyone's thoughts have a material realization. What a person periodically thinks about, after some time has its expression in the real world. Many people know about this, but few people use this knowledge in practice, especially in situations where they really want to achieve something or there is a conflict with other people. Having no control over himself, a person usually does not have control over his thoughts, respectively, over the reality that inevitably comes to him as a result of an uncontrolled mental process and verbal thought expression.

What other unique properties are inherent in your thoughts? The subconscious does not know that this is impossible, which means that your dream can materialize. Often a person stops himself on the way to his goals. This happens because a person knows what should happen in a given situation. So, for example, a person who drinks several cups of coffee before going to bed will not be able to fall asleep, because his subconscious mind knows that coffee affects the waking body. But if the same individual drinks several cups of milk without knowing that it contains caffeine, then he will sleep peacefully, since his subconscious mind does not know that the body needs to be awake.

It turns out that the subconscious mind itself slows down the realization of goals. As long as a person thinks what is possible and what is impossible, what should happen and what should not happen in a given situation, his goals will be realized for a very long time. But as soon as a person allows his dreams to be possible, no matter how fantastic they are, they will come true in his life in the fastest and most real way.

In order for the goal to be realized, it is necessary to concentrate a large amount of energy on it. You need to constantly think about this goal, or have several people think about this goal at once. How often can you see examples when several people, assuming that some event should happen in a certain place or at a certain time, set the mechanism for the realization of a desire? The same mechanism occurs when a person constantly and confidently considers the same goal. Over time, she gains as much energy as she needs for her realization.

You should set goals to the maximum, but rejoice in what life gives, because it always gives the maximum of what a person really deserves. If you set yourself a realistic goal, like earning $200, then you will earn that much. But if you double your goal to $400, you could probably make $250. You didn't hit your $400 goal, but you made a lot more than just $200. So, why limit yourself when you can set a lofty goal, even if you can’t achieve it right away?

Use the unique abilities of your thought. If such opportunities are given to a person, then they are given in order to be used consciously and deliberately.

Atkinson "The Power of Thought"

The power of thought is also called personality magnetism. Atkinson discussed the law of attraction in his work The Power of Thought and conveyed the basic idea:

  • A person with his thoughts attracts this or that reality, people and things. If you change your thoughts, then the reality that will be formed under their influence will also change.

It is easy to explain the power of thought by such an example. What will a woman who has just given birth talk about? What will a man who has just been fired talk about? What will a person who has recently been diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis talk about?

  1. The woman will talk about childbirth and how she raises the child.
  2. The man will talk about the injustice of his dismissal and the wrong behavior of his superiors.
  3. The person will think about death and other fatal diseases.

Now answer me, what kind of people will be happy to talk about those topics that concern a woman, a man and a person? The same mothers who consider themselves unfairly dismissed or terminally ill people. The patient will communicate only with the sick, the mother - with the mothers, and the dismissed - with the dismissed. Even more people will surround themselves with the topics that they think about and care about. This is how the law of attraction works.

Seeing a poor person and helping him with money, you focus your attention on his poverty (that's why you give him money, behind the scenes: "You yourself cannot earn it, so I give it to you"). But if you really want to help the poor, it's better to say "I believe that he can make money on his own", without giving him money and thereby focusing on his

What you pay more attention to is attracted. If you look at the facts and pay attention to what you already have (reality), then you attract it. If you want to keep what you already have, keep paying attention to it. But if you want to attract something new into your life, then you will have to ignore reality and pay attention to what you want, but do not yet have.

Think of your desire as having already happened, and not how and why it has not materialized yet or about its absence now in your life. Presenting the desired as already accomplished helps to realize it. But if you focus on how to realize a desire or its absence in your life today, you are preventing the realization of what you want.

If you intend to help, then look not at the problem, but at the solution. Don't talk about the problem, focus on solving the situation. While you are talking and thinking about the problem, you are further developing and provoking its existence. But as soon as you switch to solving the problem and find a way out of the situation, the problem immediately disappears, because you only have to think about the end result and what you can do in order to achieve it. Therefore, talk less about the problems that have arisen, quickly move on to the stage of solving them, as well as an approximate plan of actions that you can perform on your own.

Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought

Undoubtedly, the desire itself cannot be fulfilled. However, many people are faced with such fantastic situations when life itself gives them something that helps in the realization of desire. Psychologists say that thoughts really help in the fulfillment of desires. It remains only to understand how to formulate your desires so that they can come true:

  1. Clear wording. You need to use specific terms. Instead of "I want to go to the sea" say "I want to go to the Black Sea" or another place. Instead of "I want to look beautiful," describe clearly the image that you want to match: "The eyes are such and such, the hair is such and such length, the body parameters are such and such, etc."
  2. Dream one thing until it's achieved. If a person is scattered for several goals, then it is difficult for the world to realize everything at the same time.
  3. The reality of desire. No flights into space or the ability to fly will be realized. But if a person wants to earn several times more than he currently has, this is more realistic. Dream about what is real.
  4. Visualization. This is a special technique when a person scrolls the goal in his head in a realized form. He sees it clearly, lives in it, begins to feel it in every detail, etc.

All of these tips will help you achieve your dreams. Now it remains only to be patient when the world begins to change in accordance with your desires. However, while the world is changing for you, a person must also act. Just visualizing a desire will not make it real. You need to act, make efforts to help the world realize your desires.

The power of thought and the law of attraction

The power of thought is based on the law of attraction, when a person attracts appropriate people and events into his life with his thoughts. The mother is unlikely to be interested in Alphonse - a person who is oriented in life to a completely different category of women. However, a mother can attract mothers like herself or fathers, men who want to become fathers, women who want to become mothers, and so on.

The Law of Attraction says, “Like attracts like.” A person with his own thoughts can attract into his life only people with the same thoughts. Let's give a vivid example: a person who is fond of cycling will visit those places where there are the same lovers of cycling. It is unlikely that there will be drug addicts or people with disabilities.

Another example would be nightclub goers. Anyone who considers this place an interesting institution will be close to people who have the same thoughts. And those who consider nightclubs a breeding ground for girls of indecent behavior will never go there.

It is always interesting for a person to communicate with those people who think in exactly the same way as he does. An atheist and a believer will never make friends, because they will contradict each other with their thoughts. It will be easier for an atheist to communicate with an atheist, and it will be more interesting for a believer to contact with the same believers.


Thought has the power to influence the person who performs the corresponding action. His actions will obey his thoughts, so a person is advised to think more about the good or the desired. Then he will be able to take actions that will help him achieve what he wants.

And the law of attraction. It is these two phenomena that we will talk about today. If you understand how the power of thought and the law of attraction actually work, then you can receive all earthly blessings. A car, a loved one, a luxurious house or apartment, a good well-paid job - you will have all this.

We can confidently say that this is exactly what will happen. All people are subject to the above law. Some don't even realize what a thought is. And she, we note, is very large. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. Therefore, you are the creator of reality.

Only what is in your head, what your attention, emotions and thoughts are focused on, will appear in your life. The present is the result of past thoughts. Everything that you have (good and bad), you have attracted to yourself.

The law of attraction and the power of thought is a great weapon

To win, you must use it correctly. Some people are unhappy just because they came up with it on their own, and as a result, of course, they got it. Every thought, whether negative or positive, has its own energy. And the Universe embodies what it has to a greater extent, and not the desired or, conversely, the undesirable.

Remember the golden rule: never use the word "no" in your words and thoughts. You should say "I'm healthy" and not "I don't want to get sick". Since the law of attraction does not know what “no” is, it understands your phrase literally, but without this particle. Therefore, it turns out that those who do not want to get sick get sick.

The power of thought and the law of attraction: what to do to make everything work?

The right thought will help you. This means you should only think about what you want.

In order for you to succeed, you must learn how to do the following:

  1. Clear your mind of negativity. You remember that bad thoughts are the main enemy. Negative statements can destroy everything (and plans, and hopes, and dreams).
  2. Follow your emotions. Everything you feel is attracted to you. The better they are, the better the point of attraction and, accordingly, your life. Of course, at first it is difficult to do this, but over time you will succeed.
  3. Let go of your desires. The law of attraction will only begin to work when you forget about the timing of your dream and question its fulfillment.
  4. Learn to be grateful for everything, even the smallest things.

Focus on what you want. Do not listen to those who say that you will not succeed, you are unworthy of this, etc.

Useful advice in the end: ignore the negative information that comes to you without your desire (move away from the source, transfer your thoughts to another “wave”, change the topic of conversation - in general, do everything possible and impossible to avoid it).

Of course, it is difficult to change habits at once, thinking that has been established for years, but it is real. You can achieve a lot if you understand what the power of thought and the law of attraction are, how they work, how to think correctly. We hope that our article has helped you find answers to these questions. I wish you success!

It is not very difficult to control your own feelings. It is much more difficult to find the source of their origin and penetrate into the hidden corners of one's soul. If you properly explore your second bottom, you can make the most of it.

think = attract

To begin with, it is important to realize the power of the law of attraction. If you are interested in mind control, you will definitely receive what you dream about so much. The power of thought really works.

When you pay attention to something, you include it in your own vibrations. When keeping attention on the desired object for a long time, the power of thought and the law of attraction will definitely work.

Not everything is so bad

Are you seriously sure that you will never be loved or rich? Are you convinced of the unfavorable fortune? Most of us have these thoughts at least once in a while. However, it is important to understand that heavy thoughts carry negativity with them. Happy and successful people do everything to ensure that doubts accompany them as little as possible. And all because they know: the force of attraction of thought is simply enormous. This is often the secret of the miserable existence of some and the prosperity of others.

Thoughts + actions

An energetically thinking person will certainly show the same activity in real situations. At the same time, it is important to build your plans and dream using the phrases “I want” and “I can”. To achieve your goals, you need to change your daily way of thinking.

Basic Functions

Consider how thoughts can affect a person and his environment. It may surprise you to learn how far the authority of our maxims extends.

Health impact

The physical body is a reflection of our inner world. If your mind is saturated with gloomy thoughts, the body simply will not be able to function properly. Diseases that harm the body are secondary. While desires that destroy the mind are called primary. It can be concluded that mental health takes precedence over physical health.

In the presence of problems, the healing power of thought should not be relegated to the background. In the process of clearing the mind and getting rid of evil thoughts, you will eliminate both mental and physical problems. The power of words and thoughts is simply amazing. Fill your life with positive affirmations and formulations, and you will notice how the mind rises and the heart expands. The eyes will sparkle, the voice will become pleasant, and the speech will be calm.

How to change fate?

What thoughts a man sows, such actions he will reap. The statement that we are the creators of our own destiny is as true as possible. Only ignoramuses can talk about evil fate. The building of destiny begins within. And help in this thought and action.


You can often hear the idea that the development of an individual depends on what kind of people are next to him. However, the facts refute this erroneous assertion. An example is the biographies of many successful people who were born in the slums and know firsthand what poverty is.

Fundamental Algorithm

So, the power of thought is not questioned. Having realized the full effectiveness of the law of attraction, it is important to take concrete steps. If they are correct, luck will certainly look into your house. To do this, ensure that the following steps are followed in sequence:

At the heart of everything is a serious desire to succeed.

In second place is complete self-confidence.

Willingness to go to the goal by any means.

Often there is such a situation: a person wants something for a long time and dreams about it. Over time, he just gets tired of indulging in dreams, and he remembers what he wants less and less. And then suddenly the moment comes when everything starts to take shape as well as possible. There are not only resources and opportunities, but also people who actively help in achieving the goals. Then we remember that recently we only indulged in dreams, and today we are reaping real benefits.

Scroll of Wishes

How to use the power of thought? Use the method that was used many centuries ago. Our distant ancestors made wish scrolls to inform the Universe about their dreams. For this purpose, they used parchment. In today's world, things are a little different. It is enough to buy a beautiful notebook and a pen. Do not spare money and time to choose, these things you should really like. It is important that the notebook is new. So, you can saturate it only with your energy. When formulating desires, follow a few simple rules:

Write about your goals in the present tense, not in the future. Avoid the phrase "I would like to...".

Don't use negatives. The Universe does not perceive the “not” particle. An incorrectly voiced desire will be perceived in a completely different way. Instead of "I won't forget about my morning runs," write "I will run in the morning."

Make wishes exclusively for yourself. Interfering in the fate of other people is unacceptable.

How to unlock the power of thought? To do this, you need to stop being afraid. For example, you go to an unloved job every day, but it provides you with a stable income. Despite the fact that you are constantly looking for a suitable job, the best option still does not appear. Think about it, does the subconscious interfere with the implementation of the task? Perhaps you are tormented by thoughts about self-doubt, about the negative reaction of colleagues and an unstable salary in a new place?

Start filling the scroll of desires on the growing moon. After one dream comes true, cross it off the list and add two new ones. Don't forget to thank the Universe for the favor.

The infinite power of thought

According to the law of attraction, each soul works to create its own reality based on personal beliefs and deep beliefs. And this is certainly realized by a person who is in search of the meaning of life.

Our thoughts act as a phenomenal creative force. They construct universal matter. Therefore, the external world with which we interact is one of the greatest "mirrors" of our attitude to life and internal vibrations.

Our existence on this planet can be compared to a game. At the same time, the energy moves in a circle, and we will be able to receive it only on the wave that we are tuned to, and on which, in fact, we are transmitting. This phenomenon works on the boomerang principle. At the same time, we ourselves are both a receiver and a transmitter at the same time.

The power of thought and the law of attraction in action

The source of freedom is the connection with one's own feelings, thoughts and beliefs. It is equally important to understand that you are not a victim of circumstances. Happiness is something that is chosen and created by a person in the course of painstaking work. Thoughts repeated day after day become beliefs that form inner images. The latter, in turn, have a direct impact on the feelings and emotions responsible for the consolidation of habits and patterns of behavior.

Work on superpowers

Do you want things to move under the influence of your thoughts? This will require perseverance and endurance. And do not think that this skill is from the category of fantastic. It is only important to direct efforts in the right direction, and then the task will seem not so unattainable.

How to move objects with the power of thought? Transportation of the selected object requires maximum concentration. In addition, it is important to bring your mental health back to normal. You must not doubt. If there is uncertainty, nothing will work. Concentrate fully on the object you want to move. Get rid of extraneous thoughts. This state is achieved only through regular training. The most important thing is not to distract attention.

Some people have already proven their ability to move matchboxes, balls, and even clock pendulums. Those who reached the highest skill twisted keys and spoons in public. At the same time, not a single scientist has been able to decompose into formulas or logically explain the phenomenon of telekinesis. It has not yet been possible to explain why objects move without direct impact on them. According to the assumptions, with full localization of attention on a certain object for a long time, psychic energy is activated in the form of electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain. They push the object.

Let's describe how to move objects with the power of thought, using the example of a specific scheme:

1. Look at the thing you are interested in for at least ten minutes. Fix your mind completely on it. The level of concentration should be so high that you feel the object as part of you.

2. Upon reaching the above state, begin to imagine that the selected thing is moving. At the same time, try not to let the images move away from her.

The described actions will contribute to honing the skill of telekinesis. Train daily. Results may appear in weeks or years. It all depends on personal characteristics and the quality of classes.

Turning to Literature

Most of those interested in the secrets of the soul know a writer like Rowan Atkinson. "The Power of Thought, or the Magnetism of Personality" is his most popular book. It offers fifteen lessons on mastering the art of influencing others. Consider the basic principles that Atkinson adheres to.

What qualities should an attractive person have?

The book “The Power of Thought, or Magnetism of Personality” notes that not all people have innate charisma. Most have to work on its development on their own. According to Atkinson, one of the most powerful personality development exercises is to observe others. To get started, choose one person you like and follow how he communicates and behaves, what facial expressions he uses. In the process of observation, you will see what advantages he has over other people.

Magnetism, according to Atkinson, is based on a firm belief in oneself and one's abilities. Equally important is the belief in the ability to influence the actions and opinions of other people. Bright charismatic personalities are always smart and firmly defend their own opinions. Their well-formed point of view in most cases finds a positive response from others.

What to do?

To develop charisma, build your confidence and learn to speak clearly. In the second step, work on a sense of inner peace. You have probably noticed that a successful person very rarely fusses or gets nervous.

In the book The Power of Thought, or Magnetism of the Personality, it is noted that charisma is not a separate quality. It develops in conjunction with other personality traits. Atkinson shows complete confidence in the following: everything we think about materializes.

The strength of personality depends not only on verbal, but also on non-verbal factors. The first include speech and the algorithm for constructing phrases, the second - look, behavior, facial expressions.

act bolder

It doesn't matter what kind of life you have now. Start from scratch. In the most precise terms, formulate everything that you would like. Don't worry, you won't have to go over heads or betray people for this. To begin with, a daily five-minute concentration on what was planned will be quite enough.

Managing the power of thought is now more important than ever. For example, you need a new home. It is up to you how it will be. Think over everything to the smallest detail - floor, location, footage, view from the window, furnishings. You can even imagine what the neighbors will be like. The subconscious will already begin to work on how you will get it all. At no risk, do this exhilarating experiment to experience how it works for yourself.

Wisdom of a Hindu Spiritual Master

Consider what Swami Sivananda thought about our inner world. The power of thought, according to this philosopher, is able to change the course of life. Be on your guard when heavy thoughts begin to overcome you. Shift your focus to some divine object or prayer.

Beware of the wrong development of your consciousness, because it is like a playful child, which must be constantly controlled. Subdue the violent streams of thoughts and transform them into passive channels for the transmission of truth. Fill your mind with purity, constantly turning to God. Kill evil thoughts with the sword of wisdom.

Don't neglect yoga. Such practices are not an anomaly. The purpose of yoga is the complex development of all the abilities of the individual, including the power of his thought. Don't be afraid to take this path. It has long been tested by time. Through regular practice, you will make your life richer and filled with bliss.

Thought Perfection

The replacement method works great for cleansing the inner world. Thanks to him, you can get rid of evil thoughts. To do this, it is important to cultivate positive thoughts about love, compassion, humility and generosity in the garden of your own consciousness. Be prepared for the fact that negative energy will not leave you so easily. To this end, you need to work hard. The result will be a mind cleansed of filth as much as possible. This will increase the power of your thoughts.

Swami Sivananda calls self-improvement a vital discipline. At the same time, the sage notes that not many master this art. And even the most educated people are often unaware of its existence.

The sage calls all of us victims of the disordered work of thought. In our mental factory, all sorts of ideas come and go in a chaotic fashion. They do not differ in either periodicity or logic. Consciousness is in a state of complete confusion. There is no clarity and clarity of ideas.

Are you able to think about one subject for more than two minutes? If the answer is no, then, unfortunately, you do not yet have the slightest idea about the laws of the mental plane and thinking. The inner world at this stage can be compared to a wandering menagerie. A variety of thoughts fight for the right to penetrate the consciousness of the voluptuous and take the leading positions in it. At the same time, the visual indriya (sense organ) craves spectacles, and the auditory indriya seeks to fill the soul only with lustful base images. Especially difficult work lies ahead if you cannot keep your attention on one lofty thought for at least five seconds. Do not allow your thinking to move along the beaten path of sensual desires, and you will feel how the spirit is strengthened.

Impact on others

Another way to make sure that thoughts have power is to influence their own kind. At the same time, keep in mind that it is unrealistic to achieve complete control over others. The only thing that can be done is to offer your own version of action at the bioenergetic level. How to mentally influence a person? Let's consider in more detail.

Method one

First, decide on the object of your experiment. Ideally for these purposes, a person waiting for someone or not busy with anything is suitable. Concentrate your thoughts in the area between his eyebrows and imagine how the information flow enters the brain through this point. Send a request something like this: "Please turn back." Do this manipulation with respect for the subject. Don't try to make fun of him this way. Don't take this process lightly, for as a result of your luck, you will move up one rung on your own evolutionary ladder.

Method two

The power of thought should work in the following way: you imagine how your subtle body is infused into the body of the selected person. Start seeing with his eyes. Then abruptly accomplish your plan and return to your own body. Just like in the previous method, the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra) is used. Pay close attention to the person's reaction.

Method three

As practitioners note, it is no less effective than the previous two. For its implementation, the so-called ethereal double is used. It is required to imagine how you approach a person and pat on his shoulder in a friendly way. At the same time, in reality, accept the position in which you would be if you really performed this action.

Whichever option you choose, remember that useless actions entail punishment.

We meditate correctly

First of all, tune in to the fact that you can really attract money, love, friends, and in general everything you want into your life. This will be facilitated by the most powerful force of thought.

Meditation should be done where you feel very good. It can be, for example, a cozy corner in a city park. Imagine that a group of strangers is moving towards you. They have a great mood, you can hear laughter. In the hands of each are beautiful bags and bright boxes. These people are about to come to you. And then one of them says, addressing you: "We have prepared many gifts for you." Stretch out your hands, take the presents, consider them. Strangers, embodying all the power of the Universe, can give you a key to an apartment, a ticket to a resort, a diamond necklace - in general, everything that you dream of. Meditation should not be abruptly interrupted. Rejoice in what lies before you, and gradually return to reality.

Through regular meditation, you activate the power of thought. The plan will gradually begin to materialize. However, remember that dreaming is, of course, good, but concrete actions must necessarily follow dreams.


If you are at the very beginning of the path of improving your mind, be prepared for the ongoing struggle between dark and light ideas and images. Treat thoughts as servants, tools. They are your bridge to the Divine. It is important to learn how to control the power of thought in order to find happiness. If you clear your mind, you will become much richer mentally. Always remember that low thoughts bring with them an imbalance in all areas. With their presence, it is impossible to build a harmonious life and influence your destiny in a positive way. Walk this difficult path with dignity!