Fell on the ass in the winter pregnant. Why is it dangerous to fall during pregnancy? Fall during pregnancy: premature rupture of amniotic fluid

Nature has conceived through hormones to make a woman more careful, but as an exception, their bursts cause falls. Most often this happens in the early stages. Pregnancy hormones cause: toxicosis, fatigue of a woman, spasms of the vessels of the head, cases of loss of consciousness are not uncommon, as a reaction to a stuffy room.

In the middle of pregnancy, when the stomach is noticeably rounded, the woman's center of gravity shifts. The woman becomes clumsy, often stumbles. Dizziness in pregnant women is not uncommon even in the later stages.

The third trimester is the most dangerous in terms of a pregnant woman's unexpected loss of control over her body. A combination of haste, sluggishness, and the inability to assess the ground underfoot is the main cause of falls. As the practice of doctors shows, falling during pregnancy is a rarity, and more often this happens in winter, with ice.

What is the danger of falling: in the early stages, mainly for the expectant mother, since bruises, sprains, dislocations cannot be avoided, but they are not dangerous for the child (exceptions are a woman's fall from a height, direct blows to the stomach, shaking during strong collisions). In the second trimester, falls are rare and are fairly safe for the baby. The exception is non-progressive placental abruption, but they learn about it already during childbirth.

In late pregnancy, any fall- an unnecessary provocateur of premature birth. Trauma, stress, shaking can cause placental abruption, which is difficult to stop. There are falls:

  • On the stomach. Dangerous, especially in the later stages. If a woman falls on her stomach on an object, damage to the fetus is possible. It can be traumatic brain injury and even fractures. A fall from a height provokes premature birth, can cause the death of a child in the womb.
  • On the back. Pretty dangerous at any time. You can hurt your head, injure your spine. Falling on your back is always accompanied by a shake of the body and a lot of stress for a woman. Intensive releases of adrenaline are highly undesirable during the gestation period, provoke uterine hypertonicity and the risk of abortion.

How not to fall on your back
  • On the ass. They are considered less dangerous during pregnancy. Shaking can have negative consequences, but they are rare in medical practice.
  • On the side. Injuries are the most "safe". The only danger is the risk for a woman to break her arm.
  • On the knee. Falls are painful, but not dangerous. Another thing is if the knee joints are severely damaged, the woman will need serious medical and rehabilitation procedures, which is undesirable during the gestation period.

If it was not possible to avoid the fall: keep calm, do not be nervous, even if it happened; to get up, it is better to ask for outside help or use any stable objects; after a fall of a pregnant woman, it is always better to call an ambulance. If an ambulance is not called immediately after a fall, symptoms should be monitored. Should alert: any discharge from the vagina (red, brown, greenish, yellowish, transparent); feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen; spasmodic pain in the abdomen; severe hematoma and swelling in the area of ​​injury.

Read more in our article on falls during pregnancy, what to do after them, and how to prevent them in the future.

Read in this article

Causes of falls during pregnancy

The body of a woman "in position" undergoes many metamorphoses. All of them are triggered by the production of hormones. Nature conceived through biologically active substances to make a woman more careful. However, as an exception, hormonal surges cause falls. Most often this happens in the early stages. Pregnancy hormones cause:

  • toxicosis;
  • rapid fatigue of a woman;
  • spasms of the vessels of the head.

There are frequent cases of loss of consciousness in the early stages of gestation. If a woman is alone in a crowded and stuffy place or in the middle of the street, a fainting fall is very likely.

If an ambulance was not called immediately after the fall, the pregnant woman should carefully monitor her condition for several days. Alarm symptoms:

  • any vaginal discharge (red, brown, greenish, yellowish, clear);
  • feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • severe hematoma and swelling in the area of ​​injury.

With these symptoms, a visit to a medical facility is necessary in order to preserve the pregnancy, the health of the mother and the unborn child.

How to fall correctly

If a pregnant woman feels that her head is spinning, her eyes go dark, there is nothing to breathe, it is urgent to be as close to the soil as possible (up to sitting down on the asphalt) and ask for outside help. There is nothing to be ashamed of - everyone will help a pregnant woman. It is much worse to sprawl on the sidewalk from all over - it is dangerous for mother and child.

If fainting occurs, it is better not to strain and not try your best to stand on your feet. Loss of consciousness triggers natural defense mechanisms. They prevent serious injury even if a person falls from their height. If a woman sits down, this will additionally soften the blow.

At the moment when the pregnant woman slipped, stumbled, begins to fall from the elevation, she has literally a couple of seconds. You need to use this time correctly:

  • need to group
  • you should not put forward your arms, elbows, bend your knees - this increases the risk of fractures;
  • ideally dodge and fall on your side;
  • you should not try to grab hold of objects - it is better to fall flat, this reduces the risk of strong shaking of the body.

To continue not to fall, you need to learn a few rules:

  • wear stable shoes at low speed;
  • do not walk alone in ice;
  • even when shopping, the pregnant woman must distribute the weight on both hands;
  • it would be better if someone else wears the purchase;
  • railings and handrails should not be neglected.

Pregnancy after a fall

Some women, even before pregnancy, seriously fall. Can the trauma affect the ability to become a mother and will the pregnancy develop normally after the fall? If there was no serious injury to the pelvic organs during the fall, the reproductive function remains with the woman, as well as the ability to bear a healthy child. Falls rarely cause damage to the uterus and ovaries. These organs are reliably protected by bones and soft tissues.

Pregnant women are more likely to fall in a hurry or if they create dangerous conditions themselves. For example, they climb the stairs with bags, stand on a stool to hang curtains (or substitute a stepladder). Ice falls are the most common. Each lady in a position should be aware that before any independent manipulation, she must make sure that she is safe. It is better for a pregnant woman to move more slowly, and arm in arm with her husband.

The most dangerous fall is on the stomach. In this case, damage to the fetus in utero is possible, there is a high probability of placental abruption at any time, which poses a threat to the mother and fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should be prudent and choose comfortable shoes, especially during the icy period.

Useful video

For information on how to fall on the ice, see this video:

Falling during pregnancy is one of the main fears of pregnant women for good reason, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to fully insure yourself against this. It becomes especially likely to fall during pregnancy in the winter, when there is ice under your feet, and heavy winter clothes are on the pregnant woman.

Injuries during pregnancy are especially common among lovers of high heels who have not found the strength to part with them, and it’s good if it’s just an injured ankle. A blow to the stomach during pregnancy is very dangerous, no matter how the nature of the baby protects. A fall in early pregnancy is also dangerous, despite the fact that the child is protected and deep in the pelvic cavity.

Why is it dangerous to fall during pregnancy?

The pregnant woman becomes clumsy, in the later stages she does not even see where she steps, the tummy closes the view. The gait becomes slow and cautious, but still, it is very easy to lose balance.

Nature has provided for the possibility of injury during pregnancy.

A fall in the early stages does not harm the child directly, because the uterus is reliably protected by the bones of the woman's pelvis, and even a bruise of the abdomen during pregnancy up to 10-12 weeks most often does not affect the baby in any way.

A fall on the stomach during late pregnancy also usually does not lead to injury to the baby himself, he is surrounded by the amniotic sac and water softens even a direct blow.

But do not forget about the following factors:

A fall is always a sharp concussion of the body, and it is not necessary to fall exactly on the stomach. The body receives a shake-up in any case, even if the mother slipped and fell in the safest way.

Falling even on the “ass” during pregnancy is dangerous at any time, since a sharp shaking of the house where the baby lives can lead to placental abruption and bleeding, and in the later period to damage to the amniotic sac.

Placental abruption often leads to the death of the child, for a long time it endangers the life of the mother.

A fall is a fear, stress, the release of a large amount of hormones into the blood, which themselves can cause a miscarriage. Pregnant women should not be scared and worried, anyone knows this.

A direct blow to the stomach during late pregnancy is only partially extinguished by amniotic fluid and fetal membranes. If the injury is serious, the child may suffer directly, that is, get bruises and even fractures.

Blows during pregnancy, deliberately inflicted on a pregnant woman, for example, as a result of beatings, quite often end sadly, miscarriage and death of the child.

Serious injuries during pregnancy, for example, spinal injuries, fractures, traumatic brain injury, may raise the question that now the main thing is not the child, but his mother ...

The consequences of a fall during pregnancy can be very serious, even if you just fell on your back. Of course, it is better to try to avoid injury, especially since in most cases this is possible by showing only forethought and caution.

General rules if you are pregnant:

- give up shoes with high heels, platform, buy yourself comfortable high-quality shoes with non-slippery, stable soles.
- avoid walking where it is obviously slippery and you can fall.
- go down and up the stairs without neglecting the railings, they were invented in order to be able to insure yourself from troubles.
- ice on the street is a sufficient reason for you not to walk alone, the reliable hand of a companion is the best protection against falls.
- do not carry bags, hands should be free.
- Avoid restricting movement and uncomfortable clothing.
- if you start to fall - grab onto everything that is nearby, do not be shy. Even if you are supported by a person unknown to you, there should be no embarrassment, you are pregnant, and any person is simply obliged to help you if you need it.

And the last learn how to fall properly. Do not smile, you can also fall during pregnancy correctly, if you attended any martial arts section, you would be taught to fall correctly in the first place. To minimize the risk of injury from a fall, even when falling on your back or stomach, at the very moment of the fall you have the necessary fractions of a second to dodge and fall on your side. It's safer. If you fall on your side, you won't break anything or hit your head. Never stretch your arms forward when falling, falling on your arm, you risk a fracture. Falling, say, on your left side, the movement of your left hand should be directed, it should not be under you and take the blow. Correctly and safely, if it turns out to be extended to the side and takes a hit when it falls flat, you should, as it were, slam the whole hand on the ground, the load will be distributed not along the axis of the limb, but along it, and you will avoid a fracture.

What to do if a woman still fell during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to evaluate the consequences.

Simple bruises during pregnancy are no more dangerous than at any other time, you should not be afraid of ordinary bruises, it is important that your child is not injured.

If you manage to fall on your stomach, just in case, consult a gynecologist, even if nothing bothers you.

Whether a fall during pregnancy is dangerous for a child in each case can be recognized by a number of symptoms:

Bruises during early pregnancy:

- discomfort in the lower abdomen
- any discharge from the genital tract, bloody, brown, beige, even if it's just a small daub.

Beats during pregnancy for long periods:

- uterine tone, abdominal pain
- change in the nature of fetal movements, both intensification and subsidence of motor activity.
- any discharge from the genital tract. Especially it should be noted the possibility of damage to the amniotic bladder and leakage of amniotic fluid. When leaking, water can be released in a very small amount, you will feel it as a feeling of dampness, aggravated by movement.

Women can get other injuries during pregnancy. If almost everyone falls during pregnancy, but complications are extremely rare, some especially unfortunate pregnant women find themselves in more unpleasant situations. Burns during pregnancy, electric shock, serious injuries in road accidents and much more lie in wait for anyone, you just have to relax and stop being careful.

Take care of yourself and your baby, life is full of dangers, and you are responsible for two ...

Falls and any mechanical injuries during pregnancy must be avoided in every possible way - this is a fact. However, this task is sometimes extremely difficult to accomplish.

After all, a pregnant woman is not exempt from many duties that require her to move around the city, being in crowded places, in transport, etc. We are talking, in particular, about the work that must be attended during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, about going to the antenatal clinic , about various economic affairs and concerns.

That is why it is so difficult to meet a woman who would be able to completely avoid falls, collisions, and blows during pregnancy.

A woman is afraid, of course, not so much of the likelihood of injury (which is quite unpleasant in itself), but of the possibility of harming the child. Therefore, it is necessary to consider how dangerous a fall is during pregnancy and how it can harm the unborn baby.

Natural child protection

Nature itself provides for the baby in the mother's tummy to be reliably protected. The amniotic sac and amniotic fluid protect the baby from any mechanical injury. After all, the shells of this bubble are a dense connective tissue, and the liquid is able to reliably dampen the force of a possible impact.

In addition, the walls of the abdominal cavity and the elastic muscles of the uterus play a significant role in protecting the unborn child from mechanical damage. And if we are talking about early terms of pregnancy , then the fetus is also covered by the bones of the mother's pelvis.

Note that the period when the fetus is protected by the pelvic bones is considered one of the safest in terms of possible mechanical injuries. It continues until the fifth month of pregnancy - until the uterus enlarges so much that it goes beyond the area covered by the pelvic bones.

Thus, the baby in the belly of the future mother has its own natural protection. However, this does not mean at all that a fall or injury cannot harm him. Very often, falls or strong blows cause premature birth or miscarriage.

And, besides, there is a danger that the consequences of the fall of a pregnant woman will appear on her child after some time. Although this applies only to strong blows to the stomach, the consequences of car accidents, etc.

What to do if you fall?

As practice shows, many expectant mothers are wondering how to act in case of a fall. Here are a few simple tips to help you:

  • If you fell or hit stomach stop for a while and listen to your own feelings.
  • Sit or even lie on the ground for a few minutes. Do not immediately rise to your feet - you may feel dizzy or feel worse.
  • Try to stay calm and not panic. Excessive excitement in such a situation is definitely useless.
  • If after a fall you feel dizzy, sharp pain anywhere, if your water breaks or bloody discharge appears, immediately call an ambulance.

Be sure to tell your doctor

Even if you don’t notice any tangible consequences of a fall, if nothing hurts you, but baby in the belly moves in exactly the same way as before, it will still be necessary to visit a doctor. This will help you finally calm down and dispel all worries, because the doctor can listen to the baby's heart, prescribe an ultrasound examination and other necessary procedures.

If the expectant mother fell… / shutterstock.com

But it is categorically not recommended to seek advice from your acquaintances or girlfriends - communication with incompetent people can only upset and scare you even more.

If you have any abrasions, scratches or bruises after a fall, they should be treated immediately to avoid the risk of infection in your body.

The damaged area must be carefully rinsed with running water and (if it is an abrasion or scratch) treated with peroxide or brilliant green. But iodine is better not to use for treating damage - it burns tissues and interferes with wound healing, and warms the bruised area, increasing swelling. So, if you have a severe bruise, put a weak bandage on it and apply ice for a while.

It is also important to get rid of the state of stress as soon as possible. Remember that this condition is very dangerous in your position (maybe even more dangerous than the fall itself), and if you feel that you cannot calm down, take some kind of mild sedative drug. on herbs .

Precautionary measures:

  • move around the city accompanied by someone close (if possible);
  • do not wear high heels;
  • on stairs, and even more so on escalators, hold on to the railing. Passing through the turnstile, cover your stomach with your hands;
  • do not keep your hands in your pockets while walking and put on a bag only over your shoulder;
  • where it is very slippery, move on bent legs, in small steps.

The topic of trauma during pregnancy is unreasonably ignored by doctors, although in most cases such injuries can be prevented. After all, up to 20% of deaths of pregnant women occur due to injuries and injuries not related to pregnancy.

Most often, women get injured during pregnancy as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA). Fortunately, the frequency of involvement of pregnant women in traffic accidents, the degree of injury and the number of deaths do not exceed those of non-pregnant women.

In terms of frequency, injuries associated with physical violence by a husband or partner and usually received at home are not inferior to road accidents. In developed countries, cases of traumatization as a result of physical violence occur in 5-30% of pregnant women, but still, most of these incidents, especially with minor injuries, remain unpublicized and are not mentioned during a visit to the doctor. In 64% of such cases, the woman receives blows to the abdomen. Fetal death occurs in one in 20 pregnant women.

In third place are falls and accidental injuries. With the progress of pregnancy and the growth of the uterus, the woman's center of gravity shifts, which leads to more frequent loss of balance. From 3 to 30% of falls are accompanied by injury, and the period after 32 weeks of pregnancy is especially dangerous.

Household and other types of injuries are rare in pregnant women, and the degree of damage is determined by the type of injury. The most dangerous are electric shocks, since more than 70% of such accidents end in the death of the fetus.

Despite an increase in injury to pregnant women, the consequences of injury during pregnancy for women's health are less serious compared to injury to non-pregnant women. Doctors explain this effect by the protective function of increased hormonal levels, as well as more frequent visits by pregnant women to medical institutions. Even with a minor bruise and injury, a pregnant woman is more likely to undergo a timely examination and receive the necessary assistance compared to other groups of people.

The degree of damage during an injury depends on many factors. However, gestational age plays a very important role. In the first trimester, while the uterus is within the small pelvis, with bumps, falls, short-term compression of the abdomen, the risk of harm to pregnancy will be minimal. Up to 3% of women who are injured and admitted to the hospital because of it, do not know about their pregnancy. The doctor is obliged to clarify with the woman, if her condition allows it, whether she is protected from pregnancy and when she had her last menstruation. With a delay in menstruation, the level of hCG is determined to clarify the presence of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, the uterus already extends beyond the small pelvis, but nevertheless, the fetus is surrounded by a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid, which softens the effect of force during falls and bumps, so the danger to the fetus in this period of pregnancy is also not too high.

In the third trimester and before delivery, trauma can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, bleeding, uterine rupture, intrauterine fetal death.

In the second half of pregnancy, when damaged, it is important exactly where the placenta is attached. Most often, the child's place is located on the back wall of the uterus - this is one of the protective mechanisms of nature. But in a number of women, the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, which significantly increases the risk of placental abruption in case of abdominal trauma. Particular attention deserves the abnormal attachment of the placenta - the so-called presentation, which in itself can be accompanied by a number of complications, but with injuries, these complications appear more often.

What should a pregnant woman do if she is injured as a result of a fall, an accident, a blow, etc.? To begin with, it is important to correctly assess the degree of harm to your own health and the health of the unborn child. Of course, the reaction of many women, especially in a state of shock, may be inadequate, so in such cases it is advisable to immediately contact a medical institution.

If the injury is not accompanied by pain, bleeding, increased contractile activity of the uterus, a woman can lie down and monitor her condition and fetal movements, if she felt them before. It is important to remember that from the second half of pregnancy, an enlarged uterus can compress the inferior vena cava when a woman lies on her back, and this is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in 30% of cases and creates a false picture of deterioration.

However, in case of injury, it is still undesirable to take any painkillers. If a blow during a fall or DPT fell directly on the abdomen and at the same time the woman experienced severe pain, it is necessary to call an ambulance or immediately go to the hospital on your own.

Up to 40% of pregnant women may experience increased uterine contractions after trauma, but in 90% of cases, these contractions will stop without negative consequences for the pregnancy.

In a medical institution, the doctor is obliged to assess the condition of the woman, if necessary, connect her with oxygen, intravenous drips. But it is very important to know the condition of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid. Ultrasound in this case will be one of the best diagnostic methods. If the gestational age is more than 23-25 ​​weeks, the woman may be sent to the maternity ward for observation even with minor injuries.

Ultrasound allows you to determine not only the condition of the uterus, placenta, fetus, but also intra-abdominal bleeding. It is important to monitor the fetal heart rate: the mother's stress response can be reflected in the form of a fetal stress response. After 23-34 weeks of pregnancy, monitoring of the fetus and its activity is carried out for 4 hours, and if necessary, longer.

Short-term fetal arrhythmias may occur after trauma, but such abnormalities usually do not have a negative prognostic value. At the same time, a normal heart rate excludes a negative pregnancy outcome due to an injury.

Most types of examinations that are used in medicine to assess the patient's condition after injury are safe during pregnancy. Most often, women are concerned about the danger of X-ray examination. As clinical studies show, x-rays of the pelvis, spine, hips in early pregnancy (5-10 weeks) increase the rate of miscarriages and the occurrence of malformations. After 10 weeks, the effect of radiation is characterized by changes in the central nervous system of the fetus. The level of negative effects of radiation on the fetus depends on the dose of radiation.

Computed tomography is also accompanied by an increased risk of radiation, although to a lesser extent than X-ray examination. Nevertheless, any type of examination in which fetal exposure is present must be administered carefully, according to strict indications.

A very important issue that is often overlooked by both doctors and women is the prevention of Rh sensitization, which is popularly called the Rh conflict. All pregnant women from 6 weeks of pregnancy with a Rh-negative blood type are recommended to administer 300 mg of anti-Rhesus antibodies (immunoglobulins) after injury, since in such cases damage to the placenta is not excluded.

According to indications, tetanus prophylaxis should be carried out in injured pregnant women. This type of vaccine is safe for pregnancy.

In almost 30% of cases with moderate injuries and more than 60% of cases with severe injuries, the pregnancy will end in abortion with loss of the fetus, while minor injuries will not affect the course of the pregnancy and its outcome. Up to 20% of pregnant women who require hospital treatment lose their pregnancies, as hospital treatment is usually required only in severe cases. However, even a minor injury doubles the risk of preterm birth. Up to 7% of pregnant women need a caesarean section soon after their injury.

Prevention of all types of injuries and injuries in pregnant women is no different from that in other people. More attention is paid to the prevention of falls, therefore, from the second half of pregnancy, all women are advised to wear low-heeled shoes, increased caution when using stairs, limiting sudden movements, as well as physical activity accompanied by a high risk of falling (cycling, skating, skiing, riding, jumping, running, etc.). When in transport, with the exception of public transport, a pregnant woman must fasten her seat belts. Physical abuse and abuse of power must be promptly identified and stopped by all reasonable measures, including the intervention of law enforcement, social services, family counselors and other professionals.

In general, minor injuries do not adversely affect pregnancy, and a woman calmly gives birth to a healthy full-term baby.

Pregnancy the perfect couple in every woman's life. Expectant mothers have been trying to protect themselves and their baby from various troubles for 9 months, but sometimes they happen and the result is the most unpredictable. One of the dangerous situations that often happens to pregnant women is a fall. In the conditions of the Russian winter, when the sidewalks are covered with ice, one should be especially careful. A fall can also occur indoors, with dizziness. There is no need to panic if this has happened to you. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation and, starting from this, take the necessary measures.

Fall in 1st trimester

Often at the beginning of pregnancy, women do not yet know about their interesting position and lead a normal life. Many go in for sports, dancing, and other activities, and that's fine! A small embryo is reliably protected from various external factors by the pelvic bones and muscles of the developing placenta. A fall during early pregnancy is usually not dangerous and does not have serious consequences for the unborn baby.

Fall in 2nd and 3rd trimester

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, expectant mothers round out, become less mobile, more clumsy, and it is not at all easy to keep balance on a slippery winter path. A fall is sometimes simply inevitable, but even here mother nature has taken care of our babies: amniotic fluid and a strong placenta create a protective barrier and prevent the fetus from the mechanical effects of the external environment. With a greater degree of probability, the expectant mother herself can get injured - from a slight bruise to a fracture.

Fall consequences

Despite all the positive forecasts, the condition of a pregnant woman and her fetus will depend on the force of the fall and damage to the part of the body that was hit. With a slight fall, there is practically no danger to the life and health of the fetus and the expectant mother. What is dangerous about falling during late pregnancy if the blow was strong and fell on the pelvis or stomach:

  • placental abruption;
  • rupture of the fetal bladder at a later date;
  • fractures and injuries in the fetus when falling on the stomach;
  • fractures, dislocations of the expectant mother.

These consequences are diagnosed by a doctor in a hospital. Therefore, if you find yourself in such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. In the hospital, an ultrasound scan is performed to detect the presence of damage to the mother and fetus. No need to despair if the fall was strong. Very rarely, all these consequences take place, usually with slight bruises of a pregnant woman.

Avoid falling

In order not to expose yourself and your unborn child to danger when falling, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Walk in the winter in the company of friends or relatives,
  2. Shoes must be flat and non-slip
  3. Do not climb on chairs and stools,
  4. Move slowly.